I THE DUNN V«J. • DUNK. N. C. HA TO HASTEN PEACE POWERS AGREE ON GENERAL TERM! Will Not Wait Until Conunii ■tom Hava Finiahod Labor* FINAL SETTLEMENT NOT TO BE AIMED A1 B«t Term* Will Be MUmb Fir. “d, Dmdc T® Previde F®r Ai Pe®«®, Je.tlfy DeaeUU rnti®*. mm4 Simplify The Crave lalmtaml Faad Pr.hlem London, March lit.—The Parle cor respondent of the PeU Mall Gaaette any*, on high authority, that “in order to avoid peril which would inevitably nriee if preliminary peace terror ere oat drafted until such time ea the ''V***?' commissions ihall have Strutt ed their labors end have presented thetr respective report* the represen tative* of the great power* have ™** t>P certain pro pose la which mam ample to constitute the basis f* J”* treaty, or one analogous to Oat signed at Versailles In 1BT1.” correspondent adds that thee* proposals are under the conaidera Z°*. ‘nn««- af four, Pres I *®d Pr«mi#rB Clemen* cjjwi. Lloyd Georg* and Orlando. temporarily Bupereedod the council of ten ud that tais arrange _ -V# J-f ■ "UVCIIIOBI. Lett «• Enduring r«M. . A final settlement will not be aim ?r *s cofitiniMS the corromondent, hot the terms will, be ro&cl.ntJy Brm. drastic and definite to provide for an enduring peace, Justify u large measure early demobHlt*tk>n. simp 11 >y the grave International food prob lem and pave the wey lor speedy In duttrial reconttruction and financial reorganisation. "The principal alms of proposals now before the inner council are (1) te Insure ample security for the fu ture protection of Francs, especially ob her eastern frontier, (f) to es i"*1* ‘ *tron£ with a form Id northern bwtwr Afuut ■**?• (8) to create a strong Poland. <*> *» found a league of nations pledged, on material as well as moral grounds, to the preservation of world peace.’* cbccslu and Orlando—aa the deciding tribunal of the conference Is ths most significant evidence available of a renewed resolution to speed up t tftfttJT of pi ifi The French seml-oBrial explana tion is list progress became impossi ble because of the cumbersome sise of the cooncll of ton, which with its secrete rial, its experts end steno grapera and its other attaches really became a council of forty. Ths dele gatee war* suspected with some rea son. of talking to place the mm tv e* on record for future historians, rather thaw to promote a quick decision. r.-Military Personnel. Berlin, March 88—The German military representation to the Peace Conference will be made np as fol lows: General Von Hammersteln, hither to military president of the arm latte* commission; Major Voa Booek, a for mer general staff officer in the ex Crown Prince’* army group; Lieut. Colonel Von Arlaoder, of the Bavar ian general staff; Major Poettchmr, of the Saxon general staff, and Captain Gayer, of War+temburg. The mlasion wiU be under the eentrol of Gen. Von Wrisberg of the Pmselnn war ministry. Adriatic Blocked* Lifted. ' Peris. Merck «*.—The Italian dele- 1 ration to the peace conference today notified the conference of the rapprae- . ■ion of the military and commercial blockade in the Adriatic by which trading in the Adriatic retnraa to conditions before the war except that until peace 1* declared allied wanhipa will have the right to March merehant SOUTHERN WOMAN ON NEGRO . LOYALTY 1 Wtneton-Balam, N. C—Him Kata M. Herring, ©tractor of Ydrticit, for the North Carolina War Barings Committee, has recently published in Northern and Southern magnate#* Mae interesting facts in regard to the thrift campaign among her state. In the ^taek Belt, where In fourteen counties tin Ne groes ayerage II per cent of the popnlitiMt tlu ttfTifi iubseriptloTi was SO per cent of the allotment, 4 per cent more than In the stats at lares. In the county which sebeeribed 198 par cast of its allotment tha Negroes form 47 per cent of the population. They famish from 4* to «1 PM coat of IS of the 10 counties.which sub scribed 180 per «■«» or brer. Sub scriptions ranged from **“* •*•**<«• to who took tha limit *f fl<°®4 frr each member of hi* family to thee* wham subscription* ere re paid for la KrsTrttSBA’JirTs; scribed for worth for herself and him. Him Herring giree thro* reasons for this remarkable showing: tk* “htaek" coantim are sgriroKurally rick; aad "Nsrh Carolina roeogateed the Negro as aa Amerieaa ettisen, aad gars hha rsspnnsibil.tto* the ——- M white men. Mk* the colored soldier at the front, ha heard the call and responded ’’ Mew Weseksei. Pm LIIBegtea LOHagtoa, March It—The more meat to build a tobacco warehouse la UUlagtoa is getting to good Btapo, gaits a lot of Meek her lag already iota soberribed By tke first of April H l^kopod, tha eeetract will ha roadj MORE THAN 90,CIO CENSUS JOBS OPEN E.u. Which Win Bo MaAe la January, IBSO. Will Kelp Irtn Labor PruhW. Washington, March *|.—The act providing for the fourteenth and sub •oqiiont decennial cvniuwi wai timed by the President ou March 8. Thr , enumeration, which will be mads la January. 1820. is now lew than tan montha distant, and the eansus bureau already has under consideration the selection and appointment of not to eneed 400 supervisors who wUl have Charge of the 80,000 enumerator*. Tbe supervisors' dietricta will In moat *»aac, except la the large citiee. havo i T?* boundsdes as the Coagrea ionai districu. The supervisor*, un der the law. are to be appointed by ••CT*tary of co nun tree uum Um recommendation of the director of the con moo. vTb* following Ins tractions have Been given by the secretary of cocn mereo to the director of the census jD regard to the procedure to be follow ed in making selections and appoint mejits of esnsos supervisor*. In* appointments to the poet of saperi vibor In connection with the taking^ 8Utl h '*"•** °# the United “A tact examination, of which . _ cord wfl] be kept, la to bTrjJSw Ur rB".dd£,en"tJ4,.hT po* In addition to tkit, a earoful nimuI M om atptrti«Iy mmd* rv SSwut*01* ofqa^i I ““"• of Mch ertil *?koj£ '"q°,ry- ■>“ * “In rasing appointments from thorn who shall bars psm^l the iSi , examination and tha separata Inquiry *' *Vqualifications, preference tto . ba «+»*« those candidates who have j bed executive, admlniatmtive, autie- 1 Ucal and accounting experience and , wt»o hare hijch^*“f 1 bodies of men as administrator*, pro- , aided In all caaaa that men wtth^Ute iTp«rbac« stated dojmjs tbs otbsr qualiAcfttioiu nif—rj “You will arrange to ghre notice to 1 ths above effect to every f*iiUn»n applying for appointment and td Ue •poneon. and na re a didates are te be < ■elected fog the appointment /whe do t net-' j stioo mhlsem';, the civil service com aUdotbWPi and hi any other to- f •poet Ul-, they ena he hafpfal « to you.-« ’ * “It is desire, as I know t it ie your this census ritall t be an ux ita quality as well I as In Ha ml need hardly t my that na! reralt can ba bad I < nnlaaa tha supervisors are selected i with apodal car* to their individual I fitness for the task. I am depending < on you as tha responsible officer In im mediate charge of the work to see that < every precaution is taken to achieve I this result In particular tha ap- | pea ranee a* well as the feot ef poliU- ■ cal patronage are to bo avoided and ' fitness for the work te he done will be < the controlling factor in the appoint ments.” ' The director at the cenaue has al- I ready taken iteya to carry out tha In structions at the eeeretary. The supervisors’ duties will occupy tbeir lima for the gruntar pert at n 1 year beginning about July 1, 1*1*. ' Their compensation wfl ba IlsSM ' plus fl far each thousand or major 1 traction of a thousand ef population ' enumerated. The total compensation in an average used district, outside a large city, will therefore be between 1 11,700 and 11,100. Clark him and other necessary expenses will ba paid by the government. All candidates for supervieomkipe should address their applications to the director of the census, Washing ton. D. C.—Charlotte Observer. iui iwk suw—rai uun ir YOU CAN* IF YOU CANNOT. BORROW THE MONEY—BUT BUT THAT BOND As ■ general mis pstph do net Dec to go in dsbt We have Been raised hat way in this country. Wo don't ike to be in debt. It makos os fool it a disadvantage. And yet there ire debts aad debts There am soma that are bad business; other* are the seat kind of business Moat U ng realise this when we think it over. Take for la stones the money owed toward* the payment of a Victory Liberty Bond. Coaid you for n now •nt consider It a reprehensible debt; one that yon should ho ashamed of 71 A debt for a Liberty Bond conid wot eoeac under this ben. It I* different, wry different Indeed. It 1* the sort of debt that Increase year owa self respect and adds to rear neighbor’s respect for yon. It give* you a high er standing In your own aHhuatten god It Increases your standing to the ineemaalty. _ Aad eaother (king: That Victory Liberty Bond will eoaee nearer being the right cart of tndomoment for you *t the bank than anything ties yon might mention. After you hare paid it off aad squared year account with the gnvernaieat aad your awn Amer ican conscience yon will have reeeeei to foal a tittle proud of yourself Then get ready at ones to da your rrt when the Victory Liberty Loan offered. A Liberty Bond is the goveraaeeat'i solemn promise to pap at a river time the earn non I Bated <m the faa* ef the bond. It Is goad, yes, even hot tor than a Gold CorlkWe The lot tor Is atoaey In hand but R dew not nay yea Interest satomatkalty A liberty Bond does pay yna I nearer and a vary good rate ef Internet ai that No one os aid go to debt far i bettor Investment beans** marc that 100,OOO.OOC Americans aad the satin i ten arose of the United States are ha hind that promise to pari aad aa ears j: BOND ISSUE I * _ . At our people well knew the * Mm UdtUture paieod as act authonain* as alaetioo an iaeu * Inc 160,000 rand bond* for * Avcraaboro tewUUp. If aaw lirsent la Krona eneugb I think the Board of County Coamia * Monen will order aa election. * On the other hand if thara la not eonaUerable eenttmont la * favor of tha election I do not * think the Board will order H. * ThM Id dimply to (tea you fair notice to (at baay If yea want •he election called. * J. D. BARNES, Chairman. PROGRAM U1I8IONAEY DA t7 FIRST BAFTIT SUNDAY SCHOOL, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dunn, North Carolina MARCH 80, lOlfi 0:46 a. a. Mlaaoae and tha rai*n of ri*fcteoaa Son*, Eaaawa tha Farlahin*. Sileat Prayer. Son*. From Ocean Unto Ocean. Scripture Raadin*. Faalm T*:1-1J John 17:16-80 ,-Ttav. 18:11-1* Matte. Leaaon Period. OUmm RmmmbMa. Son*, Battle Hymn of tha laaiihUa r>pemnf Addreee Exertiaee by baBtsnan and primarlaa Why We Want Chrtet 9-.-W_ ImmU_ t* _ t£SLm b, »- Why Chriet i. not King. * “>« Mattie Pape. Mm Dr. C. D. Bain. <*» Chnet Blag. B. M. zsxritszrsrt,. <nele by the Orchaetra. * “artr , welcome »Waite crwrg wdy who wishes to attnd. W WEBBY MORGAN, ffugt. AYETTlVUi* WILL - WBIjCOMI BOTB NMA ertaaca of agoaat eaa^ aaaa It la (O soar, i tha fast hat Caah o men ret-_ oaMMy tbie ie tSe_ he United Btataa will eead broad aiakaa tbie affair a landmark n county history. which will bo ehrwo clod aa long aa there are Caabarlaad MctndBili. Mr*. John Hooke Anderson, bo auee at her familiarity with Camber tad hietory and her knowledge of the eeeent war, gained throagh eoadwet ng the soldier's eoloatn fat The Obaer erfl hae accepted the ehalrm»nAI|i >f the pageant. Different eomaaanlttee in tha eon y are planning M enact virions Mo orle ecenee of this peat of the eonnty. rhe programme wae brought before he meeting ef the conaty echool gaehsn on 8atnrday aeon and Bup irintendeat McBryde, who b dll anting he county work of the pageant, will all a meeting of delegates in those omraonitiee which win act out tha wfeu tableaux. Tha usual eonnty tinging contest will ho hold Oh Ant lay with the Blount Gold Modal for ha boat chorus offered ae la ensto nary. The parti 11 panto la this chorm will also eing aa a part at a mammoth pageant chorus which will furnlsl nueic for tha nnraMan The historic tcanae which wIH be orecanted with mweM are as followa 1— Early Indian Ufa acted ay Gamy Fire Girt* of Tolar-HolL 2— Early Bcotxish-Colonlal Ufa in- : troduclnt Farquord Campbell. 3— Seems from Flora MacDonald's 1 life, acted by Flora McDonald Col- 1 lava. 4— Liberty Point 5— Polly Bocemb’s ride. •—Norik Carolina aoters the Union. 7—State University raeniraa Its charter. H-f, LLI. »—Visit of LaFa/ette. 10— Bern In* of the rlty. 11— Taklnv of Ike Arsenal by tbe Confed irate* II—CM1 War Scenes. II—Cumberland rr on eon a by Kan. 14—Camp Bros on the Mexican bor der. 18—Review of troope from Camp Br!C-Victorr dance by (Ms around spirit of Cumberland. 17—Return of the rote tana Any eemmaalty or neyjnlaallen la stdac ia raymsenna. The War CsaTOwilly to sat inv aa s riser! av house for the mrt oue communities and sndrifaa of the nu»ty which an tetttn* ap tba pe# HARNETT COUNTY OFFICERS MAKE RECORD. LilBarton, March tl Pop ottos Me Artaa, Matthews, Hoebadsy end Jeral faa sstahtlshed a raeerd for this ma ty and this ssetloa of the State la the aaytara of nine riffle and rix man i in one weak. Blochadsrs la thto riaa ty And H hard to "yet by" thasaaS i son. ' ly as to-morrow foBowo to-day oran i dollar of Interest wfl] be said when > It to dae aad ths bond win Kg reaches inataritp**** T*J°* M :j BENSON • • Jo2g. W. i. O • boro, wan boro • tho night lath. < • Mrlmhikt. » to Oroco Baikal, • day night for ns at • ported bock today. • lira J. I . Ugoa. - • hero for a fro dayo i in*. > Mr. Calvin > Spring*. wo. ban > woak vtatUag Mr. > Barbar. Mia. Anna to Wflaoal operation fa *«y tepidir _ • recurs baat Mr. H. ■. Hidden* •**t Wadnialay and •ml day. with kia 4 Moaao Hwring Uft WcdxMBtWj. ¥ appondicitia, and 1 Mia... Band EL. , of FayottevflW, won. day or two raa.atly Mm. Claod Q ' Manor* J. B._ •day aad Cwip F Mora to Foqnay ~ tho wook _ dJtioaaJ ptiioi U who wti cMrrirtod * —ifclfj to t)w for In Ha year* of Us time. . Mr. and HraT The baratand aUMaa Mr. Boat H a Da wmV of lart FrMa»«Ut, lifitla dhk akoit 1TB hammf eon. aooagal stacks af fodder, bam ban* of fartfHaar, all kU farm toots *and lisnlemsifa and at ehlnery, OagnHsw with mkaloief eot ton, two h«ami«» and UllaiM awl carta. Tbnlom was abate tea thou ■and dotting with two IfcTnaaad dol lar* la—a in oa tha prapmli. No Idaa la ateharsd asto.-thn or^ln of the In, teU started ahawt I y " The raw i la i af Mr. WOHaas Mor gan. who-dlad law Thanday night at ala bama In. Fuqoay Springs, ware brought fax Elevation rimreb and buried last Friday aftarnoos. Mr. Morgan had. been Briar at Fomay for arroral yaari? baibag moved there from ouriaooaty. He «N a highly es taeatod man and Wad well la hie eommantt*. He hadnbaaa lai declin ing haaHMder aavemlwatbs and U* death caaaea no ewrprla* to bla near wltewi HO was father to Mn Hen ry Morgana who Vena fear miles north of Baanoc, and la Mr*. Ortu Matthawywh* llvoa soar boro. Mia, W. D. Boone area bnataaa to tba John Chari** MeHaOl Hank Cite Thursday at 0 s-n Tb# waatlag waa , condaetad by tto- aaiddint, Mrs. J K. Borhonrt ebatea£awriooa br Mrs T 0 W tew - —t - H-_ bldMM WM dlapMBllc'Of 1*4 MW laaiuaaa takaa up, Ida* Mary Cook* ud Mra. J B. rMMkwn alactod mv maribin. A Uttar from Km r L. Hall, wha U la Wilaaa hontetal. wm raad to tba clob ttankinythan far flawan aaat bar. DattrbUal rn ftaabmaata war* aarrad. Thoat proa •at war* Maadamm J. B. Barbour, O A. Barboar, W. D. Boom, M. T. Britt. 0. W. Boll 1m, J H. Rooa aad Praataa Woodall: rMtara, lira. Hater CraorH, ftaikMUld, aad Mra. Tba, of Norfolk. Tba body of Mr. 1mm Baaraa, wbo dtoappaarad from Wflao*. af Ur bar Iny pooa than aa a abort atatt late January *», wm bmMht bara yaater day far burial, haw lay bran found late falarday aura lay by baya arba arara fttelay hi Taiante Swamp aaar Wllaaa. Aa bi quoad ana bald aaar tba body, white wm badU daaompot IWMWWHMtebMIlr ««M44 Imn wm fommA mi hh md kf* w«tekt w?wl d*lten la mon-j of thla ptoaa. wbe waa cnltod to WIM aoa Mturday to ba praaaat at tba la aua* atataa that thato wm m date* about tea body batty that af M. fatbar, m ha aauld ban aloarly raaay alaad aha had than baao aa watoh ar pa pan to Identify to body aa balay to WBaou an or abate tba *Tth of January to aMt a woman arttb white ba bad btowiummtndlafc aad after harlnf tatoj^a drfja Ip tea ooantry day" aabrnwyid ajtete* ton fate an dar tba arator la Taltate Swamp aaar Wflaan ^h U ml* Ute tea drfmr^af tha toy after ten dUnppanranan ad Mr. Banna. Tba body wm tokaa ta tba ah hama ptoaa af Mr. lam* ;l abate thrva mflaa wate af Banana aad burtad yaatorday aflat aa on. Mr 'SLEEPING SICKNESS CAME FROM ENCLAM u- c*ltmd iuii ViraUU^FUj bwul Can RleWoV Va.. March M—TW •£ "»*—pin» Mckcan” no, l***«J*at la wvaral itta it a “haai ^u-rj^’-CS Mi g. Q. WUIIana. Virginia in **t* <*« —» ,555*56 s^atss*:?^.^ « SfitSS^S jrLsssi^jSta; —nStWhiJofT?-??? ThB (kM 4Vi n i i ■ fc 1 (a _i_a.. a Wubington, March from Puma of thraa ■alta of tho Thirtinth (1 North Carolina aad Sootk I Notional Oaard) aad Uooal army man Stataa) d.Y.nona ad today by Tha Thirtioth Chari adon. 8 C, Art* at New York. Tba tranaport Huron da* laaton, S C , April 4, baa tba baadquarton and madkal dataab manta of tba tod aad eompaaiaa E. P, Q, H, of tnalltth infantry; baadqnartara, ardbmaaa aad madiaal dotirnmaatc. Compaaioa A aad B of tba 11 ttb mackina m battalion. 10rib mnitary- train madical anpply dapot, ambaUaoa eomaaataa No. UT to ISO iarinaira, Ml ba^rtaia Man. I IT to IN inctadvo. A8 tbo traaps baton* to tho Thirtioth dlriaion and with a few minor txcapdeni are an root* to Clamp Jnchann. C-O. Tha tranaport Kontaeklaa dua at Naw York April J. to brtaciaf tba haailqiartara of tbo l*lod aafaatry brifada, raikaanl aad Ant toMalba baadqnartara eeanany, machine *aa company, madiaU dotarkmant and Companion A to D laelndea of tba UM Muln TIm,-«mi A part of the flat dtvtakm and are wMgned to Cup Kearney, Col. On beard aim on casual computes ef 1 Arkansas and Tans troops and mr aea Brig. Gen. Vcrtxxj A. CaJdwn'l, roanaandlng Uh lBlad infantry bri (>da, la. retaining with the h*ed luaitsra of that unit. Tho transport Aitagas la dua at Newport News April 4 with a few ' lasnala. The tmnaport Edgar A. Lucken beeh, due nt New York April f, has iho headquarters troops si tho for tieth dWiriea, ilEth train headgear 186th Infantry. The drip alee la bring lag one casual eonroaay for Virginia. The transport Btbcaey dee at New York April f, has an heard headquar ters of the second badtsMen, awrntr wwmut and eompnnl— F. O ui H. of tC IWrt Infantry; Md ml *2 tSSWSdS quarters supply and mnehtoa eon stfS'drssttiSF** «£? iSsS&j and ana eonmlaacaat detachment. Tha transport Heredia wfl) aarien at New YeA Ayil^ 6^ wrth Mrs. P. 0. Lewis and daughter, ef Beeves was worth considerable prop his wind hud heacme affected rise* th* death ef hi* wtf* a few meaths age. The Awry ef robbery la set a •pmctieabl* ene as Mr Seam* had very little nseney when ha Wfl mane, j&r.rSisiL’aiSw in hla packets. ARE TRADING UPON 1 MISERY Of wotu Hi«t SELMA PLANS TO CIV* SHUNEXS MO RECEPTION IhrSmb . riEroanH '15a3:s£SilH?r CO'K^ATULATOI " our .. S?35!£^ ■

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