Millinery Openings Β. Fleishman & Bros. Johnson Brothers The Goldstein Co., Dunn's Best Store Beginning Wednesday, March 20th, 10:00 a. m. and will continue through the season Everybody Cordially Invited to Attend \ m : '-JiH ■ Hv- VM V-tiT'· ·.: ; NEWSPAPER SAYS IRON REMEDY IS HIGHLY ENDORSED RacitM mm hirtMo» WWn Roller Wu \»tmind»d At Spuria Rasait· Wη· j οι fui Tealr, Blood and Kidoar Πιιιητ Uim Say. Of eonrM thooaanda of people htn ntd of the Amwot »' Add Irar Mineral, the naiitibh ore foaad in Mtastntppi trwm which tha Perro dhx Chemical Corporation, of Roc noka. Va., ia — king a highly concen trated, medicine for atotaach, kidney blood and rheumatic cotaplaln ta. Everyone know*, too, that aaad η la a wonderful kaaltr» acant, atoppini How of bload alaaoat instantly aad taraally thla remarkable preparatior otherwiee proving a bleaaing te h» maalty. <β. H). WHAT A NX W HP APRS SAT& We quota the azaet word· ia I letter received fro» the Slier Cttj Grit, publiahed ia SUar City, N. C. Oemltmen:—Wa ara writing to tat you of a vary Sac testimonial foi Acid Iron Mineral that should be paaa ed oo to t^a manufacturera. One ol oar raadara talk oa today that Η ia th< ft neat mtdy for avarythiag bp aval saw. Ha ueea Η for the grawi ipt hie children—car·* completely hli chicken* aad bogs of cbolata—bath* a aore ahouldar of a korea, gtvae ι doaa inwardly iaaaadlately tba anima ia eound a· ever. All thi* la wond erful hot the -1*— f waa reached «bat ha declared hi· mothar-tn law wa> cured of gaDopiag conaumpUoa hj Add Iroa Mineral. It ia gaining cw to men everyday, the storea tell μ aad folk· aurely do read all aad w ary word «boat. We are giad to let you know of thla teatimony. Yean truly, the Siler City Qrit, per P. Η RUdn·, Editor aad proprietor. ,AeJd Iroa Mineral ia probably Um moat powerful Iron medicine oa Um market. The boa cloaea op a wound haala and aothae It, drive* oat thi >tlnf aad haa a splendid effect npoi the blood Jut ae it do·· whan taken internally. It doesn't ham the teeth or Momarh and for a tonic, itoaatk, kidney or blood remedy It cannot be equaled according to thoaaand· of MM Get a bottle ef Acid Iron Mineral next time you paaa a drug (tore or •end direct to the 7erTodme Chemical Corporation 1er a large dse dollar bottle. TECHNICAL EDUCATION AT STATE COLLEGE We bare J art received a very neat little pamphlet entitled "Technical Education at State College" which haa J oat bean ieaoed from th· Regis trar* office In Wect Raleigh- It con tain» picture· of all of the boildiar·, with full explanation· of the coure·· and of the many advantage· offered there. This (a a time when people can better than ever understand and appreciate the good point· of cdoca tloo in practical, everyday thing·. MOLD YOUR UBUTV JOHD1 One who aubecrlbea for · Liberty Bond and get· credit a* a patriot for doing ao la not acting patriotically if he immediately tell· the bond, that Is. on lea· he imperatively need· the money, aaya Secretary McAdoo. It ia not the mere rabaeriptioa that help· the Government, it i· th· actual loan ; •hifUng the bead to tome one ebe doaa not help. The aam« objection Ilea te ex changing Liberty Loan Bond· In trad·. Marehanta offering to take Liberty Loan Bond· in exchange for merchandise are doobtleaaly actuated by patriotic motive·, bat »uch traRe action· tend to defeat a primary object of the bond aale, the encour aging of thrift and the diaooaraging of expenditure*. Bonde so exchanged are In aoet caaaa immediately told on ι the open market which tend to de i pu— the market price end affect· adversely the «al·· of future laaoee. Secretary McAdoo expressly state· 1 that there ia no dasirc on tb· part of ι the Government to prevent or Inter ι fere with legitimate trading. In good ι faith, la Liberty Bond·· ι It la one ofthe great objecta of the Treaaury Departeant to have theme bond· hald m fomwint inve«tmenu by the people and paid far oat of «vinp, the* at once providing fanda for the Government and tenaerving labor and material. There are tbe eooodoat raaaons far koVMm Liberty Bond·. Tbair quo tattoo· Under par oa tbe atoek ex. change mean· a loaa only to thoae who aetl Tbe Ananeial htotory of the United Statee ehowa that la tia»ea of pate· all of tta bonda hare (one above per, wme aa high aa IN. Tbe treneadoaa growth of oar rcaoorrei and of our trade, oar ilaneatla trade alone havlag inereaaed from $Mr 000.000.000 to 9Φ4,0#Φ(000«οοο in Die Wet four year·, warranto the be lief that oar Cov«maieiit bond· ara tha loandeet la nam «ate In tbe world and with the raatoratio* ef peaee condition· win ππ··ι·ι1 I haadaomo premium in tha market. ..A BADGE OF HONO* A Ubarty Loaa button la a badgi of honor. Rightfally obtained Η marka tha waarar aa one who baa per formed a dletinet, datnito aervtea to tha ooaatry. Not all eaa ftghgt, not all «an wort directly for the Oovernmnt bat; la buying a Liberty Lean Bond, er Wat SkvtnKi Stamp·, every American Ten der· (ome «ereIce to the Nntion. It has b«n pat within the reach and power of «very eitiaen to aid the United State* financially; It la a poor American who withhold· support from the GovanuaenV, from our aol dicr· and eaIV>r< fronting death an battlefield· and occana. Iron win to German aoldter·, and diamond order· exchanged be tween Tnrkiak aad Oerman Hnt· •ip· may ha tat the honor* of atro city. Bat a Liberty Lean batten, limple aa It k, signifie· a patriotic duty done and u aa ln«i*nte of honor. OP intsrkst to banks. In reaponse to a latter fro·» Seere tary of the Τre»«ury McAdoo the Poetmaster General rolea that there la no prorlelen af law. aadar which a bank can Mnd threach the man· frac af poaUC* notice informing a client that an tasteOmaat payment on aeeoant of Li tarty Loan Β audi per· ehaacd at the tank· la dna; that thii la a private trdnaaetlon between th« bank and ita coatomar, aad It will he illegal to fnntiah bank· with frankad «arda Jr envoi open 1er nae ia (end ing each notien. ' A kind· fient, a étante amy, a ■ingle people. THE IECUT. ΤΗ· aacret of North Carol)··'· poverty la Uil only 7 par e«at of oar ptofb in noHr-wnn u compared with 10 par east la Ma«ta«hu<*tt* i*4 eo par «ant In New KafUnd. AMEIUCA M AHEAD. BUT NORTH CAROLINA— A marie» in «hood of EnffWad in h»r aalaa af War Having» Rtarapa tat North Car» I in· Im Mt yat at th· t*p ai th· liât of the State*. Am a mat ter of fact, »hi« etated tbat 1 · τ ο a iratUr ml 1 lorU moat be H1 j ο MiiTuinpy tor lb Id the rarnlng &&& V*F: kîi-vÎ$ < Rg'[ IwaHH. II tb« eoatbarn tanner la to do hi· •har* la producing food* for man and bout, and, at th* tame Mm·, grow oot too ibr»· fur th* nation, b· matt either lucree·· b » crop aerate·, or «I·· crow ounaidcrabiy more per acre than en» topiary. In lit* ot Um acardty and btjth price ot lHbnr at th· prewnt tint·. It an π» to be th· part of wUdom for f»d tad tkaa for rale Tke wIm aoatkara farmer will ret la a crop of eorn aad velvet baaaa, pot* toe·. TefirtBkMa Of varloM tf-J rrow a few h on aad poultry aad ativ •nrtte look oat tor tk· a«tda of hi* family aad kia teaaato. With all of food pi eda»*a brtn«trf roch good pricoa. the aMthara fanner ahowVd do a petrVrtic bit I' b« woald MM enoagh to apcra aocoe tor the anatw white ha la raillait hla xtt·· aiap. What's New in M usic? By Special Arrangement with the ASSOCIATED MUSIC PUBLISHERS OF Ν. Y. We will FEATURE by Daily PATHEPHONE Demonstration BROADWAY'S BIG SONG HITS f Come In and Hear the "Lateat" Direct from MELODY ROW PARR1SH & DRIVER Crenel, Upright and Player Piano·, Organ·, Pathe phone Record·, Sheet and Roll Music. 121 S. Railroad Ave. Phone No. 182 Dunn, N. C. If you bve been looking for a Classy looking car, with good c. alitie· and appearances of hi^h priced can, and lellmg for around $1,000.00, we bave it Built by the Kentucky Wagon Company, and bas the good qualities of the famous OLD HICKORY WAGON. If you want your money's worth in a light car, it will pay you to see die DIXIE FLYER before buying. We can secure only a limited supply of than a id will be glad to show you one when ws ha /e them. tee them before they are sold! PARRISH ÂUTO CO. STATE DISTRIBUTORS. Dunn, N. C. Ralc'«K N. C. • I take this mean· of announcing to ti e public that I am opening a first-class garage at my salc~ room· on Ed gerton Street, opposite the Stephens-How c.rd Co. I will employ only experienced mechanics and will be in position to give the public the best of service. My lv. îxwell service will be complete in every detail and I will also carry part· and accessories for other makes of cars. I have the agency for the Ai ax and Firestone tires a* i will carry a complete line of these well known tire· in lock. Either of these brands are fully guaranteed and wil! jive excellent service. All work entrusted to me will he. 3 my personal attention and 1 will see that mv cwtenw· c >m — vice passible at reasonable prices. I will also have on hand at all times r complete line of Maxwell cars, when it is possible to get tHem, and will be glad to demonstrate the merits of mis car if you are interested. Will appreciate a portion of your btri/tess and will be glad to aeive you in any way at any tim .. Yours very truly, L V. GAINEY, Dun;, N. C.