ΤΙ 2 DUNN VOL- IV ' DUNN, N. C, . πι. M, Itl« ;<uniinuii(Aii>n - λογ. DENIES FAL?7 ROl.iORi No Limit to Airoijo Urntr· M»j Plut in T«b««<« cr Csiton or Other Crop· lUleifth, Keb 18.- Sut· luod Ail rini-ftmir.r Kvnry Α. Γακο ίκ lodiipv r it -Ϊ 'i.iou' 4 '.<t h .ν - bwi clrcu I t-J i > tdtr.·· ι',' Caio " «:> t·! '/.I- ru^it thni '.no Food Ad r ι·1· i.t'.'on, th2 DcfiDÎtiMM of Ajtti· r Ulur· or e ο m * other l.'ench of th« i'o-'frnnn-nt hart ieeucd an order I· roiling Uii- ecrcaae that may ba ρ 1ftηt <1 in tobifco, cotton or other cropi por hone or muU. Thc»o rvporti r.r# n.l (inly HlmituU'ly HWlimlli*·, but Mr. Page itaUi Uut thnv is η!ι· roljtety no authority in .toy exi»l lrjt l«w« for any <* <f urtmen^of ihc F^ltrol Govrrrittvitt ".j i. t uc· s»u ι h ait order. CUroa» Γ.-opr:md* Thi. i> thr lint Intiauca thai we lia.c had in North Carolina of what nppcars to bo deAnttr and in/urion» . -ipasania instif.atod by Ο Trail . ,'i nti or pro Gerci*i>>, with the de liberate idea of i-onfii-inj". harraarir.g uf dircourafinr North Carolina farm cm." dec Wed Mr. i\iye. "I ehnll ap· prociel* any informal'».'· v.hich will thrvw any li«rht on th.· c*i».-in of *'« h .oporli. Ircidcntally 1 do not h«*J alr to cxiirco my utrioet confidence in auch a «leuruo of pnUlotiea upon tho part of Xorth Curoiiua [urmeu λ· will rrmjtt during the lojnmc as eon in the l&rgeet hn-vret of crery food crop in the hirto:" η I i>u* Etst?. Attitude Tu./a.-J "Thf el'it.·,!.- of *.(· '«jod A :«tr*tio:; toward the fanner may b« very t-imrly ttatfd. Our country and η atarMiit; world dmicd the l'Unuit jvound of production of nil food crop· by rvcry jarmrr In Aoerica Thta in créa»· »d production most com· very largely through the i.irreatcd yield 1>rr ucro which may bo brought about liy prupcr toil preparation and crop of manure, forest leaee.', wood mold and romn.Vrcial fertiliser. A iron 11er ccreag·· in tobacco would be dtairabV*, but beyond tti» kuik· ition the Kood Administration U not going to urge eny reduction. "I do not UiinL any reduction in the eottnn icrHp ■■ at all deelrable. bot rather that a (Kattr production should b« secured upon the terap which wo normally plant. ftecauaa of IK· and Ui.· grmt demand tun cotton may be riphtlf c.-it'd—H a* .·» f'.in' 3·. ι; ι. ι. ' a! t'.lr <V nuiui I ;r ,h« for clothing xnil amniuaitnn. Greater Food Production Urgent "A greater production of corn, »oy bean*, peas Irirh and KWeet potatoes, sghum for tyuvp. and all hay and feed cope Is ettremoly desirable and urgent. No family hi North Carolina that ha» an opportunity to cultivate η garden should nefluct to do m. "Any Individual in North Carolina or America who ncglet t» or (alti to do hi* utfnom i· crop prod ir.tlon or to make every square foot of hi* lull and «very hoar of hU tims count during tho coming «caaoit η η etnekcr and !· unworthy of citiienih·;» ir. this rtatc and Nat»'.·. I 'Bi sur.* howi-vrv, th.n w. have few > ι ·■ eitiaen* in N.irtli Carolina." L.KETAKY OF WAR BAKER PASSES BY CHARLOTTE CAMI S «y· Camp Cnau Will Coalhiu To Serre The Purpwi For WVidi It Wu E»ehl»'wd -Wk.tr Charlotte. V«'>. "-8.—I'uuing through Charlotte toni^l.t en hie n1 tain to Waihingtnn from η viiit U Γ imp* Cordon, Wktclft, and Hnn cock. Secretary Baker uld that "n< definite chance «rill h« made probab ly. in the atatoa of Camp Or*«v until It haa aerred ft* announce» purpnee—the ortrrldin* of trainfoi erro-jnd for the Third and Fourth R« jroli.r Amy divinlona." He tafd tha in the meantime he probnbly woul l"ti«ricct t'ti ramp, tn addition to ha» in^ nn invfRtl«ntlon m.-de by mere bcr* of l>i-· modicnl forp-, of the trrej Tha aacretary would not indict I what thno woohl br coveied In carry Inn out tha "announced ptirpoae" e the camp, further than to »ay " may be a month ■ or so—aavan mon the. ~ He added that "pcrhape I the maantlrae it may be decided tKi It il advtaablo to abandon une c the national ifoard training campa Death la BrltUb Fee»· b AetW* aa From Vmo4· Eetimated at B»l Τ Par Cea*. Now that Λ me rl eat troop* ai taking tbeir place· In the tranche attention It again directed to aa e t'matr by the Secretary of War, th tha loaaae up to Juno I, i#iT. ( the Brtuah nrpaditlonary faicct fro deaths In actioa and from wounds ι mou ate 4 to bat 7 per cent of the tot of all men sent to i^rance «inc. U begianlng if lb· war. The ratio of los*«e of thla chara. ter today, bccauso of Improrod ta tira, l< lea· thaa 7 to «vary >00 mm ji. 'V .io »-.AKER SAYING CAMP C...EENE REMAINS Sttnurr'· Altitude Aa aD|«d About Casp'· Reaeeval •7-îhir,|*on. P. C. Feb. 14.—Λσβ· ! y 0f 'ί'Λ' r«k«r κ Iked DMt cour <;:iiird/ of the proapcets of Clap τη.- bein* continued indeflnltely tn ^e|ncKCSt>liv* Godwin and Thorn, i!!. SuUen of FayetteviHa today. In I i'nci, arcordtmr to Meier*. Godwin 'and SntUin, the· *oer»Ury dated poai Ulvely that Γ-nmp Green· ia not ta |1m> obs'.dum J n* lone u there art inn y MiUicrh-ft} bo Hnl to camp* arid itl'Ci'ntnl the report that there ia ·:»·· m ·,.· f,-ed at the North Carolina ..-.τη ιϊιαπ Ht other placet where A*v "I·-. a aold'em are being trained for At'vice In France. A Mudl··· C··* Site Mr. Godwin took Mr. Sutton and a ctl.Aation of Fayettevfllo bualntna {<n->n to nee the secretary late thia la'U-rnoor. tn ull him If It had been l^fiikd to abandon Camp Qreena he ,-suie of mud, that they wanted Urn 1.0 consider Fayette ville aa a camp ».te. He made It plain, however, that h- aid the Fayettevilla people kaped that ('.amp Greene weald be contin ued. Bat if the camp waa to be rloe«! they told him that there la a little rtrip of land known aa North Carolina lying between the two favorod atatve <<f Virginia and South Carolina, which ran offer the beat camp facilities east of the Miiiwppl river. U.od Sec. Baker'. Owa Wor4 in «tatinj? thai Fayettevllle la the li->it camp ait*· rait of the Mlaalaaippi, Mr. Godwin was only using the phnae oit i-d by the socretary himself when .»r told Senator Simmona laat aum mer that Fa> rtteville had boen selec ted Iwcaoao it waa the beat ait· east of the Miaaiaaippi. That was before ( 'harlotta became a factor In the flcht j for u camp. Mr. Baker aaid he remamben what hut born uld about PayctteviUa and nrumiscd to kocp that city In Bind •hould It bo decided t oestablish an other camp or te abandon Camp Greene. He left no raiatske In the minds of hi· visitors, however, that he dora cot intend to abandon the only camp which North Carolina now has. ImwIh·/. AtritaJe Changes? Hewalary .Baker'· attHade là not in Una with .what fee Ml atom Stamona and Overman, At that time the secretary «aid thai - τ>Λ would not bo abandoned until I Υ· riaide a personal inspection of renditions and that be would prob ably make that inspection within the week. But. lfeaars. Godwin and Sat ina eny. there can be no mistaking what the secretary told them today Cxnip Green is not to be abandoned. RCJE EDWARD» MUST SERVE PRISON TERM I Girl's Counsel Falls tm Flad Reform atery Where Ska Γι«|| Be Seat FayetUville, Fob 1β—Jndgo Geo ",V. Connor announced in Superior Csurt hero today that ha could take no further action la regard to thi ten year# xnlnnre which he Imposed Ujxin Roe Kdwards on January IS punishment for heT part in killinj of Anirelre Mouton, owing to the la ability of h or counael and friend· to And a suitable reformatory 1· whiel 1 -I S L . _1 Λ In imposing the sentence Judgi Ccnnor had dlreetcrf that th« com moment should not be issosd unti i:fUr Fsbrtiery IB ia order to gtvi the g+rl'n counsel opportunity te to cat* a home or Institution other thai the State's IMson «hero eke cook bj cent. kibm Kdwsrils k fWlt at present am it i· probable that »he will not b< removed to the penitentiary until hci condition improves. COSTS T» PERCKNT MORE TO UVI NO* Rui-sau r' Statu (tea Says TUt I· IU< ol Ucr.».. Si»»« We» Begaa Washington, »eb. 16.—Averag nliflesale prtee» have Inereaaed 71 p« J ecut »iaee the world war began, ·< n ro.iVnf to a review made publie tt J Jay by the bereau of labor statistic Mutt of the advance· haa been withl the last two years Proa January to December of 1»l thu wholesale jflric·· of fan· prodnd ni'reaa»d I· P*T centj food 23 p< cent. clothing I® P·* eent; himber 1 pe<- cent] drus» W P*r cent; boom furnishing good· 87 t*T Cent. Alao k| the only relief accorded the hooeefco — Vf· It er was tea per cent itsiTMii h/fB f »nd lighting. Metal and metal pri η duets deeraaeid ft»· per cent t- Retail price· have fluctuated at J relatively lower lev·' than whole··: price·. Dressed poultry and gram lated sugar only M important foo '' I Stuffs show aa large · per cent of | >· err mm* In the retail than In the whol «·»· prie»*. EXCITING MOMENTS IK NO MAN'S LAND Américains !tui PtttW FLr»< Wire En luilaiHili WW Can»·· Turned m tU "iuica.'* With the American Array in France Feb. 17, (By Tho A asociale d Γττβ.— An American patrol having pamed the first Una of Gorman entan{la ment* and approached the second lint but night, waa suddenly cat off by a currant of eWctriety along the firot wire line. LnataaJ of attempting an immedi ate return to their trunchee, which would have meant certain death from electrorut.on or machine (run flro. the Americana clung cloae to the earth and later, when the electricity waa cot off, returned In oafety tu their poaKions. Waa biillmi Ε aperies ce It «a* a thrilling experience for the patrol A certain number of men eet out from the American poahion ία the hope of encountering a number of the enomy at a point in the Ger man trenetoea. They succeeded in getting through tho ftnrt line ar*J had crawled on until the eecond line was reached. When they were juat about to atari under tha aecond line wire there «ai a bluish glare and turning around they saw long, livid sparks playtng thruagh the barbed wire of the first line. The tnftny had turned on a powerful electric carrent. Espected a S tar κ af Ballet· The pétroliers quickly flattened out on th· ground, thinking they had been discovered and expecting to hear mo mentarily machina ran ballets go sing lug overhead. Nothing of the kind h appended, however. Apparently the Grimant merely turned on the cur rent by chance, hoping that if any Americans were within the entangle ments they would be killed on the wire nr vtiil* tferne *-* ··— patrol returned aafely to the Ameri can Un» when the electricity wm cut off. Germane Hava Seme H·mer. The Germaiu apparently Kevin* diaooveretl the meaning of Mine of the American rocket aignali, lut nigh: eauaed the Americana for a considerable diatance along the front U> prepare for a gma attack. At Λ rat the Germane aent lata the air a roclc eolor wUth ia tallini for barrage by the American·, but the American officers on observ ation duly in an advanced poet, seeing whence the rocket came, aent a mae aage to the artillery in time to pre vent it from laying down the needle·» shell Are. The command te Ore was about to be given when the information reachod the gusnors thai the enemy- wae responsible for the barrage lignai. Frits Cela "Anatole." Extremely quick work was neces sary to atop the order to Are, for the American artillery ha· reached a high degree of speed in going into action. Tbe Germans are comlnir la realize this and they are not so free with their then* as In the early days of the American occupation of the line. In the language of tbe front, every time that Frit· sends over one shell now he geta "an armful" in re tarn. ANTI-CAS TRAINING OF THE A MEM CANS M SO EX CELLENT THAT NOT ONE IS POISONEC With the American Amy hi Fi*nc< Feb. 15—Tim German· oppoaed t< the Aaorkuit early today made ai anaucfeeafol bombardment with IT* ■hell·. German airplane» In lar* number» aUo were driven off by th< Amerlean machine. and anti-atreraf batterie». 0«* *hella fell la eoneiderabl number from the German ran· with in the American sector narly thi morning, making necessary the weal irjr of maaka tu all paru of tfe trenebe» for mora than three boon One America· wu Injured by aa ·] plodlag (bea bet to cxcellentha. bee the anti-gas training of the man thi not a *iriffle cat· of Raa poiaonlne wa reported. The deration of the «bel bur ww two hoar·, but trace» ο the poiaonoa· turn— remained for ai other hoar after the bonbardaiei had cetaed Tha Americ·» artillerymen rapi( ly ara atteint"* · high degree I efficiency. Today U»ey Co η tinea! Snd tbelta that eroded «o eJe( to tho oacmy abptenaa that the arii ton were compelled to dodge ar deck aad ecurry beck to ■ aafer are panned acreae the «ky by a trail ι shrapnel puff· The artillery ·» hoth aide» η •nmed activity today. The Amer ran gunner» thelled the Oentan re Une· and eotamunlcaUoae effectHel Mr. aad Mn· A. M. Pope, ef Car arrtred yeoterday te «pend a we with Mra. Pope"» «liter, Mia. Howa Creech. . I (TWO BIG EVMHTS WILL ι tU&hnc POINT IN THE WAS IN EUROP1 Ami Mak· c2S· · Victor] "Fer AtW^a / first is a military eveni 3 pria f Drir· mt O··»·· WO F.I If. I Waahinirton, IT.—Two M, ovtnll—military «„,) urtl, that aril alsioat incTiUbljr aui the tamia^ point tn the wmr, —tria» certain ι vktory by tK« al&aa ud the Unit» Sit.lot. are eonft^ntlj expected b] .inu of th· k«t| fcf named army an< njfvjr expert· ha»f They an arm predicted j Th· Srtt, · arigtarjr «wet, ta Ou fader· of tho Trt^» drive of ft· Gar man* on the »«( trout, if, ladaad «uch Β drtr· U actoaBy ■>!· Th· aaeoed, « ^aval evaat, ia th< 'definite collapae M th· aabaarliM campaign airalnat miffing, which wil probiUr follow wt&R tk· next montl or W W th· failW of tha Qennai lend campaign iila Two each ftUgai, one mppUaMu Urj to the ο that} .fa th· jadfaenl of np«ru hi Wa^ilaçton. wfll pan the way to a ροφΗ· military aac naval daeialon ·4«η· to Ik· eeatrm power· and will l^amnul lj haetei ultimate peae·. That theae evofta w01 Uka plan ia not an outbunerf am o) Uni II n and hop· oa the jjitt of tha f »—► ascot oflkiaJ·, pM^icalarly thn· la ctth»r of the otu/oemed mrriem. Αι c*prrtal>«B ia tW.nack of eaiwfal rxanunaUoe of thil acfsal aitoartoa, L.tl. aakAM Rei* -R. . - » ^ U ·*" rarded u a <*>naatt*tt*· It it aharad by ig^uj M that it pomim rati alAtScance, fttxn ■ naval «tandpoiat. X Then Ml b»*^ Boch |liwi and txuimiarn I» Wi^hfta· Mif Um put few eootha Ii^hei «Inf the pro κτ*«β of the war, M$ ta the uncover i»C of certain —^jèliiiifiimiii|i Um pcriuMM» of activity snarl· in tb· |β» the eollapeo of favorable ·ι·«ι ι·μ. TW^ kava bwn day* when dull mai whan wide blue*. WU1 El·. Il I» proper to (tata, la view oJ all tk* bad nrjn that baa bean un cd alrno«t daily to tti American pub Iac moti of wtteh baa been jmatiflw by the facta, that n»>«rt>i»l«— then it the very beat ground tot hop· am confidence dortae the text f«i TDontba. Government oftciala who ara II position tn knew thinga déclara tha the eprfax and aunaier of 1918 wil be far mora cheerful eeaaona tha the present winter. They make du allowance for iff failure· and akon romint» In the recent put mm well a allowance for additional advan event» in tha aaar future, and the déclare that tha V°*pocta of the alUi were never mer» bright and ncv< more likely to develop into deeiaivi nlNtlfT feWlint itf vl· spring drive that Gemiany ia np»rt od to make will bo chiefly important in affording opportunity on ■ Urfre •rale to kill Thst the drive win meet with initial nucenn ta th* way of pushing Wk th* allied line at one or m or* peinte la retarded a* likely. But aH «fc nuenM, ia th* opinio· of army men, will be gained by Germany at *ho irreparable coat of men which ultimately mere than offMt any temporary gain la lorraine. Wltbent obtaining any thing approach!** decisive advantage, ftcnuny ia af*W te «offer a low of man power that will brin* the drive to a complete standstill, follow In* which there *lfl be · retrograde movement. It I* the Information «I th* war exporta hen that Oenaani far lack of artfflory power, wlU I* enable to natata the Infantry In the drive for any aanaMambla period. WW«U lMa«. far U-boats Ry th* tlm* the drive haa com· U an end, or soon thereafter, and what Its failure haa begun to (tek ta οροί the minds of German poople will cot* the baglnnlag of the end ef rathlos sabmajine warfare, according to th r conservative estimate of naval mer Admiral Jetlieaa Km predicted th ι ead of eobmari·· warfare by Aagtu I.· There are a*· American esperi who set the da»· even earlier. Thai , confldencea aa te thia la merited. U to th* middle ef May. In their jad| ment, •ubmarin* I naass may contint at practically the preaent rata, wH the roitosaasy Metnatloas from was r t* week: After the data they for cast a steady dwindling, oatll I raid aumraer rack loaaea will beeon , negligible. TV· are acme who le< I. forward to efceelate eeaaatlon of an I marine warftfs, bet their view la ι garded aa too extreme. / LOCAL LABOR SUPPLY TO PRODUCE FOOD CROPS PUae MmU Τ· Seed ly*dil Α|··Ιι let· H«rth Carolina Soon. By CUal IwIun· Wnabln*[toa, Fab. 10—Th« United «plormul service will rely upon otck locality »o far an p.-vjaiMe to aopply labor forprtxtBClnR the (mm] crop· thii aummcr. Tf rtkr.i are r· qttJrtd, they wHI Uv nlitamcd from Ike atirplua of worVwr» In InduMrlal •entera. In the moh'lization aid d!a tstbuUon of both fia ι in of labor, the Ifar^aer* win have the fullest ro-op • ration of the service· without «x mm f» tbenuelvr» Preparation· for «ending apodal Mit» into North Carolina and Vir elai·/ the ftrat xtatr · rnaklng argent appeal· for aadstanee in recruiting farm WMkan, wart annoanead today by A. Ia. -Bartaaaa, chief of the farm Higher wage· than aver paid before for fan· Jihar art exported te be a [fruitful φ "baek to the tuna" fer hcli» in tome koctloaa «Ay An of ISO to $i<i a month wMb-IMM. Mgli'g and »arh in* for ata^b iaaa. and a Won*·, cnr· dee. Mm) and · eew for α married tfhjb aa*I reporta of fmm labor •carcity aril the aeceaaily of ua'ng faawle toll π r far heavy farm work have bee· 4mrmd to l>c exaggerated •aaaa wtS b^enrolWd nod are es pactad to prove valuable In light truck far·lag, fruit picking and packing. Cull»»· et*4aau and high school bey κ will be utilized after «chooW ^Wmihlnitoe. Μι 10.—A drop af tax» in Atlantic «wt atatca TkmH day *■ fotmita Haa>»»t by th· WntkcrBtrwa. AmUUhMm* h*n*in* ont th· «Mi* Mlwiwl «ml> ley ul MrtkaMn Bmhy Moen· tac •**r5 drop· la MptnUn to maua· la Uta Okie r*li»7, Dm Imw '1· w im, T· jih»« »».' ·μι ·ι·»1ί cVlw | G. Godard, kw returned lu her bout in Bubartonrillr. Naval confidence that th· cubma riaa U koon diatincd to vrhoWacle da feat i< ba'.etl open ktowledjt* of ac tual condition· in the war tone, car»· fil aatimatea of Gcraua/a eapacit) te eonatrurt Qnderaea craft and ac quaintancr Mrtth the «rtraordiaar] l<tana of the «II i·» and tha Unitat Statea to rope with the motiaca dnr \r>f the fjinng and ronaar. Gov ernmmt war plana generally are he inr peabed in accordance with tin bc"_ :f that by mid-ausuaar tho lub marina arill have ceaacd to b· an la portant factor in interraptinc thi trana-Atlanttr nfovrwtrnl of troop and aupplica. The plana for act* in( asm, munitions and food aeroa the aca would continue, no matte: how grave the ittb marine outlook bat thay ara lntatiaiflcd bv the eal cotation that by July or Aagwt the win he practically free to allied and Dcutral commerce. "LlfKt Net Far Ak^i." » predicted failure of the sub marina will rom u a rnuh of at 'ingle discovery ar invention. it is de clared, but following a combination •f methods aad devices, together witf wholesale enlargement* of Uw anti submarine offensive. It wit) invohra • general perfection of all ltd naval work aH alone the line, together with the strong probability that the than neb through which submarine· make their entrance into and exit from tin war aone My bo almost totally closed An of the above sounds actrenel) roey and optimMic. Ths jnstiBca tion for Myina κ 11m in th* feet tha it rrprsasnta the careful judgment ο a good many exporta who view th war entirely from the military an aaval standpoint, and not from tha of polities or diplomacy. Thaao me: do not regard themselves an in th Uaat ovor-confldent. Home of the· re extremely conservative In the mai ter of MtMnP*1"* predictions, hi foal that the general military an naval sitaation contains element which are certs is ta result favorabl to the allies. They are willing t diacount In advance the fend and ae reverses that may come withla th next two ar threw months, keeptn their eyes fixed upon the event which Ho }«et bryoad. "For some time we have been pu«i ing through a period of cots para tii darkness," said oae «ΛΜΙβΙ toda "Bet the Mgbt Is ahead of os, and » vary far ahead at that, aad 1 on wish that the American peqplo c* erally cub Id see It as rloarlr aa soa of as do." CHAUTAUQUA CLOSED LAST TUESDAY NICH1 Pr«|Tu Wu mm I < Β fJ.i. VuU) The UsdettJTe Chaataaqaa Urec dars vUit to ear city, at the Metropolitan Taeaday night, and hft behind a c*od lmtir«—i»p wMh th· townspeople. The mot· ^Ι1Ι|Γ—hii ri >-;**Ue, and huatflag an and *» ntn of the city, who worked aa hard u> pel this chautauqua km, and wbe participated ia the big business drtn of ticket selling laat week, tlir guarantee far tk· hack·*·, van well awarded far their effort· with th* Ictrreeting aad entertaining |m|Iibi hat tiw Caapur gave. Doubtlaaa, this Chautauqua did Bach coed la the community. The engagement opened flalidaj afternoon, with a powerful patriotic Icrcnre by Mr. Ckii, who, aa ha put It if "Frvarh on My father'· side; Irirh on my mother's ride; English v>a the outside; and American on the Ut* «abject "Wake Up Aas crica" waa tatereening aad appropriate 3» his unique personality and woo drout poarerm of oratory he held the audience every mènent of hi· talk, und impressed all Tary much with hk well worded speech. The I· wising part of the afternoon's psugiam was musical, and Caw's Clnbsatra. a act of yotasg, bat mastrr thoroughly entertained ( rarloas selections at m. Aleo at thia ptriounn a very entertaining chemical daaaeo it»*tien «ma (ina by Mr. Ugk II tlic Httaiac· · "T tataread·* tac turc by Dr. Cady. who la directing the Chautauqua, uJ aa electrical 4a aioMtrmtioa by Mr. William aiii o| tha profra·. Yoatcrday morninjc, a )MB| lady a (niuU Bad Cm· Narae, «ht Vnowi by operinoa, «rory phaae ai such work, made a tatt oa Aa Con muait)' bum, aad nplalataç the ao· of thi* typa. Is tha afternoon A made a lactate en the ΙμιΗμιι Be* Croee narac, aad what a week tfc Red Croat doea in war aad paaoa The Miller Andrew» Company of ae I tertaiaere recited, taaf, aad phya! [with much art. Tuaeday might tb aiiaieace «u agaia wmiwin V thi· corps of iaUratte* marical pet pie. Thr CkauUoquâ vu botter patrol lied thu «ny that ku been to Du bofore. The deficiency wae mm and the HMnt the iwiMtan h* to sake rood m nominal. Ita 4 pcarance ln thie eity tmVtwJ m people to the beneAt t· be dirifi tram taek entertainment* end Mm that are to nai la the fotare wj iMeive a ain luailj wlwi. contract wm signed to have the Mm cliff* Chautauqua appear again I Dunn next winter, whoa tt wlB I ιόν en aader the euapli II of the tdl graded school. TOBACCO Oft MOKE FOOD Washington, D. C, Feb 18.—Τ 1 oar of tobaeeo by omr troop· ta f 1 trrnrhem ploy* no mmO part I» t : cow» ι »»tton of food, eay Mart ι Corpa officials here, who saltwats tl ! from M to 30 per cmt of food I aaved daily tn thta aanMi. While author!tie· adialt the de t mantel inflooaco of nareotice, they I *tt that tobaeeo reliera* the aem • toneloa of eoldten who ere aM ' continual aheQ ftro "■arty ia the war." dsstarsl 1 Maria· oSeor, "the N»A dine» > ad that man who «Moke eat aenefct I ably Waa food, aad oaly recently I ■ Rrltlah Food Controller laMed 1 uteteaaoat: 'The BrHlah «rvop· la { - treaehM aaaot have tobaeeo or mi • I more food. " ttocretary Lane baa rifgenama la bin for the farther protection I men engaged Hi the prooeat war t I prior to entering the errriee had lie tod etahna oo pahUc loads, CLOSING OKOift nrr many «αη το *«w PM. - . _ ml Ik· ι Γ·«ύα OftlM AdmieUtrUoT OwteM. l« u , to tfc· aloud at Or. GarfUW» Omh* l*f AsmtV· ud ha pU for Um tlMjr mut Λβ Aa a remit af tta Dr. flaifliM «aid, «»ο ι ί,ΟΟΟ,ΟΜ tow af fual an ^ _ tM ay la Ait "ί LOGAN GANG" HAS VUITOU Font CMml, F«b. IB.—Speaking •f bene afmtUjr ι·μΙ·ι1, «kak te li.fi haN af tfca Hagaa Qaa* iqil Icnccd «aeb today. It vu m*—A ft )*y to 1 >-,r"ito trom 4aar »M Dana Mr-. Richard Warm u4 Visoaa Mary < They ι d»;· mm* by 1 w»ll to Dm part with ι dm Uat had bta* *p to th· for· Um tilj aarlfcar ni with kr.ie. I '.ha baft took nlnaun te t'-ff iki* tcca. Yea, thay dlaad ano af tha ι VKt· fraaJoaa fp chow." The fM boa·, apairriba, cak« thai Mr rMtoto 1 Mr! bat H M P. Wa faal M «*· • Tb«y mow 4c: < «ha bay* to aaa _ pKuea w· dorW. froM aoJ haw *i ^•îfri· -te dawn to aaa m M Mr. ud Μη. Wattaa a·*. C.C. Wum, wha la Λ : eh|of lha Boca» Oa»r f

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