THE DUNNS VOL. IV Duma, N. C„ AjSjJI, 1*17 HOUSE WILL RAISE MORE MONEY Additional *€,0000,000,000 K
Rev C. & Strickland, of Falcon, was call ad on to make an addrem, which ha did. The tinging waa not at generally participated In as has been the ease in past conventions, there being only two that took part—Godwin and Fal con. Dinner was a community affair, all sharing their good things with tbs oth era. After dinner officers were elected, Rev. C. B. Strickland being elected chairman, and Mr. Claude Graham oaa re-elected Secretary. The place of masting next year will be with the Tabernacle 8. S., Falcon. An interesting feature of the gath ering was the Question Box, and many good suggestions were mads. On# thing especially condormu-d ai harmful to the Boaday School in low ering its attendant# was "Jay riding." Another suggestion ws# made to par ants to warn eats/u'w be furs Urn rising genaration, anil tear set a good example. _ The Water-tie# el ea Usher, It Is only a mnail part of the ice berg that it risible above the water The sclent lets tell as that for every owe handrsd fact that Hess abevs the surface, there are eight hundred fast below. Haw closely related ts aaeb other are tbs seen and the un seen t la fact Is It not true faaeralh that the strastusss that am mat apon foandsUops that are hm» lUat He who takas Into aecoaat onlj those things which eoese within the sweep ef Us natural rye, has ■ »#l partial rlsw of tbs universe around him. “The things that are seen air tempo ml; tbs things that are an seer are eternal.—Ex. Mbs Lucy Herring, of Raleigh, via Rad frieods la Dana this week. ENTIRE DRAFT IN TRAINING EARLY IN OCTOBER Washington, A UR. ia—The entiri 687,000 men composing Us# first In. irrmont of the army draft fortes will be under training early ia October Under orders issued today ibe Aral 30 per cent, of the quota of esc) district win begin entrainment foi cantonments September 5: the ncxl 80 per cent. September 16, and an other SO per cent September 80. The remaining 10 per cent, will be mobil ised s* soon after that date as nos sibl*. The plan to assemble the new fortes in three Increments distributes the task of furnishing supplies and equipment through September. It will also prevent serious shortages in any camp, and will five th* new officers from the training camps time to familiarise themselves with their dutise gradually before reeponsibiP ity for a great body of men falls on them. The order issued today means that about IS,000 men srill reach each of the 16 cantonments soon after Bent., 5. They will find be examined phy sically by army doctors and AnaQy accepted or rejected. This will take some time and the men will have to be furnished with temporary quarters and rationed while awaiting examina tion. If the full quota were assem bled st one time great confusion would result. Presumably the first increment will have bean organised into skeleton companies, battalions or regiments before the second arrives. In farming communities, Iocs! boards now will arrange the lists of those to Cl! the Ant increment with local crop conditions in mind. Men engaged in harvesting work and who otherwise would go with the Am third of the district quota will be passed over to the second or third as may be necessary. Ruling as te Dependents. Reviewing the question of die charge for dependent relatives. Gen eral Crowder issued a supptecnental ruling today holding that persona should not be discharged because of dependents resident abroad. “The object of the law permitting person* to bd discharged provided ho has a person falling within any of the classes of depondenta upon him was to prevent such dependents be coming charges upon the American people," the ruling says. “A depend ent residing abroad could not become each a charge." That conscientious objectors to war ara not te be excused entirely from .serving the country ssaa —n*t clear ia another ruling by the proroet marshal, holding that such persona be omigned later to non-combatant branches of the service. It ta pre sumed they will aerve in th* quarter maetcr’r i nrp*. the medical corps or other* out employed in actual combat. Only in rare cases are railway mall clerk* te be exempted Today th* postofllee department announced that pabiiihed report* of blanket exemp tion for Oil* class of postal employe* were based on a misinterpretation of tbc department order covering poatal exemption. Only scheme clerk*, chicl clerk* and assistant chief clerks of the railway service will be yiven *x> eruption* and most of them are abovt military aye. The postoflec department enounced eUo that it would certify exception! for postofllce inspectors but not foi postmasters. Poatmoiten of the first second and third classes, however srv «scrap ted specifically under thi law. It developed today that the nav] dtps'.imi.r.i. misund»r* * liny the win dc| i.rmcnt i uliny aa to '■ 'luntary tn lit went •. registered men. hod ln •trticted its raeruitiny officer* to ae cept registrants into the navy aval | if they had been called before th< | loeal boards for examination. Th< mistake quickly was corrected; re crnttlny station* being told by tele graph that no man called for ex emulation under the draft law eoub be accepted into any branch of th military or naval service as a volun tary recruit. Until railed, however reyhtrmns are free to enter th* army naey or marine corps. Plans to provide publicity facili Uea at ramp* or tho national arm and th* national guard are to b left entirely to the discretion of th comp commanders, who will be as thoriisd to parmit newspaper coi respondents to establish offices with! the camp limits and to maintain pr rate telegraph or telephone line there if deemed advisable. No aoc privileges will be granted, until th camps actually an established aa the commander* on the ground. NORTH CAROLINA PREACHER IN JAIL ON SERIOUS CHARCI Alleged h> Ha** DmoumH Wibo ud Ik* RmI Freer lb Palpit Raleigh, N. 0., Aunt 18.—Chart od with uttering sedition* etetemeni and flagrant violation of the onto* age set of Congrua, Rev. H. F. Wolf of Franklin eowntjr/wlll ho given ■ pi Hminsry hearing Friday afteraeo Mm United State* Ciaatheism Joha Nichols, Deputy United Stott Manhal fltnrdlvant, who heard tk preacher in one of hi* dbecuraea, hi Ing tb* priori pel witnoaa agllnat ala Ha ia charged to have denounce Fedaral olheere from the Preeider down and to havo declared that I for sleeken "the meanest slaekei would he thoae who deaerted the wlvm and children and wont I Franco to bo shot in the book." Wolf, ternw himself "jHlh preacher" and b a falLMoode. ihaagh naturalised Oerman. H* being held In Wake jail wtthoat bal The*. Beb. ef Cette. Sell for »7t . Heraonak, O*.. A eg. 18,—The Sr time baba of cot too received at U Saraanah snebagi thU aaaaon ami Mid et the New Tevk Cotton K rhMff teday and hrwagbt STM. Th will ha givaa te the Red Crum. COTTON IN WIDE RANGE FOR WERE After Marla* Up 144 Ta IU Point. Oaa* Frarlaaa Weak React ton Sate la. Cleeiwg At Lawaat L Will New Orleans, La., Aug. I*.—The local cotton market moved over a wide range last Weak, 146 to 14W points on the moat active months, be rng aant up for wide advances in the early acasoina and reacting later, < closing at the lowest levels, a net ad- j vanca of 8 to IS points, bid pries* considered. At the highest priceai artiva month* war* 146 to 102 point# over the previous week’s close. The advances were duo to the strength of the demand for spot cot ton In the Texas market, to continu ous drouth las portion* of South and Want Texas and to rains early la the waek In the Atlantic* The reaction was partly natural, following the wide gains, and partly das to selling pressure from bearish traders. This waak the Texas spot situation will have a gnat daal of attention sod real evidence that aeliars are making connections would have quick effect on value*. On the other hand, proof that the market la aut weaken ing would have a steadying influence. The weather over the bah. will b* of more Importance than ever be cause thir week will bring the crop well Into August, generally regard ed as the must critical period of the season. PLEASURE RIDING MAY BE BANNED Drastic Actiea by Ceserueeeat Pas sible a* Means al Can*erring GasaUaa Washington, Aug. 13.—Warning of (ho possibility of drastic action bJ the Federal Government to stop excessive pleasure use of automobiles during tbs war in order that tha gasoline Hoods of the United Stales and Its aUisi may be met, la given in a state ment by Director Van H. Manning, of the Bureau of Mince, today in Vhich bs asks tha co-operation of au tomobile owners in stopping the prac tice. Enough gasoline to care for tho requirements for America and per haps of its allies will be saved, in the opinion of Mr. Manning, “if auto mobile owners ef tha country will stop unnecessary and extravagant pleasure riding, and if owners and dealers handle this fuel in a care ful and economical manner. ‘'^•triogCjUKjWrttfjj^MuMe^ t?*3?^wou!dT!^»n!^3w?on^f the perplexing problems now bpfore tha war-making authorities. In or der that the war may bs carrn <1 on successfully, tho army and navy wiD have to have Immediately on hand snought gasoline for tha aeroplane*, trucks, aiitomob'lci, tractor* and oth er machine*. Thar* most be no dilly dallying about this supply of gasoline and there trout be. “It is estimated that the army and navy will need for this year 360 million gallons and there are two ways of obtaining it. In the first place, the joy rider whose pleasure m obtained by covering many mil os at high speed ran voluntarily give this up; the ssan who takes his fami ly oa Sunday for a 60-mile ride or more ran cut this in hnlf; every mar who drives a machine daily can ask himself if part of his riding cannot bo obviated. “Tu sura up, every automobile own er and driver car. be taught to ask himself each morning whether or not bis proposed trip la absolutely neces sary and act accordingly Then the problem is solved, ana with only ' slight voluntary saeriAcoa. On the 1 other band, if the people continue to ' be thooghtlcu end unwilling to do ' their patriotic bit in this rvap- rt it ' may be necessary for tha United ' Stairs to taka drastic action which J will stop excessive pleasure use of 1 ell automobiles. ' *11 Is generally estimated and eon ' ceded that one-half of the gasoline ■ used in the United States (one bil • lion two hundred and fifty million gallons) is used in pleaiure riding. ' In my opinion, a judicious use of the r automobile for this purpose will eut > this amount cf gasoline in half, ■ which would mean tho saving of more • than a million gallons each day in ■ tha vear." 1 Director Manning gWoa a number • of suggestions as to how Savings In 1 gasoline may be effected and con clod 1 as with tha statement that his warn I ing do#* not mean that automobile 1 owners should lay up their cars nor that anyone ■ Ho aid change his mind akririf MUTfll—Iff ff A M* , THE PEOPLE'S BARGAIN "The annual increase af oar woaltli 1 la Mtlmatad to ba fifty billion* of dot u lam. tka American people ana not . naked to give anything to their gov • eminent, but merely to invent a email ■ percentage of tbe annual increment '• of wealth in this eonntry and Uk< • In return from their government thi n etrongeet eecartty on the face ol r God‘a earth: to recaiva in return tm • the man*/ Hut »% per cent par an ■ non. both principal and In tercet n - aaapted from all taxation except os i, tat* or laberltooc* taxoa, and wltl i the farther protrtelon that If the gov I emment shoold Hsue any other bomb • during the parted of this war at i • higher rat* af Internet the purchase! r of a Liberty Loan Bond may turn li o In and gat a new bond at the highoi rate *f internet. it "la protecting the credit of tlx I, United St*tee government yon art a protecting your own credit, you an L protecting year own bualneoe, yon an protecting every Interest you have ii . Hf* aad property. In doing that yoi 0 am rendering a patriotic service ti supplying the sinews of war to you; it tsturtry?—William O. MeAdee « Secretary af dm Treasurer. • Messrs. Clifton Johnson and Mai I* colm Upehmrch, of LiUington, vtr THE OME WUb Um ntm j» 4 Plw An _ drowned when the British City of Athaix^ Cape Town, Sei persona of oth* whom were w< drowsed. The Japes* handed by Viecoant K. Ul in America this week. The object in to bring nboui n itloa bo tween the ITnii and Japan in tbc war a J. In n speech at a f the bead of tbe mlaaion _ are are bats aa tbc reprenei of Japan a mission of frl« I i trill Wo romo aa ■ raaae." Five hundred hove been celled protect prop erty at 8pringi)i ' destruction at tbe bands < car man. The Railway dar ed 21,000 eai can into tbe farming eoi of the Heath West and Mid to facilitate shipment* of cl to mature. Two Germani were drought down by! > airmen af. ter tbc Germane • mid upon English *r Tuaaday. Twenty three . . mostly wo men and children JM>* hilled la Ex tend by German mbmldi tbla week. In retaliation f£ph upon French towns a tquardonlm French airmen raided the CeramMm of Freak for-am-Maine UiiJmM. killing, ac eordng to OsiataMKea, two civil ian* and damaging a hospital Tuetonic forceps eontinue their drive into RaaaWttffrry with tittle opposition. *T, - All of tbe man'Wfe.hein* drafted for aervira in sbentetional Arm* will be in Ira announced fr uc l» h m oncost-—three cent. The At R, the second I September 80, uJ k< fourth when ever ercommodaMts ore ready. Twelve thousand BOB nro to be sta tioned at each i sotsroinnt CoWr Royater will become s brigadier gen eral. A U-Wrrem purperting to come fmm the Kaiser and directed te Pre sident Wilson soon after the begin oing of the war In 1914 has jnet been made public. K charges that tho British King promt sod Prince Henry, the Kaiser's brother, that England would not enter the struggle. U al so states that Belgium was invad ed for strategical reasons. Germany has always contended publicly that Belgian neutrality was violated be cause Germany bad proof that the Belgians wen conspiring with the French to strike her in the back. Thousands of officers for the new National Army this week completed their training at the various officers' training camps of the country. Them arc bring assigned to their differ ent poets and an ready to do Brail part in shaping the groat army foi war. Debate on tbs war tux measure eras completed in the Senate today. Committee s mao deserts are being considered. Bendtor IfeCnmbsr pre dicts that tho war will last four man years and that it will cost the coun try forty billion donors, k b U provide ways of ralaing this money that that Congress Is working. Both Senator Simmons end Representative Kltebin have MU* up, for ooBeiders don. The ideas «f neither coincide with those of the other. A lony light is probable. In tho meantime tho country neoeis the money. Ahoat 8.000 m*n aro engaged it building the army cantonment a) Charlotte. The woekly pay roll k above $76,000. In the meantime Pay cttcvllle frothea at the mouth, ro memstumisa tk.4 H Is *-- -*■--■ that Charlotte he* gotten. Both Fayetteville and Wilmingtoi or* eapectlng e*»»e eort ef am] cnmp once General Leonard Wool visited them end “died eo nicely np on their ad> ante tree Wlfaalngtei wants an avlatioa school, a hoaplta camp, a cantonment and a shlp-baltd ing plant. Fayetteville will be eon with a sent .nment nek a waa over awarded her an-' then gtvei Charlotte. Thoaaenda ef ceoka are needed fo the army—a geed chance for th old guy whom ariley has buBdoee* into doing the heesewortt Sergeant Willard Jecknon ha* charge ef the feuowt who goarde* the first 175.000 yuld to workmen ei the Charlotte cantonment. John Phippa end William McCoy Virginia mountaioern, are being trie* fur high treason at Big Stone Oe livcauM they couched to raise ai army aad lick Untie Sam. Thet plana ere aald to have Included th a'lllng of landowners and Dm a*tear nf property. They had same >00 fel lowers, it la said. Phipps la ef th family prominent In food circles earn yean age. Hie pnrtoer la • tyydea hill Billy. The suffering »cffregattas nf Wad ington have dubbed the Prtddm "lfaiver" Wilson. One ewe id roue thing hoisted a beeoer at the Whit 1 House galea bearing the new eegac 1 man for the chief •keeuttre. A pauj ful blue Jackot, be waver, earns a Ion i aad eeiavd the beptiei, taking H t 1 hie qaertera to be **Pt aa • neuron* Oeneral Julia* *• Carr la prepai > ing to take up bb duties ee a mm her af Food Director Hoover's staf Friends of the doughty general ai ■ confident that he wOl prove ae ea ' sable to the Federal Oeviraneet I he did to the Confederate. The* FALCON CAMP MEETING . OPENS AUGUST S3 Pi apai ill■■■ Ella| Mad* •* Talar «*Ja Biased Attendance Dar ing Tw# Weeks Tha Falcon Camp Mooting begins Angnst tS and Is to rua through to BapUnibor S. Rev. X. E. Erdman. of Buffalo, N. Y., and Bar. A. G. Donor, of Ontario, Canada, will b* th* prla eiptl prurhim Thia will bo th. eighteenth ana sal Map mooting at Falcon. Every pear fw tha past 18 yaan thousands from •11 Parti of tha country hav* docked to tha Uulo MttUarat in th* faraat •bout sight miles from Dunn. This year landers of the Holiness faith, far which the camp was establish id, look forward to record attendance. Ac eomraodations an being arraagod for ty antortolnmcnt of trsambu crowds. An announcement just leaned by tbojo in charge of the camp asys: _ The approaching dates for The Fhlcon Camp Mooting, which an Aug ** ta 8«pt will maks this Camp aightosa yuan old, and like Him* in whom nans H Is established it hat steadily grown “in favor with God and nun, and wa an looking for. word for tha boat mooting thia yaar that wo have ever had. "This Camp Meeting is interde nominational, with ana common pur pose of ballding up the kingdom of God; and the epirR of our worship recognises on* common brotherhood among all af Ood't people, withe at nay distinction of dUJereocc because •f church relationship. “We believe that tha whole Bible is the Word of Cod aad the promt dispensation affords as prat privil ege* to the people ad God aa any apaotle or prophet aver enjoying therefor* w* preach salvation from all aha, Wliaam unto tha Lord, the baptiem of the Holy Ghost as receiv ed by th* people on tha day of Pen tecoet. healing at all meaner of dls. eases through faith In tha atonement, tid tkc ’ Miiniimiil com inf of Janos. 9 W “We will have- with us this year Bov. B. E. Erdman. of Buffalo, N. Y., and Bov. A G. Doner, of Ontario, Csraada, the first bring a new preach *o. ram -•* - LI. * ---» -is a _ tha South, ne far aa m know, and da Uttar oelng on hia AIM visit, h»ving been bare last rear. Their engage ment for Tht Pekoe Camp Meeting -1 that they are eound in faith and are qualified to fill -*—1 to them ia the -at The Pht la to fnrntnb the would error have opportunity to were k not for these meeting*." Wadding Aasmacaunt The following anooaoement hm bMn lm»d: “Mr. sod Mrs. James B. Cain an noance the marriage of their daught er, Margaret, to Mr. G. Miller ilii. maa, on Thursday, August t, 1*17, at Moekavdle, N. C. “At home, Greensboro, N. C." •nd of his old eomrades am export ing him to ehew the Yeakeea a thing or two. Despite rumors to the contrary of Beam have been unable to find any organised effort to defeat the ends of the conscription law lu North Carolina. Soma few dackem am be ing rounded op, but their number h negligible. Leading men ia all parts of the State warmly resent the imputation that them am any ■lack er* among the real Tar HeeU. Gov. eraer Bkkett is being censured ia eoeae circles for bis tee hasty actio* in Baking that troop* b* held in readiness te pvt down exported up risings in the mountain country. H. Q. Alexander, president of the North Carolina Farmers Union, ia be ing censured for alleged seditious ut terances before farmer* moating* throughout the 8tate. It Is charged that Mr. Akxaader has advised op position to tht draft TMn ho denies, though he maintains that the draft k not American. Becaaae so many of thooa called for draft has* claimed exemption on the grounds of haring depend leuts, it look* aa If the government I am ill rangfil nrartlrillg mil a# fka aw. •option clauses, making It bnppaaiMt i far a married man to escape service unless H it shewn that hla family will I be reduced to actaal Want through ' hit absence. Governor Bickett predicts that tha I war will and era tha leave* of 1911 ■ fall. Opposed to tils Governor's nra • diction, haworar, art thoaa by Sao > a tor MoC amber and Judge t H. i Gary. MeCumber says fear atom Gary. MeCumbar aaya 4 more yaart; ’ Bisk Kiddle mya “shaGI and ’fo’ • Chriatm**.IU all hi tha way you I leak at It. Pops Benedict, hand af tka Roman 1 Catholic Church, boo started a am I meat for peace. Mia plan pravldaa 1 for tfw reetaratloa of Balgiam, B sates aad Rmania, and lb# aottlament af . tha Alanea Lorraine. Tront-Trtote, ■ aad Palish con Ur o verm a. Ha aha i wants provWona for MmHlii anna > mant and aafagnardi against retails r tory warfare after tha clooa of this. » AlHoa af the United Staton do not • taka Idndly to tha aoggoations for tka - reasons that they an determined to • crash tha military maehino af tha • Xatoar, believing that to tong as M I exists clvUUatton win not bo safe Washington sxpTsmm the koMaf that - tha Pope's proposals srill ba rajaet l ad. t China yaoUrday daelarad war npof • Germany and bar allies China la thi - aorontoanth nation to antar tka Rati " again at the Kniaor. The ethan ntt t Groat Britain, Prance, ttnaala, Unltot a Statoa, So lgtem, Italy, Japan, Rn mania. Sdiitea. Montenegro, Greece W c,!>V.Port—m1' SaaMarteo, Sian F. North Carttna troops tka to b a among tko *rst to ha moved to th I- European battle frvata, M waa aa a aouneod from Waohtagtan yesterday h Data of sailing wfll not bo ameaneed FAKMEBS TO FUUrr WINTU covit* cmoeg Bddsh. Awnt 14—Nothwitb standing the umhIt high prim of the need of cloven. vetch a*u HUB grain the pi—ting of the lu«w •noogo of winter cover crop* cvei piontod to North Oarallaa to beinf predicted for tho cooti^ fall. The farmer* of tho State ON com tag to o realisation of the ho post anoe of cenearring tho fertility « the soil aad of the vain, of gnm manure*, aad tho prosant Ugh priest of fertiliasn and for* product* on raepensibto for tha proop active to creaaed acreage ot IsgoniS and Oth er cover crape. This inmate to ho ing urged hy tho Department of Agri culture, tha Agricultural ExUlSos Service, State Food Conaervottoc Commission and by aU farce* wort tag for e better system of far mini Uid increased crop peodartiea ta thi State. All winter lagunas usad for covet S3Tty°5o^ri2fSi5aiA of the aofland*sImuboh the cro| planted. It to practically uaeleaa t* plut the wiateo Isromss upon aod that baa act been limed. For the post three years the farmers of the Mate have been ahte to secure Una through the PsfMtmsut of Agricul tun ot * much lower sate than from tha commaretel ttom i imumolei The Department tlh year isoiwr hat not been able to Ran Hu contract mi the old basis hue recently looted s deposit of It* term near Bridge port. Team. A crashing pleat with T“'5S«L,a£*J£iS.S tnd tho limestones will bo evaihbls to North Carolina farmers at the eM of productioa. It la eethuated than there or* 1(0,000,000 tome of Use* stone ta the deposit at Bridgopori analysing from 80 te more than M per cent calcium carbonate. Aside frem It* shsobte ■ creators far meal Isgamss, lima to recognised ■a beucActal to nractieally oil typw of mil ta this Mote, Sts addMop making mar* evaltobto the petash aad other fertilising lagredlents to the Mfl aad promoting bacterial ac tivity. It aba boa a parooptlbls ta ftvonc* on the mechanical toadlOas of the soil, tending to moke man porous and friable tha etiffer eta] soil* and to rnmpoct tho loooor sand] sails. WINTER COVER CROPS Raleigh. N. C., Aug. 14th— Accord •“ “ *~ts irfitj’sss e htfehit. Nugt teaching by winter i of this arc aeea as gullies, much of tbs soil n washed of, _ the poor crops that fallow. Then is practically nothing for stock ti grass on during the sriater, whoi there mteht be aa abundnnee. Then is very little te tors into th* asO fa the spring. In fact, the land is no* osly ones daring th* year, and Is sub Jeet to depletion th* hnlnnee ef A time. Th* winter rates often take oat a the and more plant food than A A crops which grow on H hi the soauaet As a matter ef fact, winter cove crops will largely have to be depend ed oa for building ep Aa aoU fertil ity, the summer crop usually bcia| on* that in taken from Aa soft fo food and feed porpnesn. or dhpoesi of as o sals crop. Our Southern climate Is wall adapl ed to Ae growing of winter crop) and there nr* n number ef cm which are weft adopted to our climat and toil. Bom* of Aem shoald b planted early te A* meosn. whfl others will succeed if planted Intel It le largely a question ef when A crops can bo planted as to which on should he used. On* of the meet Important thing right now is that of getting the soi ready far Ae crop. If not hi g**> tilth the tend should be well hroko and harrowed from thirty to atet Ays before the crop le plant* I. Hi proper fertffisers shea Id be applied a th* proper thus. Ooed need she ml be bought promptly, so Ant ft wi be on bond when planting time an olantln* conditions strive In othr wort*, there should be a asawai go tom rowdy on da part of linns ii them important and valuable wlatei Blowing crape. Farm Demonstration Agent* aa now being Instructed te glrs this mw ter aerioan attention. aad farmai who went lefaamettaa about tha* crops should call oa Heir Oouut Farm Dsemeatratloa Agent, or tak the matter ap with th* Agi Is el toss Extension Sots ice. Bath af than* ar available for aa*. aad eaa be of am rice to farmers who daafara it. THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A dtp, sanitary, convenient, cal stantial j when the hsaeee of th* rk and th* poor are alike cesafortab aad baamifnl; where tha street* ai clean and the sky hue la dear i country air: where tha erchkector nesDonee nf Ha buildings adds bean' and dignity te Ha stmota; where pel and dignity to Ha ctraate: whet* pail aad pkygraands are within the ram of even child; where living ia plan eat, toil Honor* We and ranee tie plentiful; whvra capital H reepneti hat not worshiped; where cearner ia good* (a grant, tort not grant than th* iatertimag* af id*aa; whe Industry thrive* and Mmi pee to« ty alike to employer end amplevw where education and art have a pU ia every bee**; where worth and a wealth give* to standing men; wha th* power of character lifts mi to lisfscshlp; whirs imtorsat la pa Ik affairs i* s tost af cHis.aahto si 1 doveties to tha pahUs want la a had of honor; whirs gevsramser k atom i heaeat and iff i Is at. m4 th* wrtm > plan democracy Aad their folk aad traeat nprsosio*: whara tl > poopi* of al the earth sen eaa i Ilf if if mm mmvi ■ ty Ufa; aad .whara aash giamaHi . win view whh to* pate to Oapsm . to th* smart a city greater, hate & 1 I u I V V > I '■<■7 Wl * v ■ •' .; j y>\ r\. ts&