THE DUN V*L « , PRESIDENT WILSON EXPL JNS LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT Document Designed As Cure For Wars in the Fu ture Adopted At Plenary Session After'the President’s Speech—Most of Changes From Original Draft “Mere Changes of Phraseology Intended to Clarify the Document.” I’eris, April !W.—Following u tho U>t of President Wilson'* speech be fore tb« planary union of Ufa peace i .inference today: '“Mr President: When the text of Ihe covenant of the league of nation* '.as last laid before you i had thr honor of reading the cuvenanl in sx i melon I will not detain you today l» read Ihe covenant as it has now .lc«n altered, but will merely taks the l Oortv of explaining to you some of lltc alterations that bavo been made "The report of the committee has Ljcn circulated. You yourselves hare .11 liaml tha laxt of tha covenant, and \.ill no doubt have noticed that most • : the changes that have been made t.e mere chancre of phrassology, no i.tangea of aubstanoe, and that, be t.dee, that, most of tha changes are in tended to clarify the document or, '■ .ther to make explicit what we all I'tee assumed was implicit In the doc t.nsnt as it was originally presented lu you. But I shall take the liberty rf calling your attention to the new f.stores such as they are. Some of Uiera arc considerable, the rest trivial. “The first paragraph at article 1, is it*. In view of tho inasrtion of the covenant in the peace treaty, specific provision as to the signatories of the treaty, who would become members of the league and also as to noutrel states U. be incited to'accede to the cova lent, were obviously necessary. Tbe paragraph also provides (or the meth od by which a neutrel stale may uc erd* to the covenant. "The third paragraph of articj* 1 is r.ew. providing (or Use withdrawal of any member of the league on a notice given of two years. “Tha second paragraph of article 4 Is new, providing for a possible In crease Afi the council, should other powers be added to tho league of no 1, one whose present screed on is not anticipated. “The two last paragraphs of article 4 are naw, providing pacifically (or \ one vote for each member of tho lea gee in tbe council, which was under stood before and providing also for one representative of each, member »iueu ww »v nm men iur fnimva. "Tbe eecond paragraph of article B. ku had added to it that a majority of the assembly mue^Approve tho ap pointment of the sMtmpry general. "The firtt pm regraph of Article 7. names Geneva aa the seat of the lea gue and u followed by a ascend para graph which gives the council power to establish the seat of the league elsewhere, should It subsequently deem it necessary. "The third paragraph of article 7 is new, establishing equality of «m Coyaent of men and woman, that ia 'aajr. by the league. "The eecond paragraph of article 13 ia new, inasmuch as It undertakes to give instances of disputes which are generally suitable for submission to arbitration, inrtsnco* of what have Utterly been called ‘justifiable’ ques tions. "The eighth paragraph of article lb U new. This is the amendment regarding domestic jurisdiction, that where the council finds that s question arising out of an International dispute affects matters which are clearly un der the domestic jurisdiction of one or tho other parties It ia to report U Inst effect end make no recommenda tion. "The last paragraph of article It 1- new, providing for an expulsion from tho league In certain extraor d.unry circumstances. "Article 21 is new. "The eecond paragraph of article tl Inyerts the words with regard tc mandatories, and who are willing tc accept it,’ thie explicitly introducing tiie principle that a mandate can not ' bo forced upen a nation unwilling b> accept K. “Article 23 Is a combination of eev » el former articles and also- contain! ti.o following: "A clause providing for Abe just t. .alment of aborigines, a clause look lug toward a prevention of the whits a:^va traffic and tho traffic of -opt me, end a clause looking toward pro g cm in International prevention an< control of dineaao. "Article 25 specifically mention tiie Red Crom as ong of the Interna ti -nei organisations which are to ood n-et their work with the werk of thi lean*. ‘‘Article 2fl permit* the amendmani o', the covenant by • majority of thi st.'tc* composing the assembly, iaataai 01 three-fourths of th* states, thong! it does not change the requirement ii tli it matter with regard to the vote It th* council. "The second paragraph of article ti is also new. and was added at Uii rtqnect of the Brasilian delsgsttoi In order to avoid certain constitution al difficult!** It permit* any membe of the league to dissent from an a m> ndmont. the effect of aueh dlseen be ng withdrawal from the league." "And the anna* I* added giving th name* of the signatories of tao treaty who become members, and th# name of the atatae Invited to accede to th eovmmnt. These are all lHe ehangrn 1 b^p*, which are of moment "Ur Preeldent: I take the oppor tonlty to mova lb* following resolo tion* la order to carry eat the provii Ions of the covenant Yon will notk that th* covenant provides that th Wet secretary-general shall b* chose by this eonference. It ale* provide that the Ant rhoko of the fear mess her state* who are to b* added t tho Bv# great powers on the coon* •la left to this eonference. “1 *»«»•. therefore, that th* An secretory general of the oounetl ska bo tho Honorable Sir James Eric Drummond, and, second, that until such time as the assembly shall have selected ' the first four members of tho league to ba represented on the council In accordance with article 4 of the covenant, representatives of Belgium, Brasil. Greece and Spain •hall be members; and, third, that the powers to be represented on the council of the league of naUoni or* rri|<iired to name representatives who shall form a committee of nine to prepare plana for tho organisation of ths league and for tha eatablieh ment of the aaat of tha Unfit* “nd to make arrangements and to prepare Ibv agendo for the first mooting of y>o assembly, this comndtaa to re port both to the council, and to the naeembly of the league “I think H not nscasaary to call rour attention to other matters wa •v.P previously discussed—tha capi tal significance of this covenant; toe hopes wh ch ur» entertained aa to 'he effect it will have upon steadying the affair* of the world should bo u concert of the free nations of the world to maintain Justice in interna tionaJ1 relating», tha relatione between people and between the nations of the “If Baron MaUno will pardon me far introducing a matter which 1 ab sent-mindedly overlooked, it la necee very for me to propoee the elteration of levels I words in the first 11m of article i> Let me say that in sev eral parte of the treaty, of which this covenant will form a part certain duties are assigned to the council of Ui“ league of nations. In some in stsuce-i i*. i* provided that the action thc.v shall take shall be by a auejortty vole. It is, therefore, neceeaary to c.s ,e the covemnt conform with the othvr portions of the treaty by adding sheer words. I will read the first Una and add the words: “ ‘Except where etherwW sxprsea ly provided in this covsaaat ar by tba rum of thil treaty, decisions at any meeting of the aaaeaibly or of tha coancll shall require the agreement of £JZiZrZJlg ‘r»“ “ T crept where otherwise rxersas +&&*»&*#&**** -■on 'or by tha terms of this treaty.' With that addition, I move the adop tion oi the covenant.” In running away from the truth t*ver justifiable? ‘Tbs Spreading Evil" answers the question. BENSON TO HAVE WATER, LIGHTS AND SEWERAGE Benson, April 26.-—At a meeting of .he town comminioners last night contracts for town improvements to the amount of approximately 1160, 000 wore let. Work on the proposed .improvements are to begin witpln a very few weeks or as soon as tba tontractora can get ready. The contracts call for a complete water and fewer lyxtem, together with plant. Water will be itcured by bor ing artesian walk. A concrete pkn of financing the project has boos announced bat tho present pkn of the commissioners is rot to issue bonds covering the eoat until the work ia completed, but ta tesj U> borrow money as needed. A meeting of tbs Democrats in town has been called for Monday night at which Uma s Democratic ticket la to be nominated which is to he voted on May S. Mr. E. W. Harris of Wsndall has l can elected as manager of ono of the ft* tobocco warehouses hero. RECRUITING CAMPAIGN FOR AVIATORS AT POPE FIELD Fayetteville, April 29.—Aa aatiye recruiting campaign to secure addi tional personnel for the 276th aero squadron, tha organisation manning i'ope Acid, the aeronautical station attached to Comp Bragg, is balag planned by MaJ. Norman W. Peak, tn charge of aerial activities, the plans Including flighta covering tha country s-lthWi a radius of 160 milee from Fayetteville, with kariai exhibitions, and damonatrationa of the work of the enllstod personnel, at the princi pal towns and cities. Racruita enlisted In the so arse of tV* campaign will be placed In aerrtoe Immediately at Pope Bald. Due to the lurga proportion of »on-commission od officers, the attractive sad inatrue llro nature of the work, opportunity to fly, additional pay anjoyod by dciU 1 ed man, ax wall as numerous other advantages offered by the air service 1 compared with other branches, it la erpected that tha squadron will soon 1 bo brought up to Its full strength of ’ U0 by this mease Too finishing touches are being pat on the flying Bold, which in a short tinao will be In perfect condition ton ' flying The four steal hangers bring . not quite completed, the work of Un crating and assembling tha thiga li ' fJ0frTBTiBt •omewha* slowly, hat . Major Peek and his forces are busily ' engaged at this task and aspect tc ' nnmbor of ships In comanle , slow during the week, Yn addition ta the Csrtlm gunnery plane which made • tha firm flight Saturday and returned • Monday morning from a areas ream - try flight to Dillon, 8. C, manned by • Lieut. K. P Bute and Capt B. / l Raunder*. Jr., after participating is 1 1 'fftoT loan dasaonatratJon Hi Um ■ South Carolina town. » Is Jons s luck* a* unlucky, month 1 far weddings? Alice, In •*?•*■- frnraad 'ng Evil." still wonders. BeTthh • Photedrama at Urn Whits Way TW 1 tru Monday and decide ter yswaat HISTORY OF llffTH now being Written CMomI Men. Heps. U Be Abb to Pramat Farmer Members WUb C*W Fraa of dbrp. A 200-pan history of tba tilth in fantry, a0th division, la tha reseat war, win ba presented to gray num ber sf that regiment and ha will not tova to pay one esnt for it Cot J. Van B. Metis, who ted tha boy* of tha ragimant in their fighting, lum mafia tha abova announcement The mere important data, that ro uting to the movements at the regi ment sines it was organised: its later training at Camp Barter end tha em barkation for Praace will ba included in the history and this data has al ready been collected The work of assembling the facts is connection with the fighting op the various fronts and the different move ments of the regiment takes time, however, and white each ragiswnt kept a diary yet there are many thing* which it is impossible to incor porate In the diary, hut It U new hoped they may ha ■ part of tha his tory. Photographs of BeUioourt and many other towns occupied by man of this regiment sriB form a part of the history as will different scene* of ast ual fighting of tha ragiaseat. The Mg nsl corps had photographers oa tha front liana sad it U understood they have several Dictates of tbs 11 Pth rw Iment in action. Thees photographs will be secured of tha officers and men of tbs regiment. miom umvkf, lorewr commanding oflctr of Company C of this regiment, la on the committee to prepare the data for the Malory and is being • Mad by Lieut George 81m ford, former gas oMcer of tho regi ment- It ia not known by Cekmal Metta just whan tba history will cease from the press; however, he aaya, that it ahoald only ha a fow weeks. Ha baa hopes of being able to have n suffi cient quantity printed to present one to the different libraries of tho State and to all the newspapers. Colonel Matte, who baa bona ban on leave of absence sines his retan: from overseas, will return to Camp Jackson tooaorrow, bis leave expiring Monday night. Ha does not know yet Just where be will go from there, aad it is possible bo aaya that ha may he satined to soma onttt ia that aaian —Wilmington Star, TOOTHY TRAIN* SURE WINNUU Richmond. Vs., April M—From all parts of tba Fifth F idea at Haaar District « -ory Liberty Bond even’d by the thorn mads and tans of thousands of dol lars. Thoeo who moot the trains see the murderous weapona with willah the Hon triad te destroy efrillmtino and loot at Chateso-TUern, at St Mihiel and In tba Argotme Wood. And on the train srith tba trophies are man who were in the heaviest fighting and who are anxious to tall tbs people what war la sad why tba Victory Li berty Loan must be felly subscribed to finish the job. At one eroas-roada. far from tko noarem town or village, oaa of tba iettere reports. Train No. 1 wap mat by more than a thousand people. They cheered themselves hoarse and then turned in and bought bonds until a fourth of tbf comity's quota was reached At another place, one of the oaall towns, tba people took *XT^O« In bonds la twenty-seven mixutee, aad » Mtort distance down the line *8.000 was taken In bonds of *60 denomina tion. Ia ono of tba larger towns all the balls wore ringing and tba factory whistles blowing wbon tho train ar rived. Tho crowd that amt tho train swarmed over tho big flat ears aad through tho box ear and thea. ‘Moat 10 DO good fecloww" everyone gath ered off to ono lido end pledged $40, 000 to th* Victory Liberty Loon. At another place, after a big hurrah the crowd aabacribed $76,000 and at atfll another $100,000. One of th* itepj did net seam w probing, a t» graphic report ear*, but there wan Iota ef pretty gtria and th* eoldlen accompanying the trophloa thought •bey woald "elreulato" a tittle throe*! th* crowd, and whan th* train pulled out a few minute* later more than $10,000 had been pledged. And ■*, M the report Indicate, the trophy train* ar* "ear* winner*"— Juat aa th* Victory Liberty Loan h a aura winner la every part of the United State*, far the war la near pane* haa bate area and th* people ar* anxioua to aattlo the bill*—dele* th* Jab—and gat the whole thmi behind them_ HURT A GRADY OP CLINTON . WILL VISIT FOREK1M LAND! Waehhtgton, April tt—Senate Siaunoa* haa applied to th* (tat* da pertinent far paaaporta for Haary A «rady, ef Clinton frandmnatar W «to grand Lodge o/ Maaone of Nortl c.arollna, to rHt EhgWad. Scotland fntno* and Belgium. Mr. Grady, I la uademtood, wlahaa to enll for Bo •9?. «e fan* 10 to attend ewe ting of high otBciale of th* Maaanta erda who lav. been called together by th. Ooka of Connaught, grand amatar « th* Maaoaa of tarfMad. On* of th. object* ef the meeting la to bring Intu claaar eontadt and nftliatiaa the Ma aMm of Prance, who far year*, he caaa* of athaiatlc Waning, bar* aa been aOtlatad with tha KnglUh an< America Maaona, MEETING OP PAIR DIRECTONJ Thera win b* a meethig of th Board of Director, of th* Horn at Countv Pair Aaaoclattaa la Lilllac toa Monday, May 6th, to anattda bid* from tha varto*. town* tot leaad lug the fair ground*. AR bid* ahawh be In th* baa it. of th* praaldast. Mi B. A Tortbigtoa, aa ar hafara tha data Rerpaetfailv. 1 A G ANTHONY, Seay • > FAYETTEVILLE HAS BIG CELEBRATION MM, Mml Mmp ami ! FnyettevUle, May I—Keyettevill. and Cuaaborlead county ui today Mltbntiai tka homo coming of theta mldlon from tka World War and tha cwtMioi of Camp Bragg, with a dinner to tbo service an, a graal ■troat parade, adirsmss by Governor ;T. W. Kckvtt, Colonel Maxwell Mur ray, aad others, and an bicteric page ant depleting scenes (roan tha conn ty’a history. I The celebration began at boob, when every ball and whistle In the elty aoanded a welceeae to the aatn from evarasaa aad traiaiav raaap, while a eqaadroa o( airy lease from Pope Field ataaeuvarad overhead. At tka aana boar dinner was nerved in the F. L L. I. araaery aad at the entered rerreatloa dab for al ael I diets aad sailors ef both raeea. Mo itlea pictara ticket*. Ice cream, drinks and BBekes wan given fm to ner I vie* Ben from booths eatabliahod for *e psrpooo. The parade. which formed ot I o’clock, comprised 361 military, del* of Major K. J. Leal, 119th Infoatry, BO Idlers from training camps, com ■nndod by Major J. E. Hueke; the <*th Infantry bond, varied' exhibi tion of Add artillery from Came Bragg, ranging from a S7-minim*ter gan to tka 166-mtllimctsr kowitaar, Tnclading tha famous Preach 76; an smortmsst of tnmmrt equipataot from Ike eantp; aad a pldena ef tka Slat Field Artillery Utters viewing stand, tka west balcony ot tka Om Market, woe* Govern*r Bick *U, Celooel Maxwdl Murray, com Bonding eAcor of Camp Bragg, Mayor McNaall and other. At Ok* Capa rear falrgroonda, ware bald, tba welcome It Oa sol diary aa baba If of Cam berlaad coun ty waa pokm by Jaki A. Oats, chairman of tba tmadl of defense, by Otmttf BieksU for tha State oi Nkftb Carolina, aad by Coloaal Mar ra/ far tba drmy. DUKE COLORED PEOPLE tba adibim af walioiaa and follewtaa kda Uaat William A. Erwin, Jr., fat »«_»*—-H the nrratl.B. Mr. K S Yaikreagh waa caBad aa aad madt wary atbilit remarks. Prayer war •ffarad by Bar. H. 8. BartaaO. A mast Lntaraettmg addrtaa waa made bj •aa of tbair owa race from Doan, Prof. A Y. Undarwood. In tba count of his talk be advised tha escrow that they ware making one aariotn mistake, namely, going North seek lac employment and Mritc to mlk< their borne. “TVs Booth ia yoar hoax and the 8oatk la tha placa for yon' ah Prof. Underwood, "tha eouthen white man U tha heat friend yet hero. Ha will girt yoa separata schools and kelp educate yoa end ther give yoa work to do and will steak by yoa in tba tune of naod. ” In tlx North than are do aoparaU school for yoa aad when yea are throng! school they wtl not giro yoa work,’ Hi* address waa full of good advic. t® Mi race. Prof. Uaderwood't awn tary likawiaa gave aoaae oaccllant ad viet with reference to tha bnan con duct of roturnod negro sold lore, i regular dinner, fried chicken am pound mho and ail tuck good thi^ that would appeal not only to a re turned soldier but to good etvihens bad been prepared by the colored wa man and laden • long table aproed li the open air and when dinner wa announced the boys did their full dot; in hiding it Tha returned soldiers praaaat warn Jamas X. McNeill, Jamas B. McKay Frank Bu^ra. B. L. Cameron. C B. Smith. Hector Covington, Mario: *■ I**'M***1 Mamma, Gao. Hatch "■ H- B. Brown, Ooo. McLean, Idwt I P*°,- U . Arnold, Ctera ; McKay, John L. McLean, B. B. Joke «». f. 3. LOVE SUNDAY i **>• tniBnenwBl wniM Sonda ■ "urfct will W pnaeM to Bw.T| of Louiaburf Fatso) ’ £*?*£•• .H* u ■ *»» »f nxeaUeo *!**""*• beiac a yraduati of Trinlt CoHato and Colombia Untomroity. H *•**«» «ha North Carolina Coa faranaa and flltod aoatorataa at Mom b»ad City, XlnMop and Akerdoat **• *» Mlaatoaar J* jWj* Ht waa f oread to ratar to tha SUtaa aa amoaat of Wo kaaltl 5*Jf * S’0? ***"*•» *nd “ oneoBaa toaaha that It oroll oroith kaartar R will pafeack the nraoB at tha feat Mat eaarah at 14* Bonday ntotd. Tfi "* **y* baataa! (ha tarn at aa aona other tstaraa warn aat Walla Mrt. Um la a moat twBwrt an ■■■ ami »tn aaiaatpaay hhn and •*»r«tnd to ria« aithe Method 1. ahanh at tha alavaa o’clock aervto Tka witter had the honor of kata Wa etaaa mate -fn sol loco and wMm I »ba» tka town (too him a cordial w« : ****■ *'* 1. M. D. I ---- - of tha dltramltn wtthunt aacrttoa < i-WLVm- other mea ‘ bor*^ toa.m^D are doatarod I t too 'haUaS? a«M TtfIlalah173tJ i^scr^s%^,s3 l haa not karoa. BRITISH ENDORSE MONROE DOCTRINE DtWfaliM u fwk In— T*ini ! Paris. April tS.—Tha MU* dria IKtiM MMd today a nriaa af mm i Banter— oa tbs eooiaiat af tha Len |f®o of Marions, iTfrooatot thoir daw •and Bekfnp ehea«« tmm tha ! oflUiaJ annalyoia itooed aa Bandar. I With ropardto tha saaUaa daahiwr I with the Moaroe Doctrine the ceao mOntario* ooy: , “ArUeJo *1 sokes it dost that tha eoroaaat ia not tntaodad to tbnph &rSWrtyET*S I own law, to to which awim mt tha ^*££*•£3 (w’totawwi'ypatw Born aarssnaats wo old laalndo atari* al traotloa for coaapalascy aUMha and Military osaroaUoaa that ate no olnaly dafanriva. Was a flnoranOoo af Pool*. ‘The Monroe Doctrine and riadlar I andontondina* art pat ia tha Haas I category. They hare (hewn thete i»otvoa to Uatary to ha, not baton* snvsa’qa’i&yjs Manroo Doctrine if woO known. It was amcMaad to- IMS to yrmal Aatoricn ten baconolag a thaatto far totoignaa ad Borooaan abastatiaai At «u*donjandia« and it ia aat tUegiti ■rio for tha peonla of the uStod State to aay that the coronate *aald I reeoantae that bet. I ' In It* mean It to maiiiliat orHh tha spirit af tho aooowaat tad. todaod, I the prirrlplto af tha la«M *2 proooad ia Article 10, wproaonUny tha I principle, of tide doctrine, while ! teeeld any dilate as to the —r're jo/ the lattar aver arise between the u Is particularly acted that the umoeatanea Mate that the M enrol Doctrine “haa mi m Intir atiie el uadanteMdhv.*' SAMPSON ORGANIZES WAREHOUSE COMPANY . Macaco i heat ad ■taedtha tram ba r •• the then die ne which ateal and i of laanr rarahanae ter a char a director ke eeaaty if thatwe at lama, OC, Jtrbk andmaw ^4" 4W j I Washington, May 1.—* | of array raeords resulted ton* tta lut wash in tha tMiUra of 47* ham* •a Ora Uat of major -srnfflm. tta r War Department araanafr* today, bringing the total to 78,m, IdltaJ - In action, died of woanm and din ’ aaaa and died of other canam Tha number of prisoners was to ‘ daead to «,7M as s result ad tome ; tlena and the missing in aattan to ' daead to Mtl. Tha corrected total of wsaadei ’ war given at MljMT, bat hi sasas) rasas rasa wore fneladad la this to | tal as wounded maro ttaa aaaa. FOUft MOPU BURN TO DKATtl 1 t ReMaviDe, ApriltdT—Mrs. Alfrra r Seales Galloway, prorataaal la saata » Ufa of the team and State, aad hei • throe eMUran rears homed to deadl ” "r)r »» a fee which lidwya ■ their home an Mala stmot 1 _ The children won Lea, mad • • •. MM A If rad * 1% \ fi Wta discovered about J o’sM this i i » was a ■ dews M I then Z - save then. It was Iri'this attempt tha J alte lo«( H*r own lift. WWi |fc 1 burned body woo found after tbo in . jj^vara.gSjg * f«?L22r?. 5,™£.’3L£ I Ha ram at haraa tost iSK!*" • QnlMwaJ Wss Eva Ranh I* daughter of the lata R. 0. Harm Ji m is 8 m "I ta —. )tayyrt vWtha af~a bra* d vaa aaqalt hart Study 4a aaaa a y Laaaan. tta artist's mad< I '’Spaaadtag RriL" , / •* -c Thr old dft , Bfldc-n.- Do too know g.r«? 0» tbo WWW Wf Godwin items Niro Mattio Martin who kod boo* rtsMJSa trK2 s£§Mfl&S® M*rroo Blow Conatll, aad Homo ' Mart a wort FOjottaoOU oWUn Tharrdo*. Mr Ami StaiUw to roHwtw *o I “■STi ."**-*. Q-®**"* Mho MW I oolloil *o Chortaalaa. a. C I | r» M iowo owl fnafl, of Dr Jibwtoo *0 Moot, dowMot i woo h^o loot woob IiIm dtp to! work I for rrhool djllMt, [ . *".Jx »■ fcjw oM Mho MB I Twk “ ForotUrBlo ' Nr .la ado Orahaa hot aaowtad I a al'M with tbo railroad tMoppoaf i hi Fa: ottrrlBo. Mr Tror Oodwta aad Mho Kawa , i Hook.- of Dwa won Qudwta oMtan t A Mitalo : _n o ‘ hi ® 1 i L L. .’Mho - Church la |._ : 5Kwf2F tw cecmotIm « B USffiRCfc

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