THE DUNN DUNN, M. C, WED. CAPTAIN FALLON STEAKS TO LARGE AUDIENCE MERE ><· Thrilled Mur H—M» at t)M Opirm Hhm Urt War u It b ntllj experienced by the soldier» in Ik· trenchea in Franc» and and the atrocities of the Germans in Um devastation of citiea, vltlagaa and countryside, the murder of Innocent cUldno, Um «ftnfl»! of hclpleee — aad nuimu other barbarious deeds wore graphi cally i—fcl at the Op«r* Hooae here Monday afternoon by Captain Fallon, a wo ended British officer. Captais Falloa, who waa wounded fifteen times before giviac «ρ the figbt, hla face burned and scared for life, bia right Aoolder and am (bat tered by ehrapnal, Um hand practically uielaaa, deaerIM war with Um Ger mane ae aa enaoanter with scientific and war oud beaata. He declared that it waa the will of the ruler of Geraaay to get every child te be lie*· that the Fatherland la their ralicioa aad that the Kalaar I» God. Hartnc )oiaed the British amy U yea*» ago when a lad of IT, Cape Fallon baa teen service In Indja, Egypt, China and South Africa. At the beginning of the pcsceat war be waa hatrwM la the miHtary college la Sydney, New Booth Walee. He waa attached to the Australian dlvt» ioa. which stade ita name aa the "An uc·" of GalKpelL He weat throagfa tha Gallipoli campaign with no store eerioaa treabe than a bayonet aroand os one hand. Η· w«at to VMM if tort the bat tle of the Imw «ad «U in that una)· from Uu time the battle be tas Jaly lat, to middle November, •kM he alippad through tha German ttoee. got μ·ι·Ιι» of nai valuable pap·*·, bat waa badly wounded and lay bid in a Germaa dugout la "Na Man'· Laad" fa*' three daym. Ai thougb OM band waa almoat torn to thread· be bandaged It ap bluitf and during the three day· vast vtU oat food. Bet éutdlin It waa to pariah or risk death from German ballot·, be took tha rtak aad got back to to army, while ballet· nhtisid all ahoat him. Ptnaly ha waa ptsked op by men of Kit own amy aad waa Captain Ρ&Πο· spoke la glowing terms of the great work being done by the Red Ooaa ο una· la easing for the wounded behind the irtng line· He referred to them ai "ang els of merey." It will not tako forty years to whip Germany, the ^saker declared. They can aad will be beatoa. It will take work, however. People moat give until it hurt·. Speaking of thoea arfeo claim Am erica a· their borne aad ara tn sym pathy with Gatauy, Captain Vallon •aid they should go back to that cursed country, as they are not wanted here in closing Captain Fallon said that the Allies ara not goiag to atop until tha flags of Great Britain, France and AbmHtu are Syinf over Berlin. Gilbert T. Stephenson, of Wtnaton Ralt-m, who la giving tSe year to the campaign for the aals of War 8a* ln«n and Thrift Stamps in tha State, waa present and nude a Strang appsal . t" tha poopla to buy staaipa. Tha speaker said that the only way nine· •h Is of tr< Ameriran people can mit win «η we. m I/T lari.i ; atom·y >i4 Mini it tu lb# ·!«·*« uarat. H. hM thai 1' th« »i> hm in. jrun and H I· n—ry to κη4 ta» «» ·ι·οη Amer « «'j ««M···· to tfv front there will atUI b· 100,000,000 p««pu left who η art icrrt by «arlrg and leadta* their aartne· U the Got •rament. Bo aaU that the people of the South âro the poo net Xngflih ■peaking peopW oa earth, not haeaua they do not sake, hut biieim they do net «are. After Mr. Btophoaaoa had flatted Ma addreea the people were aaked to pMc· Mm UMnH they woro wflHn* to Invert ta War Serrtnc* and Thrift Stamp, darta* thie year. liWll thaaand dolten war· pledged a HP ber foin* the Mt hy lirveating · thouomd doSara. MM FI«o fee Nerrfa. B. A. Korrta. eoavVted in the elty court of rtebUn* State hotel hw hy reentering at a hotel for femoral porpoaee and «entoaced ta eerre IS moo the on the raade, pleaded goilty to the ease char*, and waa Seed WOO aad eeete Korrta, who Scored la the Fedora) «hWcey Inieetlietien lart fan. wae arreetod at a Wei whoa ha roeteterad wtth *·Η· Oreaa « -J. w. Baker and wtfe.M He aad the girl forfeited their bowl· after their Br. rart end Herri· waa apprehended *ame am» Mf« Nellie Or·en ha· mtw heaa ktMH—Today*· New· t»i Oh aarrvr. Mia Both Seaho«k, of BaMteore,| atil.od tort U take charge et «ho millinery *·»·Η*β·» of TV· Qeldetela C·■»»""/ for the flag ι AMERICAN CASUALTIES. Washington, March 4.—0·η. Perilling reported to the War Department today tho name· of on· lieutenant and dim pri vate· kilbil in action March 1, tin day of the German attack on an Amcrkan Irene h toctor noar Tout. Tha nam·· of ono liiotrnut and fonr men kill ed In action the «amy day were reported, bringing the total to fitacn. Thoae cabled today were! Firat Lieut. Stewart W. ' Hoover, infantry, Hlackioot, 1 Idaho. Privates: William Farr, Milan, Pa.; Fred Card, Croeby, N. D.; ' Roaacll A. Marrl, Napa, Cal.; Edward H. MeNuity. St Lou·; < ChrU Bu*ch, Nap·, Cal; Math- ' thcwi ΓΙ. Snuxa, Rato, Aantaa, 1 A lore» Ulanda; Claude W, 1 Keller. Glanhorn, N. D.; Loyd " S. Millar, Commerce, Mo.; « Frank Midak, Friady, and John 1 J. Da Via, Mi not, K. D. Corporal Home· J. Whaaton, ' 8yracuae, Ν. Y., and PrtvaU ' Lawrence A. Lacunae, Woburn, ' Mam., were killed February * 88. · Among tha death· reported 1 the following : Private Will ' Buah, labor quartermaster " corps. pneumonia, March 1, ' Ellenton, 8. C. * Private Henry E. Orange, · Cordonville, Tenn. · Private Shelley Moxley, In- ' fan try, Laurel Sprlnfi, N. C., ■ waa reported alight]y wounded ' TEACHERS MET THURSDAY AT CHICORA Tkt UKhm of Averaaboro town· ■hip met it the Chicora Mhool Tbur» day, Feb. 28, 1918- Actual tM«fa ins vu dose until eleven o'clock. Then the work ohwrrtd by lb* teech en wu diHUMd. led by Mia· Chen-y ■ad Prof. Gentry. From twelve-thirty uatii oae-Oilrty «II enjoyed a aocia) bour at which time dinner wai aerved III U il I ■ I During the afternoon ■«■«Ion of thla meeting the third grade language lei ion which wu dramatized daring ■chool Hour» wu thoroughly diacuaaed lad by Mtaa Cherry, Via Rachel Mar tin, the new Hoam Domonatration agent. talked to girl» mother·, and Prof. Odnm, Van· Demonstrator, talked to boya and father*. Report* from the different achooli were given after which Prof. Gentry made a talk concerning the war aa well aa the •c boo fa. He emphaaixed th.c fact that much can be done through the rural •cbeofa toward winning thin war and the teachcra ibould feel it their duty to puih this work forward. All the •choola abonld organ lie War-Savlnga Bocictle· and do tbeir bit. At thrae-thlrty all adjourned feel ing that the day had been well epent •nd that it waa worth while to be at thia meeting. BOLS HIVIΚI PLANNING TO EVACUATE CITY OF PETROGJLAD London, R.—Still further ad vLcea from Pf rofTad indicate that the Bobheviki council» purpo»e to aae the time intervening between the ninthly of the pence treaty with Germany and the data aet for ha ratification Marrh 12 to evacuate the capital, Intnrlsi all ■ to roe of proviaiona and »" «Laterlala which cannot be le movad, and poeaibty to organise a Red Guard array to defend the coun try agairat the invader*. A Car man airplane la aaid to have bombed Petrofrad Monday afternoon and Zeppelin* were aaen a abort distance ο oui de the city Hymj toward the capital but were driven off by anti aircraft batterie·. Cettiac the Sehmariaee, Toe Sir Brie Ceddea. the flret lord of the ftritiah Admiralty, in a* addraaa to Um Houaa of Common·, ipoke op tiralrtically cf the lucceeaet that are being achieved by the enteate allied wanhlpe, which he aaid were deetroy Inc underwater boata la increaainj aumbert. "Fer Κ)τη« month»,·· nld 8tr Erie, "we believe that we and the Aaacri uni have been «Inking aubmarinef « fast aa they ·τ» baUt," h. c. subscribed to accom» liberty loam «1T.UI.1M Wukindoa, March S —nb ■rriptloiu by SUlM te tfe· H the», «bow that Maw York BUM Ud all othara wltk I1.41S,045.800. Penn sylvania waa «arond With «4S7.372, SCO mbacrlptioD·' Sabatriptlooa Sotrtham Statei Ineladad: North Carolina, |I1,MI.W0) Rout h Carolina, |17,»lt,7H); Taanaaae·, MUI1.9M; Vlr*iaia ΙΒΙ,ΙΐΜΜ. *· A, Blrwart, af LllUnftaa, waa • karta*e rial tor Kara yaatarday JARVIS RED CROSS CHAPTER MAKES APPEAL FOR MORE FUNDS Dr. Hicka, CktinMA, Wub th· People ot Dm sad VUinkj to Cootrikut- Monthly to fee Çha#«ar. MwiHam Mot Mo—y er Woomi Cmm( Work· . Jarvii Red Croas Chapter la in need of fund*. The public has responded generously· in the put. Dunn Auxiliary hai bought and supplied over $1000.00 worth of material and gar· monta. Our boy· have now become engaged in actual fighting on the French front. Many are being wounded, There la an urgent call for all kin da of Surgical dressing*. Oar brave sol diers and thoae of our Allien are depending on VOU to help supply these dreeing·. Our noble women will quickly make the·· material· into the proper dretting· if the men will supply th»*noney with which to purchase the material. Ç Red Cross Headquarter· are going to institut· · new plan of work for us, and allot ua so much to be done'each month. The officer· of YOUR Chapter cannot obligate^to fill theae regular orders un lea· we are assured of a regular monthly in come. ·> in the name of our brave soldiers who «re flgfltlng forYCHJ 1 uk YOU to agree for the balance of the year If 18 to m*ke a monthly payment of $5.00 on the 16th of e«A month. If your circumstance· do not make it convenient Mr five 96.00, then promise $2.00 and if you cannot pay $2.00 £en promise $1.00. The people of Dunn and surround lax eoant# will please make checks payable to "Dunn Red Cross" and Mme will be collected by Dr. 1. F. Hicks or some one anthorljsfl by him, or •if you will, mall check direct to him. The peopUpf Duke and I surrounding country wfll please make their cheJp payable to J "Duke Red Croee" and sane will be ceUected fT Dr. W. P. Holt or some one authorized by him, or you mjy mail check direct to htm. The Duke Auxiliary has done Écr* than its part in contributing fermants and supplies and Wftddltion they gave about $700.00 to a special Red Cross Wf fond, so in reality Duke haa raised aa much if not more mo& than Dunn. When you have Bniehed residing this notieeio not cast it aside, but take time to make up your mind how fmeh you can give each month to dreae the wounds of the brer· boys who are spiling their life blood for YOU. we will call on you in a day or two with a pelbon for your aignatare. 'J Youn gratefully, f L F. HICKS, Chairman J arris *hipUr. SU HEN EXAMINED BY DISTRICT NUMBU IS Kayettaville. March ». I be and work throagh the Bad Croea. Miu. Eutisr r. young dkad.I Un. Eraaat F. T«te( died We dejr morning, Tebroary nth, la Wilson Boaatoriitfu following aa ID-| awe ef two week* deration. lèverai days prior to her death herj condition wae critical aoancemeat of her ilaaUi did not ι as a surpriea to Mr eloewt friend· | and relatlvee. She entered the pital far an operation from which shel failed to rally, gradaally f ι vainc | weaker nntfi the Md —— The body was brought to Dwnn Wednctdaj afternoon, accompanied by her mother, *ra. Fleaalng, Mr. Young, her m a, Robert, daughter. Mrs Wittiaee, who with her when the end came. The | barlal took place Thursday afternoon at four o'clock la Greenwood ceme tery, the foaeral wnrteee being eon d acted froaa the hme hp Be*. J. M. Daniel, paator of the Method»* church, who waa stated he Be*. A Ri MtQamm, of the fiwtjtwlM ikwik. B.for» b*r Μ π. Yearn ni M lu Alma daafbter of Um late Dr. lektH >Vate| and Kn. rUmnif. fomorty of KoUnilU, M. C. Dm mM to Mr. Yooaf in 1β»2 atoea which Ubm ik· baa Mad· Dune bar bet··. A· vu aa »tr*· aad faithfal maWr ai tto Metbod M -burah aad a Wader is tto aodal aad «trie lif* of tb» city. Kb· «a» well known Urorw*o«- tto Stat· aud b*r death la a ιο«·ι· of um« tu rnrnaf .'rieada in *>··> a and tbtwkri». The floral war· many aaJ bcaatifal aad ha*4red« af pa·»!· gattored at tto gï*»a te pay tha tart tribute of raayact· 8to la tarvVrad by bar bitatoad, b«r mother, a aoa. Robert, aad a daavbter, Un. W. β. WUUaaa, aad a boet of friand· Md otbar wM* Jool Ο Laytan. of Bute'· Creak, Pratident of tto Harnett County Clreelt Fah aaaoefction. n· la Dana jraaterday. Ha aHtad ta a Dtf atcb ■m that at Ua -totta* told la LU llncten Monday Κ waa decided ta bava tba ftrat fair at Doaa, tto date ta bo made pobBe later. Ceauait tea· who will have charge of tto vari OM department· W» naaaad aad will «orb out plan· W whfeb tto Ant exhibit wtu to gtm. A tot of ttoaa committeaa la «et available at tide tlma bat wiU to paMhhed in Tto DU patch fat tto aea* fata*·. Maeh la tere* waa BMaHartad ta tto ateatiac wblcb waa waU atteaded. A LETT** FROM ONI Of TKI BOY·. TW (oOmi Utter waa writtei Mnn7 15th by II«rb»rt Taylor former e—hiir of the Bank of Cap< Fur, te hi· parents. Mr. and Mra J. A. Taylor, and will be of later» to aD «he an intrrested Is the boyi ia tka various training campa of th« country. Ha la bow at Camp Mcsiic, ltd., with six oUmt Punn boy· who volunteered and left Dunn with Her bert the fiiwt of February. Th* letter follow·: Dearest Papa and Mama: I could write you a great biff book about oar travels and scene· bat time holds m off so will just sketch acrasa. Ob oar way eat, wo spent a little time la Augusta, and a night in Atlante. Paaaad through Chatta nooga and Nashville. Tenn. Hopklna vllle, Ky.—epandiag tka night fas EvaasvlUe, bid., also la St. Loals and then to Kaaaas City, front then to Leavenworth, ITsnsas, whara we spent the eight aad then to the fort. All tbeac place· ara large ci tie· and we dd aD the looking we possibly could. Never have even thought there ware auch pretty building and eeene· a· wa aaw, aapaclally in Atlanta, St Loots and Kaasaa Ctty. Creased the Savannah, Cumberland, Tennessee, Ohio, Wabask. Mississippi aad Ml»· oeri rivera net rousting about a kan died smaller one·—and all from the Ohio river te the Kurt was frotea ooer. Alto paaaed through Jot lets of mountains including the famous "Lookout Mountains" way ap la the air aad haaa·· on tha top· looking Ike Utile paw· aad then when ira were in Mlaaoori tha conductor call ed out "now peering through the ssoantaina whara Jeaea Janes aad hia outlawa ralgatd". Thoy were Mg Ws struck St. Louis ia tha midst of | ths blf street ur striks. Ne cars runnlnf and eors pasfls than I il moit thought 1b the whale world. Then on to Kanaaa City which mwd to mm the claanevt, prettiest city of thai alL Aa we were pulling ia ai yaong fallow approached u asking were wo freai N. C-» ajisf ha was, tat m· —h< la Kansas City. Bo. ■hawed as mud for ahrat u bovr | aad ssrorted to barracks railed ths| Depot Brigade, where about 300 New I ι» wore STT+rlng daily aad being shipped to other campa. Usa note seat there from «τsty state in tha uaioa aad about 10000 aoldiars (re gulars) statioaod there. They wore ; the rough Had and our few days stay there was hard, bat everybody was catching the saiao thing so wo didn't kick bat did tha boot wo eoeld. The next moraine they paged bo oat of the crowd aad I found that Anson, Jackson wsa-looking mo. Ho toon ar-, rived aad got we Dunn boys off and •bowed as «round the Fort and then wo apcat the evoaiag ia Ms room. H· carriod m* to supper with htaa and it sure was an oausaal thing for a private to cat In the as«m hall with the officera. Ten folks In ervOiaa Hfe l don't know what an officer is to a | back private—from a 2nd Lieut, up I they aro it. when they oooc arosnd you have to stand at attention and bold salute until he pastes by. So when Anson carried as around every· one stood mride for ua. That night be carried ar ap to Leavenworth to ■ce a girl aad they wore mighty nice Co ate and also to the other beys, rbeir kiodaeee helped more than I eaa toll In that nast of casein* regular·. Wish yoa would write Anson men tioning me telling you of bis kind a. La a I—— Λ t and In a raofh crowd. UU itim I· UMt Anion Jtcbti, Port Lntti vorth, Kan··, "Root HsU. Engineer* Replacement Troop»". W· w·*· Wept under orders to to ready to Inn· at any too ttota why I coo Id not give amy address, and bally without warning we w»r« eleth #d and packed on trais for NM where—no on· knowing wtoro we war· going or when w· would («t ttor·. W· pMHd through St. Joseph, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Akron, Harper's Λιττ. Washington. D. α, ο* air way lait reselling tor· yoeterday evenliqr •toot two o'clock 0*r trip toa carried M through sot oaly mom of •to large·* of «or citiee tot Λ rough thirteen Mates and District of Col ■mbla. Comnig Mat w· ran along ■id· Lato Michigaa, iomtou r+rsn, mountains, ton··)· aad let· of ether things. Now foe Camp Meade. This Is an original draft saw. tto oaly enlisted «· tolag tto liguai Corp·. AU tto oMc«n we have cosn· la contact with so far Mug collage am, and sorb ■ difference frota Fort Loarcnworthl Hare ttoy tak· you for a gentlemgn otttil you prove otherwise and treat y»a ·· nch. Ttoy hare ton Am U ma toy·. Tto β·ββτβ »*en semiag la to our barracks and leoghing and talcing with as AU Din hoy· are •«H together, «Weplng la tto mm room. Deitoa aad Craven elaepiag toaid· a*. Tto foo4 toco is ah· «ο much better than «at la Ε sa sas H FALCON (Π— j Mr. J. A. Jum baa irmhMel tha If·» bcWW to Μι·. Ζ. B.* of Goldahore. X. C , ritaated naai ^ CiMg Onndi and «01 ·>τι lata Mr». Dart· Maxwell, teacher βt the Primary Crada la Faleoa BiHimi School, hu panhxcd the reaidenee ?f Mra. J. A. Jamca. Her aon, Mr. P. 8. Maxwell ami family will alto oa> eapy the hoaaa with bar. Mr. Roy Dtxon, IL F. Ο. 1, Dora, bad hk» ai* broken laat week while cranktng an aatotnohfle. Rev. G. F. Taylor accompanied I Mr. i. M. Weaka to CMn lax week, and remained errr Son dey. Mr. EUafaa Boyd, formerly of tftte place, now etailencd it Camp Jack· , (on, (pent · night hare raeeatly, ria itin# hi* untie and a oat, Mr. aad Mn. O. P. Hodrea. the manage» of the Orphanage. I Mr. L. II. Dra«chon haa pwrehaeed two aatomoMlee, one of them 4 new Oldamobite. and the other · Btudo baker, Ilka the one he already had. If BMchiaea keep coming In at the rate of tha paat year we will need a garafa, or, mot* of them Mif John Hrnrjrt, maybe · blackaodth abop will Mr». C. Β. Strickland, who hat Juat trot around from a HTin apcD at aide una, went with her kakni Mm. C. B. Strickland, to Johnatoa county to vMt nlatinL Pa man ara getting buy arc and kara. and there team* to tx tc li tre·* ta tko preparation far pea nut cultivation. Hodgae Gaff, ion fd Her. IL H. CroH, nanmlj aaaapad. keing kilkd whan · atock animal attacked kiai. Ha had a bad fidi cat In kia lag, hat atherwiee air ay ad iajwry. Jama* Edward*. a yeath af ahaat •ditocn, had kia ana dMaaatad white cranking a paid Car a ftriaad Wat Thuraday night, hat It do lag vary A. Smith, formerly oi Florida, haa opanad op a ia»r«en>flt ■tara in tha at and a Dca accapéed by 3. A Calbrcth 4 Ga. Rrr. S. A. Faan waa a eiaitoc kara laat week. Ha n»a ta taa kit cfcil dran, wha afa la tkt care a# Mra. Β S. MatWa. . ai. ι. » ι ι ι ι kuk.U hit realdent* and Mr. W. M. Hnhy hat moved from Mr. Leo*a plaça ta the reairtence of Mza. J. B. BpaoUIng War Saetaga Mnlh| at Palea· On Wedaatday night. 27th. a meet ing «ma held In the auditorium at Kalcnn in behalf of the War Saving· plan, aad a A del» ed To Carry Their CUmUUmIm CwdalalMr Paakele. Richmond. Va-, March »—A bulle tin waa recolrod today froai At Pro Toat Marshal General's office advis ing local aamapllon board· to want an wglitwrt to carry their claeel fl cation cards in thair pock «ta apoa all oeeaatoM. H to lillailil there I la to be a general round-ap mt sleek en at an early date. Sereral of the local attorney* era la Llllinpion thia week attending I· pretty good aata aad Jtart plenty ' of H. It to Teal cold here today. Sharp wind blowing, aad we have «pent moot af Di* day is the barracks. All the bay· hare eere ana baring takea ear ftrat InocnlaUon yesterday. I Well I wil ooaa. We have kad no word at al from home and we ara ajudoae to hear from ysu. Write me g long latter ta Π lag me all the news and all about yatttaltea. Lara to yo« bath, Derotedy, Herbert Taylor. M4th Pie Id «kraal Rattak.a, Cmmf Mes4e, Mi ■^ÏKSTc CaL F. H. trim «f Wt " b«· *» "F"»· t»ry MeAdoo le Mh· to Narth Carolina hy mm et the 'Thrift Mid War 8«vin*» fu®pa, which bout i* to ro te Cm4 and .aqvtp tha aoMte» «1m an ftffctia* la Trance, aaya that mil tha koj» aad (iri» «f the Mata eoat «a M* that ha «01 art ha «Ma la auet fare, U U mUIsc om the· ta plaat "Vtetorjr Acre" and "Thrift dard ait»". By their Mac thta. Oeloael FrU» aaya they *U1 ba hatpti te «Mat tara et Mi 'uod far the ι -If arery boy «ad (irl ia tha aa— try will plot aa atn la «Wat, com, cotton, tobawn or ether farm pra d'jrta, and If boya aad |Ma I» toux •viU plant » tardea la k««, cabbage ar ttk aad invaat tha praeiiè» «f ι cas aad acre. iata Thrift aaataga 8t»»p.." aaya Celoail Friaa. "I hava aa doubt hat that «a «tU rrJaa ο Br quota and ha a thrift) ar, healthy, happier people far Mv ·"*« m* «lad that kqr«4 «M la the Sut· an alimQ M( tUa,". b*aajC •f I > « OMM ban *.nt to organise 1,000 L uiM*r «lxteeu yeaib «f "Thrift Gardai CW^lk·' » !>i«h a*· to sa to Wr Thrift ι ?/> tataMrfwmV UUe work that h· offered a «M 1 in War Mvfaiga Btaape to the ar «M who taalteed tha treataet | It fro Mhia (ardai. Aaotkar ι offered a $1· pita fer tha Mit | poflt. aaothar offered · AM w -prwt. r. t. km mooey ia "We believe tha* every patriotic boy and gM to tha lUta wiB My u' to thla war." CONTROL or HOOK MOADOD ■Y DEMOCRAT· New York. March I,—Coatrol of fr- houM of n^naanUMwi we» *a ca'ned by tha Palaetata today «baa A»y eleetod raadldataa treat foar il' trkrta la caaatar Mew Yeek at ape tial elactleea called to ehaoaa aaaaoe w·* to four oNabtn «f that party fcvl re» pied their «eats is Cianrii·. Kew Tort womea bad their tret eh-.nee to veto alaea they wan tha r'i-M at the polk laat MwmUk. ft trr.n ilpiWcaal that they aaat ΙΙ,ΚΙ tcvv oat of a total of TI4H. te tha roar diatrieta. They voted early, ir. mad to have made ap their Blade trbat they «are gains to da before » *7 received their ballot· aad they t-Vrd fear -fooMrft i|«nlli]a»~ reveatb diatrict, Klap eoaaty. Μ η 3. Delaaey, to «aoceed Job· J. Γ*-ceroid. l ichtb diatrict, Klag· county, Wil li-.:?! Β. Ctoary, to aacnad Daalel I. CHBa. *3 Tnrtj-tnt dfcrtrirt, Maw York re—-,tr# Jrroan T. Deaovaa.ta aae [»·' i Μ array B the Vul ec'iVaf to the Dimknitw air>t. Of Ohm IS If f- tea· or mtwr. · Ma* l ttr ww· No f ί-rmJi ai M ru t« the T)»tw41 »'· · *, t,IM. «" ""illy attacked Tse town to tke hat waak w« Da ι ptvvl··· w a ;u'ar of tK · τ«τΙφι th. 4η· than U00 »<·Β Mm, #f Bcnao·», arrWad lr t weak to take charte of the Ma· hfene eachang· here. Be llfr. XeMe·. «he hae |**4 to WUeoa. Mr. Τ*-"*. la m ( fw a