THE DUNN D VOL“ W D««, H. C, Not. 7, 1917 ' —- 1 " - - _ 0 THE GERMANS GET SEVERAL AMERICANS Storaad T»»«l a»d Raiding Party Killed Thr.e. Wounded Fir. •ad Captured Washington. Nov. ♦.—Advancing under pro tec Lion of a heavy barrage Are, a German raiding party before daylight on November 3rd stormed u trmch held by American inlantry killing three, wounding five and cap turing twelve, according to diinst- hue from General Pershing received by the wor department tonight. American infantry were in occupa lion of a email salient for iiistru* ( superior 1o Ihc >" North Caroline, •• hU ”ot.h*r pJ?Tle*d HV.180 pounds ^thmbrt Arrt 2f. WUnd* #f Per,,-St.,.., M(a> Motile Haven* .f Ulllagton and Charles B iPerry of BaWgb iwe united in "»"*•«• *“wd., Sight .1 «:S6 o’rkxh at the home of Rev w McC. White, jmotor of the Pr«.byt*r^ Ian Church. J°«*Ph Rl***n*; brother of the bride, end Boy Humfcutt, ac of Graham aud is employed Is th. Raleigh water department HI, bride ia th# daughtatr of Mr. and Mr, E i Ruvene of I.ill'nyton Rslr'gh Times W* have the »•». **• cash,*dti«f«hwi Wa have th* pluck, we have the hu-h —And we wlU get the Kaleer. HUM Weed. RUSSIA WILL CONTINUE TO CARRY ON THE WAR Secretary la Premia, Kora-wlty Pro laaU A*ai-.f Aliy Olher Conttrwc tion of Kersuvi r'i l.,lrntiou Washington, No,. 7.—'Ihe firel hun^tM «f» i»j|- j utmost to carry on tha war. L*hc will continue to do her duly. ^ T rv h. u.v the view* of Pnoriior Korc.irky, whose socrotary, • n hi* nnmc, pmlwictl today nttaii.ri any other ;tlU’ltileta lion of hie limit nuwrvlrw willi the A**orlntril | LH»*id Sosl.ier, the premier’d uccrc tnry. made the fallowing statement to day regarding "the tui»lnt*n*rct f.ion by of the louden prccs" uf the inti rvicw: ’’I hare »ecn M. Kerensky with re ference to the interview ami doing. i* doing, and ttill will do her utmoil ir carrying on her ehare of the common enure again,t Uu enemy. Ro**ia. which wan alwaye murli poorer economically than her mighty alllea, now naturally fcvl* the pinch of the near more than Fr.glnnd and America, and therefore j* Juatiflrd in the contention that her nlhua now ehnuld shoulder the heavier burden and should a^-nt her unstintedly with war material, and finances in the mat i,r her requirement*.” M. SoAicr aaid the Interpretation* «f the American pres* of hi* inter IJ** *,ere pi wring to M. Kerenaky CnfUnd on oRUiul ham'noss. SAYS GERMANY IIS NOW A DEMOCRACY Tl»# Centrial tk* Owl ■bl# World to Know That m Now Politico] Era Hu Sot in U Germany u Kov. &.—(Via London.)—* "Whilo tho hiKip* of the contra1 pow •ra were forr n* their way arrors the TagHamvnto, (;«muny at homo quiet H crossed Uir political rubicon and In the apace of five day* changed from »n autocracy into a democracy," de clared. Malhhui Erxbcrgcr, leafier of I the mninat party, in an interview today with The Associated Pratt cor respondent. "This has haen the most moment week since the founding of the empire,*’ said Harr hrsberjrer in a re cital of the incidents Hail tug to tkm iiwiiiiiiim mm | ah«nt politic at gain for the German P-ople. In view of the July and Oc. tober happenings th* majority load. «r* were eon-inrad at tba Sophies*. nc*» of permitUng th* old system to prevail. Tht-ugh the chief of thr civil cabinet I'try imparted tVIr con viction* to Ike crown urging the im perative road of a, to Haafrve governmental policy in foreign and domestic iaauoa and harmonious govwrnmental collaboration with the raichntag, during tha war, ui loast." Ilcrr Enk .rgcr then told how I Count Von H nling rvwrrvd hi* de |euion to tho rhnui'llorrhip I ha had ci i fe.roi! with party lradt-r*. On udvicr separating the chonrcilor -hip and the presidency of the Prus sian ndnirrry, hr stud, rad hern drep pvd Toreign Minister Von Kuelil nrvin had nlao psrtiiipai-d in the ma fvrenraH, Herr Rrubarr-r doelarvd. urging the mod of inktf;uthig a pur lismeiitary priecdurn baciUM it was the rob.lion of tnc crisis and t.ocniiar of the unfavorab’c imps cm inn thet would be mado abroad if the current attempt failad to lunral. Dv. Vot) hnchlmann a dfhirou that tho out Ide world should know that a new political era has fet In In Germany—that his inleieesdor. waa r.ot in vnin, as it *u declared to take parlamenurians into rvspon aiblo position*, contnued Herr Err. baiwar. "1 deatro to say," concluded the centriat leader, "that not only arc the majority leader und Chancellor Von Hurtling in complete working ra roony In foreign and domestic policies, bht the paal has the full sancton of the empcior, who has givoo Count Von Ibrtliw ft kund Hi* clerical parly now Ha* the chancellor ar»d the progiemivot, in all probability, will be awarded the poet of vie* chancellor and one other important arrrularyshlp, while tho nu tionalliheal* will bo reprenratod in the vice-presidency of tho I'ruanian cab inet. POOD PRICES DROP 10 PER CENT Limitation ea Storage Sonde Meal D«wni Lower Living Coat Washington, Nov. 8.—Retail food price* in thr United State* have d« erented an average of 10 per cent front tho high water mark reached In Nay and Jane, It It officially an nounced today. Moat price* are dropping and offi cial hope of even lower living coeta to held out to the public. Limitation on meat storage to thirty day* ta tending to increaae tho vtolble aupply. The food edm mist ration, by liecnoing packer*, ha* forced farmer* to ma ture Uitir hog* by keeping down price* for light rlock. While average American retail Trice* aro atill 40 Mr cent higher than n June,’ I»I4, official figure* of In rreaeet in Canada, Grvai Britain and Germany in Ihv «amr period arc •• per cent, 110 per cent and 130 per cent respectively Grantham Farm Brine* Good Pile* Memre. George K Craathnm, of Dunn; Hiram Grantham, af Red Spring*, and Irving Grantham, of 1-ambertnn, w«r* her* yeatorday to be prevent at the *ei* of tho Grantham horn* place two mile* of SmitMcld. Thto valaablo farm wa* void at auc tion her* to the kigheet bidder and brought 110,goo. The farm 1a loca te on the Central Highway —Smith the outer man. This is what the world sees; this is his reputation. How of tho reel man. his inner Ufa. hie eharac ter? In years gone by, when ho wo* himself a poor man, and before he had made his position in the world, I have seen him feed the hungry, and I have known him to rlotbe th* poor. For ye*r» ho was the principal sup port of an aged father and mother, and ho ever spoke with i«v of ihi. labor of low. Tho widow has known hb helping hand whan God had re moved her staff; the poor and the un fortunate have horn tht pensioner* of bis eouaty; and the fatherless and tha orphan hav* aaUn his brand and hae* blessed him for it. "And then the King shall answer and say unto them, “Inacmucn as ye hsvs dona it anto one of the least of these ray brethren, ye have done it unto Mo." A yoar ago, Ms robust health began to fail, and though he continued at his work, he was not well. And then when tha Anal illness came, a few days sines, there seemed no relief. Cat down in his prime, he fell as fall* the giant oak; yet he viewed the Wc have no fear but that in tha Pro vidence of God wo shall most lum again. We fain would have had a last clasp of hlo friendly hand; we fain would have gated again into hit honest cya, but God knows best. "Sleep on. beloved, sleep, and take thy rest; Lay down thy bead upon thy Savi our's breast. Wc loved thee wall, but Jesus loved thee best. Good night Until the shadows from this earth are east. Until He gathers in Hit Sheaves at last, Until tho twilight gloom be over-past. Good night Until we meet again heforo Hb throne, Clothed in the ■ pc tie so robe He givot His own. Until wc know even as wc arv known. Good night ALBERT B. HARRELL. Petersburg, Va. Nov. 8, 1817. BURGLAR KILLED BABE TO STIFLE ITS CRIES Little Child ef Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp Plummer Smothered and Check ed te Death—City HereMed. Raleigh, Nor. 8—-Lucy Henderson Hummer, four-montha-old infant daughter of Mr. J. Kemp Plummer, assistant slate chemist, was found chocked lo death in bor crib shortly before D o'clock today, tha crime hav ing been committed by a burglar who was heard in the Plummer homo early this morning. The theory of the police b that the bay cried nut while the intruder was In room, and fearing it would arouse the household, he seized the child by the throat and bom and chocked It to death. About 2 o’clock this morning Mrs. Dammar heard rattling of dish** In the dining room and ah* telephoned the police department. The police men dsicoeerod that a burglar had entered the hoaae by the back door and In escaping, loft articloo la the yard taken from tha hoaae. The infant was unnauaUy frtful last sight and did not Pt to sloop until 1 o'clock and when Mrs. Plum mer,retired after tha rtsH of tha pnNcemen, she did not disturb the child, thinkng H seas asleep. Another Revoletienary Os thresh la , Petvegrad Patrograd, Nov. T.—An armed naval detachment, under order* of the Maximalist revolutionary commit Us, baa occupied the offices uf tha oflklsl Patrograd to is graph agency. The Max I mallets also oeeapind tha central telegraph office, tha stats hank and Mane palace, where thf preliminary parliament had suspended ita pr,.i ceding* in view of the situation. No disorders ars yet reported, with Iso exception of soma outrages by Apaches, Tbo general life of the city remains normal and street traffic ha* not been interrupted. FRUIT 1UPPIR ~ There tril be a fruit supper at the hem* of Mr. Jesoeb Less Friday aigbi November *th. 6Wa, boys, aaen sne women are invited te attend and ca Jsy tha pretty musk. S JO oclocl Is the hour. AN APPEAL IN IEHALP OF THE STATE'S ORPHANS Th* ptoplp of North Carol!mi have ntrtr failed* to tread tha path of dnty open to them. To each and ov •ry call to hervleo. Id the internet of home and roan try, they bar* ra SMnded wiliberality and eharrfuL Her apuag man are covering Ihcmselvea glory hy evidence* «f devotion % th* Sag, la word aad action, and " ghe a splendid ac count of th. ires at ovary turn of the way tow, a bating peace. Her captains of toman and her sane of toll have op gad) their hands to tha Liberty l.osra thr Ecd Cross, and tha caps® erpouaydchy the Young Men’s Christian AjaaRatlon. Her noble women have Medicated them selves to th, service eg their country and am showing to Mm world a love for hu man freedom .that 1* beaulifal to contemplate.? The cries of be art broken motto* starving children, outraged da&Man. and tortured father*, la mStisUi need uayosd th* ocean ddL have fallen upon sympathetic Tfin throughout our uumiss band the spirit of aar vica bar* inltorth Carolina show* that, with odtfjpeople. th* first con sideration nmm honor of' tha Sag. the safety eg th* Nation, aad pane* to aO the mR And it la waif, for without III'Mil true happinoaa guy not be Sttaijid h this world. But wbilsSa measure of th* Na tion’s bonnrpfid the Nation's heart is being tslJa, la relation to world conditions a*today, let ua not ovor look the uz&Bt needs of father leas and molharflps waifs at our own door*. Fsr.fUln all, charity begin* at home. {jet as not overlook tha hundreds of dependent children whom the orphans*** of our State are training for individual efficiency aad good citizenship. Every one of thaoa institutions rmedi better equipment and larger amaport, and every on* flf tWlh <■ —1 mrlfV ■nniifsaiifm* for adnumlah which mot b« denied for belt of Sneads. Their capacity must be tnrssiiid or else hundreds of children M* wandering the high wars and hjgrsys, subject to every evil trmptaaaflr the world has to offer, wlU he neglected and probably irre trievably loot We cannot—ere will not—forgetj for the Master says, "In asmuch as ffp have don* it uato on* thrse y* have dene Wd are admonished acts of the farm, r, and the min*. , vastly mere a the fetor* nas , id of North Caio nhaned children 4 commohwrwith their did net here the and culture of an orphan The NotVMhrolina Orphan Asso ciation again calk upon every man woman, and child in the State to contribute on, or sear, Thanksgiving Day st least one day’s incorns (more if they will; less if' they can do no better) to the orphanage of his or her choice. The need for such a call we* never. more urgent than now. Expense necessary to the maintenance of every orphan home in the State has Increased, while the responsibilities havo multiplied. So, let not the day pasa without making a thank-offering to your Master, by denying yourself some pleasure, some luxury, even some necessity, to help the helpless become wha% their God and your Cod Intended they should attain in this Ilf* and (n the life to esas*. This is a reasonable request, for any on* can share with the orphans the earning* of ons day out of three hundred and sixty-five. It is prac ticable. for rich and porr alike can participate In it. The business and professional man, the farmer, the landlord, the money-lender, the wage earnor, the salaried worker, the housewife, the news and messenger boys—EVERYBODY, old and young of all classes, may unit* In beauti ful cooperation for the support of a needed civic aad Chrl stain philanthro py. Let North Carolina make the approaching Thanksgiving a day of historic Importance;; a day on which the hearts of the people were opened to the little ones whom oer splendid orphan homes are endeavoring to save from degeneracy and oblivion. To this end we call upon the edi tor* vf oer papers, daily and weekly, secular and religious, to give the atutasaf nCmal Ilia neskli t#> this eanM. menl, which i* philanthropic In pur pone and Btsto-wide in extent; wa call upon all church leader* of all denomination* including pastora, Bun day School superintendents, wo men worker* and other* of influence, to urjt# the rhdng of a day’* income to some one *f onr orphanages; w* call upon thv officer* at the vnrieaa fraternal orders to bring this appeal to the attention of each man in their membership and enlist his rapport of thin mod eat offering; are reaper tf ally request all superintendent* and toarb «r* of annular icboola, college*, and unlvenltlea to induce lheir student* and friends to unite with thorn ia giv ing a day'* work or wage* to th* needy orub*n» of North Carolina. We invoke th# cooperation of doctors, merchants, public efReUla, and all other* with m»l following to paa* th* word aloag *Hh tho Divine In jane tio**: "Even *o, it 1* not Uto will of your F«tk«y which I* In heaven that an* of th«U HUto one* »h*ll porish.” Action* *p*nk louder than word*. M. 1. SHIPMAN. JAMES S YOUNG, JOHK R liKREY, A. 9. BARNES LIVINGSTON JOHNSON, Publicity Committor. Raleigh, N. C. notice Notice i* b*r*by given to Urn public tbat on account of the great incraau* In tho cost of fuel the Board of Con*, mtsaloners bum found it r«ru*onry to Irvrreno# to Mffbt rate to Id wnU per K. W. TMe into takes effect Nov. 1st, 1B17. H. A. PARKER. Clerk of. the Town of Danr READ THE DUNN DISPATCH THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION Washington, Nov. 7.—Preside nl Wilson issued tonight hi* 1017 Thu.iki (Thing proclaaution, cnlling upon Iht nsiinn, even In lh** mi-i-t of the sor row and great parti of a world ihwci by a great war. in thartV God for blessings that ire bt-Uor than men P*set of mind .rnd prurpe rity of t n tarprisaa. The iiroclamalio.i fiting Thui'idey November 20, aj Thuukagiving Day, follows: Thanksgiving, 1017. By tho Prreideiit of th* rnltcii Slates of America. A PKOCLAMAI ION: It has Ions I wen the hu.mrrd cat tom of our prop}* to turn in the fruitful autumn of the year in praits and thanksgiving to Almighty Coe for His many bless In** and morcioi ta OB aa a nation. That custom wc can follow avail now In tho miiD< of the tragedy of a world shaken by war and immeasurable dinner; in the midst of (arrow and great Cii because even amid the darienrau t baa gathered about us we can aoa tbs great blessings Go