Uncle Walt and the Hayn esll w Wah Muoof famous Kansas bard who has won re wwn by his awaring snrcess in twisting mere prose into poetry, has burst forth in sang again about the Haynes au> tomobile. An Old Car^’ is his thorns and it is in this wise i.as mat he writest * i [ • i | j gazftd upon an ancient Haynes all scanned nnd marred with travel stains. I gazed, upon its ancient form, which had survived the stress and storm of endless roads and changing climes, this boat so much behind the ' I asked the cheerful owner why he didn’t loosen up ■nd buy a modem car, and he replied, “1 couldn’t beat this if Itried. For seven years this good old car has hit the mghwmys near and far. For seven years it’s climbed the the hills and gamboled by the babbling rills, and pushed its way through mud and sand, and earned its keep, to bent the band. I m always saying, ‘WeU, next spring I’ll get a mod el lk car, by jmg.’ But when die gentle spring has come, and winter’s voice at last is dumb, this good old car works so serene, and drinks so little gasoline, and is so faithful and true, I wouldn’t swap for one that’s new. She’s run a hundred thousand miles, and, though way behind the sty lee, she’s sound and husky as of yore; she’ll run a hundred thousand more.” I’m not a bloated millionaire; I haven’t got the coin to spare, to buy a car each passing year, whenever fashions new appear. J cannot buy up motor cars as freely as Fd buy agars. The auto that I buy today will have to last me till Fm gray, and so I want one built to bear long years of * pore are a million folks like roe, and with my wnr^i J***®- *n»®y’r® looking for a car to last until life * fitful dream is past. ^^^“^^jjjook^ndssice at hand to «how tks Haynes PARRISH AUTO COMPANY, Dunn. high, valuable service Booth f* ■ ratio I Fog in On Bettor Iw»Ih TW the Papon ml Amy Othor State *^SnSwtft»t indicate* that tho —ppm of tho ototo era trying, ot bMt, to raadrr a high and vahjobt aarvtea. Iiprdlio of this. North Carolina papers have a eowperotive hr —all eirrnlation. which prmi that rtgordUar of tho hr efforts to Sib# hoot aowa ocrrioo aad print boot piahli papers. they have a —lira Toward than tha nowvga gon of othov States. Ia othor States BOO—opera that hare ao telegraphic osnko at aO are favored with lar or circulation, BtOVO advertising and at larger rata*. It tea »*B ootobltehvd fact that North Caro Baa poaori an giving a hotter aeartoo for tha rotara than tho gap— of any other State. Thte ia mmUm ao a rale. Than an ia tola ■tala (row. or am now, —all af toraooa dan— that an a—bm of Tha Amrirtii Proas, whore three yean a— than waa net one of this etnas. JUgnrdloa* of those facta those a— dally win ban —Her c ir es Istl island —a adroittrtng pstron aad thonforo 1— ntnrn aad profit. H la to ha drwhtrd very —ah tf there la a Nagle daily papra ia North CarrBaa —Hog man —way, at teas* anything worth while. So— are not ' loNog, while ao a rate they an —Ic ing riaaiioaiy ao pieSL Tho it*. ' eon is not hard to Sad, it b weB ! has ten among that —all cirri# of i now who know iiadiHtai, ia aad eat < of tha State, aad who ore f—I liar with tha a—pap w fan it la N— ply that the tap in have aat tha rap port toy drama aad wWrh la as- , I COCOTONE SKIN WHITN E R 25 Cent Box Free A skin bleach or whitener for dark or brown skin, removing all blemishes and cleanng swarthy or sallow complexions and causing the skin to grow whiter, don’t en w a clear complexion use Cocotone Skin Whitener and have one. WHAT USERS THINK OP COCOTONE. - _ _ *mob, Ga. Cocoton* Co. Dear Sira: Send me by return mail two boxes ef Cecotone Skin Whiten f •«<> •*»«• r»k*» ef Coco tone Skin Boap. They are fine and 1 do not rare to be without them. Enclosed ■ money order for fl.M. Yens truly, CLARA M. JACKSON. CKotom Co. Wa^mm Ca. Daar Friends: Tour Ceeetnne Skin White nor is the An set thine I «r«r ■w. My shin wee very dark and Ae Orat bos hno amde it atany shades : tefcter. sad my friends all ask me I "•‘J, beea asine- Enclosed ( red will Sad Jt.OO. Please send me J* boxes ef Skin Whiteaer end ten 1 stkso of seep. I T“”2»* M. WHITE. 1 AGENTS WANTED Montgomery, Ala. Cocotone Co. Dear Sin: I find that Coco tone »Wn Whitencr U the beet preparation I MV« over need to elear the eldn, ;nd wlrt yon would mall « two ooxae at once. (Signed) MRS. C. P. JOHNSON »• Nat Accept Sehetttntas or tod- , tatiaas THE COCOTONE CO., ' Atlanta, Ca I have never need Cocotone Skin HThitoner, bat If yea will send me e !IVe boa freo, will be pleased to try L I enclose da It stamps to eover •oet of moiling, peeking, etc. trgo-Phosphate, seed *1.00 for two centre treatment, to Aran Labe re tor ee. 10 Fnrystk St., Atlanta, Ca. , ,u«-.. i Lddrcsn____ _ I . ~ I •ones or male or mum or OtlNM MAOU SCHOOL Natit* fm kmtr ghrr* that Ul* laaH af TrMiM af Um Doth OraH 4 School wtl receive Mated bid* ap » ate. a'cleak P. M . ea the l>U> •J af 1S1T, at tka ef aa af tka aadaratsaad (kairman ta ha Taara af Data Kavtk Carolina, rC^dad £| TnMteZ r ,**. P*"*. 0r*^ WaUirt i iiMglMlI iM af lisao each, now ■—f *i—» aaa la Ua, tocHMrc. iMtaa teteaaat fw»m^ jtoio »t ,fa yy laairatlra year, tee fm af aaid m4( matartan famn after date. ■" "*Ur ry a apodal tax aubjort to the award of a majority of tba qaell. Bad court rcaMfe* Iharala,- ra tilted oo tbo let day of March. I*t7. Propoaab for add benda moat bo I aaaoamaniod by a rortiflad chock aa 1 " Pbdp af pood faith In tba na of tidd Od, payable to tfco aodvr. *batr«aa. The Beard roaarc- a g*j* Jbrbt to reject all hide. Tot C ££7 l*s ■*4*r 1 ^LTrA^TciJLL. c P-an. K. C. A opaet 14th, 1*17. b 0 —- <| Kttaao Goddard toft n roc AaaapoNa. U4., Uto U. • M. mbaot II# i ta AanapaBa, bw ad'« Wofeuionml Cards J. CL Clifford, K. a. ---■ • CUKPORD * TOWNSEND • Altenq-tl Law * Offico oa gnj Soar of Ftrot Nat- • tonal Bank. Proapt attaaUoa • l'Aob to all iu'ia • ••ooooooooo JAB. R. BlJTLER • ItialM • Sneooooor to Dr. A P. J. Lao • Offico wr WUoon A Lao's 8tom • Pboos SSL • T. E. DARDEN • Votorfaarp Ptytedan. Bargee. • uS D«n Hot. * PHONES: Dap, SO, Night, no • DUNN, N. C. • JOHN A JERNICAN • DENTIST • SS-M-S7 Flat National Bank * Building * Dona. NT C. • CABOLINA PHOTO COMPANY • W. • AS stylo* enlarged portraits * East Mala BA, Dean. N. C • E. t. YOUNG * Attorwoy-at-Law Offico tad floor Coldstete hldg. ■ Prompt attention gima btalnass * E. C. WEST • ATTORNEY AT LAW OSes; trd floor 1st National * Bank Building • Doan, N. C. • Practice In all Coorta • Proapt and Personal Attea- • Don giran aB Baatnsas • NOTICE OP SALE A Ml* of tho Uadi hereinafter de scribed haring been made by the an de reigned Trustee by rtrrue of the powere contained la a certain deed of treat tlocated by W. H. Edward*, aad wifi, te tha undereigiied Trustee which deed of treat U duly regiatcr •d U Book U4, Page 41, of there eotdii of Harnett County, aad tha last and highest hid at mid mU haring been within tea days Increased ton pea cent and the aale haring beea re opened by order of the Superior Court of Harnett County issuedJune 1»17, the undersigned TreMee will by strtua of the powers coataia *d In said deed of treat aad ta accord abee with said order of tha Ceurt toll at public auction to tha higbMt bidder^ fo^eaa^vjhg^ following d» Tawa of UUJatoa, North Carehaa, bounded ai feCewai Beginning at a ataka on the Em4 tide of Eighth Street ISO feat South frota tha center of Proat aad Eighth Street, and runa 30 feet with said Eighth Street ea tha SMt aide of •aid Street; thence at right saghe with Eighth Street aad parallel with Front Street TOO feet; thence at right angle with the last Boa aad parallel with Eighth Street 30 feet; thence at right angle with tha last lino and Eighth Street and parallel with Front Street to the beginning containing 8000 square feat esEigfcta Street aad running back frost said Street 100 feet; it being the lot and house now known as Anderson's Beef Market. , place OP SALE; Courthouse door, Ullinrton, N. C. TIME OF SALE: Friday, Sept 7, 1017. 13 o’clock M. . TERMS OF SALE: fad This 32nd day of Aug., 1017. J. C. CLIFFORD, Trustee. Under nod by virtue of the au thority contained Is • judgment ren iocvd by th* Clerk of the Superior Court of Harnett County is a special proceeding entitle d“J. T. Moore at al r*. Allan Stewart at ul" the usder ligsed eoaiaiaaioaen will axpoa* to mle at public auction to th* highest Pidder for cask os th* Ooo. Stewart Mill prom hoi described below on Fri iay, September list, 1017, at 10 *' slock, th* following doneribod ,ract of load: Adjoining th* loud* of L. Stewart, Ian. Parker et al begtaing at a corner formerly s pate oak Jamoo Parker’s in* and rune N. SO W. SO Uaka to l comer formerly a post oak. Jaa. I’arkcr’s ronitr; thence 8. 0 E. O.zt :kaias to a eoraor formerly L. Stew irt’a corner; thence N. 80 Wate 4 ■kaiaa to a stake; thaaeo M. 11 W. 1 chains to a pine boot the high water nark of tha mill pond; thence with tlgh water mark of laid mfll posd o tka run of Bald Branch: thane* Iowa aaid Branch to U Stewart’* omar; thane* with L Stewart’s lias .bout N. 11 B. 0 chains to hie eoraor; , team with his Um & SO B. about five haina to a atako Ms eoraor, thaac* Lll Wate 11 ehafate to th* beginning <1'■ Book 8. Ho. f Bag* 11. Thla A agate 01, 1017. I C. L. OUT, B. L. GODWIN, BARGAINS AT ■Bim.F.R’S Biggest Stock Ever at Our Stores THE NEED for careful buying was never more real than now when the cost of everything needed for the j farm has reached a new high level. The i kj ? 7 wiil 8° hardly a third as far as did the dol lar of 1907. Cotton at 25 cents, exchanged for other goods, means no more to the fanner than did the 8 cents cotton of ten years ago. To stretch the dollars of today over as great a buying area as he can, the man of this time must spend those dollars where they count most. All of our purchases for the last several months have been made with present conditions plainly in sight. We bought while the buying was good, with the result that we now have the largest stock ever put in our stores at prices that cannot be equaled by merchants who bought too late. Our stock includes furniture, carpets, druggets and rugs, kitchen furnishings, household goods of all kinds; guns, pistols, rifles and ammunition; watches, clocks and jewelry; bicycles, bicycle parts and tires. Ford accessories and uto tires; Sentinel roofing in one, two and three-ply —the three-ply guaranteed for 10 years; wire fencing for farms and poultry yards; pumps and pump parts, hemp rope; window glass; sewing machines and a wide variety of other things allied with our lines. is t « _ I we nave some especial Darg&ins in dinner sets, Crex rugs and druggets, stoves and ranges, and our stock of brooms, chinaware, glass and enamel ware is worth com | ing to see. And you should examine our line of mattress j es and springs before making a purchase elsewhere. Our sewing machines are the Free and the White—none bet ter anywhere. We have, too, a number of second hand machines of different make in excellent condition. These can be bought very cheaply. All of our bicycles are stand ard makes. We carry parts for them and operate a first class repair shop in connection with this department. We will be more than glad to serve you at any time and in any way. Be sure you come to see us when in town. BUTLER BROTHERS DUNN, NORTH CAROLNA SOBER WORDS FOR CITIES War or no war, farming not re main on a bade of profit to the farm er alee he will not farm. The boat thing for the eoaatry is for all of ne to on aomo thought to tha food problem—city people ia cities aad forme re Hi the country. It Is a national problem and con cern* ue all; H ia oven a world prob lem, since imneo greater than before over hong la tha balance may be decided by the crops of the United States. It is, 1 venture to soggtst, more a city than a rural problem. They Have Not Cored The cities have never paid any affective attention to the matter of getting their own food after H had been prods cad They have left the took to any oao who cared to oagaga in It, aad have never ehargod the work with any public duty or service. They have see* tha farmers halted by manipulated market* to ship their grain*, fruit*, vegetable*, and Hve ■toek into maalpuated glute, to the and that the prod near anight bo fleeced. They have not cared. The farmer*’ perishable product* hav* boon left to rot ia earn, aad then emptied into river*; aad tbs city cen itimer has paid Ugh prism for the tame products, while bill* for unpaid freight hove bean Beat the shippers instead of shocks and the city cafaa we been unruffled. Neither havo cities seemed to behove that H was anybody's urban bod ices when the grain groware have omplaiaed, year after year, that their inipnnwan iwnww o y in^w ttw lata a fow gnat terminal ntrketr, whan they an prayed upon ip tan tfanae as any middleman as !aa da aay asafal work aa than. Nor have thn eKiea earad whan tka >iaan hare rampkkrd that tka rradlag af grain, often la the hands tf corrupt political machines, has •can atrtet to the farmer sad liberal « the middlemen. The fanaan here sever been tack led that they have sot anything Ilk* i fair deal from the avenge ram abate* merchant. They hare follow Id ahlpmiat after dhfpwaat which hay hava aaaa rtaka by the cam akatoa merchant through the dapte riek af fraod stoat ratarna. that place* tha food supply in the hands of a clique for the purpose of ■klnniag tha farmer also given tha same clique tho power to rob the city c oaeuaeor. A deep and brooding dtorouateut and raaaataMat have taken poeeeeion of the farmers because of thie—a diacontent that hi Incraaaiag iu bit terness year by year. Tha framers have left tha load aad gone to the eitiee by million*. The cities might have retarded this emigration by paying a tithe of the attention to toe sources of thetr food ■opply that they have paid to their witter supply. Oae of the recent aeaaatloae of the cities waa a sudden rise hi the price of onioaa to twenty canto a pound, about six time* the usual pries. U the cities had gene to tha source to aee how much of this rise want to tho oaloa grower they would hove found that ho eras receiving five eeala a pound, a riso in price of about fifty per cant. Ne Snppert to Law Secretary Houston aaye: “A full aad utMscUn explanation of pre vailing prices k not possible on tho basis of existing knowledge.” If and wishes to know Just what ha —tint Im any Judge by the fact that about that time tha Federal Trade Commie •ion naked of Conggreee—end failed to get—aa appropriation of |400,0«0 to pay tha expense of aa investigation of tho production, ownership, manu facture, storage and distribution of foodstuffs. “It is only recently,” said the Secre tory, "that agencies have bean ereat •d in tho country to study food pro wry facta to oeaMo aa to arriie at tha truth ” That la, tha Federal Trade Cnanwlwlaa haa inqnialtorial »»*n aad awy axamin* hooka, ‘fchrrt tha food sappy i« located, aha owao It, what may bo tha dlA caltka ef wcurinf It, whether ttw local conditiona are duo to car abort iw,whether theta ia artMeial maalp »lotion or control ao na aaa utalo with cortoiatjr." The Macratary of luricakaro wanted that lu/catintion ty tha Federal Tiada CowmiaaTon in irtw^ht thaoa facto wight be oar UatU tha* are we ahaN nut know to at hat H b tka farawr who ia tha rood dictator or aowowao nearer tha rubllo Miaare. flood faith, frterxtuhtp. clone, direct wiatioaa with ttw forworn— aA thaao atwt ba aatobhahad by tha ettlea. IM ham taka aa thatn any tost: ' lot Uabea Mea, aad aa* dla; aad lat wt hia woa ha faw.”—Harhart Qeiak adorn! Load Bank Board, la tha la today Beaalag Feat. - —-— -=> UNCLAIMED LETTERS Letters remain in* in the post once *!»£■■*• N. C UNCLAIMED fo, »s«k sndfaiB Ssptanbor lat, 1617. Wl11 1— Altman, Y. J. 2— Andrews, Lonnie. 3— Bale?, Rev. G. Met). / 4— Barefoot. G. M. / 5— Barefoot, A. D. ,| «— Barefoot, N. B. 7— Boykin. B. C. 8— Breedln, James A. ^-BrrwiagUin, Bud. 10— Bridrea, Bee. D. P. , 11— Brock, J. C. 1 12— Byrd. Naohar. IS—Dunn, J. A. • j 14—Dunn, R. C. 18—PoHoo, John 18—Golden, Xilx. 17— Gain. H. T. 18- Leo, Mr. 8 D. H c- F D > W. B. X 21—McLasd, H. D. s* ^2—H«tthew«, H. K. It 2*—Pattareoa, A. D. (i: 24—Pattcrioa, A. ‘ D. a. 28—Psmf, L. V. 2«—Reasot, J. B. 27— Smith, «. N. 28— Smith, R. J. 1 80—Tart, N. X. • 3' Weetbrouk, a W. 32—Brewinaton. Mr*. C. C *3—H1*'"’*. Mho Jarin. S4—C^rdaer. Alice. Bpociol IWivwj **—CA^nor, Mn. AUea. *•— Hatcher, Mrs. Sarah E. H—Jackson, Miaa Vaela j *8—Johnson, Mra. D. G. • 30—Kerr, Mian Emma. d» 40— l«e, Miaa LIHor. , 4‘—Honda, Mn. Adna. f 42—Patterson, Mias Ioh 0 48 PaUison, Mias Lola , 44—Boons. Miaa Cartha. 4»—JorraR, Him Bertha. 4«—3«rrl'>«, MMa Mary 47—WHaa, Miaa A. A. If the ahmm letters am act claimed •••k* «»•» wW ho Met to the DivWon of Dead Letters for 8nal disposition. Tur KVOKHU T. LEE, Postmaster Chorlen H. Randall, the wtll-r* ■MBbarwl "Ra^” of th. oldD.7. *“»»■ hw loot waak a. !?"*? !? p,le*» froa* Hopewell, Va m,t*r a»raral gaara aa aa ■batrlcUa for the Atlantic Caaat Una and the Dupont Powder com pay. W now a amber of tha Hop. *•“ Am deportment. Ha haa wot Jf** •» tat JnMtr which Bade Mb aa popular with Dana in mil* •hOt >a th. carlo oe public po5i2m bo bald hare, and ha prowa laaa *rwtp" with tha appromFaf “oH i**.” J. N. John*.a haa Blind hta aleck <«ma^ Into tha Bara on than Mead atraat, natfl iwwdi eerupUd ? rEJil£f'*a‘ ^ "* *"