<■"··, \ό. W&^&WisË THE NEW LIBERTY LOAN FIXED AT $3,000,000,000 la Slirtht Appui Siretory M«A<w Ail. Mm, W.»~ CbU dr.. to IWp Washington, March IS.—'"The srr»«t trenu now happening in Fra&ce |>M ftra the soul of «Tory American with a new determination to fumiph *D the do [Uni ud all the meter'»! resources of Amerki that are needed to put an end to the execrable atro etUes of German mlliterlna. Defeat faces the kaiser. I<et as hapten it by appartint America's might with Increased rigor In concert with our fnSfcst comrade»." This stirring appeal for financial %0ttanc« for the gorernment from erary man, woman and child In the United S ta tea was made today by Secretary of Um Treasury HeAdoo la announcing the terms for the third liberty loan, an appeal that will be echoed throughout the length and bfcadth of t» land. VUIlUBf J VU Κ·Π· Id I r»t»WMWIVU», Secretary McAdoo fix·· the amount of du naxt loaa ·) M ,000,000.000. It «M Kvnerally raffhlWlM aa certain that the amount would b« ncirly twice that apa. . But the «cretirj 'frilt· oot tînt the expcoditarea of aet only thj» government bot of our' Bmuj»an alliae la the «endort of the war against fenatn militarism havel not fcaen nearly to great aa the ee·1 tupata* Indicted. O^lhli account, the amount of the loan haa been re-1 . doted to "the very mintaium. The lata of Interest on the new bond· will b%4 1-4 ht eut. That thta haaar wfl] ba anhaerlbed, and that the people of the country will give gererooaly to thli war aieai- ! are of the government >· indicated by the toecaea which net the Ant two Want floated by the government. On"June It, 1917, a loaa of ttr 000,000,000 waa railed for, and this wat over tubacrlbed by 11,085^26,800 or nearly S J par cent of tfco original offer. Theaa bond· bora 3 V» par cent- interest- · The «ocond loaa dated November 16, 1917, waa for U,000,000,000, with the privilege of belnr reeenred to dlapoao of half of the ο ver-anh tulpt | ttea. The American people rtipon<W hi the aum of (4Τβ17.6>2.100, an over-aubaeripUon of 11,617,6.12,1100. war· Μ,Μί,Τββ,ΙδΟ. The rate of interest on the bond» of the second loan waa 4 par cent. Thoae who hold either tho flrat or taeond iaaoea of bead· will be per Kitted to convert their bond· Into the new 4 1-4 par cent, bon da. WAK WOftK AMONG THE SCHOOLS Below we giro the repnrt M tomrd into oar office for the put wr«lc re lative to the -work the schools have been doing for the boy* rodo, or will ire, to the front. We notice •OM Improvement for when a school hu something to report it Indicate· that interest in the work is growing. Π » difficult for m to we how any of the «choola cm* remain in the blank column. Some of the largest aa well aa mid· of the smallest have made no report at any time and from what we can hum man; of those are doing nothing to help In thU work. It appear* to as to be étrange people who will not got besy helping to win the war in the face of the reporta coning from the front at this Next week win be the laat week to make reporte front the achoole ankme and we trait that the laat will be the beat. Lot u« ineiat that every one do their utmost to make the Anal week la March the banner week. Many of the school· have already closed aad other» wiH be cloeing each week now so wo wiH make only one other report, Avcraabcio— No. β SB « i No. 1. 0 S C Ne. Λ .10 «Τ 11 No. 6 67 1 t Black fUv No. 2 ...... 0 0 Ne. 4 · 108 Ho. 5 0 1β Boekhon»— Mo. 1 as ο Grove— Me. · 80 17 4 Ν·. Β — 0 M No. 7 1« 0 Barter's Creek— Ko. S ...... 0 80 g Ne. · .... ο Jio M* · » 1 I ,U*Mtos "o 1 84 0 Si (> weeks) Ό. L. X— Mo. 1 « 18 Mo. β « 0 14 Mo, « 8 7 1 Mo. 8 0 0 Mo. · " 8· 7 Me. 10 4 0 Mo. 11 4 4 NORTH STATE NINÎH IN WAR SAVINGS SOCIETIES Colo··! Frlao Sot* 81»I· Cm Bo Made lo ' —J and Mini I oad'aB OAm· Oaly cl);ht.Ftat*» id the umôc m rated hlpher then North CatoIHη Ln the number of War Saving* gode tiii I'wy hav® ontanlxod *n4 put te <>ork. """heae »re Vv>it V irglBia T.'hich load». Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona California and Nrw JaiMf. I'm to March 18th thoj «taui of South Carolina, Alabama, { Morion, Idaho. Montana, Kobraika, Nrvada, Rhode laland, Maine and Now Mexico hud retried no aoeiettaa or ganised. Colonel F. H. Wh State Dtrcctor of War Sarin*». **y* that North Carolina should l»»d and caa ho cnado to lead ln this work. He ujn: "Suro wr can boat W«*t Virginia and I bo Ι··«το the achool boy» and rirl* la Kuith Carolina will help mo do It. I f«l that we haro Ju*t ttarted thie work in tb« St*v< anil that the pnwi blUticOor rood that thooo oociodea can ho made to render have eeareely hoc η touched upon." ιυινππ r ne* ut>«· nui ovaiuic vo say that th* War Savings Soelotls· are ths biggest and beat part of the War Savings Campaign. Tba good they will do not only 1* htlplaf to vio the war but In r*;TMrr *«r people to habits of ssArlng cannot be over ««ti mated. If wo go "over the top" about December SI, by xafclag oar full quota, I shall not hsaHata to! «ay lia rays, that th« boys ajtd girts and men and wooms wha formal tkMlv·· lata.War Savtw Bocie tii^Wrd ha4a saved ijsHhaalli alTj and invested wir savings la ^hrlft and War fc·νin^k stamps, have atada it poaoibVc for Stat* to comply witb tha Government'· reqoaat. Colonsl Prias says that be is not anaûadful of tha faithful and stt ricpt sarriec that th* sehoal ta^chars of tb* State as a whole an giving to th* work of organising War Savings S«ei*ti**; yet, ha sajrs, we hav« fre quent report* fne comrauaitiss whore the school taachsrs has not mentioned Thrift, or War Saving) stamps to their paplla. We eaaaot bePrve, that there are many schools In tl» State where this is the ease, r.nd wo trarft that More .th* schools be one. Purely, no u-ueher will fall to srywot this \mporstive rail to her country*» service at thii imperative tima. WATER AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Π»η*οη. Minh St.—Br a vote of HB for and 6S againot this town Tma·· dsy voted un an ordinance authoris ing Um salo of <60,000 bond inn· for waterworks and NWinp. Til· made the third attempt at ratifying this ordinarce, tha ft ret bcit( frus trated by a m kunder* landing about rlrrtion officer», tb· aaeond being by the action of those opposed to it. Oilbart C. Whit·, of Durham, ha. been •retired to engineer tb· work and baa rlrenJj· dona a good bit of prelimin ary rarrtying. Ha will be on the )ob In η few. daya and Aniah his earvey nnit hy that time the commissioners hope to havo tAe bond· sold and tha work contracted. Thla ta the int bond issue for the town for improve ment eveept'ng school bonds a 140, 000 bond i>ra» voted on last July for the purpoae of aiding the Atlan tic Λ Western railway in extending it» line from Lillington to Swana· boro. Plan· are abont perfected for the erection of a modern ginnery be re to tako care of the fan crop of cotton. 'The organisation has be* η perfected 'and two thjrde of thereqnired $15,000 stock has boon snbaeribed. The gil oery will be yikat ia know· sa a doable ι yet*» which turns out a bale of cotton orrery eight minutaa. Btowart'· Cnwk— Ko. r 48 COI.ORKD: Andtn»·'· Cmt— No 1 β No. S 11 No. S 1β Rarb^cne - No. i IS <* weoka) Dak·— Να. ! U fleeter'» Crook— No. J 3 No. 4 8 No. I 1 6 Linioftofi— No.· t 11 Stewart'· Crook— No. > 17 U. U R.— No. 4 24 II la addition to the abov· UIMn«toi , No. 1 reported ItOOO hi bond 1 i — Win* k«m perekaœd. If tWr '.or· othor *ckoo)a la which teaefctr 1 or papSb hart parehaaod fiwfll h« (lad U kar» Λο ml— 1 od. B. T. GENTRY. * , : 1 1 ILL THE NKWfl INTHE DUPATCI HENRY A PACE RAISES . THE ISSUE OF LOYALTY , Mlu, Fair·* u4 Doetar Raiolgh, Mink 15.—Hmrj Pip in m rrd hot itatoment tonight ntiM the lmue of loyalty among hi* Farm er»' union Btifkbon and calk nnpn North Carolina to foeae It* iWn^»i on the·· directing Via publicity of Ui· onion'· organ, "Tb· ÇuHetiti." B«adinir between tha Hoe·, turn· lhln< lerrly neeeaaary 1» Pa**'» writ ing, one κι· the tms*»Uon that the government land eceret «arriee Μη her·. Mr, Γ fig· happen» tonight to ho In LouUbuag, bat Jie to net to bant. The (nan autfL-blistered by him irf Bditor Le*cVUUiha»lU> ager Denhtun and Secretary K. 0. Fairaa, all hi» fellow townnaen. Page aaya: "If ta· admtnJetration of the «ffair» of th» Firmera* urrton to North Qero lina ie to remain In the hand· et the •oeirfletie fhiwd now diaaetincthe pabHeity department of the 4φα*. in the puMication. Sad <le*lb»Hii· of it» ofllrfâl 'oryap, *T1m Uniaa BaUetin,' f think the attaatio· of tk· patriotic men of thieetàte »h«*d be /ocoaed on tbeee men ui the harmful-effect* at tho work tkef in 4°«k AI»xeridrr, pTmljaal of th« "όπΙλΛ, and aaaeelaU editor of The WUbon, Ie 'wall known, and 1 ta|« It thai there will b« »o .»erioa» denial of. the Mateaupt that be hat kh® rrpvtation of beta* a ■ lacker aad in^betruetor of naaaeeary war aw ures. I --fv editor of The Bulletin, Denham. advertuine manager, and Paire*, aecretary of the union, are loea widrly known, bat Is *herd«on tad vicinity, where they are known they phare Alexander*» réputation. ' "9f m y itandard of maaaaremeat, ibey. · ar* . everyone dialoyal to the cor». -They àro saint The Bailed» the oflteial pebHeatipa of the Tana. rra'Vnlor., in aueh a way a· to kinder naeeeaary war meaeorea and to dia coungr and diawade farm·» from co-operating with the luiainmea* ta it» acedm. "The recant public -protaat of J. *· Ore»·. org»al»ei Of the aaioa, net >oty doea Mr. C what ie mora mmM m Jil Ρ—I W— Jirettion In which their employes in heading the orjranlrsUon. U the Farmers' anion in this (tat* And· iWolf unable to chango this condition of things, in my opinion, it if the duty, aa H Ourald be tb< pleasure of erery patriotic and' loyal member to withdraw from moch an organisa tion. "Moroorcr, the peuple of the «tau ïeneralfy haro the right to know if the Farmer·' anion et and* fur the pobdee and view» being promulgated by the** mon in the nam· of the union, tf ao. its final burial in thk ■tate i» cloee at hand, or I am badly mistaken In Che temper of my fellow eitisetn." CALA DAY FOR KAHACAS AND PHILATHZAS Eaeter Frepn te be Given flandej MeeaUg at Firet Beptlat Church by «be ItrewFMetKea Πΐ,,Μ The Baraca-PhUathea Claaeoe of the First Baptist Sunday School will render an Interaatiac Easter program Sunday in their clam room· begin ning at 9:44 a. m. This is to be a greet day for tho two elaaeea. Κ very member, and these who do not attend Sunday school elsewhere ere earnest ly requested to be present and enjoy the programme. Sererul talks 01 Home and Foreign lfteeiom and othei Sunday School subject· will he —da The musical end ef the program wli be composed of some of the heal ♦■1·"* t« HfinM ·■<! ««η «Wmlri da| fail to attend. Pall not, bat be on thM M*· 4BJ°J the following program»·: t. Hynn. a. Praar—Dr. W.,B. Coll·». S. Routtoarti TUptlrt ud Hoe< Kiwi·»·—Dr. J. It. Boiler. 4. Bo to—Mattlo Pop·. I. Southern Baptist and Forelfi Miaetvoa—Mlaa CarrU Faith 'β. QuarteU·— Mlatea Γ ta roan an" Farthing, and Mama. Breagi ton and Bain. 7. Why you «hould rontribeta t MM*m—Perry Marfan· L Solo—Ml·· Cera Warraa. ·. Dr. W. B. Call oat. 1 —Parry Jemlran, Claaa Boportnr. ι 1 Mra. Jamoe A. Carfeld, widow « I the twaetieth preeldant of the Uatta , StaUa, died from prtemonia at Im , Home I» South Paaod·**, OaL, Wa< , eaeday. A ft or Pretlrfoat QarteJd , a maaai nation a po polar wbaerlptio , for hta widow and tva children wt . rolaed fro· wVUk M40.0C0 waa roa laed, the teeome to no to Mm. Oo . laid bar Ufa time, aad tka yrUirlp I to bo divided «*H bar children. LpCAL "ΝΓ~ •The coi ■at hlun Λβ Grσνβ •M. You&r. ι OM O# *M H. •ltdr» A. J buy Uulr r Practically, out *f'« .Mr. ■t m ta. Mr. PERSONAL " I OF COATS , Ο. Β. Robert*. Tht Mdr any opposition k^J crtalnal 'to TUUia« Ma par· '· M. Bjrrd tfcto . Mr. U L. Thuraàay «a ι Vrtto Mr/· 4 aWnjij m to wnorué ι Dr. ItHUy of . il·*· ta :*t » dinner gtrao I Ufa Aai Iwajbody Bto •«porta tbat ba| Bto to pluma* · for th)· pur •nllr raaha· tMr en f ο <Utannin«ïi te < Th· Thrift ι tt la my mV who Ha· not bey it»». It 1 tttq that >αηι of Uvea· -I'm m tonaU thet to ! conwaatio· 1 D—- whM you? w*U a· eine P· info ! -1 *·"'» gWa · t ia yoar war a* roe don't %fct ii · Vory rar* Donlty va ar< CaJïy ·& a*· bkoo<L-n.| ta μι to am* ritatt-l " foe any oar Miy P. P. Pep· of OolMon, wu| • hmiiieee visitor at Coat· Tuaaday. Cu and karoeene kvrt cobm plentiful it Cttk aad Km «peed-j en ar» again baay. We kan earagoa hw a·», H la iwwti about that aO οt then wt> get rick quick. The CoaU aqaad of the Beau Guard are drflUnC two or three nights weekly and are t*ttlac along nicely is the toenie of military drill. How ever, one of the guard wa* heard to •ay that perbaf· wa an having * little too much d#oble quick 1 AU the boy· eM0 to enjoy the cifto a* wen a* tfea tnhtag the drill afford*. The war ia the eaneuaiag topic of cunveiaatioa here ae elea ehere. Es pecially baa this bean ao for the pan woek during the Gtrau drive. NEGRO U LYNCHED IN BERTIE COUNTY CkHfW with CHWmI AmA ead S.M T. H·*. CmmSmmi Norfolk. Va, March II.—Kew« rucM th. city Way that a nefro named Peter Be»men, 1* i*" old, mi lynched W»day nfeht by aa infuriated mob — mOe froe L«ri» ten, Bertie coaaty, North CaroHaa. The negro wa· charted and It li claimed conftaaad to the eri*»taal a* Malt ·■ the wit· at A w*U-to-d< farmer. ■ The crime, It to told, oeearred earl] Saturday aflatioan. The Mfrt caught the in·* alone la the heaai and whan aha ^«latMail to ittnr the attentloa of har haahead wetfc In* In a nearby Oeld. ha kaeifcai iter (Iowa with a fieee of etera-woed In leaa than an hear a peeae had beat , more than tea be tat before ha «a . Anally captured- The erewed. li farlatad by tha XKrae'e dead, herrto ι reeelred a ateeM«e that (he watt' condition waa yreeatieea, afraf Mb ■P te a tree aWot thirty mlaaU , after he wa· ua|»nl. The woman'e mdKSea to (aid 1 be «till critical. .Bar Ml we· frw taad by tha bto*. IU» a asd Bwy a Km» "If yon moke * if you chew, I Bey a Staaayl I Baeh day akty a Main er «haw, to r Bay a Stem» I. V flacrlAee abonld · pleaaan be ( Whan tha ·*·»· la liberty,' η That'· the way ifWoha to to·— • Bay a Stamyl 1 s Word· are iau*tota of wwfh, b a Idea· ara mm iftini».—Dr. Job •on. THB MAYOR AND fcARTY VISITS FORT CASWELL Am Gwt· WT tw la* of Mayer X W. •eH Dr. C. D. •Ml Out· Lm wen away fer il d»r» last week vWtlac oar soldiers at Fort CwnU. Ob being Interviewed ceaesrntng the trip Mayor Tumag· *>■* oet" aa follows ι We had a wry interesting and io rtmtihr· My tkreegheat and titr; da tall ««a thoroughly enjoyed by r*-l ery af th« party. Whan we _ . Seaboard train at bartoa wa foond sa board Betftaot PrsaHss M. Basel! «ha was rati lac fross Atlanta. Ha had - tailed ta «any a rick soldier to Fort McFWeea wWe he coaM get the at· tentJoa ci Medical specialists. A se—*ttaa af the hoy· is khaki ■Mt ae at the sUtioa ia WOmlagtee and va had a military escort to the Ortee.Hetei «km we enjoyed « din. aar thM weald wake Mr. Hoover rave. After dianer we eaaght the KhaU Special far Senthpait. Thla train ia operated aa Sunday fee the boaaAtl ι of the eaidien visit** VlIai>(to«.J| A* asaal it waa traded wtth eoldiata|i BM H w— W1IWIII W H* M BUUBJF1 dlAraat tjrp« mt mm who coajpri»· | th« fmrrWon it tktap«L * TWy >nj tlam'éad M^uSm. Tûteml m «m» wftk · Obtain U4IMW1 ■4 «a/ hlirurim tUag· of 1k· Wrt aad ·« bojn located ttkn. On utMk W Soutkjxxrt η foaad t quiat fttU· ton }wt» mtram'Hkm *> (rw Fort Cw ill Ita «aadjr itraoto, old NJfclfc u4 au«nift. Mat «had· «mm ehntU ι ntkcr Λ/g aiâmd m"MM it to » hbtotte of tk· lM«Wt«af7 sad CM) War ,mUM TW» «ω —t-Ί- tUUt mTi?ïbïLi'^C^ro'iw Oka •Id KmmIc Taapb tkn. Far any mil It fcaa kMB tk· mattac [>W i Btgr la Imlii by tbait loeal lode· — * chib room tor Owl· •oldter*. Tb· only botol them tel owned ud managed by a Ο—— ι B« baa npiiatadly iwrtil hla lejtky | to Uacto San and ewi) on· tie·ta I bin aa aa Λ marine ■ Oa arriving >t Fat Canal tba t following moraing w· vm jat at tba « dock by Bargaaat Habot Paai^all, ! Corporal Jmm WOm·, Oainal ι WmWt Tbonpaon, Corporal Cupn ! Ttm, Hen ry Let, Lewi» K>VHai< and Ralph Wade wb· war· dialled 1 for tba day to (bow oa orar the part, ι Wa daw the drill on the big gaaa ι •ad It waa wonderful to aa* tboM I aMairaitb piaeM of aifHtirj aad ι doetraeUoa bandteil m aaaOj aad ι araoothly aa aom« Mall tbjKL On· can aaa the Ms rltaa aad trancb mor tal·—threo Inch (-aoa—radio sta tion»—life Mving drtoti •Mtxb Ucbt itaUaia aad mq alitor intor Mtlnc thine·. *· aaw artillery drill, infantry drill, alalia I drill of all kind·, aatl-air craft drO, Guard Mouat with tba band, and otb«r formation*. Wa ato diaaar aad iapp«T with tb· boya la their own mm ban aad war· aarred la aaflHary faabloa two «xnl·: tent meal·. If tb«M two Mali war·1 typical of tboM that are Mrrad on oth«r day* oar boy· arc not Mff«ria( for lack of Rood anbetantial food. Tbo barrack· m aobatantial a«odaa building·—well baa tod aad lighted— with wal «quipped toilet aad bath now. Tka aaw T. IL C. A. buMiag ia praetlealty aomptetod and »aiaaa ideal for Ita paipoaaa. After dianar H tory U· anufri • baid e»««ert la tmr hoaor ud mUom km I had the pteaeere af 1 tetanias to lack tnapiilag sad na*nif kaatawi·. Tk· baad 1» ■ vetaataer oisaaiaatUa and te lawpaaad of rial I miieiaaa who play far the 1er· of . aaak and mat la aaaape their athar I dnttea. Π awry te· baaa «a af the r potent tarte n la the argaalaatiea , af tha part baad aad orchoatra aad . mach credit te |t*ra Mat far hte , effolte by bit eflteers. , After rapper we «m tha gaeMe ! of oar frteada at ft bo*Jo* hoot ho t taraaa one af tha aaidten aad civilian fro· Wllaalngton. Tha boxer· «m a abort evenly matched and tha hort μ raaukad la a draw. Kathaalaan rua high aad tha rasarfca, yalte, aad ae ttoaa af tha eoldior apoatater* wm fell of poppar aad giagar aad MgWj amnatag. Whoa tha tfaae caata for aa ta leave, a> tha D«aa boya aaaarf d » U tha dock, aad «a bated to tall thoa goodnight and gaodhya. The daj for aa waa eae of glaaioe pleeeor and wo know tha boya anjoyod havtai aa vtelt theaa. Oaa of «ho aaaaatte wjya that wo loi· at hooM oaa hoi H our boya la tha anay te ta «Wt tha· a-! Until aaa haa taken mk a trip h eaa art rallia· how glad Ae bay THE SKCTACULAR FICHT or MONDAY I Wttk *· **Mak Mar. «t—Tka bat „ pro nod ilNt LMfMfil wk« *» mo* «pertaetOar et un? »Wa 'root. U w · dey far djwWm hn and iafaatry. The Ow i»w punatac *«ir taetlca et I ■K forward 1» wàm*A towmuttem, ami ho BrltUh rafU Inn »M1 reaping Β net trout tWr pMitkin* qp Ac kick Toui NrtwitMudli( tMt tar ifai· Um tk· Gumi kept cm a« on, llltec la tka pUm #f tkoae rho kad faJW· ami prwù»c tkelr at· aclc. Tka Britiak artillery la tkt uaDtlw f·—é la a pcrfact nia «f ; hella «a ta may, «anjtag k ate the raaka of tW «May. U frcticn the OtfBiBi open ithout tka Ml Mtpyort of tkelr ι •nun of Mr rapid adraac*. X bUm aortta ta tka r^taa of im, tka Mhk kat aickt rkkk M ckanged _ mm to *e hat to* day·. TVyM tttleAteaerataf< - -, kwc *ka Bapa«a«-Arrae nM· Am1 Ιιι·ι·ι iiijii a Um* «■>> t CtoWMM 'ta tkia aaeok, aMck ta ta «azta kMM waa keU e* by the WllA WHAT FXOrt-E DOMT KNOW Very fw people know that kutM nen can volunteer for the regular Krmj ud sou fewer tan* how the Government take· nn of their f«mi ll·» fer Ami while they «η mjr, First the OowH—t tehee |16 per month of thirty that a new eel· Mor Jtete and hand» H to hie wife. It rive» her another ftftren for beleg hi» wife, ko she cote $30.00 in caah every month. If she hM eue child ehe r»ts MO.M • month. H twe children liT.M. If Ave children $Οί.ΒΟ. If ** ehiferen IH M per month. The soldier get· $16.00 per amnth which Is aU he Mods to «pend, aa he pt» his board, clothing, doctor's Mh, heat and light free. Uncle flam dooe aU this for · car ried man ee he need have ne anarietp abont hie feetfhr while he le «way do ing hi· d«ty. The men and women that ere lifting ihc world epwai J and oewsrd are theee who encourage more thaa «ri tides.—Elisabeth Harrison. are to ere tome one free· their heme town. To often we become M wi» ped op in oar «(fairs et home that ws forget the tad In the khaki. We »k« It for grantod that be «■ getting aloni all right and do net realiie that thoei yeangaton are entitled to a· the per soaal contlderattoa that we are at* to glee them. A vhd* from seese OW at home Is worth mora «has aD tie goad wishes roe eonld heatow In ι lifetime. Oncle Bam ■>**· thee plenty to eat and wear and keep ι then busy mot* of the tkne bat ha I I enable «a give them the direct tone r with their home tow». We fo· ι at heme thoald do thin. Let-mm sa r that th^fsw dollars IQIH aeeeaM I en each a trip le eae of the beat h » veetmonts that aay at as eaa mak . I am mare thaa glad I wen* and 1 a ι peet to do «a Win ae aeaa a* 1 « ■ conveataatly da ee. OmL·, C'..K> T. ma. Ohio. Kmk It.—A ι Γ '-ho·. SMr fw% hp· V ' ag * »■■■ to %mmmm ;*ing rrerj iiifrtol »τ· Oaiuu f k'j bad takiaf Ua Ίμ to*m toi f«nb| U art* aatat· (ha Aaarl Cir· tax aider fate of 1 to a traa. «> - t to wkaaa Am (tara « ι n. rt mm few ι _ A> - «f tka «a« wMafc ka « tr .|IM la liitia dam, I ti· w· Mt tka anal a* dl'* U'F Oailii to cat ItaMfk. N. C„ March 2«— Γ · W. C. Mddiek, fridliat State C;^fa of Africa ttave, th .. Jia Ram. ( ·' ' '«ratary at, Λ tl\ «< Λ Ml Monday < a rUU Calk*a. *» a ore* tka r ireaafc «itkidMl IdUitor, kerlac far · Γ"·"> »>«·■ Dlurt" «# S natoa mt Λ» ΟΟφ ai t·. » H'

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