THE DUNN DISPATCH. : —..... -r ■ Mt w! 1M4. mT*. pMt BAM « Bm, ML C, tha a* at March «. Hit CONSERVATION <ta jditJoa la which wffl ha *££ what Harnett const? has already Sana i^vPs.’SSS’t’rwu ■Nall* etctarr ta Aawfaai arras. ta tki» work tha Dhpateh win ha tit mi foH cooperation of tha Feder al aad Stab* Agriealtnral deport ■raw, aad it la carta ta that the . Ford will _of tha editisa _ .. rk upon it iwmadj. alaly. Mr. Ford farrUaa tha aid of aB bm aad wcmcp who ara lutimt ad ta ccrawrrauaa of tha wt»ty*i aaartM to their faUcat taaaaata. Maarj farmer. Marc halt. banker, BMBafutmw aad profasaiaaal Baa hoa a part la pataa ia tha great ctruggla iato whhb tha Nation baa boar drawn. Upas Ma pacfaiBWHin of tide doty r*.ca the NaUon'a hope ■f viM"' It la tba paraci of the Disrate* •» show each hk part aad ta aid him ta iinwHchlng that »•*- _ r. V i' i • ••••♦ * ham, C—mlmk and * B-■< M Juygeiuoni 9f Bor. 1, A. ImhT, * » Ma Dm Method* Church * i * fee mml weeks all pragma la •kip balldlng has been tied c; on to eennt of fisagrsemeat between Geo oral Ooothsh, pea seal manager of the iaotcs'7 hao* corporatioa, aad William Deans, chairman of tks OoHed Btataa aklppfag hoard. Aa these ana ware paeiHailf fitted for rateable esnrtce to tha ceaatry to the ferfMaM they Mi«|lil. my earn est efforts ware arade to adjrat the dlffsraasaa botwwsa then sad let the mch needed weak go forward, hat all effects failed. Lost weak Praaidsat Wthoa took Ira hold open tha not tar. aad whoa ha aaw that the differ, saao between tha two nea could not bo odjwtod. ha promptly asked for tha rmlgaatloa of both, and appelat ed others in their places, la Oaaar Bl CeothaV place Prseldaat Wihon named Wear ddnlral Washington Lae Cappa. chief constructor of tha Oww EtaUmaary. To succeed wff Edward N. Harter, of Chicago former chairmen of too federal trade rsnniarinn- The outgoing nea are patriotic aad capable, hut they simply eeald not agree an Important meaa am. aad than was nothing aha to ho doae but to get out. The sera appointed in their places are also Patriotic aad capable, and we nay ceaffdratly expect the important work rannWed to thair hands to go for ward. tttt wwrth whileT In nU wed regulated ehenhse tha mid-week piuyet aerriee h • out dared aa much a fixture aa the regular Sunday services. Aa tha choorhee generally look upon it aa a fixture, H la prehebls that thoy da not atop to inquire whether or net it la worth whfle. If aakod about it probably nine out of ovary ton of the members would stand firmly for tha «hi-wvek prayer sarriee. Tot la moot cam thsau aarvlcoa ara so poorly attended that comparatively fow of tha mambora ara baaofitted by thorn. In • church af maru than poaaMo to Induca aa many aa fifty to attend tha prayer Barrier. Indeed «fca number raarhia only about ooe of tea oftenor than otherwise. We Moo^keurd lev. I O. Hfll, D. D., the than, end I knew not forgotten It. I atm find myaalf questioning "bather er net Dr. BID wee correct in the statement, and if ao, lament lac the daplarebly lev state of the ahunh la real fiptritaal Ufa. We seme times hear it said that these vhe attend Aa mid weak prayer ear vlaee de ae baraen they axe the beet people In Ae church. This is not Ae cenect way to atata It Aa a matter of fact they ere the beat people in Ae church because they do attend Aa preyur services. No aor vieas connected with the church la aacM helpful to sincere members them the prayer service, and those "he attend are strengthened end adttad by it, while those who sag. lost H ere dspsliad af ell Its bene tttt TIM kM mm from Washington ptoco* the coat of the war to the Uaitod State* alone for the first year at tha enormous figures of soesa toon bilbos dollars. Almost orsry day tor weeks tha llgerss indicating the COM of the war to tha United ■talas here boon placed higher and higher aatll they here reached the •taggsriag anas of seventeen Mitten do Hors. It lo gait# probable that before this “Hem” is printed the figetee may ga to a higher point. Kb wonder the atntamest was amdo that Congress eras rim ply stunned by manry fee the ptoeoen waa by the United et year of Its partici greet world war But biBlea dollars win he r to the setae t cost of i United States. Many and Boat of tha yeuag aasmtry wlU hare to a, and far tMa aaori* a« MM Bank With Us t The wend— fill prop ■■■ we hove made during the past few i—till ill owe that «v caste ■ere are isHsSod with the ee I *• w-rpupp , nnieiMtire we glee them. Oers k the fastest growing hank in this section end we will appreciate a portion ei poor ha sines*. Don’t fail to «lt on ns when pew want Waking service • 1' WE PAY 4 PER CENT *ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. State Bank & Trust Company H. L. GODWIN. Prea. T. V. SMITH, Viee-Prw. * Cashier CAST IRON SCRAP _Brin* it to o*. Wo pay spot cash, as fellow* do Irvorcd at oar Foundry* H“5iP^3SS; *S£TdSr “ Scrap-§0 cots par ISO lb*. Plow and othor Light Scrap 40 el* par 100 h*. Wo don't hay wrought iron, stool scran, old burnt grots - JS'JST* * — — ,E*t* *- k-”~1 IHE JOHN A. MCKAY MFC. COMPANY DUNN, N. C __ t he ku used all hh power* to defeat any sort of temperance legislation. • The advocates of tho liquor title stood by J a loot K. Ferguson, and he haa ualfermly stood by them and their unholy interests. There is talk of impeachment proceeding! ia Ida anas, and it is ho pod they any bo carried through, and tho great state of Tones set fro* from tho handicap of sack a governor. XXXX Mia. Bant Mooney of Baa PYaadn ca, who aaa triad far her Ufa ia that city last waak on a murder charge growing out of s bumb explooion Mat July, resulting in tho death of ton persons, was acquitted by tho Jury after two days deliberation. Whan tha foreman of tha jury pro no no cad tha verdict of acquittal Mrs. Mooney sprung to bar faiah, rushed forward aud kissed each of tho Jurors. Mrs. Mooney's beaband is under sentence of death for participation ia tho seme crime for which Mrs. Mooney was tried. As soon as aha eomld aha hurried to the jail in which her kno bs nd ia confined to acquaint him of her good fortune. Since Thomas J. Mooney waa convicted -sad sentenced to death new evidence haa been dis covered In hh favor, aad it is thought he may very soon got hie freedom. XXXX The wreck of 88, a fast passenger train on the A. C. L. S. K., on Thursday morning of last week furnLhed a hero In the person of the colend porter of the Pnllman car. Whoa he felt the shock ef the car on the cross lies bo Instantly took charge of an infant to tare it if possible from harm. Ha was hurled against a window, breaking the glam, than bask over on* of th* seats, teesriy karting, if not breaking. Us back, hot ha held oa to th* child until he fell helpless. Th* child was saved frees all barm, hot th* ports* was the worst hart Individual on the wrecked cor. A look at th* wrack convinced any on* that nothing hot' a miracle saved those oa board from terrible death, yet only throe par sons were seriously hart, and no one killed oatrigkt. The engineer in charge of th* wracked train said be waa panning shoot Bfty-ftvs miles as boor when the wreck occurred, which waa Ivt miles lea* then the IWt ] tttl H to Mm— f«r *m bum to m Um mc*I»«Ib rf tba cast af tba world war. Eagtaad aloaa baa alraady aopoadad laiatydr UHn, fawr baadrod aad Maty nUbaa dal tora, aad tba aad la aot yat la togbt. Tba eoat of tba war to maasa wa af tbtoty-dvo aHn dab lara or try day that paaaaa. No woa dar tba Albas wore glad to bora tba Ifaitod Stotoa to eaan lata tba atogbty atraggli. bar noway aad bar aaaa an aaadad to oops with tba farooa Mat aypoaa tba boat totaraMa of tba oawld of anablad Tba Blaab’a Obapal laat Baaday aftar- i nT^iwTaa gafta wom!*bat ! affair was • decided race tee The collection aaaosated to Quite an inter—Hag add—, though brief, wai delicepad by J. T. Hail of Fay etteville. Such a —171— by tba eiul drea raOaMa (Met credit upon the boa— iri which they bee. the Sunday BeJnal they* rap—at. and those who trained for tba service. • 1££*_ bafif iiTtbe M _i last Sunday night tha pate— waj volad a vacation of thr— woetrv. to bo taken when he •riah—. Each thoughtful— on the put of e church i» worthy of nasn tion aad of appreciation. Now if tha pastor only find m plooooAt t place to spend hh vacation as Dunn is ha would be happy. This vacation eiB not bog'.n -.util after next Sun lay. The two service* will bo held hi the Methodlrt church next Sunday ae usual, uod than tha announcement as to when and where tha vacation b to be taken and ipent will probably be made. MORTCACE SALE OF LAND _ Undn and by virtue of the poor ■ f of utio toaliiiiKil in a certain mort W d*«d executed by W. T. Warren ■nd wife to E. P. Young, Guardian, ebich mortgage deed K recorded ir. took No. IOj on pnge (70 end which norbnga daad wae duly uantfarrod *» May 15th 191# to T. V. Smith, rruetce. default haring boon made n the payment of the note thereby •scored, the unde reigned will eel) to Jto KigOost bidder tor ca*n at the mart hoaeo door in Ullingtoe. N. C.. >n Monday the Srd day of Beptam tor, 1917 at 1( o’clock M.. the lol owing daacribad real eatato. Being a port of the Mads of the ■etato of John Smith, doceaeed, and wing a part of lot No. 4 of the dirie on of said land) begianlng at a take wift peat oak and pine polnt ira In the Hoe of let No S of mid irviaion 79 chain* from the Bye imore below tba ferry, aad runs eith the lino of lot No. 6. No. K. 17 rhaina and 10 link* cromiiw Urn Bam Forrr rood to a eine and pointers; [ >f lot No. I: then as the read B. If Vi W. 11.SO ebaipa to a stake; then J. *# W. 14 chain* to fm earner ef K. ’fcj'/ifirsvxess: rayed to W. T. Warreo by John Wll ll*M^ CmaiHiwn, by deed dated fetch 7th, 1901 and recorded in Book M No #, page 44# roeords of Cumher land cv«*tf. rhi* 18th da* of Jaly. 1*17. _T. V. SMITH, Trustee, Transferee of nutgagii 9u 1 i ■I i Bank ® Cape Fean1 r » June 25th, 1915, DEPOSITS...$39,424.05 <T ff June 25th, 1916, DEPOSITS. 63,983.26 June 25th, 1917, DEPOSITS. 131,291.00 |V W OVER 300 PER CENT GAIN SINCE JUNE, 25, 1915, Jjm 200 percent gain in laat 90 days in our SAVINGS DE- C PARTMENT. We pay 4 percent in thia department. Jr j GOING CHEApjj jfl Our Sale is over but we are still giv- U fj ing bargains to our customers. n R COME AND SEE N U---—M DOCTOR GILLESPIE ENDORSES AIM Non-AlceMk Natural Iru U High ly Coeaentrated Farm Makes Flue Tmk RECOMMENDS IT FOR HOME USE "Add Iron Mineral now being wide ly advertised for the first time by the Fsrrodin* Chemical Corporation la s natural iron remedy of except ional merit. Boat of all H contains no dangerous alcohol to disturb and injure the action and efleiency of the kidneys, Brer, bladder, nerves end digestive machinery end I firmly be (lavs It Is the beet iron tonic and system builder es woll as blood puri fier and nervine possible for the public to eecer* at their drag store, "declared Dr. W. H. Gnle•p*e.,’ “Add Iron Mineral, b being In troduced te the public In a highly concentrated form, and In generous sise bottles suitable for home use. It contains on analyst* ■ high per centage of ben in three forma to gether with calcium, sodium, potassi um and sulphuric add la Mat I be lieve to bo exactly the right propor tion* for the treatment of the Stomach, bleed, kidney, digestion and bladder complaints." "The Perredlne Chemical Corpora tion is sslng ths utmost cur* la test ing end maintaining It at Ha present mats of parity end excellence" end to on* need fear its hurting the teeth, stomach, digestion or causing consti pation aa many iron preparation are apt te de. “Token after meals it ineressee u>e appetite. Stimulate, the eyetem to renewed activity, and by |Wt| the eyetem tree la large quantities makes far rleker bettor blood aad free dew from ifceoamUe end ether arte add eeaaptalats. I oftea have reeoatmoad ed that lamiUes pat a Me bottle la ( a Ore palloa bottle of srstor fee drinking parpeoas as It mates a splen did mineral water af known mediate al vatea. Drvggteta, diathto, ear pa— aad daetera have nnmmeailtf Add Iran Mineral for thirty yearn, aad now that yoa may pot H at year Irtppbl la qaaatltlea aad form teat adaptid for he— — I ateeefeiy re tte dry_ Scan* Frcm CARDEN OP ALLAH WHITE WAY THEATRE Satordajr, Aaput 4th. MNRw Still Night 8130-—Two Porformaneo* only Mr. Aab NtfWr *h haMa * seat ttaa a* IW. Pate*, Va., «aM . fa» dajra bar* kat waak with Ma ehiUraa. i • I

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