THE DUNN i ;■ DUNN. N. C, JAN. ■ #· ' PAGE'S OFFICE FORCE REDUCED Largest Adminiitritiv* Body iz North Carolina Rapidly Domobolixins PACE WILL BE ON JOB UNTIL TREATY SIGNED Mm CMMUd Wilk Food Kdminm trilion Η·τ· Ini FtitU·) DU Eaaallant W.rfc Ralei**, Jan. 29th.—The Food Ad ministration. Which has bean the lar* eet'administrative body In North Car olina during the war, i· rapidly de mobilizing. Svvrral offices and a con siderable part of Administration Hen ry A. Pa**'» office fore· was released a month ago and on Fab. 1, th· bal ance of the staff at Raleigh with tho exception of Executive Secretary J oh Paul Lucea and Mr*. F. P. Adlckea, Chief Clert win be released. Mr. .Lucaa and Mrs. Adickes will remain untU all record· can be etoeed. flies asaortcd and shipped to Washington, Use office equipment disposed of and the office cloard. 8 lata Administrator Pace sod Ounty Pood Administrators will re main la the service until peace ia for mally signed With return ef approx imately normal conditions the sctlvi •Jee-ol tha administration will be very limited. Mr. Pax* and Ma organisa tlaa vrIB continue to keep a watchful and halpf al eye on the cottonseed in dustry on account of the neceaaity for maintaining the stabilised program in the interest of producer, dealer sad crusher, and a wealthy eye will also ha kept open -for ear flagrant caaae of profiteering in food and feedstuffs Mr. B. L Harris, who has been one of the most efficient Inspectors la the servie·, will resain s* s volunteer for a fa# wee ta to handle such inveetige tieto as ma* 1» aeceeeary Elector ef Enforcement Joseph Bloat Cheshire Jr., win raeume the S , at Jew. Meeara-C. G. Eeeble of the Sugar Divls-I returned to .their I sSFSnsi' •be HpWWt tai Wa«wî«4|i et jonrrnliar·, publicity work and «frira It or·. 100-YEAS-OLD MAN ENDS LIFE, FEARING DEATH FORGOT HIM. 0»pnm4 by L«·»!!··»· «· Fasaiiar Fiw Slab bu 1M Cra». Philadelphia, Jan. 17.—Frederick La/ten. 100 years and three month· old, lonely and haunted by the mnrfcld fear that he might never die and re δί» friand* he had dearly loved, hunt ■•alf to a bed po« in the home of hla daughter, Mrs. Frank Gilbert. The centenarian was dead when the daughter, coin* to awake har father, diacovered the body with a knotted rape around the nock. Mere cursory examination by Dr. A. G. S tine, revealed that the deed had been committed during the «till hour* of the night Alone in a world of «tranger», thi· man of remarkable year» had arit oeaaed, year after year, the last hu nan tiee which bound him to inter est la Hfe «napped by death. The old croniea and familiar facet which recalled the only vivid memories of Me existence disappeared, ona by oca Hie plaint «ras always that he wished to die because he was lonely. A year ago oppreseed by th« bar dene of his mind, the old man, In a moment of abstraction, cat hie throat with a butcher knife. At 8t Mary*· hospital, wither be was hurried, h« soon recoverd snd returned to hli daughter"· homs. In cheerful «pints. His buoyancy of temperament roa< to a point where he appeared to no tice the tmall details of everyds) commonplaces, sad the family lost their fear that ha might again try t« end hto life. Whatever purpose still lurked h v. τ AviAn'i mind, he displayed a< deapondency. la October m party τ «ai «fvni te honor Ua peuing the century mark. I M ACILE5 S3 PICS, CIVE BOYS IUU.M. Tw«nty-tbrpe boyi under 1β τηη of ft(·, In · Haywood County, Tenn., pig club each bought ■ pig. The av vrage weight of the pigs waa 7S pound·. Moat of then were regie tred. In ISO day* th*y produced a fain of tee pound* each, at a coat of feed of 10 1-2 eenta a pound. Tbeee Ρ*β* at tbe tioii of the local pig-club •bow were wortli IB rent* a pound •i maat nHnaa noli In* a Droflt of 4 1-t c«ata ■ pound, rrvraginf a "n ritaia to t«eh boy of f 11.97 ·'« , coat of *11 food—ι total fain for tka clob Of · Now. «oo «lut tho com club to tk· KM coe«aaalty Km don·: Thirty - thro* bojf», Ιβ ud under, oack culti vated one acr· la tern, accord tnf to lnotmetioM fnml*h*d by th« eoen ty a*ant, prodoeod an mrtft of ill busbola to the un et |i.4i4tT44. Co* of rtWM tho com tkW tk· pig-club proflti of »27» SI ■»··▼· a rrarvd pro fit for tb· her· of |2 .Ul et fr~m ·· acna of lard and 21 «mall pi«·. A man ktoaa ta tk· CklnoM Una *ry yaatar*ay *t noon eauMd urn· •«cltaaiaat to tfca etty. THa flra wna ■oca aatlnguiakad. Iwwwrw, and bat Uttl« da mac* *■* *·«>·. HOW OLD HICKOBY BEOMU WILD CAT. 1(1» DWWU· Cheee Tie· MM ΗμΛ η α^ιμ t. tu. wr British. Κ η» Or leant, Jan. 15.—Hew the Thirtieth division, compoeed of Tan neuse», North and South Carolina Kuardamenfi which l«ft h on· known aa the "Old Hickory" division in hon or of Andrew Jackson, cant· to hi railed sbo th. "Wild Cat." Division because the British with whom th· 30th bruk· th* Hindenbarr Una, Urn· *d the American· "Wild Cat*" and "Hall Cat·," according to Capealn David L. Lillard, of Etowah, Tenn. The Slat division composed of nat ional army men from the aame states aa the 30th chooe "Wild Cat" aa it* unofficial title after the famooa "Wild Cat" road from Columbia to Camp Jackson, S. C., wbaro the Rtat trained, and aoma eonfuaion haa ariaen amonx admirers of the two rfivisiona. The War Department re cord·, however ahow "Old Hickory" flcialky listed aa both "Old Hickory" and "Wild Cat." Field Marshal Sir Douglass Hal* tave the 30th much of the credit for smsshing the supposedly invincible llindenberg line and the division wa* mentioned several times hi the British official statements for its dash and bravery. The Tommies termed their American comrades "Hell Cats" and "Wild Cats" and Captais Lillard who is at General Hospital No. 1«, Chicka msujts I'ark recovering from a shrap nel wound received on the DC Quen tin front. He was commanding of ficer of L. Company, llTtfa infantry of the 30 division. The 30th, which trained si Camp ^evjer, OreenviOe, 8. C.. wears a chevron which gives recognition to the "Old Hickory" title. I ·» ·»*· »? thape formed by the letter "O" with the letter "H~ inside, while within the "H" ia "XXX" denoting tha division's number. The latere are bhie in field of r«d. MRS. BARBOUR IS H05TWS BOOK CLUB AT BENSON Benaoa. Jan. 26. Mrs. J. R. Bar boor was hnataes to the John Charbs McNeill Baa*. dA Thwsday after noon at > o'cleciT The ■ " called to mt*r by Us The following officers 1 Presidesit, Mra. J. M. TSZh?1 tn8 coffee. The next ■βΚ«Μ ■nu Mr*. Ο. A.· Barbocr. υ^ΝΟ~Ϊ0*ΓθϊνΪ3Ϊ05ΓΑΤΟΜΑί " ' LCSTOM. λ·ΒΜΐΗΜ«Ι A* to Retarm ·' Tm»· *1 OU HicWr DtvWkow. Washington. D. C , Jan. 28—The thirtieth Division (North Carolina, South Carolina »W T«iunh· Nation al Qaard) which now ia under orders to prépara for embarkation to return bona, «ill be landed at Charleston, 8. C., If the War Department ems pre pare faellltlae there to handle ao large a body of Dti. The dWiden will be eent to Camp Jackson, Colombia, S. C., for demobilisation. While no definite plan* for parad ing Ulii unit have been fixed officials thought it probable either the entire division or aome large portion of it will be paraded at Charlaeton and Colombia. Mr». V. A. It*7 *11 Deed. Sanford, Jan. 28.—Tbia community was ahocked Saturday nomine when It waa learned that Mr*. V. A. Royall wife of Rev. V. A. Royall, of tbe Jonesboro Methodist Chare h, had dropped dead while doing her domes tic work ta the home. They had re cently moved to Jonaaboro and had made many frianda who will be griev ed to learn of her death. The fol lowing children aonrtve: One eon who lives In the West, and three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Drsoghon, Dunn. N. C.. M re J. M Sherwood, Ra leigh. N. C., and Mra. J. P. H Blanch ard. TrotvlUe, N. C. She waa buried ia Jonesboro Monday weming, the funeral -eervioee being conducted by Rev. W. R. Royall, of Sanford, assist ed by Rsv L. A. MeLaorln, of Jones bero. 10ft»?*l IN HOSPITALS General PenUif Alio K«pwU Thât CVnk mi feaHU CâMultUé Hm D.rnmnlit »1 lit (U Wuhlnrton, Jan. 26.—An official report from Gtnaral Perehina, mad· public tonight by the War Deparv mant,. «how· that en January » there were 106,761 men of the American Army In hoepltale to »raaee and Knc land, of whoa 72,·« »·" «·""·'"« from dieeaae and SS.1U from woonde or other tnjnrlee. The report mM that the number of hoepttal cmaee b cteadily decree» U. l£ ■ ι * m imiiilf tl·· <1 nor* than 16,000 ·!■«· It» p»· iou· whIl Death· dartaf tit· m—k ssssr » xklusots liaMM ib4 til of wound* T*c*tr*d y*for« the arnktir· 4tal« In Fran«· ud In viand who WOT· wo*nd ed bofor· homtftti·* eiwd, to wow oe IU w*y by rouHor to til· UnlUd court·» to th· Πμ ihmCwt •I eabU adrt«M fr sut» Tto noonead that eabU ·<Η1«μ fro* Cen tral Pmhlnc indteaud that th· "Vmf knd tadloua chock of hatll· caaoaHy |r®poTt· to· at length b*«a completed by th· central record» ofltoe in Λμμ "IndtrtduaJ a44iUon· reealtlnj fro* lh« VWetlftca*Je« of «Μη] Μ·." the «tatement, "or frm. th· trtfto chert of ,n or*anl«atioi aod hoepl»«lI reeert», laaUtotad by tin direction of th· lamhiy of Wai ■may, ·# eeeiae, k· U|Mt«d and wij be promptly reported—·· will death frMB Ilia··» or aoeldeet la fMMTtl to»»», tin HaU of thorn Λ» S bette* DRINKING WATKJt Of THE FAJUtf. ExperWeat llitlM Becterielegi* Civ·· EimIUkI Adviea. U you suspected that the wate· jrou drink waa mixed with laaehlngi .from Uw >unon pile and waa fall oi wriggling bactaria, what would yoa À ,abort It? Tho thought la bad eaougi hat the reality ii won·. To drink •och water la the earn· aa taking ■ mild do·· of poiaoa du* to the pre· ence of decaying organic aattn and also to tha actlvHiea of the bactaria. Not only may th· water be poleaoui but the bartcrla themselves ara very likely to be of aacb a spade· that they would be able to cause typhoid, dyaentary. of other forma of aickaeaa. The reality nay ba foand In many North Carolina well· or cisterns, be cause af overlooked or neglected con tamination In the source of supply. Thie la the tine of the yaar whan re pair· may be moat conveniently made to both wall or datant, and a para supply of water aaaured for tue dur ing the · tua our. Pure waUr la clear, absolutely without ta*te or odor, and when fresh ly drawn, sparkle·. If the water aeed far drinking purpoeea has either a rmell or taate, something ia wrong aad that eomathlng should ba attand od to AT ONCE. Tha "At Onea" part af the program la etaphaaised In order that future caaaa of sicknaea may be avoided. Even If the water ia apparently In goad shape, a thor ough a asm 1 nation ehoul dbe made to ba sure that there are no cracks or crwvie·· through which aa outaide contamination might enter. A well ia merely a raeervoir for tha storage of underground water, J net af a cistern is a raaervoir far storing rain erater. If surface or polluted water gets into eithsr af them, the whole su s ply la ceatamlaated and it· uee for drinking purposes becomes a d*r»*«rous DrMticc. Avoid auk a condition of affairs by repairing all poeaible leak· in aad about the wall or datera. Tha wall curbing should be cemented on th·. outside from a point three feet below | the ground level, to the tee aad earth I benVed agalnat thla in sucn a manner! that all sfcrph» water wULdraia away from aad not Into the well. Tha, water should be pumped <Λ aqd *111 «odlmant removed from tha bottom I •ad ddia af wall or daSw. Tha| cover should receive careful adtsatleai be avoid a leak of any kind! U tha U made af w»»d. aU Ν ' "» « Îhfladelpbla. J»n. J 8—Wtth a o*M wolwt in eeeh hu< · man irho (tvt hi· nrnaM Μ "Own, eon )f J earn Chnst" na asnnck through Ik· streets dmt the centre of the city Monday aheotinc in every direction ta a big crowd tried to capture him. Before he ni Bully beet en into 1b lenaiblllty by · policeman, ho had ihot and killed throe men and woun ded lWc ο therm. The dead are Tbomaa Holloran, an employee of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, and John Knox and Qeorge DuipU, policeman. According te the police the man la rvhtfotn fanatic and had becom· ob sssood with the Idea that the spirit of hia father waa being tortured In the power houee of the traneit company where he (hot hta flret two victim· Boshing ont of the power house the erased man ftcd through the (treeta with crowd of civilians and policemen in panait. Two block* away he eame upon Policeman Dlngall. With a wild cry he dashed at tea policeman, ftring aa ha ran. Dlngall fell, mor· tally wounded. After a ehaae of a bout a mile Motorcycle Polie «nan Knox and Heron overtook him. Pend ing he waa trapped the aian wheeled and pointed hta revolvers at the po liceman and fired. The one pointed at Knox went off and killed him, bat that directed again* Heron mimed Are and the o®cer ahot the maaiae In the leg and beat him into snconaci ooaaeee. The crowd leaped s pen him but he was anally rescued. A notebook found in the man'· clothing contains · list of all the pow er houses in Philadelphia and in till room were found Quantities of rsllg ioua and anarchiabc literature print ed in Italian and German. He wai known aa George Limbe at his room ing house. He was about thhrtj yMrt oie. SOLDIERS WILL NOT II FORCED OUT OF ARKT. Beaton, Ju. I*·-—who hav· no certainty of «*11 amploy. ment will not he forced to accept dlacharge aad remain ta the army until emptoymint it obtained, ecordin* to a War Department com Bulatlm received by Major-Gen erml Clarence K. MwaHa today. A Midler aheoU make application in wrMnff if h· wtoh·· to remain la the eerrlce temporarily, the commu nication «aid, adding that a nan thru cent! nui ne ta the army might later he discharged from the aenrioe at h la PINK LA HD »ÇHOOL WILL M OTEN FIMUAW X Beleatborc, *■»· »—Become· οf the rte·»* ·* _*»" to » rvrj mild form, PtoetoM B."cnKteW «wency «τ afonaUo" to ho» tWjjjjJ .aad 1st» footongi and toed price·, reculaVf 1 port of wheel! nT " railroad eerrte* as roada are control nh tradin* tion." be the Ursa to ViytAdtut It. η tracanKtinf ibMMin to the pommlttee ChairnaajrSllaai A. Ola» Jr., ehiaf toaflil for the fuod Edminiatratlon. wrote Ait tin lefMa fcion vsi relocated in to li Lain the lunitMi Ik their IntogiUy to the timr ud an Um b«miy of Um United Stataa ffOra low If that b. poanbU." Λ Ν· EaUnala ·<>» In tka Dominion. , _ At ureaaat Canada We akMt Do rninloa-wtde uiuUIUHan, the a*eap tioe aaaongat tea ptvrineae beiac 1*·" hae, wWeh paaaad a KohiMtSoa war rare which win !<·>· Into < tlon on May 1 next. Like QoabaCj eareral of the other ^OTineaa liaij prohibition acta for ®a diKattan of *· ~ oyly. ahha^ia the we af •«veral of them imoWMtlon tree »et •etion, H W pointed ««t that CiMli could not go wot agate: that la U «, In Um provint·· »W« pcohi tian β only a war MMn If Ita p*· viac· did not boeoma Parmanatly dry Um f adorai authority· Would to <·» polled I oact in tto llMm of tto Do minion. Ottorwiao tkoot wU woeld mk to eteeqmroBt If United itebaa prohibitory lew ««roll nUmS; look to Canada aa η aonro· from wbteh to obtain rappUet of lotosiaattec li quor* Populoui United ««to· ΜβΜΠ or* told to to in too Jh pniMty U Canadian cHloo te aB·» of ut othoi eoano tola· purnjil *Mi nW V *- - — -«A 1 llfciU A mo m«nt that the «w4N mUMIm lafflahtlon will b· iMMmT Tb«im· tkm bf th· Unttin M·*·· te»»*"· Put;, a bone dry IWfll Awtk* ll now nfirM m μ d»»lut· «aitab» ty. Christian Î^wH 1·«ΗΚ· •f A fur t trial la· day, Camallea H» of Harnett canty bfoekaita* Vat· yi la Mwd net paaaiΛ triad al Ua bat tba Jury ι a raifcl Hla It waa\tba only ona iAa* fcrii."»' *r ' Mr· W. α Oallo*·» a»aai tm day Un *alaltk. MING 300,000 MEN HOME Ε AO MONTH. ·*·*«*. ·ν o.-.a—u·. CubtCMrlMtiiaf > SU w Jen. i7_Oaaata] tsrtvs 8aaate military committee. stated thai ehipptei arrangement» Have kta m*U by which 300,000 «Ma may be transported boms monthly and that all af the American expeditionary fore· can be returned ha·» fcwWh· Ml within tlx month·. How am; Americana will ha held aboard is the army of oceapatios la to ho determined by President WU eon, Caaaral March ateted. Tan di viaioaa. be Indicated haa boan aaf retted, but more Americana have mm originally pr»»û»>d by Marahal Foch There ara (till about Ti 5,000 man in camp in the United State· and all will be demobihaed within a month from today, except thoaa retained far "overhead" doty. General March ad dad. Up to bom Mat Saturday, ha •aid 104,000 man had antrad tram la connection with denobiliantioa plana. Geaeral March mated that, an dar fee «at plana, retention at an A merican atendlne army of 600,000 Sa propOHi. •lia dont rrar expect to radnoe below 600.000 mes—if wc can help tt," ha told the committee. CHATHAM COUNTY REALIZES ON DEMONSTRATION WORE > KaWigh, N. C.. Jaa M—The reporta of county acenta la the different ! CO an tir « of the State drnw that many, mod chant" ba*e coma a boat in the termina program of the coenty etece dim»aa>ratten work waa eetebMahed. Chatham Coeaty haa not atamya bean I 1 aa sensually uieeparem ity, bat durine the peat ite je demonatratiaa work waa an here, the agriculture haa t chanced far the botter, and ■man who have taken the ad vantage ef the coanty agent have round that he could be of raal aa· to them. ; ta a mart loeanUf ta-, Mr. EL· Edward·, the. raa hjiuwu aa a iim> hay1a< —*F Last Tau the ahipped a tag· «amber' >f cariatli of corn, and will 4o (O iota, even under the labor aitnatiew Jf the pact JNT. -AT* rotation of crop· km etreaaed by the differ** t county agenta who htm boon is Αι county, and tfcia baa (Town mo in pop ularity until H la aww practical on nearly every fu·. Tit. community club» hare boen r«t*bl>*h*d, and tbcac bar ο given ax cell eut rmlto. "The aaaUrn part af the county baa ahray· been knows aa a tobacco an J colon tection, Vat now the peo. rla a.-e rakeig Owl" cwn 'br< and hominy' and not b«ji*g eo much food end ieed*tuff«. . "Only a abort while ago I /Utod a: where a ι —— nun waa plowing three heavy horaei- He atated that tha neid In which he waa working had bean cleared for aeventy-flv* yean and had narrer been plowed mott than throe lnehee deep until denonatxa tion work waa began in the oooMy Tha Add Made aa average of abeit 15 buahela of com per acre. Tha autn'a father had Uogbt htm that Η would not do to plow the land aay deeper than the three inch·*. Now ha u plowing Η eight ta tan mrhn deep, according to my lu*netleaa. and in doing tMa ia obtaining a yield of around 75 buaheia of corn par "The farmer* an continually P·· in* ill wealth with moat of them pay ing money ia the bask, oaa beak M particular atatlag that now, T$ P*| " af Ha depoattore were far HAND MASHED OFF. taw · tara on tha D»n» *ood dktriet, rot M· hand Wlj e«|Wt·**» Bontlni He wu on the b% road truck whan ho noticed watw.waa running out of nftat. In ■····** to dnd oat the cmn He »et ytm_ Irft hand throofth a· opening In tW ko»J ! of the engin» and it cam· hi iWHJ» the ran·. Ttira· of Wj ·*"' 'wore completely tore fro·* Ml fc·»* and hi* ferefliier and thamh »«l alao maahed. TO· wao hroei** to town Immediately and ht· haei^M by Dre. Hlghamtth and War ran. Τ ho accident waa an ext ly paiafal on· and the patient od a treat deal from the injury. DOUBLE KILLING AT LUMSE*TO* | P*te) Km)*· U PWWl D—l " «Ub r„M uJ Km la UmWrtM, Jân. M.—A piatol éwlj between John Colhreth. » proeinent «MU fermer, and Dalla· ΜΗΝ, β dten, lato M(T raaohod in ta of both, each falUa* eortâBj ed at the baa* of the ether, ·( te the verdict of the eororaor'e J«7-| A mord tat to eve vitneMM, ι ΜρΜ I utte between the two orer low eot ! ton eeed, and the Indian Artec «tot Β CeJbmfe Ired apo* S aaeaO kffliw kla, bat not bet··· be rwhrei ο woand free which ha «MÛ» » abort time. Culbretk la earrhred by Me wtf» and few cblV f Mr. Ktnf, af RaMjfc, waa a «WW* In the *Hy lea* week, the g*eet ef lb. and Mr* M. 0. Pom, of CWf ton, «pout Wedneedajr In the ettf wttk relathree. Γ WAS MVINCI OUffAMM TO CON TIM UK. r«M iu ι ·«*!· aad U Um< If P. That the War Siring· North Carolina ia to MMMi iwtk· •r rear and that thrift ami aavlaa la to he nor» v%o«o«rij taaghi ia tha •eboola and 1—Iratad lato «ha Kraa ι of an the people, ia tha auNM» ment mad· by Georae J. heajr, Corer nor of tha Fifth Federal l»aar»i Dta trlct, radar wttooa illmliiÉ<| th· Trauv; Department haa placed the War Sartasa work, aa «all aa tha Liberty Loan werk, of thia State. Mr. Bear un that «klb the Pad era) Koeerro Bark at Elilaioil wMl d tract tha War Bavin» aad Uhettyl Loan work of tha Mata thia year, It' doe· not maaa that tha hMm Mala aad coaatjr arpabaUaai will be dla •ohred. Aa far aa ia iiaaaltli thay will ha hatd Intact aad aaad ta far* thcr tha work of thia yaar. The aaw orttnicatiAn arfll îLrr^· - *· Thrift ltd tconoaj will he toacht «yit—. t baity is the irtuh. Prete ntion* are M« Mac —rad ioreetioc la Oovero Mit eerarttee. A f eater* ot th< trwk «ftke War Loaa otniiiMln win be te ornatae mw Kwietiee ia do aoeiet tee hare hefore·^^^· UNEMPLOYMENT SHOWS ITS HEAD IN THE SOUTH From AM Sertie— ot the Commtry There U e TrniT»rui Uhaat· of Mee rr U BECOMING SEIUOUS. Washington. Je». I»—A atato uten» tmed by the iilMlant of la bor IrUybt re*-eta — Ur >, ta dtiee wpwM Un «hort •fti and tfc» n—til baa been cat down In the earrent week te IS." Condition· la the wMk ara « diiM aa foliowe: "In Alabama there ia tome Georgia there ta mm* (haitage 1» At lanta and Savannah, but taking the •lata aa a whole that* ia a «orpine ef all elaanae of labor. ■ 1 ~ porta · ahortaae of •hipyard worker*. Florida reporta 5ϋ* «apply ef labor amenda tkTde-| mand with n»bm of mechanic· and ma ad wtth nambereofi- -. oaehialau ont of wwt 'Tbere ^.srsgsAJfs*! are nntleee of the atato «III b· ,-ττ-τ care of, bat a warning la toe—djhrt taut there la larger η sa be re thaa con ditio t» warrant. Kerf elk. Va-, *· [pert· a «taortag· «f ΙΛΟ· wbtla àkb tBoad ι apart· a «opta·. There to a {the at»*·. ΝιΛιΠιο, Tenn., reparu [a aorpla· of £.000 wtthaat «ml hâta, bat m 1un mrplmm ot iwL, tions in reported M ("'l'·' >{*,'| I· Lo«inw, W··»·*. •*,JM iliefct éMtap. TWr· «r· ««■* jfCTtf ygfer&^gasa •hoitaf· m mnM la «ffiteiilml •ad testa· work»T» n4 te I labor. Muyluri ém· to » ttel tbortag· te Belt! ihwixl for aliin iltete." LU-UNCTOM DOT». TV» tnflucnaa seuus-arss. sîçk; rftbicMwnhThaMM Hlrtm B«ar»ti. Itaq baa κ) la locating two Mr ikn· MnUl rit lama MhltMtaUH ooanto. «ko wfll ralaa tobacco. Ho haa nU ■rrtrml tract· of Wad and la «var M the aWrt for aattlora. The Hoat of friand* tkmitmt tfco eoaaty of Dr. L J. Arnold ara êa Hshtad ta taarn that ha «RI ratera ΚΫ1 _ . h tea boa· aarrlne la California. A aaatWr of ι Mr. J. Ο Lajrtoa Iwili*· that tha «al brnaNM I* batter >*>»>< ta tfck %««·· Am It i*nv rim· la ■«* a t a riua: alun la tow·. Y a* wo wmf IVAMKOC. COTTON EXPORT RATES REDUCED effect ok nucs or «TAHI FELT AT ONCE M« «· au Mmti *ι·β·ι·ι·μ.τ. ssaiisrris. _ Uona. ia Τ» ! \ΙΛ». Tin mm Twtm (ν· Odf Mt ιΟ port* ■—id w«rc Inl Mill ■ txMH of tk· Sooth Attoeti. PEOPLE EXPECTED TO WAB SAVINGS Γ Tin Τι Mailed ita ώΤΪΚίΤΛ ÏUvi -* >M|m mriJiwwi hi ISIS War "jwtne» Stamp· to to filiwil fo 1'1'j Stoa^a. whil· this kmm· it of „ _ indiv dual Bon time ta «Uefc to _ ehait Kit «ta WIT» Vnd bf m Mnm kwp :*Hb wttk tic Gomuint, it d—r nit allow th· iim—I to to «ed ited «· th· ISIS nW. AU toM la 1S19 will to of th· Mm •arif and will to credited to tto lSlt rttocd. Ttor Λ Ml·1! to IS®<. Th- iBMBt of North CwoHm'· •«to -dine Wu Sntnp ilidfto is «rttr» itoi to to t*t«Ni «debt ni tea ■OK»". Mhn TKW —pa that ttor· ar· r\«r to· ttoaund ·»ορ1» 1» th Btot - wto haw· «Udgid to toy We S»*lr.i*i Mm ft bit who htn Mt yt ita. - Z""> *·Γ-£ i^frto, to25*> fatrr-. ttofc potrwi?"· *to *"· .· β·*— "»totfc «feu. —» r cat- «M. Thrift from »«t jrmr can b« mwM ι·1 *mp«. 8l*tcβ» Thrift I Md t viJy· p«na<«a α for Γ~ι War !·«tee fEo; - s wot τ, acz or r«EE ANTITOXIN. Γ Novtk CaroVnIan· eoattaua t» bay 4>àaria mtt:o*la at free IJ.00 jit 1-r |Hai»'.iîeeA react* lo^%att■» ott MM free MDO to l».M Ε·Λ·>ι·. 1W It ntf b tu an Λ ; Mfccli aatltortn *T a print* I-.'.ww M«M, wtM«u Kb W Wilt h» the «aUtosta aroT«a< Wjr «· Miif " uiH of iMÛtTk· «nMkn «VI ■> ν·» 940. h. ' Mftaw wHfc tu p*ll«r i8t»i' ?MÎif HmRK t· Ian all ι' Ml· fr«· diphtharte *■ &· to] ! taa.fc V ft··, a»tar twaatr-βτ· par'/ar.a. Tfca Mopl* ■* Ifwrr-t tfca chatranart of ι lhoa-.έ VfcM an- r·^ to fwnMi tfca paapta mt tfca •tat? tlpttkacta anti-tosln ly f par'/ar.a.^ ttajgaoyla la atm tfca ι in jt tka