DUNM VOL. IV WAR WITH AUSTRIA ' ASKED BY WILSON IN HIS MESSAGE. ' Declaration Against Turkey and Bulgaria Not Asked For At Thu Time. * IT IS A POWERFUL MESSAGE j "W» Sksii Co Wkmm tk. Nocss- c sltiot of War Carry U»” Say v TVo PmiJrai I Washington. Dec. 4.—Fred- • dent Wilson read a powerful < new note into his message to < congress today. Calmly, but with his usual unassailable i • logic he urged an Immediate dec t laration of war against Autria- •) Hungary. In moving words • that brought cheers from the * distinguished gathering which i listened to him, he branded v the dual monarchy as a vassal r of Germany and, as such, an e enemy of the United States. The president added that the 1 same logic would lead aUo to a a declaration against Bulgaria t and Turkey. They also are d tools of Germany. c "But.” he continued, “they t arfc mere tools and do not yet „ stand in the direct path of our ( • necessary action.’* t President Wilson's utteranc es were greeted with tremend- t ous applause and cheering from 1 the floor of the house ur>d from I the galleries. . Ambassadors, ] members of the supreme court, a members of the cabinet and the < crowded row* of citizens ex- r pressed their hearty approval. r President Wilson asked for Immediate action- He got it. <■ Congressional consideration t was started at once at both j ends of the capitol, and it is a j foregone conclusion that war , will be declared on Austria, 1 probably within a fortnight, i The declaration may come next $ week; or it may be delayed by , some possible pretext until the < holidays. j IOYS AT FORT CASWELL EXPRESS APPRECIATION Vera Glad to Sx Th. F.lha From Home o.d Eojoyod th. Big Tliub|M«| Dlaaer. Th. following letter from tha Hogan Gang" at Fort Caswell, which i composed principally, of Dona oys, the slogan of which is "Sherman aid It,” expresses ths appreciation f the boys for ths many thoughtful ifls which wore sent them Thanks ivlng by the good people of Dunn nd Hnrnett county. Th* letter is itrresting end should be read by sv ry on. who is Interested in ths boy* t the “Pore” It follows: To the good people of Dunn who rare so thoughtful ss to remember ha "Hogan Gang" at Port Caswell hanksgiving day with all kinds of stables, such aa turksy, cranberry aacc, fruits, variety of cakna, sand ichcs, cigars cigarettes, etc. We the adenigned member* of said organ ation do hereby on this method of standing thanks. W« deeply appreciate tbclr efforts i making Thanksgiving day so pteoa nt for us. For days u> fsiloer* have, rcu looking forward with ao email egre* of pleasure to a vieit by some f the home people and after reeelv ig word that Thanksgiving morning's oat would bring our friend* to the ort the year was baited with do ght. Believe us—we met that boat and i> see the familiar face* of Miaaeo largarett Tope, Cora Warren, Irowmo Exsell, accompanied by Gone; 'arfccr, A. D. Wilson. Bob Dmnlag, | nd Gene Loo. Ws simply cold not ontrol our actions nor tongues. Qep y -oh boy! Ovorjoyed is n mild ac cession. We again thank all of those who onlriboted to the good feed for Ul, at mure especially are we thankful nd appreciative of th* aboee named arty who came from home In per on, and not only delivered th* goods, tit mad* ns feel Hke lifo down here as not been forgotten by alL Come gain good people end vteit us, we njoy having you more than word* an express. If you have any doubts WANT HIGHER SALARIES |l PAID SCHOOL TEACHERS Nevt Legislative WQl Be Urged ts ( FrwvUa far Higher Salaries Far Teeehere Tb« North Caro line Teachers' as- 1 ■embly closed its 34th annual ronven- E Lion In Charlotte Friday night with * t patriotic rally In tho city auditorium fl when speeches wars made by Gov. t Ulelcott, President Graham of Oio v State Univcrxity, and Arthur Farwcll, v romp user and musician, of New York J city. • 8 The annual election of oScers re- b lulled as follows: N. W. Walker, prea- h Ident, Chapel nill; fl. B. Underwood, e rice-president, Greenville; E. E. Sara*, b secretary, Raleigh; A. 8. Webb, Mbs Mary Arrington and R. II. I .athem were elected to Oil vacancies on the < executive board. In tho lung list of resolutions pass- C ed at the business meeting Friday, the secretary was instructed to write I s letter to all Superior court Judges, falling upon them to charge their sew- I oral grand jurist as to the toenpul- I lory attendance law. Owing to the fact that many valuable teachers are ( leaving tho service because of high er salaries paid by concerns profiting I by the world war, the resolutions railed upon the proper authorities to ( raise salaries of teachers to pro rent this gTeat loss to the teaching (orre of tho State. Praaesro wtO be brought to bear upon the next Legislature for the railing of teacher*’ ealaner, enlarg ing the Stats school funds, sad erect- < log fireproof buildings. t The Shirley cup, given for the best 1 musical composition In the state for c the year, was awarded to Miss < Alla Pearl Little of Hickory. Her ] composition was a circle of songs. ’ ] live parts, “Prom the Hetfrt of Na-’l tare." | WILL CAPTURE KAISER I FOR *20.000 REWARD • Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec. 1.—A ’ man who signs himself 'of the Air';' has reported to State Treasurer Bill < Alexander that he will deliver Rill t HohaasoUern, alias. Rsfser W^sgba, j wttirtn'afti daw.. If tlis.Wari'trf-lt —mi. rtniumru-■i.rnsniir Tbe President spoke ss follows: "Gentlemen of the Congress: “Eight months have elapsed since 1 last had the honor of addressing yon. They have been months crowded with events of Immense ond grave signi ficance for us. I shall not undertake to detail or oven summarise those events. The practical particulars of the part we have playod In then will be laid before you in the reports of the executive departments. 1 shall discuss only our present outlook upon these vast affairs, our present duties, and the immediate means of accom plishing the objects wo shall hold always in view. MI shall not go back to debate tbe causes of tbe war. The intolerable wrong* done and planned against us by the sinister masters of Germany bars long since become too grossly obvious and odious to every true Am erican to need to be rehearsed. “But I shall ask you to consider again and with a very grave scrutiny nor objectives and tbe measures by I which we mean to attain thorn j for| the purpose of discussion hero in this place is action, and our action mutt move straight towards definite ends. Our object is. of count, to win the war; and we shall not slacken or suffer ourselves to be diverted until It Is won. Hut it is worth while ask ing and answering the question, when shall roneldor the war won? •‘From ono point of view it Is not necessary to broach this fundamental matter. I do not doubt that the American people know what war ia about and wha* aort of aa outcome they will regard aa a reaUaation of their purpoee ia it. Aa a nation wa are united in spirit and intention. I pay Ittla heed to them who tel) mo otherwise. | hear the Token of dta •ont—who does notf I bear Die cri ticism and the clamour of Iho notally, thoughtless and troublesome. I alao sec men here and there fling tbem relrea in impotent disloyalty against the rahn, indomitable power of the nation I hear m.„ 4,t,*u pMce who undurateird aoitbar He n*tur» nor the wny In which we may attain it with uplifted eyea «nd unbrDken spirit*. “But I know that aoae af these .peaks for the nation. They do not tooeh the Jieart of anythin*. The) may safely he left te .t,,, uneasy hour and bo forgotten. “But from aa other point of rier I beU.se that it »• necessary to ssi plainly what we hor* at tha seat oi action consider the war to be fOT M< what pan ws mean to play |„ ttu settlement of its searching Imuas. Wi are the spokesman af the Aamrieui people, and they h*»« » tight p know whathe, their pon— «• out, They desire p^ee by the ossreowu^ of *vt1' by tv. dsfeet ease for a| (^°aUnwed en peg* *) -fta'ph Wad.-j Ralph Parker Airy Parker | i le-wic Strickland I Jcjsc Wilson 1 Bob Wilson i Leon Cohen ] Bob remnall Joe Newman , Charlie Parks Elijah Lockomy. Wesley Thompson I Caspar Warren Henry Lee Fori Caswell, N. G, Dee. 8. “HOOAN GANG.” CONSERVATION PROPAGANDA MEETINC WITH SUCCESS Reports Comlag ia Daily Are Very Eacoaragiag to the Feed Admlaiatratlea. Raleigh, Dec. 4.—That the eonssr vation propaganda being conducted in North Carolina ia mocting with a splendid response in most place* ia shown by reports that ate coming to the office of the Pood Administration here. A particularly inspiring report haa just .come from Salem Academy and College at Winston-Salem. This In tihmtion serves 1000 mcab, a day. It is observing Are mcitlcce days a week, having two sea-food days, one fowl day, and one day an which no meal In any form ia served. Com product* and graham bread are ■ ab et! luted for white bread entirety on wbeetles* days and to a vary consid erable extent daring the entire weak The consumption ef sugar haa been cut down iron) ion pound* to 36 pounds a day. - Dswrrt* are eerred only on alternate days, and often aalnds Instead of swset deserts are •arvad. Cake has bean practically eliminated. President Howard E. Rond thaler 'rrltea Food Administrator Henry A. *•«• teat he has enjoyed the hearty !*®^»«ration of tha eath-o student [body in hia food consecration program ■ *f“ **r- Page has written thanking "” '?***• •■thoritUa and the sta Uent body perticaiarly for the It eo> operation. The Feed Adadnlatratlen is also csiting tha attention of aD boarding schools la tha State te tha ******** *** ky the Winston-Salem Academy. • ™E “KAOLY AUTO N«w York. Dfs i—Automobile, killed *01 pemen, I, N„ YoHt ^,u I since January 1, I, Compered with 1 601 during the same period laet year ' according to a report issued by ths 1 Ne tonal Highways Pfoteetlra Sec let] 1 today. I The food edministration has setssr '/1«,0«<) teas of sugar which sms halt la New York. laiagr Bill is hiked to 1*0,000.M "Anyone who thinks Reiter Bill it 1 It Germany,’ declared the signer of I be letter in hU missive, ‘it a fool, i talked to the Kaiser in Kansas City i lot fifteen days ago. If you arant , dm advance me 1600 expense money. < - 1 riVIUZATION WILL , DIE IF PRUSSIA WINS . dinneopolls Tribune. Hitherto America has felt tafe be hind her encircling seat, across which » superior hostile arm conld reach. And the whole world has fait securely i ’ortified on its aids, from which di- • ■action only ths good God was ever mown to strike Bnt within the last tors# yean w« have been stripped mked of both these defense*, lien • no guaranty of safety to a single toman being for a single day or tight so long as <a power exists on Mirth large enough and malevolent enough to undertake a world raid. In spite of the utmost national rigilance we shall be naked to our enemies as aver were tho Gauls to ths Hans or the Romans to the Vandals, if airships shall continue I to develop and submarine* to extend the radius of their destructiveness in the hands of a people devoid of moral sense. How startling near the world now is to such a catastrophe is shown by many signs in the development of the German genius to destroy, but by neae so vividly as that of the recant assault on Armeatieres by German bombing planes carrying arsine gas bomb*. This gas is a enUelawa alNiCRt nfinrlaas .osL.Jl_1.. subtle and altogether deadly poieoa,] one breath at whleh, it ia said, b ■ure death, against which there Is no' known remedy. Ita killing affect on Armenierea laited for more than a weak, and In that time 4,000 of the Inhabitants aeeryona who breathed the gaa, died In agony, greater oven than that produced by the German chlorine gat. Experts la the effects of pedaon believe that H la possible v/ith this gas fag ana airmen |ri ono flight te kill every Inhabitant of a village of 000 people; whtlo pc rail tent flights of great air sqoerdront could put tn death aa satire nation, once It had Ha gaa munitions and air sqoArdrona ready In advance of Ha Intended vic tim. We now know Germany well enough to believe that, driven Into a luring light, her high command win not with hold IU hard for moral reasons from pouring this, fatal poison over all ot say of ita onomlea. AD Uio world dead hot Germany, oglclal and an eflkieL soema to be able to contest plate with calm eorloaaueea. Thera la aa defotiaa against each I world killing power except to pet I under physical bonds while the work ■ptrk la retnada an the plan laid dowi 'HANK5C1VINI J ENJOYED eg*. Haila-4. W > r*t*h Mine The following ha. Dtepatch last [ollaad, of Com c jr, which I* now I •vter. Greenville, l le menu tho P aa terved the " iting ooo, far • >y*d by the a t ua'l eoldiera l eat paid and the 11 i the world, wh itlafactlon of an c rat fighter a. The j * - i THANKSGIVING' yeWr Soup < Roaat f iblet Gravy j Saga j . ■ t oin of Pork Apple So ace Creamed “ulnfhti*— > weet PoUtoea Upamw Tipn 1 ranch B*ae Qwn Olivaa MU Pleafca > oUry Heart* • lattacc Salad « Cocaaot and Waluat Layer Cake « Hare Pit ■ Punpkin PU I Wired Nut* and C*adia» i 'rang*# Apple* Banana* ’ Cigar* and rteetett** 1 Cocoa Coffee 1 ___ I Crudwodttlrrdo - I Red Spring*. Nov. **•—A wadding « f much interest thraaghoot this see ion of the 8t»ts ytm solamnisad at < he husaa of Ur. ^sfsi McBrydo ' n Tuosdsy, vt—mlirr 17, at 8 [80 ’clock, «kon his daughter, Jsm « trown. bocacao the brideof Mr. Lewis i rvia Oonntharn, 0f Iisahsrtnsi. The ouso was beautifully doeoated with •ms aad yollow chi isaathemurns. Praesdbtff tbs cermnrny MUa Annie : IcRyrde, rioter 0f (ho bride, song The Sweets* Story Brer Told." Mn. V. C. Brawn prwUed at the plana, •o the strains of r,iksngrin’s "Wod inc March" the «t[pdP aatarod with he beet nu. bis Fild Row” was-softly ylaysd. Rsrv.l '.u gene Alexander, pastor of the I' iride, officiated, assistsd by Rev. W. Brown. The bride wore a hand urns bine salt with gray hat and dove*, and carrad a shower bosquet f Bride rosea and sallsy Ulisa. Mis. <i»b«t wore a bias satin gown and •cried yellHw chfymnUicmnms. Miss tnsio McBrydo srors taupe satin ** it*. Brown gray erspo d* chine with «•* trimming*. A reception followed the ceremony. VF __J _ OaanSL._t-hs a _ rip to Florida and Cuba. They ifll * at home after December 10 at - umberto n. Ml Former E«a—*i>aa Canceled bp New Selective Dealt B.U. Order the new r'*uUtions every leraon registered f°r (elective draft ■ restored to hie original stator, sec .ion 4 stating that exemptions and dire barges made prior to December IS irr revoked. The office of the Provost Mirabel r.mersl declares it I* imperative that overy registrant k»°w his “order number." Every f®*»on who regis tered or should have registered June 3 is charged with a knowledge of the selective eervies law a ad addition s' regulations, and falfcua to perform any duty to pt^ribad Is a mis demeanor punishable by imprison ment for on# year sad may result la the loss of vsloabiw r'ghta sad privil ege* and la immediat* induction into military a*rvira. When mu want IS ha UiritUI akn yoo want to bo fte*tod by tbo later play of atartHag Nation.. narrow aaeapoo, and M#il( sensations, when yoo want W bo enthralled by a faarinatiag loro Mory and entrane •d by tbo boaoty of * ttar.aoo “Haaito Afire” at tbo WWW rbaatro oa Friday. TUa oplotwi tbrlll yoa, Inters* yon tain yoa daring *w) It la being prooogWd oa This pietaroplay tea 0*1 you want. Yoa •will bo charmed ate beauty and Yoaug, tbo Board o written tiaod b la a baU by w Mr. sad Mbs I ettevIRe ' WTke AGREEMENT CONCLUDED AT ALLIED CONFERENCE h* Aaasund That Crculias sf lntec-AUUd Naval CsaaUttss Had Ism Decided Upon Paria, Dae. 4.—Tho foreign oSca *1 daily enounced today that at I >« recent inter-aUled conference, < i which the United States particl- < ated, ageeementa were concluded ' spun the beau of a complete end- ' re tending and cloae solidarity among 1 n aBiaa far Uia aolution of qnoa- 1 one in which they have a common i itofeat in the war.” i It area alto anaoanced that the I'eation of a supreme interallied aval committee had bean decided pon. The inter-allied' general stag. H as atatail, waa working upon a da nlte military pcogram which was lacing unity af military action in h way af certain raaHution. The announcamant regarding the eeolta of the conference waa made i the following official etatemeat: "The minister of foreign again •ported to the cabinet council to ny the result af tbs conference af he silica. The reading of common- ! rations from tbs preaidanta af aacb i ection af the allied conference, at fhiek were present for the first iaM represents three af all tho coun riee takiac part with ns in thii war, iaa givaa f olid bout results from ev ry paint of view. They give ss urnnea of practical unity af action, conamienDy,financially and militarily "The agreements have been eon indiret lading and dose solidarity imong Mm all Us for the solution if the question! in which they tan i cobbsi Interest- In the war. The tnaadal need! ef each of them, the wquinaaeata of their armament, heir transport, their- food, have teen the rnbject of yrofound study vhieh gaaranteei perfect eatlafac io*». The creation of a eopraaM n ter-allied aaral committee haa baaa letanaiaed upon. Military unity of ICtlOB kll W#B BlBCBl BPOB' tfci intire accord resulted from the die-1 luseions among, the representative! I jf the power* upon all the buiinem.j which haa been arranged together, to! ■mure common victory of their eoun tartaa." DEMONSTRATION FORCES OUT LINE FLA its FOR WAR WORK Raleigh, N. C, Dec. »—Tho main work of the farm Demonstration Di vision of the Agricultural Extension Service far the coming aeason will be in increasing food production aad eliminating waste, according to an announrement from Mr. C. R. Hud son. The division win also concern itself with the promotion of the con servation of food aad feed crops, through educational aad demonstra t'd sal methods by 8tate. district, sad county agricultural agents. To tbis and the orgnniaation will aid in the distribution of information coming from the Extension Service of the State Collage of Agriculture, and oth er approved sources. The agents have bean very busy at work since tha war began in trjiif to meet war conditions oa the farm, and will con- * tlnac along this Unc as long as tbs war lasts. I Under the operation of the K-mer- , goucjr Fond, recently available, an l effort la being made to get a county , agent ia every county in the State. | With a very few exceptions, the coun ties have all mads appropriations for cooporating in the work. Tha latent ' and purpose of the Emergency Fund, 1 therefore, is to extend and enlarge ' the work of theca agents, and also to make mors intensive. All fsress in tha Mato that ran help in this matter arc being asked to cooperate in It. With the dilution that now exists, all people in the State should join in this work, ha one way or an other. Few c HI seas seam to realise tha enormous amount of food that the country wig bo called an la supply during the next year or tare, whether tha war ends daring that time or net. Farmer*, of course, wilt he the main producers la such crops. They arc en sured of goad prises for thorn | as1 this emargracy work la safe, from a farmer's standpoint. Others, how • aver, eaa produce no IncenMdvrable . amount of food In gardesm, orchards. , yards, and other small piaeea of ground. All people, whether farmers or oth i am, are called on to observe a ra . ttonal economy In the handling of , food aad fsfcd trope, so that they will he seed to the heat advantage without watte. And, right hern, the 1 war will, aa doubt, teach a good t leeeoe In the way at proper economy i. In almost ovary family there la ear a tain waste that could aaaUy ha step I- pad, without any detriment whateeei to tha feeding of tha family. It h WHAT MOTHERS CAN DO TO PREVENT DISEASES. Nobody know* what It MM to ieva a tick child Uha the Halter hercforc, I u> asking the mothers ad hi* county, especially, to coopareto ritfc me, their county qeanurtin* edt •r, and by all working together, to iccp down those preventable diauaeaa ike whooping cough, mosslas. scarlet ’ever and diphtheria, aa far as ia peu ahle. Soma old fashioned mothers used o believe that whooping enugb and neasles were Uka tales. >uet had to :oras, and the soenor they r-* went,” the better. But a* mow different. They f f children eheuld T mam when they grew up It roes km hard with them than, ate hey are more likely to reeevar wfth >ut defects ate Ihpelrminto Why, when a mother's baby, baa maaalaa If 11* km than ftve yaaen aid, she neesr mown, wbslhsr it b gulag to ha left illnd, deaf, lame, or with wsaksasd mart or kidneys, for Ufa. The enfant >l*o is to take no ehaaesa with any >f these so-called children’s children don’t have to md why rot protect than? Some of dm thing* i la keep down who*ping Is*, scarlet fever, Infantile ■ad diphtheria In thar ! romuunitim are. drat, to i th* dlscaso and heap borne the ehildrM luring the first sjniplema each as 'am throats or head rolde. particular ly If any oontagioas diaaaaaa la in th* immunity Second, in cam at phy deian is called to attend the th* mother should see that tho Is reported at op* to 0m L. STURN ADMITS KILLING OF THE FAYETTEVILLE MAN t. Ed it mt 5 r dti rtt ; ’ :'/lv B* »*> £ loakjr IB • £ tine lav to not only am teUnkb citixcn to hove in the mmsaoiilti but to an enemy of little cUUm. The number of cuca of eowtegloua diseases tot this county last atoath reported to BM were: Whooping Coaik' Edward HoR, Jr., HoBy Springs, R. r. d. Irrin Kaltoy, Broadway, Route t; Oscar Kelley, Broadway, Route S. Diphtherial Brno Cameron, Jonesboro, R. F. D. nX*diToF INTEREST ~ ABOUT WOMAN'S CUIB Moat Merttoi to U HoU With Mr*. V. U Staphs os. The Baby Show a Basooot. The Woman’s Club wiB hold Mo cm cuter business mooting with Mn l L. Stephana, Tuosday, Dae. 11, pi 3:00 o’clock. Miss Evelyn Borgstt, reader ate I cartoonist wiU appear at tha Opan | House Friday night, Doe 7th, at S o' clock. The annual Rod Ororn Bool east polga win bo put oa soon. Late over] one do our boat. The asto aatei wo son, the better win our ateto hi able to look after our ml dime orbs hove contracted tahrrrolitis Let every of tin Woman's Chib not forgot that the welfare of , our town ehouid ant ho neglected I even if there ia a war—we moat Ova We after the war la over. Be examined thoroughly by a yky tielen thia weak aad taka tevaatary af 1 your phyaieal aaaata. Health may bo ondermined by aaam creeping malady 1 —ckaaa away the txoeble—don’t wait 1 until H bnraaam yen te death. I aao bar MgMaiag ihatcbm BO aad , W rente TUkate at Drag ateaae Quito a tuecses was fha Baby Bbaw which was bald under (ha aaapteas t af the Woman’s Cteb law Wads so ' day. Bach a crowd af Bttls ftfa > made it a bit dIAeak far the jadgas a to decide bat tha bias ribbon far tha ’• pretliaat child waa carried off by Aa> a nie Whitehead aad the plak ribbon k want te Lada Wtxgarald. Mimas f Alice May aad Agnes Gray Tart waa tba bias ribbon for bah* tha fern* i- babies for their ages aa d Foal C. i- Hand woa (ha pink ribbon bailiff only it I months aad >7 daye #U aad walgb y ing llii lbs. Robert’Remea Oodwta l« draw the greatest aumbar af vetea .. a M aad canted off tba prtea far being ■d tha favorite. ly---— r- ahapiy a reaction af hemiag bow ta p- Mbs tea baft nee of oearytbiag, ir erltbant aa rear nnaampHin af any h thing. I A'*mm .

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