• . . O’ DUNN ■ ■ V01“ ^ Dun*. N. C* *1, lm. WEDGE DL ' VI G fflNDEKU’J^lLIjij Snrpriso Attt. lc c.n L."-sa of 30 Milan CtnJi iuio Maximum D*r:'>h r; trivo E'ilos BRITISFI Army Headquart ers in France Nov. 21.— (By the Associated tVesd.)—The Germans are fjhtinrt on their last line of defend at o.-e point of the British attack. Nearly « r.-me of irurs is re ported to have been captured. The British arc pusbirc on toward CnnLainjf. three miles . southyvest of Cambrai. North west of Marcoin^. the hi,fh B+ound known us Pre..y Chap pell* has been ^Gnrht over, and the Germans have been forced to withdraw. TASK APPARENTLY WAS FASYs GERMAN LOSTEi NUM2ROVS The cor.t Ulndor.buT def'n-O line, upon which tho Gorman cemroandcr in-chief had huiH-d M. hope*, cf bolding the Brili.h from i *--a.V i*tti the open terrilniy h*joatf. h:i« V■::. rmaahcd. And dm l*i - H^nnrenlly mi an eaiy one. A Machine orcr .r front of extendin' from the Sirnru.* fb**r .Tit of Arraa, lo St. Qo^nt’r.. Field Mar.h al Halt, with hi*. Knpii'h. t.‘.*oich. Irieh and Webh trrou>j, ha-* cm I* one of tha moKt rapid and nL**:lr arivea of the prvssnt war. eatcn'ng tha. Csnusi .cqmplatvly by vjrprlv* in tha onslaught, capturing ouawrun* position* whichAaar* rega sled a, im pregnable and taking tn addition thousand* of prisoner* and numerous guns. • The apex of tha offensive ai>per cnlly is e*rter*d on the important] railway jui.cfon of V-mbrai, lying 1 to tho cast of the olp line, midway between Ar:a» and St. Q ie'.un. llfj, having takau the t,owna of Mayroini;. Anneux. Craincourt and Novella*, tho victorious troop* at'last accounts war* wall within gnn Tanga of Cam brai, with It* railroad line* bud road ways branching out toward all the main points of the compass. Measles Tula Lead tha Way The latest advices indicats that the British have not yet ceased their at - tack, but aided by monster* tanks K i which an* leading the ways follqwad jg ftfratry and gmchine* eMtwird. The British drive was tasty 1 with, oat the usual artillery pm- de. * d as the tanks and infantrymen mad* their ssay through the view «>isr» lenient* and pressed Into the Gcrtnan flrrt poeitions tho surprised enemy be gan sending up myriads of signal rockets calling for assirtancc. Wheth er aid was rushed np Is not definitely known, but seemingly th» r.nsyr -,ed German* fled In disorde-, leaving r.ll kinds of equipment hel.!i.;' o'iil in most eaten did no*, even take time as Is usual, to apply th: torch to village* they evacuated. British Casueltlos Light. The British disunities arc described aa extremely light while German <1e*d covered the ground sj tho Urtirh preesed onwr.rd. F.oport,, tn dale in dicate that the depth of the penetra tion In the region of CAmbrat hat ex ceeded flv* miles, and that at one Saint at least the troops aV-'pt on vo mil** fcajond the Garnti'i Knew, , capturing additional villages. The olfonaive was nnd-r direct camronnil of Gentrwl £>ir Julian fledwnrlh Geo. Byng. and Ocr.ursl John J. reaching commander-in-chief of tho American forces in Francs, war. si Interested observer of it. Mrenwhile, th* lUilien* everywhere are holding th* T*ulonle allied invad ors along the I* love rlrsr nnd lo the hilly region from tho upper roach** of that s'.runm lo Lake Gn'd.v No w,L«ma V M ika Atauwnw kr,r rt akin lab (Tam additional fround. Oa tho con.-wry, violent attack* la the hill eonntry have bee* rrpuk rd with ber.vy eaiu altlc*. Probebly owing to prnriou* ineffertaal Attempt* to dislodge the defender*, the enemy ha* not renewed hi* atlarki sirulwt Monte Toir.ba nod Monte Monfenrra. tha vital point) barring the wn» to mi Ineaaion of tho Venetian plain from lb« north. On the comtM front, lUiIian and British *rar.hi|» are bombarding en cmy position* Still farther progress b*» hoea mads by the British in Palestine, th< line of General Allnnby now having been driven to point* five miles north. w**t and tdx miles wed of Jert^alem The femcr position waa takes at tbi 1 point of the bayonet. British shipping loosvs last week *X grrgatsd 17 vesseK. Only 10 of these aowovsr, were eraft in excoas of Is #00 tons. An Indication that the Gennani fortified lino ha* been passed by th( British at some points ia the onti] of the cavalry into tho frny. N® since the famous r-treat of the Ger mans nl*n* the Aners and tho Roam' in the «pring of tha proo-jnt yoai have the horsemen been engaged. A that time they performed valiar. aorvies in harassing the rrtrvvtlni columns and h> rounding up prison •re. Aliyway th* shortage of sugar wll tsssb eoms folks how good own; things tasts without It. COUNTY JAILS SCORE LOW j Twenty-Four Jail* Make Aearag* < bcorsr of 58 Scorn Not Satiaf** lory to Board of Health Twenty-four county jnilr that have •ic-r vacantly inspected by official* Ioi !•».« Rtfif' rttnl of Health have . an avirrjtx scons of Ml <>ut of | a ,'jOi -i* I.1 ICO. Th") in'.p 'ction had : t r do ultotcothci' with the health and [ **■ loirv conditions of prisoner* and *. -r Un> reason, til* llor.nl pronounces I ..is II veto go score of jti onsatisfac i lory. T!u jail* inspected wilh thr’r scorua . c. Tirncemoo 53, Burke 40, Cald ! 1] 07, Cabarru* 66, Craven 55. •’.gee'm'-• F.r*. franklin 67, Halifax l*if-, Harnett 62, Haywood 40, Hoadat V a I S. Hoke 60, Madison 78, MeDow .11 *0. kfecklcnburg 65, Moore 59, jfran*ylvani* 38, Vane* 78, Wautau k* 42, City of Asheville 58. Tranayl car.'a and Northampton county jails lecoiod lo sett, while Vanca and Madi ,aa, it ma-; lio said, mad* tha only 'vSImioIo scores. * A.noag lb* conditions found that violation* of the rater and ragu iellor.s for the sanitary management ' rn >rty jcifc, at provided for in C.sulcr 246, Public Tawi 1917, ware, ill u P-Umber of I be jails- the praaence ••r eerr-.-n. and failora to aeperrat* t:: .sniiM/s basing infectinue d'reaaoi; r.cd in the mcjorlty of tha jail* In ncctod, lack of proper and sufficient clothing, particularly nigot clothing: Inch of facilities for bathing; lack of -Itanlinera as to beds, a* welt aa saffi i!cnt bedding: lack of scrums against flic* and moso.uitoe* and lack of the r "-aired measure* for comfort and recreation. NO THOUGHT OF PEACE BEFORE THE YEAR 1919 “GeriMn9 Arm Not Wlaoiif Uh Wor, But Ntitl.tr Art Wo*” Soft Afto> dill MtCtrmttk * Chicago, Nov. 19.—ftpaaia'a et>l l*pse amt the uaraddtncu of the JJaW l.-d State* . raakbs hqpekeas' any tSoufblr of peace before 181* In tha, oilman ef VcdiTI McCormick, con mrun at b:y« of Illinois, who has {in.* returned from a visit to most of tbe Important fronts of'the Eoropsaa batUo lias. M. McCormick, in a statement to night, said: "The Germans are not wlaaihg tha "Jfrfthsr aid wa. . “Thu war presents a s»*l wests from iM'iTmiiifflW United States Nowhew in Europe did I find an informed soldier nr public man who h. Ijcvc-J that a military decision could iic achieved before 1819, when the J i.iwl bttales might add effectively to prcsrwir* on the central empires. Tier* Is practically no hop* that it'xsia can be useful daring 1918. U .Min is so disordered that she ean i >t make war. Happily, in all pro l»b-Hty, neither can she make peace. "The resources of Urn central pow ers have beet energetically spent. They arc bleeding terribly. But they net with greater energy, unity and sicili tlinu their anemias. Thus they made n set m ngly succcssfol drive into Italy. The real object of their political foray into Venetia was partly to make esmoflagr, to conceal their steady losses from Verdun to Pasneh esthete. and partly to provoke revolu tion in Italy. “The Kalians were under-gunned, neither hod they enough ammunition. I-'.-.t even to Uioy would not have boon driven heck as they ware If two or Jirco divisions, debauched by tbe spy • vnem of Ccmany had not thrown lovrn their arms. '‘The r roach sad British have a moderate preponderance in guns, and |r-in for man they outfight the Ger mane. I “While there are still excellent German Uivi.inai in Flanders, than wi_: an appreciable diminution in the ■.vorv.li and the physical qnality of thr German U oops on the Flench and Oritirh fronts. "The ivuc of this war will ba dt in Washington, and by (the fvrrnee* of America. “The splendid little American army which already has crossed the sea rendered a great service when the echo ' of Iho first American fast on the toll I «>f Franco carried to ovary homo the ' promise that that strength and still Sane the industrial geaiua of America would Mug succor to France. "France Is fighting with bsrole and ■Ipffrvd rtiurnoo. Her steady thought fill . cicUry arc ready to spend their blood end to die, la the belief that America will.forge the weapons to win the war.” HOME GUARD ORGANIZED t. M. TUghman Made Captain. Z. Saigas, 1st Lbstsasat Tha Harnott Connty Homo Guard Company waa organliod hors last trcok at an enthusiastic masting1 held in the Municipal building. Chaa. Roan, of Ulbnaton, chairman of the Conn ell of Defense of Hemeti eoonty, was (ri'aent, and aided in the organisa tion of the company. The company is composed of men who ore not sub ject to draft, among whew are a number of prominent hnsinsee men of the city. Her. A. R. McQueen, 1 pastor at the Prmbyterlan church waa made chaplain. Thoae enlisted are: A. B. McQueen, chaplain; B. 0. Townsend. N. A. Townsend, Mirrtn Wade, J. W. Thorn ■ ton, C. I. Smith. T. C. Yoong, J. ■ W. Wilson, J. f Wilson, J. C. Clifford, i Jos W. Wilson, H. 8. Prtoman, L. t K. too. ur.f J7 B. Bntlor, 0. M. r Tilghman, C.pUig; J L. Wade, Ellis ■ Goldateln, Z. V. Snipas, 1st Lieuten ant ; R. P. Young J. If, Dranghon, W. H. Kewbetry, fc. 0. Primrose, W. | ti. Parfish W P Conner, Ralph I'Koona, L- B. Pops, WaJter /ones, B. A.. Rowland, i 0. Goddard. DUNN CONTRIBUTES MTOY.M.CA. FUND c«—Was Ural* sad Mu| Subscription* Received Tha drive for contributions for tbs Y. M. C. A. war work fund In Duns last week resulted In raising $1,160.60 The campaign was iB charge of Ru gens Lee, who waa mads chairman of the committee to solicit funds and Horace Freemen, who acted aa secre tary and troaaursr. The people of lac town responded liberally, although goal. Which was 11.500, waa not reached. A thorough canvass eras made of Ole loam and the contribu tion* ranged from 26 eenU to |60.00. A list of those who contributed will appear in next week's Dispatch. MILLIONS OF PENNIES TO RELIEVE SHORTAGE Persistent Cells Per Penates and Nick lee Indicates Heardsaa far the Holiday Tradiag. Washington, Nov. *0.—Reports that the shortage of one-cent piccsx Had caused clearing houses in several rastem and middle western cities to Jrtrnulne to issue paper script to be .irculated locally Instead of pennies, reached the treasury today and ware mat by aa immediate effort to ship inor* small coins eastward from the ■nd S*n Francisco mints. Five Billion one-cent pieces were on their way to Chicago to rsbev# the short age in the middle west, nod the move ment of small coins will rontinor through December to accommodate Holiday shopping demands in eastern titles. Whin the sis weeks ending Decem ber 16, 62.600,060 new pennies and 16,000,000 new ntekles seers put Into tirculaliou by the treasury. The per Isteal shortage of these coins, oden Baking allowances for the heavy doc Band for cents, caused by war taxes. ■ number of retail merchants are Boarding "charge'' for the holiday ruth.. RID THE FARM OF RATES Hnlaigh, N. Ci, Nor ember 20.—The ■»"? acoiMimie# being practiced by Worth CtifUta farmer to Bare all [°°dIBOaaihla it of no avail U ha fc to allow the rata and mica to —>■ say with more food and fardel afft hen he can aaee by canful economy. It is estimated that the loss das to iastndtkm by rata on tba average Wagth Carolina * ~ ' ' ihd property in the United States ■mounts to something over the cotn >ined earnings of an army of 200,000 ■ten. Think of what that means. Rata tnd mice destroy more than 200,000 ■en can earn, or in doUaim and cants ■mounting to taro hundred million loUan. This being the case. H it ■ugh time for farmer* and eldserva re nr rally over North Carolina to be rin a campiagn of extermination, says ifflciab of the Agricultural Extension Service. For centuries the world has ueen fighting rate without organiza tion and at the aims tims has bean -arefully feeding them by using stor age places for grain and food that ■re not rat proof, yet are good places tor them to Hv* and multiply. The time to begin this campaign is now. Food la too scarce to feed pests which come from their homes In filth to visit dwellings and store-rooms to destroy and pollute food. They are eery cunning, however, and it la not always assy to cloar them from the promises by trapping. In fact It la often impossible where food ia abun dant, but trapping is the most effect ive pray of dealing with thstn and, if followed persistently, wU eventu ally destroy a great number. It it important to remember, however, that one Iran trill not do where dozen* are needed. _ F. H. JETER. Three Killed far Sahserlfaiag to Lib erty Loss aad Red Cress Three Austrians, a woman and two nen. tears murdered at Virginia, Minn Thursday night, Urn polios aay, bo causa they had subscribed to the Liberty loan and Rad Cross funds. They were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alai and Petef Trepiclr, a beards? in the Alar house. The skull ef each had been crushed with an axa while tlm victims slept aad each body mutilated with a knife. On a kitchen table in the home an Austrian dialect, reading: “This is what you gat for bain* against tha Kaiser. You have donat ed to the Red Cross and you have said tho Kaiser coaid ge to hell. Deni look for ua, for anyone who doaa will get the same doee.' Rad Cruet aad Liberty loan pur chase sins, generally displayed, al though flie ressmomfty baa a largi Austrian papulation, disappeared from th«* windows of Aaatrlan reel doners Friday. A theory first suggested by tb< Kttce wag that rubbery was the bio u of tho wafers, when it ww learned Mr*. Alar had draws menej from the bunk Thursday. This wai abandoned when a sum of money wai found In tho Alar bod. Daaeo Thsahsgfvtag Might The young men of ttie town wfl give a dance Thanksgiving night, 01 She Friday night folWwng, -the pro seeds above expenses, going to th. loasl Red Cross The deuce will be i r«jgy sv'cll aJfn'.r, rad many out w town vWtetu are expected. A lug crowd of tho older people Is expect* to attend and give their eooperattoi la snaking It a seaeses, aad alao at tha great work ef the Red Croat The dance wl be bald la the Cent Dance Hal. A latter anneunceuwa will give the exact date aad detail Cent bread la worthy ef a plate b< site the Thankagivtag turkey. London, >fr. H—Brrubi.a Brit. Mink by pimi and lobmuwn lent writ, Moorilnf Mmsxb ”VB *1*2?** ^ twa. Imt wwkhitefcj of Brlthh an*, rhantaaaa lank ready-tfr tkt of the peaeiou* aa*. atanllf om voaaol M LSSO tOlU or, orar, and Baa craft oOm« tonaaaa a button*. In flat, ft „ WdriftMWtiit ana tab dekmyad docftb Mlo bar t8, .whan than thaia h* inf off in aUppin* imum atoa* Gan__ _ lubmarisi fiUMiti Kmib «m «1 November * to*at af six. At far w the ioaaaa ad lam aaa [mb ar# coneoraady however, tha I praeanv admiralty report apparent ly baarrout na optimistic sutamaat I mad* r beastly by Kariff Lloyd j Gvorp that M bad so farther fear s sr£i&“tf.2L*,5iS2 rine* ware baijif Meek to an 'inpf ina extant fit Um . Unhlnae af tha 1.600-and o**r ratapory last warit wen tgi loweat aiaco Jddtch. axcapt far the eraaka af Inimliif If, and Novambar 4 and Notari* 1L, whaa in the tw former waha tha total in each inoBncs area aifht and in the Uttaf, wt.. - PronAer Lloyd Qhorf* la hla ad drea* to tha henaa of unam early in tha praaant araek i eubmafinet had haft Satdrday, but. ha fnS’ no_ formatiao aa tha tpfcjact. Sir Brie Geddas, tha naev Ant lard af tha admiralty, in hla mfjl*" SMth ha fore" perltamant, amaitaii than be rwaan 40 and M par eaat of Gar. men euhmarinaa operatirf hi tha itwu m ana hot ah mmm vane ocn« line* the hfegteaiag of th* war H boon tank. >li added that •n»my submarine* van* bate* soak to an increasing octet*, hat teat tha Goraaaa wen buiLdj^g. that faster than prerteesfy. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION IISUED RT GOVERNOR BtqCBTT Raleigh, Nor. IT, Bid •tfa Thankagivtdg L ^■* *a odt for aabKoaT thanbSgiyin a proclamawo: • K3CN i The aan or Utn'nattetTtkat priom breath above honor and richaa abovo rightooaaaaaa ia dost already, aad cam never hop* “Uf pot t* iwuaertaBty.'" In tb* Providence of God the world Hi today engaged ia Mood-red dahata to determine whether government* thal) henceforth bo gNded by the loro of Justice or by hmt for self aad power. Not in rashnem nor in anger, bat Uioaghtfully, in th* fear of Cod, aad but of reepect for ita own canacione* thi* nation ha rnumerated its un limited aaoorcoa and jta jnaeoaqtMr able spirit to the maintenance of government* that will guarantee fate treatment to every aat and ovary nation. * It ia caaaa for universal Thanka riving that in th* moat awfal aad most august hour of hoama blatory the conscienee of oar People triumph ed over the counsel of nWlsbaom and far. This is the blessing of the year. Now, therefore, I Thoma Walter Rickett, Governor of Urn State of North Carolina, in ohadUaea to the sacred custom of our fathers, aad in accord with the proriaraatioB of the President of the United State*. do hereby cot apart Thursday, th* 19th day of November, on* thoaosnd nine hundred and aaveateo*. aa a day for universal Thankagtviag And I da call upon th* people of North Carolina to aammble an that day in their placet of worship, and with homblo and contrite hearts gtva thanks to tha Lord of Hoots aad tbs Harvest for His omniscient ear*. And lot us remember Hi helpful ways the widow and tba orphan and all who walk ia tb* shadow of adver sity. And let a pray aseeaaingty that H* who "Ride* the whirlwind and directs tb* ■term” may crown oar forcm oa am and land with *v«i tearing victory and that war may com* ao mot* apaa lb* Don* In our city of Snlelgk, on thla tha eighteenth day at November, ha the year of on Lord, om thousand nine bandied and seventeen, aad ha the one hundred aad feity eocoad year of our American Iniiqioa dance. (GREAT SEAL) T. if B1CEETT, Govern or. By the Governor: __ STANFORD MARTIN, Private Secretary. SELMA'S DEATH MYSTERY '■ ■■ ■■■ 4 Body ef Cberiee Stalling Pound la ae Old Wei l « found la a weH la rtfll a r Starliiic waa mlaasd ona Mam _ d aad atrlet search waa fall fa i - I la the week____< ' and eons bland aw the grienl bat m i ; j 1 body waa badly eWoltoa aad waa borl > ed at oars. An Ingneri Waa bald tha 1 night bat tha preNtefeary’ heerta< ; In regard to It waa poatoewad UB toe Friday. k tbs odteema of Friday** hearing I 1 still bept a secret and wU not b known for a fow day* yet' Bern - enema are expected to follow, aa the have a due of toe guOty party. TRAFFIC STRIKE MENACE APPARENTLY IS ENDED Warfare Will R* Unhampered by y»ubly d Tlrlly by Wifi Washington, Nor. 20,—Conceasinni mad* by both tb* railroad* aad tha bonds of tb* four bcvthcrfeodr aa a result *f tb* pro mot wag* iuat, I* taken by officials e« complete aa. mrance that America’* warfare against Germany win go forward to th* *ad unhampered by th* po**i bilitiM of transportation tie-up* oral wage dffiicultie*. The offer ef tb* roada to place their Interest* in tb* band* of the President for rack decision a* be may daaa neemany aad of the brotherhood* to mediate ear question* of wager, it was pointed oat today at Ui* office at tb* board of mediation aad con ciliation, have not been limited as te Um*. They win be effective until ptffS i| W^ Official* b*li*v» that rack unqaoli l*d adbaaloa t* tb* principle of a*t tiing dispute* through dmcmafem elim inate* whatever chance there might be of a traffic strike da* te miraa .dnutandiaga. aad the coming negoti ations, commencing Thursday at the White Hoosa whoa President Wilson wOl konfur with th* beotherheod rep resents tlvvm, is looked upon a* likely to make tU* still mor* certain. WAKE FOREST GLEE CLUB Tbi. tteei The Wake Fircat Collage Glee Club •ad Orrhmtrs will give a concert ia the Opera House Saturday sight. Noe. 24 th. at 7:24 o'clock for the benefit of th* Red Crum. Beery cent ef tb* proceed*, with tha exception —" ■■■’ .. •• uip, *81 to to dn M Cross. This elob Wfll give. aa utertaiaiaent that all wm sajoy ari a togs noabsr of tha Dana peop^AjouM attend. Tha sm haard to meat rrary biwm bTVosS Cs to tola of aay rite aad itojwad jfeii Every nSa^yTy *"J*T good aiT^ef |m| taetro ■septal toaaic. yial netdafl to hear •f jAe Jarvia Rfd ■ efort to steaa t- -tote Of the people to otder to keep dew* as peeetble. g?” •^°*T ‘•en t^tirV"!!™^ Rkha, who has the work of aaeurtag places for them to chain. The dob is eearpesad of twenty, fire Wake Forest College students. The price of stoiatos wtfl be II aad »0 cents. Tickets on sole at all drug s torts. TRUST COMPANIES OP NORTH CAROLINA HAVE LARGE RESOURCES The Trwt Companies to North Carolna have resoorcee of $49,099, 185.0*, a gala of llt,T74^««.05, or S8 per cent over lest year according to the 18th anneal edition of -Trust Companies of Urn United Statu," just publmhed by the Usited Statu Mort NT * Trust Company of New York. ^ The H17 book, which U now being distributed consists of shout *00 pegu and contains a wealth of in teresting figures sad data. Raaaureu. detailed statements, namu at etoeen and directors, mock quotations, etc., •re given for mors than 9000 coin pan lu. In the preface, John W. Flatten, President of the United States Mort gage A Trust Company, say* in part: „ With the 1S1? edition of "trust Companies of the United 8tat*e." this publication reachu its fifteenth issue and in the period covered, Trust Com poniu have achieved notable gains in strength aad influence. ’TVs figures for the year ending June 80th, 1911, show total rveonresa to bo nearly 19,000,000,0*0, an In crease of more than 11,800,000,000, or 17 per seat ever last tow. For the lr*»-y*ar period Trot Company to sown novo increased oeartj |Sr 500,000,000, or npwarde of 03 pa coat. "The yearly summing op, tharaforo, affords cause for the utmost nth faction on the part of the Treat Cora peniee of the country and the rapidly growing clientele aervad by them.” Danger! Within the peat few days oar poo plo hero a* elacwhcrs coma right ap against ootid facto. No sugar The A marl can Kichun National Baah o/ *••• York in a meant circular haa thafoDowlng to say: "Thto ihortags of mar, Uks tha dangerously assail carry over ol wheat and cotton taat summer, prova< ** “emulating raoorvoa ol nt>ai*'X.bL1[LtTr<> lean ookMon to die in a land hattV i against Oermaay win probably ha *■ ( i__ *_la. a.tVd t. 1_—1. ^ __ ___ J soldiers trim mislead the ehaaee of th Brat aneountor! They also serve the! i Conakry equally lepaby whs die i i the last tranehae.—New Yeah Work i ■■■ It b better to toad pork to tl Albas thaa tndramtty to Oarmaay, I ■ Cepim of th* tot of bo answaNd by a*, who la not now ia baa* aaat to _ mtlS by registrants wbe bay not baas called^ bnt^by all who .bay baa* oa chargm an do prior la tha data of they rules and regulation*, and all certificates ia oeidsny thsrasf, an revoked. and al sack ssrtldtwtw bontofora iaaaad ohaU hay to farth er validity, auya section 4 of th* re gulations. Tbs list of caseation* to b* saassas sd will be wai led to rsahHaala Bat ■south. Tbs blank arasl b* Mad oat and returned sritbia aosaa dap*. Pro vision is wade for all aaeaaaary half in aaasrarinf th* qnsetlons, by tMsn nejrs aad others, with a at aaas to the registrant. Th* naawesa to the aaaa tiona win piaaa to th* heads srtts government the Bf* history af aewry registered wan and eUghs a eons plot* eensy et ths wen af wlbtary age ia TS tradea, todaatrlsa aad pra foiiioDt A fur Uu blank* bava bin Ua4 out fliiiftftUn will Baa wiU be called for aeteiao according to class, as folowa: Clay I. A—8ingle wan without d*paad*at relative*. —Married wan. with or wtlhaat children, who baa babftaaQp failed wife for support. D—Kerned as* with or with* at children, or father mt wstbsrtey children; maa net osefoBy eagyed. family supported by tosaasi inde pendent Of labor. W *_a-a VJMt # A—Mm whoa* trih or AUm an mainly dependant e« kb labor lot aopport. t B—Mariner actually employed b ia tha L'nitad State*. C—Niciary aoW r-f'a* «n trailing, or tewtep hood of aocoo »»n- agricultural enterprise. teaStes/ir’sStelit bead 1of',*eeaa aary Hiduatriel Jta^tlai. A—Oflcara, laptelotl m. eneeathn or JtxHrial of Ite UaM Btetei. oi of State. Territory or DUtHot « Colombia. B B ayater or daiy irdotail abb tor of rvllfion. > C—Student who on May IS, HIT 1 waa prsperiny for arialatry la ra 1 oofjauaitehooL D—Perrons la orilitary or MM* 1 aorrteo of UaMod State*. |—Alin caemy. r F Baal teat oBaa (not aa laimy I who rhiaa - -||11l* • . 0— Paraoa totally nod pinaoaoatl ; gbyaicaMy or awatally, unfit for ad JS Poraao morally aa«t to ho ■oldtar Of tha United Atatee. *—Uoeoaed pilot actually ample] od Hi dm pa ran it of kk Taialll* | ■wnjrjdtooBrmmoBteodtel I ol'otiSi^lrt*?? i KjSS.1fflsSSafcs I to* orpalkOolteaftp Porno* who fad to oaowor O > qaoodooo trill bo ■otnmoHioBy atom L <■ «*—? PTBoktu* k moil fi ayptka which mtfht abeam M ft dftflMfdtlnp Ihd MmUtekaT wr^^^^^woawa a^^Vwmmt ftfttftl the taaotkaa am laowant moot |