DUNN yni IV r H. Cn July 11, 1917 iiUAiuisflitfl buiniu SERVKEAUGUST 5 Preiidmfi Produutioa Calls MiMtia Ragimanta to Colon MOBILIZE THIS MONTH Norths rn and Eaa stern Con tin - l*nl» to Mobiliam ia Two In* craowhU July 18 and 28. Will Bo Discharged From Militia Status and Bocotno Regulars. Washington, July #.—The last step necessary to make the entire national guard available for duty in France was taken today by President Wilson with the iasue af a proclamation drafting the State troops into the army of the United States on Au gust ith. To make certain that the purpose of the National daftrsc act ia car ried oat, the proclamation also specifi cally declare* the man drafted to he discharged from the ok) militia status on that data. In that way the consti tutional restraint upon uae of militia outside the country is avoided and the way paved for sending the regiments to the European front. Poor to tbs application of the draft, regiments ia the Northern and Eastern section of the country are called into the Federal service as na tional guardiman la two Increments, to to mobilised on July 16 and 26. Many units already are foderalised sad presumably they will to mobih aed with the other txeopa from their States The guard from the other States wiU to mobilised on the day of the draft. The arrangements was nec eemary to provide far movement of the regun an be south to concentra t$oa camps without congestion and to the same and tha li t hdnn of States late these l» rruigh . me rtotoad from the ocighmi uVl■ The operative tots at aha Mkaft waa delayed until August 5, so that all regiments can to taken into the army umuttaaoously to avoid in eipMWttm ia the relative rash of of - Memett Tows Observes Nation's Birthday la FUtiag StHe The people of the progressive town of Uadea observed July 4, and all persons who are acquainted with Uadea folks know that participant* had a flee time. Hon. D. H. McLean of LMington, known aa the silver tongued orator or Harnett, delivered the oration, and it ia spoken of aa one ef Mr. McLaaa’e ablest end moat leipeeeoeed utterances. A splendid barbecue, with all tho hxings, was given, aad the feast waa one which even a high liver among the thrifty sandhill farmers could not alight The day waa full of pleas ure of all aorta, and the only thing miaaed waa a fine game of baseball, which eould not be played on account of rnla.—Fayetteville Observer. TROY PARKER DEAD. Was Oaa of The Moat S assess f el Farmers ef This Sec ties. Trey Parker, M years old and tfne of the most euccemfnl farmers of Harnett county, died at his home a few miles north of Dnnn flundav mondag following a stroke of paral ysis Saturday. Funeral services were conducted at Bethaada Primitive Bap tist church Monday afternoon by Elder W G. Turner. Interment was made In the burial ground of the church. Mr. Parker waa a leader among kis people and no naan of Harnett stood higher ia the regard of hie fellow men than he. He is survived by his widow end several sons and daught er*, among whom la Lavender Parker, employed ia the Fleishman stores Partk Party far Carat. Hand*non. July •-—Mitt Paulina Maaiik delightfully antertainad a ouatW oi t> friend* at a porch Party laat Thanday artr.lng compli mentary to Mlaa Clara Pop*, of Dunn who la flatting har. Tha gaaata wot# mm at Urn door by Xiao Edward* •Ml bar aiatar and tkanca directed *• i*n*h oo» ikkh w-a gmce fuUy praaidad orer by Xiaa Nall Jor dan aad Mr. W. J. Corbatt. Card* aad otbar gam*. war* iadulgad la andjit a lat* boar aa loo court* waa IteranJ otbar partiaa. mooaUght n dunioaa. ate., bav* b*an gtron la boaor of Mb* Papa atae* aba haa beta la Handaraon. At a Batting of tha towa eom ■MMntirt laat Thanday night Mr. Ton Royal and Mr. N. B. Lao won rotaoutoodad for eottoa arctghara for tha towa of Dana Th*y win wtend Mr. E. V. Gaiety aad Mr. Jf. IL JtdMa who bora tarred tha town la thio rapacity for tha paM two yaaaa. rUU TELLS OF THE PROBLEMS OF WAR Raiaigh Man in Clayton ^paich Diacuaaaa Throe Poaaibla Ending* of Conflict WANTS DEMOCRACY SAFE “Draw" A* Bad A* Carman Victory, Ho Saya, It Would Loavo Every Nation in Con dition Where It Would Hava Ta Be Constantly Prepared For War. Clayton, July •—Last night la th* uhool auditorium hers Hon. Jaa. H. Pou, of Raleigh, delivered aa addreaa on the war and America’s part la it, under the auspice* of the Claytoa Chsptey of tho Bod Croos. Preceding the sddress there was a musical pro gram rsndvrsd by a select chair from all the churches of the town. Patriotic tonga were sung. Mr. C. W. Haras, une of Clayton's moot prominent man introduced the speaker of th* evening In a few well chosen words. Mr. Pou, without any preliminary remarks entered at once into the dis cussion of bb subject. He wasted no words, but from th* begtaaii^ of his address to th* and showed a wonderful grasp of th* whole war situation. Ho showed a thorough knowledge of the historical con flict. He described tho formation of the present German empire, ex plaining why Germany alone km not received a more liberal government during the past on* hundred years. During this ttroc lbs Germane have Inst til Individualism. Thslr aha has been material efficiency. Aa a canaequsnc* during this period Ger many haa not produced a single greet preacher or writer. Mr. Pou con trasted the manner the Germans car ried on the Franco-Premiss war In H70 with th* war they are carry ing on today. At that time thsy fought hard, but did not aaalMty daetroy property. Women mmi chil dren were not dotraged then. Their ravaging and pillaging today show they have retrograded'. lore for humanity and liberty. She first lit the torch of liberty in Europe and baa bravely fought to praaerr# it. The speaker explained three poi eihU ending for the present conflict. First, a complete German victory, a draw, or a complete allied victory. With a complete German victory, ■aid ha. the world would be ruled from Berlin. German armies weuftd polke the world. But be deebrud that a draw would bo equally as bad. Kvrry natioa weald have to be constantly prepared for war, not knowing ot what hour it would have U> be levied to maintain theca armies. Wont *tlll the whole world would bo honeycombed with spies. Even the United Staton would have to resort to thia accursed system. With a com pletr allied victory the world would be made safe for democracy. The German people would bo liberated from their war lords. A bating peaeo would ensue. At the peace council every free country would bo represented and a saw intemaitioeal code would be drawn up which would ■saka Impossible another such >»*»■ trophe. mr. ion declared that be did not know whether It to the war that John mw on the bit of Patmoe or not, but that thio prooent war naar *r measuring up to the description of that war pictured in the lath chapter of Revelation* than any that hr had ever read of la the histories of the world. In cotoeinsion the speaker told af the wonderful work the Red Croat 1* doing to alleviate suffering aad mtoery. He appoelsd to the a a diene* to rapport this greet organisation. Bat not alone nod the people who itay at home support the Rod Croat la their work la Franca, but they mom look after tha business and the famillaa af thoaa who go to tha trenches. Ho urged that tha people «f Johnston county not allow a sol dier'* property to ho sold for taxes or Oder a mortgage or that a stngta lift insurance policy he allowed to **• especially urged that the preparty of negroee who go should he protected After the add rate Mr. a Ml TVnu « nroe* and stated that ha wne BUX lous that tha people of Clayton ha found la the forefront ranks bi their help la a material way. Ha at ran took subscription* for the work af the Rod Cross Chapter and ha was met with a hearty roaponao by tba large audience present, fB a vary short while bo raised |||« and this amount will b* increased by a can vass of thoaa who won not preaaat bet night. It to snsnl that Cby ton will not fall below the |1,0O0 mark. Quite a number af the boy* of this town have veloatoerod aad this peo ple are anthnaisatic and patriots to at high water mark, aad H to ss F*ctod that the lad Cross chapter her* which new somber* msrs than SECOND PARADES AT GOLDSBORO JULY 14 Big Crowd Expert ad at Camp Boy.Wr For Probably Last Demonstration Tha Second North Carolina Ufa* try sow stationed at Camp koyhter, Goldsboro, win parade Saturday, July 1< M IS aeon. Tha entire regiment, including companies A and B, North Carolina engineer* win participate in \hls parade. Goveror Bickett will be present and make so address Tho Regiment is composed of com panies from Tar boro, Kinston. Sei ms, Goldsboro, Fayetteville, Raeford Clinton, Wilson, Lumber Bridge and Dunn. Companies A and 8, N. C. engineers are from Wilmi^ton and ChartotU. This will probably be the Uat parade ghren by the regiment in this camp, at Is win leave shortly for a divisional training camp. AU Eastern North Carolina b ex pected to celebrate with Goldsboro on this occasion and to extend to ita representative in tha military sai sli a for tha United States the rapport of the entire section. All railroads serving Ooldbeoro and loading into ovary section of tha 8tats, run ronveniaut schedules fen i tha people to attend this event, leav ing home in tha morning, ponding the day in Goldsboro and asrivn^ home by bad time. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER' Marvin L Wad* Trust** lo Bank 1 of Cap* Fr*r 100 acre, in Uppar UUi* Rrr.r township, D. a Stawart Mod, conaideration $1,0*1. Buck horn Land and Timber Co. to i Beak af Cape Pear 100 aoras in ] Uppar UtUa River townahip, consul. , oration 17*0. WiUis Smith to J. Foster ElMag i ton, • lota at Matasra, consideration I 1*6. I J. A. Js.nca to State Bank and I Treat Co. 1 lot at Pakoa, ~mHrra i Hon MO and other vataabl* conoid- i era liana. , *• C TMtom* to William P. Lock- i Joha A Ban Moor* to J. Withe I Moore 32 acres in Rtewart’i Crack I township, consideration $400. , George Moore to R. L Godwin i •ere in Avaraaboro township, con ddcration $76. Balbe A. Harrington to Claads H. Avtra 8 t-S acres In Uppar Little Rivar townahip, eonaidaration SI06. H. C. Cameron trustees of Rock Branch Presbyterian church, % sera 1 In Johnsoovill* township, coatidera l.o a $$6 H. W. Jeraigaa to Robert M. Bare foot 2714 arras in Avaraaboro town ■hip, eonaidaration $276. 1 R. W. Barefoot to X. M. Barefoot 1 1 S.6 acres ia Avaraaboro township 1 consideration $20. ■ W. P. Smith and others to K. E. ’ Barefoot 100 acres ia Avarasboro township, consideration $125. * Elman T. Barefoot to X. g. Bare- 1 foot 100 sere* ia Avaraaboro town- 1 ■hip, eonaidaration $1*0. I J. W. Portia to A. C. Barnes 1 lot 1 « Dunn, eonaidaration $10 and oth- * ■r valuable considerations. ' L. A. Avers ta A. M. Avers un- ' ilvidad Interest in tract of land ia 1 drove Township, consideration $500.!' —Harnett Reporter. [1 “COLUMBIA” < - a The popular patriotic operetta "Col liable” with rood music and appro bate songs and ceetomea will be rlreii at the Opera House Friday ivenlnc, July 13th at 8 JO. Ifre. Rueeell Young h in charge ind the performance promlaee to bo i rare treat at thin time when every xxly ta Interested ia our "8ammlea" ind “Rad Crota Nenm.” "Uncle Jam" will ha there too hi company Vith "Celambie” and the “Coddeai if Liberty.1* Popular price adfcnaaion. IRUNION OF JOHNSON FAMILY On July 18th, the family and raatlly coanartiona of Nn. Fttiabeth lohaaoa, of Meadow townahip, Jehn itan county, wUl hold a reunoa at he eld hewsstsad, now tha home if Mr. J. C. Johnson. AD family leaaectteaa and friaade of tha family ire cordially invited to he jnsmt etth a well Ailed basket and enjoy he reunion. Seven] hundred an repeated. * C. JOHNSON. Mr. and Mn. J. R. Dowd, former y of Angler, arrived in Dunn Toes lay and will make this their homo, far the past two poors Mr. Dowd ms been principal of the Anger High kheol aad has been elected eager, ntendeat of tho Clhitoa Onded ichooie for aaxt year. Mr. Dowd has »«re based the milieu recently balk ►y Mr. R. L. Deaaiag hi the north, m part of the city. two hundred will grow ta four or In hundred within the next tan days. R£D CROSS WORK BEGUN IN HARNETT Taatathn OniaiittMi Perfec ted Pm&| tatablUk ■wtrfCkpbr On Ttteaday, July Srd, m<m elti irni flap LilHncton, Doha and Dunn held a nvmtlng for tM,; uryoaa of or ganising a Harnau (fimty Bad Croaa ■ hapur for tha relief of tha auffer inc aJHaa and for pa ora of tha dependant Harnett County femlliee who may auffer on becount „f the death of ami anidpr at tha front Dr. L Fr'flleka. of Ouan, N. jl, haa takeo am active Irjtiwet hi the er {•niaatioa of this Chapter and will tm clad to fnraah tfrr information la hi a poaaaaaion to Rayons iatereet rd. Pending a psntenenl orgsnba tioa. tha fallowing ofaara have baan riveted: % Chairman. C. If. fc%hman; Vlca hairaaaa, Mn! J.Umoid, UUSag ton; Secretary, Miaa Smith, Dnna H. C.j Tnaannr, A. White, Duka. EXECUTIVE E. P. Dave. Doha; Doha; Mr*. W. E. Ellia Oeldateln, Dun: Dunn; Mrs J. p. Mrs. M. A- Towns* Wade, Dunn; Mrs. UlHagton; Mru A. UUtagton. In order that Eed Croaa chapter 'crognited It ia he Bad Craae h actd< tin., a formal 'onUiatnc the nanibon ineladiag aid executive canbatiun still md Miaa Sna _ Vm A. White; I rtad to receive eL_ I >ership date. The i wrbh foe b $2.00 I i«d Croaa Monthly inaual meiaberehlp ■ to be daalrad 1 laaat one lull be a i$dar that they lowover, there iTiTdWer^ "w « ween the stand in* of the annual and 1 obecriblng member. ] -: LAST OPPORTUNITY TO GET INTO CAM* Major A. Greig, ia charge of offorta n Norib Carolina to swell the Tar icll contingent In tbe second often raining ramp at Tort Ogtethrope to ta full quota, requests tho Dispatch 0 pobllah Um folowlng information* "The Second Oflcera Training 'amp OFPfcRg TH* »Jt«T OPPOR UNITb for ClUsana to at curt a com aimion In the National Army except f promotion from tho ranks. I bo levo that If conditiont governing he Second Camp and rewards ia the ray communions to bo gfren to «v~pr rho succeed In completing the course, re made clear to the civil popula Kn, Una Bute will ho wall overaub nrlbod and that a high grade of mow 1 Pr^Por type may be selected. Tho I iovemment lo looking primarily for I ••reoaful sad forceful men and while I reriou* military training la desirable 1 t i* nol strictly assentUI. If.*™*, i 1*n Wl11 hr r’ven preference only 'here qualification* are equal as hero n mo latantioa te bar caadld te, under thirty-one. |n •tween 16 and M year* of age lay be regarded as more nhable. "To provide ofAceri f,r am draft d force, of tb. National Arm, Urn Var Department baa adopted the olicy of commimloafag all aew of ccr* of tbo Mn* purely on boat, of emonttrated ability after thro, tontba oboorvatioa sad training at ho Officer*’ Training Camp*. Tb* ifflctr* for tbo Aral Increment of 00,00a moo will bo locured from **n intralniag.at praomt Camp* amp* an dtbe **rond incT*m*nt wiQ • o(Aerred by Junto Officer* aihrlal rom tb* cask* of tb* Ant increment nd th* higher toman da wlQ be AQed rom tb* Second Series beginning iuguet *7th. I give be lew tb* pro tdara which will be foltewad la ex mining and notifying candidates for ho neat camp, date of Cham and tber details Location at Port OgU horp*. Ca., (near Chattaaooga, '•"»•>. beginning Augnet STtii aad nding November tOth. Thom enter ng Camp wiU b* paid 1100.00 par *ontb and will b* rokabawnd far renaportatioa and patfi taac* will be provided. ions must be made ca_ I rp ilieation blank* which can be **. urod from R .W. Olean, Dlelatim l*CT*tary Military Traiaiag p troonabore, N. C. AppSoatiaas must « la tb* band* *f tb* Baamhtiag Miner or on* *f bk repnm ut-ili _ >nt later than July 1Mb aad aadar ' i* rtrcumetancee edU TlJ^ina* b* | NEW PASTOR HERE FOR FIRST BAPTIST IWr. J. A. EUis Arrived H» 4»y PngrWjBTakt Up B»v. 4. A. EUia, recently >yWH bars to accept tbo peatnrola of tbe Pint Baptist Church. strived Map day moraiag and has established hiel mi deuce la tbs home of Mr. sad Mrs. H. 0. Mattox. Mr. EIHa Oiled his tnt appoint ment ben oa tbs fint Sunday of tkta month and has already wen s warm place in tbe regard af all Dana's people. Hs wlU preach again neat Sunday morning and even lag. The new pastor is a yoang man of abundant energy, well schooled In the work needed In bis yneint charge. Re is a native ef Lee county, at tended Dais’s Crack Academy la bis boyhood, earned the degrees ef A. B. aad A. M. at Wake Pereet Collage sad graduated from the Southern Baptist Seminary at LonieviBs with the degrees of Th. M. aad Th. D. this year. Ha has apeat II yean in itady far bis work. Dunn is bis first regular charge, hough be has served as sapply for wreral chorehm in Indiana aad Kan tacky. H* comm to this town determined t® **T« **• congragatlan and the mamaaity gvacrally tbs bant that is a bias. Ha is vitas tbs aid sad advice if all who have the moral interacts if Daan at heart, be Jn orday. »UE SMITH EMTEKTAINS Friday afternoon botwooa tha hows »f i-JO and 6:S0 Mis 9m Smith re wired in honor of Mice Grace ffbeV reberger. Washington, D. C., daegb »r of Em-Oevemor IlhaBoohouei 'ho Lectured horn with tha ..i y C%aatanqna on Jana Tth A garden party waa scheduled. hat rwinff to indmsat wtitW, H «m hanged to tha porch which wae a ► IB of Scotland Hook. K dTaad dim. Wm. A. White of Doha, N. C.. Bra. John W. FiUgeTete aad Mrs. I. Lloyd Wads were at the punch »wl which was maaaod la a bower >f Sweet peas aad dahlias. Mrs. 5. M. Jeffreys served tha cream and “ks at aa impromptu stead is tha ar comer of tha porch which waa lecorated with aouthara elmhui aad uaflowers. Mbs Bert Deris was at ha confection table which waa mam. d with giadiolae. Kemdames I. T. Hicks, J*. Lloyd Fada, Jao. W. Fltigerald. L. J. Boat, I aid win, Cottmee, Harvey Malay, ' t. P. Dhria of Duho, H. C, Wm. A. Fhtte of Duke, N. C., E. M. Jeffreys, lerbert McKay, G Jt T Ugh men. fL •• Godwia, Jao. W. Thornton, C. J. Imith, H. O. Mattes, aad Mrs. WIJ. am* of Ortflte, Oa.; Mimes Virginia •eggstt, Gladys Young, Ethel Hooka, Tom aad Margaret McQueen, Win loopor, Madrid aad Heisa Hood, Pastry aad Its Battle, Bart Devb, Lahy Godwia, Carinas Jack son aad riob McNallL fc" t*k« 'hoxge of be Du an Cafe, which for the post ovoral years has been under the saoagemeat of Peter Palter. Mr. 'homaa says he will make improve srab in the safe and will errve tha artaas la aa rlBeieat maaaar. ontidered received after this date. ! “It caee ta appllc it .elected for , cr.onsl examination by the w Officer and Medical Officer ae- ! ompeajrta*. he win receive .Mica aa , . time aad place to report betweea | u* *•* Tib, IMT. Ob , la»- »k* ■tamiaiat Offcw .ill . Odfy the accepted caadldatee by J uiil mm! ihftct then to rtyort In * •won to Um Camp Commander on L“f **• Accepted applicants, upon \ nival at Camp, win be repaired to i "list far a parted of three months ad edtl a«rte to accept sac* cam liadoa ta the Army of the Halted » "“* ** by the i Secretary ef War. The Baliatamat Mi«ata* •»> ta service la the Wete> t •f aaJy. The tertaing wlU I over three monthe. Per the fast seath the eaana will be maKena far i II. wMh the Pfpoae ef gfrtac la traction fas datiee common U all 1 rm At the tad of the masth. the sen will ha divided ansi dim to i [Oaldlrations iate Infantry. Cavalry, 'laid aad Coast Artillery for spatial “traction Beery effort will be aade to select men of | I SOLONS MAY LEAVE CAPITAL1N AUGUST IrWdii JdlLit * Mottk HOUSE AHEAD OP SENATE Waahiagtoa, fsljr to—Majority leadu Kite bin h af tha opinion that Congtaw win gat away {raw Waab tagtaa »■< ttea betwaea the feat ud the middle ,f Aagoat. Oa the eexaMoa af the laterrlew, h« crjrooMd the belief that the Hoaee meaibeTe might taka a farv night'* vacattoa be for* then. The Hearn, be explain iH. k* axpoditieim body, working mock factor thaa tha Senate. Havlag "hustled,’’ the ban bey* ef the lower body are eatMed a that additional vacattoa. Mb. Kite bin, at the time of -y—« lag. gave the Sens*. about two weeks on the edmiatotratiea Pood bill and three to fear week* oa tha Revenae bill. The jrnpnaad fter* plaae MB, to be feat -rnsirtorod ia Ike Heaae. failed to alter Me plum " prophortc*. "We take abeat tix toye to paae a **,000,000,000 MB,” be explained, leering the latere lama* b infer thnt a few bgare' eeasldeew lion would enable the Home to pm ■at mfaetory jedgssant oa tha amhi Ueoa project fee “patting eat the syce” of the German I eetoaa to the The iajecttoa af tt I liae may iatorferw ia *ith Mr. KHekla's ( tnrdlag adjiarnmsst At the gaiek work ef the ■akaa coaeerrstiea and •rtien imperative . ia Whatever the Tatrnmi of the bWon “rider” oa the feed Mil, H emaawelr* U th^TrtrMto 8 hi other iheald fret (he ti—ietic epirit ef the greet framer of the Beaee la — lapiineed. While this ng preserved is iddHional Heritable result rill he resented to «—«- I it«»*ed ia Washington hi as naexpec | ed quarter; —expected, that la. , ^ •Uadpoia* .f toa Ft— reads element that h ever oa guard (gainst the “grasping in<1—till" ] Ceel Operate— geapasded. Foot Hundred eeal operator*. as- ( waring a call ef toe coal prodaettoa < nmmittae of too Council of Nation- < il Defease, hove just — a rinds il a < soafetesee at Washington. The Oov. < ire meet mat them b»|f way M a , her willingly went’toTetoer* JmU to a result more eeal wig ha —1—a I iad at tower pica, thoa before. Tha I (peratora promptly raregaleail the ' (»ttonal amergeacy, asd — puampUy « eapoaded to tha dtnetlan. There I wm mm Utah la the proeeediagu from > wgiaaiag to tad. Aa a hate Beto > tol proaeration of the war had la « ho way ef the internets at toe pee- < to. thto particular group wm not 1 Mariy so blact m the matsitoi which 1 t handles, asd which to eo mniTi' • ovary activity of war or pea—. " ef Mt—haa coal , ■tone, it has he— —♦*-—*rf that tha i knnge U prices effected wig re—H ] *-* >-• than $1M,000,- , *ro*Mt wln he taxed j (B atoag the Uao. There wfll he the . K— P«>(its tax — the producers, rfce heavy munitions tax wig be im mead oa Industri— ia whtoh too seal 1 <t the coal co—maed to erne ef the 1 argent Hearn. < Rwh’. NmA WooawWft, wort from tho * iftm ' Sj*3* *-** * *• Ion of ooNioaoo of RaoUo-t froM Mt offootiro ootroon Into Um earn. Met. TWo wrfootot. tW."wQI proWUy bofean it • boatrot rndUoa dollaro to Im> *• by tbio Cororamont for tofootri U tovoiopoMot tat tko goorml ro lobUHoboo of that HPtor'i Roooeor, rbo oblyooiot of o tarfo Moooat of loaotrueUon ooppUm from tho Ifni ■m4 Rtatooft i.ot.—lot.l- TWowtll *• o»fty omtorlol. U bo ooot to t*w ■oro «f ioba f. Khim • pr> Min. •M Aawrima lojUotor, aow with tho Root OooMm. Tho ohtpmoaft 01U by ty wop o« *bf fat* to Via41 roatoeh, wWrh la to bo bait up In. b o enaf-port of ootnr by ‘-nw.,., loth <> rote pm on to ft ft , robobW i AmMlHa LOCAL BANK SEVERS ANGER CONNECTION 1 increases ns capital ■ c m d k>v $¥ iVS v P M:-: 01 r vi || g *' 4 gft'.l ■■*«' ~ ?*■ fife, —4 mttiMK to uotac% >•*■< kr Hr. B. oTuTfcpatfatopl "krfto Track Utah no « WBtord *• C., corafol too i pi Hue to too trawiao of this crap is efasa. The " « —* to ora of toe wort koe t crap M OX Nt to m4 «t rady to pbrtt. This Lraoc •ofato injur too rat-- u ■orttora end allows of too —Tic «t of stock tosslap algae of to •ra^h this oara a pood Mood h Tcata bora shown tlot Ik kat iau to pfaot too aocccol coop i. ra» tk artddb of Job to too ■faht k act Vs toTMktato ^*.|krt tkra to okojii kipor of Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. Hlaks and Mr Dab’ ftanday School ehn™ £ ’raihytariaa ekareh and ! , a*.i Hjjr I aakae m aa tat*. — - . ad Mm naaaawt Inn "It la of tka atnaat E—™ •T» Dr. f. >. Ckiha.olMd btaa CmmI I --ZwZZ:" . rawat kuIWtin, "tka* «• a towering In tka aMalaaay af aw "«»*■ of tkaTaw*11 AiMiUM •inu. oat, tka m, ®Jka world, !ud""" r ^ d tka aaawaaw to* of ww n *! Mka af tka adaiw.d M ! wag., rktaaaadi af a and S' » Oaw d katk daa af

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