WMmM IS STATE WAR SAVINGS TO MARCH 1 $048.834 For Moalh ml FArit-f Nebraska LmmA Wllk $2.06 Per Capita Washington, March 19.—The Unit ed Slate* Ti*o»ury Department an nounced today that the total war tar Injr* securities Hubncribcd by North Carolina to March flrat war· repre sented In tho figurwa $(*49,824.81. The War Saving· Stamp· per capita are thirty-four conu, ranking at the sixth lowest State in the Union. The State of Sooth Carolina foot* the Hit with only flfUcn centa being sub scribed per capita. For tho month of February Neb raska led with $2.08 per capital. Mary land occupied eeeond place with $1.83 to th· person and Wisconsin shifted from, eighteenth to eighth place during the month. The MlMouri river country standi at the top of th· Uat in per capita sal·· of war savings sccurMea, aa shown by report· compiled today. Up to the end of February the re ceipts inr ut whole country war· <94,000,000 or 89 cm ta per capita. Nebraska, Missouri and Kmm rank 1b this order at the bead with uWi of 119,000,000, or >0 per cent of the total. Nebraska ha· eold $4 30 par capita, Missouri $2.54. and Kan· kas 12.31. Missouri lead· In total mien, with $9,016,880 to har credit, a· coopered with $7.907,764 for New York, and $7,000,640 for Pennsylvania. Of. Ule Zt states leading la per capita salsa, Btat·· waet of the Mis sissippi oumbar 17. * Of the ΛγΛ eijfht St*tea, the'-fcnly ter· out of the river are Heryland and the District of Colombia. "* w. Pennsylvania and New todf rank . S9th and 80th in the Ust "on tft· par capita ratine, aMboagh ia velu&a t£f aalea they stand third and second re spectively. ' SAVE THE PAIMKM Kt = FAJLMINC ·' Raleigh, N. C., March 19 —There bas never been a time In the history of American sgrirultur· when the ίΜΜΗΜΝΙ "representing not only the first Unes of defonse trenches, bat actually thi contact lighting. front, depletion ot agricultural labor and agricultural skill will mitigate harshly atfainjt eut military success. Calling attention to this fact in ■ very raeent public statement. Prési dent Wilson has this to say concern Ins the selective draft and its effect / . - _ , I _ U|wn iumia|. ιοί letmri » uau contributing men to th« army, and I an keenly alive to the sacrifices In volvfd. Out of 13,800.00 mo engag ed in farm industrie·, >01,000 have been drafted, or about 1.44 per cant of the whale number. In addition te tlieee there have been volunteers, and the farmer· have loat a consider able number of laborer* because the «agee paid in industrial pursuits drew Umb away. In order to relieve the farming industry m far aa possible from farther drain of labor, the new draft regulation· have boen drawn with a view ef taking from the farm* an even smaller proportion of men, and it. «a my hope that the local ex emption board· will make the rlsisl flcations with a view of lightening the load upon the farmer* to the ut meet extent." "Thoae in the Agricultural Exten sion Service who have been delegated to deal with local district exemp tion boards are more than glad to testify as to the very eeditabU and extremely satisfactory manner is wbJeh these groupe of patriotic men have handled the draft situation, par ticularly in so far as Η has referred to conserving agricultural reeoureet," says Mr. S. O. Rnbinow, Assistant to the Director. "With a bigger strain than evei on the country's food status, witl greater and still greater food produc tion aa the only offset to the with drawal of 40ΛΜΜ,00· men and women from productive occupations, wit) larger and better yields as to tlu only practical opposition to the sub marias menace, Hmder the stress ol such times, sending a good farmei or skilled agricultural expert to thi trenches. Instead of allowing him U remain on the farm or In the labors tory, Is a serious mistake aad not ii eon/or—tien with the wishes of tlx President of the United State·." Mtimrro Neuritl· (Mtrt Inflammation) fa something mer» tkan ft Mw-finfl· uai for an obaoleta allmont, "Rkeo wtl—" haa aarred the »ορ«τΛ<·|«1 41 «gnoatlelaa and the k>n*-dietenc< "apeetftlfct" extremely ««II far oven jraarm. Now, hazily, people ar· b* Clamine ·· raaBM tWt ihle lim I chiefly a «leak for igeoraaeo ar la •inference. MniUit, in MM Mm wenhJea. kaa enjoyed rogva aa a mo* "«Wwy'· aaboUtuta, wheel tha beale iooait knew or eare moch whet I PRESIDENT SIGNS THE DAYLIGHT SAVING KILL Washington, March IS.—l*reiident IWIImih lignrd the day lldht wring Ibill I txlf»3r. It will baeoi»* elTrctWo I'.he lasl Sunday In thia month when julucTc» will h put forward one hour, j while they wili be turned back lb· I In it Suotlev in October. I The 1:Jt+it. imvinjj P'*° w'" 8° into efTe«t without any dl»onrani:ation or I Impairment of ex latine condition». Train* w·ill be operated an uaual and .all lYature* of dally Mfe into which ' tiir rlament of time enter· will bo un changed. ; SMITHFlEi-D LOSES ITS CITY CLERK Death of Mr. Walter Ivm, Ova >( the OUf.l Cilia·o« ,f Smllkteld. SmlthlleW, March 19—Walter M. It*» died at hU home here yceterday «•renin»·· at A o'clock alter as Ulneee of about a week. Mr. Ivee was 66 year· of age an>) on· of the oldest orlrinal citUens of Smithfleld. A brother, John Ivri, aboat Ό year· ok). torrther with four damktvi and 1 two pone curvive him: Mra. Κ. 0. Ed Kerton and Mr. Walter Η. Irea, Jr., ι of Rakish, Cora Bell, John White, I Ilelene and HctUe Devi· Ivea. Mr. Ives wai a widower, his wife, whe waa formerly Miss Nowell of Naafe· ville, having ilicd about fifteen year· aito. Mr. Ire· at the time of hi· death waa town clerk' and tax collector for SmithS»ld He bad been ettfaced aa I clerk and bookkeeper with W. M. Saadsrs, Cotter-Underwood Co.. aad other mercantile ostabUshateiita of 9mtth/lold since hie young manhood. The funeral waa contacted from the reetdcnce by hla pastor, Rev. H. F. Hrinaon. this afternoon at 4 o' clock, and Ma rerikaina iatarred la tke CHy OrmeUry. Mr. tree waa a consistent wHiiir od the Isplkt church aad had-been * descos tn the church for a mnaher >qf years. The town and community haa tart a aaef ol cUas* aad the church a helpful auwAtr.' " AMERICAN tank ship believes IT SENT U-BOAT TO BOTTOM Oa February 24. At Atlantic Tort, March IT.—At the end of an hour's battle between ■ German submarine aad aa Americai tank steamship, the Pautskoro, of the Vat sum Oil Company; which ar rived hero today, the U-Boat appar ently was sank, according to offlcen of the American veaseL υι» οι un crew on idc iinut w· wound*d by a ikell And by the sub marine. Two other shots struck the American ship, which waa act ssnoos ly damaged. Τhe flrhl took place in tha Bristol Channel on February 24. Tha Ameri can vnnl waa about S4 hou· out from a Britiah port when the U-Boat waa sighted. The tanker triad to » cap· and waa pursued. After the American vaaae) had been within tor pedo rango for seme tine without any attempt being made to alnk bar In thta way, the U-Boat began shelling. The tanker halted and (an battle. The officer· laid the shrapnel shells fired by the American (run crew either fell short or ptseed over the I!-Boat for a time, but Anally one struck the submarine fairly In tha center and she disappeared immediately. The American venael is of about 4,000 tons grosa. We ha*e to put every ounce of effort behind the men behind the guns. 0 Not "Bit" but "Utmost"—the .end is worth our "AIL" the matter wrtii th« patient. All aorta of trouble· accompanied «-1th palo and enduring for a con I nldsrable period of weeks «r month· or coming and goint! Irregularly hav« been incorrectly labeled "neuritis." Far" hi the outland·, «e find, this iort of "ncuritl*" If mil considered rather fnshlonabi». as eoot and appendicitis used to be In the urban districts. Dont : h,ivr »uch rvlfar ailments as tis" If you want te belong to the' re gular* ; have autointoxication, or, to be realty advanced, call It toxemia. Among Ute causes of true neuritis, which practically atwaya lasts for , many months even under atoet skll ι fol treatment, ara (I) such poison aa alcohol ia modération, arsenic li various occupation·, lead in occupa Mens asd ia varions cosmetic·, ear the poisons af syphilis and of soom I .other iafsctlooa diseases; In some »as I] sa Mtoint oxlcstlon is at least Oh ■ι handicap which hapedee recovery, il ■ { not the primary cause of a aeuritis i, 7inc tke bloclcadvn with food prodacta, Mr. Pa»* dropped a boob bk the shape of a statement characteristically short and pointed. ne wvH u» loiioinnf n«cntgt; "To oh food product*, laru, cors, m «ni, tr.oiaim· and th· 11k· la the manufar ir· of blockade whUjcay, rum, rte.. *· clearly a wilful waate of fuod and aa each la puniahabte under the Itertr act. It It abo onlawfal ter marchant» or mtllerk to aall theae pro duct» to «arb pervani, or in audi quant.ltίο» aa make it appear myB' ably cortaio that they are to ba u*ed ia the manufactura of Illicit tiuoxi canta. "The Federal Food AMmialatntioa for North Carolian rirei notice that it win take prompt and draatic actios when evidence can be beared that any marchant* or miliar· have offend· CAtinc the blockade* off from h la eupptfre i» a new way of biuhîf the haaine··, and Mr. Par· expect· to Obtain reeulta from th· order made. Of eosrae he ia not priaaarfly rater etUd In th· fact that the blockader h ·η the act of —Mn aklalLay and iUUnff4ha he, bat he ia very nuaeh. laterèated la the amount of food pea duct» that ia thai being diverted fro» can be obtaiaed ia needed to feed people. AU aectlona of th· State are affect ed by the rullaf that Tiolaton will be proeecnted under the food law·. In the western aection there ar· known to have boen a nambrr of aal·· of corn nude that could hardly have been tor any other pnrpoee than that of making com whbkey. Ia the eaat •m «action. there km boon large sale· of moluK· that nulfMtl; im for the converting Into that popular drink, "monkey run." Mr. Pact bo hero· that evidanee can ho obtained againat tho merchant· and miller· Who aetl theee food product· for tho making of is ton cant·, and We in ton da to got them. ^ THIS 9BOO WAX SAVINGS WEEK State Called e· For 10.000 Ihatm. Gma«r Ihhril Fader· ee Mem. Limit Clak Member· to Cot Few MeeHUw. For the reaeon that Mt everybody couM be a number of the Thouaand Dollar I.lmit Ctab by buying $1,000 worth of War Sarin** Stamp·, It haa been decided at State Headquarter» at Winston-Salem to make this weel| beginning March IS, a WOO weak. Thia decision waa mad· at tha requeat of many War Saving· werkata who in tho Limit Clab Campaign foand many willing subscriber·, who could not reach the $1,000 mark. Governor Uickett highly eadersaa the 1600 drive during thia weak. Ha not only call· far all local and district official· and committee· connected ] with th« campaign to redouble their effort· and to go forward with untir ing teal to malt· thi· drive a soeeeee, but he earnestly entreat· every per· eon in the State to sign one of tha pledge* for a monthly inuaatmert to be paid during the year. Ha any»: 1 "The value of thia War SavlMn Cam pair» to Um Government la tha win ning of th· war and to the people In training them to Uky Mid· a working capital for aae after the war «aaoot bo oVtr «Mimatad." It ku been earef ally «timaUd that there art Ιβ,ΟΟΟ man and women la North Carolina «bo will aecept tfclf opportunity of tavaatine $500 la War Sa viae* Stamp*—the aafeat Οβτβη» 11 ment bond· thart haw· r»«r been of fered. Tha UaK Club drlra tkl ended la«t week provM that thla la tha eaae. The refera, «very aiab· r|of a The ο «and Dollar Club haa beea commiaaioDod by Stato to imn foer ItM member* 11 quota. Pewoaal work ea tha part ef the Limit Clab member* la being borna tod on aa the ataani of iaaktat Rot. A. ft. MeÇtteoa. partor of Ih Preebyterlar church, la ^ewdiag tha day la CrMuhw*. COQTEft WINS ΓΑΤΕ ΜΗΛΤΟβ "2£L" WUmlngtoe, k&rch It.—WJtfc only on· tnaM· ward ^accounted tot Nov Hinnn cunlf today ·)κΜ W. B. Cooper U the Βφ* Bulata by a mm· Jority of «W L. l'Uyto» On&t «aa ntwiiW th« Iowm bmiat atr CtfL MAgm* d. [WitliMu by a.ffc majority wfalla Gcort* Harri* iJifwhilaliia· Mat Brook· O. Giorn Jaekaoa φ fa ilacttd ι by a big |ilinll|jiiai 8. P. Omn. WAI VOMUMONC THS Tb« (cIVrwiti* J»pt ru bar· Ml ι "bowing »iajku baas 4a·· · of tba W# waaftAr tka tnakk rapttiM te kawIaUi aai· far] tbaaa reporta H Mfla4 η— to «tek Uachar U t®«oanty. bw of1 the Kkook Λ «mil aloac tbU'Ba da ut Other* and W tk ■ckooli Id Ik· rertdee, scttool district·: Arprmtboro— ,'1· No 9 p.„. II i i BuUegt— No. 1 0*0 Ne. I 37 M 7 No. ( M β t Blmrk RW«— No. 4 11· 11 01 no. ο ··.·····..· is jro*ï— No. 1 0 S SO No. a to 17 «S No. β «1 0 181 No. 7 14 1 1· (two woekm). Hocior'i Crook— · No. 1 te 7 1 No. t ..· 0 M 17 No. I .0 1· SO No. S - · 11 0 Upper Llttlo Ri**— No. S 0 0 1 No. &. 0 0 11 No. » Λ M If S No. 10 4 7 S k Totek 41· SAO «1» COLOKD: Aadonon'i Crooks No 4 J.—: 11 I ·| No. 4 S · θ! 8t»*mrt'» Crook No. S 16 1» 0| Dpp»r Little RJvoe— . No. 4 St IS · No. Β 4 0 S The nfcoolo roportlo* tkk week lew done won and poehry. Th· Uaitad atom Employment Serrfte, a divM·» of th· labor depart "««at. today ansoaaaod th· ς acta that North Carottas h aspactcd to contrib its In Ik· ftfttiOB-wide PA—wU· to •nroll ISO,MO Ugh school boys. Th· Tar Baal State is ssked to draft 7,000 boy· lato this production an terprtse of fanaing. The State of MahM liiiiMil the aa· quota, while Now Toft Btau is expected to BMbOias dn'amy of «1JM high school toy·»-·,4m aasllaat number Is d«isads< sf "tha Btoto of Nevada, with oaly ft» quota. Virginia «U1 raroll 1,000. wfcll* the quota for T«mmm Is 10,00·. In todlu*. (kni tb· boy* ihmii 41iwt»> wM —wrlco la Washington. "wUb t«M (us lai>or situation wo acute and tb* ι·ιιμκ| only t few »nh off. Um boys «fork ing mini « |Mt m in portas t » the Libert» Loua." •The ^lendtd my of Boy Scouts of lussrirs «■ be of wry put help to the natkm fat this tee of »U ■HI." mMI litiiiuy of Aiitatae BoMon. "The wur ten be wtt ooly if we deihrer the en, the eM*e, end the. food ta nScieat numbers and "WiD you not help your aowtr) again this year even ta a bigger and better way than you did dmiwg thi •nnuaer of 191TT Tear task win b· to beet your own record Sa food pro duction. May your sotte fer 1911 be, every Scoot te feed a eoidler ant one other." rtlCE or WHEAT «Λ I U AUYAHl.ti/ Waaktogtoa, Mwet 1·.—WMla today to a»et tko critical wfceat akortj ||| kr ι farther i» Piaoiasd School for Girl· rolled up in front of tbe building and an no «need their desire to take Mr. and Mr*. Joaee aad their faculty and «very single sol itary «tu do at for as o*tis(. A Kni.oV λΨ hannw *i«la in feaali whit* Biddy wH> and "SoMkr" hate war· aaoa on (Mr way to 'Tajratta ville." Think of il! Mangy wa rottad •lose alii Baaohoto was mcM and · iHf WW ■»<«. duita» wM* Mr. ate0m. roakad o«t with a r+ cart 'M%ot WMIW. Than y«U* of appneiatioa and atkaal «bit aad aoac* baepoka tka ■■rrtut af tka ThA waa » brief atop at Autiy τίΟ« *Wn tkra ckoari vare ftraa for tka little towm. Alnntuwnr ai wedding balla to Fntttnllk Aat aa wa entered that k&oric aid attgr, a adnatatativa body of ha cWhm Mt « la aatoa at 1he aKdb brida» aad JoiMd nrmMa^Ma* «a oa thrnath tka ten aad ay thrnftçh A· beautiful 1 iiHidtlil eectio· of Hay £SS»SSi5i captiea t iaH tn 1 at tka bridge) «at coming nutka city and striae a· free adaJaaioa to tka picture dm aad drug ém». It k éWInût to » proaa how deltaktfal tka yean* tadlai found tka pietaraa after refreehaaar'j and aailae boa tka Donaldaan Mili tary hoyi, who, through previova η Cacnacat, aawad at tka dray «tore. W« could hardly believe It raft wkan we aaw our own "PtnelaK school (or Girt»" m prominent on «iated card· af no Mn etyle %»d ronde rod how H coold Wn happened Bat PayeUerttle'· OMitir potlaea Unen aad pot planta. Mr. Holdca, a aerelait aad eathaelaatie eitlaen, acted a (toast· ■aaaUr. Tike occasion era· a perfect ■uccaaa la mrjr way and wea of peculiar intereet In that Mr. and Mn, Ivey Royal gare op « ted to Mr. end «mounting to three hundred mai mnlT two doUara. Mr. aad Mr*. Λομ gkdly and irtdtuly accepted the rtn. The itadenta were aaat to bed aa< the nMti dapartad aad thia apleadM ocraaion araa numbered with the paet Bat ΓΙ ae land gtrla aajr that ttea wfl only make Ma Memory tha mere tadet Ible. AH hail to tha Woman·» Ok* tar we are told they aeade theae Udng! poixbio and «D hall to the men fa! co-operating. IT MITUH VKIUU SUNK BT U-BOAT Lenden. March 9·.—Yhe edmireh reporte the kae by mine ar anbaMrln •f toeeataea BrUhh min*«fr la«t week. Of tfceaa eleven ware L •W toae or oreτ and ■*» aader the tonnage. Two Mine »unb were hot Eta ea merchant men were aaeaeeeeef all attacked. I Tha lemea at Brltlah merchant» , in the law weak are aNghtly an* ι the leeeee at tha. three precedla , waeka. when daring aaeh of thai ι paifrdi ilgfclii raaeek were aaak I mine or wkmiriai · ' A - ; f t '·' ·*···."« ·' Î'· · ?· news or umusTiN COATS AND VICINITY I - I Tb >CkHI I chat win Itt't am oianf en Wtfew day irrcui v, Nuik SOU». 11* m·· btr* of vh:t* ttow will aMet at Co«'.t ami tnk· ι·ΐι·ι>ΙΙιι to hm point OB the Cape IW liver. A |W oral (rood ttao and the yacanHtca o< the Interrata of Uweo ctoaaee ta «« ρ*.ted Ma raaalt Yoanc man ore* SI are gilrti vary tcarce aa «a* «treat*, Maat n> jreta of the «ar. Va notice that Orora towathfp ta taadlat (Leat laawa of Dosa DUpatcfc) an ta aaather ai nahn af Thrift Society- Wa to I τ» in ear mranttjr who ken baae Jstaf tWft aed «m Nvhfi. Ob "loader light Mr. Urtatn «01 auk· ' ι war tak it the ftnnj ·Αι«Ι la the latervet ·( War Baviaga t«-f« Mr. lunnt* Mmh «fl leave fer . utfcen la Λ: ceiamaaJty wiB .leave vkh htm on thi ibaaiae* trip. We >oye Uw? will let their Inhea he •eraoaally known te the Kalae* 'wMb ' the eeeisUawatt e( thi Aatrita* Joy ridai eee minllr rtaidUler !n nun bar en* aeceoat of the abort ira at geenlln» ia the rr—lawlty. --"here he· beea ne p< here far ae» >".ral weeks and we aettce that aert : Mti hen eccordiafly dieUacd la 3wmbw. Kut what la meet rntiaf to the mm of he wha tiiha mm na oil ateve h the faat that tha ■ h a raaiial fe*Har at Ceata that tbe mcrcbanta ahoald pH—h> tha ran hereafter who ^rfaga the fin* ί «4 of koroacae te the·, fawil V.w already φΙΜ their wUtinr κ-a to do ao wgudka «bee they have beea heretofore bcyln*. λ word ta tha wtae la aaCHeat. Briar roar eH. Texaco. , On Friday ««kt, March Hth, tha I'iftOB Platoon of the Biw Onar4 nr.it at Lilttnicton. Ofdi lualifctma 5 to their umber ·■ ef whom »m ••aaaet aneoyt one who «m la Char lr tto. The Coats iqiw4 «01 ΜΙΓΤ om Tueaday nlgrkt for al on last Wodaeeday aight to r. Jama crowd. Over IMOfcM waa bVa pledged at Barclayarflle aehool ftiof a speech made by Mr. Laetnoaa f -in* lart we*k. Mr. 0. 8. Ttuc, If merly of Coat», to the dilliM t" nelpal of the lut naaied aehooL. Coats, March 18th. C Ε. ROBINSON Wlf» ratSTPLACB IN COWyT ΤVake FM, Kerch 11. Ο—to· Ε ItUMO·, imtMriJin Bate*· Creak Amîoiï, wea Am )hw to the er iml high reboot t.-t, the final* of which h ι htuHi; Bight vtth Or. W. L. P»Vaa* μ·Ι<Ιι, and ftwimmrw Tk·. U lake, WUu u4 HIchaaaMh arth* • jadtoc- Willi Barefoot of [«r«M kick wheel «μ ·ι urtii rt and piece. The rreHnlneriee ι held Thnreday e1«At la the Â. -Is end etee «fwaken t. ftnel eoate* out of the : resle " H'Hoeh ef North Carotiae. Te X>. totitart, eebolanhty by the err» «remctit, and Mt. piv 'entod with · ptm. ΙΟΓ.1 dllllceKr •u. VI VA the *■« con Which Mi Imped 1er. . The wmkm ef ι Utl -ee wee leotewhat la·: fear, Vut all No effort Wee ιpared ky the •ecotiea te «Mertate M il J' u« their atay 'et the ι rrs yUon