i ' •• ":>rvv^ c?o: THE DUNN; *: Wm —.___ ' y - • ~ “/ VOL V TMUMOAT. NOVKfiMK 7tk. l»ia .■ -'' REPUBLICANS REGAIN HOUSE; THE SENATE STILL IN DOUBT At 9:46 O'clock Last Night the Republicans Had at Least 11 Ma jority in the House—Political Overturning of House Fore* shadows an Upheaval in National Legislative Affairs. Three Mentioned For Speakership. Washington, Nov. 0.—Congress ional election returns still were in complete at 9:45 o'clock tonight but it waa apparent that the Republicans had taken control of the house of representatives by a majority of at least 11— probably more. The sonata was vary close with the outcome depending on final returns In Michigan, where Henry Ford was running a close contest with Truman Ii. Newberry, and in Idaho, and le New Mexico. On the returns available, 25 Re publicans had been • looted to seats In tbe house now held by Democrats and seven Democrats had been elect ed to seats now held by Republicans. In the senate, one Democrat had bean elected to a seat now held by a Republican and six Republicans had been elected to seats now held by Democrats. On the returns at hand the house figures ware Republican. 229; Demo crats, 196; Socialists. 1; doubtful. • A majority la 115. In the senate, the return* showed Republicans, 47; Democrats, «6. Aa Uahsavaiis Natl seal Legislation May Fallow. Washington, N<$r. 6.—The political overturn lag which takes from the Democrats control of the house of repaysentatlvce foreshadows an up heaval In national legislative affairs, change* In powerful committee chair manshlpe, and a situation confronting President Wilson which laa paqUelod that confronting Taft Is the midst of hi* administra tion The situation ala* to that L_ ttattr* 'and control of the majority, the possibilities are obvious. They win be increased f the final returns for the senate assure the Republicans control there. First, comas the question' of the speakership, a place which many statesmen and politicians hare de clared it second only to the presiden cy in importance. Representative Mar.n, of lllnoia, tho Republican lead er, would, on the basis of his position, be the logical candidate of the major ity, but that Is complicated by several factors, one of whleb hat been Mr. Mann's continued ill health. There alto are soma factional differences to b* considered. Representative Gil lette, of Massachusetts, actually Mr. Mann's senior in point of servico, has bean acting Republcan leader and it to be reckoned srith in th* calcula tions for th* speakership. There al to has been some talk of Representa tive Longworth, of Ohio, Colonel Roosevelt's aon-in-law, aa a candidate upon whom the Republicans could unit*. Retire Kltsheu a* Floor Leader. Next In importance is the leader ship of th* Democrats when they be come the minority party after March I, naxt. Aa chairman of the way* and means committee. Representative Kitchln, of North Carolina, now is th* Democratic floor loader. He is ex expected to be enpplanted in both placet by Representative Joseph W. Fordnty, of Michigan, one of the old Republican wheel-horses, upon whom will fall a very Important part in car rying out with the treasury depart ment th* government's financial pro gram for tho remaining or the war. Tfcia will prnwnt a situation where a Republican bonne, and probably ten ete, will be dealing with a Democra tic secretary of tho treasury on Ira asanaa financial questions in which they fundamentally may be in dis agreement. At leant two more great liberty loans are to be provided for and no one can estimate tho need for farther war taxation after the end of the fiscal year which the pending war revenue MU U framed to cover. Speaker Clark was minority lendar before the Democrat* came iota con trol. A question to be decided la whether Mr. K itchIn Is to step dawn from that place la the new Congress to give way for Mr. Clark or whether the speaker will be obliged to take places in the usual run of committee assignments. Investigate Executive Centre! 7 There are hi the hoaae several com mittees which have power to invest! gate expenditures of the executive department. Daring control of the Democratic majority th eKepahllreni have been powerless to foragel Inves tigation of thing* which they have attacked. la control of those com mitteee, which la Umax of penes an virtually of do Importance, the field for tits investigation of the Deneocra tic administration by a Republican house la thrown wide open almost on the ere of the next presidential elec tion. The Republicans, of course, do not come Into their position of advantage until the meeting of the new Congress which will be the first Monday in De cember, 1*1 R, unless President Wil son should call it In extraordinary session sooner. The present Demo cratic Congress expires by limitation March 6, 1010. Leaders of both par lias rather believe the Prcaident ertll avoid an extra session if it is possible TWO SENATORSHlrS STILL IN DOUBT. Republics** Cartel a af 44 and Dime erst* 441 Heues RepobHeaa Bsyoad QuaiUae. Washington, Nov. 7.—With the Michigan and Idaho senatorial con tests still in doubt, late returns from Tuesday’s elections tonight girt the Republicans a total of 44 senators— Jsst half tha membership and lacking one vote necessary to insure control —and 46 to Ike Democrats. In Michigan, the Republican candi date, Truman M Newberry was re ported to have Increased his lead to about 6,600 rotes over Henry Ford, with 126 precincts records miming In Idaho the Democrats candidate. Senator Nugent, was credited with an increased land af about 400 votes over former Governor Gooding, the Republican candidate. With only one district rn lasing—the second Montana^—th* return* tonight show: Republican*. 2S8; Democrats, 185; including on* independent; So cialist, one; miming, one. BENSON NEWS BRIEF. S. C. Smith DM From lalwsaas Two Children Victim of Disease. Benson, Not. 2.—8. C. Smith, died this morning at the emergency hos pital here of pneumonia following in fluenso of which he auRsrsd for two weeks before pneumonia set In. He was S4 year* of age and is survived by a wife and two children. He will be buried tomorrow afternoon in the city cemetery hers. He had been in the employ of K. S. Turlington k Co , for several years and was known all over this section for his Christian character, hm jovialnom, his kindnoa* and courtesy to all and probably the loss of no one in Benson will be fell quite as keenly as that of Crosby Smith. He was a member of the Bap list church and general secretary of the 8undoy school of that church. He was a Mason and secretary of the local lodge. The 11 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Farmer died yesterday af. ternoon and was buried this after noon The 10 month* old child of Mr. and Mr. JafF Johnson died this morning In the emergency hospital hare with pneumonia following Inftuenaa. The emesgency hospital her* has bean running for nearly three weeks and so far t* patients have bean treated with only two daathe. Min Coward of AahovlUo, la in charge of th* hospital as trained none and ah* ha* nine local volunteer nurses who has* been doing valient work at the hospital. Supervisor O. W. Rollins has given the work of comb*ting and abating th* disease his whole time and all Benson joint in praising the work of the emergency hospital and those ronneeted with It. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC The Board of Health has decided that meetings of all kind mny ha re sumed on and after November 19th As for the schools, the Board sug gest* that the local authorities begin those whan th* InAoens* has passed from the community. If then should b* a few convalescing eaaaa Ir a community no children should bi permitted to go from the uSeeted home* until nil patients have recover cd. Th* local committeemca should decide at onco on the data for ths school to open ia each district I am depending on yoar notifyini your Uaehero whoa to com* tiff cannot know the conditions ia sad local eommanity. Your* truly, B. P. GENTRY, Rupt NEGRO LYNCHED BY A MOB NEAR ROLESVILLE. Body of George Taylor Fee ad Rid dled with Bullets Hanging From Limb of Troo. Raloigh. Not. 8.—The body of Georgs Taylor, o negro, woo found riddled with bullcta this morning hanging from a limb of a troo near Rolesville, 20 miles north of Raloigh, having been lynched sometime dar ing last night for the alleged criminal assault upon the wife of a prominent Wake county farmer. Taylor was carried before the woman late yester day and, it la said, she Identified him as the man who had attacked her 10 days ago. • It s understood here that after the negro had been identified he was brought to Raleigh, when the auto mobile in which he wm riding was overtaken by a mob who demanded the prisoner. After getting possum ion of Tnylor the mob carried him to a nsarby wood and hanged him. flU ing hie body with aoevral hundred bullets No clua aa to the Identity of the members of the lynching pary has been discovered, according to the authorities EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NAMED Judge Smith, Chairman for Har nett county, has named the following executive committee to aeeut him in the United War Work Drive, which starts Monday: ciaw vuiuBMin, l. r. loony, J. W. Jordan, Mr* I. P. Hicks, Mis. g. L Hsasell, Duka, Mrs. J. G. Laytoa, **»'*’» Creek. K. L. Howard, Dona. J. R. Baggett, Lilltngton. Judge Smith has hie plana wall un der way and has as organisation back »f him that will get splendid results in the county. The following letter from Gao. W. Watte. State Chairman, will be af ia Itereet at thia time. It follows.- \ for in our quota. This is all right; we need the money and must get It But at this time I cannot but t£lnk of tbs wonderful success ear boys ■nd their allies, over there, have bad during the last four months; the spirit, dash and aacriflce required ef them to bring„the Hun to hie kncM 'd-r • carts ahouk’ , r fine* with ti-l.klriving to A'lt.lgtjlv God who ha» fi'.er Ub thr vicury. Wc should, Ihurefn c, enter Ul s campaign count ••• 'i :« t' - 'lege to .as oar lie.o, rtli'i.ls M,„ Ifljney as real thanks '•vine I'lfcrlrg In r>-. ■» .Itleo of the -eevire our hoy* *r> rendering, and "' avsure f.em w- -.rill stand behind •hrm with sr we hsv» Tha it - d for is; ori'e bo;.* uinl thank Plm tb»* u; to the mess ure e.-jf , bllity w? orr giving o service und raimoT*. Sincetolv you • GEO A. WA.-.R, CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY. The 81st birthday of Mrs Rachel Pearsall was celebrated last 8atux dhy. November *nd. A number of her children were present from vari ous states sad the occasion was a most enjoyable one. The birthday dinner was served at the home of her son, K. M Pearsall. Mrs. Poaraall •• excellent health lor one of her a ice, end ah* la happiest on the day of the celebration of her birth day whan all ber children are present. Those hero ware: Mr. and Mis. D. M. Pea resit and daughter, .of Wayrroaa, C*.; Mr. and Mr*. Leon Peanall and eon, of Becky Mount; Mre. H. G. Bmallbone* of WQalntton. ENSIGN EDWARD POU IS KILLED IN AN ACCIDENT •* E»pr«a—»«ftr, E. W. Pou Death ef I be Pe***h Coast October SS. Washington, Not. 2^ ~En*igu Ed. laard Pou. eon of Representative Poo, of North Carolina, waa killed in a ■•■Plana accident off the French coast on October SS Vice Admiral Sine today cabled the navy department the seaplane waa wrecked la a collision with a bogy while making a Undine. Mach inist Mata* John Bichard Banka and Jams* P. Vounf were ale* la the machine, th* former being injured white the latter escaped nalrarL LILLINC MAN DIES Of INJURIES w. W. Cex, of UBIngUn, died yea tarday In Rax Hospital of Injuries k< received about a week ago what •trock by a Norfolk Southern train The details of the accident could not be learned here retard*y. hot deatl > rami Had from a fractured tint] am broken riba The body was dlyp ed to Lmirtgton last sight for later meat.- -Today* New* and Observer GERMAN ENVOYS ASK TO MEET GBR. FOCH From Wnt ot Mkwirga 9m tor To Knot of M. Queotli Um Franck Again Han Drtvon Forward, Liberating Many Additional Tow—! Villagaa and Hgnalat*. Haig Giving the Fntkey No Tinaa For Paoao. i Although mi—rie^f Germany In •rarch of aa aymiatiaa are reported to have eterted for Areata, there fa ea yet ae eflefal I ad Nation that they have reached the hendquartere of Marshal Foch. the ~*haaa la wfaoee hands lias the ihaaMla power of (Hunting or denying «o the —t rt malnlng combatant oLffae eatente al llee the eOadw of TgpHHHse it aew to urgently regalrenL Meanwhile the g—t bottle which he« ae its perpoee tfaA driving of the Germane from FveaA aad Belgian toil contlnnn from fte Menae river U Belgium. Bviry i—ri tfae Ger man are giving gre Jjd. and rapidly the v»«t each % being Reared «f ene my for—. - j Sedan, fanope ea nfortr— in the Franco-Pruntaa wfargand the back bone of the Ocnaag.Hne of retreat from the eeetherw yqftn of the bat tle front, te partly in jfae hands et the American tie ope had with tta fell wiB vaniah iD the drmaaa of the Ocr eaane of heiag able tpjfall hddad the Une of the river Mgfte and hold a footing on French gdR wee* of the tar* of Sodas tha (Mtfttl & mocfata* gun region of Otigay now dominating important rail way junction of * the enemy must aaa la a from tha district rest of 8L Quentin toward hia frontier Tha Flench now have thrown cavalry into tha action on ht* eastern rad of their Has where It conn acta up with Goo. Penhing’a front and are driving tha Germaaa toward the Manas. In the north Plaid Marshal Haig, north and south of the old Valen ciennes salient. Is giving the enemy no time for pease. The Canadian, Australian, English and Scottish troops of his command have again bitten deeply into r^etny bold tent, tory. Presence le >el|lee. Still farther north, the armies of King Albert of Belgium ora keeping up their pressure against the Ger mans. It la reported that it baa been decided by tha rnemy to aban don Ghent t oetningly tha daji of tha enemy> tenure of allied soil io the west are numbered Although not by any moans io rout, ha is atadily falling bach. In view of the gains that hove Kmun marl a K« tKa fTFurK siu) Anrri can* on the southern port of the bat tle line, there epeper to be bo defen sive lines on which bo will be able to etand. except- for delaying adton west of tbe famous fortified Rhine. That Germany at home eonaMen the bottle lot tie indies ted by Internal troablee. There have bee n demon stratione la Berlin; a mutiny la tbe fleet at Kiel hae taken piece; there has born rioting In Hamborg, where heavy fighting in the etreeta h re ported I strifeae have broken eat at Coxhevea and WHbelmakaven, and the greater part ef Schleswig is mid to be in tbs bands of rsrvolottemlats GERMAN MJEMIPOTKNTIARIES ASK TO PASS THROUGH LINES. Paris, November t.—(11 P- m.)— German Greed Headquarters request ed allied Greed Headquarters by wire lam U permit the passage ef the Oer man delegation for armistice eegetia. tlona through the Mnm Tbe erden was given to oeeao firing ea this fron* at > ;M o’clock ia the afternoon oatf farther orders. The Oorama wire less meaeags sakisg for aa eppolat meat to meet Mewhal Pooh, mya: "The German government weak congratulate itself In tbe interest ef humanity If the arrival ef tbe Oer mas delegation ea the alUee' fron might bring aprevhdenal suspends1 ef boeUUtUiM Tba mottags ^enounced tba ttb Carmen plenipeSsatleriee would ai rive at tbe Preach eatgoeta ea tb Cbdmoy-Guite road oa Thursday bt tween 840 end 10 OO a’eloek In tb evening LIBERAL RESPONSE BY the people or dunn H4W Cee tribe led te tba Pnd <• Cara far laBaaaaa fiBwa to Dwa and Vtototty. ' Tba following ii a Uat of thoao who bar* contributed to tba Mwua Rr Nof Fuad. Tba raapeaaa baa been liberal, bat a fnr bosdrad dollar* are yat needed to coatptoto tba work of eariajt aad providing for tba Kick. Tkia report woa banded Is by Prof. J. B. Martin, who acted aa Cbalnaan of thia eoanaittoe. The report aloe above tba diabaraementa. Perry Morgan _. (,oo Walter Jon*.. 5.00 R t.00 Marlon Butler_ 5,00 R M. Warren_ 6.00 t V. Snip.. 5.04 R. G. Taylor_....._ 6.00 Cato.SS M. a Hodge* .. 1.0« Renew PeanaE __....... 1.00 R. M. Pop#. .50 Canton Barn** __ t.oo Laali* Hadaon ............. 1.00 W. B. Baldwin __ t.00 L. K. Denuiag ____ u H. S. McKay_ .50 .so John A- Jemignn __ .50 R. G. Johnao* . 1.4© O. H. Pap*.. .50 Neal Lae ...._ ..... .60 Naaelaaa . 100 Mr. Jernignn . Z.S0 T. V. Smith-1_14.00 P. T. MaeaengiB ....._ 6.00 Matoolea* ._ .S6 Sa« Jaag f Snt.15.40 Wto. Dawaon. 100 Mr. Seat.. W. c. Kasoy ........_... jj.87 C. J. SanJtfc.. 8 00 A. B. McQ——_ 8.00 J. B Martin __....... 1.00 ■or. B. I. OUra .. 8.00 W1U Strickland .. |.M Mia. L. B. Williams. 1.00 W. L. Wade. 8.10 B. B. Shaw .. 1.00 M. L. Jackaon___ 1.00 C. L. Gay__'MP Mil YnSshZdll^I^^BSoo] J. W. Pur die_...._18.00 W. H. Gurley __I_ 8.00 W. G. Hofling*worth ....._ 2.80 J. F. Byrne ....._....... 4.00 June Jakneon __._. 1.00 Flora MrQuaan_...._ 1.00 Earl Hinson __...... 1.00 Mata Godwin ......_ _ 2.80 Congressman Godwin_ 20.00 Tulla Sounder*___ I .So Min McIntyre_ 1.80 Janice Pearsall_ 8.00 I. D. Barnes ......._.... 20.00 A. W. Jones.. 6 00 D. F. Hodges ...- 1.80 * ln».. 1.00 Masks said ........_.... 10. Mrs. Edward Fordie_10.00 Wilson H. Lucas ........._2.80 Hsnry Whitehall..10.00 Mrs. M. F. Young.. 6.00 Mrs. J. W. Gerald .. 4.00 Mias Keller . 1.00 O. E. Prince___10.00 R. P. Jemigan __.... .50 A. C. Barefoot ..._...... .10 L. V. Bailey- 2.60 I>r. J. B. Butler_........ 10.00 K. J. Nobles_ 6.00 James Taylor_ 6.00 J. E. Harr*Ison ............ .60 Jeaei* F. Wilson __..... 6.00 E. B. Culbreth .. 2.60 J. G. Goddard_....._ 1.00 J. N, Creel - 1.00 R. O. Taylor Co._28.00 E. M. Jeffreys.10.08 P. J. Jeffreys... 5.00 J. W. Jordan __ 10.00 V. B. Morgan_........ 1.00 Fred Jrrnrgan___ 2.00 C. B. Ayeoak.. 1.00 Jtwu B Ur._ *.00 Clifford ATownaend .18.00 J. L. Wade . *0.00 Hood A Grantham __ 80.00 W. C. Stewart ......._ 1.00 Ed. Pardia __10.00 J. O. SalHvan __ *.00 Marria Wada_ *8.00 K. L. Howard_ _ *5.00 Jailor Loo ......._....._1.00 C. U Alphln . S.00 R. 0. Primrooo .. 1.00 Eafcao Wllroo .. 1.00 0. M. Tilffuman .15.00 N. A. Townoond ..10.00 U H. Lm, Jr. .........._10.00 J. W. Thornton ........... 8.00 Ctnaral Utility Co._15.00 Eaoaaa Loo .... IK O. L. Cannedy- *.50 J. W. Taraaca-......... 10.00 i J. L. Hatcher___ 15.04 ■ MeD Holliday . 50.00 ■ Fred Ranratt. 11.04 t W. H. Laaa. 4.04 1 W. P. Barter. 10.04 N. B. Naylor .............. .64 > E. H. Babanin .10.04 - R. W. Pope. 1.54 > 1. 1 Jem lean ..._ 10.04 - H. W. Joraifan. 8 04 1 — • (Coattnaod on Paya Fire) HARNETT COUNTY B DEMOCRATIC BY AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY The Entire County Ticket Elected by e Majority Ltffrr Then Beck sssessss* r"m* VeteoteSpero. Harnett county went Democratic la the election laet Tuesday by a majority of nearly 600. AU the coun ty ticket was circled by safe ma turities in epite of the f>ct that the Republican* bad a number ef strong me® their ticket and bad con ducted an aggressive) campaign. Can* greaaiuaa Godwin received bit “"“I majority in Harnott, while Sheriff Turlington led the ticket. The elec tion passed off quietly all over the county, but a grant deal ef interest waa manifested by workers on rack ride. Avcrmsbore Lowe ship, which hae gone Republican for the past 1» y*ors, gave the Democratic ticket a majority Tuesday of a bo at fO. Be. low *e give the number of votse cast for each candidate on the roan »y Ueket. This is an ofBcinl report furnished by Oils J». Shell, chairman ef the canvassing board. It follows: Far tbs Hun O. K. Grantham.____...IBM A T. Buries_........_1361 Fee Clerk ef Seporier Court A- A. McDonald.mo Walter Byrd........_..._18TS For Rosistor ef Deeds W. H. Kaucettc.__114• Ferry Morgan. 1870 Far Canatjr Sarmiaa William Grrro_..._...IMS *• T- Ki*«.—.ISM Far Caamty --1 Dr. W. P. Holt_.7___1M4 Nall! Giwd......_... 117 w. H. ism A. F. Hazpar.1M1 Far Canatjr fiallin Allan M Shaw.... ISIS H. M. Spaan.__. UT1 Far Canatjr ■‘ ruin D. H. MrLaan__...... ..IMS K. C. Waat...ISM J. D. Sanaa. is«7 J, C. Byrd .............__.^1M4 Rolart T. Jahnaaa_1M4 Duncan P. Ray.|S44 William J. McStrwart_1S4* _ 1S44 8tuaft TurHcytor.___..1M7 Lapka A. BetSoac__1144 Chat L. Andrrwa_ 1*44 J. P. A4aam..JM4 CAPTAIN WILLIAM D. I Capt. Hclland returned to Dana 'yeeterday on a 8(l-dcy* tick furlough, which bo will spend with hi* family and other relative*. He ha* bean tick *ince Augoat 8th. and waa in a hospital in England far sever el day* before nailing for hew York Re ar rived In Kaw Votk October 9th. where he etayed for two week* and waa then traneferred ta Fort MrPhcr eon, Atlanta, Ue where ha wav eon - lined la a hoepital uatit he left to eome to Dana. Capt. Holland ha* here In acrrlae fur Mrvor«i year*. H# waa a char ter member of the old Daan company, which era* known aa Ce. If. of Um 2nd N. a Infantry. He caHetad March 29th, 1911 aa a private. Ha waa mad* corporal the following April waa promoted ta sergeant Jane 15lh, 1912, and to Id cergeant Sept. 10th ef the cam# year. Ha wm coramiaMoaed 2nd Ueutenunt in Feb ruary 191* and waa made I at liewten ant about flva month* later. When trouble arose between tin i United Rea tea and Mexico the Duni 1 company waa called Into service • On June fRth. 1919, he left with hi i company foe Camp Qlcnn, to mob ilia for duty. Frem October let, 1911 to March Ulit, he wua in carviee oi the V ticna border. After trouble was •w iT ^ ******* ** 0,Wllw captain on Jnly 17U and aa bgr.< i to Co. I* Vkn mmalialiia od h ■ era* tba yoangoot Captain hi too i i Inbuilt. Ir -ledlately after wo wont to war with l cranny Copt. Holland aad Me eo« *.ty were M«t to (tap Savior, Orr: iBo, S. C. where they tratavd for <’ itloo evinoaj. They wdlod freir '.oaten for franco oa Qw itth, Itl*. tod landed lately 16 doya bhr. Ho 1 *1 Mo ooMpoay late action ovor tocr. having unpaged toe Gonaona ta b.uUo la too Ypraa taction aad at Kami < 1 HOI. Ho wao doing Mo Ml «atll hie health failed and ho ww ■out t. a hoepttal to mageini i C.*. Holland b St yean of aga oad .It- only ton of Mr. and Hn. 4. H I land, of Dmi. Whan ho wn call ito eervtea ha waa at the head of a • minfil baton»oo la Damn, bet did rt hooltate to make too aaerlSco 1 for hi conn try. _ Ho aloood oat tb i ba.1 ■ v, and aaatnred too call of hb cob i:y. t -nany fHanda In Dean we glad i to ha.-a Mat with toon agahi and I Wr' hat hb health nog aann ha > ran., .d, 9

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