I VOL. IV UAlfc r UK NE. T UKAr I IS YET UNCERTAIN Secretary ef War Seye Mock De pend* on Skip* end Event* Ah reed Washington, Jan. P0.~ Expansion of America's fighting fo-cri b:yi-cd Ihclr present strength Hvpur such factor* as ev.-nt« ah r-d nntl the shipping si'.ucti- i, C-c-relnsy Baker said tonight i's losing thrt the War Dspr.rtr.; hr" not fixed a date for anoth.- ■ of: nor ever, determined how r*a:y nor/ me n vhaU be called. When Mr. Baker told the Senate Military f(a:tlttcs y< . tv.-dry the L'niird Plaice vm id beve hdf a mil lion men ir. Fixnea rady thb year sort that in ull a million und a Half could PO Kcmsc If ships could be found to r~ ~ry them, he referred to tho divis ions now in training camp- and that: already in Europe. Fut. re develop ments trill decide whet addi'.lonal forces trill bs sent. Further LcHdiiicB. The Secretary made c’tc- today hi* opinion that if event? lanle it nerr*. ser> to call or: mo-? than another 9 increment of bit a million men the executive'* authitity to lslation by Congress would bo neceo u “r» “ He said however, tfc.-.t «ai*:r the au thority to call two ie.r.-.anontj of line soldiers of £(!(!,C”d e;ch and such additional nt.mhrts for rceruit* batta Hons special uhits "a* the President may deem necessary.” the second draft (night bring out in all aa many aa a million men. Regis ter All 21 Years Oil The Senate Committee today ten tatively approved legislation proposed by the War Department to provide lor the n^jtrstlnn of yoi'ttiv attain ing the age of 21 years tinea June G authorizing the firing of oaotas or. the ha via of elar-a one of the new classification and empowering the President to call men needed for spe cial industrial or other work. Provost Marshal General Crowder, appearing to explain the bills, told the commit tee it waa proposed to hold a new drawing to cttabUih the order of lia bility of the new registrant?. When IMMMMMnMaM ■ sorted In the dasrea to which they may be eurignrd according to a plan now being worked obt Two Million i. Clave Owe It la aavoraed, General Crowder said, that most of the new reg'ttranti will fall into class one, Riving thai class this yrar u tola! of some two million men. From class one it h proposed to take the next and any future draft*. In a formal memorandum prevent ing hli views tbc general also disap proved xurgeetione that the registra tion be ertrnded to men beyond tfl air* 31, saying the e.Tort of claasi fleatior. is *o great and eo expensive and the number of persons past 8! years who would fall in clars one sc small that the task would pot be wort! while. Baker Would Exempt 31 Year Mrs Although Secretary Maker today re Iterated his desire to have excmptei regirtered men who reach the age o' 31 yean without being culled InU the military service, the committee refujed to include such a prorKior in the legislation. General Crowd* disapproved the suggestion. The bills probably will be introduc ed into the Senate tomorrow. an< Senator ■ Chamberlain said tooigb they would bo prciwcd for early pu ■***. Aviation Activities. Prom Chairman Coffin, of the Air craft Hoard, the comm'.VWe today w cured behind clnsod doors what acv e*al n cm hen termed “mont encourttg tr.e” report* of the aviation program Y.r. Coffin told about the suceoa* o the I /berty motor and outlined th eo-orolnatrd program of aviation pro duetton and nn»n»tion arranged by th United State*, Borland, France an Italy. Although much of Mr. Coflln’a taatl money mi confidential a ronaldei •hie part will be made public, pro! •bhr next Thursday, when ho will b croea-«xujnined in open eeeelon. Purther Inquiry into thu avia'.lo *oprice win bo made tomorrow whe B.'tf. Goa. fv|oicr chiaf of the arm service, and Col. Deeds will appeal probably in executive aeaeion. Beher aad the CeeiaiiHw The rommltlee had hoped to rets Bcvrelary Baker bn fore the end of th amok for rrose examination on b atitomcnt yesterday of n.-my achievi m< nta, but tonight ( halrmai Chnmbr la*U thought the aviation braoe would eiineum* the next few daj and postpono Beretary Baker'll ri torn until next week. That "War Co-mell" Behem. DUcoseion of IS* r vutroveray on the conduct bf the war xml Ut* pr posed war department roorganlsatlc also la Impending both In the Benat aad Hnoae. Senator Wadsworth < New Toth la planning aa addree FI |tv 1IMC INCOME TAX U A "SPLENDID PRIVILEGE" *» Cell te Aesecicaa* te Meet Draudi Tket Insure lfrilll». (I.its racy Digest) This 1 •„ c_l! on svery American lubject .o the income tax to moot Inith-iut delay tho necessities of hti wromr' ' *a it* svreat task of ac loropltsj.nf the freedom of the world. I' pyeey uins2I*ried man with an ia Imcip cl Jl.CCO or mere, and every married men with an Income of $2, OCO or more, will take prompt step* to maV# i rport to the (uviransit, He I -It) perform an inestimable service J •*’ the Va'ictl olatei and lta treat ury department. This department is already labor ’■ rj pa-..”? by iho war. By giving I’*' hearty rv>-opcratien each elti 3 vpll lie doing his share at least ' ' .j its burdens and to lighten the " .’ -y rci|«msibilltle» of the new t-a:_-.ni.v.ionor of internal revenue, vi‘ - ir.tj say, is the most able and .'.'ort efficient head that this important unrh of the government has ever had. It ia true, of course, that ire are carrying a great burdea of taxation, li lt we arc poor butlacia men If we 1- vard these taxes as mopey lost. ^ hey arc but the premiums w« are -.sying on the greatest insurance of , times—insurance against the con , •'•«»-M now ruling In Russia, insur 'nee that will protect and preserve oir -families, our property, oar lisea, our ideals, all that we are aad aO that m hope to be. Think of Belgium systematically rijincd. think of Poland dnrutxd and iaial waste, think of Armenia, a nation Ittaaoccrod and murdarad by an ally of the Hone. Think on these thing* ar.d then remember that every dol lar of taxes you pay into the treasury of the United State* places another binder between your loved ones and tucb on spy be Me horrors as these. The payment of the income tax m tbe present duty—the splendid pri vilege—-of six million citUens. No loyal American win fail to give im mediate easier to the calL For at thl_ tinea of great parti and preaatng danger, when the battle fin* and frontier of civilisation will sirn ba it v, a million four beloved ions, prove to ba a dead that would follow us with shame to the end of our dey->. UNCLE SAM WANTS ACCOUNT ANTS AT HAOO TO ffi,MO A YEAR Washington, D. C., January 80.— The United States Government is in need of several hundred export cost ac'o intni:ts to Ml vacancies in the ac cornt* section of the finance depart ment of the equipment division of 1 the R-'f-nal Corps, War Department, ua : m other branches, for duty in Washington, D. C., or In the field, ac centing to an announcement just te nued by the United 8tat*s CM] 8ar dr- C mmission The matartoo off er et ran;,-* from $2,400 to $4,000 a year. Men only are dwired. Th* duties of appointee* to th* —pnal Corps arill consist of the de termination of production costa of ' alrr.-b net and airplane motor*, cither a* inpcivUors in charge at one or mo .a of the several plants, or as aa ais'-anta; or appointees may ba assign ' cd to duty In Washington, D. C. Applicants win not be assembled ■ tor u written examination, but will I so ft.cd upon tne subjects ol edo . cation and experience, as shown by • the applications and corroborative ev tcnce. The Commission states that on ac count of Cm urgent needs of Um •crrlcc applications for three poet lion* will be received until fnrthei notice and that papers will bo rated promptly and certtile-linns matte ai the needs of the eereico require. Compbto Information and appHc* tior Viuoks may ho obtained by roc* i im-nleating with tho secretary of Um 1 lot -I board of civllmervice exam Inert at the sort office In any of the target • cities or *ith the Cnlted States Chri ■ Service Commission, Washington, D - O. Tho Ron!Wage book campaign is 01 1 In Dunn and tha first alloUaeent ol i bo- in been disposed of already I Dt m wtu sell a Urge number won then ito quota, which mi see that th< joys will be remembered la this way It i» the purpose of the manager II her* to get at least sns booh int a tho hands of ovary boy from thl e motion and Mr. Co Ids tain sad Mi n T’.lgbman will no doubt succeed fa r tholr efforts. Tha Smileags hook i h a gift that goss direct to tho boy a in the various camps in tha countr >- and ons they folly apprectots. possibly tomorrow la support of th r h’lb for a war cabinet and munition i- director. The war cabinet meal n nra will be considered by Uu com o ml* tee this week sad another vote I fi planned on the qooetiou of rsportin l, M to the Senate. CHANGE IN PROGRAM OF THE LYCEUM COURSE. SargM.1 FUhiff WUI Com Huteod W UeateMnt HcGftwj *4 Pint Arranged. The following loiter aiHrnml to Mm. V. I. Stephens, of this city ex plains itself: “Mr. McGibney, whom we booked to appear on yoar Lyceum coarse this season, has barn drafted into the Na tional Army and la now In a training camp. This is a big disappointment to us, and will probably appear so to yon at first, but undoubtedly you will be pleased when we advise you that we have been able to tec ure the services of Sergeant John Flahiff, of U> Princess Pat Regiment of the Cana dian Expeditionary Pereas, to fin the engagements which we had booked for McGibney." Serge eat FUblS Came* With Thrill leg Persewel Esgerlemeee. Illustrated by gas masks, and other Instruments of war, and with a trench on canvsa as s background, Sorgeant John T. Flahiff, diract from the front Una trenchos, is telling Lyceum eadi eweee la a sail)*, straight-forward W*y, yet vividly andthrilllngly, hi* experience* of seven monthe in the great war. Flahiff, a daanent young Ameri can, was a member of the famous Canadian Princess *7*1" regiment which, during a battle on the western front, went into action in the first line trenches with ICM men and adth stood the furious onslaughts of the enemy until only if of Its members wore able to walk out of the trench** unaided. Flahiff was In the Ypres salient daring the heavy fighting there end was at Bapeume back of Vimy ridge. Twice la big drives he went “over the top” and dotens of tiroes in (french _IA. Ha served la three most dangerous capacities, being euccaaafuly a bomb er. machine runner and stretcher bearer. He wee mad* serge act for cenapkuoni scirtce in carrying the wounded for forty sir boon at one t^ma, from th* front to the framing station, facing enemy Are nearly .all this period. Shortly after thla be was taken IB mm**m*mm*m charge. As soon as his health will permit he will again enter th* war, this time under the stars and stripe*. Sergeant Flahiff describes the er cry day army Ufa at th* front. He teUs of th* preliminary training in France before going into active ser vice. He describee th* trenches, th* barbed wire entanglements, th* list ening pests, th* barrage fir* and many other things people have been wanting to know at first hand. A< th* clot* of his lecture, he eonducti a question box, s feature which hai proven to be very popular with hi audiences. The lecturer appears in his Cana dian sergeant’s uniform. Highly enthusiastic comments oi hia lecture are being received from committeemen and newspapers by tin Red path Bureau. MARSHBURN-UPE Marriage at Reason. B. T. P. U Gives Delightful Social Benson, Jen. 27.—A marriage o much interest to friends here en< elsewhere occurred this afternoon a three o’clock in the Praebyterlai church, when Mr. Harvey Msrthburr of BestonviUe township and Mia Mattis lipe, of Mooresville wee married. Rev. A. T. Lassiter, paste ef the bride, performed the eeremonj Mr. Marsh burn is ona of tha mot prominent yonng formers in the east era part ef the eenaty. Mrs. Marat burn Is well known hers, she her lag taught in the Graded Schools her and at BenteaviUe for the paat.tw years. She has resigned her poeitio ia the school here. Him Fox, of Aaht villa, coming la today to taka ha After the ceremony Mr. sad Mn Marsh burn left far their heme newt built and famished and all read for occupancy. The B. T. P. C. guvs a very d< ligbtfal aerial at the Parrish Hot) last night. Aa elaborate prograi eras given after which re freshmen] were served. The B. Y. P. U. ondi the leadership ef Mbs Julia nrirrrA la making rapid pragmas here, a graa number of members having been ad< ed within the past few months. The War Savings Stamp eoaiml tee ef Banaer township, beaded t Preston Woodall, chairman, is lauacl Ing a campaign which promises ( piece Benson and Banner township I the foremost ranks In selling Wi Savings and Tkrift 8 tempo T) school teachers In the township ei being called upon to help posh 0 tale of stamps and tha eampall promises to grew to home nee prepo Lions within a faw weeks. ALL TH* MRWS IN TUB DI8PATC MR. wni i » County Food Ron hue bo— Food to take prompt aad the end that aB eive quentlUee tarty floor, to tom their iorpine to the deale re CHA9. ROM. He—ett ter WW U feed " Mr. Pag* aod Mr. Boas ha announce* Admintetrator'i carried oat t* Uttar U of ■boulder type the man. Ea t’.oB right County Pood tnatructa him “(1> That tail of can tecure that retarn all Soar in their octet of on* barrel to ■ they porebaea talar* bring required to take It back at the price they received for It "<*) That yoa take every mean* within .your i mu wand to remedy thia •ituation joat aa promptly aa peerible "(4) That you eubmit to aa promptly for indictment and proaeeu tion the name* of any merchant* who wltkbolda Information aod aay con tainer* who retain U their pomaasion more-than on* barrel of flour after they have been an opportunity to rctum lt to deaUt*-1’ DOCTORS ADVANCE FEES. On account of the high coat ef He in* and *re*t lucre—* In the oost of our mtdicinaa and taatrumenta and other unuaual expan***, w* the *n •terrigned phyuejan* have been forced 'I in order to meet «er ho neat obliga tion*. to make aa Increaae la oui charge*. The foOowtng fee achaduli has born adopted aa a basis apor I which to malts charges f«r oar am I ricoa. > Normal Obstetrierf fee *20.00 plm > ra Usage I Office consohetieo 11.60. ) Day visits hi leva 12.00. r Night visits batwsm Op. m. aad 1 . a. m. *4.00. t Country visits aa follows: First mile—day, $••**, night *4. Third mile—day *6*0, night *6.60 > Fourth mile—day *4.00, night (I. > Fifth mile—day *600, night «f.M ■ Sixth arite—day *600, night *0.00 r Seventh rails—day *7.00, nigh *10.60. - Eighth mils—daf *8.00, nigh r tis.00. t Fifteenth mils—day *1100, sigh *12.60. - Consultation visfta *6.00 extra ii 1 addition te above mfl*ags. n W. E. Coltrsas ■ E. Tata lilnoe • r R. L. Warren Y C. H. Sexto* i Wa, p. He* I- O . L. Denntag Chan. nighamith i- 8 P. J . Lee J ' I F Hicks i- 3. W. McLean » M. L. Rersfeet x H. a Roberts t Dunn. N. C., Jssuff It. 1116 • _L.— e Chris Jacobs, a nAMr sf the l s s. aviation Mips, ffh* |a stations a at iUateal. lUlaoto. «2rtvad la taw p- Tuesday and apant * few days wtt hia old friends Ms Jacobs to tool ing wen aad hia walk to the esrvir * NEW REGULATIONS, SELECTIVE DRAFT Fn*Wt MpnU Prepares Per Ex Sereiee • Washington, Jan. SI.—New regu lations far selective draft physical examinations wen iaruaH today by. Pro I eat Marshal General Crowder in preparation for extension of the policy \ of accepting for oprcial and Hmltod •erviee regietrants unfitted for gco ml military dety. They will brlag' Into the service under the next draft' Assay man who otherwise would bo! The btd boards are directed to I pose spa# registrants tor genera), military service only when they come withia tha standards ef unconditional Acceptance or rejection All other rases must be referred to the Medical Advisory Board for further examin attorn. Hereafter there will be no unconditional affatOng of men who have remedlaT dots' la To a* th. Shorties Underlay old regulations men on- , der lnWl in height were uncon ditional rejected. In the future mm of M lashes if' exceptionally well proportioned, may he talccn, and if not exceptionally well proportioned, their eaoas must bo nami to the | modi re 1 hoard. Begin ran ta above TB; laches viuspa exceptionally well pro petti oneohioe sm to be referred to tha Medlsal Adviaery Board for rlssiHratinn The aUra weight established by the ragulattoa is ISO pounds uu I.m IL. ■ » » - a. ~ * ' • height anlaaa it U yiltoty doc ta asam temporary raaaa, ala pa ta tha If edMal Beard. Visitors Mast Ptaarantly Sstar day Night at Brattyri Fart Caswell, N. C., Jan. 21.—Tha dmnea gtra at Southport Saturday evening by the members of tha Mason ic fraternity among tha soldiers sta tioned at Fort CaswsB complimen tary to the ladies of Wilmington and tha other citlea of the state from which tha so idlers coma, was largely attended and pronounced by all ta base boa a unqualified success. May ladies from this city ad from other towns in the state were in at tendance. The dancing began at 8 JO, being opened with the grad march, led by lur. W. N. Daniel and Miaa Meaner Manias, when tha ladies mat their partners. Many novel figures wero introduced. Among them was the figure “TJ. S." tha ladies forming the "U.” ad the soldiers the “S.” At the conclusion of tills number, a largo America flag war unfurled to the strains of a ns trio tic air. Punch waa terrad during the arm ing and later a delicious salad course White at supper the ladies ware pre sented with fancy cabaret hats aa souvenirs ef the occasion, w belli they wore and addad quite a novelty to the scene. The music for Lie dancing eras fumUkod by the post orchestra. The hall was decorated with flags, southern tmilax and masonic em blems. I Those dancing: Miaa Jaaaette Phoenix with Mr Haahagea; Miaa Mary Pickett witi Mr. Tooat Mias Eflxabeth Waethrool with Mr. Green; Miaa Virginia Pams . at with Mr. Harris; Mala Edna Dark t with Mr. Daria; Misa Lina Sdwardi with Mr. GayVor; Miaa Margaret Oay l ter with Mr. Odea; Miaa Bade Harrfa with Mr. Btaaaey; Mba Ola Bums witi t Mr. Merchant; Mbs Katherine Bint with Mr. Blakley; Mba Bessie Klnt i with Mr. Snyder; Mbe Agnos MeRm with Mr. King; Min Rita Mona wM Mr. Ceha; Mba Batter with Mr. Hod gia; Miaa Kate Paiaaa with Mr. Peer seas; Mbs JnHa Fateon with Mi Younghlood; Mba Margaret Harrl with Mr. Cleta; Mra. J. B. British with Mr. Marley; Mbe Ebaner Hat ria with Mr. Daniel; Mba Mary Bel lamy with Capt. Harraboa; Kb Katheriae KOtett with Kr. Alderman Mb* Thalia Banting with Mr. Joeo Mbs Marie Grainger with Mr. Prdai Mba Osaka* llaar with Mr. Bvcreti Mbs Laura Jacobs with Mr. Lao; Mb Login Grant with Hr. David Joan r. Mba Laura Parsley with Mr. Wads 1 Mbe Maude WUlsen with Mr. Al a kineaa; Mbs Placid* Clark with Mi b Payne | Mbs Elite Smith with Ml i- Easel; Mba Myrtle Rhodes with Mi a Spearman; Mba Mary Cites Bet Urn with Capt. Hatcher; Min Man.I rCBACCO FOB SOLDI EBB ' NOT A VERT COOO PLAN Eogiaad l*n Met eed Freaee Net Ordwwl BmohoUos Dor* For AB ‘There’* too wneh to >000 and too Ittto. if any. to pli to jnotify too >lan of tending cigarette* wholesale •o toldlor* with tho view that they octhe thtia in their lonely hoot*, and •err* thorn for critical momenta,’’ »n the State Board of Health in its ataat bulletin "Erea if tide new nrnt that wear* ao wall th* cloth** >f real philanthropy had had its wigia ia th* kindly footings and ten ia thles of tho folk* back hoaaa, ia itcad of ia tho mind* of too** who lad tobacco to toll, th* risk it too mint of rir«r. A to ichor needs too lipeat ytatihli eoarng* and dghting :ffieiency—clearness of ate, Noafl iam of nerre and hoait action, pwor M rate fatigoa and flotno* and to >ot to ykld or ratrandor to too snooty itrength to withstand laatfol tampt itioat—sod what mat or woman ha ler** that cigarettes Nad to any of hot* qualities? “Study after study**, any* th* bai Ictin, “bos boon mad* to know tho etfecta of tohoeoo an health and ato rlcacy, and whatever alto ia fonad rhreagb toe study, there ia alwny* the autetendiag fact that th* oat of to bacco inertrooe heart action and ha em* muscular power. This fact has bcca ao well established that for more than a generation maw In tmtotag f*r supreme toms of their pkytical power* u* forbidden to nao tihaice. Tho nrufflBfliAHAl pwnnav IrmHan dittor to untie i%u will ao «MkM Ma heart I to lasers bla faUara. Wtatfetras| COOTS* ELECTED DUtECTO* Th* fallowing which appeared la Tneaday'a Haws and Obaarray. wrMtaa by that pepar-a Vattagha cor respondeat. wfll he *f tad arm* to a number at oar reedrrai "Wade H. Cooper, rice prerldael of th* Merth Carolina Society la Washington, has last been elected chairman of the board of director* of the National Bank of Hattysvillc, Maryland. Mr. Cooper it one of the ■oat successful bank an at tha capi tal Ha il preatdant of tha Union Barings Beak aad Ora United Stater Seringa Bank and otherwise identi fied with many financial institution*. Because of hie aorcaaa as a financier he has last born raqoeated by tha Washington Military Council to aarra on the military committee of tha campaign ao training camp activities. Mr. Cooper cornea from Wilmington, N. C.. and is a brother of W. B. and Thomas E. Coopsr, of WOmioften aad P. 8. Coopsr, of Dam.” Wa are authorised by Mr. E B Mitchell, Deputy Register of Deada to announce that he haa rulgnif hh offiee, to toko affect at ones, and hat accaptad a position with tbs Bank at Capa Bear, at Dub. Ha cento* platoe marring his, family to Dana aorao time in tha naar fntnra. Mr MHchall haa made a very eflleient mat in the offer af tha Rogteter of Daada aad hie giong will be regretted bj the many peepie that he haa aerra< fn the office, under both tha admin 1st ratio as af Mr. A. M. Shaw and Mr w. H. Paocett, tha praam* Ragtete of Deeds.—Barnett Poet Parsley wtth Mr. Ed. Jaaaa; MM Alice flehaiksn with Mr. Wf-nTT man; Mias Elisabeth flaeaetef wit Mr. Motes; Mias Bessie Torn wH 1 Mr. Wilson; Mia Annto Banks wit ' Mr. Henntgaa: Mia Gladys Camel ' with Mr. Chandler; Mtee Leah Watt sritt Mr. Roper; Mtee Carrie Week 1 with Mr. Warrant Mtee BQn « 1 Georgs with Mr. Maarn; Mia Katha ' Me St. Geetga with Mr. Wooten) Mia BUa Windsor with Mr. Boatt; Mh • Mas Phelps wtth Mr. Parker; Mh i Josephine Newton wtth Mr. Psoras! : Miss Lola Dottier wtth Mr. W. 1 1 Wean; Mtea Blame hie Newton wit 1 Mr. Bwaias Mtee Lottie Mas Kewte • wtth Mr. BtrMdaad; Mtei Annie B 1 George with Mr. Tamila; Mlaa Aik 1 Adkins with Mr. Tha^oan; Mh - Elisabeth Oethrie with Mr. Onthrh '• Mia EHsabeth Dottar wtth Mr. Jab • foota; Mtea Myrtle VoOan wtth Lie tenant Yates. F] -- • ALL THE MEWS IN THE DIAPATC Tbs aitreto ■ , ft* War ladaotrioo Board _tha Mthoitty of th* Food Control hot *> t port of th* ptegtan for aHnnlaHnr ognultaral prodoctioa. It Wfll ha anloailid at Atlantic pool* and th« Price will ho $TMd a toa. ftaa oa board can at port of arrival. Fan in an to pap la oddirtoa freight (bon port of arrival and th* BtaU fertiliwr fee . i I boldon of l_i for bad, aad nap , ha top antic af a 1 listing of B. O. «„_ Buaai A. M. thaw, __ H, Gregory. B D. Overby, * K. T. Pnttoreon, Coat, aad J. C. % •• Byrd, Dean, B. F. D. 1. • r X* nonoy win be l application ha* v’.'.j." / Ti ^ i.. cleared ap the matter as tar as New Yortt la coacemad sad Dm rating win daabtlaaa to aacipted hr attor dirtrict beside la attor atetaa. Under tto ratine of dm New Yerfc heard dfetoes- wflJ to ptassd la daae A-l. ttoboato aefadag tog * mrTlagi reins tto board seeks trtortThlr” wrtb reentrants. U holds that “as min teg* contracted daaa Map IB. t»n. (toll to regarded to entitling a cccecriptahle au to deferred dnae iflcotlon en dor the gaeattowlaa eje tem anlaas H to »>'wa that the man was Jammed In believing that to wei aa laagar eahjeet to tto draft when to satorad tto im‘m Ti‘ horde." hart to mass that - ha* ben called to tfca I ., faond to ho phpriaaBp or has raoairad a certiflcato of ax eair'loa or dhchaigs on ether than in.bj.tnal fromnds prior to hh mer rier' ho ahoald raatlaa too aat alaaa ifleat ioa thri would ha awarded hha had Ua marriage takea plant prior to aTriJJ. Tho optrica af iha New paaerro at tha asteritea aarriaa net obit, nil on rertlag span afl Moftha draft ape" ead that all knew this end theta who Hr j And then riahnad : such claim "created the ] tion chat It wan a U li held that an ' inf prior to Map II or < r men;. mad* far tha robr.ta tho | Maw*. 1 . Tho 1 Pint National 1 dap. Jannarp Slat , j aarh week 1 1 aarprlaae pen th i 1 It h * ofa* * wo-h In ’ «• ’ ahioa poo to nltbsti d : at * thrift and to have i dm* * at r'+r poo moat . B. 1 BbUssio, who haa i da* 1 partmcri. la I tha wort hp MMa Bmr ■ of r V?IB wtl bo glad to t rear * arHh pan. I ft hep fall to saa pan ■ coll on thaaa at tha bank and outer k. h i tha - «..!