THE DUNN vol. rv _ Dubs, N. C., KUhfc tAULt StlN I TO PENITENTIARY TOAVERTLYNCHING Ckargtd Wlti» Attempted Crim inal Assault on Miss Ade laida Jeffreys Yoeea Wosnan Attacked At Heme sad ie Uninjured Beyond Net-roe* Shock. Charged with attempted criminal assault upon Miss Adelaide Jeffreys Rule Cagle. negro, 26 years ok), war ■treaded 8aL, near Linden, brought to prison hero and hurried to ths peni tentiary two hours Later to avert his being lynched by a mob then forming. Mian Jeffreys wai attacked by an unknown person in the hack yard of tho Jeffrey’s homo at tho southern edge of town about 10 o’clock Fri day night ITer assailant throw a doth over her brad to stifle her cries, dragged her to a com (told some dis tance from tho house and left her unconscious. 8hs sms found early Saturday morning, lying on her face and In an unconscious condition. She was unable to give any description of her assailant. Miss Jeffrey's discovery came after an all night search by nearly a hundred men who were summoned by the alarm given Immediately aftar her absence from homo was discov *J^d at 10 o’clock. She and her sister had been sitting on tho porch. Near 10 o'clock bar sister want to her room to retire. When Mins Adelaide did not follow within a few mlnntoa her aistac called ta her but drew no response The sister than want to look for her. 8he lighted a lantern and searched through the yards, calling loudly as the searched, but could And no trace of the girl Then a general alarm was given and Beyond a few bruises and a vio lent shuck to Bar nerves Miss Jeffrey* waa not Injured. Examination by Dim Micks and Sexton Saturday morning disclosed that ae criminal as sault waa atade. her attacker evident ly having been ecarod away by the erlaa of the aearching slater. Blood hounds aunounsd from Baa ford and carried to where the young >ady waa found followed a tracknhat led U the horn* of Ruf* and Alex -JfisSSr bat ware later ralssmad wtwnT^Bb Innocence waa proven. They, how ^^JgrLJold_that_ltufe had gone to ’ Iwilgae, Monde and Harper. The hounds there again took (he trail of Rafe and he waa captured at Adame ferry. Ruf* waa brought here, protesting hie innocence. A fow mlnutae after « o'clock he wee lodged in the town prieon. By 5 :S0 several hundred man had gathered around the prison and were openly threatening to take the negro out for a lynching, and due! of Police Bam and Sheriff Turling ton decided to tend him to Raleigh for safety. Mike Rose, with his spoedy car. was pressed Into service. Xiko backet! quietly Into the little alloy m fix>ni of the prison. A bevy of oAeon formed a line from the prison door t< the smiting car. They drow theii truns and ordered the crowd tc star* back. The negro was hustled to tht car aad the poworful machine lurch ed ahead. The angry mob surgec forward; some one yelled “shoot Mir boy*,” and a fusillade of shots rant oat, but the car did not atop. Bj • xigrag course through town ft dodged1 pursuers until it emorged In to the open country beyond the Tilgh .man mill. Between thoro and Bonsai It was chased until it dodged Into at uufreqnentod road and escaped furth cr pursuit. Ruf* Cagle will be returned ti Harriett at the next term of erlmina court to b* tried for hix lifo. LAST TEAR’S FOREST FIRES IN HARNETT COUNTY Report* on forest flree during 1910 for the various township* of Harnett County have been received and com piled by the State Forester. Fourteen correspondents replied from 10 townships, who reported 28 Area which burned over 22,075 acres. It is estimated that 220,000 fast ol merchantable timber wars destroyed veined at 91,070; and that >1,491 acres of young growth wera burned over, valued at 910,990. Other pro ducts and improvement*, such as oord wood, lumber, etc., destroyed bi these Ares amounted to 11*0,021.. It 1* estimated that 93,190 was spent in effort* to extinguish these tree The total estimated loss reported frora these Aroa was 91203*0 A study of the causes of them Arm shows that 6 were caused h) banting brush, 1 was set by hunter* * by railroads, 7 by lumbering camps and 10 warn of unknown origin. The people of Harnett County cat not he I n differ* n l to such losses, ea pecially when these beet informs* opon the matter claim that mo* ol these Arm could have been prevent ed by proper measures. When it la res limed that one ol the State's chief assets is her forvet and that many of her principal In dustrtea are depoadent upon the pro doeta of these forests, the joopardls tng net only of our present tlmbei supply but also of our future sup plies hacemm a very serious matter The etUhdahment of an olfocthre ays tern of forest Ore patrol by the Stab would do much toward olhnkaatini the waste; and, in view of the fac that Arm do not recognise state o: county lines, such a system shout be under 8tat. ^.pvrvfsioa. It t hoped that the people of Hanot County will become amused to thi situation and sea to U that their rep rssmtativss In the next T-ogi*la.jr are alive to the laiportance af thi 11 NATIONAL NEWS i: OFAWEEK i; | What A Busy Nation it Doing i J ’ In Wartime ! ! _ _i i A revolution of f,000,000 aialrim tonta, nation-wide Id mom, betted by th* L W. W. and 48 affiliated MS ktanj rations, Including th* Working Clan union. In which it waa planned to apply th* torch t* email cilia*, nhoot officers of th* government and demoralise co mistral cation waa plan ned for July 87 last, according to tha testimony Monday of Will Hoovar, state wltoaaa In tea trial of 11 a liv ed anti-draft agitator* from control Oklahoma. .,^3*2!!^7** U »»d th# United State* democratic govanuaent w P*rtkul*r> United States Senator R°*>ert **. U Follatta of WbvaolB addressed a large gathering at Toledo Monday under tha auspieo* of “Tha People'* Church” mad* up of Social lot* headed by Prof. Scott Naariag. Mr- la Follatta attacked the Aam can press, declaring that American newspapers are for the moat part con trolled by tha “srar party,** th* financial interests of th* country. Congress began yaaterday what members hop* la their ho ana-stretch In a race toward adjournment Be an Its of tho weak probably will de termine whether th* aparlal war aao •lon can and, aa la tha gonaral aim and understanding, between October 8 and It. Increased to almost eight billion dollars, the urgent deficiency bin. aaid to be tha largest appropriation measure ever presented In aay na tion. wv favorably reported to th* _*_ hi_I_ft__. al committee. Coal mines in Tennesscm emt other sections of the country will he taken over and operated by the govsrn ment should th* operator* and mines fail to agree oa a settlement of *f3»Mae st a eonfereaee wUch Dr. QarfleM, fuel director for the rmempest, has caBsd to mast Thursday. “If 1 were this arisuts a -aiaibsi of th* United States senate I weaM he ashamed to sit is that body until I found out some method of deurlsiag Senator LaFoIlatte of his seat la that 1 which he now disgraces by lei Theodor* sident Wilson approved" a scale* of quotations fixed fn a voluntary agroe ment mads by producers with the war industries board. Th* general public, as well as the American and allied governments, will risers la th* reductions, which go is to immediate affect, aad tbs agreement provde* that produce re shell not rodaco wage*. How Germany “shamefully abused and exploited” the protection of th* United States by secreting la th* German legation at Bushaiast, after the American government had taken charge of Germany’s affairs at tbs Roumanian capital, quantttim of powerful explodes* for bomb plots and deadly microbes, with instruc tions for their us* in destroying horses and cattle, was revealed Sun day by Secretary t-aeeteg For the first tlau lg many months real interest in th* boss* proceedings , wee injected Into that body Monday when Representative Norton, of Norte Dakota, arose to a queation of the “Ugboat privilege" and demanded of Representative Heflin, of Al»l«iw, 5?“* explain his utterance on th* ! floor losrt Friday to th* effect that ha anenertrd several members of that body with being disloyal to this gov. , srameat, if not actually conn*oted I with the Baraitorff "slush fund.” The West Virginia “quarUa-month” law. which permits the bringing lota tea State of on* quart of liquor ouch • month, does not violate the Federal “bona dry” act, according to t d*. I SK?n <*°w» by Federal Jndg* t Keller. Th* court bald that th* Fad . oral statute preMbita interstate com marc* in Hqsor, but does not apply I to interstate transportation aa eoa I stitutad by tha bringing in of liquor , for personal use. r --- • MRS. PRICE ENTERTAINS TEACHERS AT DUKE Mlu Nary W. Wad* W. M. Holme*. i hi Sebeel Daka. Sapt. 0*rld Price entertain ad at her homa Saturday VT” ’•*- member. of the Primary 2rsss&5.,se*sASc •d bf Mw. PrW md Ulm E«UlSi 'ey- Game* were eajoyad and a froMe on tha Mwa ia f Jont <* the homo. Ico eroam and caka war* aorved In tha dining room. la addL «°« *• **• department tha rector Bar. Lewie Cheater Morrison waa present. A photograph of the part* waa taken after tha refresh ments ware aerrad. Tern day owning Bapiambai the 18th at the home of Mrs. E .8. Yar brough. MMa Mary Wsodard and Mr. W. M. Holmes ware quietly married la tha preaenca of • wry faw elm frienda Mr. Yarbroagh performed Um aaremony. Kha Woodard Me recently come la Doha from Header eon and la quite attraetJw and hand •owe. Mr. Rohnot haa baan connect M with the Erwin Cotton MUM Co lor aomothno. On aeeonat af mm leatnaatiaaa la tha teaching feree of tha grad id the following ehangaa will hi Mr»- J. f. Lynch haa haoa tmk* tha third grade, and Mtaa tha ten Hoover of Crowe* aril haw tha aawath and algW aradi* Behwl win eomamaca STflSdS of October 5,000 MEN WILL BE DRAFTED IN STATE TO ENFORCE ORDER GormMr Bickett Proclaims AU Mm From 18 »o 48 As 'Unorganisad Militia.” to Hen at Lu>l U Caard, a ad Larger Cantor* WiU Hava Mara Raleigh N. C., Sept. 28.—In a proclamation Issued tonight Go*. Bickett iarokae active service of tho ‘‘unorganised militia” aa constituted by aa act of the last General As sembly ratified March 0 and consist ing of all mala chiton, of the State ages of it and <6, the call including those 81 to 45. The Governor propose# to draft 6,000 ■on from this unorganised militia with not lose than 86 men to aay county and bigger companies for the larger oountiea ■Maadietetr Frame lUgalettewo. Tbe regulation, for the .elective draft are to be immediatel, framed end the draft accomplished with tho bast pomibly delay in all tho eoun 5*a Condition, now prevailing in u** Governor declares, make thb move aecemary et thb The plan to one that waa worked out ter direction of the Gov F***S**SM day, ago and approved ^ *** Connell of Oofcoer. Among the conditions that are (pood ing up the formation of the mttIU. compsnUe are the crime, committed a ferj>«7" in Wake, Vase, narwett aad thirham counties, all of which stirred hundred, of people to ■ob yietowcs If the criminals wbo committed tha __i___ It T* Pr*lKt PoilMtkfT ffiSSrXSmt, the "ptace ofeafetV to which erinluU ue breaght to hoop mobs from thorn and a particularly largo special -.ill, taiy force le contemplated for Bai sigh aad Wake on that account to 6etar camUaatloni of mob movements from different counties to force even the Stato Prison under some ciretun Ahraodv than le formed a formid able opedal company of ooloctod dti for service of this oort to #ni tbo State rones W. Young am Moody directing toe I “ ' to and jtnd^hej^rc _j-'a fiwIsuslifB. Tbe proclamation by Gov. Biekett follow*: "Whereas, It baa beau made to ap pear to mo that conditioos now pre vail withla the State calling for tbe uae and ears Ice of so effective forte far too maintenance of peace and order, “Whereas, tbe companies compos ing toe organized State Guard ere now absent from the Stato. ha vise been duly called Into too National service and, "Whereas, by an act by toe last General Assembly, entitled ’an act to revise the military lain of the State and increase the efficiency of tho mi litia' redded March 6, 1*17, all able bodied male eHlaene of the State and all able-bodied mala residents therein who have signified their pur pose to become ettiaaae between the agee of IS and 46, Unices excepted ^7 epeeial law, are constituted and declared to be tbe un-ornnized ml IItU of the Stato and made subject to the call of tho Governor for the pnipoee indicated.’ ’'Now, therefore, I Thomas W. Biekett, Governor, by virtue of au thority vested in me hr tbe general law* and more especially tbe provi*. Iona of mid act, do make this my proc lamation and call into tbe active ser vice of the StsU the said un-organ li ed militia ae described aad designated la eald act between tho ages of 11 and 46 to the number of 6,000, not lose than 16 ineny one county and the remainder to bo apportioned to the larger counties as the Govern or may rise Ignats, to bo so looted by draft aad forthwith organised aad equipped as provided by said statute and too reguhtioBs to b« immediately fmnM BBfl nnKIUKa/1 M ■very town and city In tb* country will have on eal* noon a dan of the two bl IB on dollar* worth off war sav ing* certificate* just authorised by Cnngraaa Beorwtary MeAdoo an nounced tonight that the certificates, la daaaorinaUena aa low aa flv* dol lar*. bearing four per cent Interest and maturing la five yean, will be jamNd la blocks from time to thnv. beginning aa quickly aa plana can be Spokesmen foe tb* nation’s organ I ted farmer* have asked President Wilson to order a more liberal ap plication of th* army draft law to farm labor la order that agricultare «»ay do Ha part in the war. They urged that the government net only MnakJ exempt men wh* apply, but should make M its boats*** to keep •killed farmer* out of the military ••rvice and require them to r*a*aln at their poets aa producers. MU. A. B. CRUMPLES DEAD Last Friday night, after several n«n of poor health sad several day* of trhieaJ filnena, Mr*. A. B. Crump ier passed away. The burial took plae* oa Saturday, and was conducted under tb* aamHoee *f Rev. D. 1. Earnhardt and Moaaette Lee. Mr* Cruanler was fifty-*ne yeen of age, Md had been married thirty yean- She tree a member of Um Methodist church, and a woman of •aunuaBy fine Chrlotiaa character fn waa before marriage Mim UM {• Underwood, a daughter of the lat« Jaceb Underwood Oenainc lymas Uiy to .steaded Mr. Crumpler and U fmjiftjfby^Mrtr many frienda—Samp NEWS OF CAR Brief Mention Tarheel Preliminary hast Means on a warrant leitor Harden Cl with the murder King, wealthy wii acted aa business at Concord Monde; Magistrate Palmer. Jbe state aaaoui hare Moans bound Jury for tbe m who was myetsrio sd, August 29, ‘ of this nlaa a roi and pathologists Chicago aad far hare takas co-operating Hear Yerh. Mrs. tnd WiUnm notbar sad b rep resen tad by _ Doflss of Atlanta lengthy eoaferan Lion, which p»aet_ With tbs prison lighted, thirty or guards anas'1 trolling the toward the i_ l Gatling Goa -_At--del Rev. mi Cen tenary South. Greensboro, pastorate as a result of of immorality which, it is could act deny. Police officers, it 1* claimed, t«<i found the minister hi a bo dm of pros titution in a room with a negro wo man. It was charred that ha viaita to the house had been froqaent. Mr. Bennett did not deny the charges. A meeting of tht governing board of the church foDePed. and Mr. Basi net t’s dismissal «*• Prompt- Chargee will be preferred aceiast him at the approaching samba of the Western North Carolina Ceoforcnce which will meet hi NovembW at Asheville, and hit dismissal from the church is ex pected to follow. Charlie Willing the negro airast ed at Franklintsa, aa a suspect la connection with f*c*nt criminal as aanlt earn In BoMth. and who has been hold by th* Baleigh nolle*, was Monday turned seer tha the author! tiea of Fmnhli»«P. With this ad mission by the p*M that there H ns OTldcaff upon wbtn WIUajbs but Im held with the crlm* for which a mot attempted to lynch Karla Ns sills they are perfecting the arid* ace which wiU be Introduced to oooviei the negro for i capital offense or October 8. Capers While, post office employee who left Baleigh recently, after hav Ing been invmti^ted by the Waki eoonty grand Jury fer his conneetioi with the sale of boor fas Raleigh, aw whoee abaenco brought constdarabli speculation a* to bis continued was elation with the feet office, has tan dared formally Ws resignation U Postmaster Bart M. datum. riuuiiun VPllUK WRITES or DUN» A dr legate to Ike convention tram Patktan writ** a hit impression* q( Dqiui to tko Lon hcrton RoWonlai a* follow.: "Two day* laat wank waa epaet I th* thriving elty of Dun, In aem {any with aw partor. Bar. H. 1 PorUr, making th* trig through th country In kia car and Inking in th PayattortU* dktikt Sunday Sehoc confer* nc*. "Th* p*opl* af Dua an aa toy* Md hoepitabh ahtaaa at Onr hon», white that* warn with M: and Mr*. A. L. Nnkny. Mr. Nan berry la a format Payottar^B* ha] who ha* eput th* laat twenty yaw of hi* lif# ip Dana, engaged In th manufacturing af tarnltar*, and h* atado quit* a nmtat. "The atiaeta er* freqhly paved aa walk *hall sloaa rvory atdi **“<^*od etrort rf th* town wfl] 1 Pwad. We roald *ay many flattavi* <hla«* In regard ta th* town mat wW ataadlag it te not *0 much at a mm ufaeturtng town, aa than te no eo tm milk than, bat th* tawa k bacl ml by th* taaat farming country a hae* ever eaon. Cotton n»d tohaaq «orn, aaaa, potato** and paanata. k viewed hundred* of that would ay Th* aaaaona tor In that COTTON EMBARGO SHOULD NOT LOWER PRICE TO FARMER E*port» to NoutraJa Hava UttU Eflwct Ob Grow Ship—i ltd TU* Year** Crap C—*-*i ahl) Laat Tfcaa Qnaaftftty Cmmw4 Laat Yoor Tka to-called embargo oa cotton to neutral* aboald hare mal If any tfoct apoD tfce rou mourn* el. la too opinion of Cfanoce Pooler. Aa ttwnat Secretary of Afikiltaura who haa iaaaad a aUtaaaant aa the aabject. with aa analytic of the ataUetieal petition ihowta* that thia year'* prt daction la coapiderably (alow laat rear'* takinga. Mr. Ooaky'a atato laeat followai ExjMrta a Moatrale Mat fatHha. “It la painfal to obearre that they* are dm trie an cidacna who for gala or hi prejudice would dhtort the troth la regard to the ragufeien of cottoa wyirti to nentrala. Of coant to# export of eettoo to aontrth It not forbidden; K la to to ceadaed to denaaatntad noada for aataal can mpthi in order to prevent cottoa from marking oar anrmln, the Cea Jtnl Powora. Laat part export* to aJheoontrlaa other than Fzaaoe. Italy. j^wSTm^lM^toha; jnTl few day* ago to the 4raat"th7aw£a£ 10 wouW pat off the #00*0*0 bale#. Aa the_„ j mw moving it la well for aa to know experts Jar ths season 1911-14 (ths raw Won tha w) and tha aaasoa «f 1916-17, tar ‘ ' ~ ■tatM tan ef tha Wi “Tha total . _ wan 9,16*300; tat i*4T.ML Badass -t. _ raw. is UUOU. It sS ha asaa - : «« w toj parts ta Italy . >21,162 bales. It la plain ta ha that other countries are nyyiyl's loach naall part of the trade as Sail land has lost and that ths substantial diffi I “Therefore, It to okrrimm KKtOed trHtffo Ml tto lUystBi of cotton to neatralo la itsolf wiO not ma tensity awsa: question is m _ shla to tap ta tha aeatnla, bat arhat wo mar h able to tap to eaaa trisa permitted to roooiea freely. As ta that, tha only elaaaant of doubt is tha amount bf tonnage available. Thors is nothing in the prompt situa tion to warrant dm few that tha eouatriaa which received cotton last rear will not receive —bataatiaWy as much this yaw. Tha submarine menace has wet been removed, but it seems ta be dimhiieMug in a rela tive sense. The latest dependable calculation shews that tha not do crease of tannage on tha present building eoadMaas wfll not exceed two and a half mUUoa tone a yeai and it is fair ta aasuam that at tha peasant rata of doatrwetisa of tap ping cotton will ho sxnortsd during 1917-16 la volume nearly, if net quits equal to tha votumo of 1*16-17. It is w reasonable to anticipate peace before soother crop can bo grown aa ta anticipate the eomplate w gnat Omul hr A* ArriUb Cettee “With tha pram at eng of 11,4*9, 000 bale*, with o reeoed of 7,491AM . kales taken la tha United Rates last 1 year, with an niyrnidmteiHy ml carry-over from 1914-17, wMh Lint . pool and costteentalstocka aatty M«, 000 bates tea* than teat yaar. will stocks of dry mad* tew aswjwhtn and a certain fa man of dswasid b , tha United States doe to tha mohlUs lag of tw* atUBea so Idlers withla 11 ’ months and onppbbw thaw witl ' khaki and teats, thara to ns mm whatever for dart* that thara wU l b* demand far all tha American 0*4 - too in right available for export • Laat year American takings wan i 7,491,6m, and test yaarte^ortn %, i 947.141, arnktag B total of 1M**, I tM hates or •19.960 more than tb satlmntod crop of thte yaar. A 11 1 par east daettoa la both exports an - domsriie •oaaampUon wtril no '• ami tha fllffareans htnn In - |4Wli Mtejp and thla year's eroj As abend? shown there fa no aponi • cat mm far a dacha# hi 3£w • • A h • K ► i zxr£.'E.’'3sural a stacks wareaaeara* tew an at arms i, 'Tram tbaaa facto It madidwnaa a that a Map of lM<H),ooo or ev« a }*,0O0AM hates thts year wU M s. I Its id tha world’s eager dsmsad, « b teM mm safsraaaaa sola wit? shoal L bafalL : A WEEK OF THE WAR ; Dispatches from AU Front* UUd Down Violent attack* by th* wUm of tbs Gorman Crown Man -g~tte1 •ha no» French position* northeast of Verdun on Monday warn ehoakod with haary laaaaa hy Qaaarnt Fatin’* amn and tha Oarmaaa gained nothing. The aaanoha hagnn wtth an attack on a front of about n mil* and a quarter aortb of th* Beta Lm "imai Only la th* aantar of the anaittlna Mne wore th* Oanaaao able to roach Vkandi fought valiantly and remained asaitsio of tha Mtnntloa after indict ■nahoory tsssss on tha TTnwai •f tha nMmat^KaniMNmbeQion'ha* l»St colmum ofrrrslatlsns and teterviowo wite the eUof actons in th* revolt JMeh h lyxylkabh. It Fraamr Tcrcatey and 0 moral Xomh MT for th* MteHhtan I of a ■tom* government pmcadad Mm ro hoOoa. Th* march of Oonocal B hFi troop* on the capital in to hnva bom part of n That pham of tho hattlo of whit occawto battle of Msmia rood, was Imguly a matter afite local fighting wmatiO la a paint want of Tbvt HnmU4a On m hJatarle hatUefldM which ■iff into the Mgy fcw an gsngrga^iygg g impowribl/to Ufl th«tirorid7wrt*wWr« than men an, who the* an, or what they an doing to farther the intar oots of the ontonto eHlod enaoo, hot it way bo Hid o« authority to fnoiidi at home that they an a credit to the otan and itrlpee which for the Bril thna ia hietory fly over a camp oi American aotdien ia that part of the war-wracked world. Boom of then have boon wotfcag eoattnaalty ia a aowo covorod by the Germaa gnaa and oimady two of their namher hovi boon wounded, a tart whereof the] on evnedlagli proud. _ 1th ganwrnly pointed owt by thi Stsry£*2sss\^: h, rtw of Ma MMattad. taaa m3 •pint ia ooHndtrtfae to Pnodanl wkoa’a reply to the pope and alec ob account of the abonco of el vOMcauoD of Germany*! oaaawiea. ANNIE CARTER BEANS JAMES WITH A LAMP MM Im» Ikk Mdd 1-- Titrkf|inilit i!i •Ml cate. aad Aaaia Carter ra»oaa k »ri—w aa tea tmllof i gmnm “nateteoaV'tete MwMftrktft1" Aa "*•. Carter did mote of tea dana* waildia# a loan far Jtmmf aaalah ■oat aM a katfa far Bala’a wooadi JftadjMww War telmU jsra^vrc?: Ua haad aad Bala waa cat aboa tea ana aad abaaldara. Iccm n prate i i tea baMaf teat ba ana date bat A Bate aaid H waai't aa, teat ab had ">tet bate In arU a lA Xmmp." ; I wry badly. A keen at — iUu)m . h ths teste Ax*d kha il right JSsFWtS'S'S’K baTora Jadca Mte Thmraday Man *■*_ _ MaMMMaMaMaMii^Maaa^teteaaa dte ter t waa baU by a d d»M»aHy tea_f« I m 1 el 1 —wy 4 i'*.-.. p£ te KS. i i SjS ’ -k»t U*. potot «f ; KSSfJTSZ.'Stjm£ I lac bewto' * I »«H attoUlf i t at mr porta. TVa - bain" iMda • ilto.-iloa aad I flto l-n4an af ■ a«n u i Umm ,_ >- t* ia4at OM (rtM < tko hi*T5to™|_

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