DUNN VOL. IV lisL IV DUNN, N.Cjjjji RSSBC59W*- • .^x-. fc. y- ^-p-— PLANTb iv a; FOR easier: v Store* lo Tali* Holies; •>, 10 Waakj. To Cor-.ei . . ! ; -j; . ply and Roller* w? , .i. Ws*HlDgt"'i, Jar.. . it'j manufacturing «• to :i • • y, v< few exception* in ;’l ;r .( rj the Miaalaeippi ri.o . i-d—-.J by the Bovcma'.cil’ iunl;»V *0 • r>c opcratior.e for I".1 « • 1. .; ... Friday nuMmrr r for relieving Uu fn. 1 V,.. . . At the rnc'.a tim; • r- !c\ ;h’i means of relief ,t «j t'l'. etiod (hv industry and buiur. i 'a. chiding alt r.omuit r.cti*i.;er lt.n» r i quire heated buildings, o';-Ecr-r? a-, .i holiday overy Monday ter the n*x1 10 weaks. This will cloee down on Mondays not oniy Xi-.-un va, by. ’j loonV atom*. except fie sh« »• |.. n! drugs and food. p!n< u. - ra: and nearly ab off.ro ho 1.1 ■ r.i y. r.'tric the order door not , ,y. it is known that th. , y.tl be ted to runtime np.rn .. ■ re u.U'.*l ntthnuph rauri.iriiK i.lra!s w,jl H* elooed. The government’* mo- ' csaie en tirely without wnvni’u ’ i r *»»• by Fuel A.lm;r.!»t“nit. with th* approval of T*rv non prmeribvx^ tv*iri. li ».;* ffOTeminjf the di»tribuMon And av oi coaL It wae decided upon Uae-ici! ly by the President and jc rir.cst head* an a dcjpcral'. «»'; a*. t.,, foal eriair. and the tvwi. oiiVJoti tangle (nil Iho custom : C i munition ptanls are r.<.t exported from msw viv'iii;; uun u UrOOr. Oflleirli tonight would not dinruss tho far-rsaching effects the oction would have on tho Industrial I'slrie, and nursticn* sr to how the or iff was to bo interpreted to inert rvxifle problema wont unanswered. The order prescribe* * prcforontisl Wat of consume* lu whoso interna* I* drawn. These users will got cool in the following order: Railroad!, hoowhcld c-i-.ieierj, -• ' •• 111 l II i I army aMnsvy cantonment? Public utilities, telephone arid LjIc* graph plants. Strictly government enterprises, excepting fertorioa and plants wurk Ing on government contract**. Public b i lriii'.r ;-:d nece?-io». ernmeut, stale and ,a*ui i .; rv:,u’u • menu. Factories prcdpc'.ng v '• ■srdc foods and food? for t,i' ’■ * * -on sumption. Announcement of the provisions of tho order tecs matte l.y Ku.-l Admin istrator Garfield cCtKi- c V'hi»-> llonro conference which wus a tended also by Secretaries 3ak?r “.'t’.-h. Earlier in tho day Dv. C".-StV bail eonght the views of Oihi.- oEtblr and It was said loolght Uu. uu.Jlfcu ous opinion that the m*a u>v contem plated was nscciuory under the c> cunutnuccs. At find drawn and ar r.--pr. v«d r.t the White Home the o*v T caUr-1 for the closing of fc'tvzki tomorrow mon ing. Thk: vxn ■ h.' .’.g od upon consideration of the con rat ion which would result wh«n miUtnrs of worker* went to tao'r iluticu tm nwarv of the government’* atm, FORMAL STATEMENT CLOli.lC. INDUSTRIES ~CV. FlVf. L/.Y3 Fuel Admin!? Irate*' iJc.Tiiild i-nt-tl this statement. Advert# feather (oM!t'rni :«» thf recent week and the inndcqcsey of the present cud supply ami trm» portation fucil'dea to taunt the war time demand, hive rno-If neeer.aury immediate restiictiv. ratosi.ica D» to the ure of cnnl in that f ’-t of tho United States rn»t of the .•!tw:mipp< Hear. "The movement of coal in trri*pr> *«tion must be rn dlr -ttcpHod All indar.tr; mutt bo fully rondet td „ {*? "»« of coni In ord '* that Ike i . *1>Pl,ly ,or th« remainder of the Winter m,, 1h> -..jparf, di.trllmt .d and may bo made eoiCeient for ab aolatoly craentlal nm-.l* -U^ng ,bo remainder of th. •to meet the*. B„cowKS«e, the fuel adml»<*tr"Uc,> ha, ordered «r an im mediate emc^ce,, mo(en,ro thr.t on the day* oj Jotuary m, 10( z, and M »nd priority in the ueo of coni *•" bv Hvo, only to (how conromera •ho** eo""»«nptior» of con! *• absolutely ^ elndo in ordw radra*d,< iotW9Uc foneomare, k#7l' rh«rKab|e inatitationa, P«b1l< tidewater for bai»kor y--rpo->Kipped 1 t '1 Kir UMkIp Increased to 31* Member!, I _ j The Jervis Chapter American Red .. »■» oiganixrd last July with a =«*■’! n;. nibcmhip, but recently has • i '.\ull In earnest. While the !*■■■ " under Its jurisdiction Is •r. .!■ Includes tha most thickly I ■ 'suited jCcUob of tha qpunty and l*- i-::ly two Auxiliaries, one at ! eh; 3£ naiikins; B2 wash-cloths; ! muillrtv; 62 sweaters; 38 wristlets; ■» n'lrncu; A socks. Through the pa. , t: 'eiism e# Mr. P. 8, Cooper, of the i National Bank, tha chapter has ' * 'i! free r.f any charge two cplandid ■ on-.' or. tile fonrth Aoor of this • •■•■'Idlng, these rooms being kept : the janitor and supplied with sra 1-r. tights, heat and sewerage. The sewing machine* and foar work iii.lrs are always busy on Tuesday | r,‘d Ihiusdsy afternoons, while tha IhnvM charge on Wednmday i..vi Friday rfternoona. Anybody ia ■rtfd m Sod Crons work is always !>. .come nnd those in charge will be uisd to aoRwrr Inquiries about asy ■'art cf this work. Our m ambers hip *•"* numbers 319 and our chapter I .■■ leers ar: making their plans to «> •e'J :h. I'iO graded school children -JuTi.r Urd Cross which is uow o-t;oi-\, tie organisation. jtAce TRIAL UPON CHARGE | IMMORAL CONDUCT AT HOTEL Ura. J. II. Williams and H. D. Byrd, j i f Uann Level, will be called for trial jin city court this naming open a . ttorfc of immoral eonduct following | their arret t at the Balmont Hotel last weak. Both in at liberty tinder $«i0 f tU mo. a*a~— -J w.th Immoral conduct after evidence Y'.nr r cured, arrording to police, show tf®; Rmha. |te twkhnt.waM nnd wife at the Belmont Hotel. Their i. * - ‘ »a» railed last Saturday but eon t.L-'rd th-n until today. The register 1 of th. hotel is in thf hands of Sohcv Li C. nrr and will probably be used a.* evijenre to show diffinnt ! hrt Byrd ami Mrs. Wllllami stopped n. the Hotel. - be police have twice within the 1 ■i ntoatu arrested men and women ' ’ '!': luvi r-gistcred as man and wifo ' utrary to law. Before Christmas r'. L. Morris, who had previously :>-.«! c Jail sentence for violation I of the white slave act. and Nellie C-Tc;n vrrrn arrested upon a charge 1 of vi»lalir~ the State hotel law. Both fcrir-Ld their bonds and fled the city. -t.da.rV New* and Observer. ' License Issued WHITE 0. M. McDonald tn Haysle Mason; , A;-titnor ricasant to Mary Wyes; j •’r",, r McKay to Bottle Entry; O. L. I lol'ios in Laura Ityals; Beth A. 1 C-iV- to Cortina Norris. i rr. mor»*ifrcturit)g industry shall he i allowed to operate, even If it has Its con? supply on hsnd. By this moans Industry will be placed on an 'a'iJnl fooling and each will ha called upo-.i to make its share of the saerMee • —' > uiai m ure ustiifn at th’.' h'thrat ponibla point of mill in-y and economic efficiency for the rr>vcuHon of the war. "In addition to thi. emergency re- , 'trielion over tho designated five daya, ; IS-.’ fuel admlntatradon See ordered that *11 o»o of fuel eaeopt by con | •-.nicn. classed at abeohitely necea •n--y »hall be prohibitod on Monday | of each week from January 2d to March 2®~that la oa January gg, , February 4. H« *®» *® oud March 4* ", 1» and 2®. I "The order under which thaao rm otrlrtiona are made i« designed to dla- , ; trihni'- with abac Site impartiality tha . burden of patriotic denial An 8>aaa- , w of hu-inves are created alike. , "Breept oa the daya revered |n tho , order, tho normal eupply of coal to i oil (ontumora will ho maintained. The , nrrovary coneuniet* doaignotod in tho j order are given preforoaoo and prt- i odty In the delivery and uee of coal , jot nil time. aa wall M on tho daya i e-hen other a to of cool I® prohibitod. 1 I The United State, fool admin to- , t-ai’on count* upon tb*.complete pa triotlc co-oporadon of every Individ- 1 ual firm and corporation effected by < tho order In it. enforcement. Every < effort win bo mode by the fool od- t mlnhtratien and other government of- i j'icicle rherged with the eafoiremeat I of the order to carry oot the plea < |rn»r".«d without undue Interference with the ordinary aouree of buclueoa < "It le the eurnest deelre of the fuel i .dmmi«tralk>a U prevent entirely < nrr permanent dislocation ef bed— 1 try or of labor." REV E. J. McKAY SAYS GERMANY CANNOT Wl! la 5uum.i IWn He Tells Wh the Tnlealc Pmn Will Lae the Flcht "Germany cannot win tha grsa war,- mid Hr. McKay, "nor ev. dominate the world. She wdl ho d« fanted by the Roman world, now 1: arras nan!n*t her. But we are Aghl In* a brave people who van be oru come only by a denporate struggh God's promises are conditional." The fourth "beast" was strong Ei ceedltutly '(Dan. 7:7) EXCEEDtN< terrible (7:8), and devoured th WHOLE earth (7:28). The fourti or Romas Empire to be supreme h the world till the second coming o Christ (!>mn. 7:10, II, 17, 18; 8:84 The Germans have been largely hi fluenced by the Roman world, but an net of the Roman world. Genii* « their civilisation not primarily Latin Cermany is not one of tha ten ires and-eley "toes." Her people sot mis cd with the Latin race; therefore no a part of the Roman world. Deeigeing Germans out of place is th* Roman world. Their devilish is triguse must com* to an end. Eternal vigilance the price of liberty. T»*t—“And when be opened ths second seal, I heard tha aaeond Dv ing creature saying. Coma And an other horse came forth, a red horse; snd to him that sat thereon It vs given to take peace from the earth, md that they should slay one another snd there was given unto him a met .word.”—Rev. 8:8, 4. There Is s widespread belief amona fwnH'a Mania 4km* sVu_ the beginning of Ui« end of tha age, Lhm* ****nd Mel has bean opsned, sad that tha other aaala are to folio* f Wah sueannMon. They tmltere the! haaa ssais represent claaaaa of events, which most take place to prepare ihe wsjr for Christ'a coming kingdom Whan they say that these teals repre sant classes of event*, they do not naan to say that one class of emta will sad aaddenly, aad another claaa *•»“> abruptly; bat these clames >f events will overlap ona another, >^n“ke tha shingles af a welhcov Afear explaining tha Seals aad err »rsl prophaciot hearing on present lay conditions, Mr. McKay eontinuad: To slrsngthcn the position taken hat we ere now near the end of the Mr* ted th«t thm matt now htppto nr Arc cfc* b«rlnainr of the «nd In aMUment af prophecy, let us turn to he Book of DeaieL In the second chapter we read of Nebuehadncxsar’s Ircara and the interpretation, s<«| in he seventh chapter of Daniel’s four leasts Man in vision aad the inter >rotation. The seventh chapter treat* >f the same subject as the second chapter. In the second chapter we an outline of future events* the maces there used hot nr taken from he inanimate sphere; in the seventh hapter wa hare a fuller description >f the earns events, the Images used Ming taken from the animate sphere. n chapter aaven wa have four beasts corresponding to the four ef the treat image la chapter two. Tha sym lols selected are not arbitrary, but msed on tha oanct od things. They *t forth tha beast-like, grovelling h.raetcrof the world-powers. Daniel **• them in their inner eeaenee as toasts, being estranged from God. The bon. the symbol of strength ind courage, represent* Bebvlon. Kebuchadnetxar. its rreatMt Vi,, u wiled ■ lion (Jer. 4:7). The wing* ■epreaent a -wide-spread and rapidly squired empire. The plucking of He wings denote the pasting away ef Babylon’s ability far wide-spread coa |a»»ta when Neborhadaesaar was de ant ed. Tbs *>*ar ayrnholiiea tha austere ife of the Pc reions in their monn aina, also their cruelty. This beer eas seen raised up on ,,d, t , ‘ft lay on one of lu fore feet, and itood on the other.” "Media is the ower tide, paaalreneae j Persia, the ipper, active element “ Tho three dbe In ita mouth ere Babylon, I.ydia, “»d Egypt, seised by Medo-Persia The third boast, tho looperd, is tsoIVt than the Hon, swift, creel; prtng* frem ks hiding place fiercely ind suddenly; spotted. A It symbol to ■•present Mart doc, a small and pow Tf"1 kingdom, and Alexander, Its fwataot king. In twelee years «hl« co™»oered the vast Penrior em a * Pert of Rarope, '"d all Asia from die Aegean to the , **" ^ the founder of Uio third '» Oreelan empire. fourth beast, the terrible tea *•» boast, represents the Roman •»ixre. It Is diverse from aH the oth °®»imnibU to none. “It da 77*°' l» places, and stamp th. rceldot with Ita feet” -word! mplr,**Pr*“’1"* the history of this **’Plr* «• aUll la oxlst o^tralL^* C*-M* * coneolids led hit# aoverml king (Continued on page Me. 4). b»«n cricked late war tat made to (nffar the tea twee at the dammed; 'key have been ia eally mad awkaatu ally deceived. Ood pal that the rami facta may set te thaa* aad It the* da Lord help the hatar T “Of eenrae the a»M win wta," amid lfrv. Graham. “Probably mo,- amid UMto Dma. TBmt ; If we are to wta, we mwet ye the limit. W< meat check theewfmi daeti union te abiptdns by the Oaaana aabarartaae. or me may net be ebla te am food mod euppllam te ear ewm man and Is war ah tb'eaanda. aad pmbmpo mflKeoa. «f Ant-chum anldlera in (ha bottle Una. Hood la the tat caamderaflen,* Un de Oar. me Warned. He anay earn hold that fcod win win the war, aad tUa to Urtdy tram. Beam the - t nliai I country." Mrs. Graham "tartawtotto dost yon nm<>, •n os*ht to ha Mnwr da Itob smite* fto «to ««"»*«*- Ms proto* ttot to totod ^ * Mm to toMto. -Wa amt •otto la tto -*"ty^TuTaad ■s Ciaaa anut to ntoma ad thto ad» ddsttoa. Tto daiattf to ccsffsaa to paas ' CTiatosrtato bffl, tr totoa ars. white to fair to an wooid astfla an tto*_ do It tolsty. Safety to* aad I ' "It Is ItoM tor aa to jattot ws si» aat a rim to a toots’ pandtoai ttot this groat eosdtry o# m oowt rwsaaa to Mood aad Mam aad It la oaly daa to tea loyalty, aaaittoa aad 1 aarrtoa toosrtecsfalters that wstoss a coaatry, aad It la Mr toghaat daty to prsasrra It satopltrad and pasa It m to Posterity, aa —«tor wtot tto cost aasy to Oar illtotnitop add tdatr aaaaatora cam tea* all pasta to tea wartd to aato this tesatry a daaaa aad asjoy tto Meadaga aad ogpato sitlsa; bancs, to tbs trials haters wa, It la tto doty to stfwyowa to ataad sgsaraty tote to esr^tenatry mdI to on# la this rrlsu la dttar pra daial aaa ar pMhmaa. tot* aa tea aaaa try Is Otars la aat taste-a*- ft two dags* movement now on foot TO ENTERTAIN THE BOY! WU Emjwr W. Hick Clam A-us ■MW Saan la MetvepeUtsa Cm la* ml IW Cmmmtrj Rotary and Chautauqua are cob Malng in tkc launching of one g tko moat notable movement# for tin entertainment of tkc boys at tbs Cantonments and Training Ctayi yai pot forth by the War Department. Early in the period of Training Caop preparations. Congress having la mind tkc welfare of hundreds o( thousands of boys who snatched sad denly from ths case aad comfort of (Witten life, and placed under mlll tary restraint, moot be provided with eaAeieet entertainment, to "«W Ufa at eamp something besides an endless crind, asked Congram for aa approp riation for theatres at tha Training Oampau Ta this proposition Con PHI HBdUy MM&ted sod t"rdr an iVropiktiaE sufficient to ©over the eoet of averting, equipping and main taining the Liberty Theatres in "Sol diar CHWa." -ttrw^k Raymond B. Foeditk, of the Commimion oa Train Ng Camp activities, ths Secretary of Wa» presented the problem of enter ■ ■■■ aaw oi Eitw « ErUnger, B. j\ Albc. of the Krkh Circuit, Mai llaude Adame, Wm. ravenham aad other theatrical mag eats aa wall aa men aad womoa friend*. The neult hae hoaa the formatter of a etmwit that will in clude afl tha oaApImeuts aad many of the training camps- The prodne tiewa selected inclade the hast of the Btaudway locmm of the year, among them “Torn to the Sight, Chatting Cheaters, Hera Comes the Bride, and laaide the Lines” Tim Bee ton Symphony and other orehaetras wfll provide the musical eatertain ■ant and th* Keith Circuit will pre ride the beet In vaudeville. Ordinarily tho cost of booking such attractions weald be prohibitive. But the performers and managers of tha United States have mot the Council rib each patriotic to epoentloa to put these pro derails within tha reach of every soldier in the United Staten. As a these performances will ten to twenty-five cents n sent. Yet many soldiers will act he able te attend many performances even at these prices. Thousands nf them ere sending home praetieafly all thalr p*y On tha other hand, practically ev vry soldier has those at homo who strongly desire to contribute Into bis amp life something of wholanome aad cheerful entertainment. Therefore this Council has origin sted a type of book of tickets that members of the soldier's feasily and hie friends msy send to kho at the boat. They are te be called “Sralt ■age Books” and wil be made up ef coupons some what like the mileage hooks of the railroads In books of ana also, 20 coupons will be sold far a dollar, b books of saothor site 100 wfll bo sold for five dollars. Those coupons wfll be good for payment for mats at any per formance la any Camp Theatre. Prob ably, as the movement grows, they wiB be made goad also for certain sther and similar uses. The result will be to chance a lupr period la the life ef the col lier into e period of heetthfal nln Itioa end refreshment. The problem has been two-sided to get progrmau for three sudttorlom* sad to get tickets into th* beads of th* soldi an at priess which win meat ihe operating expenses. If th* awn do net get th* program they want inside the camps they will taka what they can somewhere else. Th* opera ting expense is bora* fay the tickets is th* 8mileage Books, paid for fay th* familias, the employ ers, th* oompaay, or friends of th* ■sea hack hornet Th* Military Entertainment Conn til Is thus act a duplicate of any ef those other agencies. It la, instead, is expansion of them, or a partner hip with them. la add Itioa to this, through the toleadid co-operation of the Rad path Chaatauqna, Piedmont I./isais. Rad elUT* attraction*, and the ether sans dated Chautauqua Lyreoan, Barry P. Harrtson. Chairman, has arranged for the best lecturers hi the (hsitmqti Held to loetaro on popular top lea at th* caa torn meat*. By motsoal consent th* T. M C, A. Knights ef Cal Batons, Young Men’s Hebrew A wee let torn and various oth nr agonrtsa that are part ef th* tamp Hf* hare tuned ever to the Military Entertain meat Cooneil which erne formed at the request of the Secre tary ef War, th* entire tash of pto rtdlag entertoinmeat The coentry ha* been divided Into lea section* and each ef these ssa ttoa* Is in charge ef a District Dime ter who Is a past Rotary Club Gov MBS** This District Director la coopera ting with the Chautauqua Councils GODWIN'S CIVIL REFORM IS Sham to tha M WaaMagtoa, Jan. If.—tocretoey WOiaa Q. MeAdoo haa written lap raaantattre H. L. Godwin, af North Carolina, a letter la whiah ha ante mtniM tha coamtttoa aa reform fat et«U torviee for raff wiling tha aultog that made H obligatory tor applic ant* for civil eervico examination* to taka tka toato in tha ateta af retid anca. The latter of **eaoteri Me Adoo reads: Appnrrt.Hia* Far todkaa Tha hessian aay Iboarl Mr vadha, American may pl~«f alleyiaaee to tka naliaaa) prohibition ririalmeid. hat tha Indian atiO eovata Me **tn water”. This account* for tha atepla and oapreUctioe* pwegraph hi the report of tha remittee aw Aftolra tor appraprtattaaa tor tha ia cal year of Ulll “For the aapprcaaion of tha la tatoaieatiag Mg— amang ladlaae *150,000”. Tka appropriation* for tha rmni ■km af tha wUakay ttaic *7yien moaamantol whan ml rawed with tha provfrtoa of only *1,M0.M0 tor adaeating tha ladlaaa la Thla edacatioaal toad* Ibararn far deaf awd or blind aaaaad leo.ooo. than **00.*00 aaa ha *ant far India* children enrolled to public —Vtf, and children with lane than owo-/earth Indian blood bn not entitled to thane ,*ehaol facllitiaa. The Cherokee hiMI at Ml eowntr. Worth Caroline, am te Mm y460. BagmmMUmaTliw ■fkflftW 30 YEARS FOR STRUM AND EDWARDS WOMAN Pea> rayeteevUle, Jw. 1 a *e>tenae which he hoped would prove a warning that the Slate Jl North Caroline ia net a healthy place for the operation of “badger** g»—t which pray upon tha paaeiaas aad wackaaas of mb, Judge George Can boo today gave Leon Stuns, of Sea* CBroltoa. aad Bees Bd wards, of Wia penalty of tha for the murder of the Greek who met hia i ream occupied by tha lodging house in this city am ber 8. Sturms sentence la te bard labor, aad is the severest which the law pro Tides for mnrder In the sec ond degree, to which the pair pleaded guilty at their arrufcnmrat yesterday After examining the the principals end th* main witnesses. Judge Con nor, in an able aad paaotratlay re view of tbe testimony, irpreeeeil the conviction that Horn Edwards was the aMvtey spirit hi connection with th* crime, that aha forafafecd th* bteSaet aad Starm th* brute fore* of th* combination, aad dated that hi paa »