i % mme=ssm^ — - K___-_ distinct HONOR comes . , - TO A CltlZEN or DWip . tU6. HsIMsy EWctod Last Week *f Ik* l*wtk*ew * A distinct honor was baatowad up on 4kD. Holliday laat w**k whan he was atactod Prayidaat of the Saa tkaab BataU Merchants’ Confaranca Bap Ida, N. C., aacond riaa president; W. T. Dabney, aaeratary; H. R. Tar rail, Baeknar, Va.. aaaiatant aecretary Board af director*— N, T. Partly, Lawreseerille, Va.,; L. S. Bam, Mid lothian, Va; K. N. Bigg*. Lum barton' N. C-; Ely R. Callaway, La Gran**. Oa.; D. B. Campbell, Doawell, Va.; Oeorge L. Duran, Meigs, Oa.; E. T. Eataa, DaariDe. Va.; W. T. F mo man. Stony Creak, Va.; O. Frank Garber, Staunton. Va; R. L. Hadaway, Thom son, Oa.; W. P. Irwin, Lexington, Va. W. H. King, Greensboro, N. C; M. B leach, Grtenrflle, 8. C.; G. E. Mae aie, RICHMOND. Va.; A. P. May. Spring Hope, N. C.; W. S. Myrick, MUIedgerUla, On..; N. J. Parka. Parkaley, Va.; Rufus Bay, Bpray, N. C.; W. M. Backer, Patera burg, Va.; J. E. Spainhour, North Wilkraboro, N. C.; W. D. Stuart, RICHMOND.; Dudley Sydaor. Mannboro, Va., J. B. White, Weynmboro, Va.; L. P. WII kint, Sanford, N. C.; R. B. Sydnor, RICHMOND, Va. Tba attendance of the session to day was the smallest of tba confer ence. President Purdy called the masting to ardor and Introduced as tba Ant rpeakdr J. E. Bpainbour, North Wiikssboro, N. C., who, tn a short ■ litre—, strongly advocated In terior decoration and attractive win dow display aa attractive features for the merchant's place of business. MeD Holliday, the newly-elected presidents, made an Interesting talk advocating a closer relationship be tween merchants aad also between the retailer and the jobber and manu facturer. SM— elating Caah Seine. H. R Terrill, of Buckner, Ve.. was ob the program to disea— stimulating caah sal—. Ha strongly advocated caah transactions aa tar as possible, hut appouad. a double price, one for caah add one for credit. Ha admit ted that the cash customer would have aa advantage aad suggested that rebates ha made In merchandise aa cash sal— tickets. Mr. Tsrrtil told his experiences m a marehaat and mid ths credit of bh L. 8. Bam, disc—sing "Mooting Competition,” mid be endeavored to make his bustne— eo attractive the1 the ether fellow had to meet the teas petition. Like Mr. Terrill, be —Id “service" waa hie motto and to fhb •ervlee was dae his guinea J. M. Miller, presidml of the Tirol National Bonk, delivered an address aa "Trade Conditions, Present and Prmusettes." |9a —Id ho had jdul returned from a trip to North Cara Has and that ha ted aaver aa— 'ropa m promising — at preesnt. He mid the people should no! worry sheet conditions brought about by the war, hot study them and moat them — beat they eaa. 'He advoeated hard and seat!nooat work In dven Has of bmglu—. Mr. MUlar mid the cat ton and to *•••• dupe would produce men »e #0t*o1*™*IN AUTO • k ' HU Ul WU Wm la Co With Him to Stfoy. Smltiflold, If. C.. Aug. 21_J. D. Boyette. returniiamfrom bit farmthu raouding about tlBe nilra rut of Bwithfleld with ha Bull son, Worth, ha Ue car, »U atruck by paikacnger ttfatn No. 93 on the Atlantic Coast Bo .and instantly killed at a rrnra l4k a mil* north' of hare. Hia boy j tint pod to aafaty. He left a dtdaw. four children, four brother* nnd a aistor, Hr w*. a good man a oaaaiaient member of the Hbthodiat cblrck. The funeral yw be held tomorrow SUGAR AU-CtaTMENT IlfuC’ CHAJ1PSD, JP ; food AJW*btT*t^2^i luuan of Sgliabj ; C«ti6>tM mi . -V (Urn* Baxter A* Aagnt. ‘ Apg. 2*th—Tha Sugar at lottment far SapMo^ar will be the aama as it waatyf August two pouaf^ par parson par «pppi. iUbsUara jA >V at«ta wUl (r*eet»# the same tat totwent as they fear* for t|fts _ i DhrMfeL tf J>« os being engaged >■ large aadtadl Ml, of the September' kh. k is ox pea out by Sepleiufaa Poo announce the approaching mar ring* uf their daughter, Mia Annie Ihris Pou, to Thomas Anthony Wad den. of Madiaon. South Dakota. The ceremony will take place Thunidatl night, August 23, at the home of th: brida in Washington. A weddtua dinner will be gives by Representa tive and Mrs. James Campbell Can trilt of Kentucky. War time simpli city will be observed and there will be no invitations. Only announcement* will be sent out. The young coupla will take a wedding trip August 28th to Septem ber 3rd. spending their ahoneymnoo nt 9m,.MWid, N. C., the borne of lb’ bride's family.' Mr. Wadden is a University of Michigan graduate, and attended the Harvard Law School. Ha is connec ted with the Signal Corps in an im portant capacity. Thare will be on ly two maids of honor. Miaa Agnes Wadden, slater of the groom, and Miss Margaret Pou, sister of the bride. Mrs. Edwin Smith Pou will bo the dame of honor. Captain Edward McDonald, U. S A., of Chicago, will be beat man. Our futuro i* vitally linked with that of the Allied nations. money this year than svar before sod he thought the bUstnms prospects for the next year were the brightest Id the history of the South. Hr. Miller aaid this country could end would finance the war to a win n'ng "onclosioTi and doclared that r. the federal rsaervn bank system is the greatest monetary system in the world. Wee Id Pseal tee Charge Accounts Entertaining featuraa wero added to the program of the conference yesterday, Mias Virginia Stephens Careen, lyric soprano of Portsmouth, end Floyd Tocher, Jr., black-faced comedian, presenting several num bers at lbs evening meeting. Miaa Cassell her a beautiful voice and was given an enthusiastic rscaptlon. Bhc was accompanist! on tbo piano by Mrs. C. V. May hue, of Portsmouth Mr Tucker Is an old favorite. F. W. Roth, of Chicago, discussed "Modem Methods of Merchandising. | He suggested the adding ef 1 pet 'cent, to charge accounts in order U increase cash business and to ptaci the burden of carrying the aeeouri on the purchaser. He also suggested the charging of a Sat rate for dalle, ery to prevent the many dsliwr'n that are frequently made In on< heuae during lha day as a result si careless or thought!see ordering. Congressmen Montagus yesterday afternoon, in a brilliant address, else trifled bis *udtones in raeonntlni What the United States had dons and is doing hi the war. He told how tlu government was interested In bull mm* and haw It la now regulating Prices and controlling traffic in order! to Palp. DUNN CITIZENS INVERt ' IN GEORGIA PROPERTY. IilwMiltf Trip <• C«»nto ae TeM xOth r. Sb.ll. ft*. .. ; of July ■ while la RMimnnd. In fomphny wKh Rev. J. M. T>anlel, the writer Veiled to aee oer former county.man and friend of boyhood darya. Nr. J. R. -Pppehall, a man of irraat bueinee* affair*, who in the brad of many groat oniarprlaea. OncjMuld naturally thick^tkat he w'«P|i»rdly have time Ip divert hla m lru^ few momenta te old boy. jbnod dkflBfemind Warren county, and brln£M§appy remjiNmmpi thoa* dayerbot-he an jifljfl^gjvlal Mid really vtoe glad m HBMlRe fWl' In MUIlh, and garefek. euch :^J5?s55*“ : vSft'Att* 7th wa boarded the A. C L troMAouad for the Cracker State. "~~'~rW —|~I|M II '|1 en Ike trip hr om* fvaitdl Ootid b«.f3 — . erf phaaciV^ tki rrpt -WS? drived at 8.-wnp»«h about 11 t. mi. and immediately^pok a drive by eutP through i country aloe* the Natl«aaURbkyrap, a nice ihell redd for Ji) dlOeeTto oil •tot »tbp. dfaa.tope.ef *>t feUowhf My. J. I*. V ■OiMcrtalnJhent of ua wp^' then could ba-aaked Ity could not he •____ oak*, He. ma* ue Tear at — (ipeetfedi am ** l-roie. tbe<pH« af fee entire crowd thin 1 every raoMent of-epy He madd tome 1 year of cultivation. It nl simply sms ting to ace what could ha dona in ao short s tuna. In the afternoon ws drove over to the farm known as the Thompson place.” This plaea had the A C. L Railroad on one aids two aad one half mile* and tha 8. A L. on the other aide the lame distance. Both I have »tatio>4 on this place. Dot n law the (Inert cotton end corn that wa over saw any where, and made after a crop of potatoes. On soma of this land they mads as much as 100 barrels of potatoes to the sera. They Jay that they frequent ly make 400 bushels of sweet pota toes to an act a, and one pf our party seid that the cotton would make 7iro tbs lint to the acre an that par ticular Held. I hove never teen such faming Now what I am going to any seams like a fairy tale, but I have the proof If necessary. Wa saw in one posture 8,(100 sheep. In another 10,000 head of cattle, 4,000 bogs, 227 mules and I a few Horses. There are artesian | walla, and 10 large concrete silos. Have 400 acres in tobacco, 1,000 acres in long staple and 8ea Island "Qtton, 2,000 acres In com. 75 acres in cow psas besides numerous patch es nf cwrrt potatoes, water mellons, etc., ond lota of this cotton and com waa planted after Irish potatoes. There Is over 500 miles of wire fence up, and more ready on the ground to be put np. Than wv spent tha night with Friend Toekar, and next day boarded tha S. A. L train at Belfast, a Station on thia property (and by tha way they have 7 railroad Statons on this land) fur Townsend, On. a ride of only a few minutes. Here we mat another good fellow in Uie person of Mr. E. H. Thorpe, who with th* assistance of hi* charming wife made ©or stay there ** pleasant aa any one coaid with. In company with oai good friend Mr. Paschal I we drovi out shout S or o miles to look at the tobacco on th* place known aa the "Frank piece." Here we aaw a* Bn* tobacco aa grew* anywhere, and an fine a lot of timber, about 7 mil lion feet, where an axe had neroi been. This place ae Impreaaed the writer that he and Mr. Daniel bought an interest. We then returned U torkn end were noon wending our waj to Pine Harbor. To aay this was • pretty place U patting it mildly. II la simply beaatlfaL Here ea Um banks of the 8apolo rWti overlook lag the a**. Hand* the hotel of 1BC rooms a modem up-to-date building steam heatad, bath Id every room, ioi plant, and evarytbiag that' goes U make an idesd place. It la stmplj grand, theta all. Here you get al . the system. Bah, and game ef aver] i kind right at year door and (lap ell [mate I* unsurpassed any when.' Wt slept flue every night, while at hom* they were last abaeet suffocatin' with heat A ad they tell ana It winter they hardly aver have aay tee • mile or so frogs homo of the greet P. Lorrfllard. the Morgana king* of the wertd. in which a good daal waa the have of the Declare - and tha old worehip and lira Stock ■res of land hate, * president and In this great en down there will cen tkinga that la agricultural and and It will pay any for as sure as day to tha front Our good right along and Mor want for oya all kinds as his place is up toe tench t will stop for l the half has T. SHELL TO CONTINUE THE YOUTHS. —Plans for training corps Daring the hearing Dr. Mann re vealed that the war department is dis couraging the establishment of mlii tary coarse* by various college*. *‘We do not want th* school* to apt up a school requirement of military training," Dr. Mann told the com mittee, "but we want the thing ta come from the government. Enlist meat give* a reality to it and siasc they will hare real army oOceia It glres a map to It that the school can not get by any of its own require ment in the matter. "It become* a real war department matter, not a Khool requirement." Dr. Mann told the committee there are about 166,000 between IS and JP years of age now attending college* while of the 100,000 in the high school* about 100,000 are above lr /cars of ag«. CLEMENCEAU SAYS VICTORY If NEAR. Statement af What French Fra mine Said ta See star J. Ham Lewis. PerU, Aog tO.—It Is the belief of Premier Clemenceaa that a complete triumph will be won during the proa ent year by the arms of the Entente Allies and that the war will hare ended before another year has pass ed according to the understanding reached b ythe United ft talas Senator 3. Hamilton Ldwis, of Illinois, of re. markn of the Premier daring a leng thy convene*tieri with him. The gist of the conversation with th* consent of M. Clcmcnceau, has been given to the AnaneUted Pres* by Senator Uwb. Premier Clmnencaau paid high trtb utr to President Wilson as a con constructive leader an deadd be was greatly inrpremod with Secretary Ba ker m a man af great resoaieaa. Tha Premier declared that whan tha A meriean troopa arrived, uncertainty existed aa to whether they could bring Jtttelr undoubted eouarge Into action after having keen trained ta a life pf paaca. The Ant showing af tha American troops had aroaaed Trance with their bravery and aoldlerty per perfaction, be said. Tha Pramtar declared that the work of the American troops oa tha battlefield did more te terrorise Ger many than aay other thing the ene my haa met Ha mid Trance had every coaAdeaoe bow that this war »■ on the way to immediate victory Senator Lauia mid Premier CWm enceau gave him a meaaage to Preel dent Wilson Bad tha people of the United Status. ■ lot’s remember la this auger tghi that the motto of Toeh Is "Attack' and tha math ad of our hoys, "Tight long aa the Aghting Js good—and then some mure." So "Up and a! •emr* • r A, • 'MARRIED MEN AND THE NEW •DRAFT LAW. fiseretney Babes Hi'm ItolnuM la Reply Ta Latter Frta CMkau ' Ckajabarieie. WnMoiton, Any. 1*.—In answer to • latter from Chairman Chamber lain of the Renata Military Commit tee, asking whether It wai true that the War Department proposed * to rxempt married men as a class under the now man-power MU, Hocrelary Dakar today Informed tbs Senator that the existing regulations as to married am would continue in force. Senator Chamberlain had written to the Secretary saying if it was true that deferred cla*siIIration far mar ried men generally was rontamplated many Bvaaten would oppose lower ing thv present draft eg* to 18 yean. “The present wins linn.” Mr. Ba ker replied, ‘"with regard to married men In clam on* ta that, tear claesea of married m*n tee included within the limit* of that clam: First mar ried men who do not support th'ir wives nr families; second, marrv.-d men whose wives support them; third; married men whiles wives have adequate Independent -runr. fourth married men engaged in useless oc cupations, and who are sot the asain or principal support of their families. "There la no intention to change this situation. **)n cotulraiag the re relations with regard to dependency of wives and children financially dependency has been looked upon as the rwason for deferred classification. This will continue to be the rase. l am told thst In nnnae parts of the country there ja an obnormal increase la the rata of marriages which suggests the possibility of a demim to use mamaare as a. h»»’t for a claim of exemption. Marriag es to contracted will not have the ef fect desired. The status of regis :rants married at a time and under conditions suggesting any such pur pose will he tlml of unmarried per eons so far ax their classifications is concerned.” USING THE OLD NEWSFAFERS. . ryipHh W.«^*h fewewife.) vantage Always have a pile in the kitchen to part vegetables and fruit! on. lee k?*pa a long time wrepnrd in paper. To eave matches have a stand of Jimp]Ighten on the (as stove. When getting ready to sweep carpet* and mattings (acme of os have carpets) dip paper in srater, tear in shreds and strew over the Boon especially in the roman. Dost will cling to paper instead of all over the room Take two or three thicknesses of. newspapers aad make bags by stiteb log on machine. Pack away the summer and winter hats and other light article Stitch across the top of sewing in a book of tapo at Ur same to hang up. Old aewspnpen can be used In the chicken lot. Pold two or three end e«v-r the droppings and floors of chicken coops. Everyday or two tAe up paper and bum on compost pile. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Stephenson, who has been visiting relatives in Sampeon County, passed through town Monday on way to their home hi Durham. SPECIAL FIELD DAT FOR THE CHILDREN. To bo HoM Early to T.pk— bor lo tbo Erwte Pork ot Duka. Duh* Aag. II.—The Erwin Park Comai I—ion ha— announced a pee ial flclrl day far children and— it tMfi years ef age. Tha exercises will take pla— In tha play gnaade of tha park early la September. Tka demand tor such an ——in ca—a from the children who —w tka a—T rime on the fourth ot July, wMeh ware participated in only by tka larg— boy* aad man Since that ttae tha boy* and girl* hare bean b—T or ary **—tag learning and practicing field day MM. The park COM-Males became interested In tkair ploy and have aided tha— young athlete* in their practice and have offered ta put aa tha apodal Seld day for them. Prime* will ha •iffrrad and boy* and girt* wU] both partidpato. Tka park haa bean used a groat deal thio year. In oddhian ta tha already well equipped play groan* naay —Uar attraction ha— boon mlded. It la lmdeod -freaking In full of littJo folk* pU^uTU-f^ jump lag the rape, high jump, broad jump, racing aad neteg tho vario— hit#— for tkair —rm—mi XW older people watch the— little folk* with much interest. Probably the moat attractive ad' dition far the year bi boon the Ihowar bath*, which war* iaatallad early la the summer They a— open at four o’clock is the afteraooa for tho town people aad kept opaa until ton at night — thnt tb* work, mr people may ha— tha a— of thorn. »o charge la made !or the use of tha baths when the bather brings map and towel aad only a vary small Charge is mad* if tha pork fwnUne tha— article*. Especially attract*— ha— ha th* Sowars in hods scattered at vs. rib— places making tha park beau tiful. Attracting a vast dual of at tartioa arc tha bod* of *«ig *»-rr bort Cana— nod tha two bods mt Ste al- at tho death Boat mtiugsa. The ni—minim k already piaster far ihbUhlMMnMMt ■nvr* UHBUIttJ MIX SVUMMT. V The tennis player* an nJejHai the court and amngamacta tea* been perfected to seue have a r* and necessary apparatus for basket bell and volley baJL Dirinf Ike lunut w.it. the eburehee of the town have -“n| and have had onion atrvicsu la tha park each Sunday Bight. Thaau eer viees have proven very attractive and kava been wuU attended. ENGLAND GRAIN CROP BIGGEST since ia«a r i.onden, Aug. —England'a grain crop thin year ‘will be tbe blggeet alnca ISM. Sir Charts* Fielding, di rector general *f feed, predactioo. inform* the Dally Mail. Several thousand soldiers are working OB farms and other harvesters include school boys, uodergraduoUs, boy scoots, village and collage wmmm nnd girls of tha land army Belgian aad Serbian refugee! and German prisoners. City darks are epeerHwg their vacations on (arum. Mrs James Farthing, who bus bate visiting Prof, and lira Gray at Statesville, returned borne Thursday. LAST NOTICE YOU MUST PAY NOW. All town tax, all street assessments and all side walk assessments must be paid at once, or collection will be made according to law. . This, positively is my last notice. H. A. PARKER, Clerk. v MXUT YOUNG WHTU OF THINGS IN riANCB Tha Dispatch, Dm, M. 0 Id* aght wm a tad aght far bm. Chalk bursting al amid aad tha daiafai Bound of a ta wero ylaaa orsrhead wtto hia ditty horn ha iioMdac aawtoaaaKy wm aMdr.tr loo Back far Ma ta dag thraagh. ThU k aa ray agkt i.iainain “onr beta" kmw, ta wm moro ■cthra than ostial last aght, aad eaa MOMallr 1 wm ap at aght, todnh la* what tha moat of as always thiak. "Ha Is saro ta pat m next." U is aastass (aad I aght add Ms Pstable) for aa ta area try to do s Baa k flying ra ttaa g *p dead hoars of too aght. Yoa are perfect ly helpless; If ywa mom has ylac to plaaa yoa ate liable ta raa rght Iota kta or at laaot tha vary spot whore Ids dirty beak k going ta drop Ali yen aaa do la joat tot atfl and hop* tor tha boat, aod lack&y ahi haa bran that so far (hare’s taping) I want to stoop this aflarnoM o hoittT.OOP.M-, trying to Mho at tor loat dorp too aght talon, aad ■leap I did. I didn't swataa antU 12 JO A IL, aad whoa l eaaw Is oar taer, (so-caUsd) Mach to mg sur prise and d sight I found a "Dunn Dispatch," dated Jana *7 aaataag ao. Althoagh a Mouth old to dads * wm acatted aad twad thao Md to Dana ■ fact a whole • • *M") aad t bay M lay other town could •ad faithamara it to a •ay town aught to ta After reading your 17th I wm praMptad his latter aad lion and at tha tilt p<opli •1 _ _ _ | work they am dc I sms htttoh1' ^ id'* tha tolaag la hath tha Wow- I mult. I haa I M, 111 1UW IWWP— fared of. and that to mom of «ho . toil people under tho globe. It fa , my to mo that tho fa Uefag ap to tla Slogan fa adopted MM roam fan —••Dodo—Tho Uooot Town TJn- > far Tho Baa.’’ aad tot ton a Jaot right to ho poo ad of IL h rttelai "otar boro” had to paM thraagh ton (If) fahreit Btetoo. aad oao Dktrfat, fa Mace loading I two been in three (g) Foniffl reootilM. ind I am frank to hagtag that yaa ' tre living to tba BUT Ooaotry, to Ike world, tho ICR State to the Dn on aad oaa of too BEIT Towao * In tho State. . » Wo (too Dana hoyo) atwoya aaad whS into root tho DfapotrK toa aowa •hont Daaa aad tto people. aad the aoric yaa paapta ana defag bath toon la equally oo groat (to oaa aoaoo) u are doing "over hero.”—1EKP IT UP. fat to kaow that tho peo ple at hoMO tre Mnndtog book of M, “ I'oa are datog. betpa aendwfoUy, end yoa nuy real namid that aacb DUKN boy win do Ua fan (aad ma. ’to neore) before thto groat etrug |le is over. , Ourt fa a rnoBamifal ooaotry, tba bn.%e*t to a teat bat aaabnaad aad demoralised by tfaa changes. Wo (th America ne) are over bare to oao thi ibiag through aad mik what I tali you tba old U. S. A. fa a at only got c to do bar share to thto groat etr-. flsfa. bat fa going to land too blo\, that wfU oaaao the EAIBEB rnui / rortlMO nights and wake tho werid tafa for Dwanrracy. Ail of too boyn aro getting along Ser, la gsod‘health. aad high epiriu. Of coarse aa ore all laoea or law hem sick bat at too asset ttnaa era ■ iw what we "are boro for aad I v.oold likt to rtbk Oft of my «*P * ittctt to tbo nine Ilf (ft Irg tbt RUNS)’ MHbw* port »sM o’clock A. H., oad btaMtt It ■Ir'il oat patt tbo ototoo, to I oat gale*? to atop now-tad tty ototo moo rtetj' V/ lb bart wioboo to tbo Diapotcb . tad _<« good poopto of Doss, I go, MI TOUNa. "Sr.-i-whora ta Tito to. - ’ Stv jay inly Mb lilt. CUU AKU SAUCE. (Inly o loMgb V vS tppfaa tboroogbbf pod rat So,,r ^oJnSortr^tytoTM** "to boll *• ,ftb aootgb water to baap’ooat a p tote rtar, AS tbo good Stoop ood -'Wlabtag yapttwto wll bo ra tal** A tod If Mo tpplto ott tod tbo M v lb wappta tyrop tod Stoop whit , ort.gr w Iwm M. - - Tbr-a h ao oaodtloa o« tbo Srbte loo. _, • i • d * l 'S Jk

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