******* * •LOCAL* * * * * * * * * * Marshal Warren la spending the day La Greensboro with friends. Mack Baggett, of Four Oaks, wat ho re Saturday for a few hours. Miss Fisher, of Koaeboro, spent Sunday here the guest of Mias Eva Cole. 0. P. Shell, of Hcndeisou. arrived Monday to spend a short time In the city. Mrs. II. H. McKay and daughter, Miaa Iva, were in Fayetteville Tune day shopping. A 10-lb girl was bom October 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith at their home one mile south of Dunn. Miaa ltuby Godwin, daughter of Congressman Godwin, has been ill the past few days of Influenaa. The name of B. W. Norris, of Duke appeared in Monday's casualty list. He wet reported missing in action. Mias Helen Forbes arrived Monday night and will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. John W. Thornton. Mack Jsrnigsn, of Camp Bragg, Fayetteville, spent Sunday here with his brother, Dr. John A. Jemigan. Mrs. Nobles, of Grocnvillo, arrived Tuesday afternoon to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Purdie. J. Lloyd Wade, manager of the Dunn Ins. A Realty Co. wme In Mashlngton and Baltimore this wetk on buslnesa. Private Colin C. Shaw, of Bunn level, was reported In Monday's cas ualty list. lie was hilled in action somewhere in France. James Pope, of Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, is spending the Thanksgiving kolidtys here with hta parents, Mr. and Mrs WllHe M. Pope. Captain Anson Jackson, afteT spending s short furlough with ■ rienui nor* >mi in ssmpaon county, returned the later pert of the waak to Camp Humphreys, Va. The White Way Theatre Is open again and the usual crowd is enjoy ing the excellent ptcturee. The thea tre was closed for several weeks on account of the influenza. Norwood Pope, who is a student at Waks Forest College, spent the week end here with bis parents. Mr. and - Mrs. R. W. Pope. He waa accom panied home by Mr. White, who visit ed friends hare. Privets Jake Hargrove, after spend ing several days bare with relatives and friends, returned last week to Camp Dtx, N. Y. where he has been stationed for the past several months Before gong to the army he was employed by the Perrish-Driver Co. The young men of the town will • give a Thanksgiving dance tonight in the Fitzgerald Hall, complimentary to the visiting ladies of the town. A number of visitors are expected to 'be here and participate. Grady’s orchestra of Rocky Moont will furn ish music. John Henry Pope. Dr. R. L. War den and O. P. Shell returned Tues day morning from Georgia whs re they spent a week hunting. The trip wee thoroughly enjoyed end much game was killed. Each of the above named gentleman own interests in land in Georgia and are frequent vis itors down there. John W. Fitzgerald returned Morv day night from Richmond, Va. where he purchased a aiee lot of mules and hones, for his father, T. L. Gerald. They have a nica line of stock on hand already and invite tha public to come in and sec before buying. Reed ad In thin issue if you are in terested In buying stock, buggies o* wagons. A message reached Dtuim yester day announcing the death of Frank Butte. He waa a commissioned ofl ccr in the navy and died and waa buried at sea. The message stated that Kd» A in A nt nnortvannia Het I1U and waa buried at aaa a few daya later. Ha was wall known In Dunn and Harnett county and waa a fre quent visitor her*, coming to sac hie wifa, a daughter of Mr. and Mr*. John Holland. A full aceaunt of hi* death will appear in next week's Dlapateh. A number of the merchant* of tha town have begua th* delivery of goods again. The cadi and carry plan worked mighty well while it was in force, bat it terms that soma of th* merchant* war* navar aatiaAad with this system. It did not radaea the price of groceries, th* price* remain ing about th* same wilh an upward trend, while th* system was being triad, hut th* consumer* did not boy qalte a* much. The cash and carry plan la a thing of tha past now, how ever, ao far aa Dunn it concerned, and tb* people may again enjoy tha privilege of ordering by phon* and paying every thirty daya J. D. Phillips, whoa* horn* is about two mile* weat of Dunn, has decided to move to Florida and wiH loava th* later part ef th* weak far Ma new home. H* has purchased a home In Callahan, Fla. also a small truck farm near this town, which be will cultivate Mr. Phillips it an* of Harnett's moat substantial farmer* and ta a man th* rnuaty bate* to loo* a* a ehlien, and it la hoped that ha win rstura to North Carolina again, after a brief stay In Florida, aatiaAad that eara is th* boat State ia the Union, especial ly for those who ware reared srtthta Its borders- Mr. Phillip* has sold his personal property, bat la balding on to his real estate L. H. Lee, Jr., was a business viai 'tor In Richmond Tuesday. I- H. Campboll, of Bale's Creek was ■ business visitor in l>ui*n jrcs terday. Mrs. James Farthing ho* acceptec a position with the Stale Bank 6 Trust Company. Wilton A. Matthew* was rcpcrtcc !•“ yesterday's casualty list. He wai I killed In action. Mr. and Mr*. Z. V. Snipss ar< away this weak viaitlng relatives and friends In Richmond and other Vir ginia ritloa. . E. E. Tolk left Sunday for Char k>ttc, having been called there by the company he represents a* travel, ing salesman. Several of the boys and girls of th< various collage* of the Stale, are spending Thanksgiving at home with their parents. Mimes Cleta and Whylma Nnyloi and Ammic, are recovering from an attack of tnflaenxa. They were quit* ‘ili for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Pope return ed today from Camp Hancock, Ua. They went down Monday to acc thoir sor., Arthur, who is in camp there, j I,. FI. Covington, left Monday morning for Lanrinburg whero he wont to bo prment at the marriage of Mi brother. W. T. Covington, which took place there this week. Note the change in the ad~ f Rl S- Jarnlgan In this issue. Mr. Jernl gsn sell* for rash only and at the lowest margin possible. The preea quoted in hit ad are attractive to those who like to bay on small mar gins Mias Grace Holliday, wbo has been variously III of pneumonia, U re ported better. She wa* ft rat stricken with influents, which developed into pneumonia. Her aistars, Jessie and Florence, are also recoverag from influrma. Your attention is called to the ad of the rarriah-Dnver Co. Aa this is to be a Christmas of Sensible Cifta they invite you to rums to their store on Railroad Avenue and aee their many beautiful instruments. They will be glad to'demonstrate whether you buy or not. The many friends of J. Kafua Smith arc glad to see him oo the »Uwt» again after several weeka ill ness. He was first stricken with in fluents and had a severe attack. He recovered nufliciently to be out, but suffered a relapse and had a severe stuck of pneuminia. T&a following boys from the vari ous camps in the country, are at home tdl* week on short furloughs* Her bert and Durham Taylor. Lawrence Fuseli, of Camp Ifeada, Kd . Byron fi .lMr, of Camp Caaila, V*.. Harper Holliday, of Eton t o!lege and Robert l. Denning, of Norfolk, Va A letter from Raymond Gainey to his sister, Mias Lannie Gainey, states that he ia now convalescing in a hos pital In New York. While in Franca he waa gaaned and waa sent back to recuperate He is potting along all right and hopes to be able to come home within the next thirty days: Very little cotton is being told on lb* Donn market since the price went down. There are a number of fanners around Dunn who hare not sold cotton yet, and only a few of them have sold tbalr crop. They are determined to get a fair price for this years crop and nothing leas than thirty cents will interest them. A number of them are holding for thirty-five. B. D. Weeks, of Dunn route 6, waa in the Dispatch office Monday. He left with ua a goose egg which wai one of five that bad been laid recent ly by one of his geese. For a goose to lay at this season of the year Is rather unusual sad Mr. Weeks is ax trvmely interested in the fowl that is guilty of making a precedent that it will be hard for others to live up to. He ia watching expectantly to aee what other stunU the goose will do before the year is gone. IT ,_L n ■_ _ a we . *. ...v* mm t. wni Gee. E. Prist«, arrived in Dunn this week from Miami, Fla. Hugh has been there for several month* in training for an aviator. He entered lh» service last June and waa sent to Boston, Maas., where he took a three-months course ia the Massachu setts Institute of Technology. Upon completing his course there be waa sert to Miami, Fla., arriving there Sept. 27, sine* which time be baa been doing practical work as an avia tor. In a few more days ha would have completed hie course and re ceived a commission. lie was order ed home a few days ago and ia now in innetive service of that branch of tha work. It is hardly probable that ha will be called agaia for ser vice. Yeu attention ia called to tha ad in tMa issue of the Barnes A Holliday Co. This Urge furniture and hard ware store will adopt the thirty-day system on December first and whan credit ia extended to any one pay ment will he expected the first of tha following month. It takas a great deal more money to do buadnem now than ever before and most af the goods merchants buy are cash, sel dom do they gat more than thirty day* to pay for them, and more often good* ars paid for before they are la tha house Uni*** a first has unlimited eapllal it eannut da business now un less It collects Its bills promptly, and tha thirty-day.system adopted by tha above named Ursa ia only a accessary xtap for a business that wishes to be sueccaafal and remain able to glvs Ma customers the beat of service J. A. McLean, of Goldsboro, wa a visitor In Dunn yesterday. Mias T .arils Howard la recovering from an attack of Influenza. A A. McDonald, of Lilliagtoa, m a business visitor In Doan yesterday Geo. K. Grantham, lispreaentatlvi from Harnett la the LegMIature brought to The Dispatch office thi week several large specimen! of tar nips, which he grow in his patch They are on display in the offiei window and are well worth lonknj at. Mr. Grantham stems to bo ai expert in growing turnips and pota toe* and ia successful when othert fail. There will be a regular meeting el Palmyra lodge No. 14T A. F. tA. M In the lodge rooms next Tuesday ever Ing at 7 o'clock. This will bo th« first meeting held iriser*ra) weeks ami a large attendance ia requested. All meetings were cancelled wbon the ejv idcmic of lniluensa was ragiag 1c Dunn and there has been no meeting of the lodge since early In October. Important business will come before tho lodge and' all master masons arc urged to attend. JOHN JAMES TART DEAD. On Wednesday afternoon Novem ber 13, 1018, aa the aun was complet ing its journey through the heavens, and burying itself beneath the West, em hill*, the Death Angel entered the home of Mr John James Tart and claimed as its own the husband and father. Mr. Tart was ill for about one week and hit death came ones pectttdly. T*rt wai bom in Jokifton County June 11, 1885, making his stay on earth 38 years. 6 months, and 2 day*. All was done that a loving wife, physicians, tender hearted brothers and sisters, father and mother, and kind friends could de, but God knew heal and took him borne with Him mr. i art leaves u> mourn Ms loss ■ devoted wife, one daughter five months old, five brothers: Ira, Lau dky, Ernie, Thaddio and Graddy: two abler*: Mias Hattie Tart, and Kn J. C. Brown, a father and mother, and a boat of relatives and friends. Mr. Tart was married May 27, 1S17, to Mim lob Wilks, a daughter of Mr. and Mn. W. 3. Wilka, and to thb union was born ons daughter. H* was a ehristbn-hearted man. Hs was very prosperous and had mads a good start id life. Mr. Tan was well known through out Johnston, 8ampssn, Harnett and Cumberland counties. All that knew him knew no other than to lov* him. He never fretted at anything and always looksd on tho bright ride of everyth tag. .Tho writer was ulkli« wMi the deceased on tbs street about tw» weska before hb death, and poor maimed beggar came along and pre sented hb card for help, and he con tributed ao cheerfully that I was re minded of the passage of scripture: "That it is more bleared to give than to keceive." On Thursday evening la the pres ence of a large crowd of relatives and friends who had gathered to pay their last tribute of love and respect to the dear one on earth, ho was laid to rcat in the Stony Bun Cemetery to await the Resaureetion Mom. It b bad to give up one we love so well, bnt we moat not question God's Wisdom for He doeth all things well. May God help tbe bereaved ones to look to the great Comforter, and may they take Him with them thru life as a great physician and a healer of all troubloa. A Precious one from u« is gone, A votes ws loved U stilled; A Place b vacant in our home Which never ran he filled. A FRIEND Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours—is oil the pre scription you need to avoid Influenza—unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take—at once ■—■ DIZZINESS IS ANNOYING. A» May Dun Taapla Kan Taw Wall Whan tha kidneys are weak or dis ordering, they fall behind la filtering the blood poisons. Aa these peisoae attack tha narres, tba result la f*H In spoils of vsrtlgo, last aa drunkanaam will make a man diaay from tha pot aonlag of alcohol. Dixxineas, head acha, backache aad irregularity of the kidney eacratione are all signa ef weak or disordered kidneys and ■hoaid not ha neglected. Uaa Doan'i Kidney Tills, the hame-endoraed kid ney remedy. __ Read this Dunn rmi dant'a ■taleroent: Mrs Bet tie Godwin, S10 8. Wash ington St., says: "I wee In a reiaer abla condition with my Iddnay* aboat iw# years ago. My back hurt terri bly and would hav* to proas my handa upon the maatl of It to earns tha pain. I had little control over the action of my kidneys and often .suf fered from attacks of blurred right and r! Ira in as*. I was narrow aad til run down, too. One box of Doaa't Kldnoy pllla atrengthansd my back I ****** * t * BUSINESS LOCAL « , SEVERAL ^SMALL *FARMS* FOl sale. W. II. l*arrish, Dunn, N. C 1 FOR SALE—470-ACRE FARM IF Sampson county 45 seres claar 1 ad and two tenant ho'.wex an It AJs« good water mill on premiers Terms easy. If lotcrcsteJ kee J P. Wilnon. Dunn, or Jonah McPball Newton Grove. BRING YOUR CHICKENS. BACON Ham*, potatoes, corn meal and con to Morgan Brea. Highest price* paid. Phono U. A COMPLETE LINE OF DRESSES Coala and Coat Bolts now on die play at GOLDSTEIN'S, Dunn'* Bast Store. Come 1st us show you. NEW STRAW BROOMS IS CENTS. Quantity limited. Order now. Delivery made every Monday. Mrs. D. B. Loo, R. 1, Box 95. 4t-pd. AUTOMOBILE AT SPECIAL BAR gain. Parri*h-Driver Co. JUST RECEIVED 1AOO POUNDS of nice fresh candies of all hinds, also Brasil nnm, English walnuts and almonds. Morgan Bros. Phone SB. Jl/ST RECEIVED A SOLID CAR at Ead Cedar ahtnglna cut at Van couver, British Columbia. These ih; agios average from 4 to 14 inches wide. No. 1 quality at 17.40 par thousand. Soe us for im mediate delivery. Butler Bros., Dunn, N. C. COTTON SEED MEAL. SUPERIOR bog feed, Daisy hog and cow feed all at Morgan Bros. Phone 85. WANT TO EXCHANGE—HOUSE and lot at Buiea Creak for auto mobile or small farm. W. H. Par rlsh. Dona, N. C. FOR SALE OR RENT,— FOUR good farms near school and church es. Daily mail. Land suited to growing lobacem core nnd cotton. These farms caa be ranted or bought on easy terms Land will advance 26 par oeat In abort tiara. Now Is a fine time to buy. J. G. Laytufc, Dunn, N. C., It. HEN OF SOUND JUDGMENT I Why not giro your wife or daughter a nice Babnlag Plano as a Christmas gift. You could^t do batter. Par riah-Driver ( TIRES FOR A specialty. FOR ANYTHING In THE FEED lina tea Morgan Bros. Phone S5. GRIFFON CLOTHING, THE KJND that fll and wear wall at GOLD STEIN’S, Dana’s Bast Store. KINGAN*S SUGAR CURED FIC nic at Morgan Rroe. Phono St. SILKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION at GOLDSTEIN'S, Dunn’s Beat Store. RED RUST PROOF OATS, APPLER osta, Virginia Gray turf oats, all for seed at Morgan Bros Phone 86. ASK TO SEE THE LATEST IN Ladies Suits and Coats. Soeoad floor at Draugbon’s FOR SALE.—TYPEWRITER AND d»*k cheap. Abo a lot of stove piping, piano bosca and pictures at half price. l'arriab-Drivar Co. WANTED AT ONCE.—MO DOZEN fresh eggs. Morgan Bros. Phone 86. ALL THE NEW THINGS IN DRESS in Triram tug* and Collar* at Goldatein’a, Dunn’s 'Beat Store. A RIC LINE OF CLOAKS AND Coat Suits Joel received at Dr a ugh on’a. STRAYED FROM MY LOT ON Nor. It, one mull whit* and black pig. Reward to any epu who wfU take up and notify mo. 1 think pig in town. R. M. Poors ail. ELECT YOUR STYLE IN PANAMA and Straw Hata now. W« want to show yon at Goldstein's, Dana’s Best Store. FOR SALE—S-HORSE INTERNA tional Gasoline eagln* in good condition. Apply at The Dispatch office SLIPPERS AND HIGH ROOTS IN Ugh an dlow boob at price* that will pleas* yon. OOI.DSTRIN'B. Dnan’n Beat Store. FOR SALE—72 ACRES OF LAMS located about one mile couth of Rosin Hin in Sampson cottaty. Good dwelling, bam and stall* A boat half andnr cultivation. Strsaua of water that never goes dry. Eiccllont farming cooamaal ty. Price 15.000.0t cash. W. A. Godwin, Valdosta, Qa. t-f. and kidney* and made mo strong and well again." Price «0c. at all doalera. Don’t »s*P>y a eh far a kidney remedy got Doan’s Kidney mb—the name that Mra. Gadwln had. Pastor-MIthom Co.. Mfg*., Buffalo. M. Y. * I »tii!Hrauiuiut»tiiiiiiuiiitaMamgMBattm«»iwiia—MBaaoi——awasB——ttt«B *~—ggg!ia 11 __ 3 I The John A. McKay Mfg.Co.. Ounn j » (Incorporated) ^l^pP 1 . G™*1 Foundry, Machine and Metal Works. I We make, deal in, Rebuild and Repair all j kinds of machinery. We have one of the best plants ! this class m the State. We carry in stock at all ; a nioe line of Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies * Shafting, Boiler, Tubes, Pulleys, Mandrels, Swing Saw Machines, etc. We carry constantly in stock a large stock of the celebrated James Ohlen & Sons Saws. Inserted and solid tooth, both Cut-off and Rip. See us for anything in Machinery or Machine work. < i < i ___ Over Quarter Century of Knowing How < > < ' _______ , " " i The John A. McKay Mfg. Com Dunn, N. C. < >_ _ I f I I I I 1 I I I : ? i . I I Hie Woman’s Tonic mm Do you laal weak, db- _ #■ *f. wora-out? to your MM ladt otgood health msed Bw horn toy oi the com- M %B ptoiato ao coamoa to WM fcj wonwa? Then why 001 Wo. ■P **r* Canto a trial? It fjSk ihotod aurely do tor you jP *MUd tatp a^hSto Br. j^P She wBI tell you bow H |Q w^B • K AH Dniggisb M; T,rTm. . n .. NOTICE! First and second installments on side walk and street jj paving P**t due and if not paid at once said property adjoining will be advertised and sold arrording to law without further notice. 3 J. W. WHITEHEAD, I MAYOR ‘ —a—| FERTILIZERS | At this time it ia mure imr-ortant than ever to uae I tbs very best fertilisers. Every bag of Armours Fertilizers is tbs combine- 8 tion of the vory best materials and skilled craftmanship I The result of tbsir use in thic section has been bigger § and better crops. H Why net buy ARMOURS an 3 have the satisfaction 1 that you haws rise host ia fertilisers far | 1 will he pleased to have your inquires. Geo. M. E LOYD | iniiiummiiimiiiiiiiiiiiininnHiiiiimiiuag- .. CALL ON US FOR • ' ' . ~Si • *' • -’ • ■ * . INSURANCE . AND REAL ESTATE LOANS. : ' ; ■• j v'V i ’•.- --S/jif §*j , v| | --- . ' Dunn Insurance & Realty Co. _ r'■"■"■ ————————-iwil. ———I ’. • 5 ' Ck-v'' f