THE DUNN DISPATCH. ** !>■■■. M. C. aster tee act ef April let, 1*14. at ten pool oteen March 1. 111*. Oao pear____*1.00 L BUSBEE POPE. PoMiihan t - - - IP TOU Ml AM AMUUCAN CTT1. ON TOC MUST HELP. If poo are aa A—ri— china you arc by Aaty baaed to help trie the yoo ttrn or what poor work in, if jm enjoy tea pm toe ilea aad fTCodona of Helm and woridhf under the Ameri on tec. It is pear patriotic daty to defend it la the boar of iaaalt, and mom .to Ha eon is tho time of Bead. That can baa coma .OM Glory mart ho Aofoadod. The Liberty of Ameri ca io at atabo. Uncle tern in debt hf to protect k aad ban called for help. Tea an anted ta Mad blan all the moacy that yon can am and aparo that ha may harc chip*, (runs tho enemy tercuch euporior ntrenctfc. Ha often to take poor money aa a kaa aad pop you four par coat com pound interact at tho cad of four and a half yuan, cad at the name time rctaia to yew the principal. IhnllH ran da thin! nan fieeftei i and ask. la Ha good investment'’ To* ahoaU ba drive* ott of tUi country H yo* did not do H. Yon ■bamld do H willingly and gladly, even if yo* taw receive a cent of Intar cat. To* dbeaM da U beta as* you Eva bi fra* America and anjay non end) right! Man any people on earth. If yo* Brad ia Oermaay you would da H. To* would net only tend your to*ay hut moat likely H would be take* from yoa la the form of war taaaa, and certainly yoa would tv coira ao Hjtoreet for Ha uae. Thia week every citizen of thia eooaty ia gaheg to hear tha War-eall of Mb (IranmM. Ba b go lag ta ba a abed ta land fate money by pledg ing to boy all th* War Soriagi Blampa ha caa pay far daring the re main dir af th* year. Tha* weak tv my citiaen ia to make a record far bbaaalf aad poatarlty whick will •bow now and In tho yuan ta cam* *M ba did to support bis Govern aran whan it epUad hi distress. TMt racord ia to ho Mod in tho Stata’i •rrhhjm aad win baaama tmdiapaitad Wlmt Mad of a raeod are yon will ing far years to ba? Of coon* yao Md P record t# which yoocaa point * . fba» I dM It and now I am mthfiad.” On the other bated, if yao do not da yior Int, 11 yao da aot buy yeor ■teit ad War barings Stamp*, the rs aaad yum make wffl net represent yam fairly aad yaa wS not be ** ti ded with it hi the yuan ta coma. After the war is over, you win feel name of that baa* aatiefactfcm which aoaaaa from doing ana's fog duty ouon ta tha point af aacrttea. Noth ing bat tha bast ea the part af every is a qnaatiea of this war, will aatiaf y in tho yean to coma. Anything else wflha tea eaeaO. W k *d*l la caneider wo* thTra! «wd ho dM mnha ia tha War flav "Mga Drive this week. Nothing bat the hart racord from every citizen •* moke the county go “ever tho tap.** aad wo mart nut atop abort of thrt. THE “HOGAN GANG” HAS '_MORE VISITORS. Dm* Editor: TWe Mac My fan mn of the “Hoc** Gear” left at r®rt CasweH. MgLac. Wanaa. Cpis. R. Wade, H. C baa. aad myself. era meat let the Dispatch aad Ha readen know that "" *"** M"»dar oar kaarte were made few ef the peed peepte^of Dara.'kfr twe W**T*n> ud their •Mjr earns, aad we aaeat admit that ewj at al Tea i yea i 35 . 222 it-wa Jk e V r* r Ak Mi MV m • f ‘ • V * gftai M- T. You*. They wore bound ovor to the Federal court under fzoo bond each. LEGUME PLANTS. Pauota, red clorer. crimson clover, bar tlovcr white clover, alfalfa aad I” among the important Legume bacteria will thrive upon the roots of these plants If the soli is not overcharged with destructive forms of bacteria. I-*street, re forma of bacteria In habit coib that contain form* of arid obtained from the sour forma af hu 1 Carbonates aad alkali applied to sells eradicate destructive forms of h"*t«ris. This is why calcium car bonate (lime) is applied to soils to destroy harmful forms of bacteria. Most soils that ars free from harm jfal forme of bacteria will grow lo ramo plants. Each legume plant carries its own kind of bacteria. These becteria arc bred In labors tone* ami roil*. An inoculated toil menus a soil that contains lofonc bacteria that will form a nodule on the root of a legume plaat. Them legnmo plants arc said, to increase tbs ft rtility of soils. Th* .preeeee of increasing ths fertility of , « cimM preparation that removes the catarr ;hal mucus from the intestinal tract i a*d allay* the inflammetioa which ' emuees practically all stomach liver ; and Intestinal ailments, Including ap pendicitis. One doss will convince or money refunded,—Hood A Graa jtbam and druggists everywhere THE NEW CALOMEL IS HARM LESS AND DELIGHTFUL. AH S tehee leg end Deegerees Qaall quinine—now comes aausealsas calo mel. a new variety known as Calotaha thot in wholly delightful hi effect, yet bmtc effective than the old atyle eal , aaaal as a system portlier and brer ' rfsanaav Yffttr doctor prefers calomel abort an other medklneo aa it la tfee boot and onhr onro remedy for bfliooaaeaa, indiaoetion and conatipteloo. Now tbat calooMl a deHebtfol U taka, or orybody la aaklnc for the new variety Colotafco. One tablet at bedtime, a rwallow of water—that'* all No aaoara. no griping, no dancer. Moat teomln# yoa wafco ay feelint Sne, jrwar Nv« almaaad, year eyetoea purl *•* S** yoa pleoee— no re te fiction w C J /'t uj time. < J. F. BrjDie. Dann, N. C, I BELOW QOST 'FOR THE NEXT ! few day* «ft srill soil all Voile i dreeaea and shite wash skirts < We are! 'offering real bargains < Com# In aad see them. Johnson « Brothers. , ~ ---—/-I SLIPPERS ANG'hlCH MOOTS IN I high aa dhnyhsel* at prloaa that * wlU PU.mI GOI-DBTEIN’B i Dim’i Beir Store , 1 AND RUBBER a oa* good farm • on tins*. R. g. f « wanted—to rent house t with four or Reo rooms, aqatpyad a wKh all modarii ronvaaleaeo*. a Adraaa Boat ITT. Dunn, N. 0. h -. h FO« SALE—HOUSEHOLD AND a Utehoa f urn Maw* eeaalattag of bed tl Hoai salts, piaae. table*, ate. t~ * aM at eaae. W. O. Neillagewnrth, tl Dmw. N. C. II ----- h •ON SALE—PURE REED DU ROC y dwwp ytgs, three moths *M. ■ Flit IIIW Brasil lee, Doaa, at death claims a mother. On Thursday morning Aug. #th. •is. just at the tan began to tend U beautiful ray* above the eastern ianka. Lea’s Chapel community re vived n message that caused a great low ef sadness to the entire corn sonKy. Ood had tent hit Messenger ut with death't great chariot to lain Hie own end sister Margaret rodwin answered the call and waa on ducted by the angel* from an arthly home serose the dark JUrar f Death Into the realms ef glory to pend eternity with Ood end his an ise Her tlckneae being only one night, U was done by physicians, a Wring ■naily end a heat of friends that Mild he done to May the cold land t death. But He that knows beet >w St in Hi* wisdom to taka her rem an earthly see to a spiritual na. Sister Margaret eonaeerated •reelf to the service ef the Lord i bor girlhood days wK Mbs church t Los’s Chapel aad lived a coneist at member until death. She Wved rr ehnreh because she waa found in •e place when possible, when there as any service the eeuld render |n w upbuilding ef Christ's kingdom ' earth. Standing at the grave ef >w noble woman, a mental picture astro tin* her BasehMl Hfe loomed 'fore an. Aad what a beautiful •bare H wmal Methdag la evtemsl j ■tags eaa begin to eompare with «b a picture. If the picture of one life is more beautiful to contem plate than another the most hint! ful Ufa,—the moat beaotifal picture hi all the world, la that of a faithful, loving mother. Thao lister Mar garet, no truer ever Mved. Aa wa •tood at her grave, we thought net of the withered form of Hash that bad served only aa a tenement for a great eoul daring the space of 4f r»*r», but we thought of Use eool that has teen trials and tribulations sad bereavements, aa wall as Joy and peace and happiness, hat amidst It all whatever the scene—whether the clouds of sorrow mod despair hovered around her, sufficient to overcome the leas strong, ar whether Urn rays of the sunshine of pence beamed in upon her seal, aha waa the same, lov able, noble woman. Thus la her Ufa God's image was Portrayed. And thh Is only eoa of the shades of the picture of her life, so beautiful to ceateaplate. Other shades, space will sat permit as hare to portray. At a yeang age la the year 1114 the waa Joined in marriage to Mr. W. D. Oedwin, end la this home it waa i pleasure to visit wife and husband iatag all that could ha dona for aw loyment and by the grant circle of rrianda they sends. H proved their abort wore not In vain. Aa a cheer ’ll Wring neighbor, there ware sows that saald compete with bar. Slater Margaret was Iks "man of the late Marshal WinWord who /•art ago wai wall known is Ramp •on. ' < * She learn to mourn their low a lovint hue bend, eight beautiful cbil -— * . i INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE LOANS.' Dunn Insurance & Realty Ga.— •___:_ The Woman’s Tonic Ml look bar boUks,'*__ _ ^" BLACKSMITH SHOP ~T“ .. I have opened a Blacksmith Shop just back or my store. HORSE AND MULE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. John Surles, a man of 20 years' experience, does my shoeing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. L. P. SURLES Dunn, North Carolina __ $ j VIM AND VIGOR— WORTH A FORTUNE ALONE BOTH ARE YOURS IF YOU TAKE A1.UNL , M A N T O N E (s Kir.g of Reconstructive Tonics. Builds up the Nerves, and Sexual System—Produces nch, Red Blood—-A Builder-up of the entire body. ., MAKHffi YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER.” For Men and Women. Full Treatment—No Benefit No Cost. One Dollar—All Druggists u ANNOUNCEMENT. M Fabrikant. the JUNK DEALER, Wishes to inform the people of Dunn and vicinity that he is in town again and BUYS every thing in the JUNK LINE. ' i