. __2 I^TED! INVITED: INVITED! 1 I fi§& OF COURSE t C If ARE :-yV y.*;:-‘ |m| _ _ To Attend the Free Barbecue Dinner and Dayltght Fireworks Display and the II BIG AUCTION SALE OF THE | A. B. WALKER FARM I £ THREE MILES FROM LINDEN, N. C. Fayetteville and Linden Highway rum thru Farm I __FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 10:30 A. M. of^‘We^^o^th^re^ ^T'n'T”7* &pt*bU">^2™*'2m«t.^SSuf^ JjS haraga good well of water. Thi. fa™ will be .ubdhdded into .mall hrm. andyou cJ Ei^ie'^.S! yoS IhfZ^L'd'X. 1’°l“C* t3^£SSs=TL=i= . isfe££.te£isrs:535sa-;*SiSsl"— ^M-*-b-°- b™ f££mkbs Don’t Forget the Time and Place. TtlC A B‘ WaIker Farm, three miles from Linden, N. C., Cumberland County, Friday, November 9th, 1917. at 10:30 A. M. e . ^^^^""IIII,,IIIIIIIIIIIWI,I",III,IIIII,IIIIIIIMII,I,I,W iiiiiiniiininu mini i..... 11 ...mi...... SALE CONDUCTED BY Burton Bros. Auction Company _ aana*^ ?UJ,,OAOBfre* WILSON> N-C- GEO- »• ELUOTT, U«1 fiSa*—*". Unden. N. C. P.S-Tenn. _...... « PaieFacctL Women Tike Phosphate to Make. Rosy Cheeks and Beautiful Forms Men Need Phosphates to Make Strong, Healthy. Vigorous Bodies . "•A & ' «. -i r 3 s,») >* trrttabb, do ttSgSttif'ZZJZZ if m whh to pmm> fov youth • “ * J£ none*.____ Ssrtris that b aald and MtaSiSd by mil I ._** ». -r-itj vffl ba fraud affact*— Is tbatroat jaaat of ladtgaattaa aad ttomanb Mjtfj* forbear* van. If tbay aaaaat traat any maa or ao ■h aadar M wbo laafca Phaaphataa, tad iacroaaa tWir atnagtfcaad mi. faraan front 100 par aaat to 800 pamat. or taora fat aaa noth'! tim, ■ •k«T an fna front organic trva Ua. » la dlqpaa by all rallabla f P I on uu record* oi me eny and Uie city elark be {attracted to band a copy to the paper* for publication. , Bead, poaned aad approved oaan Uaoaoly tkia tk* Mb da* of Nor. 1917 J. W. TURNAGB. Mayor. H. A. PARKER, gty Clark. No. 666 .life bo KLZSatTttStolffC^Sta! rVQAWT SOCIAL NEWS J'H"! Bprtaaa, Nor. *—Mr*. Pan fST*’ ^ *»•?. u ^ rkltinc '* _ If GERMANY WINS *|L ZJZT7, ttpy^Tand5**? daarora to waSaa UwdMemSnatioii ??/■"» «* ■* »• — thm«h wd at alleaatn *ta anew* an erar pfc- 1ar “S £■«***•• h left MbwLnM*»»» ««h fttdM 5jF, •• jfwjlHi k«M« ow «**. »» •>» fm th* 4*7 «%«i wt j* la*, k» «ar hMto t>M mat rf an tIU«a ta aLTHk ^•ssrttASri&iJr Jafca W. Flttt*r*ld and Tam Pat* ha** r*turn«d from Richmond. Va.. Whma tkaymnl to toy a namhar af Pord eari which they uc «f*ria| far Ml Mft. i .