.v& * VOL. V '- I_kINDUNN yielded to the local organization Only a Few Cases Hare Been Reported This Week and the Malady Seems to be Under Control CITIZENS OF DUNN HAVE DONE SOME VALIANT WORK OriuiuUra C—or*'*<'o= U Tk«ir W«k. SC— Nebly Ase sated by the Ministers ef the City and a Nam bar Weasea Who Acted ae Nerses, Dua to the complete organiaatioi °f th« town about 10 daya ago, tbi epidemic of Spanish Inftuenaa, whicl *• still raging throughout the country Is now under control In Dunn an4 only n few new cases have been re ported this week. A number art still ill, however, and a four cases of pneu monia are being reported, but the ganeiwl situation Is much better »nP-a) for food for the akk. Th. soup kitchen has been In charge Mrs. WiIHam Thompson, Mias Gladys Y°ung, Mias Will Cooper, Vn Kelly *nd Mrs. g. Jd. Jeffreys. They havo h*d a number of assistants, however, ™»hy of the other women of the town voluntoertng their services. The Finance Committee it compos ed of E. F. Young, J. C. Clifford G- M Tilghman and J. L. Wade Right much expense has been attach ed to the organisation and additional fund* are needed to carry on the work. Contribution* sr« solicited and ncoded and should be cheerfully met by our cltitenahip. Th* members of the local Red Cross have taken an active part in this work and have made sheets sad jrarmenu tu bo used in the hospital and elsewhere. A number of them liavs worked day and night that the doctors and nurses might Kara thee* necessary garment# when needed. The number of people in town who have been ill from this malady, and Who Hava received calls and —tirt nnce from thoto who havo brvn for tunate enough to remain wall, win ■ever forget those who came into their presence Practically isolated Jrom friends and neighbors, on an BafijgS&EB ^ arise abort the crowd and meet the emergency face to face. Unices this was true the suffering of humanity could not be estimated. Epidemics and war bring to the surface true men and true women, the kind that bolds ci vilisation Intact, Dunn has its quota of these and they are now esoerting themselves. STATISTICS ON THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Increased Retell Prices Of Feed, As Gieea eat by Leber DepartsseaL Washington, Oct. 10.—Retail pric es of food increased 4 per cent from August 16 to September 16; 14 per cent from September, 1017, to Sep tember, Iff 18, end 72 per cent from ms; leather, 1912, to September, 1*19, ' be Bureau of Labor Statistics an r.onnocd today. The increases arms lirtermined from reports by ratal dealers on 28 articles of food. Only two artldoa showed a de create for the period between Aug. 16 end September 16, onions dropp ing t per cent and beats 1 per cent Butter, eggs, pork (hope, and ham showed the greatest Increases. Sir. loin steak, rib roaM and chock roast incraased leas than flee tenths of one per coat. I-amb, bread, flour and pota toes show no change in price. CHIEF OF POLICE OP FAYETTR VILLLE FLU VICTIM. Fayetteville, Oct II,—Cept Char les A. Davis, chief of police of this city, died at hla home Last night aa the result of a week's Illness of pneu monia which followed an attack of mAoensa. Captain Do via had boon a member of the Fayetteville police force for ten yearn. After a long end excellent record aa roundsman he wae promoted successively to ns ■iotent ehlef, and chief of the fores. He leaves a wife and yooag son. Charles, aa wall an hla father. John H. Davie, ef this city, and a sister, Mrs. Floirie Parker, «f Bunn Level, Marr.stt county The fstenl wae conducted at II o'clock this morning from the residence by Bar. Joel B. Bynder. THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC BREAKS UP M. E. CONFERENCE Charlotte, N. C.. Oct. It—-The annual conference of the M. E. Church Booth, Weterra North Coro Una District, which was to convene at Monroe, N. C-, on November Itk, woo postponed Indefinitely la a called session of proeldtng oldom of the dis trict hors today because of the InBo ensa situation In the district. Bis hop Darlington of West Virginia pre sided ot the meeting. The food problem Is e perpetual challenge to the MeaHw and busi ness efficiency of America keep clean, get plenty PRE3H AIR. I Carafe and Avoid Draft. assd Over *I>1- Kacapa Reverse ef Fla. Washington, Oct 20. BUU exacu t,v* committees, county repreaonta Liv** °* Die volunteer medical eorv Ice corps of the Council of National Defense were urged today by Dr. E. P. Davis, preaidant of the corps, to cooperate fully with local. State end national boards of health In flatting the Spanish influenza epidemic.Tbey were advtaad particularly not to do •urgical operation! unless absolutely to save hie The representative wars asked to impress upon people the neceesity for cleanliness, the Importance of fresh air, the avoidance of chill and over bent and to gargle and apruy the noee mid throat with on alkalio« antlaep- i tic Hold frequently. 1 Doctors also were urged to give no | medicine end use no treatment which 1 I may depress the vita] foreaa, eepecl •iip »ha heart of the patient. The Spanish influenza epidemic in Washington apparently has paaeed Its « peak. New caees reported today f were 705 compared with 835 yester day. and deaths were 54 against M i( the day befora. The total deaths la ir Washington from influents and pnau- ' monia now la 1,087. THE INFLUENZA SITUATION IN DUNN. ' Although this unwelcome visitor .] hat been In our midst for three or . more weeks we now think this scourge hat abated in a great measure end wo confidently hope it w01 soon en- C, irrely past from our community. -| In tone instances lovod once have n been taken from our homes but wc v -huutd feel profoundly grateful tka'. ij Jie type of tho disease here has not teen malignant and that we have not , J differed as severely aa many other vis can p We would be very remiss in our *j tutor If we fall at this time to appre- 1 dtta*?Re Is. N>iHt «g balpfutoaaq ^ W« cannot undertaka to exprom oar thanks to tha many who have worked w eameetly and faithfully day by day; but we do feel that speei tl thanks are doe Miner* Will Cooper ind Gladys Young who established he Soup Kitchen and to Ur. E. OoUl»toin for his untiring labor in ■ringing things to pnaa To ,Mr. >*cD. Holliday for allow.rc the Re ief Workers to Imtpawi on the tid iness of his furniture store we offer •nr good wishes. Let us be cheerful and hope for the best! J. B. MARTIN", Chairman Relief Committee. NFLUENZA SHOWS SIGNS OF ABATING Mo Beats Found For Reports That Germ Spread Through Enemy Agents. Washington. Oct. 23.—Continued rapmveiuent in the Influents aitua ion In army camp* and In a number *f State* was shown by reports re eived today by the Surgeon Ceneral >f the army and the Public Health Service, Now cases in army camps totalled only 2,733, with 127 death*, fhe disease now ia epidemic at only hree camps, Lewis, Washington; Mc llellan, Alabama, and Kearney, Cali fornia,. States where the number of new -.sees reported show a decrease in clude North Carolina, Oklahoma, iouth Carolina and Tenneeaco. , Report* toot the Influent* germ n*T l»«vo boon brought to tho United dates and spread by enemy agrnta, -.oeeibly landed on American ahorrr :om submarine*, bar# been invoeli “tsd by govamment agent r, but no >ooi* for thorn has been found. In •ttignlions of several government departments declared today that they 'rare convinced, aftar an inquiry, ■ '■ at the disease rrns brought to this v on try through the natural el.snnelt nf affected somin, • ■ velcro or ire • mrta and not by malicious methods. Gotag •* Heiag Hedies of Aasarteaa Soldier* Boas* After The War. With the American Northwest of Vardan, Oct. *t.—(Ry tha Aaaoctatod Pro**)—All tho American dead in Fraoc* will bo taken hois* »f»T tho war, according to ordars roc*Wed by tho army chaplains. The grave reg i*tration bureau baa been working with thie la view, but nothing deftnlt* regarding tha future dispo sition of the dead was known hare un til Inatroctioaa cam* to tha chaplains frogs Washington. Or. TaK Butler, Editor if tho Pro rraaoiv# farmer, Memphis, Toun., and noted livestock export, has boon aaenrad to deliver sn sddroo* at tha Charlotte Lhraatock Mooting on Doe, 11th. Safe food reserve* an* the only insurance against food -**-‘-jr PRESIDENT Has Submitted t* ( tammy’t Plan *U-ITA*Y'T0D Wku. c with I Washington, dent Wilson I German pie#' and peace the same Berlin that armistice that would for Germany das. WWle urlher wl liorllias in . dent has given ing: fe "If it (t&e-* nust deal masters a#d •rats of e likely to _ hem later la' ernaUonal German nand, no| _ >ut surrender. rained by-lea1 hing unsaid. Tb« ranted that tf-' rffect tipis* German * md allied f they deem »ueh'-**> Mm letter po*. ,lbtr from • military paint of via*, ■o robmit such tartan aa wilt fully iruletl the lr.tarwg-df ths peepu in reived and hr ury t» tbs eased •» led yevsrnmsnta ths Mtiat ill tail yntr o enforce prana ♦ ths condltiOi k •• < rptsd. a Ths President keys he feels he tan >ot ilreline.i* take VP the qaeit'^n f an armistiee, (a^tog recei'- d •olcmn end riplieit'apeuraDcea nf ih< German t ovsrnm>-m. that it ass ip* ht terms of "a«f ennneiated ly lira. that the to disease their ippliceL or .• om-i Efrons minis'i a peeking for an ofaruhelasiBg me iority of the lirrmeitywpb, end the* he German aimed fanes will observe hr humane rules ofjpivDlsed warfare n land end as*. H» ignores entirety he Herman proteeW And denials in response to Us statement that an .rmlstlcc could not'-'be considered vhUe the German spay and navy ontlnned their atrewtioa. No Time Po* Ml Weeds. As to the authority of the new pokesmen of the Gagman people, h* speaks, ae the note^wys, “without any attempt to eefteo What may seam la rah words,” and tdW the men with whom he Is dealing e^l through them im German people, why such extra ordinary safeguards M be demand d before hostilities Wm eeaee. Significant end t«#ortant ae the jropoMd eonsniauonw cnnngoa ma o be, he declares. It not appear hat ths principle o5« government esponaible to the Qea^eao people kse ret been worked osV and It ia avt Icnl that the people no means if commanding the a®qd1csc«mee ef .be military anthoritiM He reminds hr Germans that th* Power of the ring of Praaaie (ths-taWr) to con trol the policy ef thf •mptre la as repaired, and aaaafpstoa with the earning that if this >“wei la to bo Icalt.wlth tha United States and the allies can demand nothing bat sar render 4 As the note was dispatched, Beers Ury Tam ah y, at then-White Renee, tsve emphasis to the MWirsnce given by all members of We government hat no I nUrroption ef the military program la con tamp imed by making psblic eorraapondeaee’NtseWsa Beera tary Baber and PrdBdent Wlhon chewing that mere *.000,000 American soldiers have embarked for Abe war ova rasas. Ths ton per mat Increase la wheal acreage naked for by the Agrlectto ral Bate Baton Service ff now ia Hghl ■tatae Director B. W.’ CHIgora. II ovary far to brand the term In tBlP. tihe BUS aUl go over the bap tofhla riiynt. whiskey wrfHotrr standing AS DRUG. D' »■»* H-Jd. WUb Nodioal So •tetlas la harworiao !**<■>rUa, BapMted Inquiries have com* to »ho State Board of Hatatb with ra Ord to tha am of whiskey Id influoa aa caeca, alon* with request* that arhialrar ha f mkM. Antwerp •u<* a raqaaat Dr. W S «■»«■■, State i'raltfc Officer, haa staled tfca peti tion cf Use State Biv.i of Health aa fol owe: * ‘ iteplyinp to year ulacram of Crtabar IS, aiHri la in aU wqurti ■imi.ar to thirty o. forty raquoot* for I* • *b-y that k imooat of eonfao iom. apparently, aa to tha potitioa of th* North Carohaa State Board of Health a* • procurer, aad dtetribotor ef liquor, I wteh to aay that with ro ^*t to tho thorapoatl* rate* of •htskey wo hold wkh the best aathcr ittes on th* actioa of drops, and in conformity with roaalottena by State Nodical Society aad r»s ol utica* adopted by tfca American Nodical Amociatioo in Iona. mf. thoaa resolution*. rtatinp th* aatea tifle ataadinp of whiskey as a druc, aad the attitude of medical author!- . tte* as to Its therapeutic seas, art aa follows: “ 'Wharooo. wo belter* teat tba oar »f alcohol aa a boearapo is detrimen tal to the human economy, and “ 'Wharaaa. Ms aa* la therapeutics, •a a taoie or a stimulant or aa a food baa no ationMRr basis; tfcrrafora bo H " 'Roaolrrd, That tba oa* of alcohol ta a thraopoatic spent should bo dls loarapad.* " rHEY DON'T FIRE ON STRETCH ER BEARERS. ttfflgaaca oBear of the lMh Gmm army which ha* km captured by A Tirana fighting an the British front. The document prefaces a fir—ica of the 8t Mlhlaf attacks by admitting ithat the number ef Americans hi re seres on that occasion was unknown. It then takas up tks divisions which carried out the assault. The document discus— the details jf Operations, admitting that when Jhe Americana reached Thiacourt tbs retire St. MlhUI aalisnt waa render id untenable aad therefore Ha ova “*ti®« waa ordered and the retreat .-nrrisd on aeordiag to plan. A little farther on the order hoc his to my of the American soldier: “He obviously is very much afreid jf being taken prisoner. He defends himself violently to the last against Ui.i danger aad does not eurren.ler. Tka means to be the rsauh of propa ganda picturing cruel treatment if 'ho fells Into German hands. "The American ia expert in hand ling machine guns, ia Arm on the *o 'frenivs aad develop* a strong power of resistance from hi* very numerous machine gun*. The hearing of the in fantry Indies tea fight military train ing. The artillery waa at It* hast as 'long aa it remained at Its original position* during preparation for an Attack. The moth*do of Are were good. It waa vary quick .ia getting ‘on opportune targets, this apparently being dun to the lavish employment >f technical device* Within a minim um period the Americans were able •to furnish a wall directed Are. “Llamcn between the Infantry and artillery was perfect. When infantry ran into machine gun neat it immedi ately fall back and a aew artillery 'preparation from oeeompaaytng bat teries followed very promptly.” A sentence la tks document my* •la general It should be noted the Aaterlean is quite honorable—he daas not Are on stretcher bearers.” - SUCCESSOR CHOSEN. S. M. IH.m ElMrt to Sawed 1 Let* W. T. Derteh a* C.odMet* fee Puimi. Gold*boro, N. C., Oct. II.—The Demecretlo EsocbMt* Committee of like Third North CaroHaa Ceeareee WeeJ Dtrtrlct today elected 8 X. Brlaeon of Now Bon to —wood the let* W. T. Derteh ee aandUaN foe Coacreoa In that Diatrtet Mr. Brin •ob la Mpariatendent af the Creree County School. Ho will be oypoeod •« «ke November elections by C. L. Abernathy of New Bom, docUred by the State Board of Election* to bar* boea defeated by Mr.‘Dortch In the primary and by Clead* Wheatley, R« public on of Beaufort. To date, 84 can of rma«* cettk from To*, bora boon ahlpped to Nortl Carolina fey farm era of tkta State i Tbeae settle wan erdacod tbrrucl i aad aahetiam made by tb* CHS** « Beef Cottle and Sheep tareet%mtioni HARNETT COUNTY RAISES ITS QUOTA IN FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGN John C. _ Young, Township SUBSCRIBERS RESPONDED AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR Ua^nr Urn UM# •* Mrs. J, G. UTU«, /»—rTy ~ , M ^ ^ Mn- MsO. u-nti-r ^ ^ ■ | < Amwbn. tl» WiMa DU y- y L The Fourth Liberty ended Um Saturday eight end D“"n end Harnett county carte ecroee with their quotes. A peat **•> of work was required to pat Um> loan ecroee, but the leaden want about their work with (Mamimtiuu • iid imported apon the people the importance ad raising every cent Uncle Sea had asked then to raise. be fleet two weeks of the thne allot •cd U fuiaa the loan parted without •* icnmt deal of visible reaultg and the outlook in Harnett —mid die •.earaging, bat thv last two days of the campaign wee tlUed with enthari tem and pap, and the eleventh hear abecribrie put the loan actum with cvvrml thousand to Mara. Every In Ue county raised he quota, •ared on its banking reeearoee, with be exception of the Beak of Har •ctt. During the campaign tide hunk 'a«vrloocd on account of lie oMctra •etng stricken with lnfluvuxa, and no •as was loft to peak the work aleng. th'.-wLe, H, too, would hare gone >"r the top, ns it 1)M done i_-. umpalgns. Much credit ie due E. F. Yoaag, tor he result in Dunn and Avaruebovu odruhip. Mr. Young was untiring a* hie efforts to put this township ciou, which had to raise store than »Jf the entire a-nou-it of the county. ■* •P*eudidly, •baa^aadja euqpamHMe meea thea «**•» H •ppottMrity'tTtovMt * Utotty Bnk Z vL tto direct loa of Mia. McD. Holliday. *"• tontoUat to (Mr “*• tot o* oa a r„„| ^ _ ••n —minr<4 Umn wm m of indnetay Mai to bay. Tto nan aid ttoir ttora of tto work, and audt a retard ta ha pread at. AceenMn* to o ttatf at by Mr Teutkc, Hmm vIm Jwm Mekl ■mtin art: C. M. TUghau, £. Lt», K. L. Howard, J. L. Wada, aad Gaa. U Canned/; Mta. O. M. TTMt.im, Md Ma i L. Wada. Ttoat -rn f ato*a wore vary active ia tto eta paiya aad yet «Jcadtd tiiMIi TaBawiat ia tto aaeaate cdbeerfb •d Uiraayk tto variant banks of tto »«atj. at rapoctad ta 3. C. CUVatd, fount/cbamaan. Tkican attawat report to data, bat mar to ttoayad tliybti/, by dtlayad ivportc: Pint National Beak..IMMOO Btata Bank * Treat Co. 11,200 ^"SL* ^.0-;;; “22 Bank at l-llllnytoo Bank of Harnett .. Total... Tto eyyroyete qaota for < of tto ooxaty haaad o ram air ta. ana IMIJtt TEXT OF GERMAN REFLY The text el the Oimu note, aa received by wireless, as aa follow: — "la accepting the proposal tor aa evacuation of pccnplod territories, ^e German government has Started from ths assumption that the proee dsre af this evacuation and at ths conditions of an armistice ihnalrt M os loft to the Judgment of the mili tary advisors and that the actual itandard of power on both tides in ths folds has ts fane the batia for irraagemsatt safeguarding and gunr rntssing this standard. "Tbs German government nugstii In ths President that an oppor lenity honld be brought about for fixing die detail* I trust that the Prosi l*nt of the United States wig ap_ wavs of no demands which would be irreconcilable wih the honor of the Gorman people and with opening a way to a peace of Justice. “Th* German government protects •gainst tbs reproach of illegal and in humane actions me it - in I ml the German land and can forces, and thereby against tbs German people. For the covering of n retreat hum tiona will always be necessary and they are carried eat in so for u is permitted by International lew. Tbs German troops are aader meat ririet notructioai to spars private property and to exercise care for tbs papula tics to ths beat af their ability. Wbere transgressions occur in pita of these Instructions the guilty an being eaDished. "Tba Carman yaeernmeat farther lentm that the German nary, fo rink in* ehtpt. ha* arar purpoaaly destroy ed Ufahoata with thair paeaenyar*. T)m Q«mtn goYcmtat pr+pmm vKh regard to aU thee* that, tba facta M tlaarad «tp by neutral rimartariua*. “la order to sraid anytblay that miybt bam per tba wadi af paaaa th* German yorernmcat baa turned or den to be dispatched to all aabma riae command*ra preciadmy the tor p*d«4ny of paaaaayar Alps wiAiat. bawaeur, fur technical ruanaa, briny aide to ymarmnta* that thaaa ordara will raaeb oeary rinyi* aa|mai1ai A tea before ita ratara. “Aa a fandameats! conditio* fay pear* the President praaeribm A* da •traction of eeery arbitrary paarar that caa aaparmtsly. aactaUy and af ita *WB ainyle chair* disturb A* paces of Aa world T* Ala A* German yoeeramaat rapMaai “Hitherto A* rapreaaniatian af A* P—pi* hi th* TTirama empire baa sot bean endowed wHh an *TT-1TT on tba formation af th* fnnimnaal "Th* to iu*l tattoo did net praeida far a eaaeurranc* af rapramaUtlea jef A* paapl* In «crtri*n* af paaaa 'and war. Thana aandMana haaa Jari new andaryona n fUadaaaantal rhanya. A saw yawirmnint km bee* Um «U« (priadpto) of toe tape*- - —**lea of too peepla, baaed oo •mol, -hwi, Moot, dboct fraa efctoe. “Tko lcoden of eke gnat pantoe of tka ratchet eg on ■etabaee of tkto government. la Ike future ae gov ernment eea tote or teadaae la efkce without r neaeoeleg too eeaftdaaee of a majority of tod tutoketeg. ^ "'tko laepaaatkBfcj of too -*•-1 tt»B «f too people to itoTbajk developed aad aafegaardad. the toot act of toe kaa keea to lay kef ore tool a Ml b alter toe eoaotitatlea of toe eaviro ao that tke repent of tka iipiniai totlun of too paopla la ngatoad far daetfiaa oa war aad peace. . " Me pecnaneaee of too aaw eye ^ kowem, gliaraataod act eel, I* c°*^,t^***1 *•* w tko unekokakla de • Of too t do (Sewed) BOLT.” OEM MAM V1LLIAKY TOLD BY DC nnu. rru