THE : >UNN ;;U ~ •' ‘“i *•! « Stew' i c^afcg £??? DUNN, N. C, ~ -^ BICKE h S LETTER TO TIE TAX PAYERS OavtrMr » Loiter te (be CIUmi. la Regard to lbs Taa Ktilrstiie My den. Mr Average Citlsen: Aa intimate acquaintance with you. • Blending over e number of years, Lad* m- to write yoa this intensely ptrsoi ..1 Irllcr. I know that you love the truth that you despise injustice, that yuu ore a robust champion of the touerc deal. The i»oi»e«aiun by you •f the cardinal virtues makes North (kielint o truly great Btate. Ths most vital power of the Btate li the power to tax, and you balimm that this vital power should be exer cised with • full knowledge of the truth. You believe that from this will flow perfect equality la taxation. For the Am time In the history of the State you, Mr. Avenge Citlsen, have it In your power to writs the full truth end perfect equality in the . tax books of tbs Btate. You have never born called upon to do Lhia be fore; Indeed, you have never been permitted to de this before. But now the Oei.eral Aasembly has enacted a law that places the matter entirely In your hands. The new tax law is written on correct principles The mechinery for Its enforcement is edo quate and appropriate. The law is so unritten that it will be easy for the cltisen to do right end hard for him to do wrong. But on you, Mr. Aver age Citlsen, rests the responsibility of determinating whether or not the wise and just purposes of the law shall be carried out. now, Hr. Averaga uiliin yon will rvccivo a queatlocmaire aad will bo' called upon to rwaar before Cod and to all your foilew-cttinona what la the fair market value of your property. When you com* to take thie eolamn oath it will bo holpful to you to put to your own conacience Uiia question: “If I did not own thla property, but wanted to buy it, wttol would 1 bo luatiflrd In paying for ItV* and, again: “If I wanted to aell tbia property, not at a forced aala, but In the way and on the tertua that proparty of tblf claaa la generally eold in tbia coh munlty, what do I really believe 1 could get for KT The anawor to tbaae queationa will point with raueonable accuracy to the fair market value of yoor property. Thla fair market value you moat write down in your quee tionnaire, ala. you will re awe .to be .JWRMRKiS When you. Mr. Average Cttlaea. J ten the- mwahutomea^^mUuh ■ ✓ ty of Hr. Average Ctttaan la worth, j thie evidence will clearly and con clusively ebow what the proparty of Mr. UndeairaMe Oltiseo U worth. The local and district aeeeaaora, when the* come to Ax the value of property, will be governed by the (worn tee ti me up of Mr. Average Cltiaan. And when yon. Vr. Average C4U xen. tell the unvarnlehed truth about your property, that truth will wipe out every discrimination and every inequality in taxation in North Caro lina. True values are alwayi equal valuer, but the greet*et expert can not equallte a aeriss of falsehoods When all the property In the 8tate shall be placed on the hooka at ill fair market value, many benefits will aceure to you, Mr. Average Cittern. 1. You will have the great satis faction of knowing that the record written by all the people of the State It a true-record and not a ltboLon the commonwealth This knowledge will wonderfully strengthen the moral fiber of our people. S. You will know that savvy dim crimination in taxation la wiped At, and that every eiUaen ia carrying hie fair part of the burden. 3. As the value* go op the rate of i taxation will go down, sad hereafter North Carolina will be known far and wide as a wealthy 8tate with a low rate of taxation instead of a poor State with a high rate of taxation. Tax lecswss Tan Par Cant. 1 The General s Assembly has mod* a pledge net to collect, under the proposed true Valuation of prop erty, revenue* neater than too per cent In excem of the revenue* collect ed under the preeent falaa vuluea Thii mean* the total ravanuae collected by the State aha 11 not be greater than ten per cat in exceae of lb* total revenue* collected under the preeent law. Tbl* molt emphatically doe# net mean that no particular citlaea will have to pay taxee in excem af ton per cent of the amount he ha* here* tofore paid. A particular eitiaaa may pay lev taxai then he baa ever paid before. H« may pay double what be baa heretofore paid Thia depend* on whether or net he haa heretofore paid his there of the tone* according to hie true worth. If he haa paid more than hie fair worth the ineraaaa aa to him will be I*** than ten per cent; If he be* peld lam then hi* fair •hare, the inereae* a* to him will bo more than ten per cent You, Mr. Average Citlaea, will at one* percahre the eaeeatlal Jaitle* la thia eoualiaing the public btudua. I call on you to land your vtgoreu* aup port, flrat, by exempt*, and than by precept, to the attempt by the Gen eral Amenably to build up a taxation lyatam In North Carolina grenade* on perfect troth and perfect Justice By eo doing you will help to practi eaJly damotvetrata that it la profltahU in money and In mernln to n people ai well a* t* an Individual to tan tlx truth end ahem* the devil. Sincerely Your*, t. w. Bicxsrr. REPORT OR AMOUNT COTTON CONSUMED DURING JANUARY Waahlngtea. July it.—Cotton tea earned during January we* 114,00' pound* *f lint end II*>17 pound* * mod. ropoota^of th« ram bur me Robert Jordan spent Wedneedn night In Qotdabere. INSURANCE COMPANY OF MERCHANTS IS STARTED Mutual Firm luanu* r*~rir Cay Ummmmrn aod Mu BmImu la tha State. 8talmvillc, Jaly 1*—The Merch •Jta Mutual Fire Insurance company of north Carolina, organised by the North C arolina Merchants' association for the benefit of its members, began business today. J. Paul Leonard, tbs secretary of the near company, re turned teat night from Raleigh, where he delivered in person the StS.bOO guaranty fund of tbe company to the Mate insurance department, sad se cured the state license for the com P*"y- The compeny will confine Hs t® North Caroline, and policyholders will be limited to mem bers of the Merchants' association. Th# guaranty fund was so been bed by 100 leading merchants and mercantile' •ctablishmeats ef th« state. J. Frank I Morris, of Winstoo-Salsm. is presi dent of the nsw company; R. B. Pots re, of Tarboro. is vice-president; Mr. Leonard, of 8tat*svlUe, la secre tary, and R_ L. Poston, of Statesville le treasurer. Ths board of directors la composed of the officers with W T McCoy end J. N. McCaoahuid. of Charlotte; W. 8. Reich, of KUun; B h “d c BAD TEETH CAUSE TREMEN DOUS ECONOMIC urn A thoughtful bonnmi men —<| farmer. who hoi ohm mod u>t K|mttit 1 unlvorul neglect of tho tmth by »•»» f»no folk ond who hoi luffir *d from Um Inefficiency which bod looth prodom among working people, j oritoo Cl follow*: “I foal that few »f aa realile the amount of time timi 1 • loot to my nothing of tho raff.ring 1 *o» it mod thorn googlo from ' -egioeud tooth.” ■ Our friend ii outiroly correct- . rowever. Tho loai la efficiency, time vad cuiforlag from bod tooth by (ho noerno of eoantry people lc a tro aondoui ooo, which might ho lorcalr I imntrl. Ai c matter of economy ha aaUoo, Stole or community coaid "*.l!*!Tord ‘o Pa» for the mr-rico rv jdred and art money by the invam . Wh«" ,»* eUrtod out to pick tw. or , hiae mlllioni of oar horn young mea i • make mldiera out of them tm Dot | >nly rojocUd oome became of the bod i ondition of their loath, bat m aleo , • ot daatiaU with every unit U moaJr . ad malatofai In tho bom WILL NOT REPEAL THE DAYLIGHT LAW Hw«« Ref mm te >_Bin » M«l^ ll Over Pre.ideal's Veto. Washington, July 16.—Tha day I'ffcl wring Plan, under which Ike ward an hour ia March and mend .l^t^ly00^***'’ *1U * '’““‘■inoed'isH I Thi“ •eeured today whea fal KXsra.tss' ?;•££ asteasS.’SKsSSS by a vote of t«7 to l»5 te paa the °V" PreafdentYVeto. strength mustered by the repeal ad vofmte» was eight cotes lees thee the neceeasry two4hirda of the mem hen oTto"ie P55ly Mo*' <*»——■*• *• — ^^£3«s«raa Irnea seat bank to th« eoasauttee for kill *?**/£»**P**I » redden Xn f"ftWr *fV* Pruid be made s..xrs&,~scure‘*«si imrS 5w « he daylight eaciag act. There waa ao adlcatioa. they said, that they would ».»“• u>. ■‘rwgthee their forest. Sanate leaden also ladlcatad that isMtlaa wmM he ostgtaatad la that ton mas emu over the pr?ddeatill Ptowill parent any aoST^Um °* **s repeal rider. TRY TO REPEAL the soda water tax Washlngtoa, Jaly It. Repeal of h. soda water tax was dbcfiad eu SaKrarjarir-Si CROPS PROMISE A BODKTFUL YIELI Wirtv Wheat ud Rye Uw Kn I etfeet Prsdaotloa Ever Yet Atiainad. Washington, doty W.—Bountifu fans ciops this year were indicate! Indap ia the department ef sgrirai 'taw's Jeiy ferecasts based ea condi tions existing the first of he mootb Winter wheel and rye, aow being her vested rttowed the largest prodwotion ever attained. Record crops of sweet potatoes, tehaeee aad rise ebf were prodietad mad the prodeetion ef spring whaat. core, oats, barley, white pata loaa aad hay ie expertod to he larger than the average for the flee years ltlS-11. Vela* ef Uu .wheat, worn and oats ema rsaiMeafl amounts to W.*40, ; *t»0# baaed an Jnly I, farm prices. ■ ho ralut of eprn Is $4,YM,47»,»M; wWi »tr6T7.4»0,0P0 and sets . Heat dieeaeee .and other eoadi Uam however, made heavy inroads Inriag Jen* on promt rtlv • wheal aad •ate prodeetion The forecast shows t loan of 71.000,004 haahel* of whaat dao* the Jane estimate aad a radae daa of 41,000,000 bathels in the pros poctlva oats crops High tieepera ■XTeeran'td detsriorwHss ia the eon M -Wl# plant II—■■ —1 la mm MU Tl* kmi If aar&sas r y*l Bad —will 2a Is ears, wfcit« — I* —allar titan Bf IWMt am i*«n! UM'i 144 bairahij CMAWEHWaaTOK^ GOVERNMENT INSURANC1 | Dir««W ml »>■ »—-, , Wm. f ikb PdU« MmAmm. *r« M laceiao «T~a J***1^1" J-«- ■' T—VtTtnU chan^aa la novortimeat1—nm mU. tbm to a»he tkeai aa attnatlve thari arary aorvica au wMJ retain Ua lo ;y»»fa nftoa rataralag to eWfl Ufa, ■a»a Wan — rraiialnt ta fianaiaM tvsrxsr-’ ■iSaTafaraa-as! a act* rx sjssg, • *■*» or oner a period of I ranra aa be ebooaae. At umat. tb! pWielaa ara parable la —Hrtall aiaata war tl year*. ' Tfce Uet of nSkl. W-fUUW*. Xi^^Tu’uTi.^ld'rs: 8&£&fcSSg olhu at tka tiaaa af tka lnaaro?I d«|fr bo forbidden. I by Mr. CWW7, Toaaa. . • •. 2i‘'' *■ ■ • /' ■ - ^ •>. y’v ism, or any ouear or ine many os- I aaaa produced or aggrbVaUd by bad;, orth, is an economic loss. It coaly J Bora to maintain a sick maa thaa a < rati one in any walk of lift. I { If, thea, H k sound practice and conomieal to (We caretel attention', 0 the teeth of our soldiers, why la It | iot sound economy to praserrs tha | Mahh and eOeiency of the ettlasn la , Ml life by giving tha same assist- | ines to those who, through leek of | cnowlodge of its imports act, wfll iot give attention to their own tooth? , Some attempt has bean made to rnard the health and as ons factors is look after the tooth of tbs ehli Iren in some of oar schools; hot as 1 rule this has been confined to the , ihildran of the city schools- Them rhIMrvn generally need help aleng heee lines less than the children of the country, because they come is :loser contact with dentists sad doc tors, who largely hv. in tha cities and towns As in many other lines, these most in need of each carries ksvt not boon reached until very recently. Now the Stats of North Carolina is making a determined effort to look after the teeth of country school chil dren at carefully as the teeth ef eltv school children bare been looked af ter. We hops this movement will spread until every Southern State does Its duty In this respect.—Pro gressive Parmer. JURY LIST FOR SAMPSON COURT BEGINNING AUGUST 4. Fleet Wook.—J. L. Tadlock, R. H. Bennett, L. A. Thornton. C. C. Cor bett, Lutbor Porter, E. L. Cprroll, J C. Howard. C. W. CbeaneU. W. C. Wut, Joff. H. Cronplor, J. M. Jaek aoa, 8. B. Metohia, J. C. Patoraoo, R. C. Tarliagtaa, J. R. George, J. >• Newton, A. R. Harria, R. K.Baoao«», E. B. Page, P. 0. BtaaoU. J. TChee nett, Loon Warron, 8. L Diedmnw, F. N. Homo. L. 8. Bakor. J. A. Wook*. R. H. DeVane, Jr.. T. R- Britt. W. C. Beomaa, 1. B. Holland. 0. F. Britt, W. G. Hall WUoy A. William •on C. H. Bntlor, Hobbo BoyaB, J. J. Hair. Second Week—T. 8. Godwin, B. A. Draaghoa, J. D. Stewart, C. B. Peterson, W. C. Tow, J. H. Cotatmia, H J. Wllllamaon, M. W. Merritt, 0. W. CaohwoU. Jr.. D. N. Oww.Jr, L. I. Faircloth, D. P. BJea, Uriah Sooooma, B. J. Gavla A- B. Btwmam, Ooorgo Autry, D. B. Tew, J. W. Moots. GOOD ROADS SAVR MONEY Tho iaprorod roada of MBwaakoo *ta., mo* If5,0*0 a day to the people who noo them. Tbl* b the •rihaata of the county eomailmdonor fzzsxrsnji grss: of the traffic taken periodically dor tag tho part four yarns The rearm la made by oolectlng Sf potata reel tarnd throughout tho county. MU umktag mv on aounta at aaah prijt aha for rrory day of tho wook. Th rown* la not aaada on limna-ln day*, bat at varies* period* frag April to November, auto airfr* a average condition*. TMp canon* I taken to dot* rati no tho dwaMBty • . certain typo* *f pavement, a**ardh>| I to tho amount of traffic a aqaara yard r It ahowa that about IliN vahlel* . of all kind, travel tho highway! md day. Tradk aa the road haa tocroooo i about 4t per cent a yaw during th r four yoara lu which tho ouyvoy ha boon made. •m, know, todiiafhd that M to- I !»hT wna dini by th* atandlng ' mm ctuuttM 4a the inuMllfl J xpendkaroa,'baadoA by li—nh 1 to* tlhlman, of Maryland. I Immediate attention, tha turning J omatktaa decided, would b* given by « ba boBM to th« two appropriation ■ uu. reload by tha ProUdont, after I vbieb tha prohibition enforcement ' ■giiUtioii would be dtopomd of. Lag itotla* prohibiting foreign chip* 1 hipe from engaging in American I ion*a la* trade alao will bo marl id I be eommltuemco aaid, aa well M 1 bo tax re pool meaaurea before a I ■tamer reeoaa, which mmi hooM J MMbora have orgod boginiag la 1 logo at. 4AVE TOU MKT YOUR OtUQA- I TIOMST i - I "Stoaply freon a buafoaa* atand >•**•«• “* who fall* to Moot hla ibllptlMa. particularly a public “•***« » aeriou* tulaUka tnd to injuring hi* atandlng in a earn * w»7 tbot to wat-nigb brio -S’ Sx.w.m*rysr,: *»H of th« United Wgy Wort ConunlUoa for paymoat *f ■abaci Iptloiu pledged obnoet n rrer ««o. Tbto to in contemplation Hate-wld* apoclol effort to *raJr welfare collect loom. “I* to inooncetvnbto to me that any — 0T women who valoaa bto ml/ reject or bto proapecta of Mtcea *5®?^ •• Wind a to ignar* tbto piodM.- Mid Ur. Welt*. “It to not |**W • (inaction of patrlotiMi or *‘®*®p- JJ to (trictly buainoaa. The parean who fail*, t* pa, bto dobto— Mid a rabacription pledge to aa btod b*a»U,yM,!r~U **ort**«**« W* w*. port of th# (fcu#. of th#P«K«i tlr# eMillittM tA U-k Aw Ik. *mawI WW public cunatkMi Many North Carolina people would be eor prtacd to kaow cocao of the facte «lM»ed about tbetr notch bora. It la 5J*^|*** “• to n|tUi aaaal pub **} t£**w'*dfo worked to the harot «*• wore In arroaro. _wkat ie true of tbo Uberty Loan l«itn*o of othara TWa la ** * *r>rm and art hart not Th* UnKad Wmr C®»pul»» coaunlttooo am keep i?l,ffVUb...CB ‘to aubajTtpUoaa and Its racoHan lik« thoM of otto iaa> wllfS; mVlwMi d-towjrod. bat fe^KS- tVC-TS! £=*'K£Suf%rtWi u£ JKV**** °* "*r * lf.1 ^ » Jtoad Who had boon aa agonoo—aot to 900k of other ten iS^cVir'SJvj; food for Me owe aaka.” ; coMEcnoh in towiTstate MfHT ! TV .?°l>,wtof Menu wore oaalttoi to th. toata»wJ af the town of IMni ;|guMle>a<1'la JaM woah’a Dlapotoh: • 'ftoto gaU Bonk. no*o..« o< 1 1*5 ■topbona, for boOd |( Total loot *iak“.;;‘.'. ItlttU 1 “ t#u,ha: PA«rf^r YHAT DOCS IT COST TO SAUK « COTTONT I _______ i At what price Bract cotton he Hid ' a yield the Southern planter a fair ) promt That U one of the quoad ana 1 am to come *p art the World Cot- < ton Conference at Now Orleaaa Mat | >ctober Nowhere on the program la Ma highly debatable subject eat 1 Iowa for diacmelon, trat it le un iroidnblr lnedved in tha fandamsw «1 problame of prod action, merchna IMng aad eonaampUon which tha Cotton Coafarosco la to consider. Without doubt tha ton dieting opinion* la thia matter which hae* been agU a ting the cotton trod* la the pier rear aaaaoa* erfll ha thro died eat, and t i* to be expected that data will be presented which will throw a groat lead of light on tha subject. The cotton monafacturors an In fers otod in this question of cotton prod notion coets today more thaa be fore, la all probability because of tbs extraordinary campaign wngad by the cotton IsUroste this past win ter to hold cotton for thirty cent* sad to cat the acreage drastically If the cotton manafneturora 'ware eaa earned for their opinion aa to tha coot of raising cotton S would probably bo fe«ad that moat of thorn hoHovo cotton can bo Bold with libaral profit to the grower at twenty-fir# cants or loss. Soma of thorn prefect to be lieve that at twenty cents the Sonth ■m farmer would he getting uroeeen an Um MWtltei of tho Boo than eottoa grower* that anything I*** than thirty root* *howi a lea*, while aeaae alleged expert* on cotton production have declared that eottoa mould mil, d order to yield • reamaeble preSt to the grower, as high a* thtrty-4** coate. Then to thi* to he mid about the problem end Ite treatment at tho World Cotton Conference: Out of all tho dbcamion in the loot fow yean ha* eorao a clearer Idea by all who an interacted In Aa mbject a* to the fatten which eater lata tho Ana tton. It 1* reel tied man clearly Aaa eear before that ther« la aa aaoh thing a* a uniform ooot of relalng eottoa. and It ie almost Impomiblo to compute oven an avenge east, aa widely vary ing on roB condition*. woaAw i dltlon* la one part of Ao belt « pared wfth another ov la ana I compand ertth *aothoT. labor tton*, aad method* of eotttvntiea. Within Ao part fow non Ao mean f ectann have boon toondag a gnat deal about their own pnduetioa aoati which many of thorn did not m avion* It knew It la okvtoua from tto rllaruAnr- on eottoa prediction eeoh that the aeteoje *f «•* aoooantto* ££'. isar’-'sa---: £ mill*, and until It I* there lean U p bo^_a^ continuance otf eld mleuader [ "Knox ea the Uegue," my* a head f line—meaning a lot af graaddoaueu i objoctloo* by Aa Joaiev Senator free . Penaaytvnaia. The fane ml of the late L L. Jaeh . aoa wfll he p»oach*d the fourth So* ii».“ poo ho lac adopted hr th* "Aaaaai :aao." At oar (•<*, taor* I* ohooyo i «tory aad a child. Por aaeh ateriaa aa thaao, or rimpt* iam tell tar of th* ftindahlp botwers ho Prawn child aad th* Aaaafcm ■oldlor, lt» eoah prlam or* offered. Mdiora. mi Ion, ■■riaaa, area-and roman who won ia Piaae* dortac ho war ia any capacity, or thatr ’amilloa, awaathaart* or Mnh, or* irrited to compote far thaa* prlam. Literary ability to not i«qair*C Aay >f thto contort. Condition* of tho :ont*m Can hr aaaarad by wrltlac Th* Pathnim* Children of Prone*, Room Mi, 410 8. Michlpaa Art. Chicory." Th*r« to a* capons* at tached to * Morin* th* cawtoat, which to opoa to anybody who want* to compote. Mother*, aiatera, iwnt hmit* and wirm ahowld tarn ovar their letter* from BIB or Tom or Jack which they bar* ton ao proadty irm oiriap. and boat ap th* rafar •ncm to th* Uttl* Prrach ehildro*. Jam *om* on* Uttl* iaoidrwt told ■haply ia a latter any win a prtml VOTES FOB SIC SOHO ISSUE The large* head law# ever eubaalt tad is any county In Tcxnc and ana of Um tarpb* veted au/whcio In the country »u ratiftad by I bl( majority recently In DaUaa County, Tax. Tt prarldec It,600.000 far a complete halt liar around tho county, with IS roodc radiating from Bill* to U1 aoctlona and I Intermediate roada coo porting the rodioi highways. Tho cyatam arwrldto far SSI miiao of rood, and a addition fonder roe da 100 miloa will ho MM# ISMUMi niml |t4 HMlIlk* lag to #60,000 had hoan allot tad to DaDoa County for Ha Mgfcwu de velopment, and H la atyirtid that a largo another of motor troths wH ho awcgnod to aeai* la tho eguatmetion work Tho favorable reception of tho bte bond loooe la tMc oonnty is oxpoet ad by edUWa of tho Enroan of FahRa Honda United Bute* Department *1 Agriculture, to hov* * favorable ef fect on dnlht aropomli c ice where Rood budding la Texas Is at high tide •tat* highway oaMnsan aatlmiti chai more tUa worth *i roads art now under taarti action card or ptyini