THE i«?riigr?a=^g—-1- ■ -x. ...p ,— VOL. IV 4 BILLION DOLLAR LIBERTY BOND SALE IS NOW UNDERWAY Secretary McAdoo Telia What The Money U Needed For War Ceaaet IU Wn WItkont As. lira Caspars tion af All Paapla ooosooooo * THE UBIETY LOAN • * Far tka purpose of—a* sipping • * uilk anno, clolUaf aad food * * oar soldiers wko koro kaoa * * aallad to tka Ealdi—ecsislaie- • * lap aar Nary aad aar sailers * * upon tka klgfc aaasi—prarld • * lap tka asooossry aaoao to * * pay tka sregaa af our soldiers * * aad tallooo aad. if tka kill asp • * » nil| la tka Caapross pass- • * so, tko amatkly allow nos so for • tka support of ikoio dapaedaet * * families aad to supply tko so * * witk Ilfs Ussaroaco!—ooastrus. * tkap a Boot af morokant vssilll * * to aooiotaia tka lima of eaet- * * maalcatioa witk ear troops • * ia Franco, cad to kocp aar * * af tka Gamaaa sakas sriaaat— ■ * Croatia| a groat East af sore- * * pianos, sc kick sriU grrc none- * * plots supremacy la tka air te * * tka United Status aad tka ns- * * tious Epktlap wick, as a pa ins I * * tka German military was seat * * aad far etker aaaacaary war * * ■ E ■ e e e *B Tbe Co agrees of the United States ban authorised tbe Secretary of the Treasury to sell to the American peo ple bonds of ths United States bear ing four per cent Interest, with val uable tax exemptions, and convert ible ends*, certain conditions into other larMe af Ifefted'Statae bonds thJL Stay be asrtbormad by the Con greaa. The1 official drcuW of the « Dspariwfniptvaa fajl d£ talk. „ • v7T > * * • * There Is noV offered to the A» 'Iff,UXL^°' Second Liberty Loan. They will be issued in such denominations and up on such terms that every eldxao will have an opportunity to assist the Government by leading hie money up on tbe security of a United States Government bond. It la essential to tbs sue cam of tbe war sad to ths support of our troops that times loans snail not only be subscribed, but oversubscribed. No one is asksd to donate or give hie money to the Government; but ev eryone if asked to lend his money to tbe Government. Tbe loans will be repaid in full vfith inter eat at tbe rate of four per cent per annum. A Government bond is the safest in vestment la the world; it Is as good aa currency and yat better, because the Government bond bean interest and currency does not. No other in vestment compares whh it for safety, ready convertibility Into cash, and unquestioned availability as*collater al security for loans In any bank In the United States. “People by thousands ask the Treasury constantly bow they cam help the Government la this war. Through the purchase of Liberty Bonds every one ean help. No more patriotic duty ean be performed by thaoe who cannot actually light upon tbe field of battle than to furnish the Government with the necaaaary money to enable it to give our sol diers and sailors all that they require to mako them strong for the fight sad Am nmXlh a# «r4nninm m asml#» ulalaaa over oar enemies. “We fight, first of ell, for Ameri ca's vital righto, the right to the unmolested and unobstructed nee of the high sees, so that the surplus products of onr farms, our mines and oar factories may be carried into the harbors of every friendly nation la the world. Our nrolfaro and pros perity as a people depend upon ear right ef peaceful Intercourse with all the nations . of the earth. To abandon these rights by withdrawing oar shpe and conuaeres from the seas upon the order of a rettery demot In Europe would destroy prosperity and bring disaster and humiliation upon the American people. "We fight to protect our citrios against assassination and murder upon the Ugh asm while ire the penes ful exercise of thorn righto demand ed by international law and every Instinct and dictate ef humanity. "We light to premise onr demo cratic institutions and our sovereignty m a nation against tbs menace ef a powerful and rsthleas military auto cracy beaded by the German Kaimr, whom ssshition is to dominate the wnr|<l "We light aim for the noble Meal ef universe] democracy and liberty, the right of the smallest and weak est nations equally with the meat powerful to Hv* and to govern them es hree according to the will ef their own peeale. "We fight for peace, for that Just and lasting penes which agonised and tortured homenlty crave* and which not the sword nor the bayonet of a military despot bat the supremacy ef vindicated right alone can restore to a distracted world. "Te secure them ends 1 appml to *Tn7 man and eroama whs rnaldea upon the mil of free America and •■Joy* the *•*—7lr|- ef has priestess Institutions to JoTa the League ef rahtoto by pore haring a Liberty : NATIONAL NEWS :: OF A WEEK ' : -- -_ - < > . < i J WWABuijfN»tio« ia Doing ! In Wartime i i Twenty-levee pareooa are known to have been killed end more tben a ■core injured ia a bend-on eoDiilon late Friday between a warn bo end 8t l-ouia end Sea Francisco pemenger train aad nn empty train, which bad been need for transporting troops, one mils southwest of KsUyeiQs, Olds. AS mem be re of anions concerned , In tha strifes f 10,000 metal trades i workers by the Iron Trades Council to return to Work Saturday. E. W. i Burton, president of the council, mid ! be had been aasurod that all ahopa | would open. Formal return of a blanket Indiet- > Dent charging a nation-wide coneptr 1 tcy to hamper the govenmsent our- ' in* the war, waa made Friday la tha 1 United Statee District Court ut rv-r ro against 160 leaden of the ladm* 1 trial W or kern of the World. William M. Bennett woa the Bo- i publican nomination for mayor la tha t primaries last week by a majority of i Jll eotqs over Mayor Jeha P. | MtUheD, according to aa uneMrial i neouat of the ballots which waa completed lata Friday sight Baa- , sett's net gain on the recount wee i !<• for tha entire dtr. The Baal i compilation of returns by the hoard gf elections gave Mitchell a land at . MS. Prutlwo Villa, lssitiim * band of Us followers, swept daws from the Durango mountains last week and captured the town of Rosario, Dur ascs. according to an employee of an Amancaa corporation operating there, who arrirsdhsre today. After a call at tha Whits Hoass Senator Lewis says he weald prspssa psasigs of • bill giving th* PrmUtat full power to do aaytfiagidaring th* forthcoming recuse of Coagreos that may ba called for by say sodden sas ergoacy. . , Mayor John 1 Democrat, dofeatad primaries for ed pohUely p 1 •iWMMMWai » rmh. Telegraphic reports to tha Tnananr from story section tsdtest* tremendous enthusiasm on the part of tons of thousands of wort an sad s (air flnUdar roInnas of snbssrip tioas toward tha $•.000,900,000 mta lanm which baa boon sat as tha goal of the foar wash's campaign. With plenty of room available at tha National Ariny cantonments, das to tbs largo n amber of man to ho withdrawn to Ml up the National Guard and other branches, the War Department has again modified Its plans for training negro troops of the National Army fere as. it is now the purpose, Secretary Baker says, to train a complete onit of negroes at aach of the slit sen cantonments, fat stand of training them only at can tonments to which a riaslflirchli number resort. The Mao of tha unit will depend upon th* nhmbor of negro drafted men from the divisional area which supplies sash cantonment, hot where there is a large surplus saw will bo sent to paste with-m numbers for consoltdstioa with the training units there. COATS FAIR TO BE HELD OCTOBER 10. Swatery Turitagtea Writes af Mis Hspss aasd Views Far n*rnecvs no annual Uonua unity Fair manta on Coato acbool grouad* Wednesday, Oetobar 10. Tbo pram ton lift la alroady fat tba la-* ad tba pobBe. From tbta yon got aoaaa idea of tbo acopo of tbo work. Ia ad dition to tbo outline la tbo premium Hat, Wo will have- oa exhibit a num ber of pato brad Jarary cahrm re cently brought into tbo umhioiilij froai Ohio. TboN to la thorn cahrm emaa of tba boot Mood to bo foaad ia aay cattle la North Carolina. Thaaa aro expected to bo exhibited aaab tbo priaa gtooa to the bop to girt wbooa calf wLrww that It baa b*i** beat car* aad attention. "Tbo aim of tba fair la thro* fold: Bdoctiorwl. Agricultural, and aoctol. Wo think that amah may bo learned by comparing farm end horn* pro fc_to\gpod that tbo Mandhr rivaliptbat w« grow oat of thfc •“topariag of farm and homo prndnste will •timalato nil to a maro rlgoroaa datamiaatton to make bettor tomee, batter faram and bettor aabeole. The director* of tba fair aomaattr ro tumtthto tbo articles to beTxkibited bebrowrftt la oa Taosdap October I. s&rSjfcS: £ *%r. J. Y. W, **. mpto^ a mi At la m. ■apraainlnuTa H. L. Godwin wifi deliver an ad dram oa ogTtoakmro. Other prominaot apaah era will bo present. Tbo dlnateia and am a agar* of tba fair era celled to meet* Coats achool bufldW oa fc tardey Octobor t. at I p. at. to toy dadalto plena for tbo Mr. Lotto to wrybody co«m ead help piaa for dto Mggwt and boat fair pat for * ^btoifbraad1 bettor"* wor1rtnc **»• aobde to eordlaity hrrttad to 9 PAGE WORKNIG TO PERFECT BIG FOOD CONSERVING FORCE 18,000 WoHnra Will Aid la CommicMOoara PUa* Uln All CHiaew* to lUlly to Aid o# CmnuHtl la TUf State TIm moat ambitious organisation trar part acted In North Carolina is ►•lug built up by Food Administrator, Scary A. Page, for carrying' oat tba n-ogrom of tba Federal rood Ad nlniotratioa In tblc State, on army of ipproxiateioly 16,000 *ctW« workers tetng coatomplatod. Tba fact that tba grant war can irrer ba won without tba active ca ■paratbm and aid of tba people bank taau baa steadily beeoaea more ap maaat and Administrator Page end da aaaistanU have baaa working un kr Ugh proasuro to haaton tba per action of the organisation In North Paretian. Tba plan sdoptod by Mr. Page cnOo or tba appolnoaent of n Food Ad nlaktxator for aach of tba 100 eouo laa of (ba State. These county food tdmiaktrston will have an azaaa bra eommKtaa of eight mambors cor aapoadiag with tba cemaittoe worli ng with Mr. Page and embracing tba soonty laparlntendent of edoeattoa. 'am deseonotmUon agent, home da aonatratloB agast and chairman of bo woaaaa'O commlttoo of the county 2ou»cU of Dufenae. Tkare will be a working coremittee ■ ■ ■ "ryviH vj wot bounty rood Administrator in every rhtto school district of hie eoanty, his committee being depended men s take the meaaage of the tfoed kdninietmUon to the iwUrldgu. Mr. Pago has stated emphatically hat there is no room for drones hi ho food administration's meganiaa len and Just as enthusiastic aad ef fective work la expected from tka ■heal district eom dittos as from the iMca force in Heleigjh, which has verknd frequently at night in he ea ten vor to get tM program of the rood Administration la operation at he seediest possible moment. Omni tka ta$ Mg tasks that fell y QTpestsd that this State will make > shewing tkat will compare fsvor ibhr with the heat tkat it received t Wabhlagten. He big purpose of the entire cam paign is to so adjust the consumption it foodstuffs la America by economy lad substitution as to allow tbs ex pertsUoo to Europe of sufficient food ■tuffs for the maintenance of oar ismiaa, the armies of oar Allies and he suffering civilian population of w Allies. The articles that are rait sbio for export are wheat, pork/beef. Fats and sugar. AH of asm A Ills* are on war bread which co a tains just 75 par cant of wheat flour. To furnish them with ■worn a short ration of war bfead, however, the American people must consume aa average of one pound >f wheat bread lam per weak. Ta iDow tka Preach, English aad Italians •vuo one ounce of sugar per day sack wo must eat our consumptia n shout one-third. . Likewise there must be economy in the uee of batter and fata if ere are to provide our suffer ing AHtos even the Insufficient ration ifthese products that they have been receiving. PROF. DALTON TALKS ON GERARD ARTICLES Rod Cm Getting Boar at Duka —Bondar *«k~l Work h»pu»lo| Duka, Oct. t.—Tha moot apploaded and appreciated “Tour Minute” •pooch pot mod* ot tha picture show hare am made Monday night by Prof. B. 7. Dalton principal of the graded •ehooL Kb remark* warn baaed upon facta from the Gerard' articloa and •we prminted In a moat foreofui manner. But for the fact that bo waa only allowed four minutes tha audience would bare called him back. The membra of the Rod Craoa and others Interested in tha work mat Tuesday afternoon to duel da whether or not to ate ah Hah a working unit at Duka. It waa decided to establish the working unit aad a meeting win bo bald Thursday afternoon for the purpose at which time plans wIB bo completed far the work. Revival services began Tuesday night at the Baptist church. Rev. Lewis Chester Morrison motor of Rt. Stephens Episcopal preached the 11 rat Soman. Wednesday night Rev. W. L. Manses of the Methodist church will preach after this Dr. Ellis from Dubs aril hare charge of tha services, which will last for a week or ton tret Sunday In October the Methodist Sunday school organised PHteaip department and used the graded literature of tha Sunday school Board. Mrs. C. 8. Yarbrough wtM be repuiatcadent of this depart. The movement to bore Senator La FsUattb expelled from the Senate la spreading, and taking tha farm of a •artful hundred ciUiana*tf*North Dakota. Minnesota and North Curo Um in MMn/Jinf Action AgmiiMt Mr. LaTaDotU on the pvt of thlsau ate ware roe aired and pus—til by the, Vtos-rra^lmt, and Senator. K.lVw, Starting aad Orererea pew terday. Tha asnuteioa of LaFattetta was damrelil la a telegram m— to Vlas Fraaldaat Manhafi by Tha Aaailcaa Rights League. V i , was da* to the fgfg that the araeeari quarters an not dariialili farlm winter1 atalb — Tbraa Neath OateBateaa war* ba in* bold la jail la techmaud yaMenUy *■ defaah #f baud on tbs charge cf transport! a* whUtey dtnXm from Wasmagtoa, D. C. Their mEn ara Georgs fibtmaat, »ma. If. cjjte C. Baste, cibnf, Maui, M. oj aad J- Jobnaoa, .Stand. l£m^, ft. C. They warn arrested by Fywral agents who raided a train for tea lot ttea since the "hsac-hf* law wate bito effqrt Col. John of Congraaa yaara a United Erct.r afternoon. He fair arete, aad thd __ »«ry hopa/ol that Colonel Koosovsk aril] conasat to soma. Governor Bickrtt aad Adjutant General Yoon* ara to etffla tha county councils of defense la the formation of tho selected military err. car nations that ara to be made up bom K.000 man who are to be called Into service for home guard purposes. These county councils are to mb up the lists of asoa to be asked to serve in tho county organisations aad teport them bank to tha Governor through the adjutant general. Hear Williams. Kefiy Watson, Mitchell WitMt Christopher Carro wmy and J. B. “Watson, residents of tha Lowland section of Pamheo coun ty. wars placed .Under arrant Friday by revenue o(Bears, carried to Man Bern and ar»uim>«d before commiss ion C. B. HilL tho first named an a warrant ebnr£ag him with i iihtlss tho draft, tha ethers with dyuamitine tha poatoIBce building at Lowland on the night of Septembur IT. CHIEF BASS TO BE GIVEN MORE HELP TO ENFORCE LAW Aaatfcor Cop to Be AMU Ta Fore#, ^-»-■ Dadd* Too CoBmtonT To" Bo PuM Tom Cato* Another mi I* to be addod to the Daaa police fort* to taka erer tax collecting and to aaahd Chief Bom to other wny«, It wo* dotonalaod to a regular moating at the town noMMlMTiai hold hat night. Hu oddKire of m othar *i*hr to bo bored wirtMiry to tho waB-be tog of tho community. Chief Bom hoe Mo hoodi ae fail at thtoga not eatirely related to the di ta cnattog a* . tar aorea of tho Withadditioaal koto the ohiof of CuVa/nrimiimI ** ** *B expect hka ta !_, to toto bltod tiger -r. ■■■■ DHrar aad Tart wore ore itot11 a Wtotatoo to OMptoy tho now poboo I CnANLU of FIRST LITTLE MVU UNION MEETING NEXT WEEK litelalhUti Mi CM, M. IL » All v Uttk Hw QiIn ■hHii It to *■*• P- iSHSiiy A »mili tor. J. M. turn. 7*0 p. m,—Dtvattonal Maba. W.llto liM a a—^DrS^"* Editor i. ». . 10M a. a.—Tha Mp—Dr. J. A.1 10 JO a a.—Thm A_ —Bar. Dak Bar*. Uioo a. ay—AA&m* Pr. W. t. Me Ofethla. •IN a. a.—Tht <b«*A «A«aMa* .^fcf.lOAd. (fLtoto dr^Dr- W' * ** 7 »* » to^-Dtrttl.iil a. At o»M OAto. • * a. a- Adit— Dr. «. j. K*. k k itwkit aft Wafei ^trwi OiQiffi. k L it • i •• 9 55 MORE HARNETT ROYS GO TO CAMP JACKSON TO-NGHT SrSmsm « 0 mou CAiiim nrro :— •7T—mo c IT*—U wmr rl. 580—llOT taa it Ml—MT* «r ,• x-j M*— MT—no# M*—IS* ‘ MO—SO* Jala i'JO—IS* WUMaa ■. 1 5«J1—SOT Um JMkm, <Z in-MTJMi: (17—#004 Ha ... ns—sow Ml—1004 or.6—ISO Wi MS—4 Box Vi *40—110 OBI—(Bl see—*ss — _ _ i

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