THE DUNN DISPATCH. F .tered ae A.jr.1 tat, 1914. at the pwt ββό u Pen. Ν. Ο, —ι» the act · Mtreh *, lffi. Om yMr IL» L. BU3BEE POPE. ISabtUkar UAUTtrVL. READ Th«a little «tory eppaared la on* < oar uehiiifH: "I u I mother m, I aim the pride of a family an part of · km 1 lore my Bf· aa «a aft tm Wn yoara. I am a gambler, bi titj «m high*·* etakea that man ca *Wf—kit Ufa. If I aria you wti if I loaa I katt lott all; the torn I raiae act yooia; aad thai· la a (rian another, a wMicad family aad a broi en home, to which I can senr return 1 a*k only for the (iwlipead aad tat pan of my aa<lon la ratara for Ui I·* my *fe—my all—upoa the *ltj of my country. For my bravery aa Wood *r(U yoa furnUh bullets aa broad Τ Will you pava your ahakk where 1 pa·a aiwtfl Win yxra hazar Svar wealth while I risk my llfoî aa the flower af a nation'» macho cm the Klery of a noble race aad a tith WZ OUGHT TO DOUBLE OUR SCHOOL TAXES The AM thing aad the biggu thir.g we tn going ta ay to thi tan· of TlH Profrteht Farmer I thi*—that oor folk» la N'vrtli Cin Una. South Carolina, Virginia, an Georgia, ought to abooluteiy docbl their acbool ta»— duriag the eomin r««r· II awy be popular to mot this, or I ■>ay be unpopular. AU wi knei la that h is the troth, and that th aan who deeaa't agree with thi wtTent will acreo with It before ; do·?» yean pass. It ta no dm to My we eaat ifor te. With rotten at ti to 80 cents poo.-vd aad tobacco and peanuts mil lac at eorraspoodiag figures, it 1 folly to aay that we eaat do aore to oar schools thaa when cotton waa I ta 10 resta aad other crap price· ii keel lag with these. Aad we ο ugh ta le ashamed of evmWa if w doe t da more. The ttae has cos» when any «an ought ta he ashame< when he leaves bene if he can't as] he 1 vea la a local tax aehaol district end oaa la which the tag is adéquat Too any dhtiktt an levying Um mftu when they ought to lavy aine. Te -pay a Has is to swap dollar for Bfe. aad Ood shrivels the ses aad bNgtats the future of aay coat malty where the pseple think aun af saving a little noaey thaa they d< af providing "life aad Bfe more ahum aatly** for the men aad women of to aorrew. We af die Sooth hare al ways secaacd our Northern friondi of loving money, bot we hare got t< face the fact that whoa it cornea ta choosing between saving awaey aad baying knowledge for his chlldrca thi Taakaa everlasting pats m to ihasne Look at the fact». The North At lea tic States spead per y»ai on schools per child: the South Atlan tic States Ι18Λ1—not 40 per cent as much. The Ktrih Central State· spend $44.1 S per child; Sooth Central States Sl».ll—aot half as moefc North Dakota, a rural State, is spend· leg H4 a year psr child; wild fdahe $58, aad Monson Utah 111, while Vlrgteba speads II·. North Carolina only Sit, South Carolina only Sll aad Georgia SIS. Nor can we say we are doing as well in proportion ιftmâm en echoole 44 «au · pu fer each f 100 of her vhMi, Idaho 4·, Md Utah M, Vlr*t*la «ad North CutUu «pend» only Sf miU a year |TI flM of mkK, South Carolina 37 re«rte, m4 Georgia 2». ! Tha Carelmae, Virgiaia and Georgia tlwrifori ·Ι|Μ itoubU the «uni they ara eprndtng for ackool· aad area then Mot of·»! aa Bach aa «on» other Matee ara ependiac- Lot aa m· highly motro that we will aaac ttfy Ut greater fiwiierit? Cod haa |lt«a m hy gtrtnf twice aa each from H for anfeldian the power» ef fSe rhiMrra Πο haa *hrea m and for forthorfag Ma oteraal ftrpuM af Β la» wV> aatd, "I aa earn· that ye W'rfct have Hfe aad a«n aboadact MAIlt HENRY'S EFFICIENT ! LANGUAGE (RuteavfB· Landmark ) "Daw any Me who aaaa Aa faR •n af a aether to da hla patriate duty to Mill Ma own failure." la imuch to soothe Col fiiibnOMh ι» UfiiHU scnsibiHtiea. The Ltalauk looaat advocate Um |m of Hw word, h«t coming M ι to Mr. Page and the preacher, H holdi I that Um food idaliiitritti os*d tlx language that fit the oecaaiea, ·η« ■ fvcn If il be prqfane that ba will b> ' forgiven. Thar* ara many rarkatiei of exasperating folk· ia Um world aiul cu of the wont type is tha 1 claw who bl»)oct to aometkiag ba > (mm um other thine haaat baai ' do·· Ant. AU of «a know than $i.mnibs ia proposed. They cu Ax no son nil objection to it, bat bcinj ' ehroaic cbj-ctor*, they coaplam tba aoaaa other thing should hare bco, done Stat. It make· no dllfaranc * vhcth« the other thing la feaaibl ' or pertinent ta tba iaaae, thay ram 1 have something to vhiae a boot, acta ' excuse for tbair own failure. Ο * that type wsa tha prcacher, and Cei 1 Psp> cave btia what araa coming t '· him. 1 TW· Uzt been tome complain 41 that hrr—.Λ. Hea haeant been aha ■"Idown. Tk<*r coniama grain, and w Lj could c~t »'3I>R without them. Bu * it is rttoor fa- fetched for Nort * Carolina folks to complain about th ' e.iistcnco of a brewery a thooaan ® mils* away, whilo blor'«*do distillerie ' right here hi prohibition North Can *1 Una are ronsumlrr? thousands ο ί bushel· of corn needed for foodstofl ''and are opcratng la violation of th * law; we would Λ rat clean before ou > own doors;" and until all oar r* soureae are exhausted to exterminât th· li If tiller i«» In our own State which an operated in defiance ο law, :t Trili bvcomea oa to araate tiaa η «rotrllij .-.bout breweries operatln. ia States that bar· not adopted pre ' hlbltlon lawa. ■ DONT FORGET THE SOLDIKltS 11 THE CAMPS The Editor: From every nook and comer In th SUt· our young men bn gone to tb unpi to learn the soldier'· lift Shortly thoy wUl represent m on & firing lia·, end other* will be caBe< to »crric· in their place·. While they arc training, τ hat eai the home folk· do to help them These men are offering their lire· to ». All that we can do for thu wil nut equal the sacrifices they an making. After talking with hundred· « them in the eamps, I want to off·: three practical suggestion· to thi people at home a· to what they ma; do. Erery penes who read· thl étalement ean easily, and should, glsd ty, do all of them. First, send your home paper to a< least one soldlet at the camp. Pie) out one of the man yea know am subscribe for your home paper am •end tt ta Urn Any member at U family will give yon his correct ad dress. Write him a letter and tel him you are sending It The coat wil be trifling. The thought will be ap prcf latcd. It i· not an set of chanty hat an act at patriotic service. Second, at least once a «reek, mak< it a point to write a letter or a card to some soldier at the lamp. Send him a magasine or a good book oc casionally. Third, keep your troubles at home The soldier has enough of hi· own. Be strong enough and imeeWiah eooogl to rat ont the trouble parts of youl letters. There are plenty of good th ncs to write about. The eojdiei has a maa'i sise job, and besides, ha cant help you. Why worry him when yon have a better opportunity to look after your troubles than be has te help you? Follow these practical soggvetionj and you will render a servile worth while. W. β. WILSON. Secrrtary North Carolina Council of Defense. THE riMOKAL TOUCH (Blahop William Lawrence) Tn tbo wounded soldier lifted from tie ambulance to the Bue Hoepttal ted the Immediate thought b of tha personal to -ih of nana, surgeon, and clean ahae'_ The treat organisation of the Red Croaa with it» hundred* of milHotia of dollars, ita tra of thoo runda of bandage makers, are In tha I background. out of hi* tight and mind It (· *1* right None the loaa tbo great oryanloatloa, tha money, «ad tha workers, make the ambularwe, the ho»»>ltal, tha largava and naraa a*ee tiro. Th<· R«d Crooa la tha body thru up h which tha aplrtt of patriotism t'td sympathy flow, and Ma heat sad ΛροτΛ work la In carrying that aplrit ihrcuitk to the aoldlar by personal :ottch. tf\*&λ the whir of tha machinery ut iilh.·, o> - ->rt roams and haadaga mtkinc. i-t av»r7 worker keep thia In n il, TrerrtMnN that 1 do, crory fold the* I make, la to bo caught up Por tha mnasent by tha «mat organisa | Hon of tho Mod Crow la erdor that It, ■ay be tho maona whereby tha por* il touch of nam or aargaon, l~ ■trragthoahMT wort of Chaplala or omrado, auy heal and saaafort the >ody and aoal of tho aeIdler or aailov H»o baa poarodoat hla Rfa Mood for no aad ary Coaatry." WA* SAVING* HUTIM ·" hf fVof. Smith tn onlar that bit paopb might have ·■ onuituiti U> k«tr th· thrift and war ravln*» staspa ·οτ» mast «xplain*d u<i also that they ■Iftbt fa* arooted to da tiirlr dot] by baying these r:amp< to vho liait' of tbair ability a&U that help U»r gtrvemmrnt to «in the war. ι Th· program t«T» out by Dr. Joy· , nar to the teach* r* of th· itaUt setting : apart Washington'· Birthday Anni ' rersary aa a day of Patriotic Rallia* ι ta the 14,000 tehoela of th· state gar· . tha best kind ef opportunity to fan I the flames of loyalty and davotion to tithe country aad its Sag, in the I breaati· of tha children. The ntndenta ι acquitted thmnhn very creditably > and thrilled tb· larco andianea to ι save and land to Unci· Sam tn his t «Sorts to make tha world aafa for ι democracy. f Th* meeting waa favored by an In· • spiring addrew by Mr. Λ. F. Borlas > a member of tha Board of Traataat of tb* city graded schools, who gave t toraa plain toond counsel to the eol t ored paopla, to stand for Γ1«Μ, mor > ality and education ; that will make a t man love God, love his neighbors and ι love his country. Smith-Harriagtaa Broadway, Feb. te.—At tha resi dence of Mr. J. Γ>. Godfrry, near Pins View, Harnett county, 5tr. Willi· Smith and Vfie Lizzie Harrington ware united in marriage, Ho*. J. A. CaUgan officiating. Tha brida and groom ara members of leading fsiailiM in Harnett county. Tbo groom is a son of Mr. Edgar 8. Smith, aad tha bride is a daughter of Mr. John Har rington. The ceremony waa witnessed by a number of friends of tbo con tracting parties. notice of sale of personal I PROPERTY The undcnignrd administratrix of , the nttt« of John E. Wilnon, UU of , Harnett County, will on Ui« 16th day of March, 1918 at 12 o'clock M. offer j for sale to Um higbe«t bidddfe, the I personal properly belonging to said eitato, ciaaiating of 4 ni«o mules, t suitable for all land· of wottc, on· , row now milking. 2 two bom wag . ont, 2 One horse wagons, all in fine l shape. All farming utencils. consist ' iog of plow*, cultivator*, rake·, mow er·, and such property ocd In the ■ farm work. Bony, hunn·, com, . fodder, alao one OWver Type Writer ( No. 6 in good condition. Term· of «ale for amount· lea· than ! 160.00 "CASH". For amount· «bore ($0.00 six months time will be given with note and approved security. Thia the 22 day of Fcbzuay, 1911. EUNICY J. WILSON,. Administra tri χ. Rgirr nr whfat ^ - President WiLoo Saturday raised the Goverament guaranteed price for the 1918 wheat crop aa high sa |2.28 s bushel ia one primary market and in varying' lumi in all other primary markets, cxcept four. Acting under authority of tho food law, the President thus met the agi tation In Congren for higher price· and took steps to produc tion and prevent holding back th« crop, while the agitation was going on. The prices fixed, tho President de clared, would as·ore the producer of a reasonable profit. On the basis of No 1 northern sprinp wheat, and its equivalent·, the Pi esideat Card price* as follow·: ■* Chicago, 12.20; Kansas City, 12.15; Minneapolis, »2.lT; New Yorlc, 82.28; Newport New*, $2.27; Charleston, S. C., 82.27; Sao Francisco, $2.18; New Orloann, 12.10. β The equivalents of No. 1 northern to which the ram* price applies, are No. 1 h.-.d winter. No. 1 red winter, No. 1 durum, and No. 1 hard white. The wheat must be herv*rt»-i? in the United State· during 1918 and told In the market before Juno 1. 1919. The PrenMeat'· pro lama tion state· that tho action i· to meet an emer gency requiring the stimulation of, wheat planting. * IM (Μ Π m a r—r t^W.OOO perfectly fit man wil] form 1 AwrlraV ftrat line of draft reaaraea, ; Provoat Marahal Ganaral Crowded· | ofllc« Htioildl today. « Tht* rapraaarrt» the approximate ( a amber of draft ragtrtranta of Claia . 1 that will be foond fit for military ι daty aa a raauH of tbe qoaationaira ( •yatam. It l« about 5Φ0.000 mon ( than tki original «climat· of Gen eral Crowdar. Although tlx naft llgurn ara not yat avaibbU, oflle.aU stated the total ( nuakar of Ctaaa I man will ba ap proximately 1,111,000. The percen ter· Of phyateal diwiaalUWatlan la ·* U mated at not «fr than U per rout t aad lowcriaf of physical require- f mania. Tim pfcrrajtrre nf go par a rant would mean that about etO.OOO I «ranId ba rejected. the* brlndae tha a fiamtxrr of a» alla Ma man down ta η MNIM. ϊ ' ·· · · · I ¥ # * * BUSINESS LOCAL » *♦♦♦♦♦♦ * FOR SALE—TWO COOD MOUSES. If liiVatt·1 «pply to PoTry M«> fan, 110 E. Droad St., Dun*, N. C. MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED iwcuritjr. Call on or writ· th· lUnk of Harnett, nuke, N. C. SEE I'S ΡΟΚ THE MO LIN Ε DUC Bmrrvwo. Nothiac >k· It ο» th· Jobnaon Bros. S-VCRAL NICE OFFICES FOR rent. D« sirmbly knttd In now building. 8m vi at one·. J. W. Gerald Λ Baggutt, Duan, N| C. ' SEE ME FOR CENTER BORED colonial column·, guaranteed not to crack, and >11 kind» of turned work, mantels, tablaa, and odd tuml turc, Jdo. W. Hodgvt, Variety Work», under water lank. FOR SALE.—) HAVE 3 SMALL farm» whicb I ran acll at a bargain on eary term». Sea me at once. R. L. Godwin. I LISTEN—IF VOO WANT TO SELL or bay town or country property »»· Goo. L. Cannaùy, ho will a*U fur you, or he will And · custo mer for you if you want to acll. See or writ· to aim at onco. THE SMITH UPRIGHT IS KNOWN to be the beat. 8·· It at our «tore. Johnaon Bro*. CALL ON CEO. I- CANNAOAY IF you «ut to box farm kid·. I have aeversl good bargain* now near l>unn. See ma at onea If yoa ara Interested. PLANTING SEED—PURE STRAIN, clean and unmixed. from finaat cot ton grown in State. For aale by B. 0. Towoiend, Dona, N. C. VkLCAN PLOWS AND CASTINGS in Mock at all time*. Coma hi aad let na aell you. Johnaon Β roe. LISTEN—IF YOU WANT TO SELL or buy town or country property lee Geo. I.. Caanmdy, be will aell for you, or he will And · cutto· m»r for you If you want to aalL Seo or writ* to him at once. PLANTING SEED.—PURE STRAIN. | clean and unmixed, from (Inert cot· , ton grown in State. For aale by B. 0. Townaand, Dunn, N. C. | BUY YOUR IMPROVED FARMING machinery now. Whan preeent a up ply ia exhauated the prie· will be higher. Act bow. Johnaon Β roe. IF· YOU WANT QUALITY AND aerrtce in a piano be aura you buy tie Behairvg. Parriah A Driver. field Cabba/e planta at tl.M per thouaand. Pure broad Buff Orp ington Cockerela, from winner* of the Blue Bibbon, |2.50 eaek. Mra. Chatham Wait, Routa 6, Dunn, N. C. INVESTIGATE LITTLE DUTCH Riding Plowi. « Leea draft and you don't havo to walk. For «ale by Johnaon Bro·. HELP TO WIN THE WAR BY IN crcaaing your fann product*. The aaaieet way ta do thia ia to buy Un proved farming implement* from Johnaon Bros. w*n rto—ΙΟ BUT SMALL IM proved farm with dwelling. within four or ÎW» mil·* of Dana, State price end tern». Addreaa Lock Bos 102. Dunn, N. C. VCHJ PAY MOKE FOR THE BEHN. loi piano than the average, but there ia a reason. Parriah * Driver. LOST^ATUHDAY NIGHT BE·' t«m Benson tod Duke a η aw bu« gy cushion. Please return to 1. W. Weaver, Dnke, No. t. I t Pd. Dit WAKEFIELD COMING W. H- WakelUld, M D.. of Char otta, will be In Dunn, at Centra] lot·I, on Saturday, March tad ; Naw on Grove, Monday, March 4th; Duke, it. Bolt's OiBce, Tucoday, March bth ; ;cDMn. Parriah Hotel, Wednesday, larch «th; Four Oaks, Dr. ttaaWy'a Λ to, Thursday, March 7th. The doe or limita hia practice to the medical nd surgical treatment of eye, ear, oar and throat dlaaaaaa and fitting laiaea Auk your physician aboot enaalting Dr. Wakafleld. 1-lMt IVaa a thief aald the laat kind word to Chrtrt; brlat took the kiadneaa aad forgave th· thief. _Browning. Plana for the aerial Mail route ba raan Waakiagton, /Philadelphia, and ew York eontoapiale th· aaa ef •chines capable of carrying MO •and* of sail · diets ace of MO ile* without atop. A apacal postage rte would bo charged net i eenta in ounea. WALTER JONES Sell· ALL KINDS OF FEED STUFF m well M A· BEST GROCERIES IN TOWN 27 Condensed Statement Bank of Cape Fear | at Close of Business February 5, 1918 RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $225,678.40 Liberty bonds 23,500.00 Furniture and fixtures 3,350.00 D — » · Real estate 1,250.00 I Cash and due from banks 33,495.04 Total $287,273.44 LIABILITIES: Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus and profits 6,047.50 DEPOSITS 256,225.94 • Total $287,273.44 Upon the strength of the above statement and the backing of our Directors, we solicit your business. No ac count too small to receive our most courteous attention. Bank of Cape Fear DUNN, NORTH CAROÛNA. Announcement ! 1 take this mean» of announcing to the public that I âtri opéHnïg a first-class garage at my sates rooms on Ed ge tton Street, opposite the Stephens-Howard Co. 1 will employ only experienced mechanics and will be in position to give the public the best of service. My Maxwell service will be complete in every detail and 1 will also carry parte and accessories for other makes of cars. I have the agency for the Aiax and Firestone tires and will carry a complete line of these well known tires in stock. Either of these brands are fully guaranteed and will give excellent service. All work entrusted to me will have my personal attention and 1 will see that my customers gets the best ser vice possible at reasonable prices· I !11 -11 • mu οίου nave un nana at au timea a complete line of Maxwell cars, when it is possible to set them, and will be glad to- demonstrate the mérita of this car if you are interested. Will appreciate a portion of your business and will be glad to serve you in any way at any time. Yours very truly, Ε. V. GAINEY, Dunn, N. C. OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Feb'y 28th Special Scenic Production of "Human Hearts." With its Famous Characters, it is a Play for Everyone· Powerful, impressive, a musing. Splendid Company. Bright Com- - edy and great heart interest

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