! i ■ Mfffi Mb* *• « tfca lafar natioa feat Ml* Jaaria RoUlOm flf &Y£L£SF&h2Z mm tki rtMb of that dty iki Int CtlSf ~STrf*AoS&/ Grain, dted • swan bald__ —i___ to such nn extent w to support genu hs iriondihip. But whether thsy lors each other or not the country trill be glad to hear what they have to aay in their respective papers. Tho capture ot tho ancient city of Beersheba by tbs British forcei has ot attracted any great attention from the public, but it was an important event nevertheless. I believe this city is first mentioned in the 91st chanter of Gensia aa the place where Abra ham dug a well for his flocks sad herds It is located about twenty miles south of Habron In the Hot} Land of ancient Palestine The cn ward drive of the British forces it toward the once sacred city of Jeru salem, and it is confidently ospooled that within a faw months that city will be wrested from the cruel Tu.ks. aad once more enjoy the blessed liber ties that have co long been denied her eitisans. If Pales tins U to be wrested from the Turks, and Ira in formed into a Christian State, it will go far toward compensating for the frightful cost of such an enterprise. We have confidence that the God whoa sea so imperfectly servo is able to mako the wrath ot man to prails Hi*>» wd wt arc wiling to Imvi r« ■alia i, Hia Hands._ ^ As is known to the readers of th* Dispatch a campaign is now on for thirty-five million dollars needed for the work of the T. M. C. A. connected with the American soldiers at bom* and abroad. The amount pportionsd to North Carolina is three hundred thousand dollars. The State has been divided into Districts, and amounts apportioned to the different districts. Harnett is in a district com posed of Robeson, Hoke, Cumberland and Harriett, and to tills dim let hut been apportioned ten thousand dol lars. For such a cause it ought to bo aa easy matter for the** four rich count!** to raise thb amount, and wt believe it will ba. A preliminary meeting waa held in the First Baptist Church Wedner dsy night of this weak, and addretaet were delivered by Rev. J. 8. Snyder and Mr. C. 0. Rose of Fayetteville, Mr. J. C Clifford and Rov J A ElHs of Dunn Mr. Clarence J. Smith pre sided at the meeting, and also mads a talk In the interest of the work in hand. Another meeting will be held In the First Baptist Church next Sun day night, beginning at 7 o’clock. Rep resentatives of the enterprise from Charlotte win be present at this mast ing, and deliver addresses setting forth the importance of this work. An organ (ration will be effected, end the work will be systematically car ried forward to a successful Us'.i*. The canvass for funds will not be fin until the llth of tho month, but much preliminary work must be done before that date, *f it is tv succeed as it so richly deserves to do. We think it would be wire for all appointments for Church services to be called off for 3c;.Jay night, and vw ■uv||« WIV nWQi log at the Baptist Church, and wa sjg ga*t that anaeaoc menu bs made In aaeh of tha pulptts of the town that this ba dona, Thia antnrprlM la strictly religious, and as it stands connected with the Urns I interest* of our young men tn MS»d In tbo dreadful srmr now In 1 progress, and to continue no one 1 knows how long, wo do not know of anything of morn Importance to 'ba 1 considered by those of tea who are U ' resnain at tvonse. Chief Justice Welter Claris pre lieu that at tha nest election far Oeaaraer and BUU officer*, and for President, which will ba in MSS, tha areas an of North Carolina will rota. Ba Is of the opinion that this will b« brought about by Congress, and ia Ms aest session, by passing both th* prohibition and tbo suffrage amend ■eats. He la of the opinion that when 3oagrees acta, that tha retlAcatioa af ha amendments by tha neeaaaary s am bar of tha State legislature la a rertalaty. , tssaUHsa a# Keeps*t sag Sympathy Sfatas ear Haavaaly Father la Hi* ■Salta wisdom baa taken from ua our Mthfal frtaad sad beloved teacher, *f- J f. Pittman, wa reeatsst 1 let- That the Phllathea elm* af the Sap<*ri chmrrh baa last one l^ ^THbtt*though Ogy*kwh are r*rrad by our lean wo kmabtr •w ta Hta whs death oS Ih.ag* well W- That wa estead anr deep sat ympatby U tha bereaved ease, aa-f | ariag them that wa are praying tha' 1 •riar to ramfert thaw la MHaa. a tECMEFlUm FOR HOUSEKEEPERS X> YOU DO YOUR FART TO FRR. VINT ACCIDRNTS IN THI HOUR. tom* Suggeettona Whtoh Will AM HhmkMFn to Acquire Ua R* Careful Habit. Ia the observance of Mr* Prwreatlo* Day. October ». the State laeuraaoe topartment called especial attention to he part which can be played by the •ooaekeeper* of the State. Thehouse etvas. tb* helpmeets ot tb* wage omtm a* la Indus trial peiwulta. mast bear a mind constantly tba knowledge that he wage aarner eteade In parti at ad haaa from lnjary by aeddeat* that go »ltk thalr haaardoue ooeapaUoaa. Toe housekeepers also should toarm ke Be Careful lesson. Toe know chat untold misery and eaffertag are muted by aeddeato la the Industrial eertd. Toe know that every tear nte itaa of every working day * wag* •araer 1* killed, that every four aac >nd« of every working day a wage •araer to injured. Tea know that the red majclty of these accidents are he reautt of groae carslesaneae aad »ald be avoided by (he obearvanoa * simple Be CJarefal rales. Tom taow these tarTlbl* troths aad 7*0 •aaMtty urge you bread wtaaer to •Void taking on per eatery chanoee. Bat do ice do year part to prevent •oddante ta the hosier ■mry year thousand* ot women tad children are killed and Injured la I ihatr own bienaa aa the result ot care iw tin may coma mu ial«as yoo form tha Be Careful habit, j fir* ta one of wear went enemies, tcitroytng countless homes aad claim lag then anode of tnnocaat batmen v*e ilsu—generally woman end children. Here are eocM nguatlen yoo nlfht bear to mind to aid yoa ta ao lelrlag the Be Careful habit: NHVEit aea coal ofi to etait a Ere ■ tha store. Tea tortte disaster ivery time you do. far It 1s liable to aaptode and scatter tha Mesftig otL never let chtMrea play around a MhEra. They love to vaotmre doe* ta the blame and a euddea guet of etod may Mow their dree* Into the lamas. NEVER leave match** lytng around olthta reach of young children, fie rouagetera can resist the temptation in play with the Are and often theft Itvee are eaorlftead as a reealt. NEVER nagtaot to pick BP e match roe hare dropped on tha floor. Ifaay i fatal Are has been caused by step Dtoe oc a malsh head. — NEVER go Watch your atop light of etatra. NEVER takeaa unnecessary ekaaea. »«member the A. & C. of Safety rtort a eiwmya Be Careful. MUCH INTEREST AMS TAKEN W MEETING IT WMHSTON Of later*at and benett to eiectrtoal Malaactor*. electrical taepoetor* and aU men la the electrical Industry to the State was the electrical institute UM st Wilmington. August It aad II, ■adsr the direction of the State Insur ine# Department. ftoUowtsg this In xltut* was a similar gathering of Are na* from all over North Oaroftaa at i rbemea'e Institute. Represents tree from practically every city or lews of Importers}* to North Care iaa were preeeot. The porpoee of the tnrtltotm wee to llscoaa Are prevaetloo from the ■taadpolat of electrtelans ead firemen, lad kindred eub)*ct* for the good of ha property owners aad eftiseas of !h* Stats. At the opening eeealon of ha electrical Institute the principal id free* was delivered by H. B. Bo mum at mb uaiamm k Biuwa no rpoka cm Ua National Safety Coda. Hr. Boasflo (aid that tears wars an trara«a of 1,000 daatha aaaaally boa ■tsecrlcal oaaaaa, that 71 It H pr aaat of thoao oooM ho asoldsd M tho gnpar procaatioas warm taka aad Inna SO to M par otat of tea cieUns atU ha Tsaosttatad It that tha 1*ht attention at mom. Sira chla(a aad ottr offldab boa wmctloally ararr otty aad town satar »d Uto dtaoaaalaaa oa latjacts par ■dated ta tha prapar mstbodo of Itht a« aad praTcadnt Ora. A. M. Sckaaa, Alat sa«tesor tar tho daothsaatan 7adar writers > soar lotion vtk haaf laorteca la AMaata was taaaf tha arad lata tea dlOBaalaao at both tea aatitataa. toatbataa af this maters win ha aa da at ad boaa tha to ttoa h tea stars aadar tho dbaetlaa of tea Itete Iaanaaaod 4th. That a ropp of thoa rnaohi ton* aha 11 ha asnt to tho Baraea ’hllathea Hamid. to tho Dunn Dta atrh. ta tha baftarad fatally, aad liata ropy be kapt la tin ataa 'inm*EVA STRICKLAND. BE AH IE PORTKR. CAROLYN THOMAS rAKTH fN°, C«mm\Ui,. Dr. aad Mrs. I. f. Htehn, Mrs. Saak #r, Mra Z. V Sntpoa and Him J. r. Thornton atteodad tha Rad Cram lacaatiaa hold la Ralalsh last wash. SUITS* COATS and DRESSES. NEW ONES COME BY EXPRESS EVERY DAY We have about aa fine and pretty a line of winter wearing apparel aa you will find anywhere, and every day it i* added to. Each express train brings us something new. You are indeed hard to suit if you cannot find some- | thing to please you in the stock we now have to show. Come over and let us show it to you. D«mt forget that we also have aa attractive a line of millinery as you are apt to see. We will be mighty glad to serve you in this department. GOLDSTEIN’S, Dunn’s Best Store. I Pianos! Pianos! This is to inform the public that we are nQj handling two or three of the most popular pianos built, including Behning, Christman, and others, and our Mr. Driver, who has been in the piano business for fifteen years knows just what will suit you. .§ PIANOS! 2 We are in a position to sell you a good " piano at a rfcSSOhabTe price on fifty eSsy "SCi',4*Ht terms. We will take cotton for pay. You jj do not need all cash to buy a piano from us. 1 We will carry your note. J Parrish & Jim Driver 120 S. Wilson Avenue, DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA ..«.. I I I C. E. Waatkorby, of Talaan, waa wn tide wnk ataRlnc Dr. ul Mn L r. HUta._ Yoor attention la talM to • chaaca in Um ad of tha Dana Inaaranca t baity Company NOTICE Motlao la hereby yWan to tka pabHc that an aoeaant of tka erant taeraaaa In tka aoat of foal tka Board of Cem mltalBaani hare fa*ad K an—ary to Iktnn to b(ht rat* to IS cents wr K. W. This rato taka* offset Nov. Itt, 1917. H. A. PABKSK, Clerk of tka Towa of Daaa murr sums Tkara wfl ka a flrnk softer at tka baa* of Mr. Joaaafc Lm. fMmj al«M Now bar Stk. Oiih, Wr», mi and woman av* Invttod to attend and en joy tfca ferity senate. S St o’clock CARD OF TMAHKS We desire *o tipne our thank* to our neighbor* and friend* for their klndocaa to ue doing the tick rveaa and death of our loved one. May Ood rWhly b'eao them new and ahraya. Sincerely, Mra. J. p. Pittman and nelea Clement cook and atnter, Mint loot, of Helmet, aero here Sat nr toy rod Hu iday to vialt their father, Jo>eyk t. Cook, amt other relatives