THE DUMP VOL. IV tv N RED CROSS WORK GATHERING IMPETUS Offer* Greet Field For the Women Who Went to Aid Their Country SUBSCRIPTIONS COMING IN Liti of Thom of Dunn Who Hod Paid Their Due* Mon Other Town* of County Co operating. For th* woman who •nriatuia to aarvc hot do** not know ouctiy how, th* Red Crom whet ah* ia a**kln« Th* woman who wiahaa to have a hrgar part in th* grant *v*nta of th* tin*** than ahe faala la poaaibl* wholly within th* four walk* of her bom*, will 9nd it in thl* wort t n*w intor*at in Ufa awnita tha woman or abundant lelaure and light Uak» who will engage in Red Crom work, whit* there la alao mock that th* woman of limited mean* and little to apar* from horn* dutia* ean do. It la a woadarfal opportunity for th* young girl who ia jut out of coll*** with her undaunted *n thuaiaam and aha ean do a great deal toward making thl* work a aoccvm. Tha Rad Crom d cairn th* privilege of aervlc* to non*. Thar, ia room ■ fur alL Will you join ua? » Th# following ia a list of th* paid • • member* of th* Harnett County Rad * Crom Aaaaeiatien from Dunn to dat* >• .July 1*. HIT: • Memra. L V. Hick*. MarVin L. • — - —-1 — BVIIHMf, J.-Lloyd Wodo. H. & PrMatn, R. L. . denaiag. H. 8. McKay, L. Busbe. *®P». a. M. Tilghmsn, Ellis Gold* Mi), Dick Taylor. Ralph Parker, T. -> 'A-^Coaa, Lawk Dancing. L. E. New - A C. Psrk.r, J. D. Barnaa, C. '*> *4pi J- M. Tart, Harman Pnr g+._**T. Lee, J. P. Johnson, H. L. flofkrjii and By. J. R. Butter. - MmHimas E. M. Jaffrays, J. Lloyd • Wada,* Walloon Coltrana, AUla N.w kdrry. P. A. Laa. C. L. Wilson. N. A. Tuytwand, W. E. Baldwin. U J. Bast, J. K. Butter, L r. Hteka. E. Laa, C. J. MU. Aaate P. CHffoM Boo. W. Thornton, Marris Wads, R. L. Ood sria, •Winiaia Thompson, J. J. Lana, Cooper, H. L. Godwin. Mksaa Margaret McQueen, Blanche Grantham. Baa Smith. 8alhe Purdle, Atea Taw, Emma Laa, Minnie Ouy, Raby Godwin, Pearl Grantham. Thera era also IP members from Uniagton, • from Duke and 1 from Newton Grove. The total contribut tioo so far amounts to $1M.OO. Mach enthusiasm la beimg displayed throughout the County and it k hop ed that auxiliaries will soon be formed in all of the maall towns. The annual membership foe la |1.00 or ft.00 which includes the Bod Cross wages)nc for 12 mocthe.Checks may be sent payable to Mim Sue Smith, Secretary, Dunn, N. C., or Mkaen Baby Godwin or Emma Lea will be glad to call on any member who desires to pay their does. LILLINCTON LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE Last Sunday evening at the Pres byterian church the LilUngton Law and Order League waa organised with,Prof. B. P. Gentry ea chairman; J. D. Johnson, secretary and 0. L Johnson treasurer. The following executive committee was also ap pointed: Prof. B P. Gentry, chair man; W. P. Byrd, 'J. M. Byrd, G. T. Smith, Chas. Rosa, Bars. J. K. Hall, J. A. Morris, Prank Hare. The object of the league will be to improve the moral condition ol the town end especially to see that the prohibition laws an enforced. Tfcia b an excellent move and wiD, we an ean, meet with the ap proval of afl cMaans of the town With the organlaattoa of thU Uagui and the co-opentioa of oar peopU we may eoafldeatly aspect a mark ad change in condition* that ham horetofors existed. Naturally w# have an excellent town In which to IWo, being aral located, having all neceaaary publi< eonvsnlencea each aa lights. waUi aad aewartage. makes the town at Meal place of residence. Havtni one of the hem eehoob la the Mato three churches and an axcolUot ei tbaaaMp then b no reason why th« the towa then Id he handbappsd am srltlibsd bs cause of lack of law on fsrcsmsat. Oar poopto on deteraaJn od that theoo condition* shall no longer evict aad ws feel mm* tha the organisation of the Low am Order loagao will have a whobnoa* effort In the comasinlty.—Hornet _ f Mr. Hagen* Wlbon leaves flatar day for Bdoatoo. when ho wiU b for oovoral ssoatha, Bo b associate with r. J. McOwtna la Ml stno pnvink wash, and having gabbed th street wash her* goe* to the abov ■eased Iowa whom Mr. MeOuin ha COTTON CROP DOING WELL D. C. Feseel ef Dwa Chw Utacwl Im state™eel Oe Ce^Moi Mr. D. C. Fowl, president of the Bank of Capa Pear, Dunn, arrived In tha city last night and ia a guest at iho Orton hotel. Ha will go to Carolina Beach today on burin am. re turning to the city tonight. Mr. Funeel In conversation with e Star reporter Wet night said that tha cotton crop In tha Dunn vicinity was in Ane shape and that tha recent mine had not damaged the crop to any ap preciable degree. He mid that Duan ia one of tha principal cotton grow ing districts in thaStata and with favorable weather through this and neat month the cotton crop would ia all probability exceed any ia re cent years. Ha also mentioned the Ana condition of the corn crop and tha pushing ahead of burineaa in gen eral in his section of the country.— Wilmington Star. typhoid vaccination not A PAD Hna Cams te Stay Aa a Great DW eeeeey fee Prevention Slehmoee aad Death In answer to the Inquiries, “Doss the Stats Board of Health advocate vaccination as a means of prevsating typhoid favor aa strongly aa sverT" and “How Wag doss tha vaccination remain good?” the Board has the following to say ia answer: “Vaccination for typhoid (a not ■ fad, and its disappearance ar dWuss may not soon bo expected. Typhoid vaccine as a means of preventing lypcoid lever has come to etay and win do this on Ha own amrita. Wherever Ita nee hoe bean intelligent ly pursued, the resnlta hasp been a large number of ieemunn, a — number of cases and a mock miOtr number of deaths Whenever Ita use baa been made compulsory, the dlessee baa practically disappeared. In other words, typhoid vaccine I. no longer an experiment, bat one of the age's greatest discoveries for preventing sickness and death. The qsastian. haw long does vsr cination reeeala goad, la yet to be answered definitely. Fee pie trmttm inoculated with' Ti<d*Oeielf|h ty pboid, and they vary rarely fils of nar.i.irtmmwwMe, that is nearly absolute. Ita use la practically devoid of danger and it offers immunity, probably, for much longer than three yearn. The Uni ted States Army, hssrever. requires ita eotdien to be re-vaccinated every three years and this baa proven suO eient to protact them from contract ing the disease and to hen lab typhoid from the battle field. What vaccine is able to do for whole armies, it is able to do for Individuals, or any group of people." Mias Fannie Maynem, after spend ing several weeks her* doing relief work in the telephone ogle* returned Sunday to her home in Mart on. Rev. Charlie Stephens arrived Mon day and is conducting a series af meetings in the Second Baptist church. Th* public it cordially la vited to attend. HENRY CLAY BEATTIE DIES IN RlCHMONDi AGE H YEARS Richmond, Vo., July It.—Henry Clay Beattie, fit yean aid, father of Hoary C. Beattie, Jr., who paid the death penalty far murdering hie young wife, died today in a local hos pital. Mr. Beattie was a wealthy merchant and bonk officer. BEST AUTO TIRES AT BEST PRICES Suaa4. wttb Original 400 MBm 80x3 Plata Triad__W.*0 30 x 8'4 Plain Triad... 0.88 32x314 Plata Tnad.10.08 80m8 Nonikld. IS.00 80x814 Nonikld.16.00 *8x814 Nonakld.18.00 PaaMyrfrxala VK.« Cap 4000 24Su Gaaraaloa 80x8 Noaakid.1_10.00 *0x814 Nonakld.80.00 • 88x814 Nonakld_.... 84.01 KoBySpolapS .14 SOSO MDu 1 80x8 Plata 80x814 Plata Tnad.f*.0( *8x814 Plain Tnad.**.0< I An Otkar 8tau. la Porpaatiaa—Pot [ Cub ar taaOxHuiala ! PENNSYLVANIA TIRE STORE Wlr«h M Papa, M^. DUNN. N. C. A THREE MEN KILLED IN AUTO MOBILE ACCIDENT J. C. CnolM, Dewey Greeele. M •*» Cr»*P Killed Wk> A. C. L Train Hit Ant. Smith field, July J 7.—Thin mom ing about « o'clock a Pond aotomo bUo In which were riding J. G Greenlee. Dewey Greenlee, his 11 year eld eon, and Ray Cramp, the II yfara eld eon of E. V. Crump, wai struck by Iho Atlantic Coast Uni southbound tram No. 83 wtw. the) attempted to rroas the track noai the Smlthfleld Cotton mill and thi Qrealee were instantly killed, thi Crump boy was so badly hart that hi died Just before noon. It was a moel horrible accident and the killing ol three has cast a deep gloom ovei the town and community. J. G Greenlee, whose hoses was ia Pay. e tie villa, had been superintendent ol the Smlthfleld Cotton milt for thi part several months. ' Raf Crump waa the son of E. P. Crump, former imperii)trodent ef Um mUL Mr. Greenlee and his sou boarded at the Smlthfleld hotel and Ray Crump came up for them early this morning to tabs thspa to tbs all When they get Into the csj Mr. Croon loo took the wheel end war driving when the accident occursW. It is supposed that the driver, whs tried te eraea the traefcahead ef the fart approaching train. used the brake to make the crossing easier sod choked his ear dawn, with the moult that It stopped on the track. The train was too near for thorn to Jump. The car was demolishivi and a part of it with dm three men weri carried on the pitot a distance ol nearly COO yards. The dead men were takes to F»y. rtfertile this afternoon for burial. FUQUAY SOCIAL NEWS Fuqua j Springs. July 14.—Mrs. J. R. Chamberlin, of Raleigh, who b chairman of tba Woman's Council af National Dafauaa, waa bars Tburs day and organised a unit hara witl Mra. C. Las Ballentine, chairman of Creodmore, are tba facet of Mieeei Mary and Anna Warren Lawrence. Misses Blancb Elli. and Barbara OoBsy, of Clayton, and Tbshua 8h«r rill, af lllMsgtai, are tbo attraetlvr resets of Mian Mary Lawranea. Mlaics Annie Lee and NeUc Rags dale, accompanied by B L. loses ant W. M. Puckett, attended tbe da»c« ia Raleigh Thursday night. Tbe Baracee and Philatheai gav< a reception Friday night at tbe Bap tiat church, urhieh waa much enjoy ad by aD present. Maaan. Aiken Moors, of Badln N. C., and Claraaea Thorn berg, o! Birmingham. Ala., spent • few dayi here thin week with the family o: Mr. W. H. Aiken. Mra. R. E. Aiken and daughter Charlotte, era the guests of Mr. Han | ry Noos, of Nooa's Siding. < Messrs. J. D. Richmond and V E. Wills left this areek for Souti Carolina, where they will be on thi tobacco market for tbe American i Expert Co. One of tbe moat pleasant affairs o the season waa tba porch party gbrei by Mbs Mary Lawrence in honor o her house party, which ImM* Misses Barbara Gulley, Blancb E1U ofCUyton, Thelma BbariU of UlHng ton, and Paulina and Mary Craei of Creed store. The specious pore! waa lighted with Japan am lantern ana wvnuiu praiueeiy *na pqwi plants and nasturtiums, as was th recaption kail aad parlor. A epiritsi geographical contest waa a feature a tka era at ay, Mlaa Tkslnu Sherrill be iny the winner aad was the beantifu bn af etationery which eke moe graciously preaented ta the ynunye* yaeet of honor. Mice Mary Greer After mock raoalc and laughter Mn N. C. Harris and Mn. 1. D. U eerrod a deHdoaa tee eoeree, eonela tiny af cream and cake, tka cola scheme of white and yellow heim carried out In this. The yuoste In claded oovoral oat of town people an tka town elite. At a late koar tk pnate reluctantly departed, dodartn Mia* Lawreac* a dcUyhtful heetoei Mias Carrie Hamm it, of Durban hat ratarnad ta kar home after pleasant rlett to Mr* C. K. Cheek. Mlaa Faarl Eflaad left today far rieit to her parents at Eflaad. Mr. aad Mia. A. J. Fletcher aa Mr. and Mr* J. T. Furgoaon attest ed tka dance ta Ealetyh Tborada sight. It will be reaaeemkered that area el days ago three af ear youny me l Mseer* Jack Stewart, StoneweU No ■is and Hubert Hudson passed the « so.(nation far tha Nary, but oeuld * be accepted then on sees ant of I the training enaopo beiay tilled u But sack wore notified this week ba ta Batoigh Friday aad will 1 east from Raleigh to a trslnii Washington. July : log of lots foe the army swatting *a(y i nmption natklMiy I Motions of tbs eoa are anxious that I wry opportunity the day of dnnriac tp' aelros thoroughly tion rogulatipas M W a minimum the oonfu ed np after To Uiia ted today to ruitm , regulation! orar which , arisen, and It was, local board* and dariag the week or so fore lots ore drawa1 the registered men knew, perform their pari ha thp^ and exemption. 4o that*, may be bad to the hsta'jf tion number* la the bdadu of boards. PtotocS Ndiahal Gea of all the states asking fcst butaad of posting the lists at th* bosri tf fless, they be placed 'fin 'seme safe, central office sack as Mg haadqaar ten." Ia the larger oMsfc rsgulillj the provoet maijfsali Moral said, ■oath inconvenience has seen caused by haring the beta ~TelMls only at outoftla-nj bootri offices. Urns States Have Net *T-* Only 11 states tonight had ant re ported their orgsaliatjoqa complete. In many of these' eetly a few district ,boards bad not dahlid n tint holing registration cards. Officials think the |byhc' will act ka saettgr than ffiay spSAfas^lRIBfeite no question of exemption of say registered nan for any ether caam than physical disability or dipendsat relative can be takes op before the local beards. The whole matter ef industrial exemptions ia left to the itiperiur boards, one of which' has been created In each federal Judicial district. No individual cam where exemp tion is desired because the registrant is engaged In any Industry classified as sited to the conduct of the war will be taken up until that Individual baa been celled up for examioadSoa by hie local board, found to be without dependants and physically (It for the military duty, sad certified to the superior board. After that applica tion to the *upe**er board far na tion to the superior board for ex emption oa the grounds will he ad missible. The registrant or bln em ployer may file necessary affidavits , with the superior board a as king as emption and the cam will ha heard promptly. Status ef Abesnh.hegWtraate. Another point oa which than has I been much doubt is the status of i registrants absent of Taqoaffin hare ■ come from men in this situation, aak i Ing if they will have to return to i They have bean informed that if they I ars ■elected for examination, each i win be notified by mall by Ma total I board and then be eaa apply te the r board for permleoloa te undergo «■ ■ amlnation In tbs town where bo to I located. Such action cannot be taken 1 until the registrant bee actually beta L summoned by Ms local board. n>c lerarnami bee distributed te . all local boards complete sets of i blanks to cover appeals, transfers and ■ any other matters la coitoottoa with r the process. Fun instructions for t KUIng oat any form of blank and - specific Instructions aa te the rnoaniT I in which each to te be Med, aha I have been provided. Bagiatraate mej r examine these et the quartern el - local hoerde every effort baa bee* i, made te prevent the Blag et aldMh » or ether docuamete that do net ay ply te a caae actually Bader sew a •ldermtlon. Most Be Kanfsewed for Duty i Tbs regulations provide that at c man caa COBM op for eeamlaatioa b r aay way before either Meal or aa parlor boards an til hf to actual}] aommoned for military duty, f- Probably the point to the whoh i. procam wWeh had lad te the greatae r- misunderstanding and ocuftmlaa i t- the system by which tuduetitel aa >t emptloa h to be gaaated. Mam II persons bare regards^ It as eartafi p. that men Iniamaltiea ^klng or etha te strictly war1 IndnotMea .weald be ea m caaptad 'a ■ etaaa. Tltet to net tb ig facto. Whad^a^tajjpyant tha pm h Jk EVANGELIST HAM CONDUCTING CHEAT REVIVAL AT °* 11—Tte |«wb aad cowaaHy U enjoying a revival of ■•fi power pad wifi mere nedar tkm tedmlHp of Evaagoltot Joka W. Ham Tbo crowd* tew ‘--fa. m lar«* ttet it wa* B*c.«.ry to pcw cura additional Mate from eburrW, octeol teaaoo aad lodgm la tte com ■unity. Ttew haw boon owr oaa teodrad »y—■ to tte appeal of tte evaagotet tbu. far. Thanday night Mr. Ham opok* upon tte fall of tte German Empire la tte light of prophecy, baoiag Me moamgo upon tte aacoad eteptar of IteiioL Ho aald ttet tte imago with te rate- Memento roprmeTt dif ferat gowraataatal parted* of kto tory aad pointed eat ttet tte ngn af gold, eihror, bram aad iron had pam rdoi’ttewoao. He fortter pointed oat ttet tte iroa ~r——-ltd mtt^ arckical form* of gom ampul. ate tte elay of tte tooo aad --Htt u teage wpreoont Dmaoeracy. Ha wa are bow ttvtag ia »te parted characteriaad with miaad iroa ate clay, *ad lk-* tte pwamit mraggla to tte tetb paago of a new ora. Cowrnawetally tte world to being bora ^aia. Thio war marfca tte final Jl-Tlit1in of tte iroa form af n—iram ml It aba marha tte iacomlag af world Demo cracy la Ha Mirttaal, governmental. ■«* «• hnw he hn» jo* closed a •t Mmhi, twenty-two her!eg united with the church by h-T*>— an* yaung_ balng re led to preach aad eae yo*«« weave offered baiaatf for Poraign Mbetoa aarriao. Tb* *mag*tbt wfll hegia a aariea °f ■ XiuiM- la New Teak dtp at th* taat Braagol July ggid to coatin'** through part of Aagoat. «*oumo«i jrr nq t. e. l. At th* aba* bp Wp M nib Mtoahth* foDohiag offered and. i bf aw femar paator and teacher, Dr, W. B. CnUoaa, toe T. E. L. Ctaaa of th* rtiat Baptist Sunday School, of Dana in claaa aaamabbd to adept tha fol lowing reaobttoaa: 1*—That the T. E L. Ctom ha* rreatty rnjoped and baao apt ritually anrlehad through toe Milking of sur fanner laadar, and through kb per ■btont work aad iaWreet la kb Lord** Kingdom, a goad cbm has boea built op. tad That th* cba* f**b kaamlp the fern of it* former teacher, kb council and inatrwcttoa which two boon (pbitual food to th* indteidnab farming th* ebas. trd—That tha proper* aad goad wbhaa of thb cbm follow Dr. Cnl Wna. and ear proper i* that to* Lard ■top Maas him and kb fcadly thrash the earning pear*. 4—That a copy of thasa rnih tlon* ha aptaaii upon th* cbm otoa, n copy farwazdad to Dr. Cat low »* Wok* Forest, and a copy sent to toe Baa ardor aad too local prem for puhbeaboa. Thb July 8th, hit, ft. G. TAYLOB, MBS. HOWABD ALLEN MBS. B. C. WEST, MBS. J. P. PITTMAN, C*aunitto* from T. X. L Cbm. fwi *■ O. Taylor aad 1 M. War nm, ware ta Xalelgh Monday. WM there Mr. reaper Warren waa aware la far the practice ef law by Jadgt Lyon, af the Superior eoart, aad ae cared Ma Moaaae. Cooper la a grad aata af Waka Threat Collage aad h well traiaed to aeahe a eaeoeae at da praodee of Ma cheeen prefaaeiea. Hi h qatta poaag pat, hoeing jaw paa Me tweaty-flret Mrthdap, aad ie « etadant who haa the ta—peroaieet h ■aha a earreee The Faniah AateaeehOe ~—g—] —leaded two ear Made af Hapaa eat—eehliea thie we*. They a— ln^i nym| ^ AkMwtvKt 4n^n and prleee. which they wd ho ghh ta ehew paa. If eel —iaad aad lei the- i.wa.aHal eidaal la aa* aa ladaetry. if — other aeaa oaald (aha M place wft) aat p-Jadl- ta tha working af th pleat, ha will aat ha graatad aH Ta a—ha thie policy adhedeo, th i —perl— aad a* the tone) heart ■ w—a eettgaed the ta* af aapii r whether — aat a aw *aald ha a i taiaod at Ma do* —'hie hoe eh. T1 r baft af aaampda— ad he for pfc af d » of tha • aaa- wd hoop tha teeal baarde fat k MHplli EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL | HAS PICNIC | Inga of •iotor, Him. W. A. White. Mr. Apyofl of BmUm, M. Y, k Were for a ritat to Mi aaclo, Ear. Lowta Chootrr Montaoo. MB. ROBERT L. BEATY WEDS MISS PLOY PAY BAKED Bolo*o Crook, N. C. Jaty'lt^Xt ntno o’clock Taoodoy owning. Mtao Ploy Pay Bakar, of Mo yiaaa. oad Mr. Bokart U Booty, of OrloaSo, PM., wan wanted at tko kaaw of tko hridote porrnta, Mr. aod Mrs. H. C. Baikar. . Tk« woddlny waa tawylc, yot tko prottiwt no wtOwoaod kora. Dacoratteoa of fono oaf other yot color ockowo. pink oaf white, woo beautifully ranted cot ky tko nit mPM of dw itttniniti. Uh ■way boaotlfol cot flowora. Err. J. A. CawpboD. fonaor teaek er aad prooont y outer ml tbo kitSo. oflkiated. Boforo tho eorowoay, Mite Paulhw Bryua oaag “Botown I Lotto od ot tho piano, ployiag tho woddtog Pint cowo Prof. CawpbuO, follow K. PUIllp.. ntb Myknr' a* tba Wife After Um mm Um Irar state, litUa MImm Pterc# tte Botift Butty, ntoes *f both brida ud pm Um dower girts wore dainty CTMtkm of white oigandio nd tsaa and iniilad basksta of pink lowm. Tho brida satsrsd from tbs right dsor sf tbs partor so tbs arm sf Mbs Mabsl But, msU sf honor. Tbs grosM CMS in fiwa tbs loft door wMb bis bast was. Mr. Hays, W. Batty, broth sr sf tbs grsoaa. Tbay aMt at alter and tbs party and f Hands farms* a ssMlrtrab white tba Marrtegt sows woio Uksm, tbs tiny i iMMsaj ba iter Issprsssjrsty and baotifsBy Tba brida “s Maid wars a gown ad whtta sOk wttk pink pietuo hot and srsro s sattega of mass. Tba brida woro a cost salt of tna srttk hat to Msish abd white sbsM and gisaa t-Sl-l- MM.-At m - OT*a* i rH* WM. tbs happy PteMMlb bft'teTltel for Wfbnisgtis, Wrighterttls and ^JByMbsshdfol^prossnte am ro a iiiignitiia sf thate frtenda to ate • sad otbsr Mateo. B AMiagtbaaot of tears go sate wars - Mr. C. C. Corhrtt, Mr. and Mn • Oargs B. Batty and Bttla doogbtev " CUntod; Mr. Kays W. Batty. No* »- boat Baa. J. H. BsBamsa and Mr • Oarthnd Harris, Apani Mr. and Mm 9 Hamy M. Hai»smgi. Oboa 0% Td... MYSTERY FLAY BY CHILDREN OF DOKE I ’■•ti *. m *•> ' H: r;. ir ^t—Utr^etoCT kr M ' ^ ^ Hf.^1 k—M««« kr *• to* ■•- v !■. * •• b M

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