VOL. IV DUNN RED CROSS WEEK PROVED TO BE A GREAT SUCCESS FOR JARVIS CHAPTER Moot of I ho Buolaoot and Prafaailaa aJ Mon Contributed to the Coiaoo Libor ally The receipts for the week for this CTral cause bavc been very encourag ing and denote the patriotism of our good citizens In this thriving town. The derailed lint below is s record of the money and chocks received up to time of going to press. If there are any errors or omissions nlcnso report same promptly to L)r. L K. Hicks. Donations received after this list goes to preen, will be publish ed next week. 1. V. HICKS, Chairman Jarvis Chapter, American Red Cross. . II. I. Godwin.........._$10.00 \ R. 8. Jemigan___ 6.00 A. tl- Naylor.....60 E. H. Eubanks___ 1.00 B. A. Rowland..___ 1.00 Purdis Hooks Co. by Ed. rurdic _ 5.00 B. 8. Shaw___ 1.00 Normas A. Lewie__ .00 Jno. A. McKay Mfg. Co..... 5.00 Stephen*.Howard Co_ 10.00 J. W. Jordan_ 6.00 J. L. Hatcher ..._..... 8.00 Baruea A Holliday Cm. 53.00 The Goldstein Co. 31.25 Wake Forort Glee Club__ 81.00 H. 0. Mattox.. 2.00 N. Yato_..._.... .50 W. M. Waters_ .28 £• M. Lee. 2.00 Gao. M. Long___ 1.00 H. C. Baurom. __..... .80 State Bank A Trust Co_ 10.00 Bank of Cape Fear_ 28.00 R- G. Taylor.._i . f.st) Dr. InV. Hicks. .. 6.00 Goddard Lumber Co_ 2.50 Hood A Grantham.._ 12.00 J. N. Creel Jr__ 2.00 Dr. C. D. Bein___.... 2.00 Goo E. Prince_.... 6.00 Tbomaa A Co.. 6.00 Tlhyhmaa Lumbar Co. by 0. I. L. Parker A Sons.. I to Walter Jones.. iTta Johnson-Denning Qroe__ Yto Dr. W. E. Coltraas... 6.55 L. P Surlce_.'_• . 2.0A Dr. J. R. Butler. 2.78 Racket Store...._...... 6.44 Bullar Bros_ 11.17 White Way Theatre_ 2.00 Wilson A Lea.._.... 10.00 BaJe»« Qaaage. «LM B.' G.'SHRrrrrr J. T. Guv... M W. B. Johnson. .■*£ Dr. C. H. Sexton. *-0« Alphin Bros.. I M McKay’s Pharmacy_._ 1.00 Popa and Warren___ 11.00 M. F. Hodgea’ Market. 7.62 B. I* Godwin..-- 6.00 Clifford and Townaond- 5.00 J. W. Draughon-- 15.00 J.O. Sullivan__ 5.00 B. Fleishman & Bros—. 25.00 Johnson Bros- 45.63] The Marvin Wade Co- 39.50 ( Total. 1540.06 The Pope Printing Company, In stead of contributing money to the Red Croat, ban more than done tta part in giving us apace and assisting ua In evary way poaaibU. Wo feel they have enabled ua to make a suc eaaa of our work. 1 have not had time to count the pennies and small change In the Red Crust jars, and accounts of tame will appear in next Issue of the Dispatch. L F. HICKS, Chairman. DR. MYERS DEAD Dr. R. W. Myers, formerly n rill sen of Dunn, died last Tuoaday morning in n hospital In Winston ftalam, after an operation for a throat trouble. It was not thought tin oo*ration would prove fatal and thi announcement of nri death came aa a complete lurprlic to hit friend* In Dunn aad throughout the State. ( Dr. Myert waa a young man, just pamed thirty year* of age, and is well ( known h*ro where be practiced den iatry. While a ettiaen of Dunn be wan married to Mias Pauline Wade, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Martin L. Wade, who, with one child, surrire him. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wade, parents, of Mr*. Myen. attended the burihl, which took place Thureday la Win ston-Balcm. HARVEY NAYLOR DEAD Harrcy Naylor, ton of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Naylor, of Sampson county, died at ('.amp 8rrler, Oreenrille, B. C-, lsat Saturday sad hi* body arrir cd In Dunn Monday morning, accom panied by Alien H. A. Lee, * com rade. Pneumonia was the Immediate cause of hie death. The funeral service* were hold Moaday afternoon from the heme of hie parents, in Sampson county, eight mile* from Dona, and tho burial took place Immediately afterward, under tho auspice* of the Masonic Lodge and the Woodmen of the World, he being a member of both these lodges. Deceased waa a fount man of good character aad was drifted Into the army the latter part of the rammer. Ho was well known in I>unn, when He was a frequent rUHor before Wav ing for the training camp. HI* death i* unusually aad, as ho waa tha Ami of tho soldier boys of this section to dU. Deep sympathy le extend* to tha humediate family and amuor oun other relative*. Mr. and Mra. J. 0. Layton, ol Rule’s Crook, were visitors in Dual today._, Raymond Price srriro'l Wedacsde: mm nine fco» llepowcll, Va., ai« win spend a few days ham wit foUtrraa. TEACHERS GROUP MEETING HaU al Turlington School, Wednes day, Nmatar Slat On Wednesday, Nov. 11, there was 4 group meeting of taacbcra and eomaltlecmen of parte of Crevo and surrounding townships of Har nett County at ths group center school at Turlington School Houia. Twelve teachers and ten committee men, representing six schools, wero present for tht work that is nasally conducted at these group masting* by County Sapt. 11. P. Gentry and Rural Supsirltor, Mias Cherry. All were very much impressed by the good work that I* being dons at this school by Prof C. D. Stewart and hin assistants. Misses Messer sad Blaylock. An entirely new feature wae tho Eleon Rural School Art Exhibition. This exhibit of fifty famous pic ture* was very much appreciated by all present. A plnic dinner was also very much enjoyed. The inerting closed with a short address hy County Farm Detnoastn iw, u. n. ^gj|. FALCON ITEMS. Her. <1 F. Taylor left Tuesday for Winston-Salem to attend the Weatern North Carolina Conference The Pentecostal Holiness Chuck Rev. J. H. King. OeneraJ Super intendent of The Pentecostal Holing* Church, preached here twice lest Sunday. Rrv. H. H. Goff and wife hivr bern holding a matting In Dillon, 8. Mrs. M. I). Selim, of Dvrham, N. C.( and little girt, Gtotti, are visiting Kara. They formerly reaid ed here. _ “r- w. H Royals, of Myrtle Beach. 8 C„ has corns to our town to enter the printing business, and la enraged m the plant Of Falcon Publishing Company. There will he a Thanksgiving ser vice here on the morning of Thanks giving, and at night special exercises by the School. Hope you readers will haad the call of the N. C. Orphanage Associ ation and also ' * ‘ “ ‘ la as _erp point. In view of the large rratrnt of Falcon trade that goa* ta Dana. Rev. C. B. Strickland ie teacklag •ehoel at Oak Rdige, shoot fou •• Me from here. , m «g ^ Minionary Society here elected the J following officer! at laat as erring day, ; »n third Sunday: President, A. X. Robinson; Vice-Prasidont, Rev. T. H. Rousseau: Secretary-Tremsurer, Bar. A. C. Holland; Mesic Director, Mrs. J. A. Culbreth. The society last year raised f 100 (or foreign missions. Cosfersse* ' Mestsag s« Fslcss Tbc N. C. Conference of The Pen tecostal Holincsr Church convened at Falcon. N. C., Nov. 90. 1917. with the General Superintendent, Rev. J. H. Ring, presiding. There were upward* of on* hun dred preachers and dclogatei present, and a number of visitors. The con ference continued till Thursday. The following State officers w*rs elected: Superintendent, Rev. F. M. Britton, of Falcon; Assistant, B*v. J. DJ. Howell, Goldsboro: Socktary Tre usurer. Rev. C. B. Strickland. Bible Cesfereao* at Faless The N. C. Bible Conference of the P. H. Church will be bold nt Falcon, N. C. UfcT 1-14, or longer, with Rev. i. H. King presiding This conftr once is epen to preacher* and laity, of all denominations, and a cordial welcome wilt be extended to all who wish to come for Bible study The sessions will be held twlco daily, at 2 JO and 7 JO p. m. Corns and bring your Blblt and note hook, and bo prepared to Uko part in the discussion. The enkiaef will kg** TKa At ft ft men I Nothin* of a controversial nature j •ill ba admitted or permitted, but , ho.object ia to give a* thorough an icqualntaacc of the subjects aa the , ime aQottod will permit. I Anyone wishing to stay through- , >ut tha satire time, and wtehiag to ■Mon board and lodging, kindly eom nunleate with A. E. Robinaon, Fai son, N. C. NOTICE OP FAIR MEETING There win bo a meeting of the officers, committee* and other* later eeted In the Harnett County Circuit Fair in tha court room at IdWnfften the first Monday in December at one o'clock It I* urgently requested that all interested in the fair come prompt ly at the time mentioned for the meat lng. If yen do net feel specially In terested at the praeeat time plea** eome if pomlbk end help make this important work a success. B. F. GENTRY, Secretary. Dr. J. M. Judd of Vartna was be fore Justice J. M. Fuquay bars Sun day to answer a criminal charge pre ferred against him for failure to rs port a contagious disease, nwm Error, which was treated by Dr Judd in this county recently. Tha fftate Board of Health, through oat of Its representatives Instituted tha irons cution. The only defense the dectei had was that he forget to report and by some mean* the information fall into the hand* of the 8Ute Beartl and the proessutten was the remit Thor* was an agreed statomcat of fad and the cane waa sent to As Atterae] General with the undertone ding tha1 ■ tha defense would abide by Ms da , claloa.—Harnett Peat Prof. B. M. Grey, superintendent » r the Dunn Oraded Beimel, left Uli I afternoon for Charlotte, to attend A ■ state Teacher's Assembly la mate* thera Ak weak. PROPER MANNER OP 'ADDRESSING MAIL Theae Wit* Writ* ta Soldier krt Should OUtrt. FaU.wtag laitrwtim Postmaster Eugene T. Las ha* been «£ad by the Camp Sevier military ofllriaia to call the attention of the patron* of tha Dunn offlr* to th* following detail* concerning the prop er manner of addressing mail to tha coIdler* stationed there and at oth tr campa and cantonment*. L All mall should ho very de finitely addressed; that f*. not obly tha name* of the larger organisa tions but tha smallest unit to which a man belongs should be put in the address. Thud: JOHN DOE. Co. H. 11 Oh In ft. Sevier Branch _ Greenville. 8. C. .*• ™ fall name of the addrraata should be given as there ara to b* found n larg* number of the men with ib® same name and initiala In the camps. S. Tha return addreaa of tha Mflllff hkstsaU _ I L. a *a . appcr left band corner of all let ter* and parrels. 4. All parcala should be aaeuraly wrapped and packed in substantial k®*®1 JV2* addraaa written In tn** "fniMble matter olight acre* 10 J®. ►?.rk®d In paste board bear* u t ia liable to decay and ran— consequently raining tbc package and maldng it and other .mil dOcult to Pane*! marks arc •jktJly rob* “d y**tjr become blurred jrhaa wet by decayed perishable mat WA« ACTIVITIES IN WASHING TON Washington, D. C-, No*. 17 —The population of the City of Washington haa increased at least 60.000 since the war began. It la natural that the 3SS6ft3«SK35 •*•<* of the sort extensive proper- : ation foV war over andartakrn by any country. A steady stream of new oppointaes to the gTaat civibaa army with activity; everybody ia busy and ' raraaat; e% every band are the ear* **R? « 0 competent orgaatiatien , witlrm flzad purpose. 1 At Sengaig of the United 8tatra 1 •’Jr**' C®“Hraioo the Wash- 1 >MVm Chamber of Commerce he* ; Dndsrtskss Ike — I eli A# *• A— hixsasara- ■ Mrabla iwol with or without ; word, ere Sated, and at very moder- ; ita ratea Application lor accum- ‘ aodaUoee can be mad* by sew ap- , toinUaa through correspondence be fore leaving borne or by calling at ' ha often of the Washington Chamber >f Commerce, No- *11 Twelfth St s'. W . upon thalr arrive] in Waah iDgtoo. Stenographers and typewriter* make up a large part of the addition* to the lore# at Washington Thoo tands have been appointed and thou sands morn arc needed. Ship drafts men for the Navy Department, mech anical draftsmen for the service gen erally, and itatlaUcian* and what are known si clerks qualified in business administration, clerks .qualified in sta tistics or accounting, index and cata logua elerka, balance of stores clerks, and sc bed ale clerks lot the Ordnance Department of the Army are also In great demand. Representatives of the United States Civil Barries Commis sion at the poet offices in all cities are furnishing detailed information concerning positions at Washington in which workers era needed. RE-SALE VALUABLE LAND By virtue of e decree of ths Super ior Court of Harnett County in an action entitled “Bradley Johnson vs J. A. Stewart, J. F. P- Stewart, Chat. Stewart, et ala." entered at the September Term, 1017, ths undersign ed ecmaisalnnen named in said de cree, win offer for sale for cash to thu highest bidder, at 11:00 A. M. on WMiivm/ ttBU U»7 I'l UiVTJ, , 417, OB tha premises *»> Coats, N. tbs tract of had bora-ir.-afU-r Os i cribed. TbU tract of land wa* auld n Nov. Ird, 1917, and Um bid having ieea raiasd, la belag ro-oull by Uv ; 'omminionm, under Um aata dv.-r*^ if rho Coart: let Tract. Beginning at a ttnl.v d the lower lino of 8y/iUu» St.-wn.t lUi comer of lot No. s, and r.mt N 17 chair* In a atako; Ihtov W. 11 1»9 chains to a stake; thonce S XT rha.r.a tc a slako in th* aforwail diwtty l.nc; thence E. to th* oo-ri inio.f, i m - Coining 44 ncroo, and Is lot No. 4 In ihi drat Fnvtsion of tho landi i.f taculi Pt*w»rt, doeoaaod. tad tract. Beginning at a atako in tho Reuben Stewart lino and runs 8. 6 W. !l.t chain* to • atako ia 8. K. WUlhuai Unc; thanes aa hi* Han N. 85 W. 5.4 ehaina to a atako Chan. Stewart's corner; thonce aa hia line N. 15 W. 7.5 chalnn to n stab* Chao. Stewart’* corner; tboneo aa bia Hne N. 5 B. 11.75 chains to a stake in th* dowwry line of Snythia Stewart; thane* aa the dowery lino of Synthia Stewart S. 85 X. 18 chain* to tha bog in niag, containing to aero* and it lot No. 4 In tha divlrtoa of th* dowery lands of Synthis Stewart, widow of Jacob Stewart, doeoaaod. Srd Tract. Boginning at a atako on th* wool aid* of th* Onrham S Southern Railroad at th* right-of-way and run# with the said right-of-way N. 18 W. 17% to a stake R. StewaiTi corner; thence no his lino S- 8 W 15.75 chains to a stake hia comer T. D. Stewart', tin* or D. T. Stew art’* Mno, theno aa the aaW Stewart Um S. 55 K. crowing Uv Raleigh and Fayetteville Road to th ; beginning, conUinlng 7% aero* men . or lew J. R BARBOUR, D. H. McLean, OnmbWMg , Thl* M*V. S4tb, 1417 | Oo*. 1. Smith, of Coot*, was buUnow vial tor here yesterday. THOSE WHO C&rnUBUTED TPi- * C. A. FUND A Total of SI, 17AM |T>. CJ« Ut Bolow h nUiawont of «U»crlpti<m« iwtaftor tha Y. M. C. A. M( ««ik (ia« Tha cam* N«"'W «n4 tha local oryanltatien. «Akh w. headed by huscno Ue A Horace Freeman, laailo a thoiDOftaanraao of tha town tad morf oeary ghiaen, waa rtvon an opportunity twMhtrfbdte. Not many r.? tha aanUtt^poa hro hunw, but there art quits a number of them, which abow. jA.a'hme par coat o.uSte,25 t ,22 ?r*SkIg--i'-c-t- s.oo ! w y^r-rX-—»----- tAO £ if .<— i o* ^ttSKk::;:-::: 222 'Vi ■ 11 io.ou .. S.00 £• £ Jyy».----- O-Oo y.B.»*IOwto.i—- s.00 :ii 'SSUas;::::::-::::: tit i. a Jicbn.1.00 3 D. jtrttMaM.-.... 1.00 .*-®0 1 F: ??!**• X-.A.. I SO B _Vn*.----—- 1-00 B. W. Putted.. 8.00 »n° A. Meta,. 10.00 a- A- ... 1-SO Walter «Ufti..SO J” i 5t^vr»*r,,»**—■nr- J® .w 1.00 telMlrtn,..t. >00 r. A. Andrew*.S. 1.00 -caader Price.._ i.oo ?. J. Jeffrey*._.i. 10.00 LU Howard. 10.00 F. C Flash..___...jr i.o* TMeian,,^..! 1.00 L V. Snipe*..6.00 loha Mend*....._ 10.00 [• * Taylor.M* Z. H. Saxton...-- 1.00 Z. K. BroujhUa.' 1.00 :. BAreoek..!.* 1.00 !. L. Parker....1 MS I. *- Ue...;,.' MO l W. Coeh. . 4.00 dr*. Lavia CAI_ l*S for-*taar MM A. Blalock..--.IMf In. J. E. CoW--:.- 6.00 diaece Practt, Farthing, Car fin and Butcher--— 6-00 Vaa. Pcannll_ — 6.00 r. S. Farthing. 6 *0 I. G Goddard. 1-60 l. H. Wilton- 100 I. P. Hammond — -- 1.00 Ur« (*eo. M. Floyd... 1.00 V B. Botl«r__. *.00 Mrt & T. Godwin. .W Mary Lovett Floyd-...... .60 r. R. Jo net- -*6 I. A. E11U.10.00 R. L. Denning............. 6.00 I. R. Butler.10.00 Willie Morgan.-. 6-00i R. L Godwin...---...... 16.00 W. P. Connor- 1.00 Kill* Goldatein-10.00 J. A. Jamet...—-_...... 1.00 c. S. Moon.-. * «> Ollie E. Trader- 100 Cto. R Warrun-— .... 6.00 W. J. Thompeon. 1.00 Mr. and Mrt H. O. Mattox-16.00 0. H Parker.-. 100 J. L. Thompeoo---60?? Jno. P. Johntot- 6.00 J. U Wade.16*5 W. D. Barnes.— 1.00 MV*. Virgie Waiven. 1.0C Mima Laura ghoB- 1.0C Mime Katherine E. Allen. 10C JL Durham Taylor-... 1.0G W. A- Bixael!... 1.0C 1. L. Jackmon-- l-0< F. UWIlaoa. »•« Mite Minnie Gay. 1« Mitt Beetle Cox. J. G. Layton- - I. V/, . m - - >. 8 Cooper--*6 ®J J. W. Gardner-- 6-®* t L. Gardner L F. Jerntgan- •** I. K. Creel. Jr. J “ R. K. Herring—. » *® R. P. Young..60.00 I. L. Hateber_— --—- 6.00 M. G. Cook. 6 0® Wiley B. Jaekaen.. 6.®0 |.W. Weeks..--- * ®J Joe. C. Warren.. J-®® Dniay William*... J-®® G+o. L. Cmaji»dy~--- \ E. H. fiobanka. * *® J. W. LanglfT. > J. A. Cntbreth. 6X0 R. W Smith.— W-JJ \TL 52Ea::::::::::::: W J. W. Draughoo.1® «< A. B. Weaver. \ n' W. A. Gainey. P. K Morgan..— C. L. Alderman-........ *•£ Jaa M. Henry. *-• K. B. Wnrren. ' ! E. T Lee.»« ® W; H. Turlington. > ® Prank Kelley.—-.-.——— *-® U. .. * ° M. K. Hedges. Walter Jones. : A. A. Jones..----- W I T. V. Smith-- —. } 1 Geo T. Meet. }• > Clyde IlnmphMT. » U A. .. w J. L. Wilson. £ M. C. Butter. —. * A. E Norris..—— jJ " Prod Baggett. »• J, O. Harass. O. X. Grantham.*£• a O. M. .. J. A. Wattes—I ‘i • % ALL EXPECTED TO IMPROVE HIS HEALTH NEXT WEEK Only the Ran Dm aad Pw la HmIU Are Subject to T.berey ■••to. The Amt week hi December, from ?**■***—* *• «“ ninth, U national health-improving week. It in called Tubemujonia Week, aad it a«uii that everybody suet do everythin* to im. prove W* health and prevent tuber caloaia daring thane daym. It i> a well Who keep to goodl health rarely hay. tabarculeito. On tho other hand, perron* who a Dew themeclvee to ran down, to loot weight, to low dnip and become Dor vono, particularly If they hare cold* “f e°°^“ »“* they do not care, but allow to run on, are more than ■wly to contract tubcrculoeia. K.jf U Hare to avoid juat three eenditioao, or if you have them ai *• rwtody thorn at once, that called for Tubereuloaii Week aa a day of reckoning and taking me ~“"t «P*«Wly t°r pcraenal atudy to retotiea to tola diaeaae. ft u requee Ude Individual take time aad before too week ie over, know Ww ki itondi in regard to tfci§ par A phyrfcal twain. mlinn that —111 U- ___ dftiMs and dafecta which perhaps have you bad health already, Md which can aastly ho remedied, is the beet way to eet yourself right. Toa will certainly make no miatake tbca whereas if yen attempt to di •gaom root case, aad to medicate rraneif accordingly, you win have more than a foal for year doctor. A torn particular conditions that everybody should take note of during Taharcalosia Woek ere of the teeth and game aad dafecta ef the noee. which prevest assy breathing thresh the noee, of the digestive system if dlgantien or constipatiea is present, •f the heart aad arteries by having a blood prose are teat taken, and of the kidneys by havtog a orinalysi* Pattiog Urn teeth, gnaw, noee and throat la order is the least a person caa ds and amosats probably to tbs most as it affects his health. Boa Party EaterUlaamt Thar* will to a maaical entertain ment and a box party next Friday night Nov. 30th at Union Academy 4 miles South of Dunn. Everybody i* cordially Invited to attend. Admia aon for the entertainment wlU be 14 and 16 cants. The boxes will to sold immediately after. Com* stone end bring your friend and have a good time with on. _ C. U. GURLEY, PradpaL L. /. Jemlgan_.._..... 1-00 W. A. Water*. 6.00 E. Lea. 1.44 t M. Jeffrey*-. XO.Of B. S. Shaw. 2.4( C- IL Stephenson..- 6.0( R. W 1’ope. *.B< Cape Fear Lodge No. 1>« k. of P..36-01 L. C. Dupree. 6.01 A. D. Wlleon. 6.0l E. C. Edgerton. *.0i Jesee M Johnson. l.Oi L. E. Newton.. 1» H. S. Freeman--- *■* . ■_1 m..4k_aL 10.# Mirth Morrow- J-*® i Ml*.-Poo null. *-00 1 Mr*. 3. C. CHflord.. *•• , Marion BaggoU. 1-0® B F PUaaant. 1.00 lawrrnce Jornigaa- 1.00 L M. Ream_ 6 00 D. J. Dowd. *-00 Mra 3. C. Aadraw*.10.00 M. A. Towaapnd-**.00 W. E. Coltran*. 5.00 L. J. Boat__....._ Employer*. Tilghman Lumbar do., through E. B. 0*1 br*th.0*.7* 3. W. Pordio. *0.00 II. B. Tarlor....- g-®* 0 P. Shelf.. * ®0 C. L. WUaoa—.10 0® Guy Hooka----— j'SS R. M. Poaraall. * »0 M. M. DrWar. * 80 R. 0. Primro**...------ 6-00 V*wherry Bro* A Cow*B.10.00 C. A. Bakor--- 1.00 D. C. Tamil*_..._.... 6.00 fl. C. MeMaM. .fJJ > Jordan A Holm**.*800 » J. O. .. * 00 I Jan. ..** ®S ) O. L Daaaing. ) Marrin Wad*. 800 » H. M. Carter. \ » J. B. Smith.-. * 2 ) B. 0. Tow**mid....- 1®2 ! K liJSSSt:::::::::::::: | it SXs::::::::::::::: SB lLf. Hick*. J* 0 J. C WIBiama. » • ® C. A. Baker. 4 0 * C. J. Smith... 80 >0 Mr*. B. W. Smith. 1.1 >0 C. D. Bala. f.J 10 0a*. Barefoot. 1.4 >0 Dr. T. X Dardaa. »•« >0 B. W. Poao. 8 MA.I McQaoan.— »-l || Total. *1,1T*.< LETTER PROM , State* Paste Editor__ Dans, N. _ , A» i former ettiaen of tho boot* fnl llttl* city of Dann, osd now a aoldior of tho groat Amort of Froodom aad Liberty, I, — a nd pta,"rt»lSM WmJ to. that they ara not koine cor. aa they should. Wo Mm oE _ warm elotha and every aaaa Me a ww beery overt oat. We Mm thme wool blankets to ooeb mam aad M tne the Use* targute of Co. E. I con tiwtkfiany any tho bom an setting plenty of good wbaliaatei rood. I lodooe o wayia Meao, which you will pisooo pabMsh. Of eoona thla atom le rbangad dally. Tbii is not tho beat. aiSrb it the worst, bat la o fair temails of oar doily bill of fair. I ofua aotieo that mottam ore sanding thoir boys banna of rations and aa a matter of fact the biocuiU get hard, the potataee yet mouldy ead cannot bo oaten whoa uvry are received. of coont I knew tha mot hare mean moll, and tear an worrying for fear tbalr daar aaaa an not f erring •*& If nth in fmt worry about year seas far they an (erring batter than aay nlfln aa earth, and moah i attar tea taaa ad th mm da teat an aot im tea army. Of cvana tha baya appreciate a Wax from homo aaw and lima, bat don’t toad staff that «fl rain fa tnndt Than la enough rations totally last by momldlag. boxes bate* natead as ia t remit and being improperly ed dnaaed, to food many o' ■oath. The camp Is aa »recent^ of aa ^ these diseases an demaateg rapidly aad we thisk tea haa win aaaa ba lifted. Oar Caw haa laaa iViiiaa tea any ad tea rimipaain I Ira aw ad. la arty ___ 3E8££j ' ~jCo. K, USthlafty. * ~H-“ (kny Coffee Dinner: *"'* ikaijpftL Baked sweat Wffw Coffee Bread Sapper: Mashed Potatoes Fried Onioaa Steak Grassy Breed Puddle Coffee Bread FOUR OAKS BOVS COMING HOMB Sw of Mr. Adeem Wim rmalidwi m Ffmt I [irtinitB Fear Oaks. Nee. SC—Mr. end Bn. B. B. Adieu Me jut raceload mm eacea from their tool from Ft Offfe Reaerre Officer. Tmlninn Cup. The yoonr men are heptnc to antoa Mae for a late Thnaiiffring dinner on next Thunder. They oil b« a short farlooph and J. B. Admna tr ordered to report for duty at Chleo nawpa la the Iffth infantry Rfjar A riT E-B-AdatM U to rapaA fe* dntr at Comp Gordon. Atlanta. Ga. •cord mod# by_ ho training of tfcto noat »u «o»«h a he drat aad tte 3 jo obtain. I ONLY A votmcntn Why didn't I wart to bo drafted ^ , And te lad to tte train by a baidl , And put tu a date for tawjte \ Oh, why did 1 bold np ay tend* Why didn't I wait for tte teagaott why didn’t 1 watt to te cteoradT For tte drafted ana gat all tte oradlt while I toddy Tolantoorad. Nobody yarn ato a banged. t£&££cskl» To bo trained fee tte neat tea year Aad In tte dnUM forgotten— I wae only n mbated. And poitepe totoo day In tte fotary Wteany Mttbboy dtsoa toykaa^ And te ana what I dM la Uda great Aa’bta tittle epee leak ep at tte. 1 wtB bare te bek beek Into tteM Nttb eyas That st bm ee U adlagiy fed, Aad teO kte that 1 want drafted, That 1 wee only a ' l i By a V i noth Aero “ » I • _ ! Robort Jordan, who b i , dor Prof, r o paraata. SC. end to. i. IsSfeggjpl « tte Lana * Lane aM MM hi : I ' - - : • I ■ i

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