THE DUNN DISPATCH. April M, 1114, at «te *oat *«w « Dm. X. C.. Mte tte act of Vtnh s, im. Om Htf |LN Ant Jl L 1U8BCE POPK. PiMhfcf THE LO(*G GRAVES At ÉN* dUimt pthti on Ik· I1H< IwttU OMrt Ion* prm ten te·» UM «U tko mw>w< kodtoa «f mon «te 4M with tte Tw r*ala. la one Uo aMa V; aida acrr«a tjvigfct mo. all Vat tWo· identified, rfco caste from eisfcteea *f oar 8tates aal from HawilL Tte·· State· aad fiw otter· ara i^wmtat ia two citer >»lal plaim la ono b a kmc graro -with forty-ate* bodica; Id aa olter three mhortcr omé witk forty four. Thlrty-thr·· (oUkia in all το ww ■«««■ U1 iTaptuqr eooM 4» for theee boy· tat far from ha·· *U doM. Scottiah WOCMD tat up «U night to w ι fiwt Aacrltto fcv fer «M mt the bvriala. OtnmadiM. Tkot poKcy of tapta» Irtiil, tktt etÊÊÊtkm la Uu aaacity •T tk· Qfllia *P7 qnm, botk k* ton tkto wrr fcif η tad iioc·; ud it •tea MNM fer lW «mUmit of br wkkfc tk· >»ycfcol»yi. «•I koirf in Bvrito CM at tk· Bind of tk· ·βμ>τ—WiQ Rnrla, in fct Krniiag tat TH* OOVniWHT AND THE fa Hi ■ wim of Juurr 11 t· Mm item in »f AwiIn, Prw«i»l Wltao· |ihh Nt tk· put ti·· to tk· ··» *f ι * Our DtfMtMrt *f Afffaitow, ht «MM. U tk· pMtort pemtimi to tk· ·* tern u m w* tk· iMt fNT î* m Mut I ta Tk· a tote) •f pto* ·|Ι,·.,ι w| 9M.MMM. Tm tk. 1M>N to tk· wmy «f I tmi to i-Lmr *Λ' I ,11 II , tfdulM ■I Mitrj mi tknaik A* Ftteil Bo err. twakiac arotcm tad tko Fan· Law kanHaç ayatoat faxmo» cm 06 bJb tko credit, kotk rVart umI loif MB, to wMcfc tWj «ι; entitled aa4 vkich it la hneeratfr br attmary iKaald W txltiM t· ;°ioaa to tuU« ikoat to perfora adoqtf.Uly tko taaka '.ko co an try >«« raqu -sa ai th—. The PteaUent toac" 1 OB aaotkor upwt of tko relatio. botawon tko fanaoxa t*4 tko Na: ..—'Tko toil, tk· mtclttc«nc«, tko c nr, tko foro ■igkt, Um wU-ouril:. iod dorotiom of ;bc Sx. :.i«n of ' auriea will, I k«J>V4. briae to a 1. mphaat eoa cluaiun thi? «peat wi·..' KAISER BILL'S If. ST RUSE Now ud then whs-. r..otWr fallow can say it to much bt 1'. r than we cu ι ay It, we like to give il ipiM oa this pace. Mr. Theodore ! .let of Co» mm aad Finance, *c >\ehow hit» a Ball wo have mod, ao oo the head in thle week'a Ur-c oi hi* publi cation. that we copy i. -nd aak care ful |ww«l of what ht "yt. It la: "The story of 8t. Pa '1 shipwreck, v. hen a* a priaoncr of*', on· he wae vojaria* te Italy ,»ay· V.t, fearing lejt the ship weald «·«.- . the rock», 'they cast (on anehoei and wished for the day.' The IncMeat U one that has a tremendous leaaon for the American people Jtut sow. Like the company on St. Pufa renal, we are all wiehing for the 4ay. The mm* from Germany (tree «one hope that H% dawning may not he orach longer deferrtd, but while ere wait foç H we nui not neglect the atcauxraa that win en.-.hlr -r to «void the roehm that ar- i>>iad and le which undue optimum may Bake m blind. Every anchor that we -have should be pot overboard and made to hold. There ihonld be no abatement in our pre parations, no alar honing in our acti vities aad no lemoning of our entho aiaam for a war that muet be w«a. "It may waD be that Germany has permitted and eneour»ted the publi cation of the reporta c'. dietreee and discontent that are nor- finding their way over the eabiaa with the purpoeo of encouraging a miatak η confidence that will lead aa ta aban-toa the plana we have made to pat a large amy la Praace. It say be that the Kaiser >opee that by at Ér t : dieting and sftarwards yielding to il» Jemands ef Me work-people ha w'.Il be able te trrang· aa hscoactaai< c price of pity srith the democracy of the weatai'u aorld- No ane know? to what length I diplomacy that tMnVe itaelf subtle ■ay go la clumsy attempts to deceive, >ut oar plain duty ie to Veep the ship >f state steady with the anchor of iniaterrapted military i| | nasi limes rhile we wish and watch for the day." LINKED UP WITH LIFE la the Mcond lArtr Bond Oaas laign. th· school chiMren of MdU MpHa were eet to ba mUM· of -Ui«i iVi^ullloW ο Que worth of beads They «rat at hair Job ia a wUriviad of eatfcarf •a, sad sold not two bu- eight mil ion dona» worth. "With the»· Hfira for · basis, lankers have calculated that. If the "hOadelphia plan worn mad· nation ride and all the school children won •t to saUfa* the next loan, thd/total slaa aright easily amenant· a ««lid illioa. h i» not at all unMkoty that be National Government will avail taatf of thin now forad rolling força. TV· familiar ery of progreoeive ad caton, "Link op the echoola with if·," tab, la the aale of the Liberty load* concrete exyreeelnn ia tarns f utility, real. education and prac leal patriotism. Every such contact hat can be established between the teoriee of the claeerger. and tha real! os of life wiir make common-school \ location richer and more productive." -Saturday Evening Po-t. NOTICE TO RZOUTRANTS OF HAMrrr COUNTY Dunn Dispatch, Dunn, N. C., Centième ' ' By order of '.he Governor the «Ici of the Local ΠιοΗ of H.imctt county hu been moved from LilU';ften to Dake. RegiitTsnts ahall taha 4«a no lle· thereof. Very mpaeUrolr. CHAS. HICIISMITH, Meaiber [/κ·Ι Hoard HaiwU County. ThU Feb. 1·. 191§. JAIIVIS CHAPTER ΡΓΟ CROÎS MAXES ANOTHER SHIPMENT Oa Fob. Mb Jarrto Chapter dripped to DMiUa Headquarter· a eplendid bo* There briag only two auxlliariaa In lb»x Chapter It to Impoerfhla to ■akc Tery frcineat ibt-xnrnia. K·* o*or, «« h«.« β»οτβ*»·1 one each ■Math for Dm past far atertha, tbo oa· for February va· . ralMd at 1400.00, aad contained 110 Trtoocv lar baadaeea, 1*0 awa> tailed baad ifN, 100 abdoailaal Umla^M, 100 T. baa M mate», M pair naba, 11 betoaete, l pa r vrMlati, 4 nvfflm, It >o»f«rt pillov ·, to boa Mtol bed rirtrta. It |p reported ft·* 3erl- that a rwt to Mag faratad far Ιηηφι alt aatiew picture β tow. Ma· «ha are tapaW- of bandHac ■ «41· . -R Λ-0 .a. If-1 >.Im mVH mTW MIR VSBWV I"F W ▼ νϋΠΙ iry Cecpa. TWy nd be pkyefcaliy It aad «at of aotaethre aer- too ago. I rUb ktaadf aad «toi ha baa d*M, , a baa ooaaod to tovx· aad baa ofwi to da«aaara4e~- ' BM. RID CftOU NOTES The w«ik r«n— will W tpn #<4 ■ «artsy af thia wit. das to tki (td that they vtn cLwl Tueeday for th· Red Cross feature of the th ratHqni. Mr*. Petrrt v.Uj mm gradual nurse fro· Box Hospital, RaUifa, kM oouanbd to act ta our ioHraa. tor for tsrgu:.'. dr~ntBt*. Mr·. Pmri baa already msds a atart in this work. It h Jcossed viaaat to la •troct only a snail number ia th* beginning. Our last boa wa- rplaodid. In u otter cotaau of this papsr you will And Just wfcat it contained. Our Graded school could not allow other school· all over the country to surpass them, so now we bave a Mai Junior Rod Croat. Good for Prof. Gray and the teachers. Airain wa must remind oar friands that we really need a few more chairs in our wotfc room, no matter If they are old and abused, Joat so they ara » strong. I - Γ RecanUy oar auxiliary ha* bought about 9200.00 worth of ma ta rial tow hoapttal bad afcirta, pajama auita, bandagea and surgical drualnge. Of courae this will keep as qnlla bay for Hat time bat liant o".'r traaa ury almost without food*. Now tha war la'at over ao neither ta oar Red Crow work. Wa want to Hear suggestions as to how wa eta raiao oar next money. If yoa kna an idea wa want It W* average on· additional neaber each day, wkkk m osa way of aa rolling oar antira population evan ' twlly. Will the fifteen yoang ladies who aaalated hi the Christaua membership t campaign pleaaa ton (a all unuaed ■ ateanberahlp card· aad Bad Croat bet tone. Wa ara about oat of earda at ' present. A cooplata bat of ear chapter ta am ban added op to February 1st San be found at aor work rooma Look It orar. ■ΟΑΧΟ or EDUCATION CALLS MEETING. ^ The following letter is being mil· ed oat thie week by B. P. Gentry· eocretary ef the Beard of Education of Harnett county. It if addreaMd to Influential cicixenj throughout tbe comity in an effort to get them to meet the Beard in LUUngton, Wed nesday, February 17. It follows: "We are writing iron with refer ence to a meat important matter. The anuea»i condition· have mad· it prao ti tally Impossible to secure an ade quate teechmg fore· for onr schools wttk Ike present available amount of mwwrf mKwI troitee in A< 4 ν * * * ♦ » « > i.USlNESS LOCAL * -C ς SALK—TWO GOOD HOUSES intcrcali <1 err'/ to I'orry Mo' 'V I, Γ "0 il. il road St., Donc. Ν. C MONEY TO ΙΟ AN ON APPROVED wcurlty. Cell on or write th« Has) of riarmttt. Dak·, N. C. SEE US ΡΟΚ THE MOUNE DISC Harrow·. Nothing Uk· Κ on thi muktt Johnson Bra·. SEVERAL nice offices FOI J·»*. D««irnbljr located la IK* bulMinf. 8m oa at one·. J. W OwraW * Ba«ott, Dunn, K] C. SEE ME FO* CENTER BORE1 colonial column·, guaranteed no to crack, and all kind· of turn» work, mantel·, tabla·, and add fera turc, J no. W. Hodff*·. Varlet; Worka, andcr water tank. FOR SALE.—( HAVE S S MALI farm· which I can wQ at a bargej on easy term·. Se· me at ob« R. L. Godwin. LISTEN—IF YOU WANT TO S EL] or buy town or country proper* eoe Goo. L. Cannady, be will m! for yoa, or he wit And a eu» to mer for you If yoa want to tell See or write to nlm at once. THE SMITH UPRIGHT IS KNOW to tn the beat. See it at our (tore Johnson Bros. CALL ON GEO. L. CANNADAY I] you want to boy farm lands, hare sever*] food barriln· non near Dunn, floe dm at odco I yoo are Interested. PLANTING SRED.—PURE STRAIN clean and unmixed, from floest cot ton grown in State. Per tale by Β Ο. Townsend. Dona, Ν. C. VM.CAN PLOWS AND CASTINGS in stock at all time·. Come in aa< let u (ell you. Johnson Broa. • LISTEN—IP YOU WANT TO S EU t or buy town or country ptoperti t in Geo. L. Cannady, bo will iel for you, or .h· wlB And a custo mer for you If yoo want to oeD S«e or write to blm at one*. PLANTING SUD—PURE STRAIN clean ud uaiud, fro· finest cot· ton f rows in Stat·. For aala by Β Ο. Townaead, Dunn, N. C. I ' BUY YOUR IMPROVED F A RM INC ' machinery now. ' When preaefct »uf ' ply is exhausted the pricc wlU b< higher Act now. Johnson Bros. IF YOU WANT QUALITY AND aerrlce in a piano be avre y cm buy 1 tbo Behning. Psrrtsh 4k DHvor. MILLIONS EARLY JERSEY WAKE. I Held Cab bays planta at $1.60 pat thousand. Pan broad Buff -Orp l.n*t ÛP Cocbera* <1A tin Sim EblioJS IÏ.80 earh Un. Oth— Waat, Routa ·, Dun, N. C. INVESTIGATE LITTU DUTCH Riding Plow*. Laas arutx and yoa don't hav· to waDL For aale by Johnson Bros. HELP TO win'THE WAR BY IN craating your farm product·. Ths «•■last way to do this la to bay im proved farming implement· from Johnson Β roe. WANTED—TO BUY SMALL IM proved farm with dwelling, within four or ttv· Bile of Dunn, Stats price and term·. Address Lock Box lot. Dona. N. C. YOU FAY MORE FOR THE BEHN ini piano than tbe iranfi, bat there is · reason. Parrish Λ DrWar. DR. WAKEP1SLD COMING W. H . WakeOeld, M D„ of Char·! lott·, «III be in Dunn, at Central Hotel, on Saturday, March 2nd; New ton G Tore, Monday, March 4th; Dak·, Dr. Holt'» Oftee, Tueedey, March btb; Beaton, Pmrrleh Hotel, Wedneeday, March 6th; Toar Oak*, Dr. Stanley'* •Ike, Tharaday, March Tlh. 7%· doc tor Ualte hie practice to the medleal and raiykal treatment of eye, ear, neae and threat dl»i*iee and ftttlnf gtaaeca. Aak yoar physician about conanltlnr Dr. .Wakefield 2-18-St. Are company vAa on the Meae In a few minute* after the βίο wa* dis covered. Mr. Mfteheaer hope· In the near fatnre to erect a modern bkk hotel en thie aaate epot. A lanre harreet of natural ice U be in* artronfly trftd. The Food Ad ministration etatee that aaaaraace can not he yim that there will ha a min· rient «apply of «anenta for the maa «factive of the tuetomary aatoant of artMeial iee nest wn . UL THE NEWS IN THE DISPATCH WALTER JONES Sell· ALL KINDS OF FEED STUFF M well M the BEST GROCERIES IN TOWN 27 Condensed Statement I Bank of Cape Fear at Close of Business February 5, I 91 θ RESOURCES: Loans and discounts Liberty bonds Furniture and fixtures. Real estate Cash and due from banks Total LIABILITIES: $225,678.40 23,500.00 3.350.00 1,250.00 33,495.04 $287,273.44 Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus and profits 6,047.50 DEPOSITS -256,225.94 Total $287,273.44 Upon the strength of the above statement and the backing of our Directors, we solicit your business. No ac count too small to receive our most courteous attention. Bank of Cape Fear I DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA. J I WITHOUT INSURANCE » EVerjT Rreï'cvery death, eatery accïdaff'WMM WTttihP " mîty without récompense. Br tines· would be disorganiz ed and the individual wholly L: the grip of fate. BUT WITH INSURANCE Butines· is stabilized and the income of the individual pro tected against chance. LET ME*SERVE YOU J. L, WADE, Manager, Dunn Insurance & Realty Co. To The Public! We appreciate very much the patronage our friends have given us since we opened up our store at 119 EL Broad street, and assure them that in the future we will have on hand the very best groceries money can buy. Give us your business and we will endeavor to please you. MORGAN BROS. HAYNES CAR FOR SALE. Hayne· 3-Pa—enger Touring car, been run 3,000 mile· demonstrating, and in first-cIam condi tion. Cord tire·, Hartford «hock absorber· and oth- ; ;r extra·. > ι Will sell for $1,250.00. The present price of ! \ new one i· $ t ,844.00. SEE US AT ONCE i Parrith Auto Company. Dunn, North Carolina. F Al SON BOYS PROMOTED Faleon. Feb. 17.-—Robert L. Wither Inftoa hu been promoted to the rank of ensign In tbe United States navy. Ra earned bi( cob) m la· Ion from a com petition axknlnatlom He waa a wall known athlete at David ton Colle**. Aseistant 8ur*»n U Hick* Wil liams, U. 8. N-. new serving under Admiral Sima In foreiga water*, ha· recently received a promotion to the rank of aanior lien tenant. Dr. Wil llama la a graduate of John Hopkins and la alao an athlete. That» art Ave star* displayed at Uie home of Mr. and Mr*. Marshall Wil liama, each Mar representing ea ofl eer—Dr. WUhaaa^ O. 8. N. ; Erwim R. T. Wltherlngion, U. 8. N.» Lieut L r. WKharington. U. β. Camp Gordon, Oeorxia; Lieut. I. Roland WinUaw. U. Β a . Camp Greeae North Carolina; Cap*. M. MeD. WIV llama. O. 8. A.,° Coaat Artillery. TW Wltharlngtom hoy· ara Mr* fflllfauna' nephew*. Staline that reports shown men In knay eampa have made remarkable mproveaaent in phyatqoe and bearing, leerctary of War Baker haa advised hat troop paradaa ha held la Η tie* ear the eampa and eantonments. Bat 1.001 mes have been exempted a Ike |n>Md of "moral defldeacy " Ida phraae was deflaed by the Praai ent'i regulation to iaclode pervone aorte ted and sentenced for fata· In say court af record.