THE DUNN DISPATCH. Α*Λ lac. 1*1*. at tka poat «Cet at Dm, *. C, aadar tka m* «4 IM ». ltT®. ΤΗ* WAS CAMP uauAmw ηηβ TM· weak tka War Wade toead af tka Y. M. C. A- tka ?. W. C. A. tlu» Unlud SU>« βτΛ* enm and atker war acpuûaatloai will coa dact a ja»a1MiaiM^t^ial«a a |taa Tka iT'i'wSaS'toiSi.OeO, MO. It h kopad. aad GraaaakoioS portica Κ ««1,000. Ciffkt ihtnkiaff aad riakt Mac <1 tk> tari aad paipoaa oTttta work That will fi*a tha «awati» tha Aaarl can M'Jwwain We Uffcrtt™ tka typv at flatting mb wha wfl •awt nj-k^ aad aoraly art* tka wax CknlT'iif. a eleaa «pint; wkiek I m Tlforsj aad dasatlaaa aptett. I la a aaprxm of tka man at tka froo bf tka ssi aad waaaii at kui. al wkkk tka fonaar aoit aNrayi b< Meat ■ comdoua. At artieb by ft and· B. lajra la U* cant lana.of Aaaadatk» Maa. Ux T. M. C. A. partadical, rwi "Whrr. tka Srat lana badtaa ol Awkr; traapa kaaan ta arriva ii Piaac· lia) aara'akfad to aa la lead dktriet tuiaakaia la rtaata. aad tkarc dl mfWwtad ia iaktd pme MWt Λβ Kttla Franck town of UH district. BUlatod la kan-coopa, pis atfaa, aad eetbanaaa. aWaptna aflia i» loft» akâaa tka yln m rattle and aadamaatk tka ruatiq •Mat iMr mr m ami * r fete use > n«4 · *e»y d«jr. Ani wfeea be Wet ι Mh>| vwqr Sihf «U latsiad >. renin* prmy ■rrt, U the arrpriea of »uv the K-Mtar «<■ imoM." It la ta hafM tk troop* and kaep thee* «hthaaat, fit aaa effective; tkat It all aUliUriaa. Bat not only far tk* I fit oi Um people at keM, for wkeaa tkey ft«kt; for thair ««a aakaa aa «fil Aad it la, aowwf. a aaMtaal and physical coamrvatiom— Sat tkeaa «pared by war ttaotf may caaM back ta tkate «auntry ma· a· p*H aa Imreea. Aa* that ia aot afciUy far Mr ewa aaka; tt ta tn Um Urkot J»»·» lawartl to tka fhtore of tk* coeatry that tkeaa Bullion* af aaa {called ta arma amy amtaalb retaro to tka avocation* af peace, be rata· rfti»ncatai< ia tka aaaial body. wfcola loan and kam-—Qeaaiuboro Mama. • « By Bar. J. A. Hornaday, Dbbb Matkoditt Church Tka meeting bald ia tki Fliat Bat* tilt Ckcrtfc last Sunday mok( in the Interval of tke drift far thirty tic million dollar* to aid th* work of tka Y. H. C. A. cenectod witk ain to Idler bay* at ho an and abroad «ai wan attended. AB tka chnrtkea ta towa bad aaBad ia tkair Mrricaa lot that boer, and tka Bapti«t church waa filled to ita capacity with men, «oaea and ckildraa, anxlooa to re. eaira tnfematioD concerning tka en· terpriee, aad ta help la It Oa reqoeat of tk* Harnett oomotj chairman, Mr. C. J. Smith, Mr. J. C Cl(m had c barre of the pnfiiai Sunday erveatn*, and that meana that it waa waB nasaftd, for Mr Clifford never faBa dawn en any job. Qaita as intaieetlna *iMr«*e waa dellt«red by one of m Secretaire* IV- « ·» Λ * Charlotte, making all «Hit tar bet ter acquainted with the ml Mrrka the organisation b mdtiaf than any af α* ««η before. The closing item ia the preraa for Ike eratiif wae thi appoiitant of a committee af fifteen Ben to Meata contribution» from the people of Dunn 'and community. Chairman Smith mart here taken ann time la making selerUone tor comauttaemea. for they •eta te have bean Juat the m«a for the work. Ο. M. Tilghmsn was nam ed as Chairman of the CooNaittee. As etatod last week, Robeaon, Hoka Cvmberlaad «ad Harnett counties hare haen grouped together aa aaa of the Matneta into which the Steta has basa divided, and ten thousand dollars apportioned to thase foar rich ecus ties Of eoerae Dunn and ««her af Harnett will respood to (Mi sable call on bahatfof w boys. After writing the abdVa we lean ed that the coauaittoe appointed by Mr. Smith Sunday night held a meet ing hi the First national Bank oOcsa Wednesday night nad organised for Mr. THgkjain «Mad that ha **«t ^ '·< Borac. fers * * " In the passing of Mas Edna Ε Pkimps from this to the Ufa above on Snaday morning November 11th, Doan Methodist Church loasaa one of iti Inert aad hart friend·. She had ae great amount af the world's culture aad re fluctuant, bet the grace of God had faehioned and poHahed bar iaaer life for sincere love fer His cause ia Urn world, and a place in His kingdom above. Oa the 1Mb day of last month she pamait her eighty-fourth mile-poet on her way from time to eteelty. Only two members of her Church ware older than she. Mri Jannetta Banes, and M·*- Klsiah Avers, aad of theee ■he often talked during her last days her Ufa te Ckrirt aad uital with the Metbedtet Church, tid tmiMi) s loy al aMsrfxr of it until Um Haetor call· »d her Ko «it Her 1er» far bar church aad bar parter waa baaodfml hut It grew out ef bar love tot tka Chrlat ef the Church, to whoee will the hewed In all thlM*. Far arreral eeatha her health had been faiBnf, and abe knew that the tad waa n«t far *f. the talked ef Heath aa calm It aa any eaa talha ef a ιι»ι·>1μι< Journey so toatam » pi—aura. She loved life, and cluag le it aa Wm># aa It waa Ced'a wi: young people, all tall of lire and fan slighted a ad harried iota the preach cr's home. Of course they vera in kited to enter and take seats, orhiel they did, bat with sosse display o: aervoesncsa. Without asy aeedlea leas of time one of the company in formed the pr cacher that Mr. Millar ι Rhodes aad Miss Estella Bares wUhci to be oalted te marri a*·. The accès sary license for each a ceremony wa produced. aad within about Ave mln utaa Miss Hayes bocaate Mrs. Rhode· On the 2Gth of last February thi writer officiated at the marriage o; Carl Adams and Miaa Viola Hayes The bride of laal Friday erenlajr arm a sister of the bride of February 32 and the bride-groom of February 25 was ose of the number accompanying the young people to ths parsons? last Friday crenin*. May the entire path-way of thssi young people be bright and sraootl all the way I The boards of home and foreigi missions for ths Methodist Tpiseopa Church (North) in a recant meetin) approved a recommandation that ι campaign be toaogtmrated to rais< eighty million dollar· daring the nra Ave year* to spread "Scriptural (toll ne us" throughout the world. Abo a two hundred ministers from e\or part of the church's territory, in dading the twenty bishop* of tha church, were presont when the recoin mendatloa was adoted. Bishop Thomsi 7. Neety aras the only individual pre sent who raised any objection to tk< movement, un objection wtu Dew on the disturbed coédition of eui country just at thim time. He sai< be believed th*t the government should have right of way over al daims open the Holding» of Americat ci time m ao lone as the dreadful wai flUtfUl We do not believe that Bisho] Neely love· his country any more thai tba ether bishops and sdnistag· ta the Catherine, but be doe· seem to lor< Ma Lord leas than they. Certainl) Christ most forever hold the firji place in the hearts of His tiocere fol lowers, and if tUa first place hat been accorded Rim there would hav« been no world war. nil writer will be at Black's Chaps nest Sanday at 11 o'clock te deUvei Ma last msame for this Conference year, and eery probably his last me* sage fer afl time. It la his parpom to try to indecs tho Dunn Quartet U accompany him and render two ei three selections for this service. The subject for the eleven o'clock hour at Black*» Chapel win he "The suOct eney ef GodPs grace" ^ all tha teeti that the Sunday School a* thia ctenoh, wider its new management, has start ed off well· The peat year the aehool oat there was under the leadership of Mr. E. J. Godwin, and ha threw into It all his energies and achieved a gratifying degree of success. Now the school is under the leadership of Mr. 0. L. Heauainrway, and w« feel sore all who love the great Head of the Church will eo-dperate with him in making the heat pçmhlc of the school at that place. Let the hoaee be foil next Sunday at 11 o' clock for the last serties for the Conference year. Poor old Nick Roma oof, one brief year ago he was the unchallenged ruler or all the Baas Uns. today he is • cowering prisoner in a red brick apartment house in Siberia. Tobolsk is said to be a dreary town of forty five thooaand inhabitants, situated in a vast swamp. Tobolsk, it may be said in passing, waa the distributing peint fer Siberian exiles when Mr. Nick Bomaaof waa playing Csar back in unhappy Russia. And by the eray It is worth while te mention the fact that during his reign sa Csar ha was responsible for the banishment into exile of net less than two hundred thousand men, women and children. Guess be now has time to reflect on the nnhsppinssa he brought into the Uvea of ha numerous victim? during the dasrs of his power. During the days and years of hfa· reign aa "Csar of all ths Ro«i«n«" the place be occupied In Petrograd was so vast It eras necessary to em ploy two hundred servants to show gueats around to keep them from get two Mot» twelve bjr flftrrn foci, ■kilt two raaw tn occupied by tMr four diufklari, ud on· by Alexia, ion at tha ox-Ctar and Ctarina, on-« tupoeed to be hotr to the thron· of la tbo old day· the thon Cur and là· family had mllHona and hundred* >f million· to lavtah opon their M» tac wbiam. now they hare an aJlow inee of iM thoumad dollar· pot year ο aatkfy thoir ermvfafa. All the «at) received ot reat out >y tbo «-Our and Ctarlan irait b* rery nnfflly examined before It can >aaa to ar from them. Tbo officer la itert· of the mard baa order· to dl the Ciar and Caarina if they do act aay attempt to eaeapa. It ia «aid that all the member· of ho faaatty take their Imprisonment tad hard Mitl (ood-natarerfly except ira. Bimane?, ai whom It la «aid that he It τ cry bitter with bar to norm, far· I· · Matenea the frwiaently jfiat» aa they nai to their meala: How, iUMnu, let M have our prison tew, bat there I· · batter tfaac rom a*, lahq ae, I wBI maka the aaaaton aaaer who has· tmtii aa the thta." ΓΗΙΜ I» NO MTDDLK GtrPJMD DUNN DISPATCH. NOV. !«. 1117 ' SELECTING SEED ! CORN FOR UWGER ! ΤΙΕΙΟΝΕΠΥΕΜ All Seed Shotild Be Selects From The Field. m SECURE BEST RESULT! * Entire Plant Should Be Takoi Into Considéra tie* And Soot Should Bo Selected F ran Healthy And VHP roue Stalk» How To Seleet The Beet Eon Of Seed Corn. The method of aelecu&g eeed Cron the tan» lata In the vlu ha* ooet Ulti Stale UomuIi eC dollara. u ■ullT, to rclind yloMa of euro. S< method of «electing wd, either « corn or UJf other crop, that dœa moi Lake into ooaelderatioa U>· wbok plut, will gfra bant reeulU. Id m lectlng ocra tha nota thine to tx looked attar la to liera the Mod co^k from etalha that ha»e yielded the hlthrac emoant of «helled com pat «talk, ualaflaeaoed by epeclally feror able ccrillkM It la aheoleiety te poaelble to aecsre eee* of thl· klad anlaaa. Ua aelectlone «a made froa the etandlag «t*Qu In tha (eld during the talL Thla la tha thee ot the yea: now and tha only time at which theae •elcrtlooa earn ha made. tCrery oora grower ihoald go late hie field*, whan tha weather la favor able, end aclect lead oora Car uart roar from Uroae atalka that ara bear ing tha hlgheet amount of ehaDad oora. Of cooree It win ha neceaaarr ta — that ao external factor· have ipedaCj tarored tha atalha fr««n which the ■elocUooe are made. Ordleartly. where oora te proOadag twenty-are or ■m kMitla pair ΜΠ Κ «m to nfl ■to Ml«ct Ik· Ml ban ibdto that v· taailiia two wall Mn par ■talk. I· MeHat tk· aatoctlnaa m ih* Mi too crwt attato1— tooalé not to *ίτ·π M OMt Umt to Ik· atotaetar at th «η. Later aalaetlg· telu tto wlatar mmy to aoafa ta tto tan wbaa a laiaara time praMata taMlt Tka «election akoaM to made trom ftiQa tkst art kMhiy isd Yieerou mU oa «kick tka top asd taavaa tor· raaalaod to ikmaatfily parfera tkatr toft to «ataHap tka complet· toi at opatt of tk· pih·. Ottor Iktopa totog «vial, tka mn ikooM to toU ta a tiaaptag poaltloa; tat tto itaata attmrbfm» tto «an ta tka (talk tkooM BOt to to· loos At laaat tor to tn ttaaa aa rack core todi to "Iwl·! to tk· flaMa aa la «zpoctad to to —allai tor not yaart ptaattac. Tto can ikoaM to weO Mai sd ami Hull to aura* to SUITS, COATS and DRESSES. NEW ONES COME BY EXPRESS EVERY DAY We have about aa fine and pretty a line of winter wearing apparel aa you will find anywhere, and every day it is added to. Each express train brings us something new. You are indeed hard to suit if you cannot find some thing to please you in the stock we now have to show. Come over and let us show it to you. Don't forget that we also have as attractive a line of millinery as you are apt to see. We will be mighty glad to serve you in this department. GOLDSTEIN'S, Dunn's Best Store. Pianos! Pianos! > 1 This is to inform the public that we are handling two or three of the most popular pian oe built, including Behning, Christ man, . and other·, and our Mr. Driver, who has been in the piano business for fifteen years knows just, what will suit you. PIANOS! « -·-· * ν 1 term·. We -will take &Matx for pay. '. Yoe^ do not need all cash to buy a piano from us. ; We will carry your note. Parrish & Jim Driver 120 S. Wibon Avenue, DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA iiimiiiiiiiiiBnaiaBWWiiiiiiiiitiiiiimMiBBaaBMiBiHwaiwiqBnaMHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMaattttBaBwmBttBanmBmit Bank of Cape Fear DUNN'S FASTEST GROWING BANK Submits the following comparative statement for proof that it has the confidence of the people. September 11, 1915» Deposits were $48,212.50 September 11, 1916, Deposits .%f»re 92,217.48 September 11, 1917, Deposits were 256,384.88 We can offer no better proof than this that our bank is a good bank. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Bank of Cape Fear. D. C. FTJ8SELL. Pre*. Q. M. Ttlghmsn, Vice-Pre· H. B. TAYLOR, CuhUr Ο. X. HOOKS, A «t. Cukin "U tk*N toy· m wUai ta rlafc tkatr «toi* tatara te Ifbt far the Nbartlaa Amrkt haa >*—>»< of, tka· H b i«rta fU IN Wt btkjiia lia Hilwt Dation In tka world. A war mmet ba aafad wttkaat laay aa4 M la vp to a* to ipand nr Jallafa 1Mb, far Htarty botvda, aa4 far atk ar jfcrpaaaa. laciaify for (ba rtrr inil·! to eamy as tka war. ,"Vii riMM okay to Ina latter tka raqaaato af tka fa*4 eiaaUalatratlea, tmd 4a «α la aw pa· or to aM tka Wya tm tk· taw WllMlmrtea ttar CAM) or THAKKS W· tak# thla mom of m van h kM n4 . ■«· te 4·Η·« U» Dm· «4 o^tmii |U hirtw. Ami Mt of UMmm m4 wrd tf ΐ|·)ΐΐ|| I·