THE DUNNj THURSDAY, MAN POWER BILL JNTRO " DUCED IN BOTH HOUSES September Sill Su||«ttd at Rtfïitntioa Day for Ap proximately 13,000,000 Mm. Waahlngton. Ao| i.— WiUi «r urjrent recommandation (rum Pro· vnat Marahal General Crvwder that it b· enacted without delay, and a aujnceation thnl September 6 next might b· fixed a* rviciktration day fût approximately 13,000,000 mm throughout Ihr country, the lulmin titration's rean-p«>w*r bill requirm» the registration for military' all nrn bftwwn the ayoe of 18 and 45 yeara wu introduced today in tha Senate and Huuw. Unleaa Immediate «tepa arc taken to provide additional met. Gi-ncral Crowdar «aid the weekly rcglrtra tion of men aa they attained twenty one year· of ace will be nerciaary to All the draft qnotaa aftar Saptem bar I, whan only 100,000 of the 1910 r* mat ran ta will be available. Upon the lotroduction of the bill Chairman Ctuunberlin announced that the Senhtr Military committee woold meat tomorrow t» conai Jer the bilL He (aid he did Bot think bearings would be necaaaary and only ihirc· or f/tn 9 λ a va akinllil ka n.ii». Λ ·« pod tli· bill. Γ-htlrmin Dent. of the House committee, Mid aine» only three aiabcn of hi» lummittM are in Waahinxton. it *»< doubtful vhithtr the bill c«uM be ictod upon before the House reconvenr* on Aucoat 19 8u{rcition· midr on the Senate floor by Senator Curtia, of Kanui, that the Senate abandon its program of recaaaes and perfun'lory aaesions until Alignât 24 if the bill can be favorably reported by the commit tee within a few day* wen- endorsed by Senator Chamberlln. However, Senate leaders now in the city aaid any plan* to thu affect would be bald In abeyance until the committee could determine just how much time would be naceaaary for a thorough discussion of the bilL t . ... · ' A«e LiUit. IS te W KÊU[,· Tla bill woald amend the praaant Mlattlfa aerriôa act ao aa to re road; "Panons engaged in occupation· or employment foand to bo nocesanty to the maintenance of the military establishment ot the effective opera tion of th* military inlervst durins tha emergency." Tha principaJ section wool Λ pro vide: "All male parson· between the sgas of IS and 46 both inclusive shall be subject to registration in κ cordanco with regulations to ba pro· acribed by the President and, upor confirmation by tha Président or otlt ar public notice given by him or b) his direction stating the time or time· and place or ptecaa of any snch reg iatration H shall be tha doty of al persons of the designated ages ex eept officer· and enlisted men of th< regular army, the navy, and the na tiooal guard and naval militia whili In the service ef the United Statei te prsesnt themselves for and sub mit to registration under the previa Iftna of this act · · "That per sons shall be subject to registratiof aa herein provided who shall have at talned their l*th birthday and wlu ■hall not have attained their 16tl birthday on or before the day se' for Uta registration in any snch pro rismation by the IVoaiiient or an] ■•eh ether public notice given by hin ar by hie discretion and all person, so registered shall he and remsii subject to draft into the force· her* by authorised unless exempted ο hxe τροΊ tharafroav ' ' * Th< Preaideot may at such iaUrvab w he may desire from time to tine re qulr· all mala pel sens who have at taiaed the age ef I· years sine· th< total casualties to date 15.1 »β I For iK· Wnk E.m4im§ Sui»4«y TV· ! Number Report·^ I» Given A· 1.430. Washington. Anjc. 4.--Army end j Marine corp· corualtie* reported from (»vf*«tii» djrinjc the week end inp -today îr.çrcueed 1„430 compared whh the week before. Total ('AKualtick reported *re ih.IRR, tnclu* din^ tuday'i ûrmy l»rt of ?43—»the InrreM number vet reported >n a sin Iflr «lay -and marine corp* list of two. While λη yet no ftirures on casual· tie· in the (mat. allied orfenntoo in which American troop· are playing m· ronaptcuoiiOy a part have been received, the increase in the daily army li*u undoubtedly i* due in pnrt lo thi* hirbtinf. The increase for the week was Ι,ΧΙΜ. Tbe marine corpr li*l» incrcaaed only 46 for aev en da>». In the 16,1)0 casualties; total • le»*.hs. including 291 men lost at era. men killed m action, dead of wound». rt»oncr* totaled <7, compared with 8. : . Λ,, «M»,. Τ». eludes thr aealhs of 28 office», the wounding of 31 others and one m ka il nc KEEP MILLION MEN IN TRAININC CAMPS Kansas City. Mo , Aug 6.—Paaa într through Kanaka City today on rouie to Leavenworth, Kan., Secre tary Baker iraued a statement in which he >atd It waa thr purpoae of the War Department to keep at least one million men in training is campa in the I'll ted States ao lonp as the war tlull last. IK· pliiccd the number of mco now training in the United State* at 1,300 UOtl. With referene# to hit ntonnsn· dation for ertenstion of tho draft aict Secretary Baker aatd it wea not the i.-.t· -.t'on of the War Department to invado the deferred elaaaiflcationa, }ddii« that with the extension of the draft w«. Γ las· 1 will provide all mer. nnenirjr Piafuasing the bat tle in the Aiine-Marne sector, Mr. Bakvr warned ajtalnit nveroptlmlsm. "We are only beginning," he uld. A PERFECT FRIEND. Λ friend who'· kind and true. In every trial of life; And treat* our a* a friend Indeed, Alone thi» world of atrife. Λ friand who'a alway» willing. To bright<-n wmtonc'i life; ο HI (ht- rood and nut th« bad. .·.· le-.tvjj every atrif· • ι iriend who'a m««r nelllafc. With friand» and fo·· aliko, .him with them the fraiu oi lifo. Along thi· w»rld οΓ atrif» Then. paa· the wouW-be-frienda of lifet .Vcuiuee they're gold treaouree, And they'll laat throughout the atrif β - LtLA I>. FA1RCI/OTH. WiN—" Hallo f Ur. Buayan? > a·? Cora· right away. Mr. Little hat another one of hi· «pall·." Doctor «uler> encloainjc ropy of ixcommpndatioi for their ion. Second Lieutenant I» ham Kulaud William· of Company C Seventh InTantry. The copy follow» "Company C. 7th Infantry "American E. P., 2Ath Juno 1013 "From Captain Ρ Η. Carter. '"To Commanding Officer 7th Infan try. "Subject: Recommendation for pn motion and D. 8. C. "1. I would report that Secont lieutenant Ldhatn R William» wai ronuniuionril a aeeoml Lieutenant it Regular Array Octobel 2«th, 1VI7, and haa aerted with thi 7th Infantry ainrr date uf coram)· «ion. and haa on two orruiona beef In coimaand of Company C, 7th la far. try. "2. From June I nth to Jane Z3r< Idle, ho occupied with hi· platoon ι v«ry important aactor of the Amert ran Une» )n the Bom dc Re M ou "3. Durinir that period he rur filed tho ulmMt bravery and iwmW judgment winnine the esteem and confidence of hia ram and fellow of· fteer*. ... VI» n.K»· »V1BCJ< 111 wmn he »as engaged after two thirds ol hi» platoon waa put otit of action b] Ihe enrmy's ntrliliw pin· and gra adri be confirmed hu advance srltt three men »mi personally a0«nce4 ■n enemy machin· fun "β. At all tint*· lieutenant Wil Llnma waa an example of courage ac' ya« could appréciai· what H« waa a woodarf«i aiaipU te Ml ■to «vary foment ι respwet of al lUie officers of tha _ imant and hi· man woold stick by We to the last." I.lentenact Wilhaax ia wait known graduate of the Uohranlt]|ef Nortl· Carolina, laiifht at Bingtaa'a Aahe villc, for three y fan prior to hi· ob· Lsining hi» law licenae, after whicl he was asanciatod at Donn, N. C. wit) Mr. R. L. Godwin. Tolanterinr foi serrice June. 1917. Three brothen are also in tho aerrice. . Too(h Lack. Hit wife hart followed him aero· to be a He4. To meet the growing demand fui Be·! Crew rd American j not abbrevia-j Κ *p edition ary American and in fil»ion and Ma; »ucc«tod thai i he written la t»fl tad. Lattan bava "Chick" KikU, Ralph Eoona arrival uvMafft.' the 3U4th Pipld Herbert B.! ρ rum u ted to » (Ka |K«· Na*jr aid la Ml Naval Trwlnlnn H. L M» writ»» I .II» traiain* toy ; •nocu.f» (ln« 6aanmt M tha 7th Aati I In Parte an Jnip 1 th# caWbratio dependence located Oat oSear.Jn| l#th hfutrr. et M· ia tha at tfca •t Krwport, Of ha but* *T. with Card· lut* been rKrtvtd announe idc the safe arrival overaocs of Set. Prentiaa M. Ezaall, Corp. Ralph J Parker, and Corp. Lewis W. Strick Und whu arc with the Ith and 12tb Anti-Airrraft Batteries. Jeaslo M Wilaon, who to atation erl at Fort CaawaU in· recently pro moted to a nrpiuL Bvrrt. Wilaon to popular with both the oflksen and mon and hto promotion waa merited. Word baa bom rwcKrcd that the 119th Infantry ara locatad in Rri lilura and arc brigaded with English troops Quite a number of onr boy·, are in thto raiment. The old Dunn Company (Ce. M.) to In this ram ment. Bart. Ceo. P. McKay with the 120 Aero 8quadron ha a recently enjoyed a ten day furlough In Scotland. He writea friends that wbtle ha had the opportunity ha riaitsd tbe country of hi* anceators. He mention» many into resting details of hto, and daserfh { os Edinburgh as oaa of tha moat | beautiful cities in the world. THESE COUNTIES TO MAKE SECOND DfclVE Three countio* >r\ to conduct their «rtnd-υρ War Saving· DtWc neict week, bftiiuln( Monday. A air out Sth Thc*o nrr Jarkaon, Union and Yai-| kin. The week following, Harnett, Jnknuen, Sampeon, Mitchell. Me OoWn and Haywood will port on thatr ■aeond or wlnd-tlp drive. It la ex pected that tbeao countiea. at a re mit of tM* wrand effort, will plodite their fall quota t oUie War Revinga Campaign. Soma of Uita* countiea are only a abort way from the toy, while other* are practically all the tray. To the latter ou* advice la to *»kk cloeely to the plan furnlahad by Stale Headquarter· and tee that no other bvstneaa la more Important or comae before tkie cell of the Got omment- . Make tke people realise that their Government hat called and that they are exported to help it aa willingly and promptly aa the hoy· when they are called to go "over the top" Into "No Maafc Land." Strang* thing* happe» Αι time pAMMt— l ittle hrowr jug"t Bow Uecd fer Mf>l*aeev — Mcmphta Ooramarctal Appeal Heated argument· do not »Heay* ! arlt* from the Area of ] 1 The American a*lt work· In ra ce* I year· have nppN*d all the aaH oaed la fhia ecantry. FAYETTEVLUE SOIL RfCHT FOR CAW CW. II ie Said. Will Start With Mlvlmun «I 30,000 Me a Fnyetioville, A ujr 3.—The anom al adaptability of the Mil of the Fay ettoville camp die (or the porpoae for which the National Government hx« teierted It it ahown by the con stant raina of tha proeent week Thouph U ban rained «very iky thli week th·· «arveyinjr p>n> on th« camp aite hat not Iwtn prevented from « orkinjt by the condition of tha toil on a atnjrlc day No work could be done Monday, but thia waa owning to Uw rmin ruielf. which can tinned throorhoot th« day, tad sot on ac count uf.the »oil Though on* ar mora raina have fallen every day the mrmbvrt of the turveyinc party have found that «Ithla a abert tine after rain hat actually ceaaed to fall tha aandy «ill hat abeorbed the wa ter t efficiently to allow work to con tinue. Accontinjr to Bjruree prepared by Secretary Π V. I). Kinjr, of the F»> etteviHe Chamber of Commerce, who know,. nor· about the Payetterfll* camp than any man ogttkle the War Department, the atlilltry ramp which the government will eltabliah here will start with a minima* of 10,000 men. or »ix brigade» while indication» are that arvixratione will be made to handle. owr.tual·»· t waive !ir««ilit. or •'•.'.OU'.' ■>«. Krnairr Hftnmuna wa> roc»»! ly 'n fonatd by Svretary IhUi that a ril-fcrifadi artillery camp would be l.or<.. Accoi din* i> Ur Kim; an artillery brigade contain» .ί,ΟΐΚ' mon. J" A replacement camp may alao be liMtail be re, in addition to the re*, itt arlSUary training camp.' tald Mr Kin*. -TU fart her been announced In Waahingtow that aboat ûftevn mil lion» al dollar· weald be tpoat In contraction work on the canto· MR Were, which la aboat fire miV lia· Bore than hat boon apent on any other caatonmfnt In the United fftatee" ΚΛ«||Ε* KILLED BY ' CUHi AC w Ce*WT. MUE*M kAY. hfrattavMc, Au*. 4.—Rom· i. Week·, promient farmer of Combar lud raiut), wu killed by the r xplo «ion of a »jn at M* bom· Λτβ milaa from KayettcviUr, at 7 o'clock U* muminK Owing le the circumetan co> em-rounding the happening it ii not known whether Mr. WHkl' death was th« malt of accident OT »alc!wcd. Tha load ^oa the g*n aoterrd tha lower left atdi of the fan and ranged apward. H il brother at <>occ atarud with the wounrivd man bat death occurred be fore Ute city wit reached. Mr. Wccfca waa an indiutrioua and hai-d working farmer. □· laara a wife and three ehBdrea. Ha wai a native of Clinton, where tha body will be taken for burial. The moil painful climbing of for lane1· ladder la done by the peopla who have been at the top and are coa pelted to rlkab down. DIES OF TYPHOID. Diutu Prom Fat·! ta aaty Τ mm β m la CwauMν No» KaJcijch, Aer I—Saletabanr m t community In fUmpion eoanty. ftora· il m- mpt i| wm organized a u model health reauaanlty. Λ part of *.hr work don» wm thi iotnranlxatinn <>t the penpia airain* typhoid. Ενβιν itic'lvidonl in Dm commonit] was »+»vn the anti typhoid traat ment ην on*. ■ nrcio. ThU rjmmir there ha· been oru cart· of the fever in the msnunit] and on» death. The victim va» Um ne^rro who refuaed tu lie vaccinated A recent iaaue of the CHntoi Democrat tell» the «troy. "A Ilrikintr avidanc· of tha atfee toalnem of typhoid vaccination :· (urr.iihcd by the death of a nttn at Salemtiurg I hit week. Whan Bain· bury wu organized aa a model coal· m unj'.j Ujj« aetfro alone of the a» tiro population failed to he vaccina tteJ fur typhoid and he U dead uf Um diaaaae, and U» only peraeo m|al|t« agaiaet Ac diaaaae, fo« them are only four caaaa la th< county, and Doctor HalBa^iwoeth h r-onrr «ntly prraalnf tha battle acafnai the peetileecc." The health work hi Salambant «al itukuiraratad on Miuch, SI, if u t>> Dr. (·. U Cooper. now director oi >bc bjrvau of medical Impaction oi «cnooU of th* rtate hoard of health. He en than aervia* aa tha ahato time health oOccr for Itaapeor cour ty Dunne that year tha work a in in»t typhoid fever waa opecialt] inUuuive and vary «ratifying ra ■uKi ware arhiettd. Death» (na typhild for the year totaled juat βν« in tha eeairv, and tha number ai pvople of Salaahart are now taking the protection offered BIRTHDAY PASTY. Λ birthday parly was given Man day afternoon at the baa* of Ml O. Warren, in honor of 8. F. Warrm Tho«r prMfdt wrr* : Mn Viryie Warren, the mother or S V- Warm, L. E. Newton, lant Erifenon and J «h TlarvfooC XlM Holder and It* thy lens Turner, « Fsyrttovllle. A wsurtnelon tent to Mrs. VircV Wsrrtn by a friend (A· near CÎn ton, whkh weighed 62 pound» wa tit vowed on this occasion. Besides · most dellelo·» diantr ici man and cake were served. A] Wt in the wee hoars of the nig)· lonirinr for another such tie», what all hearts will he joyous and hspp: as on this occasion. If all continu» to fo as It is fro in* now, one of these days a French: of the name of Kokc. Forii, Poach Kooch, Pooah or Fuash is Koine t pay s rtutt to the United States am ha is (coins to have the time of hi life.—Greensboro News. LAST NOTICE YOU MUST PAY NOW. All town tax, all street assessments and all side walk assessments must be paid at once, or collection will be made according to law. This, positively is my last notice. FAMINE IN PETROGMADt MOBS STORM TRAINS Petnrwl—Γιίη(η4 to ■ of dcttair tml Hir >Ur»»U— y month· ■ threete·!»* 1 torn — hung»r—mtrméj h·· «wti thnuaaad·. A (N*t Mitrttr f Mw t,OW.OOO >»H· MVtinrd •d Int« lha oaf· pud capita) of Pi ter tha Graat, know «bt It to b· without food and winter il coating , wKk >i— m «tore. Tk iwopU talk, ι thrjr form early in tfeo ! Act* te bey food. 'ncomlnf ttmiaa ia a for food twfH 1· fey L travollag toUiin. la hut ot wrory •hop window wkm (· *pkfll lonjtiiHtly |tW window ta porlcete fall nf Money presses in wroktac m m»d vajre* «η inrnmi^ b«l |er Ob kw| op with tke rfcfaw Tli·· Nmkj Γΐοιρο>1. »tke" •f Pctnami, h a »fcia r—|> dence of the city·» IntMMt la In tkfc mnb «f white hear οί the twenty «f it Iiu4 ttam on· end te with street Trad· nd chocolates ni Bt\U pancakes I ami iiftr guarded Wealtkr Mm «nain*· aad lived la | alo-i* the Ne biscuits in the Ktrnu te , liv.r« Tbeix ι allot· and cmii» at faMaaa priai· «" tWy. part rfUalh «et bread. Fleer Rdhklb There la a ι the seldisn' bakery. I^t'v&.iaafcne'"1 caKaryiaea ride la front of ry aad six aaller·. heavily ι PU' M hiyk oa the seek· One need aot be enprlaad M lady dieefd in silk· and satins, 0 a member Of the lumilii, ι will a biecuit am Ike corser, Jrt· et him ia any of Ika two thr.o foreign lei TIi.b one may buy newspapers frem Kn\hfsni> it· Γ reeks cents aad tflk hat end former army oond daily for the WvfMb. Hi bread i* black and haaij and ite i .i-rcdieaU cannot be HanHflid Bviu.t cannot be obtained I» the afco i·. In the liunw bar·· «ant, cabbage and «bat bread ia n> Tail .Ule la the principal diet for the ■a··. !ty. R*s>, better and aaflk are M«rh η price and eriianly inrn. Y· ml; an I acorn of >00 rah lee <»c. $100) a nadk wne ι an parr., vely apalenc·. New, aetord tor . > the beet eatbaalM armJIabl·, 5t *. ;« free Ι,ΰΟΟ to *,000 raWea ♦ -.·> to fl.MO- a month to main taln a family of three la aaytfcltMt lib· tomfert. Moat of tbe famHIn in I · t reyrad, e*an with nagea aoar hmt. lire fearer than Ι,Μ· reUaa (»Γ. ν ) month. Bet erea the Mai· thy <40ar k«x*r patter hecan— tran . ortatioa la crtpplid and the eKy la c» off tram the Uknine ha fit·· dpt.» -'««r and leper pride·!— tar rito.j. and froaa the naarhy PranWh and :ihlc eommmMm tat mi m- >:cd », (km ta tm »ta»lrta ι dr i.'KI, M tat «Mar Mi MM ly. ■ ο fool. Om hit vt.n kntd ««4 aM k»»f It ao 4er !ι .V m4 k«f. 0 II··» to mm tml *f.rt)r nUn (to). D · th· city (trafvh «I··»» -Wly nd M« It »t vr· t· »<·)< it Up., oHimi tf Hi ! bet. kwtMt" net! Leak at Ita C..JI