:· ' ι··-ν: Βϋ£ .*·<! 'Μ". if·'.- Λ ' Hardware—Furnihi re—Undertakers. THE EDISON. L * > » ■- 1 . X ■ ' State Bank & Trust Co, 23pdf J9I& $25*420.64 $76,740.81 *- Gaih ση haii3TttidliriWklfa^12,124.66 - 34.639.27 ·» "I · '·■· ■ $37,545.50 $113.560.06 Capital and Profit·- $13,879.00 $26*196.91 Bill· - payable - w — . 20,000.00 Dtp<mt* 23,666.50 677390,17 $37,545; 50 $113,560.06 Weaolicit a portion of your patronagaaid will de oU in our pcvrer to render you pleasant and ι factory service. • H. L. GODWIN— President R. L. GODWIN Vice-ΡτμΜ eut T. V. SMITH Vic»-President-and Cahier IMr «rien an gtoa • to tWr Mm «τ (Mteria at a •arty · data aa poMftta. Diracto KUpt· ·' tka Afrinkant fitw bIob Mmi ffcHod ittfitlM % «Ma aattar mill? te a tottar « tka County JkjpMtmt Acaata a» kaa uni »· «a tera their aa a»aa atta* (nain pal ta tkalr «tea mi )y. la haa MneM «kaaa ta «al to tka (act «bat tka wait awnnrt af («« Μ ·<ί μ ON ·( til ·» totayttarta tka paaaaat am Mat Mûr ir «Ma traa M H la ι faat MtflaitaBW a trady atari»* " «italati pMdata d et yrttaa • aaaa · pntt far «M Orir akaat «1 Mm af far av« kaaa pal in a eu dartaa • M «pr load «W Md (Ma «Hl craatty raltora ta a» far m fartt· *wt«w m «ta ka_ aaaaaaary Mt al «ita ara ta "***· tanra rar Ipt tf tka Mi «m M bl f ΓΙ fllklj «Nfa wtock Mat ka kad Ma yaèr. ramrim ar β. C.. fitnaij it. toîT#toî,>m'm *"* "" * hel Γ» Λ521Γ·?Ϊ«2!?£Γ λ'/.R lei son taught »y >· jeiNSON CJIUKMra OOA1 rtk *"» M Nia» TU· Aay Μ ««ι : V I It', N«4 Mm, Dm. HJp Mia, U Γ-Her ZietUr. in 11» New Yart World. Vhen I >u · niU boy I Wrax •hyea that w«at Mm iMbi Poor oM ftobijaaa Ohm I Fee* old Rebtaeaa Cnuoal H« m»d« kl· ft coat Of m aid um| |Ml I waedwr how ha ooald da aoT I daat heller* I by aw»k* M nl*h< li/h| ta l|«n 00» hi* ha wmt ahh ta Bib a perfectly food coat out oi an aid naaay taat, hat V mm Mn o) ana thine. In* Ι» ktd la «aWh Um «oat. Than ha had ta akia tka (Ml and taa the *hla aad cat H propari) and aaw tha plant hrto a coat, and thaa ha had a paefectly feed coat and, I Mn by the pUtaxae 1 h*n aeen. ha had aaoafh goat ahia left ever to «aha a hat. AU thia toot a giaal deal of Haw wnlra. I »'jj> That did not Mtt» mock to lUbtc •on Clin, btctiM W wm on a do •act lalaad aad coald not gat o* aad hi kid mil tha ttj^a (km va*. Hi j«A took what Um· ha naadad aad kept at the job Mit tta cost waa made. It waa tta nrj tat thini for Urn to do, bin·—· ha «m la mi aad tattaia aad Am «Μ Μ Λβψ «a «h* ta! aad that aolf coata or aaythiai •1m. Ha waa aO alooa tbara, ao h· abot tho pat aàd m ad· tha coat aad vai tha coat ο· «ad waa comfort able la H. _ï I ·«■— Of TW Out Coal. The r· Ι* ο do I am am of, boworof. If Bokfcaaon Qgm bad •pent afl bla tlMi MaV1«t chocolat· ■rraami et, ctawia4;gam or other sa lmportoat thinga. Kp would never bar· bad tiaae to ρ haàkiag that old aannj got, or tin»· to tfeka tba coat aftei ha ahot tta goat So weald ban tad choaolata crearaa^ad ctawlag gum that he. did not ifiai, aad ta would badly. r Than la osa gakd thing «boot a goat tUn coat, hpdacaoad·. with tta hair aida ont. Jli'la tough. An ar row will hardly jtdtae It. So W afraid of of ι to ta» lalaad. Wltfc bia rifle in bia waa raady to go oahaad fig) ragea wtaa h« tad hb coat 01 tho at tho coat tawaeRÛTa iida hta aak«d aalf la aaaaa ι I-if a» arrow bU bdm «t .woaj lSad him. 8e if ta bad-up it Mal lug choco lata ereaaa^ at 'gam or ottai of a ooat VU loi fSK > kstw aO about iftclntaan in That waajab^W fen; It mar be till {fra.aaaeon ha tbooghl ban lea, whoi% -aWldrtn aad other· coald pat .t%dr.^ money to am tt, woald be a flood thing Waa bacaw· ha knew how fttlaaee mopoy waa to a •hipwjcta^ ea aa laland, M my nyjfii fcBÉifc in Behtaaea Cium'i |b4 hmt ottmxmi Ma 11^0 hrk «o*t*te-cv«t BoUq. ■** h·»· UMftMd at Mm. Mon«ywint «othli^ at ait te ht». m* buy MTtkiac H, >ie>— -%r» «a· no on· oe Um ATTENTION MR. FARMER! ΓΓ IS YOUR DUTY TO YOUR COUNTRY TO PRO t DUCE MORE CROPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION THIS YEAR IN ORDER THAT WE MAY WIN THE WAR It will pay you to we us and investigate our line of farming implement·, including the famous MOLINE LINE of walking and riding plows, disc harrows, cultivators, etc. Also we carry the famous VULCAN PLOWS and cast » ings in stock at all times, together with the best upright plows on the market—the SMITH. See it before buying. We want you to call and get our prices. Every imple ment we «ell is guaranteed a· represented. Owing to the abnormal demand our stock of these implements is limited and to replenish same the price would be very much higher. Better look after your inter- ~ est in this line at once. JOHNSON BROTHERS, Dunn. ■ . · * · Il I ==S= I ■■ Μι I I ■ ■ II «••M be two Idadi of J ok· he could t»t—lu coald (O to work iwthj rtf*, or elothing, or food», or other thing· that would help via the war, or ho ootid cot ι Jok makiag choco *— or chewing ι and'other tiing· that wti hitaly not —Q that ho would prob ably |it a job n»«H«g on· et thooa thing·. Bo would Mt ear* m lone a· Wo 'waa paid for dots* th· wot*, for supplying hi· Mrricea, what khd of r»od> bo waa making. Chocolate iMi or rifla ballet· woald b« «11 I the mm» to poor old Boblnson Cnm, Just ·· It fe ·11 tfc· auad to otb«r Men who *·μ their m'tV»· to oak· good·. • Robinson CrsiM would not car·, bat, ·· th· war wont on, tka United S ta tea Go»»iwaent that la trying to win tie war would ear·. It would with with all .lt· bwt that Hobinaon Cn»« woo id atop making chocolate cream· that 4iUm can bre without, it they try» aad go to waking cart ridge· or clothing for ο or aoldlara and •aU^ra, to help win th· war. Bat Robinàoa Craso· eoald go right ahead makiag chocolate creams or ether no aaceeaary thing· bacun th· children were buying than. 80 there we would be: Children ending their pennle· and nUkek and diofea for thing· they might easily do without, and Bobinaon Crueoo to busy makiag them that ha woald hav· λο thus to male· cartridge· and «lath ing, and, aa like aa not, Oermaay would win the war becaoaa Robinson Olwot and thousand· of other work were doing the wrong kind of TWtft fltampe Are Wlaaer. .. Bight hare la where th· Thrift Htif· »a« in and help win the war. Oar Géreraa>etit print· ■ lot of Thrift Btanspa beeauee "thrift" mean· tag·," and the Ooworamaat waa ta pee |b te "aava" th· mon«y they (pond far Thrift Bteapa. It suggsH that child re· and grown folks do withewt and thine* that are and am Mm pea ai·· and 11*9 U IMS. Mt |4 lt. bat «·. 1 W.rth while. but that to Ml •«oort thiag ef oB. UM Mapat thing I· thia: Wl km oremaat wffl fat tte κοκ; ta peg for thte wort? It wfB te tte twj Mil BOMjr fM wttM ten t »t fat chocolate craw η otter tUifil Tte nuon te Itet «tes jrou te| a Thrift rKfloit-tSy"-XmSBS lot Bob tew Croaoo atop —Mm chocateto nui Md jn |ln tte OotMMat tt coatr Vo Un kte, o> bur kte Mt-rloo·, to 'Mfco rood· that wtBhalpwfette»·*. 80 ycm or* hotptacln tteoo way* Pint, yon tet ÎoMmw Cmii pi awajr fMoa making |Mdl that M·.— neaaaurt aaeoad, |M tend moioy ta tte OwntBMtt to tej tha gooda ate wntew tt Mihf lte third, your tnoaoy 0α ta par lotehanti OttaM in hte now job of hatpfc^ yowr Oar ornmont wta tha ww. That te a «η» deal for · ttttte moaoy ta da, bwt tt doaa tt! And ttedi» thaaa thio· thing· ttera te a- fourth; yoa ara oaring yoar moaay and putting It what* tt «1· oarn nonoy for yoa white yon ara awaka and white yoa iteapl Bo I raOMt a now rhytaa ta add ta tha old oaa abovt Robin son Craaoa: Good old Robinson Ciwaoal Oood old ttobtaaon Craaoa! Tha Thrift Rtampa ha boaght Won tha war that ira fovght. And wa all aavod and holpod him to do aa. IINRiwirJ, UM ."ho rvUcn of Ulo |~a*r win bo "^μ'ΪιΙ**!* tO** " -- M rt'.W TWO DOCTOKJ nOMCUTU ra*oro to ri.pwti ttopoH Motte to LmJ ttagtetoaao Got· Twa P..a··, lata TmHi. Olhn 1 to Follow Dr. W, Ψ. Wabh, af nd Or. tt. T. Upoterch, af an, ten Jaat tearaad that tte Tltol itattette Law te Mt a mm· "oorap af to te paaaad to Dr. J. B. of Vital flte of csum of death, inheritance, ineur tnct, deeoent, art in connection with tcbool work, employment, military rt> tpontQilMty, i|t at conaent, tuffntffe tad other luttei to agr notb- « lac of neUI taftonoat·, and pebj -«■tf *e-wao-t»*theh»btt of withhoU ''I·11 ill. .1.1 -.*?*?****»** ■· or mere, ahd to coMpiy *ttk reqneeta U AU hit wrtKlctlt· with the local registrar within five day* after birth, whUt Dr. Upchmrh failed to- lit Ml mIMlln at all. Accord In* to Dr. Otrto. peroral additional «•mat* were aworaoat today, and ■ other cette of violation of thit -law aie elated ter InvtetlgaHon and legal aetlo· lea ea rapidly at they can be McWi COMMUSlOMBItt SALE By Tirta· of the authority contain ed la a certaia jidfaeet rendered at the February tana, 1*17, In an ae ticn therein pending, eatttled The Dunn Cotwaiaeioa * Sopplj Com pany vt Cyme McN.ill and wife, Matilda McNeill, the undereiffned remmleBioaer of the c -art will offer for tale at pobtk aoctioa to the bi«h - « it bidder thr foltowing tract or par re· of land, to-wit : Lying aad beta* la Anderton't Creek TewaeMp, Harnett County. Af tcribed aa follow·: Bounded ok the aorth by the landt of NtM> tatth. on the eaet by the land* of Mary McNeill, on the tenth by the landt of Frank Murchiton, on the wiet by the Itade of the Chewatan Clab, beta* the ta ate treet of which the Jtfeadea»* thea Bred, the taau> tloimtd by the defmdenti to have been bought by thea* from Kenneth MeNeill eetate. toehtdia* ose four room dwalBag heuaa built by the de fend* ate aad ι IgMhl by them, the *at4 tract ef land being embraced ■itb*a the followlae boaadariee te at a (take aad pointera^ Ν. M I It ebala* ta * etake tu tore, thence N. U X. 1· ■ ta a etake and painter· oa the •ttfe of Ng Brunch, theaee B. • W. 10 chaiaa «a a «take la the ef Mr Braaek, witk mua direct te the beffin ao of eale : Mwaietpal Dane, M. C. Time ef Bate) ietardey, March 1·, I BIB, at 1 e'tleek P. M. Ten*· ef Bale! Thie the Mb day of February. 191· W. /.

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