THE DUN V«L · ; ··;. rSvi ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS Those Interested h> First Na tional Met in the Bank'· Office» Tuesday Moraine· NO CHANGES MADE IN THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS! The annual meetlnc «' stock holders of the Pint National Bank of Dunn wsa held in the bank'* of-1 flees Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock., Mora then 80 par rant of the stock, was itpreeentea cithar in person or , by proxy. The annual report of thr preeident, D. C. Kusscll, wu read at tha opaeto* of the mretinjc, which (bowed that the bank «u in a aafa and sound condition, and had just closed ona of the best years in (ta history. It showed considerable gain In rceourcaa, profits, etc., over any previous year, the baivk making a net gain of 12 per rtfnl In this respect, over the peat year. A nice dividend waa paid to stockholders snd a large amount was carried over as undivid-1 ed profita The bank now has ro nourrfli nf ahnut * ^Αιι.Μ end th# drpoaiu at time· reach that amount. It ia on· of th· latitat an H >tron(tit banke in thja section of the St·1· and ι* an inetitution that Dana and vicinity an proud to potaeaa. It 1* owned and controlled by man who ar* Interested in the growth of Dunn and thii Immediate territory and ia doing a groat deal toward developing the rMourra· of thia aactlon. Thar· waa no change aaada ia tha director· or tha α Ac en of the bank. Th» tame man continue In control, their election being unanimous. Fol lowing ia a liât of tha director* who will aarve the bank for anotbar roar : D. C. Fuaaell. G. M. Tilghman. /. W Draughon, John A. McKay and Mar vin Wade. Immediately after the stockholders' meeting adjourned the director· met and electcd tha follow ing ofllccr»: D. C. Fuaeell. prcaidant; C. M. Tilghman, vlco-president; L. E. Covingtoa, activa vice-president; J. A. CuUnreth, cashier; W. E. Baldwin, aaelitant cashier. All the above named gentlemen succeed themselves Dit W. E. DOOD IS FOR HORNE F OH PRESIDENT To the Editer: Tha University of North Carolina baa coaaa to bo a moat important port of the State U la a part sa Hfi of fhrtaopie in a pa culler aafla; tt alaa aaama to footer and promote Idaala and dlacovariea; it would put tha people of tha State in the forefront of all the θ La tee of the South. Hi presidency ti then in unity. The wort of the lamented Graham waa a great factor in making the University each an engine of pro gram ana the work of Mi lucceeeor muet be on a par with hie at the beginning, and make advdncae ae time paeaea. "fte election of the right man, then, ia a subject of concern to alL And the qualifiai of the man to be chœen ara aa vital aa tha accomplish Prof. Herman HimU Horr.a, of Clayton, M. C., an honor graduate of tilt University, a teacher there for two Γ·Μ«, (rofMor of psychology at Harvard, and Weber there for on· or two yaari, profaaaor of peychol ogy at Dartmouth and profaaaor of e3uc«Uon at New York University, a man who Ha· written several authori tative books, traveled over Xurope and lectured on his «packal «abjects in all parts of the United Stales, Mem· to many to offer the qoabtja· and the attainment· for the position. In his writing Proie—nr Home has •hown full powers and thorough rrup of principle·; he Is abreast of the Ixperiencee of the tiase and his fallow workers all over the country have acknowledged freely his leadership. Hi* psychology of evocation, as well a· hi· other work· of profeeaional character, are staadard among the educators of the country. Of equal importance U the person al character of the mas. Dr. Home la a liberal-minded churchman, a Christian man who knows the vahae of the λΙ'γόβι approach to educa tion. But while a charchaaan, ha is particularly free from the denomin atlonaUm, which la son· men would made of the University aa annex to some particular, branch. Christianity Is his creed, not denominational par ticularism. Nor la tki· as insigni ficant matter at this. time. Qalte aa Important is the whole some democracy of the man, a broth erly instinct which enables him to minister to all men freely. There is none of the spirit of excluatvenesa j and Mlf.importance about him which ■ο «1MB «m··· CWBieeO ΜΙ * to «durational Influence·. H« knowaj that ρ» nopal prlvflefee and person al DraUnaiow are no part» of acholar ■kip. And mil of m who hav· had cxp«ri»»e« of 00» modern nnhreret Wee know democracy W their Arat —it Why mar not tira L'nivarett* be •mon· the Λ ret to pot on their Mao· cntle cloth·* And thee make a n*· tloMl appeal. like that wbiah tha Pteeldemt endeavored to have Prteo·» '°n .·■*· Curiae the memorable yea»· of hfci prealdea,, U«r«. I believe If Pr·. ***— were choeen to hand the University at thle juncture. U would •""ΐ,ΐΓ" *i Λη°· te pvt ell theae quelitiea and Idaale of Me Into aetoal praettaa. ^ *· DODD. Pref. AewleM Btatery University of Chicago. °"'Μί?Τ· ÎKÎ*^ within reach of Ike children thla CkrlataiM m n The» win be a temptation for the children to try MmmI reliant. 1m eaiwllee 0» the (Milaaa tree when Ui«lr elder· ere not paeeent U> ruard again·* àre. The eehool chlWrea and the club women of North Carolina are taking • meet patriotic place tm moet nml ful cofiaorvetlon la ghrto* orçaataod aid to the "Hr· Prevention and Safe ty ffto·»" effort of CjmmlitaiiiM Y<ma*, who ta oreedac *>· Bute hn MevmaL JOHN MONDS) IN MEMORIAM. Death haa i|tln viaitcd oar town • iid taken on· of oar boat non. Truly death lore· a ahtning oui Jutt day* ago 1 penned · few linn on tlx hfc of a dereaaad Friend, now In »o short a while on· if my nnnit μΙΑΙμπ and friend* sac been railed to ni· rtwui John Mundx wu born April 10th, 187», and dt«d at hie home on weat Broad street Jan. It, 1010, at β:»0 t'elock. P. M. He had beoa UI onhr inc weak having bean taken with r.flaani* which &Teloped Into pneo nonia. He waa nearly 40 yaara aid. la early myihood ha waa married :o Ml·· Lixxia J·mican. Oaa HttU firl wax born to thia union, but after wo xhort yean Ood teak the little jne from thia world of aoffarin* ta >e with Him up yonder where there a no Borrow, there te make Haavea nure dear for the loved onea left be »ind. Th« Httla one so doubt waa itanding at Eaavan'· pearly (ate >cckoning father to coma, and Oh. ehat a meeting! It la ao comforting a know that wa will knew oar lovad >nee in heaven. John Honda waa a rood man. Thia llUle appréciatioa >f a daad friand la not Intended to wid anything In a biographical way a the excellent sketch of Mr. Monda1 if· in the Diapatch of Jan. 17th. tt a oaly to apeak of him aa I knew kim. Some men have the quality of miad uid heart that Ineenaibhr, but aarely irawa all man'a affections towarda .hem. By some people thia la called 'personal magnetism." In my life I hava thought much about thia won ·» a w β*** w* <U1U u* Ψ V (TIW λ find oat ·( «kit It emulate. I lo not jet know tU of lh· ilimuU Jut «ntar Into thU gift of the (odi, >ut thla much my oboer ration mm .bought» have taught DM, thai be «ko <aj it pomiiii charity uU hau ilodneee. Job- " 1 ' ty of ptimal ■ tclooe power to make ihla ci«»ry. bright oetiook oa the eorid and Ita pfoUnaa that hearten ind encourage all witb whoa ha :ame la contact. And I know tltet ha nan kindaeae and aelftahneaa and ■harity muet ba tkntoti in tkla par tonal magnetiaa becaaae he waa ftll td with a charity ao compreheaaive, md to broad in tta acope and aweep hat it eabnead humanity Of a rath it may be written of him : "He loved Ua feliowmae." Some yeare a<e ba Mined the free ehmrcb ai thtepjace- He ■nil why la the of 5Î wartaoaa treatment, let " in the fa ι lucoeeafal farmer. s .1. 1 The widow, the bee there, aJrtera. loved onea, weep not, for be baa oaly (one ep higher to beckon you on ta that home beyond the akiea nboae tfaere win be ao Buffering. When Buffering comae to aoaaa it ia net eritb deepalr, by othera It I· like "hriat "Thy will ba dwae." \ world without Buffering would Ha m worm wiuiuiu ι«τ«, Κ world without n»ff«riη* would be a world without prayer; ΙΚ world without suffering would be ■ world without Cod ; A world without (offering would be ■ world without Chrtat. It la often urged that Chriattaaity la a religion of suffsrtng. Thie la sot a Juat criticism. bet it la true that chriatlanity offer* an interpretation of suffering It doe* regard suffer In· aa the chief If not the only way * hereby we are Identtfed with · cn elfled Lord. It i* alao tne. that H teach·* that •offering baa it» leaaona If w* will but learn them. Pain and ylaawri »e*m t>oth to be irreleraat to the main pur ptae of life—which purpoee ia the richer, dhriaer, humbler character which ha· known It all, which hae learned to feel of thoee who go. Not one of them ta forgotten before God We auk that the eleareet light »er be thrown upon the mystery of «offering but all cannot be said. The·· who •re the wisest here, sty not apeak or tell. Learned men do not know. God through Christ says that the beat we can think la true. "We are quite aura That ha Mil give them back, beauti ful bright and pure. Wo know that He will bat keep Our own and H la until we fall niaep. We know he doe· not mean To break the strand· reaching be tween The Here and Thar·. He doee not mean—though hear*·· be fair— To chance the rolrlta entering there. Uwt they forget The eyee apraiead and wat. The Upa too atlU for prayer, The mote doapalr. Ha will not take . . TKa aplitu tut Ha (are. and make The glorUted to new That tW ara loot to ma aad yon. fl do believe They wflj recti τα Ua—yoo and ma and be ao lUd .To moot ue that whan moat I wraM f Joef beftn to thtak about that ilad And thé day Wbesthey (haO toll aa all about the l way trhat thoy bave learned to fo— fleaeen't pathway aberw. My I oat, my owa, and I Shall be*e eo maoh to eee together by and by I do be Here that Joet the came aweat (id But «iorifled. I* waHiaw la the plaça tWhdre wa ikmM Mat, Κ only I [An coasted worthy In that by aad W». fl do be lierre that Ood win fife a awoat I To toar-etainad, aaddewed eyea, And that Hie beavea wfO ha Meat «ted, moat tided throve* with Jay for ye* aad aa A* are bare eaffered aiil Ood never awde 8pirK for Spirit, PROF. M. Η. STACY WES AT UNIVERSITY Wu Pair-man of Unirersity Faculty and Ac tin» H«U of Institut ONE OF STATE'S GIFTED SCHOLARS AND TEACHERS Chap·) Hill, Jan. 31.—Prof. Mar rln Hcndrlx Stacy, d«an or th· Col la*· of Liberal Art· at Ik· Unkran Itjr of North Carolina for Uw past l»j run and chairman of th* Uni r«relty facvlty, with full powers u4 ••tie· αί pr*aM«nt sine· th· death if th· lata nwidant Bdward K. Or»» taa last October, dM at Ma homt* Mr· this norninv from laOaenta and rempllcathmi. H. brasi U1 while ittendinc a aMtiu of th· axecetlv· ■onmltt** of Um board of thutae· a Ralriffc last Tuesday. Saturday sight hi» condition ber»·» critical tad grew itaadily won· until tb· Mt. Th· fount will b· held her· tomorrow at t o'clock. A «ervice for Lb· family win be conducted at Um tee·, which will W followed by a ihart ter rice at the (rtn. The n mminM will h* InfAiwl I· »Wa l«—' HMtnr. Profaaaor Stacy η· 41 nui of Mr· Survfrhn in hlj wilt, form "rt* *»«· Ipaa Kooaee, of Trenton; ik father, Bar. L. K. Steer, of Shel by, and the foUowinx wten ud Mother·: Jade· W. P. Btecy, ef WTUminfftcm; Iborttr Β. E. StecV, of ûtabortea; L S SUcyJr.. of tforth WUkeabcro; Mr*. Rinlit, of Char lotte; Mfv C. C. Wmw, of Emory, Va.; IIη Clnemaa. offtamlrt; Km Bote Btecy. of Bsaor». Va.: Μι» „ of Bnaory, Va.";' Miaei Nancy Stacy, of Borlkaeton; M >ther ntadTM. Iln. Btacy alao « τιfiiutu, bat Hot condition la re tried favorable. Tlx Actio* Untvereily head recelr <d hie Λ Β dayrea at tMa laattts ioe in leot; waa lMtrwtn In watho aatlea from IMS to 1N4, raceirio* ■ha M. A. Jagiaa la 1HM; «aa a éta lant at CoraaD UaWentt7 la 1MI, KM. I ill ; waa aaaodata profeeeor if cWll engineering from IMS to 1910, whan ha waa Mill profaaaor if cirU anciooormr Ha wet and aWvatari to — claariy s — waa preddent of hia' iaatlac claae and a winner ofj moch coveted Willie P. Mangus He waa praetatenUr a teacher. *▼ of the Ob try member of the OnlTereJty facul ty placed the hifheet aort of eattBM·· umd hie linlamant. whWh waa alwal tccepted u (sir u< aoud. While fau he adminlatered Mutant dlaei Klina In a way that won for him the )Tt and admiration of Un entire ttodint body, aad hi» loea will be deeply mourned by tbooaanda of Former ftadmta and irieada throufb »at the country. Prof. Btoey was probably the beet known atcmber of tae (acuity la thla eoaununlty aad tn Orange Co Ha araa in (raat demand in the communi ty and throughout the Mali a* a •pealcar. For Hit moat part be spoke η (object* pertaining to the upbuild la« aad ImproveaMnt of achoola, church·*, road·, and the Bice. HAMfETTS UNUUENTATIVI. Gearge K. Qranth—. Harnett'· raprmutathra la the Leefclatura, far ed wall la the eoaamRtee appoiat ««eta la tkt Boom. Ha waa aad· CKairmaa of the Caswell Training School aa—tttaa and U a meat bar of Mm Penal Institution committee. tha ■xpendttarea af the Hoaaa comaut toe, Um Claim» committee of Coun tiee, CI tie· aad Towne, aad la a ko on Um Inaaaa Asylum committee. This ρ lac ta Mm la a poattton te da •ffectir· walk aad ha will ao doubt meaaur» «p ta tha opportunity. Dur ing tha a Dae oca of Reading Clerk Dellinger laat Friday Mr. Grantham waa named to takahls place aad did tha work amignad to him aatfcfae tory aad with, credit. Mr. Orantbam la one of de Mttta aad s«amlsae«d ■ «minis la tha Heuaa aad Μ looking aftoa. tha iatoraata of Barmatt la a spleadid maaaar. Dr. W. H. WakaAfM af Oiarlott·. Ztmm*4t»e mm time la Now York. Μ·Φα« là* «Italie· and beapitala, and «t tlto MM thm taking a ranch A UttW ÛrinWnt and » Uul. tUu int wOT help to prerront a ρι»> many Ami. for And placed then «M· by «I HP·»!·, And Mut to Wwk TV· <jolT«rlnf Unit between when ,w ·Λ »»K I na trail· ran wo will b« vvrj gtad 'That for a Mttla «Mb, we «m m mi." Jota Monda w a christian aiU •U trmly eajr wtek tb PiabM 'joré a aj 111· Lord la ay *>>>«< I want. Ha aakatk «M to Ho down li greea jutirw; Ba badath m· boaidi fiSà'irïsisiiîa tow m· aî\ba <·Τ» ·* ■*. "*·«·* ^TwOl 4«*n l» tka bw« of the Lan «·£«$* dm. »aae 1 «boe feed* ?W*£ta£*ij 4-th are Aad Hf«'< baf warfare cbaad at bwt Hta— ι Daim, M. C Jan. >0, lilt. •4 ι «hipped at one·: ■ •adcrUni b«r of ι tkragik •«itretlcA Lrr'» four t>· rrofd ÉWtioii !«·?« rraulU Or I. F. α. μ τν»* Oo<rktt% la* no oca bow I •mil TkU ni Mis. HLcki the Chapter ftr **t which Um tin nil· ~«ka for A1 l daly ief tha Jr cloaad up. _ W to Um tncittn Dok«, after which Jonrnad. at. CLOSING BAM U ok again at rxrrrrzviLLE Pirrttitilh, Jan. tl·—The achoela, church·», thutm, mtio· picture boum and all other plaiaa af public Catharine ta FayettfffUe and Bop· MtU» an cloeed on Jpniit of the la· creaec of iaflaaan.W aa order of the couitr beard of kiatt «hick will go into affoet at aUdUcfct toeicht The mandate of Ike health board doe* aot affect othtfjparte of Cam bar land county, appMa* only to Far ettevUle and HomIH, the taigao! commun Itie* in the Wto, The dia eaee !* not aa prtnMBt in the coun ty aa in theae two «<—Μΐϋιι. The aatuatlon ia not a· fMtea at that which eauaad the order la Oe toher, Cast. A. 1. •«■β, United Statae PubHe Baal· Îerrtoe τβρτβ ■ PaaHe Healt lenfee repra «ve and fclilMaw» for thd iy, aaid today. · Wra are about eaaee of iaflawaa in rayette aentatlve county. 800 eau „ ▼flle, aaid Dr. up·· f. iae nna> her in Hope Wda'ba lallaialall at eomethinc la the ae%hhoihaed of 100. there being ajaceyrate morte in* ta the fact that only 10 per It waa to : [Biaalae of the order, for *??My twpi aeehi, wfl] check iheMM ? V>71, - τι auftclcntly to " of auch an falL The order will atftly aot anhr to uh recurrence ipeerra^ed laet I rbarebc·, acboola ι In*· may warned ac railroad atotta«· pointa, and to ( lion· «driaad by t to ι ' Math* A GOOD «aOurltka. OONK Jaki nasi On Jan «in 1», Itll, Mr. Monde paaaaa ·+*?■ A* %ta re t> 1.1» ■■ « to Ma and I ttea I hm-n lirVeeder*" ** [pvwer. Am * Dm émk of Ufa _ tton, tw to fit··*. Ua Oct H· «in W hcv ». Ο M«MXtLL FIFTH VICTORY TO ■ BE THE LAST LP AW Secretary π|*" Mak·* State· mwl A boat Floatin· It te April. SAYS IT WILL NOT EXCEED SIX BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Washington, Ju. 19.—Only dm £.nr« bit w*· leap ln»i I· planned by i < Tra-i ,-ory DooirnneM, Soer» if* GIam r <1 todiy. This will bo tha Victory Lata, t· b« tetd prob ably the but three Wrt'a in AprH. TU nuut will not b« more than 19, 000,000,000 and may b. «β,Μ0/>00. -I upwt the Victory Liberty Lou ta be the lift latanahra eutp4|· far the saie af garcrnascBt bonida," aaM Mr. Oaaa. "Reporta that thara «««Id b« two mora bond laiuaa (kit year actragatiae «11,000.000,000 ara cntlraly withoat foundation sat only < as to assoant, bat alao as regard* tha naatbar af campaigns. " Ka Other laleaeWe Pif >l|a. Mara bonds probably viD be iaawed by th· fovtrnnant evaa after the past campaign bat it la plaaaad U lurtit thaae quietly through backs uul XV» «»»UI _■»·. oat the huI cMMBlf of a4*ortimo« «Ml «.Uciti·». ATiMM «(Ml· CO rit le· to bo «old 10 thio «nut will not b* doteratnod for moatha, a·til the Troomry pti Ban dlfforut idoa pt tbo rolWB· of hmmm grvwtae oat of ttqoldattay of war mm»!·, the >1IW iwdb for futur· loan· ml the demand· u1aii| fro· oootiaainv the policy of —Un loan· to rail road· flnanetnr tko Kit wheat trop; continu!ce iUb beUdia* end ether internal oDli|tuonL I Oh ramtofSaeretary Glee·' an ■on*eaa«at that the next «xtraoèvo loaa r*r woald bo the last m that Liberty Lean orRanliatiooa D«4«U, I.(ra^fa. RaaaWad Prm War D^ by Mr W. 1. IW far. Information Itw two official aour cae received by Mr. W. a Staler in Raleigh yeetarda* waa to the effect that tka Thirtieth Divaton, la which ara North Carolina National Gaard troopa, ia Mfutad for return to thto country. Narwa to thla affect wai recently car riaa ky praaa diapetrhea frota Waah mgtoe «hick wan later denied. Thereupon Mr. W. 8. Sh^Ver took mp the Batter with Cospraiiu I. D. Rebinaon 1» the hope of ptttu soma dalrnit· information m t>> the rime of return of Ua aon- to-law Bab Darkett, who te with Headqoartera of the tilth Infantry Brigade. Mr. Robfoaou an· not In Waeklngton at the time, kaving been called to North Carolina on ec uont of the tlnaea of · nlath·. Thereupon Mr. Bhelor wired Coagyem man m who yeeterday aaewered with thla telegram: "Major General Jerrey adviaea that wkila Thirtieth Dtviaion haa km do Itrr.atrd for return nothing ia known of the date that it aaila. The war Department ia not ad reed aa to theee datae until the troopa are aboard ship, ia foreign port ready to mil" At the aa· tim·. Mr. Bhaloc re ceived a reply from Congrcaamaa Rob I neon, giving the mate Information from · diffère·! «ο arc a. He had ee cured hie information from the Ad jutant General of the army. The fact that the lame information yaa obtained from the two eoarcea •>aa received hare aa indieatiea that the Thirtieth IMvMen to certainty de FOUKTK-CLASS POSTMASTtk EXAMINATION. Tkt Uaked 8tataa Chfl Servie·] CommiiBioa has announced aa miB ί H ·*» , Ν. C. t»c**x>j ta »· eUmm pc*tBtMUr it Fa to© λ ind otl*f | rfndm m the xlrX.'s^. to M My **-| thty^mmr occur tt that itw. enle·· H «ail be d«rU*d in the rta of Um Nrrie· to All aa: by rebwUtement Tke Birnaltiin of tK· poetmaiter at «Ma of h 'M Mil for U» lut «ni «Mr. Applicant· nut bar· rucM (Mr Applicant· raaat hav« rmbll their twenty—Aral birthday en the data of |t>> ex—ilaation, with the ascepMon dared by itatiU to be of fall ace fer •Π pnrpoM· at eiahteea ywn, wian •iffeUen /mm ef ace o* tk· date of th· examination «111 be admitted for vMah the examination U ana *—v*«tod res three prate wool uxcnucrrr and pakmcmcmuu Fan work ia Mt foat a matte ef taking a fan to Ik ftald» βϋ Mt Un* Ta m maa* haw· a day ili» tog. bamwlag, aaadtog. Er»«Uag •r whatever tho toak atoht be rhora »r» abo tho chorea aai fana· •ra an eoaring to raaUaa Mam and nor* that valuable tla· can ha. wan ted to Mac *araa. that to, what· folk» paniet la dotog the* to the >ld way. Ia Ito field aiimi urihlaarj to «ployed to aave thae and labor and λ mm poeibU élit rata, «a chat 'ewer hand» aaa do tha «ark and loop Dm (un production as to tha itandard ttuit Da· ton Mt for it fffay toat It a· unatonable to Μ ι Icy abort cut» about tho ban, to he ebon work aa to tha regular farm work la tho fiobtoî A great many fanaer* aro easing λ dccide that it to, and yo«r ap-to lato fanaer to uuj modern imv ■toot about fan bafldtoga Juat aa na a uofog atadern ndpwwt la tho toU rerk. One of tha aoat Importent of bo tiroo and labor laving forcei ha « aatog today U electricity. Goneral 7 he ecu It from one of theaa aall, ndividual electric planta that can bo tmalled tn the tool ho·»» o* ear ice. or ia any otter con Tentent place loout the preail—a Thto electricity te aaea to light hto tome, firat Vf aU, of coarae. Than If 10 and hto band» are to work efflei rntfar. bo will light hto baraa and Ma μη 1M οι wwmin yaraa. tfoat af th· chores la certain na»n·» in 4m· aftar dark, by the aid of a aaUm. Mora of them vo«U ba loo· aftar dark if b*%kt electric Hgfct ran provided and that mock men ia>a weald ba left for work In the laid· n»n the turner with atae rie paver to aav* steps, utc work md mi time. Ba win «m eUetriei / ta pa»p the water. Ha win have Wit water stored aader iraaeti aa hat it it forced ta the faunta. tMur ■t the house or ban, and ma rnmmwtae >r carrying Is mwSTy. If there ire away cow· te stilk, ba wtl ran :l»c mllkinr raarki— with an aiaetrie no tor, and the farm boy who athar iriaa weald ba )tt«< to lawra the farm to sec ace aa uwcoafenial jab ■rill be satiafiad te (toy and ·ιι· lie· •a iatefMtkac an operation as rtWn to brine comfort, «trinc ar )l—m t· 'Jm farm family. City folk· w Um electrical dc ricea a a matter at comm. 11· fan· tuafljf cut enjoy tka too, a4 ruf ο raat kn4t, cfctuwi tkm la aa •loctric plant ready at tMi rm·—it IVn planta |hn dwtricity at aay boor- of tW day or eight TWy win "ork tweatyf our Wm> a day witkoat we? ■uy theoeand» ta «m bow and aaay nun coming late the m» «vary day (or fanaera amyvkM ara to TT-co«nUe thair 6U. Tke timce da nun and effort fiaai fa » and no força la girlac Mora to them aupçly theae aeceaaery aU maota than electricity and the faitk fal fane aUetrie planta. THOMAS SETTLE ATTACKED BT FLU, DIES OF PNEUMONIA. Aafcevflle. M.__ C, Jan SO—' Settle former Bapakllcan a«»Wr of Ooaaiaaa for da Bftk North Cere Una iUaUkt, aad oaa of tka fore meet party le ad era ia tfcia State, died here to night at S o'clock, death bates *ue ta aaaumuala. following iafli Tka deceaaod wee ban at C bore, N. C.. March d. ltd». Ha ■ elected Solicitor for tka Gr district whan ke waa I w—ty tkiaa yaar* oU. la 1*»« ko waa aiaotad far the Fifth district, and no ai Bated for Governor by tka Ee paMlraa. He waa aa· of the ι " aad meet oloqaent Republican ι eta la North CareïaaT Hie fe Battit, made tka fa majority te U ihatiuj •ad roe· rapidly la Ua boin* aolieitor for Um dlatnet and ma km* a wi eoH la criminal mam. HENKY A. GRADY Β GRANDMASTER «t niihi'hlTrf Grmté LmAf Lut NlgM. •■a———a· RULES SUSrCMDEOi VOTE UNANIMOUS Wort* CMIm Otui U4i of Mb· mm at tka (Mm aaarioa «I «h· Hfpj CMUMinkiftDM kft akAft ■rltt tfco other «Oom» laaÉaiil TW Srud Lo4a* likM ttn WrtMM totlr Mm »Κ·1Α> m4 mmt 9i (k« vtata·* <i1imJii «<D rtUni to (Mr hini today. Tka new Graad Maatar, a*a M* tnh hrt Oraad Mirtir Qmp 1 fcrtMtJ· a iwjjwgjwi· fa» law bwa activa la Ifaaiilr ilMWa. harta· Mi amy ilntt»i iflaa im ûé9 Qrmmé Lodfi. la Meeatke (a· >·« la* al«fct. ko «mmI Ma jra foand appreciation oftka haaar aal launi tW aiw>in rf tka fratara· «Τ tkat ka ww laëiavi ta tka teat of Ma^aMljty ta ka wartky af IL LexJr* wh T7]lt_l srnssrgg&s ϊϊ'τϊλ· ^*°"^· frry JAk Wlngjtfca only g^w*g^attgLg LttTUTON «*»■«» if » *· & 'aL It—IittW &·*» Ά·Πΐι «fur tat o rlftck tki· cat Jsr.aa ra us r*om of » fow Mm qnic- ly apmd tad eotm *· kw. *· H (todaata «a i___ «m fe^Jt· î*°", wl,aw" *· «aaaaa Γ *r*ctmrm. tr k coven 4 h it îke rallf a __. tka iiuyioaa of tfeo Noitk ""il». Corf-rc»ce of tfco "-rWititfat M eoj*J Clrarcfc. PADLRCWIU ATVOIMTIB miuttori TO·1·' tt.T, Η·'· Μιρρι. *> "WW, tma. 1».—T]M gg* *t Pmimim+t m Fol-j: d la Β for Ik· I · «0 1_ ·* ftr t a· ] •TUN 1J tf •I I· m . λ:?04 few r,( _ _ • fcm trt*; tkM. tint.', ht tun u h

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