THE — - * - . ν«ι. S LAN. 1·. Hit 35 STATES HAVE RATIFIED FEDERAL DRYAMENDMEN1 Race Nebreak*. Mi· louri sed M innttrtr To Be 3βΙ>. Cliachinc N«nib«p ratificationcompletee BY » STATES YESTERDAY H tUai&eatUa U Tkii Me-«k, Muy oed»l· Beli.v. n.1 Ceuatry WUI ■· rerm.aeotly Dr, Nut July 1, Sud Started i. Cali (•rata. Washington, Jan- 15—Leglalaiur " of thirty-fin Stale»—on» la·* than tlx required thrae-'ourth. have rati ûcd the prohibition constitutional a mcndment. Several 8t»t* Aaeembliei now ar· in *a*aiou and are expected li take action tomorrow with a probe kit race between Nebraska, MlMOBii and Minn·"011 *» to which will b« tht Ihlrty-ai**1' on the li»t. Ratification wu completed today by the lyaelalatera* of five State·—Iowa. Colorado. Oregon Now Hampehir* ana Utah—making a total of twelve In two day*· Of the thirty—five State* that have taken action, oaly fourteen bave certified their aetioa to the Federal State Department. They are Virgin ia. Kentucky, North Dakota. South Carolina, Maryland. Booth Dakota, Texas, Montana, Delaware, Maaaa chueetta, λ H to ο a Oeonria, Louisiana and Michigan. . The intendment under Its provis ion», become· effective one year from the date of 4ta final ratification. Ad ditional legislation by Congre*a ia nec reaary to make it operative and ground work for thla already haa been laid. Thia legislation will prescribe penalties for violation of the amend mem «no determine how and 117 what agenciet the law «ball be enforced . If ratification I· completed thi· month, many official» her* believe the country wiU become permanently "dry" next July 1, the date on which the ipetial var-tlmv prohibition re cently enacted by Comme goee Into effect. Τ hi· law prevent· the manu facture mad ■!· of inioaieuta for beverage parpu**· and remain· in force an til the demobilination of tk· natioc'a war ami· la completed. Court act!an to prevent the amend ment becoming operative already haa been itarted in California, where an ortier temporarily rertralntng Go* «oner ttepMU from «tyning ratifie a to* ofjtlS * · It li/ittir, that mendmanta mart be «obmitted referendum. The prohibition amendment raaolu tion paaeed by Con*»·· provide* that ratification ihall be by "the legisla ture» of the leverml ft ta tea aa provided by the co'oatitotion : The reaolntlon follow*: "Reaolved by the Senate and Hooae of Repreeentatlvee of the United State· ef America In Contre a* imam, bled (two-third· of each Bow con curring therein,) that the following amendment to the conatitotion be, ana hereby i*. propoeed to the State·, to become valid 0· a part of the conjti tution when wtifieo by the legi»l*tar m of the lèverai atate* aa provided by the conatituption : "Section 1. After owe year from the ratification of thi· article the man ufacture, ule, or treimportation of In toxicating Hqnora within, the importa ton thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United State· and all thereof for beverages purposes t· hereby prohibited. "Section a. The Congress and th« several state· «hall have concurred power to enforce this article by ap propriate legislation. •'Section S.—This Article shall be inoperative unless It shall have been field a* an amendment t ο the constitu tion by the legislatures of the several States, as provided In the constitu tion, within seven years from the date of the subesdon hereof to the Ststea by CongTeee." The resolution was passed by the Senate β6 to 20 on August 1, 1917, and by the (louse 281 to 121 en Dec ember 17. HIT. Mississippi waa the flrst stats to ratify the amendaient, its legislature acting on January 8, 1918. CASUALTIES, in FRENCH ARMY TOTAL Μ.7ΜΛΟ 'Ww On> War Ported te w ,, ••r—Killed m AetUe er Wn^, $1,019,000. C*«oaltl«e in the French army, eg. v..'1** colonial troops op te Noven* ***· 4.762,800, according to »f rnr.l·^"· msde public by th< LSSL*·'' commission to correct reports hitherto published «Qled in action er dead ol thl?toLin*mblnd 1,099,000 and t< this total Mu^ u 298,000 list y.d as for loeft · total Of 1.117,BOO. " n< »a"b". wo»nd»d «u 8.000,000 with *»»,000 listed u prtaoner· Thfi^fonrtu of ^ woarJua b«v< yec^·^ 311*hUy U*« tfca,, 700,000 »re «ta» luUiy »™kl« to work and b>T· b··» poniloi"1- Tka Krcnrh roY«rn»»«Til animate# tfc· total nantxr of anflt *· a mo η* ^ troop· coming from FV«JJf or prot«ctof«tei ».r. 4».00« "££·* dlJd of wotinA witk 1S.OOO tod Ttry prob· blj imà- ftup.tyh Autre* "·****' °* Coopar. vu I» IHnn W»rfn»«^»7 ra r*«t· to Wait land. Fl·., wb«· h· ww .paeJ th winter witfc M* f?V I. D. Ba«ntl Kr. Bnr« «η* FWridaU. DMMbar, bet wa· Mtlad Soma wkr hU aon-tB-law, LonoloJaekaon. dM • H· wffl rotum to W* Koi»a .n Samp •on xmctiM In ■M*fc COURT NULLIFIES DRY STATE LAWS Reed "Boa· Dry" Amandin·»' 1· Co*»»trued by the U. 3. Supreme Court MR M'REYNOLOS DISSENTS ! Wiih'ppion. Tail. 13.—S\»r u ' ·" i *ry'' rtaU.» i>irmitt:'w· porjona I» nr to μ.· . λι' / b ιΡ. in lim iiîtH leiounra of • ·„·.ι·ιΐ« i«>r '■ ' I own DM were In cffecl niil*lfii<d ty lh ] aocalled Reed "bona Λ.γ" amenlntv ι enacted l>y Confre«. the ivji»"X; court held today in an opinion r;v ·ί.-. In* th· federal court for the «oath-m dirtrlct nf Wert Vinfio'a. Jutticc McReynoida. in a dl»ainti.f opinion, in which Juatlco Clarku, con curred, held that th» Reed am ru ment waa not an Intentai* commoic: regulatory measure, but a direct ηκ· i dlini with Mat· «inmr*. nml t.,; s ,f», purely beyond the power of tho fed eral fottrnewt. The eaee came up un π» appeal of the fowrnifnt 'rum the lower coart dacMon riianiaainy jirocecdinj;* brought acaioit Dan Hill for carrv. In* a quart of liquor into Went Vlr (tnia for hi* prrtnnal u*e a< iiermit ted by the (tale law Th· t»ial louit held that inch trana|»ortat><>n did i.ol rumo with.η ihc meaning of the Xei*. .(ficnilrnoi.t. which, it held. >■> in tended to apply only to actual *hlp mcnta of lninor. The Ruprenji· ccj*: remanded the ca»e for retrial. In rendering the majority opinion Juatice Day «aid: "In view of th» authority of Coa rraaa over th* aubject raatu r aiwl Ih" rnarlnent of previoua lerinlattoc em bodied in the w:iaon and Webb-Kon yon law* we hav« nu question that Con**·»» enacted thia statute because of iu belief that in ttatei prrohib'.t:rc Ik. --1- ---4 » * — cnttaf liquor* for brvemgr pormwrc. th· faellHiti of iounuilr roinmf ' re should be denied to th· introduction of intoxicants by mum ft interstate commerce, except for tlic lim.t ·<1 ihi.·. pone* permitted in the itatote, whiih nave nothing to do with liquor wrh.n uaed as a brvrmjfr. "That the state aaw fit to pormit thr Introduction of liquor for porterai u»r Id limited quantity in nowirc inter feres with the authority of Conjrc^ acting under its plenary power over interstate commerce to makr lb« pro hibition against irtrrrtat* shipment contained in tkii act. It may exert Ml authority ai In the Wilaoei and Webb-Kenyoo acta, having in view the 1M·· .of thf Mat», hot il has a prtNF o( Its own which ta„thia i» item H haa e*arod In •écerdiilot' ΜΜΜΜΜμι ty In a matter within ha control itate law* mast give way in view of the1 r»jr»lation of the s'jbj >ct mi'.lM 1·ν the nuprrme power eor.frrrod hy the constitution." Justice McRcynoldi maid in diaxsnl me: "Th· Reed amendment in no proper tense regulates interstate Tominerce. bot U a direct intermeddling with the state's Internal affairs. Whether re garded as reward or punUhDt"- for wladom or folly in enacting limited prohibition the amendment. si> con strued. I think, go«* beyond federal power; and to hold otherwise oper.s CaibilitWs for partial and aertlons! ■elation which may dartroy control of their own affair* by the tovcral states. If Congresa may deny liquor lu Uioaa who live in ο state simply because ι ta manufacture is not. per mitted there, why may not thin Ik· done for any suggested reaaon, nam: ly, Decaute inr roam are υ .in „r m Έ ■re hanped fer murder or co»U arr du»? »Vri i· the llmhr The Roi amomlment. aa now ronetrucd, ii « ronereifional flat Impcelntt more com plete prohibition wherever the «ut» U aaaunu-ri to prevent manufacture or tale of intoxicant*." CONFEDERATE VETERANS MEET AT LILLINGTON. Lillinrton, Jan. 14.—On next Sat urday the 18th, our old Confederate veteran* will meet at IJlllneton to celebrate the anniversary of In· birth of Lee and Jackaontho Immortal chief taina of tha loat cam·, Borne di»tm guiahed speaker* will addreee the old aoldler* and tha Red Cross Utiles and Daughter* of the Confederacy will Cpare refreahmsnts for Οίο orcaa Our people oufht never to fore-et to do honor to these old heroe* who were the bravait of the brave in the lon(. Ion* ago. When we forte*} to honor theac men both living and dead, it will be when we have become un worthy of tbem, and not when they have become unworthy of α». We hope aoma day to tee a monu ment «reeled on oar court houec «quare, erected to the heroes of the Ce»fe4eeate dead, and to the heroes who sleep· on the hills and In the val J·*· of France where they fell in the défera* of their country'» honor. The bones of theae huroee will some day be brought back from acroaa the aea that they may aleep in the warwi »un !? boeom of that land which Rave 29 W*tb, and for which Oioy were DRY AMENDMENT IN NEED OP SIX STATE». Chicago, Jan 14. Seven «tat·· to day completed ratification af Oia pro hibitioa af the constitution*! amend aient, and brought the number taking aacb action to 30. Tha romber nee eearr far ratification i* 34. Antamaa, California, fllinot·, Kan Ma, North Carolina and Alaban»» war· the atatea Joining tha "dry (ohm In addition the Nebraska aenaU and the .Utah ho «μ voted for rati S ration Id California. Howevtr. attorney» fer the Ο cap· Grower·' Protective league. *l»d «alt far an injunction to reatralB the garernor from certtfyln* the catlAcalien ]n eueport of the 1 •alt It waa argaed that all acta of th. California iegnlature m tart be atab- ! »H1od to a referendum 30TH AND 81ST ARE NOT COMING SOOf Only Two DrvUioa* of South •rt« Troop* Otctmu To Re tara Early ! RECENT REPORTS ABOUT J N. C. TROOPS ERRONEOUS j Ter HmIi Amenf TUm KiUIui By Gen. Ptrikinii WW· Lwialed Now 'A'aihlnpton, Jan. H.- -Of the IKju'.hem t'oijxi ovcrpru, men of or L< two divlvart the :j I wt and an tu be r»turucd to the United Slat·· li tM near futurr. Part of the 3l«t dl tmiOD, cumpcjcd Itf Georgia. Alabaou anil Florins *nhj'«ni. already Kav< toiled and thr remainder have beet plarnd on priority fur early return Th« SI it ha.- l*«n "ukaletonlaad" u tordmir to tbr war department. Whcr hoatiUtir* ended It ww located ai Ui-eat, aad htd not been w ftffnrd to M plaer ■ ι the flithtinff Una The S'^th divition. eompoaad of Ala Uamc, T*>rltiana and M ia*U»ipp4 mer had her,, ilidi-tonlicd for rrplacc muc: nnrf return to the United State· Th" S!«th vat a depot diviaion Inratec at St. Klon>nt, Trance. wh* ntbe flght i-ir "toprwi. The :tt)th diri'ion, coœp<ia*d of Ν 0„ 8 C.. and Tenneatet troops, bad he· ι iA-'4rr.**<i to flgbl with the Brltiafc ami <ra* luratrd at Quorrien, France wh-T the armistice >vaa alcned. It le Re" located at Hallou Th» ei«t divinion eompoaed of Morth Carolina, Houth Carolina, Flor ida and Porto tlican troop· mi loea U'.l at Somme Diein and IvSur-TiH» when hostil'tiea ceased, being at that timo anaaiiifned. At prcaeat H la at Mu*av Bar Sane 1'he 80th division γοβιιλμΗ n4 » rrçiii:». Virginia and Waatern Prr'.'ylsania iroopti. »■■ attached to ' h· ««cord army and when tho Eghiinjî rraaed. w locatad at S«.mmaath<.· and Si. DitW, Franca 'Ul«t rcpdiu· it lusted at Au cy I ^.PraBf. Thv 82nd division composed of Ci ->ryi«, AUktma and Tcnnenec irvupi «it uttarhrd to the American 4r».t army and wu» loented at Klorant, Kr.tnr*. when the fighting caaaed. It k* at Prauthoy < The· 67th divinon, tompoitd of Ar kaiiMt, Luuliiana, Miaaiaaippt and Southern Alabama troop·, *a» doinir temporary duty at Pona, France, near Sordcaiix. whan ftjrhiing raaacd. It ia aow located at St. Naaair*. IV and 9t. Diriez, franca, whan ' Utîcc *'a-j cigncd. The Ί2ηιΙ dituivn, compoaad of n» trro troupK from all nana of tha coun try, wa· at Marbocho and St. Diner. Frurtcr, whrn fitting caaaad and at prcaant ia located at HirWh·. JURY LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM Flrrt Week--J. 8. Parriah, Grove; Τ. γ. Bjril Stewart.· Creek; C. L· Pol lard, Grove; D A ïlor>cycot», NeiU'r Crock; R. Ν Thomaa, Barbecue; J. L. Morgan. Hector* Creek; K. A Greg ory, mark River; G. W White, Bar txcuo; A. A. Waddell, Lillitgton: J. H. Karcfuut, Avaraafar,ro; W. Π. Bol der. Upper IJttle River: II. T. Gilbert, Tïector* Creak; U. Γ.. Saawell, John· eonvilW, J. \V Herman, Grove; D. J Wowrn-k, Upper Kittle River; M. P. fy * ·« - » — - -, - - , «rrva «<>VM« » » I « V I ψ iA Τ» · Bucharv:. Ilrper Little River; D. L Butt«. Duke. Arcorui V,'«ck—J. G. Smith, Av· crnaWo; Ale* IliwVaday, Black R4v rr ; J. H. Thome·. Upper Little River; J. W. liobb*. l)uke>; Γ). R. Mitchell. BucVrhorn; W. P. Dean. F.uckHnm; I. L. Wilbom, Black River; H. P. Kay. nor. Averaaboro; W. H. Auttin, Buck horn; J. R Davie, Vppor Little Elver; J. ti. Amolli, BufVhom: J. A. Whit tentnn, Orcve; E. 11 . Eobanka. Av «raubnro.; D. J. Woodull. Black Div er; .J. M., llfcjK-r Utile River; J. C. Hamilton, He*tor* Creek; B. F, Iruclove, Su wart* Crtek; C. W Psurtin, Π lack River. BAD WRECK IN NEW YORK. T-.rtr-o·· Killed Wk.n Feet Trel. Ran· Into Rear Coeck of Anotb « Traia. Uetavia, Ν. Y., Jah. 12.—Twentj oie jierrona ware killed anil «avérai injured three aerioualy in · reer-rnc rjlllfion »o "J· Now York Centra Railroad rear foath Ryron thi» mom ίηκ at X:4 4. Tho South weeurn liai Iwd, weetboJtd. erarhad into tk< Wolvorlnc limited, alto weetbound which had aiopped to take on an ax 'ra en»in·. Every person in the rear Pullmar eoack of the Wolverine waa killed Only a few of the «lead have beet identified tku· far, moat of the Hndiei boiaf mangled beyond récognition. up vo a liLr Dvur ujnijrni ohly ι f·· ο I the dead had bean identi fie J, and the mangled condition ol the bodice and t)i<· abeence of eloth In* raaking the wurk of identlficatiar «low and difficult. All of the fetall tic» occurred in tho la»t car of Uh Wol*»r;ne. The rear Pullman a steel car. wa< I reduced to wreckage Who η the en vine hit the upper part of the aeconi roach from the end <H torn fro π ;ita tTQcka ar.d, lifting allghtly mtaah ■>d directly thronfk tac centre of tlw r»ar lopr.h ftrr itt entire length rwreping (he bertha and eaata Into I compact plia of wrnckng·. Into thii dolirie the bod:*a wore tightly wedged Not a altering paeaenger in the cat «•raped death or aariotu injury. V'arqoard Hmlth, who win take tlx farnen·' order* for nitrate of aodi to b· puTchaeol by Um govenunent will ha located la C. J. Smith'» ο flic over Purdte-llook» building. Call 01 him there tf yog want t· poeehaa. «oda from the government. All ne dart mut b· In by Jar.'y 25th. COUNTY IN TROUBLE mmy m Rural Die "War Strlafi H*èDY . PUT ON JOB ** Porm« J*>. Cut haa rei m&r, the Unit !'*·/ Joatice'e 14.—Former Dietrict referred to United State* Joatice'e agent Id Ealetgh. Attorney " Frtéeie^ department t rhafi· °' lfnJi Camhaa, a UtUr whic· a complaint that an impeater fraudcntiy collect if ·°ν;/ L the rural district» for "w»r fctamp· wiunirti " D. D- a farmer who Htm near Sampeon county, haa hy the wily atranoer, wha J» "œcfred aa "a lai*·, portly, red faced who drtvaa a bi> auto moWU' Mj McDonald mat the man or. I ί00η^1*·βί( vu aakcd to pay (S ceeU Mjtf yearly "aaaii—.at* for «"Hi. P&aallv ***«·«· acr—i t Sw Ά sup Kraft»*» waa aot « Τ4Λ to NorU Ca; , ÏZf? »b» » _>mc Finally the ftranrer ' 4M eenta for two bbtetned a dollar iront hla way re 1. II. Halt call· and the people theeaeelras a y fleeced by euch 1 the" collector" Randy will Leave for towaa u waatera Ha wil) atop at Aabevtle, city he will decide practicable to eloae breach office there, to Hitet by tebraaiy probable that it kept **·**■ **0° tba affect that there a «Teat _t_ i_ j AahevUle. Lhe handli r MHl rafmnrt to 1 Burnet tad proetitute u la tffect *r· z·· HO the tient». Th· office tie. « wr cl»ied ioo alio at so Cnw< al^ ward. Tha walk, with office of " m two government Aulu'l peraoaael t while Kenihrorth ha* Including p* > department of J» wfn probably h« _ a Charlotte oAoa ' distant date if Camp pUaa fa far te t^ eoBtraliaa the of tha one la Baleigfa. laVe up arMnjdafaaaa of tha caurtrj nould be muttered ont and, therefore, ticking employaient, tha United State» Civil Service Commaaion re commended to the Preatdent that pro Hi ion be made for the refoatatement in the civil terriee of each an Ac cordingly. the President iasaed th· following beeotin Order dated J air 'P. 1918: "A peraoa leaving the eteaaiiled civil umet to engage la tha mili tary or navjkl eerriee of the Govern ment darink the preeent war with o-nnnny aaa who haa been honorably J «charged Bay be reinstated ia the civil «ervicc at any time within flv· yearn after hi» discharge, provided that at the time of relnatatestetil he ha· the required fltneu to perform th« dutira of tha petition to which rrinatetemeM ia aoogfat." It will be noted that under the term* of U>« Executive Ordu, a mar who ni »* perm Led from tit· etrll citabHahmeat to Uke part la the war may b* raloatated In a civil aervice position within five yun after hi* dlicharge fro ta th· military or naval fwrvlee. It will farther be noted that there I» no restriction that th* man mad b* reinstated in the particu lar petition from which h« waa aepar· atea. Under th eterm* of the Exc retive Order, he may he reinatated anywbero I» the civil servie, provid ed that at tile time of reinstatement he has the required Atneaa to perform th* dutiea of the poeitioa to which reinstatmett U sought. IMMENSE NUMBER CIGARETTES MANUFACTURES THIS YEAR. Waablal^n. Jan. 11.—Thirty-nine billion rlfnrettc* were produced in th* Unit·* State· laat year, and to fer a* the Department of AgrtemHurc hw> been «Me to aecertAia practical Iv all wiD t* ueed hi tkia country, a· few wll lb* exported. Tbeae receipt» the Department reporte, are foar time-* a* ni»<i7 cigarette* aa were pro duced *ev*h year* are. C-onaumftion of tobacco la other form* derrvaeed «lichtly laat year, dM larrely t*ι higher price·. Laat yeai ΜΙ,ΟΜ,ΟΟ® poo η da of leaf tobacco wer? uwd In manufacturing compared with «β8>>0.·Φ« pound* In It 17. SEC. CLA&S OPTIMISTIC OVU 0 LIBERTY LOAN. New *»k, Jan IS.—"WV· tin •op*·I I· »*de to the judgment end U tût «entant af Mm Amrltu peo pi· the «fui. and I trot tke (art. ilk frtj Loti VIII ρ nn the top M th« four prMnlni Liberty Ltua km ι don». Carter Glass, Secretary of Mm Treorury. told member» of the Kn York Si*1,0 Bankers Association to n1(bt In >*■ flret public xklnei dne< taking «#®e. Mr. 01*· fHwd his belief in tin patriot!·» of tke American ρ·οΡ1. and deal·» thai M would be nereeearj ι te float tk* flfth Liberty Isa· on ■ purely e^heerelal bods. "W· ban cot to invoke tke patriot lun of tb· American people and I air to tog te ·® H (onfidtnUytnd there h going ta b« inch a reopon«e aa «ai I never «V"*aMd before ta America.' ι be laid. ι Tke beT«' only tkoots are of koase ι The ho**Nlks are thinking ef thai II boys. T»e only amn at tkia tin·· be ■ H»»en h*J« and tke boys Is tke worl ef tke welfare organtsation·. PRESIDENT WILL TOURTHECOOHTRY fWiU Mm Spttkiai Trip Wlw, He Ratura* to tk« Uni ¥ tWJuto. GT THE NATION'S VIEWS ON IMPORTANT QUESTIONS WmUI Sornd Omt »—«!■—» aad l>. farm ttw Commtrr by Pmml CiBlilt Part», Monday, Jan 18.—Pn«Wc»t Wl'io" 's conaiocrtn* a "T>eaklnjt tour ci t!a United Stat·* whan ha return* horn*. It 1* mid thie trip will take Lint int omany of the principal cttl··, and It 1· poelbl· he may touch the Padfllc coast. H» plana are net aa yet matured, bet it ta bettered be ha* mate red, bat H la believed he ha* dlacuaaae the pUn* with hi* adrHer» With Coiurraa* eat of the war aariy 1 ■a March, Mr. Wltaon woald Mora return la» te Karope. «hould ha»· as opportaaity foe auch a tear ha follow hi* encmal plan, and If hi* re tara fthoald be ne ternary. Be abt would bava tim« for hi* propoacd trip be fore the convening of an extraoedia ary »e«doh of Conrrtm, ahoeld ha decide to call one. So far a* ia known Mr. Wilaoa haa no plana for aa extra •••■ion, but' he tUU bold* to hia idea of retaminr to the paace eongram. If it la fatt hi* preacnca 1* nocamary t otha Hircca· of the Ware· ef "·- ! lion·. The object of hi* propoaad ■>!■>· In* tour woald be to inf·™ the ♦onntry by perianal contact of the proceeding* at Paria and at the Mat . time aoand out and encoure** paMIe «•rtlnent in «appert »f the peace principle* he has eaaaciated and ' which be feb bare been acclaimed by th· ι ia Karope. inert arc ■ iw »· ororuu an iMiiDciDMaa of Λ» President'· pir poae, bet the»» claM to hta «ffwt "Kb · tnp ι* feaeible in view eftba faet it la new certain the m» will «ta be working on Ha ■roMeaa dorinr the aummer. Mr. WiUon ■ friends believe popular ex prtMion· in the United State· η «ht iTin::— ^ » "·"· ·»»» »'··» muvvnct OQ European lUtnan. The Preaideat baa teW· hie friend» Ka conaidar* the recaption given him by the people of Earope. not at a heraonaJ erdoraement, bat aa apprav -· peace principle* He fci •d, therefore, to Mr. John D. Motley, of Chalybeate I Spring*, died early Saturday mormnp after an iHneee of errerai daye with icfloanxa, followed br pneumnmia. Mr. Motley waa about forty year* of a«re at the time of hi* death, and loan· a wife and "«tot children. The deeeaaed waa a moot UcMy es teemed cMJxen, and waa wall luiown throughout thit rotrnnanttj ai ai h· duatnou* and thoroughgoing man of gentle and maaly temperament. The whole county regreta hia vaaainfr In the prime of life, and will aineerely sympathize with the bereaved family. Several member· of the family are «till esfTering with pneumonia.—Har nett New*. ni AI*[>AJU> JUUAK IS AVAIL ABLE AGAIN. Kaletak, Jib, 15.—Tor the oast κτ·η1 work· North Carolina dealers have been able to purchase '»l»r «ml» from the Louis Ian· nifar diatrlcta. Thia augar haa not been altogether acceptable to the North Carolina ι trad· and the announcement Jaa« .made by Food Administrator Pa**, that th· eastern refineries and tho Saeajmah XHIury hare been auOvor iaed by th· Sugar Equalisation Board to roeume shiptaenta Into North Car olina and other southeastern states, «111 bo τ try acceptable mm not only to dealers but to consumers also. This annooncemcnt follow· largo ahip msnta of nesr «rop Cabas sugar which will begin to airhro at Sara* nab and other Atlantic Coast porta the latter part of thia week. PIRE IN BUSINESS CENTRE OF FAYETTEVILUE. Fayetteville, Jan. IB—Ftr*, said to have orielnsted from a cigarette drop Cin th. elevator of th* Stain boftd ·■ Market Square to η If h t, threat ened the business center of Fayotte rille The flame· was blUÎight under control by the (he department la forty minâtes after tho oatbreak and eea flnod to the fourth and fifth floor of the baildinf. which housss, ta addition locale xemptlaa board, the Ualtad KS-fS»· Health Service, the Wo Cam· Community Benin and aa of club «m the flfth floor The loos «aanot bo eotifcated at thia boar. The large part of 4am ■ n w ■* bv water majuuid WIN USD a y night Wodoooday nlfkt at ovolan o'clock tbo kocM of B«v. 0. *. Klrkea _iek la UlllnRton, Mr. W. M. Staler of Ommboro and M to* Auk Loo Crnrr of CllaWa wora married, the happy eveat walii •onrwSat a* a •arpriao to (Mr many friend· ta «Ma taction. Several frtonda of tbo yarn· rouyU awnifuM thorn to TlWtog to*. The Wtdo la tbo da«rWtar of Mr. J. B. Out of Cltatoa, u4 baa a koat of frtonda In Haraott Co Maty, ghe haa boon (aarhtol achool at Daho for aoaao ttma. Tbe San; >oaaf coaplo wlU leave Friday for Orim bora to aaafce their he··. where Mr. Shaffer la «a|( la Μμ>»ι· Tbo hearty bo* wQwa of (Ma m—matty Win ba their "r CLOSING UP WORK OF DRAFT BOARDS WiAim the Not JO Day. tkm Werfc of tfc· 10» Ww* Wfll Hat· MICHAUX TALKS OF WORK Raleigh. Ju. 14—John B. Hklh jux. efGreenaboro, mbIw at Gail ; tord arlcctiv· draft boarrf Ko. S. «ho »" ta Raleigh today while on M· way a nik local bowdi ia eastern Caro le», talked intcraeUngly of Mm toal rorit of these nrjcanitationa. la ad litlon to hi» duties en ths Guilford soard Mr. Michaox 1» rtavc inspector if til· draft board· and ha ha· had ?xcelle*t opportunities for observing :loeely tha work of thaM agencies. Withia the next M days the work >f the 109 draft board· la North Car >lina arlB have baaa mwylatid, Um Sreepsbero au bdteree. During ■he pset Booth tha ■sihin of thaM kadna hare baaa serf)* nfind la : losing tha roeerda and these wfll ooea lad their war to Preeosd Mental Seaeral Crowd· r'· eMce when they rill fceeomo a ρ·ι annal part οt tha "SïïS? lURy North CarobfiUBi rheee —M war· es rolled hi the res ter of the treat draft imj are Mill β France aad other* la America* raisin* eaape have not yet been <Ms sharged hut their ftnal record· will ha isaMBitted dtraetly to Washington, here being do necewtty for prolong d retention of the local boards. Mr. Michaux h keenly liaprsss«rt rlth a sense of the tremeadoaely srse Ttlona of records pertaining to he restoration, examination, ladac Ion, asrvire and defeoMisatioc of the hraftaea. Re feels that these I VIII M Ol IDWCUUWM DCDOTl LU U» future, particularly froaa t bhluriwl atandpomt. R«w«wt, certain tefor nation obtained tfcroa«rb aeleetive Irait administration will be tmM irtth «triet cntdati ud etforta to njure any of tk· former hUîmi ae ι ratait of tkna recarie will not ki Loierated ha aaya. Ai to tk· tftnttga of tk· draft art Mr. Michaux aaya tkat e large fart at to aacceaa ia attiAatakl· to tki •plendid aplrtt of ta mmallit foated Wr the pat iaaa«a of (•a piinpta. On tiw whole Ma ] m km been aiarked ta com bla fairnaee «ad H toa boa» a tared far ami eqaJubly thaa waa at Int pamUr coeddared poaalbte. ■•tdnr an amy of bom thaa tfiOOr TWaal» balf M t* Mr. Fallen a. HaD diad et Camber land General Boapital Tueaday ntght at 11M o'clock. Β· bad been a pa tient there for foor week» and bad bean in failinc health far aérerai montha. Mr. H»n. who waa 4S yean of aae, waa a baay aad uaefai man and had a boat of warm frienda and admirer». Ba araa a eon oC tke late H. L. aad Margaret HaD, aad waa bora In Week Hirer TowntUp. Cumberland County Mr. Hall rapr—anted thl» ceeaty in the Hooaa of the State General Aaaembly ia 1*01. Be waa Reiriater of Deela far the county for four year* from 1110 to ISM; waa County Auditor for two yeara, and fer tbe paat year bad aareed the Fed lin UV1«I MMNl ju m· IHIU ■ WWivu# drpirtmcnt . Bixtrcn jrur ut he married Mia» Runic· Cox, of OcHibira. who »ur vWei Un with four children. Ec b alto aurrived by four brother»—Ε I- Hal of Payotteeilk: J. L. Ball, of Benaoa; Rer. W 0 Ball, parte* of Soothaide Boptlet Chureh. W Amine ton. and D. M. Ball, o( Clayton. Mr. Ball wae a amkn of tkt Bap U*t Clrarcb of PhonU Lode* of Ma. •on*, of the order of InMh of Ρy thlat an dva· a Royml Arch Maaen. The fantral wilt be held Wednes day moral»* at 11 o'clock from Fint Baptist Church and tKe burial will bm with Mamie cérémonie·—Fayittte rflte Wainil. MRS UNA MDUHOUR OF mount cilcad oka© Da.(bwr af Roe. aad Mr·. M. B. Col· τ ι r- ImaaU ta Mwaaa—Aa ilhir Outbreak af tha Flu. Mount Ο dead, /aa. 14.—The town aad coauuanity of Mount Ottoad hai been «eddened on aeraaat of tha paaa lag af oma of Ma hMk naif wo men, Mia. Liaa OoHran· Ridcnbour wife of David EMwkw, aad da ark tar af Krr. aad Mm. N. C. CoHram of Cutlai·, what» death imeiiri here yeeUrday at It o'clock follow, la* aa iltoeaa af «beat a weak wttl inlaenaa and pnemaonla. Mm. Rideahev graduated from tlM Oreeaeboro College for Women if both the ttteiary aad Mataal couraei with tK# eUu t\t 1 ÉlO fViu*·· »Ve fallowing four yaan wbll· ko fttWl »u p«Ur #f the Mount Gfl»*d rfr e«« *4m mmi* bar Home to· «Mi hm paranU >ad Mrvcd h»r ekarrb to Nndtr Mhool rltrimcj M ornllM and Uvkir and *» tummmnity m ■ruait Utchw in iH· piM iitlH Hm· to Mrrlm U Mr. «M» Hour «to* ■ T—r Ml Λ» hrnit H*. to had forth·* ond—j»d îhwW *· J· lift of Um MOpI·, M · ■■■*» *· Motto·' rlub and otto eemmmtMj artfrtUaa m tWt ter to* h · dte tinct Im te Um tew·. . _ _ Ror χη·« «M to **·*?· Dr. UdWm^fto' toato*^"**"^ day. Mm la aarrhad by totofcaad *m4 Otto·. ·* Otoo. Tba hoir w carried to Oitfton M· MnM HMfuM by r»U thrw tad frltada. HOUSE VOTES BIG SUM FOR FAMINE RELIEF ABROAD FOOD RELIEF IS KJtY TO . EUROPEAN SITUATION I tfca oatrida of __ Um ted been ELrwsatt-ry betln* tk· wMtward tprtmd ol ^ «5 TW kill lav bom te th« Mndc. Pkitr Mm vm «ffarad fe tka «Ubau, ud toU. and ESvS"15^ Mît Ç. Hoover and Vima MeCcxmkk chalraiM of the war trad. W«u5T. ρ. «ω nd* raportad kr tk. ndoaW «•♦to* *u adopted aad afterward tfca bill waa panai, >40 to 7M. The «sir «m id mill accepted waa ·»■ bT^emwliiHelSSw.^; char*» of tfca stuirt, ■ fclifc p« natta »»♦ of put of tfca fand fa, iStofS wntrie· rontW-uoaa to Kinm. TUa «tMubitpoaMTt» aid ftufirtr· I· tke mm» «.■·* tie If. CHURCH NEWS "herw wu an to-i'-.neo M . Flat Branch ■κ i:ine to Hoor __ dr - > of th. putor. *«τ. Ο. Ψ. Kkk »·> ck In honor of Mr. CoUa Shaw. »· wu klBod in hattlo M M H '-rt, Franco, on Bimrtw ttth. w! - 80th dMdo*. to whieh hi by" «pod. took port fa wauhlao Oio « jftijsu,"!: ίν,'Λssxr--*» •ο», nu ι lor. of fr'n Lake t3ii "WbooMnr wfll M i htm Bfo «hall looo ft : fcwt wfcow> «*»- ehaO looo klo Itfo for mr nko th? toi oholl un it" 0 - iridorinc tho bitto* or « jo coiemmH— ta .... th ? :Mmoi ht ian UnT da %ftorMo· ww owprtÉngl, hktn. Tli recaaioa WOO orvamutinn of « Pi- >7toH*n Chtjreh at AM >lae>. Ir. - tpoMo to an Matot* and ta. v .* amil, tho Prwhytory of Fc fjtjDi pw»*, a toMWoi jiicr loaaELac iTkra. A.lTl(è! ϊ ^^sarvuriJo*?: ::: aiwfan Dj* ■ Choroh. Aftor a uwaoa a»> gr. -.-loto to tho Me Dr"~ MePo»»M. nMloeii UmI.wi t)'< : *#W Mi liutalW in tWr Γί tor I - this Mr. KMMtttak «toi*·*·* S * » Κγ'ιιμΜ ■ce '. TW ι - vi m m- 'ifMMi to Ik· DMt pr> Ji* wwIf. ftw. K. w m ".· Hunt «m sinktar to Ikto In '· Mettra wttk Ma *r -.· omMb* Am [I&N.Î . η ·· fwm nr » ·. · *r* net tn fit CMri4e« |«Hl^ Wr » b«' ΙκΚλ;.

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