THE VOL. V _ THURSDAY, OCT PRESIDENT WILSON APPEALS TO VOTER* Civil Ruinm Why Congrea Should Remain Under Dem ocratic Control REPUBLICAN LEADERS ANTKADMINISTRATIOI' And Create Friction By Trying T« Take Control Oot of Head* •f President Washington, Oct. U5.—President Wilson Hi a atatement today address • d to His follow countrymen naked them to ' return a Democratic Com in th« Korombrr cleftiong i| thry have approved of hia lcadcnhiy in this critical time. bailor# to return a Democratic ma jority to both tho Senate and House of Representatives, tho Preeident maid not only would aerinusly Impair hir power to administer “the great trurl assigned me by the constitution" but would be intepreird abroad a* a rrpu dlation of hia Isaderahip. The President's action electrified Republican* at the Capitol who pre pared a formal raply in the name of the party leaden la the Senate and House and the chairmen tf the Sen ate sad House Republican congress ional campaign committors. The Be publican atotmu-nt declaring the minority party in Congress ha.I supported the administration policy since the war with n .unanimity and an absence of criticism onpreredent ™ persy BIHOO, pointed to the record as proof. The war, the Repabllran etat isnnt contend*, in not the President'* "per ■enal war,’’ nor the war of Congress, nor of a party, but of the American people and declared “the Republican party, representing more than half the citlxenahlp of the country, de mand* It* rightful •hare" In the bar. den and rciponsihilltle* it impoart If given a majority in either ov both houaea, the leader* laid, the Re publican party would drive forward ***" da'iaaead would DOW (olftf «d ^ TEXT OF PRESIDENTS APPEAL Fallowing to the President'. ap paali "Mr Fallow Ceuatrymen:—The Cengreseiotsal eleetieaa ere at hand. They oecar in the aaaet erUU.1 P« rial our country haa arev faced oe U Uhaly la feoe ta aar liaae. If yea have approved of my leederihlp •*>«! wUh me to coottane te he your nn emharruaeed rpahaaman iu affair, at hams and abroad, I earnestly beg that you will euproea yeuraalvaa uoaais. tahahly ta that affect by returning a Democratic majority te hath the Son ate sad the Honor of Represents CRITICAL ISSUES DEPEND. "I am yoar sonant and will ac sept yew judgment wlth-o* earl hat my power to administer thn grea task assigned me by the rowtitutie would he oertooely Impaired shank year judgment be edemas SJM I mia fraahly toll yen so beeaaee nan arithml Issues depend upon as . mo I _ t a_Aw 4 grin tfaooo Uka that* ka aiaowaJ to ataaJ h« *ka way af ifwaM plain troth. “| kaaa no tkoagkt of iwiathl that aay polltiaol H»‘» h *-..aoat la matter* of patriot!**. I Baal too kaplr tka tacerfica* whiah Mara kaaa -*X la this war by all aw cfttaaa* trraapaaltra of party alBUamoaa to harbor tuck aa Una. UnlAoJ LnaAorakip Karr. •1 aau aoly that tka JMficollla. .-i Jollaarto. ,f oar praaoot toak „( of a aoat that makaa It Imoara Irraly oocoaaary that tka aatlaa ahaoli #W« «• ooJWJml rup*«rt ta tka lararanwtt Major a anlfcoJ UoJ ,r,h,p aaJ that a Ropabllcaa Coo yraaa woaU JWUa tka laajar.hip Tka l.ajara of «ha minority {a tha n mil Coajraaa kaaa uo*aoatlooa hly kaaa prowar, Wat thay hara hoar —-J—i-tT»—than- At almaal rra ry tor* rtaea rra aataraJ tka war tkai kaaa aoaykt to taka tka • Korea .1 pollay aaJ tka aaaJact of iko wor ow or mtj Hindi mm* pm« w r im trol of lulniMliHlUi *f »Wr mb llHBilBg. Ha Tha. f* Dfrldad Caaaall "TU. la aa tiau rHbar far dHrtdad raaaaD ar far dlrldad laadaraMp. lUrlHaa af taaaud U w aaaaarary aaa la abrll artlaa aa l« U ‘ba Idd af Waltla. |f tba eaatral af tba I Haaaa tad tba taabta abaald ba tab* aa away fra* tba party aaw la paw. ‘ar aa appaalap *ajarUy *aaU aa* M_a aaatral af laphlatla* rad aMIpa aM actlaa t* ba tabaa awldrt caatart a ad abatrartiam. Bad Bffaat Abraad. “Tba ratara af a BapablUaa *a farfty ta aHbar Haaaa af tba Caa praaa waald »•*•"•' ba latarpratlrr aa tba at bar rlda af tba watar a* * ~-p I III f af tay l—darablp. 8pab aaataa af tba BapabfUaa party an • CONGRESSMAN H. L. GODWIN RaymraUtln of the SUlb District *• CioiMet, for c.election. A tulr for Mr. Godwin Ti i ai > j will be ■ vote to uphold the hands of 1‘reeident WiUon. Commander-In Chief of the American Army. A vote ncainst Mr Godwin will encourage the Kernel end his military machine to prolong the war, which will mean the sacrifice of many more American live*. It is Very important that a Dem.yc ratir Congress be re to mod to Washington that the President may f.uve a free hand in bringing about a jurt peace. Mr. Godwin ha» been one -he President's staunch supporters He will be returned to Congress by a large majority LABELS FOR SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS BOXES. Ge« Thaw fre. Raid Cra.. CWu.., l* F««iliUU Delivery .1 B.1.1 Washington, Oct. *S.._Tha flrst of the Christmas parrel label*, designed to facilitate the ahipment of holiday boa*# Uj the more than 2,000,000 aol dlere now In France, have reached thin country In making thia an* nouncemoni today Lb« Red Croat said relatives of toldiere now overseas probably will receive these labels us the course of a few days "vwnR* to prepare ^R, . nurwe—-T beree-wIthoJt d,lty. tr* boxr< -ember 1. Only one package for each soldier will be accepted by the War Depart ment. Every men in the Expedition ary Force* bar received ono label and has been directed to lend it to the person m the United States from whom he wishes to receive a Chrlxt niti parcel. Parcels that do not car ry this label Will not be accepted and none will bo accepted for shipraont after November 20th. OLD-CLOTHES "CLINICS" THE FASHION > To be up to date these days your community should have an old-clothe# clinic, the Department of Agriculture eucgrsta Not the amount you spend on clothes but the amount you save -is the criterion by which yon are I judged in this year of war. The > home demonstration agents usually I hold the clinics, and old garment* are I brought, ripped, and made over by th< r women under their direction. Thii • wool-conserving campaign in Iowa ii * nhrtirulsrKf limner «r(l*f jroa to oloct & RopuWHcoa < rODfnM in ordar ta bach np »»^ ' •appart tka Praridant bat aaaa if thap • Would in tbia i—para upon ro—a cradnloar ratal-* an tbit aida af tba •Tatar thap would latpaaa an pa oaa an tba otbar aida... It ta wall amdor • laad tbara at wall aa kora tkat tka Rapablican laadart daaira not K) —oak to rappart tka Pro* Id ant aa ta «oa teal hi-. Maaar Vrtr af Coakdanaa. “Tba paoplaa af tka alliad toan trto* witb who— wa ara aaaoaiatad a falnat Gar—aap an fuit* fa—IBar with tba tlpaikaaaca af alatd—•• Thap wauid dad It warp didbaalt ta ballaaa tkat tka Tatar* af tka Uallad Stator bad ebaran ta support tkalr Praaidaat bp olaatinp to tba Caaprara a —aiaritp eaatrailad bp tkaaa who ara la faat oat la ap—patbp wltb tba attUodt and aatton af tka ad— Inlrtra • Ian I Nat Far Party, kwt far Natlaa'a Sab* ■Malrran. that I aaa uld«| r«r n .apyort art hr «f m aaka or lot lb taka of a nlklul party Wat far t tka taka of tfca MtUa It.olf la aitw f that Mr lawar* wwitp •* prnpmoo any < bo oriiaat ta all <Wa warM. la aa4W I aary tlnaa 1 w.alt aot fool at Ukar 1 ty to aaaWo aaaW aa .ppaal I. yaw. i la artlaary Uaaa. JWUaJ aaaaaab aaa ka aatanf wttfcawt poraaaaaat kart to tka aawatry. »«» tWaa. ara ■at ap41 aary tbaaa. "If la tWoao arltWal 4Uy. it it yawr wl«k ta ...tala na wltk oaJkrUnl mi.4. | ho, that yati will ay aa la a way wkUW It will aat Wa paralWIa ta akaiUontaat oHbor Waaa at kaara amoa, aw amilatot or aa tka atWar •Mr of tWa aaa. I nrWnlt «T | roll la. ab ay kap.r ta row. "WOODROW WILkOH." SYLL,ABUS for homenurs ING OF INFLUENZA. The nunc thouM adopt the fallow ">K precaution*: '• Wear faco ma*k when wa.tfnj on putienu. Tha muk ahuuld b Blade of at leut four *vi -* n tan o lar niurh gauze and ehould be Ur* enough to cover mouth and box Sterilize maeka daily by boiling. »• Vt aah hand* thoroughly aftc: coming in contAct with each patlen or with hod clolhoe. Do not pu bund* in mouth or about face. It ii olio infer to dip the handi in actiacp lie xdutioD made of dlaaolving twi bichloride of merrury tablet* in I quart of water. •> Vtaah out nine and mouth anc carpi* three time* a day with aolu lion made by dimolrinp on# lave! teanpoonful Of aalt in a pint of wa ter. 8nu(T vaaclina up noa*. Keep bowel* open, drink plenty of water, nnd get proper amount of rret and (loop. Tha ftii'k room: I Thia room ehould b* well ven lilntcd day and aipht but patient -bo‘IId not be placed in a draft. 2. Iterance all unoeccaaary furnl. tur* and clothio|. * Keep room quiet. The Patient: 1. Keep in bed with eufhctcnt cov ering to keep warm. " Take pula# and temperature »nd give food at regular interval* Iuiually every hour), and keep a re cord of tboae Make a note of all drug* given. The record ihoatd al *o *how tha time of bowel and kid 'iey movement* and tha amount of ■ l*cp and nourfahmant tha patient 8 The normal pub* rate b 72-80 br»u pee minute for adults; more rapid for children. False can boat ho fslt on front of arm just abort tbs wrist on the thumb side 4- The normal temperature V* a bout 08 ! ! degrees. In taking the temperature place the thermometer under patient's tongu. have up* closed. Be sure and shahs the thermomster down before it b After use the be i Lion Lr (be arm. If patient baa temperature of 102 degrees or more pul ice cap to bead and* rob back limbs with oaaspbor or witch basal, keeping the patient under cover. Bath face and hands in cold water. If patient get* cold put hut water bottle or hot brick or iron to fset and limb*. A. Make patient drink plenty of water. Keep bowels open freely with salts, ail. or enemas. 0. After patient has parsplred freely change clothing and bed clothes being careful not to expose the pa tient or to allow him to bedoma chill ed. 7. Keep patient's tsetb and mouth clean. 8. As long ss patient baa fever give only liquid diet, fruit Juice, meat Juices, broths, and soup*. ». Have patient spit in paper oi old cloths which can bo burned; an< burn these often. 10. Keep patient in bed at laast I , full days after the fever has bee cm' normal. This is very important a ncumorli and relapses most oitat ■ccur in patients who leave their bedi oo early, (This tyllsbtu Is sent out by th< lute Board of Health aa a eugges (toe outline for a course in hum nursing. The points should be es plained in detail to the clam by a doc toi, a trained nurse, or by a arms wc man who baa bad sxperience in how nutw'ng). WHEATLEY COES DOWN ABE NETHY TO FRONT. ‘ Clinton. N. C.. .Oct. 2*^-0 Wheatley will be pulled down ns* Republican nominee far Congref® the Ninth District and the part'1" endorse Charles L. Abernathy®" dependent. This is the situation H Is*™" ed here on good authority si "* conference last week In the *• •» Senator Marion Batter, atta<1 by Senator Butler, Cteed *t,,y> 'George Butler, Jokn MetlJ"*™ _. _ ... n—Chair lab fl—<jiiu. That Charlaa L. AW* *“■ can hi coauaonlcaton *•" abtiran leaden haa 1«*~ eratood hare. Tfca " **” an aa an Indication 0** ***•*“ k.oa a~ no chanca he orarwbalming nr , **• landidacy of 8. If. ■* “ r**~T~ ng and raaolvad to w,u* A“*r' mthy. _ A Buff Plrroontgj* ***”•< prtaa far batng ”, J® **• •hoar at the »•£*** O'""*? Fair. Flrat p/"* *•*“ by birda frana/**’** “ the Boiky MaT - democratic at ate ticket. For United lute* Senator K M. MMWONS t For M»ob» of Corporation Tera tj Ki Years: } P. PELL two Yonrs: MAX WEI.L •t For Chief Just • Supremo Court 1 I CLARK . tstkea Suprsmr ( nit . ALl.EN rAI.KXER I A A A Thirteen tli ror Jndcr Sop^rlotjourt—Fiftc-nth Judicial Diatrict BENJ. FnAjqLiN LONCJ For Judge Superts Court—Seven teanth Judi&l Diatoct T. B. , For J ndge Coora—Enfh " tdanU J ad Mai Dirtrict MICHAEL it JUSTICE For Jody. Superfat Court—Nlno taaath Judicfcl District P A M^B-ROY For Solicitor, ttfc Judicial biatrict: WALTER D. SILER. • Far Senator, of Hth Senatorial Di» •Hct: I_ CLYDE DALRYJPLE of Leo County HENRY A o»DY, of Saapaoo County- ( For-Houat f Repraeantathm; GEORGE K. GRANTHAM. For OeXRecorder: DANIEL f McbEAN. For Olcrk cA Superior Court: Arthur L McDonald. For ^ariff; WLllam h. Turlington. j— _ i ' Far OouNy Auditor: ALLEN M. SHAW 1 For RacM*r of Daada: william ft faucett* For Caro nor: wiluail p. holt, ► For County CotnmiasioBan: 1 JEFFERSON D. BARNES JAM If C. BYRD. ROBERT T. JOHNSON. DUNCAN F. RAY WILLIAM J. Me STEW ART SUPREME WAS COUNCIL SAID TO HAVE AfiREED ON MAIN TERMS armistice London, Oct. 23_Tho Voronilto e<i.« rtneo, neooHlr^ to Ao ropo* or*v' ♦ In London tMn afternoon, to* mmrd on tho ma n potato of tto im •itr- terms, wldfh will row to ton lidored by tto Nilhnry oommnadon. [to Anal poaco terms, R is add, will M submitted to 0_nllin. •only with tM armbtic* term. London, Oet ►».—A* a put of th* Urma *f an aiadWta th* Brantac N«wa aayi it u*d«T*t*nda th* *Ui«d nation* will iaalat npon the aorren dar of th* Oarman that. Including ah tha Ranaaa aubutarlnaa and upon tha ooeupatioahy allUd for... of aU th* fortiflod town* on th* Bhln*. msn of new draft ages will »E CALLED EARLY NEXT MONTH. Waahlnttoa, Oct. «0._N*n of th* now draft a#aa will flrat ba nobilltad In larva noaabara.aarly In Noraabar under a draft aafl now in preparation at Pravaat Harahal Oanarnl Crowd er'* office. It rail* for th* *a1raln M«nt of more than 100,000 aac quali T* | C*0«GE K. GSANTHAM. Dwnaer.U. Ceadid.,* {„, ,!,, L-rWatar. Fra. Hnwtt Cwly. ^ tirnaUiaat, who i. ;h«. Ihaomlic Candidate lor the Laaia , T? T** Har",tt iir Umnthnm repTaacilcd Harnett in the “* l^rialatorc and did each aMcient work for lilt county and State that he •rae nominated without oppoaltiet. la the ternary, tn succeed hinaetf Mr Grantham u a tucceeaful basineat mi .1 end ia one of the beat hniri an in the caunty. He wtU be ro-cWtUd next Tucad.y. which manna that Rai oett a cam wiD he aidy rcprraenl vil it. the Letfeiatum. FINANCIAL PANIC SEIZE! ON GERMANY. ro ijmM1 -L^i'.jKV. at Westphalia, which Jaa > small acaU whan the first spied l>oinhs hit Cologps have developed into a panic Eight, according to the Hague correspondent ef the Daily Kail. All the hanks are being storm >d by depositors who ore withdrawing their savings in German bank notes at aa high a valur as arc obtainable the 100 mark note having an appre iable market value over lower cur rency. But wen small notes of one fiarh arc being token eagerly Not >nly are some of Uie banks at their ■it*’ .end for legal currency to pay *bt deposits, but in places, copecinl y Cologne and Dusacldorf, »Q except •cal and therfore valueless currency *aa disappeared as if by magic, v The Allies era Ceeeusf I Everybody who can possibly afford t. Is trying to make bti or her way sat ward Scores of houses' stand ►mpty. Been in Berlin, financial pa tic has seined Use people, and the or linery paper currency of the Empire **• vanished. The municipality has >*cn COUDClIcd to iuua amavaenew currency to the value of about fifty million mark* valid until February next urlihir condnes of greater Berlin Tradesmen may refuse to accept this currency. or, at laast decline to change notes, except when compelled *" take them hi payment for good* s(ready delivered. Vein Appssls by Bank*. The big German txinkt have pub lishstl flaming appeals to “our fellow cit'icni" tint to withdraw deposit “d not to hoard currency notes. But the rush on the bunks has grown wore, than ever. The working population of Col ons, seeing the war factories closed down, wig houses evacuated and aast kound trains crowded with well-to-do f'lgiliven aro demanding Immediate pcae, mors insistently than ever, ^smonstrstions have been Increasing hr violent. Socialise Maaifseto. A manifesto which has Wen Issued by a section of the social democrats fk.e Id a. ft_»_X__a . -— -- vi un urily abdicate ha wOl be remove.I H Maya: "If the neeeaaity artaaa and the hoar comet, the onraniaed maeoca of labor, with atronjr middle rlaa* eup. part will remove every hindrance to pane* which doee not volantarily yH Id to the Will of the hoy* majority of the people." '__ IVed for general military aervire. They will he fumlihcd la proportion ate number* by ovary State Hi tha ll/iion. Draft calla aaapeaded dar Injt October hecauaa of the (nfloenta epidemic have been renewed |n aoc Itona where tha epidemic ha* modera ted, aad entrainment for all men an der the October calla probably will be completed before the November ^aeta la in tha eaatonmant*. • omCIAL TEXT AUSTRIAN NOTE SUBSTANTIALLY I.anrtiiK. it does not differ —i>-*an , I lolly from Um na~m^ial TM,;„ M transmitted by the Asaeciatad Pima .'ixm Rtnl, Su-itterfand. The- official i»*t was trfven oat In this form: "Department of fltata. . ~ „ OetoW 30, ISIS. Secretary of JUtaW _ ouMie the following: •M^tmUon of Sweden. ‘TTaxhiagton. IV C, Oct. 29, 1918 Department of Austro-Hungarian Intel eats. “Excellency; "By order of my government, 1 have the honor to beg you to trans •nit U> the President, the foDowing ■'ommunlcntlon from tha Imperial and Royal Government of Austro. Hungary: “ Hn reply to the note of the Pmal dent. 3lr WiWo„, the Aaatro-Hua •anan Government dated Octobar 18 of thia yvar, and about tho decision of iVa ^—‘ ~ * -*-* a— a_a. . _ — - —who jtovtro Hungary lopsrstciy th* ijusstioa of ermistiee and pan, tha Austro-Hun garian Government has the honor to declare (bat it adhere* both to tha orerioar declarations of tha Presi dent and his opinion of th* rights of tho peoples of Au»tro-Hungsry, ao tnhty those of the Csocho-Slovska and the duuo Slave contained In hie last note. Aactria-Il angary baring there by accepted all the conditions which the President had pat upon entering Into negotiation* op the subject of srmbgire and peace, nothing la the opinion of the A ust eo- H ungsrian Oc-rermnor.. longer stnnris in the war of beginning tkeeo negotiations. Th* A a * ir o-Rungarinn Government therefore, declares itself raady to enter, without waiting far the out come of other negotiations far a peat'u between Austria-Hungary and the Entente State* and far an hnme diato armistice oa all fronts of Aas iris-Hnngery, and begs the President, Mr. Wilson to taba tha necessary r.ei rure* to tnat Mrcn. "Be phrased •• -wecpt. Fvodletwy. tbo •' vnxunrcs of my hi<rh considera tion. (Siynad) "W. A. F. EKING KEN “Ills Excellency, "Robert Lanai rut, "Secretary of State of tho United SUtaa. Washington, D .0. ■ - 1 ' Mr. Pan T. Gray. Sac. A Troea. of . the N. C. Striae Brae dam' Ateocia I Ian, baa completed arraafamida with tho Amartcan florae Jeraay Brooder*’ Aaaoelatlon to baa* a aala of yurt brad Darac ioraeya at tha Charlotte Ureatack Co nr ration on awlao day, which la Dae. Id. I Tho wheat harvest it mwanihc but the demand* are many and wheat conservation mast ha ■■tlltatlli accomplishments OF AMERICAN ARMY SPLENDID ACHIEVEMENTS OF AMERICAN AVIATORS DUhcalUm Tamm* and MN With tha American Army North wrwt «t Vrrdna, Oct. M.—b Ita ftrvt ■ajm nporation again* the Ooemant, the clearing oat af the A Hlkiel aalioat aa a tonal affair, the American army ia a few days'In , then a month ha* liberated mm than IS vlfc~v and advanced to on aver a? depth of ten milec, froeiag M5 rc tare milt* of territory. In tha of fenriw the American* have raptor. ~d more then MAIM prtaonatn the American* attacked ana freet -.1 twenty mile* from the Aitmnit to eh* Mena* and the advance hoe been made In the fat* of almout ht -o-mountablj dimeulty, due pertica »«rty to the nature of tbe ground, wh>h it covered with hi He, ravinee ‘we*. 1- addition, tha Amrri ean* had fronting them fattr organl rod xyptewii of trearhc*_Iho Htndca ki-t Bn*, the Ragan position, the Vulcer position and the Ketomhflde PMIm. They have farced their way through alt them Una*. Abend of them lie* the Prey* position, which mtM at on. pou* i» tha v mtri ,%m aWe D_si_Pan . . Etaap Fm) ml Cnaai *• Tha edreaeo hma baas dURcelt f , W„ atat baa n»> ^ tt. «W aad ha U dt rielona oa tha ^ka enemy continual to —a« * _i«Uo bk effort U hold thfa froat fa ardar to protact Ua fa of h Or . hafa r fa Par-bio,'. m«a fa,, ' 1*7 kwh of mm. a^eWaa |«a BW a gnat .faro of i aMh war material, iacladlng latfaaa and railway can. Siaca Saptaaabar 20 tha ‘iairlran. have fired more than t,600,400 ahola. tha readme at theca reach!ok aa high ■• ISO,000 dally. Tha goaa wd fa. chu} i a great number of I r **t*~. »y Waah af UcS. AataOere. A merican a Ha taro aad aati-alr craf v tent In the period afaca Septem ber 27 hare brought down 260 ene my liallaona, daepita adreraa Apia* condiUowa and had weather at Haw Bombing airplane# dropped mar* then 40,000 of on rxOread Troop, at Waah. *»' uiRcuK task faced hae been the reps'ring of roads and the lammasul of rrpplieo, men, ammunition and food to tho front. Mon than 4«dM eagi .-wir troops an antplsysd day and right in rsboiMlng shell shatter ed r-ds, eelng, whore poeefM*, ereah •d -ck from villages dsatrsysd by the firman sheila In be Argonne, hundreds of yards of G iman barbed win i inanglsmiats farienrd from tree to tree at tartan helpM*, bad to bo bridged aa tt waa imjH ‘ft>W to cut them. la adlltliiii. lawny roads in the Argoaaa were of bloc", loam, which be cosue a aitia in ti.loy wsathar. The sngbnsia werv compelled to virtue Gy baBd briil; ~s over many mflea of Iheae rood. Tio rroootng of Forges brook was aecc T.plishad in the first day of tha edvi vet under a haary lira. The bror1' nine through marsh) Made and In b let to bridge it the ggjssew had m lay bundles of fmegoSa ea bath now hi m mm. IM or owing way Milo In noort time and than be gan Jm battle-of th* Argom* which laai* < far mora than two —tiha IM S#aaaa MU*. Tahao. C> npilaUoao wad* by anay oa rer* yhaw that otf th# mor« than IM H»:'" »Hm taken fro** th* aaawy elm ru-ptanbor II, --* ttit war? keerily wnlil and machlaa gur. i. rooted. The Awirliana had ta tv .c by Mena IM bilk and high ert-a’. , woat of which wore ’ hwwMj -I and defendad by ateeag ne chtr- -an dataehonaata. Of the Mile, »41 mo treat of th# Mania, and It •not r lbo Hear. The #Tmiigi aka had -n ha delta# from 4M> rartaaa, all iV'wlid by wacMn* gaaa and bard to taka na th* hUk. ■ on . . % (Canttaand an Paga Mg) ^ I

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