I CHAUTAUQUA COMini* TO DUNN NEXT SUMMER Fifty Dunn Cilia*"* Cfaaad Contract ' This Waak Far Five Daya Pro- | (ran. Tfak.lt $2. | The cltiaoB* of Dunn have comple-1 lad arrangement* w't*' th« Communi ty Chautauqua* of White Plaint. New] York, for.* Chautauqua in this city! next summer The plan provide! for a program | of lecturca, commrls and enUrtoin-1 menta to extend over a period of live! day* with aetsioiir. held both afternoon and evening in a large auditorium tent, tbn speakers and artiata to in clude a whole galaxy of eelebriUc* of wide reputation throughout the Chau tauqua world. In order to hat * aurh an array of talent appear upon the same platform in this city, fifty eitixrn* have assum ed the obligation of eelllng BOO season, ticket* at |2 each. These ticket* will! he food for the entire five days’ pro-1 gram and bring the co*l of the course within reach of everybody. The Chautauqua next aummer will be under the direct management of' the largest organization nf ita kind I in the world. The Community Chau-i Uuqum system has under ita control! more than 500 summer arsemblle* ex-1 tending through twenty states from Main to tho Mississippi, and from’ South Carolina to the Province of! Quebec. Its Chautauqua* are held' in many of the oldest and best known towns throughout this entire territory,] and several of them are located in the! same county aa the old "Mother Chau tauqua" at Chautauqua Lake, where! the movement had its beginning over, forty years ago. ft la fitting that Lionn should have Its second Chautauqua jual now, when the Chautauqua* are doing so much to rally .he support of the people to the national government. The Com munity Chtiutauquas especially are dedicated to patriotic service. They were among the first to offer thair services to the government after the declaration of war, and Jual recently Mr. Luring J. Whiteside, the General Manager of the Community Chautau qua* was appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the Gpcsk time, our community Is assisting to! perpetuate one of the greatest in-1 solutions for public service in Amir ica and one which nil tho nftirials engaged in the prosecution of lh« war] are anxious to haea continued. The wxact time when the circuit will be operating In this state has not yet been determined. The Chau tauqua* are held in consecutive order, one following tho other, and arrang ed so aa to provide a minimum div, Unco between towns. Tho dais for lha Chautauqua will be announced* aa soon aa as It is assigned. Tho full I program, which will Include a host! of good things, will be published when ail the plana are completed. A part of tho plant Inrluda lha children. They arc lu have a Chao tauqua all their own,— a Junior Chautauqua, which will ba In charge of a play leader who will conduct all aorta of games for tho boy* and girls during Chautauqua week. There will bo stories, and a parade, and a picnic -too. It will be a great week for tha boys and girls and they should begin right now to got ready for it. Tho local organisation back of tho Chautauqua la mads up of tome of most representative citurns of the community us follows: **11 • s* .10-1./. ■ r uial*. u n Eugene T. Lee, Robert L. Denning, G. M. Tilgtiman, II. a Taylor, J. W. Turnage. J. W. Draughon, B. A. Row lami, H. L. Godwin, H. S. McKay, Jaa. a Butler. C. A. Baker, R. L. Warren, L. B. Pope, C. D. Bain, Parriah A Driver. D. 0. Foe veil, Marvin Wade, a I. Godwin, Clarence J. Smith, J. 0 finttivan. W. B. Baldwin, E. F. Young. B. O. Towiuend, M. Fie it K mun, K. M. Jeffrey*, J. H. Pope, Prod Baguett. J. A, cnia, Arthur F. Pope, Edward Smith, M. M. Driver, II. O. Mattox, J oh neon Brother*, Sam Thotnaa, Geo. L. Cannady, J, c. Clif ford , Gao. M. Floyd, M. P. Hodge*, Walur Joan*. Perry Morgan. KeD. Holliday, J. U Wade, J. W. WHaoa, W. J. Thompvon, D. H. Hood, G. W. Gardner. W. E. Coltraae, A. D. Wit ton. ENORMOUS INCREASE IN VALUE FARM PRODUCTS Show" *» Preliminary Etlha*** An. aoaacod By D*a«rtaie*l Agrteol tere Washington, Jaa *t._Fami pro duct* of United States rraebot the unpraeudealad Valae of $19,441, 849481 !•* T**r' •• taereaaa of non than $9,999,9®®'®®® avar 1919 and al moot $9,090,®®°*®®® "ore than h 191$. A preliminary aatlmate *r nonnetd by the Department of Ayr vulture show* crops ware valued a $11,910.49$.792 and rapraaantad 7 par cant af the value *t *n ptx duets. Animal* and animal product FIGHTING ON A LARGE SCALE RESUMED AGAIN Fr.ni th. North &a* t. th. S*m Fro.tW HotU SUm Show ing Activity With the reported amelioration lit the political unroat in Auatra-Hnn gory «nd a continuation of silence ns regard* the Internal situation In Gcr tnuny, the notable feature In the world war fa the apparent resumption and on a wunewhat large scale of th* m litary operation* on th. wuUm front in Franc* and Belgium. ^ llhough for the moment these op eration*, vlcw*d from the cold fact* u announced by th* various war of fice*, do not transcend In importance the uxual small operations by raiding and reconnoitring partita which havs keen in progress since the severs win try weather began, reading between the lines of the communication it is not difficult to sec that the maneuvers now in progress on various sectors arc in the marked character. From the North Rsa to the Serial frontier the leaning In the rigor of winter ha* permitted th* bclligerenti again to send forth their men In en terpriaes which seemingly forecast the intention shortly to resume fight ing activity more extensively. Fur weeks the big guns along tb« entire battle front have been roaring tun, but the infantry baa lain Ml* owring to the deep anew* and later to tbs ~n-which formed u a re >ult of the thaw. On their extreme right in northern Belgium th* Germane hare carried out "an important raid" and gained « footing in Franco advanced trenchoi wa»t of Nisuwport, while along near ly all of tb* front in Flanders the artillery have increased the rolmaa of their fire. To the south, around Lana, Attsi ind 8L Queitln. the lighting, although by oanapamuvcly amaU forces daily ia growing ia strength. while aaatwari along the Chcmee des Damaa, past Verdun aa thence to the Swiss bsodsc the Preach and Germane era cendnn ally engaged on various sgttosi in ar tillery fighting and ia infantry netlrl MjncoMMljTjiblv^hriowrt^hjrnu^M war. *" On the front in Italy tha change in the high command evidently haa not resulted as yet in any betterment ot the strategic positions of the Austro German armies. From tha Allege plnthc- Italians again have been vie torious thenee southward to tha Ad riatie act the Italians again hare heei vlcturious in numerous minor open lions, raiding enemy positions ant bringing bark prisoners, maehini guns and materials, or holding li their tracks A ut-lro-Cerman element which were endeavoring to launch at tacks. . The greeter portion of the striker in Austria arc said to hare rstnmt to work bat the situation both ii Austria and Hungary ia declared atil to be acute owing to the deair* of tin people for peace. In Germany som trepidation is being evinced by news papers of pan-German leanings or* the situation In Austria. The M.r slwt newspaper Vorwaerta of Berlin, has again been suppressed this time for announcing the sohdari ly of th# German proletariat wW Austrian labor ia tha peace struggh British labor in conference egai haa upheld the war aims sat fort by President Wilson and Premie Uoyd George of Great Britain, an reasserted if Germany will not *< cept them British labor "must flgfc on.” Two British steamers worn rank rt cunVly in th* Miditarranean Boa. wit the low of 7)1 livei, according to on snnouncmvnt to thv house of com mon!. Ult week the number of Brit ish merchantmen rank by mine* or tho submarine* »u thv aamv so that of tho prvrWur wvak—right vessel*—aa compared with ft tha weak of Jan. • and a aimilar numbar the weak af Jan. 2. Jan. 2.—Associated Prom War Sum. many. CURRENT COMMENT Ohio Bute Jlumat: “Wo haven't •van n pair of round gurtara for •var ao long, and wa era ground tha •treeti a groat deal, tea.” It might ha inferred that extreme atylaa are aaan at the extra bm la Columhua, tha BtaU journal paragrapher’s homo town. Aa tor round garters, thara are no auoh thlngu any more. Wa know. And *° ovary on# who baa ayaa to •aw—tha pictorial Ungaria advartiao mant and tha llluatratlons ad What H Whatln tha fashion Journals.—Ths Greensboro Newt *are valued at IS4Sa,SM3»* In l*7l an tnrreaae of ntmoot 11,600,000,000 over l#i®. Value of all farm erop, far mi by States Including tha value of l animal* a**1 animal products, show) Illinois trot, Texan aaeond, and low. •third. la IMS. Taxaa led, with low. iwond, tad Utaota third. DUNN WILL SOON HAVE A BIG KNITTING MILI Th. Utility Cemp—y. HaMutiy U •wywttat, Hu fwitnil Site This Niysu. D. O. Townsend has sold the South ern Lumber Company property, sit n»led just North of tbo Coast Lhu depot, to the Utility Company, ro cently incorporated under th* Lswi of North Carolina, with an aatbnna ed capital of 150,000.00. A don was consnimatcd last week wbercb] th* new corporation will take ovw the property at once and put In mo tioa a manufacturing project that wit be far reaching in Its effect upon thi industrial life of Dunn. For the present the new compan] is composed of Marvin Wade, I‘re*i dent; O. M. Tilghman, vice-president and B. O. Townsend. Sccretary-Tmaa The above named gentlemen are thrm of Dunn’s moat popular and success fnl buainea* men, Mr. Wade he in* president of the Marvin Wade Com pany, Mr. Tilghman aacrvtary ant treasurer of the Tilghman Lumbei Company and Mr. Townaend awsfessi ful farmer and real astau man, b* ing connected with the government a' th* present as land appraiser for thi Farm Loan Bank at Columbia. S. C These men have mad* a isrriss oi their various business projects an< will b* equally successful in thrii oi mcir ntw vmtvt. To boffin with th* now company will erect a modem cotton ginninj plant and equip it with tha latest an< moet modem machinery. It wiD t* complete in every respect and Its lo cation Mar the heart of th* town aa •urea it a liberal patronage. It wil be lane* and capable of taking car of an Immense amount of businea and solve the cotton ginning problaa In Dunn which baa been congested fo a number of years. Later on. or aa quickly aa practi cable tha company will erect am •onto a large knitting min. peohabl: th* largest and meet madam la (hi aeatioa of tha Mata. This depart moot wit] do businea* on a large scale aad will givs employment to a number of people th* year round. I i Mid, .i.i la lTi| MMM of a lot of skfried and unskilled laboi and bring Into the town a dam o! eitlsens that are desirable and alway welcome. It is the intention of the incor poralors to eventually develop into i community enterprise which will givi employment to hundreds of peopl* A grist mill, a grain elevator am various other things will be addei later to meet the demands of a grow lng and prosperous population. Th men behind it ar* men in whom th . public has confidence and their an questioned business ability means th project will be a success from th beginning. ; NATION SPENDING BIL LION A MONTI I War Industries Ar* Grad astir Is areas img Their Spaed ' Washington, Jan 22.—War indui tries are graduaDy increasing the1 ' speed. The measure of th* incrcai Is ssen in tha increased disbursement 1 of th* government for war work. Tk actual disbursements for tha last thn ' months were as follows: October.$ »04,Ml,751 November . 084,057,507 ! , December- 1,024,011,525 The actual disbursements for tl \ war from July i, 1017, to Doccrntx 10, Including loans to th* alias, i _ mounted to $8,125,414,380. ” This shows that w* have gradual been working up to spending a hi “ lies. m __4L VLl. 1—__ balf of what Con(M hu authoTi*. id. In his loot report Secretary of the Traaaury McAdoo •itimated tha ex paoac of tha fiscal year ending June 10, 1*18, at $18,775,919,088. TM» la about eighteen tinea tha normal expense* of running tko government. That tha monthly outlay will he cooalderabty larger from now on M "hewn by the fact that eathnated dis bursement.* for the next ait montha ■re $18,000,000,000. To pay tfcaaa hilla the Secretary of the ‘Traaaury h*» feta aa follow*: Ordinary receipt*, Including pro ceed* of new taxation: $8,88M00, 000. Remaining from receipt* of drat Liberty Loan: $638,686,000. From the ace and Libarty Loan: 18, 808,788,160. From aale of bond* autberlied (to he of the sente character a* the act ond liberty Loan bond*): $8,888, 888,880. * Income from tala ef War Saving* Stomp*: $808,200,000. The deficit (retimeted by Secre tary McAdoo. will be 88,101,167,168. Thfe deficit may be mat either by a dear Liberty Loan or by a revision of tk* tax law to Inched* a larger proportion ef war profits. Secretary I McAdoo hesitates to offer n new loan without ail Ineraas* In tk* lataraat IMPORT AH ifpjJHO RY , THE ADJUST GENERAL IWlU Utal £# MeWrtat Mi Cm Aat ABrDidhl Mm Washington, U—Adjatant Central MeCaIn Made an important ruling today whta ha decided that neither local par BBrlnt, hoards have any jnriedicttep H exemption ceaes after the paraaq jdmblag exemption has once been laJMMd into service. ' General McCoi» addr tbo rnUag when Representative Paag»*an ceiled to day to ask ewMfttaa for a yoang man from Us dkdtfc* who had baap eoat to a cantsamaat through an error of one up *s boards. It eppoara |*tl hoard had re commended the dhMiMT1 ef the sol dier in questioh akiha graand of dp pendent family that ha had there * for* boss sent te the caa* through an error of seed the boards. There are handreda of sash aaaaa- Through do fealt of tha'board, young men who wore entltW t* —|th» have hoen passed on ft <MB*B aad taken ln«a the serviae.' ft* •"»" have been made bccojia' at Ignoranoe on 1 the part of ths^liraAsd parson hi BUT eases aad tidtham haeapes of insaaciont infeetaalioo la the pomes 1 eion of board mmaham. la all each m the boards bare recommended |n .dtsfbarge af the 1 soldier thus p«t *te the asrvtae. It1 is said. Genseal IhOah says the board has no J«rMI*Uaa once the par an pu to the eam» and la taken la to the service. Mr. Dough ton point ed out the injtwtMo of *be la* and 1 (be general thoa ^d the only remedy available ia tor the man to have kh ■ wife or dspendgRt aaathor make affi davits. supportaf by neighbor* who 1 have personal faiiillr of the cen 1 ditions. and forward eueh papers di rect to the adjotaat graeral'e offlee. The paper* will then be referred to the commanding pMcer of the camp ’ where the soldier te stationed, and H 1 the officer —marr“ his discharge, r it wiO be (tractad, otherwise the sr 1 ror cannot be eoruectad.—Pnhg g Andereoa la Qroaeahoro Ntea ance for the duration of the war of i the ertr* pay allowaacaa for me* {* the aviatioa service ia uadar eenaid cratioa af the War Departasoat. The i extra pay era* provided oa the theory i that aviation drag the moat haaardoai . branch of the service, but casualty I figures of the Allied armies show that I while flying it pouce time it relatively • the moat dangerous it, war it is eafai ■ than the tnfastry and other arms. I War Department officials, it be ■ cams known today, now are studying i the figures oa casualties during the i training parted and no decision ai to continuing the extra allowance! will be reached' until that stody is completed. I Haase Rail fw *a«d, Breach Sckae - The following pupils have bear placed on the honor roll of our school Primary grades: Stacy Hawley >- Moody Strickland, Mildred Daweoa r Claodle Smith, Panoie Hawley, An a Starling, Virgi* Baggett and Ear a Strickland. e Intermediate Grades: Electa Leo e Marvin Smith, l«oh Smith, Naomi Smith, Luansfr Daweoa, Shelh; Strickland. Bamie Leo nod Madg Williford. e rate, and as V> this he says: r “In my judgment an increase 1 v- the rata of i«**m*t on such bond would be extremely unwise and hurt y ful.” ■ im orvm**# vs we aupr , to other securities which wtH hr ene ed if the *en|*h««t begins be Trow ing egsin Inerto** over the tax exempt foar per cratebaala. Other eecmrt tict, be says, iW depreciate. Bat the mouS* mast be raised sad if the public <*es net contribute it through the fe«r per cent tax-exempt Liberty Lous* tha Secretary says Congress must consider revenue legis lation at this ssesion. Tbo one the** now oa expeaditeree of war funds •» the Inability ef our induetrlai orgaafcntion to do the work. The demauds created by war, plot de mands of ordinary conenasptlon, are far beyoad the iaduetrial taparty of the country. H Is not se much a question with the government of getting moaey to pay for war «*rk; it la a question of how to get the work done. Tbo appropriation sethorisod by Congress for this year fm up to nineteen bil lion dollars. But according to the tyriWd Stales eenaua reports of ISIS the total vein* of all output of the menofoctaring Plants of tbo (entry foots ap to egtr twenty-four biWona. It ia clear, therefore, tost ns lees ‘business ae urtal” rod anas itself to Sve biDions tsrttod ef IS bUUeaa the 1 country must up Its plants to a forty or Sfty Mlhoa dollar hurt naaa. Tbo only other aMeruaUee to to da leas than ■laotoaa unions war work. WHY SMILEACE BOOKS • FOR SOLDIER BOYS? The War Department's Aaswor to a XaM Important and laterssttog Qaeattoa Aa array recruited by draft lacl id ee tba boat young man of tba nation. The off ho an af tfeeoe young non arc the loneliest hoars of their eaaip Ufa. If those bona are to b# pleasantly aad healthfully filled there must bo provided not only places to writs aad read, but performances of the grade to which the men are accustomed at home aad opportunities far theta to develop aad exhibit their owa skill Accordingly, the Council will pro Seat at the camp theatres— Broadway companies is the beet theatrical (uccemes of the season. The beet musical and vsadevtBa programs obtainable. Lectures of the highest exec Dears. Amateur performances by tba men lew Cast to held tors Ordinarily the cost of booking ruck attractions would bo prohibitive. Bui as the Government built the theatre* otid supplies tha light, boat, and man ager, the overhead expenses hav* been reduced to a minimum. As ■ rrsoh, the coot of these performance* will range from ten coats to twenty five cents a Mat Yet many soldier* will not be abl* bo attend many perfonaaacaa over at those prices. Thousand* of these •re landing doom practically au tneii W On tha other hand, practically ev. cry soldier has these at home whc strongly desire ta contribntc Into hii camp Ufa something af wboleaom* aad cheerful entertainment. Tharafoea this Council originate* a type of book of tickcta that asara ban of the soldier's family and th fHands may send ta him at tha front They ara calls d Smllraga Books aal wfll ba mada op of coupons oamowfcai Uke the mfleaga hooka of tha nfl rands. Twa Haas af Bnaha ba asU Bar a dinar. Ba baafcs ad ■nothsr atoa 1*0 will ba sold for frre dollars. These coupons will ho gnof direction of the "immlii'i oa Train tng Camp Aelrritiaa. Aa gifts these Srxilcsge Books aril have rather a distinctive character Each time tha soldier team coupon from his book ha will renew his sane of attaation from tha sender. Ever; book win constitute a currant of hi tereat between the man at the frou and tha folks back home. Often, o course, one soldier yffl receive man; books; and thaa ha will do the tMai which la characteristic af tha Amari can soldier throughout oar history he will share Ms abundance with hi Tha malt will be to change a dan gar period In the life of tha eoldle into a period of healthful rulsxitio) aad refreshment. SmOeage Salve. Problem Tha problem has been two-sided to gut programs for tha theatres aa ta get tickets into tha hands of tl soldiers at prices which win met the operating expense. 1 If tha man do not get tha pn gram they want inside the camps, the 1 will taka what they can get seat ‘ where alee. The operating expanse la borne l > the tickets In tha Rmileage Book paid for by tha families, the rmplo; ara, the company of friends, of tl men back hone. 1 The Military Eatertainmest Cow 1 ell Is thus not a duplicate of any i ‘ thorn other agencies. It is, inates an expansion of them, or a partita Aa soon aa it can be arranged, thie circuit may be widened to include the mailer Array camps and (be Navy training motions. Beyond all this, though America haa net yet been to ryulrcd te reabae It, lie* the project of aa entirely tcpnrate eircalt in France and Belgium, larger pcrhape than nil of theee at home. Urn tatleage Book* are yonr mean* of making tht* poaaible for year men. Cea Bmilage Be Heed Outaide Camp* T No. The Moo in bock of Bmilaago la to provide the soldier* with ready oeceea te the entertainment* i aside the camp*. The dUReultiei of valid ating Smileoge far theatrea aad ether •how* in town are each aa to make tt impractical. The main objective In to make the camp entertainment 1 better than the competing ahowa ant aide, andto make it exceedingly easy for the soldier to get admlcMon to thorn entorteinmeata which are co der the control of the Military En tertainment Serrioc. fn tMa way H la known that the soldier le provided with goad, live, wholesome entertain meat at low prices, and a canoe rah I] Is mttemaUeally established. ElUa Goldstein and O. M. Tllgh man hove been appelated to tek< charge of this work hen aad the] hove already wgaalnil their eemaeft FLOUR TO RETAIL AT i... Raleigh, Ja*. MH—The Mger of the Food Administration fixing |U.U u the maximum price at which flow can he retailed la North Carolina hae created quite a Carry te mm cbclna. la a few instance* It ha* isvnloptt that retailer* thnmaalvea haw* yaM i> high aa tll-M tor their flew and In Mich instance* the Food Admin ietratioa is vlyoroesiy going after A* jobbers or the mills at which tha flaw originated, demanding a rebate from the jobber to the retailer where H ii found that the jobber baa taken aaors than til* net margin ef Me a bar rel h# is allowed tat g flows N if the high pries originated at tha mill, detaaadiag aa aecesntiag from the mill The profit the ntiUar may taka I* limited to *6c a barrel ao that arriviag at thd price the retailer she aid charge la little mors than a matter of n**v Probably the greet set aamber ef complaint* have come from an called "high-clam” great who «*. ponste* delivery atniaa* and beek of doing buaiaem k csr.amrlly maeh higher then the average dealer. These men feel that they era Jwtiflad la barging larger margins than the deal spa wLa els* nnfl nanlntatn- -*--A — livery services aad trirlrhiiplnff u** tew. The Food Administration very frankly agree with their point of viesr but eusxveU to tUe clean af atotea that delivery amt ha ctoeaed aa a luxury and meet to paid far aa eath In ether woe*, the graaerhae the lien to amka n chugs for seek de livery of flew, sagar or gay othei F for each credit entered on Me “We are concerned to , have a> Us charged is able to take earn af htae sett." Thla ia the freak atatauaU a< HOARDERS Off FOOD HAD BETTER BE CAREFUL i » \ Raleigh, Jen. t will get yea If yoc don't I In effect thta it the r ta being peteed oet by t ftoody eo semen who . ed when they conld . more chan five pounds of eager tha ■ they conld get on equal eiaernt a other mores. Merchants at a aaaehr af Meet] f ‘Carolina porta have called to tha at i tenttoa of the Feed AdnUatataatto Um danger of conjaasefe going free atom to atoro and purchasing the am . mum amount of etiger at each etor | and many bare suggested that a ran e eyetem be pat into effect Tha iept t of the Food Administration to thi suggestion ta: . “Tha Food Administration done aa y believe that any eyetem of retioata i- ie PC re every for the American pm pic. Patriotic and naaaUA peopl y win follow the enggoettone of U i. Food Administration with regnzd 1 r. foodstuffs. The greedy aad aside a once wiR he made to mot only by m eretao of tha eutherlty vested ia U i- Food Administration but by tl if force of pubHe opinion. A unaami I, who purchased the aedaaa eaiein r- of sugar at more than aa* store < ie hoarding sad wesM he subject to In* of la,006.00 or two year* impri- . unont ur both." In run of wllfoll boarding Um Pood Admiola trail on official* do not hooitoto to My that they will aoeura Indictment* and protocol#. Allen H. A. Lee, of Camp Sector. CroenrlSo, S. C., gent the weak end at Ida horn* naar Dm. Ha It look ing won and aoyo ha It enjoying 'plondfd health. i too to aastet in the aale of tAaoo hooka aa follow*: Mr*. Ja*. IhitUaf, Mi*. W. H. ViUiaai, Mlaa Jannio Jaafcaon, Uiat Eathor Thornton, Mle* MadU Boll. Mlaa Ethol Button, Mho Ban Daria, J. W. Wllaaa, A. D. WBaan. and Prod Baggett. Member* of th* ahor* urnmlttei hove already reported the eala of Mr oral book* and It it a oft gnoo* Mat Doan’* allotment *f IB06.00 worth win he mid within a low day*. Mteare. Roldetoto and Tilghama an Mthaai eotie or*r th* work and hare cathoa *d their to-worker* with a oplrM that cannot fart. U yon howl a re la tire in th* oareim hoy a hook and •end it to a friend. H# wfll mlp* ft highly m a gift and thaAhenght that aoma aaa at hama I* Will think lag > of him will make Um a hotter nUhr. ’ We rant da to* moth far Mm hay* who are tgbttng far aa. jipy 1 ;u I y ■ » ■ . -1 ■ . * Vi ■ ?* ■ : . ! 9 «f »€<E> *,v i mm 4 » ; iX MMk k«a» ;v: g^r irj -•■ • I ; niad a poo a new publicity poHap Via no oBeUl atete—I waa araS 1a, H waa Indicated that wHorrraa ’ *»r7 wtteUy lew not I mail prMoion of tecta and Agnrea, Ml irnutiw to what tho Wfiaa la e'a* or haa dona wfll ha 0m ha it preen. la eeaactUa wMh tho aow palter . waa dtoeloMd that ra-orpaahoMoa * Ordnance Bureau began early hi »?, tm, tea than a —Ih aftoa •w declaration of a otate of ant i ongfc draft of tho m nrgnnlaattaaa !«tn4 to by Prnaldiat VBm ha id etateaont no far m teal haroaa • -onearced at Inaot waa drawn m I'lrfap May and had tea appmoal of he Preoidoat hlwaalf hafata It waa in lertotia t lM.T RIGHT MITIIH RHIPR SUNK LAST WBKK London. Jaa. Update tho Hah. m of Britt* atonhaf.a hoy adao tr inbaariao ham hew hold at a tear point. Oaty ala mtaab of l,toa Man imi iaatroyad la tho rate weak. aa> co-.ding to tlw Afabaky tapovt ta nttht. Mlaa Steal Sailay apaai Swadtp IK nololgh wtu 11 latte mu

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