*»*»«*» * * L O C A L * »****»»#• Mr. sod Mr*. Rimer Polk spent Tuesday In r •ettavllle. Miee Li'" Her jug of Raleigh, visit ed frle’ he- C thin week. Mi- N»e' Pidgen returned Tues day o» r. visit to relatives in Blm City. Msr\ n Johnson nnd Lloyd Lang don of Cvf.i, were visitor* In Dunn Tueaday. J. D. P-ir'ee, K. I- Howard and Raymond C- -martle arc spending the day at Hsakt Norwo >d pop», a student at Wake Forest CdV-ye the past year, is home for the s r«n--r holiday*. Paul l>«rll of Norfolk. Va., is spending '»vcmJ d.-.ys here with his mother, M.-s. J. D. Eriell. Pvt- .i.-'migan, Harvey Slviekland and Pinctnn Baggett wore In liolds borv It,ir »t*k on business Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson and daughter*. Hattie and Bcwil, spent Wedn.-Sdey m Fayetteville shopping. Mr. and Mrs N. A. Townsend and Mr%. J. J Wade sper.t Sunday with Mr. Townrend’s mot'.vir at Marietta. Dr. and Mrs. Chv. Highsmhh and children re‘urned Tuesday from a visit to relatives h BennetavilW, S. C. W. H. t'nuce le, Register of Deeds of Hsroctt or r.ty, snd Mr. Marsh, of JJIIingtun, -.vers visitors in Dunn today. Mrs. I. K tl irks Is spending several weeks with hor sister-in-law, Mrs. C. C. Phillip- nt her country homa In Virginia. Mrs. A'- or.d Westbrook, of Camp Eustis V. ( j spending somatime bare with h" -.nrcnU, Mr. and Mra. Jno. A. McK e. B. J Cs.-ter, colored, has received his dirrl.arga and returned to hie home a Dunn. He was overseas for seven.1 m .nth*. Mk- A-inie Lae Pope, who taught school th i past year at KtnMon, has retur n j to her home in Dunn to spend thr summer. Mir: Emma Young of Bsaithfleld, vd o l itorht school ail l ast 1 ear et Burl - in, is in Donn this week 8milN* Mi . .lock Lh if In Durham this weal n - kinc In lh« Interest of the Hurt i edition of Everywotnan's Mag- - -. Thla rieue will appear the! firm . : •■•ly. Mr -r.-l Mrs. J .3. Hailey returned this w r’c from ClarkeviHe. Va., where they v ted relatives. Mr. Hailey re cently cc.ived his discharge from the sere ir*. Mrs. Coiiett. of Griffin, Ga., epant the werV-ei d here with relative* at Young's Hotel. Sh* lsft Sunday night for Wash ngton Chy, where she will; spend some time. Mrs W H. Williams, and Mrs. B. W. Kincaid and daughter, Mat Roaa lyn, of Griffin, Ga. arrived tha latter' part of the wsek to spend sometime! here with relatives Mr. and Mr* Edward Purdie re turned Tuesday fropl Greenville. Mr* i Purdie has bean visit ini r Majtaeea there for several weeks, Mr. Purdie I isawent the LaMar gart of the weak to Raymond Weaibrook of Richmond^ Va., has returned to Dunn and accept ed a position as operator with tne Durham A Southern Railway Co.' While in Richmond he was with tha Western Union Telegraph Co. R. H. Parry, foreman of the liind-i ery of the Edwards A Broughton1 Printing Co., Raleigh, was in Dunn1 Monday on business. Mr. Perry was' here prospecting and may decide to locale here later in the year. Rer. Eugene L Olive, parlor of the First Baptist church, la In Greensboro this week where he haa charge cf the ringing for a big meeting wh'ch Is' being held at.the Forest Avenue Dap ti.i church. Hr will be in Grevnsboro' until the 18th. Girard Wilson arrived Wednesday' from Chanel Hill where he completed his second year In the University. "Glxile" made his latter in base hall there this Spring. He played excel-1 lent ball during the season, being one1 of the host pitchers the University j has had for some time. Dr- Livingston Johnson, odi*or of, the Biblical Recorder, Raleigh win fupply the pulpit of the First Baptist rhutfh next Sunday tn the absence of the paftor who la in Greensboro load- j lug the singing in a big revival meet ing. Dr. Johnson ie an able preacher and should he heard by large co.tgre gations Sunday. L. Le Rnr. who has been In Dunn for several weeks representing the, Sem'poln Phosphate To , spent the week-end in Baltimore with his fami-l It. Mr I» Rat in hlwViIv -» the interest local people are taking Jn the company He rep reseat* and ** enthoumtii over the prospect! of the racers* of the company in Dunn. Many of the loading business men »nd fanners of Hsrnstt sad adjoining counties have great faith in the pro position and are Investing their money libara'ly in its promotion. A severe hail and wind storm visit ed this section last Sunday after noon. Right much damage was done to erope- The cotton crop of K. L. Howard was severely deep aged, about Sfty acres of a being boat to pi sera Othar crops In that locality were damaged slightly. During the weak a iweat many farmer* have insured their crops and the local agency Ima done a roahtng business. This was the third hall Worm to virlt this sec tion within a week. The other two wore less severe. .. Warren Brothers have purchased the stock of goods belonging to J. Jordan ond will condod inf bu«l* *•* at the rams location, i. A. War ren and W. E. Warren are the own er*- Both these young men are well known in Dunn. They will give the business their personal attention and render the best senrtes passible The principal line of goods will be heavy 5B" f*n*7 «r#e*5«* «»d country pro but in addition u this they win carry ewekery. cooking utensil a ond many other thing, uwful around the home and on the farm, fa an an r™—tht they solieH a portion of your bualnrae which will Wrvs to private life, has Keen |a Seal In Dunn longer than any otbei merchant, and ie well known In thfa Immediate territory. Re has ——t. ■ rorreas of his work ead retires wttt boet wlthra of a aumber of customan whom he baa served far a number ol year. <n Geo. I. Smith of Comte, warn here Tuoaday. Sam Thornaj B>ent laat weak is Roaoboro on bueineu. Carr Jonaa gent Sunday in Fay etteviUe with frisada. J. J. Cook left Tueaday for Waat Virginia, where ha will aeand the aummer. Mr*. P. T. Maaecngill and dnughtar, Mian Baaaia, apent Tuc.dey in Fay etteville. Mr. and Mn 0. R. Piero* are ndlnj weak with relativee in Mra John P| Johnaon ii epeading the week In Beaufort with her Mater, Mra C. T. Woo lard. Mra John Roger* of Ullii^ton rnl the week-end here with her or. Mra. Florence Jack ton. Mra U. S. Page arrived in Dean Tueaday night to Join her huabend. newly elected chief of police. Mia* Minnie Taylor haa returned r“B Oxford College where abc attended achool the paat year. Mini Rudy, milliner the paat aeaeon tor Johnson Brothers, left laat night for her homa In Baltimore. Richard M. Warren haa been ill at hi* home In the northern pert of tbe city for aeveral daya He la improv ing now. Mia. Miriam Baggett of UlUngtoo. la the gueat thia week of Mixses Hattie and Phnrl Wileon, at their home on West Broad atreet. D A- Honeycutt and daughters, Mlssei Donnie and Irene of luia'a O™; ®r* here thia woek attending th< C/MUtlUi[Hf .. BUxabeth Shall, a member of the High School faculty of Kiaaton, “ <9*nding aeveral daya here the meat of Miaa Laura Shell. Mra. Dora Klrkmaa and Mrs. T. R. lood of Smithfleld, were here Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of Pnul Hood, Jr., who died early Mon day morning. Mi*a Weetray Battle left Tueaday night for Richmond, Va., where lha will aperd •eyorsl day*. While away Dunn will have • falr thi. fall and It win be a good one. The ground has been purchased and work will be gin on the building* and mea track within a few daya. Wlhrar Bailay. son of Air mnA Mrm **• ?.• “•“•F. ®< Dunn, is spending • 'hlrty-dey furlongh her* with hi* Par*nt* Ht haa baan in tha army since 1014 and te still la the service. Ralph Wade, who haa bean suffer ing from a sprained foot for aavara) days, waa taken to a hoapilal in Fey •ttcvllle Monday. HU foot haa pain ed him a groat deal bat U improving now. Edwin Cooper was a member of the graduating class of Porter Mill farV Academy, which closed laat weak In Charleston, 8. C. He wee in school there for three. He haa returned to Dunn and will make this hU home. Hon. J. C. Clifford and A. D. Wil son are in Henderson thia week at tending the grand lodge Knights of Pythias. They went aa repreaenta ofthe local lodge. Mr. Clifford is chatman of tho Judiciary Commit tee of the grand lodge. J- Nelson, of tho income tax main hers through Friday and srfll be glad U> aseUt any who have not yet completed their returns. He la stopping at Young’s Hotel. Every one in Dunn should vUlt the Chautauqua thu week. It U e high close entertainment that you win enjoy. Two entertainments are riven daily, in the afternoon and evening You will miss something really worth while If you do not at tend. Geo. U Cannady laft Monday for Oxford to aa* hU brother, A. R. Can nady of Trenton, Missouri. Hi I daughter, who has been spending sev eral weeka with him here went with him. and will accompany hU brother back to Missouri to spand the turn mer. Ralph Koona has returned to Dunn and taken up hii work again with the Barnes A Holliday Co. He reeaivad hi* discharge several week* ago, but has been rating up einee. He was severely gaaaed while In the service and bit recovery was alow. HU friend* her* are glad to have him back again. Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Bryent of the Newton Grove eeetion of Sampeon county, were shopper* In D*nn Tuee dav. Mr. Bryant Is a prosperous farmer end ie a member of the Road Commission of 8ampeon counts. Mrs. E. B. Culbreth and son, E. B., Jr., have returned from a eeveral week* visit to relatives in 8outh Carolina. H. B. Culbreth of Bara peon county, father of E. B. Culbrsth of Dunn, b is s hospital in Fayetteville this week where he was taken for treat ment of, one of his eyes. While driv ing a nil) Met week the hammer struck a glancing blow and tha nail struck Mr. Cofcretli in the ere. It 1. doubtful If the eye can b. m-ral Mrs. Culbrvth ie vleitlnw her eon while her Humana ie in the hospital Craven Snail, eon of Mra. J. D. Knell of Dunn, arrived Wednsoday mominir from Camp Lea, Va. where he received hie discharge Monday. He was a member ef the 7»th division and wu in France for about a year. Craven was in a great deal of the flgbtlag, but was never wounded. He is looking well end Is glad to he home again. Roy Balky, who was ako in the 79th division, will errtv. this week. Alhlev Pope, wbo received hla dls rknvge ket week at Camp Di* jg. j. returned to his bones in Dunn Sunday. Ho spent Sunday and Monday with relative* her# and left Monday night Mobile, Ala., where he win pT.y •W daring the summer. He woe over. • r«»r. serving with the 117th Ambukne, Co., of the Mth Dlvkion. He win spend the summer In Akboaa PJ^bebly return to puna after " ®«ll sossow close* Dr. Cha*. Hlghmslth has boon op by the U. 8. Pabik Health ®*rvlee as medical examiner fer re yyd soldiers who were wewnded •fir *■ the army. Per •one in this locality decking to Sk , rlaim on tbs government fer dloabil. 'ty taeurred on active duty. Sis tbk claim with Dr RighsmMt Thons wbo wish any information along this line may get eame by applying to Dr Kkhsmlth .» w. JZ, TTboSn H. Is ready to toRi tbs matter ever with yon ot nay thne -- -- ■ n caaa ■ ■ —e FORDS Should be repaired with GENUINE FORD PARTS. at a schedule of prices made by the Ford Motor Company I am fully equipped to do any kind of re pair v/ork on rord Cars or 'rucks. I have 1 just installed c. 200 ton press and can put solid tires on any size truck. 1 am also prepared to do any kind of black smith work. Oxycetelene welding Auto :~p repairing and upholster ing Full supply of Ford parts, carriage mater ials and auto accessories. FOR GOOD WORK and QUICK SERVICE J. W. Thornton Phone 177 DUNN, N. C. You should not mim a (Ingle pro tram of the Chautauqua- Each one • good and you will enjoy It. It will loan Sunday. An automobile driven by Mrs Z. V. flnlpss run inta the frant of John on Brothers store lata ysstordsy af eraoon. The plate glees front waa broken but no one waa Injured. The Ollle Humihoo Vaudeville dhow vill be In Dunn aS neat week. The •peeing performance will take place Monday under their own canvas. Popular pricae will prevail during the weak. Dr. C. C. Elliott returned Wednss lay night from Wilmington where he pent n week. Bie oflice here will be •pen every dap until Thursday. In >rdar to put him buck on his regular xhedule. Chief Pege requeits the Dispatch o warn tha people against speeding -heir cam in the city. It is not his ltsire to arrest any one. but he will -.ot hesitate to do so if It becomes •Jcesaary. Ha also wishes to call the .-It I loos attsntioa to unnccaaaury •louring af horns and tha too frwryuent use of tha eutoMita. Tha abuse of gsrsanrasa. It it a noticeable fact that Dunn has bad better order tha past tan days than heretofore. The pslice force baa been increased to three and s closer watch is being kept on the violators of the law. If tbs people will mipport the present oSeers Dunn will continue to have good order. Police ofteen can not do their full duty unless backed by the sentiment of the people whom they serve. If you are in favor of the enforcement of the law encourage the men em ployed to enforce it. P. & Cooper, formerly president Of in* Mm National Bank of Dunn, who for Uta past several months hs> lived at Hamlet, where he waa at the head of tha Bank of Hamlet haj mid his Interest In the Hamlst Bank and retired as Its president. The deal was closed last weak. The Dispatch is not in possession of the exact ftg. urea, bat the deal netted Mr. Coopci several thousand dollars profit ovei the price be paid far tha controlling ntsrest whan ha purchased it Mr Cooper had bougat a residence li Hamlet and intended to move hit family there from Dunn, bat since hs has sold his interact ln\h* bank there bis family will remain bare and Im will make this hla boms Main. Mr Cospar is still president of six bank ing institutions, located In towns ii North and Booth Carolina. He he ao definite plans for tbs future ant will make Dann hla headquarters. BOY SCOUTS The boy scouts, consisting of Trout No. 1 of Dunn, will leave on thou annual sneampmaat at Whit* Lake Jus* 17th. Tha troop will need sen •runs canned articles of feed whlh ■way and tha means far obtain inf mm* la meager sa the troop has oalj !<■ private Income from the member and are not allowed to solicit fundi for it* support. However, any cos tnbution will be appreciated, whctbei U wt5** 'ar Whf N left at Mr. K M. W»i e.Vi store. The scout* »n I t a»»et to ■ be toco and itssi •• ' lt any reed ef ta" community J. M. DANIEL, g. M. CASPER WARREN, Amt. S. M WESLEY BIBLE CLAM HAS FISH FRY 0«i T««ln evening of-thla wool the W«|« Bible Chut of Kriai atreet MotnodM ehoich, hold tta an nul Sah fry at Rhodao Pond. Ai elagant moot vat aarvad and botwooi M and 104 aaan gathered to enja; **• faort and goodfellowahip PraJ dot Oao. Oardoar and Ma amlvtant had everyth lag wall praporod. Tb •poccbea main of a high order am thorooghly enjoyed by aU. Thna JP-^-S »«rt: J M. Dental, D. B I flood. Or. Ployd. Roily Coopor, Hoa H. L- Godwin and Rev. J. L Daria Tha elaaa haa had an uaoaoall proaperoaa yoar. Tha altaodonea ha naan largo and tho faithfol and a* alaot tana bar, D. H Rood haa ahl flSad Ma plaea far IS yaaro. Cl a groat help to tha aamatonHy on choreh and It known u tho boat clot In thin aootlon of Bio country. IN HONOR OF MISS FORBES Mr. and Mra Bafno Smith onto! toinod Monday even la a from nine t alovaa with a deUgbt/ol Booh part far Mlm Loolaa Portion, of Pannvllli Va„ who u i f»Mt of Mra. Jobs Thornton. Tha guests Mb mated at tha door by tha bo Maas and presented to tha roast of honor. Tablet for Pi ug» assist Book von attractively arranged in tho reception hall and parlor and docarotad arttii baakcta of aastartlama. Places ware found by TTM-t of dainty scon cards ia pink aad blue. After an lntaraatin# gams dallctoma rsfrajhmanta of ice eruaa* aad wore served. Thoaa playing ware 1ft. and Mrs H. 0. Mattox. Mr. aad Mrs. B. o. Towaaeud, Mr. aad Mrs. z V. Bnlpaa Dr. and Mrs. Wallace CaKrone, Mr and Mra. John Thomtoo Mr. J. C Kelly of Carthage and Wlaa Louisa Forbaa FIFE OKCAN AT METHOOIST CHURCH Tha installation of tho hn~l1invn pipe otfu for the MatbodMt chan) ban boon completed. This argon U built by the Pilcher's Boa* aad h modern In ovary VI M Umt in MM from ,_L Tho tremolo It of mv pattern a Ion# stroke^ that adds rrsofty to ths organ. The system of couplera are rara In tkalr combination of an oatitl elftrt ThU a*M« *r> inMnlimi by Mr. Paine, of Aogorta, C«_, who hae for U yearn followed tha trade of *'*•» t»l,W*r. having worked In England, Belgium, Canada. Maxim and the United State*. Tha ergan complete cert W.700.0* and la am of the Aneat hi thie section of the State. WOMAN NOT WORRIED OVE* POOD SHORTAGE , “* have lived oa toast end wetei for over t aiontha and have beer scarcely able to aat anything for cb> part r?“- !. began ■arterfcx from rtomacb trouble and bloaLngg year ace. A friend rarowmaailed kin'. Wonderful Remedy and wnee lakitu 0 doeae I feel I am entirely restored even cabbage does not bun me.” Il la a aintple, narmleaa preparation tha fho catarrhal mncoe from th. inteatlnaltrart and aUay* tha hi flam nation which eanaaa practically al hrar and intaatiaal ailmenta including appendicitis. One doe will convince or money refunded. Hood * ran them and druggists ev eiywbtt®. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mim Vann Eleanor Praeman enter t*'n,d ‘ “"feber of bar little friend « • hjfthiloy party Monday after aooa. the occasion betas bar ftft annivaraary Thar aaaMB^Ud at he home on North Witoe. .venae an. *«hon to So ties peed, oae art! *“ •“J03"d 1 PAUL C. HOOD, A, DEAD Paa* c. Hood, Jr» twaety-twe month.^id too of Mr. and Mrs. Pa* c, <H»d Monday Morning at 1 .o'clock at their homo an Wart Brass Nreet. Ha bad bean III about thro " nnu nfirM a pat daal tb T**4'Ptwaadliva Ua daath- ColHta arm *ha banadiata him of <H,th KV#r thlBC poaaibla araa daaa to aaaa th Uttlo on., tba boat attention botni «**?■»* phyaielana, oaraaa, ralattaa •»1 frlani. but tba atatchaa of tb 1 dhauaa ao fatal to cMMran vara a *e»aljr faatenad upoa bfia, daat > could not bo baited. ! v ,r‘i *" horn la lldmox ’ Va, Jaly loth, l*lf. far tw f,,n ha bad baaa tha Idol of tb • haate and tba daU«tit af rotatlaaa aa ^n'lcaUrte'S,^^ ^ •oairta w qu pwnt l and ethor ralatiraa and nfll.ba aaaa] m'aaod. Th, late af tbU diar aaa ' tJT*'* ■hoeh ha* thaaa who bal . Jj" mart daar. may ba eenaalad I th* f**t that hla aoal baa boon pluck, • bora and tnmaplaated la Haaaaa I : thaaa who an now *o daapl r (rlavod wban thay ara caltad ape • te anawar th, waaw» 1 Tha femoral aorataa wua conduct, 1 '"»• th. homo Monday afternoon I •» M. Oaatel, who Vaa aaaMh *»y Roy. A. «. MeQuaaa. A auteb °* cympathetic frteada an, paien te pay tha late tribute of rooooet i w tha llttla ana. Tha Hndal lookpte » l» Orooawood outeoterp Jmiaodtea, f «f tarwarda Tha flarnl Mforloaa wo b utraaaaly baautifal. teowfn* tba Ml NOW ON DISPLAY Beautiful Besses % in tune with fair and wrmer Weather These attractive yet moderately priced Summer Frocks are proof positive that a woman can be SMART. COOL and ECONOMICAL, -allat the »mrfame this summer.. Pretty plaids, figures, and plain shades; Any size. THE GOLDSTEIN COMPY Dunn’s Best Store ^ I * Grapes Wanted— DY * wonderful discovery the famous Virginia Dare wine is now produced in NON-ALCOHOLIC form, meeting every requirement of prohibition laws. Growers of Scuppernong Grapes axe therefore advised to fertilize thoroughly and care for the vinos with more than ordinary attention, to insure a big crop. i ^ We will be in the market as usual for big supplies [ for which attractive prices will be pH 1 latum in which the littla ona waa biWL HU atop an north waa brief, but many Had laarnad ta Iowa Him. Tba many frUada af Mr. and Mra. Head join Tha Diapaitch la aa n preaaion of aympathy. AWARDED CROB8 FOR I BRAVERY IN BATTLE HUT LIEUT. MHAM ROLAND WILLIAMS, of Company C, 7U» Ia SSS^alahad" lleaaaa rnbrua^"lhlT|‘boeamo aaao t la tod wtfh Mr. R. L bodarla, Dana, N. C„ wHora Ho nmalail aatil Jana wx'&jztinje,s SfSSa?liS?5 wtniii aa Anri) It. HU l<WIU ara town by tha Matlon far tha D. E C. Tha i “July tl, t*1S. 1 Vb» of a tha hrat patrol on that data aad «b# eromlnw waa aadar hoary mart too ns rtr* from tka Qormoas *a tka VpeaHa kill. Tka In war to tataaao tka patrol was halted aba at 1*0 yards tnm tha rivar, and tka baat la wfcfch ^patrol had croak waa ohat foil of kola* and —-*- aaafe*. Uaat. Wk “;»• Ms man baklad baat aaaar M haad and ha klawatf own* tka rirar and lad a blatooa to tk* aootk tk* mar aad India*tad tka objaetiroa upon which the platoon "J* * »7 !• toror withdrawal of U. patrol. Lloat. Williams than ■••tk rid* of tha mar. toa'fhH *» f<w»d aaawa. baat. r*|nln*d hi* patrbi. and^ poind -bow back arrow tka rhrar. White rwtmwihw tha rhrar naan • oth sort .unoaod •n ha actWkiai a* tha north sank Jrf Ik* Mama, Uaat. W..U**, waa (hr • pao.nl auk H tha Gormna m ahlna jrwoct. au-twaa so rU-a; n tha midst of a kail af can kaOata. htaaatf span i __ rwtmnlrd by tha Mayan m» Wood* darW tha parted lone IMS. i

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