THE DUNN1 I CONGRESS CALLED T0MEETMAY19TH President CaWee Call For Ex tra Session of Now Na tional Legislature CALL SAYS "PUBLIC INTERESTS REQUIRE IT President Will Not Be Present nt Op •niag Sauloni Dacitioo On Early Dal* Ratdud, It U Stated, By Advice ef 5*er*tary of Tha Tr*as ury. Washington, May 7.—President Wil ton issued a call by cable today for ■ fecial kiiIwi of Congress to meet Monday, May 19. Secretary Tumulty in making the announcement said it would hr impoa a hie uf course for the Pruaidcnt to be bar* on the opening day. The date f xed for th* special mssion was much rarlier than nemorralir leader* had r vpreted. Whits House official* maid that In i nming an early date for the session I reeldent Wilson was guided largely hv th* advice of Secretary Clan ax to the noremty of passing nnrual op tropriatlon measure* which failed in lie cloning day* of the last sewion. Tast of Proclamation. President Witaon's proclamation calling tha extra session follows: “WtirrMi pnblic Interests require that tha Congrco* of the United States should be convened In extra session at it o'clock noon, on the 19th day May. 1910. to receive each com munication* as may be made by the executive "K/iw th,-r*forr I Wootfra* Wil. non, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim and de clare that an extraordinary session requires the Congress of the United States to convene in extra session st the Capitol in the District of Col ombia onvthe 1‘Jih day of May, 1IH, el 12 o’clock, noon, of which all per sons who shall at that time be entitled to act as members thereof are here by required to lake notice: “(ilfrn under my hand and tho Mai of the United States of America, the - 7th day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and 'nineteen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-third. ’ (Signed) ’’WOODROW WILSON" "By the President: • ROBERT LANSING, "Secretary of State." — GODWIN ITEMS Hr. Jim MacConnelly of Statesville is spending a few days with his sister Mrs. C. W Spell. Mr. Simmons Yarbrough who baa the Navy has been discharged and it with hia home folks. Mrs. J. Q Jonas and daughter Milo were Fayetteville visitor* Tuesday. Him Bessie Rhodes is spending a fow days in Fayetterilla with relatives Mrs. C. W. Spall spent Monday in Dunn shopping. Mr. Gray Yarborough of Norfolk, Va., is spending a few days with hit father. Rev, A. B Yarborough. Mr. and Mr*. H. A. Bain of Wade rpent Sunday in Godwin with Mr sod Mm. H. McIntyre. A PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR Whereas hia sxcallancy, Thomas Walter Bickctt, Governor of North Carolina, hat proclaimed the week be ginning May 11th, 1010, as Haby Wel fare Week and in a proclamation la sued from the Governor’s office in Raleigh, has asked all public agencies and private citixena to cooperate with the State Board of Health in carrying out its plsns for tho reduction of in fur.t rairtalii.y and In Increasing health conditions In tho State. Now therefore, 1, in accord with . the proclamation of the Governor of the State, do proclaim Sunday. May 11th, and the weak following to be devoted by the people of this town to the study of the noods of the In fant and the planning for rack acti vities ax will pat our community on a higher plane with regard to child welfare; end I do hereby urge ministers to call '.o the ettontion of hie congregation r.ecessity for constructive study of infant life; all teachers to Inaugurate turtv or sanitation in the heme as it will effect infants, all organised iticietisa to specialize during this week * on infant hygiene problame, and all fathers and mother* to look into the health conditions surrounding their homes, and particularly as to the habits and health of babies. Pone this 6th day of May in Year of Our Lord 1919. J. W. WHITEHEAD. Mayor. WHY BUY VICTORY BONDS? 1. Our Government aska it. That should he saflleloaL There should b* no hoaitancy. Our government needs I he money. 2. Buying such bonds will hasten the day when business again becomes normal. Everything now hesitating. 9. Our task la not complete until Ihp bills ere paid. Unless our task is finished our longed-for Peace mas be but temporary. We must "FINISH THE JOB. 4. The cost of war was Immense Tt would have coat infinitely more H see had not hastened the etpilpmenl of soldier* and hurried them eerom 6. There are only two ways tt t>ny by bonds or by taxation—oehle) Is your preference? « We cannot plead poverty. Wt »ra rich- fabulously rich *4ch ii money and in mas power 7 , The debt la an honest debt. W< owe it h was incurred at eur be host, end we must pay It or lose om among the nations of th< wwid. * Germany was beaded for Parle 8h* **■. C. Fussell, Haywood Dixon, * A Tan Byek Brown, at AOMIa, ana of tho boat architects in the South, has bean employed by tha Salvation Aran Homo Service Pand, Soet&ru U*l Hoadnaortsra, to prepare piano Si..,***™!*!18"?*?? the vartons buildings which will be erected la tho South within the naxt yam. !n discussing too matter, Edward Young Clarks, dll otter at tbs South JJ® "WtUa id Bf Boom Service Pond Campaign, mat “Tbs allotment *f approximately (700,000 for a Soothers bnDdUw food means that *•>* than oasmU I Uon dollars wUl bo «aat by the Sal vation Amy hi tbs South for be! Id ; ^ro££jn^iho1££Erw£ bo but a small aint^r of the artaal amount to W epo£*foc build ! **• wifi undoubt^My w oaiployod ;SSHK®ES , in* eoooarittaa." : _ **0*7 •**«■ city ta tho Booth will roeoiTO »n appropriation ’ for tho orurtioc oO poraSnowtharn. ■ foT tho got^tloo Amy to4 ta fartW r Lp *2Tl JT1* e*rr* •» , thole work of apUft to kola tho °at-“ 1 i i r Tbo ylaao and #*oMeatioM baba i ■■»«( oat by Mr- Brown wHVbo ft i oucyortiao fora o» that bat oomatt . fc* *5 »• «R. b* baaoorod la , }daonC^Lawat.owory^£dSw8 I t Tho a« (ration Any -fttloli Fn lb* I Booth boro otraodT rooofrod option* i oa rahiaMa para* od load contrail] » Joe* tad. Thaao paprlatla' win b* taken up within » Tory rfiort ttn* 1 ?!*"• t*““ P*4* t«r tho true 1 **°L? ‘ho^Sl^4** Ataqr kaiMto*. I Boforo tha brfdlaai ora aroctad t *»“•• cbaaaold wfl Woo to bo oollad f UU it?*p££? jy1**11 fonaa l nit tbaut uAWWaUamShmIh - Mootta* Mo apgaral. thay wffl b. r aarrlod oa to/liolooal jmrMana ■ !?•?»■ "S? * Pploaal Ucbard ■ t Bala, at WiMildhhla. fa, thk naa t of thopaadU* to bo *tm h , j t BIGGEST WHEAT CROP EVER GROWN Washington, May •.—Tha greatest crop of wlatar wheat tw produced ia any country la in prospect for this yaar'a hnrraot Today'a forecaat of Production, sail mated by the JWpnrt »*nt of Axriruttars, aloud Ha eiee 1 at almost Am handrodlaUBon buab rta—ln exact ftaroree, *88,615,000— ' which would make 5a Mart harvest Worth •1,084,000.000 at tha govern- 1 ■atit'a pries (uaraatae of |t.I* a * bushel. < Kan us ia producing an enonnoue 1 crop, the forecaat of production for ! that State being almost II per cent •f the country*! total ladtestad out Kt. IlHnoU has a forecast of nearly . .*•0,000 bushell, Indiana about Mr 008,604.Ohio 65,000,000 aad OUahc- ! ma alighUy more than 64,000.000. Tf" •?*?** In ths largest an to- 1 and ths aroa abandoned from winter killing oversows and Other e*°—« la sxtremely low, l.j per coot irowing conditions have bcea tpleadld “«* **• ?*P {rtm> April l ts May 1 Made an improvement, bringing H U :*.P^**Bt °t a normal, which ia 1 MssV**?* *0T,d‘‘l0- on record for Mayl. Continued good growing eoo *!#w *° u»* o{ t**™* ^y^jCSKXgtS! t«e Mi—kmippl river ihova mi ii* •'*••• *f almost 15,000,000 b tub ale 1 ov*r <»M jrear'i prodactlon. TWO OP THE AMERICAN FLANKS REACH HALIFAX They Arrived at S 0*etssh, Hallfos Tims, Robbing Fleet Leg sf ■ ■■■rmww riifw Halifax, May >.—Twe of Um Amer ican navy seaplanes, tha NC-l and the NC-g, arrived here at • o'clock to •%kt (7 o'clock Nov York tea), tha* finishing eaeeeeafally the first Icgof their transatlantic fiigbt. The two plaacc were lighted first at 7s4«p. ah Ths NC-g took the water at Eastern passage at 7ii. aad tha NC-l 10 aClM latar. Ms star laaviag Eockaway point. , * ’ » WHO AM IT I am aa oM aa tha first ■aaTSTw ' ysaag as ths last horn habc—ever changing and unchanged. Whera hip man intercourse U possibl. than may 1 ba found. I devastate citiaa and cogptries aad continents A them I robbed of bar glory aad Boms at bar strength. I conquer the armies at conqueror*. I laugh at harriers and bars and bolt* I penetrate both bo vs I and palace and ravage tha framsa of the yoang, the old, the wank, and the robust with equal delight. I feel no pity for age, nor sax, nor beauty, but rank. I assume many forma, aad thorn whom my first malevolent touch hat left wank and defenseless, I seek, ghoul-like, la other guise, again am agaia to destroy. Cooing infancy, laughing childhood, ambitious /oath, happy motherhood, protecting father hood and contested ago—all these I garner in my remoneleas harvest. tior or physical strum prevail I taka my greatest tolL I am tedious, I& m Viable, malignant—the unceasing BtB/ of oil Mflldld. Te tha superstitious and the unin formed I am inscrutable, but my clan destine methods of travel aad ap proach cannot withstand tha snlight onment of men. Where publicity and •dotation exist, there I do not pros per. I avoid thorn with clean Uvea aad careful habits. I languish before ths Investigation of science, which Magic •way my virulence. I can he hsnisfcsd trr organised community effort, and when thio shall bg accomplished my name will leee ite potency of myetery and fear, and my ravage* roan far I am CONTAGION —Sanaa* State Board of Health Bel ied*. enoadttara of more than a million dollar* in the erection of buildings will greatly add to tWrool estauTa dsstry in the Booth. The prepeeed plan of the Salvation Army brings with It the announcement that Chair work in the Booth will bo greatly en larged. Following in n Hst of the cities for which bonding foods haw* hoes allot ted and the amount deal gated few the general committee fat charge of the drive:—Albany, Get, ftS.S&.blj An derson. S. C., |S,8t7.7f; Asheville, N. C.. »7,8B0.SS; A than*, Go., **, &fs£!nri£fiK Charlotte. N. C.jJlSjftO.sJ; Chatto oga, Ttnn., 161,000: Coiomhla, S.C., l1l.SM.0b; High «.t<; Jacksonville, J10M4.SS; hbton AcT’fllc 11* 01; laeaanah, 6a.. Ilbibi-Ml JACKSONVILLE PAT* ML POWELL TRIBUTE Florida CM Wu With Rartvm] I __af April M tel the faUowiaf (ton about tha work of Bar. Dr. W. f. ML of iho Baptiat church bora, whe Md a naatia* toe a weak la JaeksoarfOa, »• *te* MTo. ate who Mmj lie addraaa on Oaaaral Peck to aa «• of people oa oaa ad tha ifterooaa ha waa than: "Tha Ptrat efcertk. taa jut dosed a nrh rMh Dr. W. P. PeweU, af leiap tha pmrbln Dor erate of 1$ jeon at too hatch wa ha ra had-r d aclniatora with nto none team the genial aad P barton, the talented aad UmiHec, tha gifted aad Picker, tha winaoac aad Ira oar, the faartem aad 1 roach Lon, bat aa au bn P. V. Powell aa a winsome traajftfuratioo. Dr. PawaO*» . a«aa ware eimple, aau« ' her won their way to i tore fruit la fifty ar oaa. fTpnrdo*1"* waa tonct^aa i ill, aad wa are aiaaaHat a aantha* ••d barraat ad joule to fallow. “Thua tha tto that btodc tha tone 1 city ad tha BMmntaJa* to Ha ala ar city by tha an la made atrengey ry tha vWt af Dr. PUwalL Than ia» alwaya been aa atonity between ha mountaiae and tha pteiaa. Tha nOUDtjLiDfl fttojhdi Bhlfl HVm LnJ tealdara abaca tha plafnr. hat tbay _o uldnet mead apart from the plniaa. n» Land of Plowin' ... fab owteia with tha Land ad too tor. IhiI odor of on awe hli Mima wBI Uamd to f racraaoa with tha btaahiac beaut} >f rhododendron to *~if if w I Ml tali traaau aing their Idyle to wwotap rvm and ocean tide* brine honey BOfiBI tto tfcto foil In tlAwJ. 'LOYD TAYLOR NAMED FOR COUNTY SUFKRVISCMI The State's Tax CsaaMso hw ippoinud Mr. Floyd Taylor County iaperrtaor to bars Aitp tf ttsssa ST^to^I WySSSl auTsf*PoBovrs" At eoeaty aaperrtsen aad their far kls in* hundred and alnsta—. aad ddl ontinuc Dm mu as MdiiHUri by he BUts Tax Cinamtmloa. Tbay ahaU >n_th« f>rM.dny *t May blRa R> STtelKFH’SiSS be collscuon of spectSe infsrmatioa *t to each pises of real property, tale op up tbs work by tewntoipe, aad M rltioa by wards. Tbs ooaoty aaper Hoar, or bis assistant, shall rMt eto personally inspect each separate tend X real property, and shaUronahw Oh ■wear thereof to answer ank and *r ’nr uoeetien which stay ho act out os £ aiank Lor*“ *“ W ftualahod bl As Stats Tax C—nTidim. whicl **Mll *»uU1b ore ry queettoi «hi«h. ia the ]adamant of Cha But. rax Coauaiaaion ia a nmacr sod nao usury nutation to ba aasStied to aa certain tba real ralaa of the props its and which blank shall UetadTipociX aqalry as to tba opinioa of tha own* as to Ms real mint. Tbs Mid hUtri Man also contain separate inquiry a to tha namhar of son of land fa roHiratisn, iramhar of serta in the her, and rmloa of tha dm tor, aamha of acras of waste land, aad alas thi •spars ta ralaa of build Ims and wbm tba owner b nnabls to *ira sisal an swer to any of sueh rpisMInas ba rial answer them anon as carofni an esti answer sack and ovary sach qoectloi aad to meko oa«h to tha-1, ** “J* J*™ •• hereinafter prorid td, aad If the owner rofaocs to com tolar, ha shall to yoSty of?>mtada of the coot. The county sapc«>iaoi sr bis ssdstint shall «H»«t to salt blank farm nay additional Informa Hon to may ba able to escort with re ferenee to tha raise of sack arooor '7 or ai to any t — roonding toad toll CLOSING PROGRAM AT SUITS CREE* Attraettro twrltatSoaa hara bow iaaaad to tha tonanonint -- ctma at Buie'* Crook Academy, whirl Man Batrrday, Kay loth. Tha earn mcaoomoat oormoa win ha praaah ad by nr. C. H. Darham, at Lambar laa. Tho toBawtag la tba mtnu In tall ter tha eloeigg at tha aaaMoa Balarday, May 10th—lio p. m Waahlagtaalaa Sootaty. ■uday. May liu»—11:00 a. m. Camaoaabraaat Barmaa. Mgr. C. B Dor ham. D.D.. Lambmoo. H. C. Wodarrday, May 10th—l oo I »- contort tor daelalarr'o — 0:1a p. m., ooataat far raattar* madal. Thnroday, May 1Mb—1*|* *. rontart lor orator’a modal; 11:0< •“•Monnomaat a it Oman. Haw. ■ 0. Brook*. R* latch, n. C.i 4:00 r •■•roUna: 1:1* p. m.. play "CapM at Vaaoar.” ■ Crmh Aaadamy la aa laati tntloa nrar and daw to tha haart at tha poopla at Ula aartlaa. aa< •ommanoomant win draw larg gatharlaga there. Prat. OampboW •cheoi ha* that daliahttal charm a ChrMttoa^rharaatar T*o tkoroachl: TobU oaa raaatro aa mar* whale ■oat tralalag rroo la tho hama than at Itli'i Crrok Aoodomy. GREATEST OF ALL IS WILSON SESSION ■ 1 U 4*ri ' s-S. r*t*>;7v»' fe-M ! '$%h. (NKW YORK POTUfTATK ‘-.’s' S. .T;‘r V •. < ?'■?£ V»h ;; r". ' . • * J. A; * >*< l,:;r Hoi>- Hob ‘ Bret t. 7b tha afternoon tha . •oo'r aa trill bare thair dahataa. At a(gV to* wlO hara tha aatrBaae to ' aaa ‘ What Happened to Iwaa." All 1 Jha i.’ght axaretaet begin at t aVIoeh. . Tba public la lavttod ta attead. | ......a, ..m CLAVTOH MBTHOOttTP TO DCMCATB CHUttCH . Clarion, In %.—Tha Hat-o Manorial Math Saadajr art! ba aa ’ tk*n ua«al latacact la • Tha -ntlr* hM WWWf __ _ thhir; 1* la madfaata far 4 , bor ' IhU haataaan edttea. H wm ; hallt at a aaalafiiMM whan labor 1 ead material van ataah cheaper An ; Z&flttJ&pjAXg : sass^^-s • rcsSvae: ■ &"TrJ3£VSVi2£; arc tie aapaeted to ba paaeaat he I takn -art la tin daAaatiia. nhlab ; g\£5SS3 r