THE D DISPATCH 11 va. • tMt . . *.;' .'jixjjt -- _-_ ____ . • ,s-a*;' v’ TROOPS ARRIVE IN WASHINGTON CITY Attack* On Women By Negroee Continued Yeiterday, On* Glaring In*tance FIV^PERSONS KILLED, 11 DYING, SCORES HURT NmUmi Wilm C-«f.r. WUk Sen tan af War Op Slta»«W Largp NibW pf Trppfi Jr»* Cana Maada Ar* Ordarad Ta W p ,ai a p,p i Mprinaa AW# for Pitr«l Dutj, RIOTING RENEWED Warbiaetoa, Jalf 3*.—Darplt* *U praaaaUaaa tataa* W «lty aad l Bilkary autkaritlar riatia# 0**»**e wluta* aad a«craa« Waka *»< a*ala taoigkt la WuUmftaa a«f a rap art raaakad tW potie* at 10 a'aWefc tkat a wUt* Baa. kalleead ta tan Waa a kaata dafaar* Beard, kad kaaa tkat aad killed la tk. 3eea after tka Idllla* af tka kam* dafaaaa *aard, tka polka roeairad a rapart tkat aaatWr ,«aard ala* Wd Waa aka* ky a aapra. Ha-waa rr ypitif aa fatally weeadad. A d— luWrat at aaralrr aad a **aad af aarlaw w« raakad ta tka acaaa af tka akaatlaea. wkkk waa at Eifktk aad M atraata, la tka Wart at aayva diatrkt. f’ Waahington, Jaly 22.—Even while a, rioting wu at Ita height early uj^repoiti ef another attack a POD away fi ALL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PRESS MEETING COMPLETE L.ancku.( .1 Cwwcr.1. VmmI Tehee PUc. O. Opnlaf Day of CunttlM Concord, July 22.—J. B. Sherrill, "ywy, has juat aant oat tha fal lowing information to tha member* of tha North Carolina Praaa Associa tion: ‘"1 have juat received a Uttar from President Whit.head saying that rr try detail of tho various feature, of the raivruiiun.nt of the editors at Wilmington and Wrightavllla Beach ha* been completed. An important change in tho program has bean made, however. Secretary of the Navy Denials can be In Wilmington only oa Thursday and Thursday night, and the Liberty Shipyard, especially anx ious to have th« Secretary present •n its Initial launching, has decided to have the Uunching on Thursday In stead of Saturday as previously ar ranged. It will be naeeaaary for all t oraaeb WrightsvlUe Beach not later than Wednesday night Tha morn ing armi on Thursday will be called to order promptly at 9 JO o’clock, and K will he necessary to adjourn at 11 o’clock, at which time tho party will leave for the Carolina Shipyards, where an inspection will he made of tha big steel ship building plant and where luncheon will be served at 1 o’clock. After luneheon the entire party vDI board the Uni tad States revenue cutter Seminole for the liberty Shipyards, there to wHacos aboard the ship the launching of the new stone ship, the Cap* Fear. ”If you have not already wired ar written President Whitehead to re serve >ow«a— to **— *■— »-,1t. to TwU. Ow IMmCIml Wuklaiton, July IS.—Tte kite**, n* of U«nw« L flblpior. u A inert iryaza «*“T to tte aUto dapartanat. Sfcln •*«* Torlaptoa, MmA Tte dmartaaoat ted ate otter do tel. on tala late attack oa am ft marl am eitiaea in Morlco. kat tte lanoancomoat of tte oa ui iavooticatioB ted kt_ Tte roport. oomiap aa It did, * • rnmpico, and tte nialpl of tafanaT I * end marine* from Qoantlco, up their stations In grim ' what the hour* of by the govem . . _i denied that- the actuation had been oot of hand at any time tart night when riot cell, were sounding from half a dozen places at a time. Th* authorities also decided not to ask that martial law be declared, although resolution* introduced in the House during the day urge dthai the President be re quested to take that action Wilsea Coolers With Baker. President Wilson took cognizance of th* situation late today when be called Secretary Baker to the White House for e conference on steps that might be taken by the military in ctf operation with the civil authorities to prevent recurrence of the out Iweake. The President was under zteod to be greatly concerned over ™ events of the Urt three night* in the capital. After the conference. Secretary announced that the troops or dered from Camp Meade constituted * ,T*rjL, *'** number” and that Major William C. Haas would b* in command. Secretary Daniels said a substan tial fo«e of marines had been order ed in for night patrol duty. Cavalry Os PelUe Dsty. Cavalry Main played a part in the poliee work, holding lines about the congee tad negro sections to prevent mob sttMW by either blacks or white*. Police *nd soldiers again ■traveled to keep th. dnumtnws thorQO|hftrti of crowd*. Tb« icatUrjd n*tor* «f tho *lUek* through tho throo night, of growing disorder Ite* mad* tho lltl*** QltScott. While rioting waa »t It* worut downtown, panic-stricken nwtroo* llrod Indis criminately from the barricaded dooru or window* •» their home*. Others whirled tbr°ugh outlying street* In * automobile* firing wildly et any white* they «**' Negro Crime Were Not d“OneemeJ Tho roaohitione Introduced todo, ranged from that by' Repress nUti,,, Cbrk. Democrat, florid*, ckarg(n. tbnt the district government hud "ot torly foiled" to put a »top to the crime wave that has rwvpt tbvelty for a month and calling for Congreie. tonal Investigation, to tho** of B,P roaonlatlvp Kmcrson, RopnblKsn, of Ohio, and Valle, Republican, of Color ado, demanding that martial l*w b< ■ declared. NeOeoel Seaadal , Rap rose nta tig* Emerson’* r*«'u Uon declar* dth* situation was a tlonal scandal" aad called for protec Non of oltlion* “Irseepactiv* *i color,” while Representative Veil, d* * la rod the "dignity and honor" o' the United States required a mart)* law enforemuaat of order. Demewd Fee Martial Law. Representative Rill, RopuMican Now York, Introduced a bill to rs gulate the mis *f firearms In th Dtetrlct. In th* abaenc* of any sue] In**, the District Comiultateaers to day Induced hardware dealers an other* to atop th* ml, of weapon At least MO revolvers war* said t .haw b*n said In a single day durln th* disturbances. Stops to curb th terror cars, through requiring »P* coontyy. «/!■» axpoetad to fully maintain , T^utation th-a yaar for lar*« at r^d JIv*1 p machine •»<* **n«laK ***** a*ldencaa ofllf* *nd »uc tau!d liui* mootlnea tha daya ara I?: .h *•"**•• from ** o'lo** I‘idttt"* *“ to» or aWran at PtsrZ’jsrZtt ,i# gt **" »>ir** *nS alfht'thirty r'P Thf*IJd*2i5** ,r* Intardaaomhia I Ifonal 'MatJana of tha mriooi ■ dLJ?1^ tntham. o»f * i tbera '» ** f^Unatfcn ar dioerlmiaa r t on *»■« “•'•no, of church roM » tiaai __ . Tim f»J*®* romolaiaa that h< ’ CivTa* SSL^- ^ '“U*Br ^ iTdmt vImi* rim U computing-mnnL for th« Durham nambor of the maga iim to be leased this month. The number wftl contain much in toreetlng matter and many iUueCra £-ssa ass ?,•<££. ■* Gross: “Wax Aetirl L P- MeLendon. and ■XtHUL “**" ^ J**“ r '• the North Carolina Utemtar. Nambor. with a foreword by Dr. Archibald Bender *?B; ^ n*n‘mi win introduce (orerat sew feature. neat month, among, them being a page on Ctab hnHUy, of Charlotte; . Boy*. Page, by ienUn Vf** Clab Work, edltod by the editor, Nina Holland Covington.—News and Observer FUQUAY SPRINGS PLANS FOR FIDDLING CONTEST at tha school aodttorium hat* <*i Tharaday night. Joly Slat, beginning at SsdS o'clock,la which leadum M dlars from all arar tha State win sor. tlcipato. Fiddlin' Jo* Collins willhe on hand and may be axpaetod to ■«•«* ***» hie enviable record as a flddlar, because come raloabl. prises wiu be awarded to the beat flddlen and baaio pickers, aundolinlete, ate., and as ha has alraady won two or !"* 5fiKconrmrttoaa hjwffl -dosbtodl, try to add Rid Mr. Henry Faseetto, Hsrnatt town flddlar of wide raaute, with abend of purformen from Lillicgton and ricia |ty, la expected to take pert. la fast, it L expected that all flddlen of say ijffrc* of rtpotatloa as nrk, with!a aetoaeobde distance of F boost Hprlnxs. will taka pari. It la span to ad codon, aad sack flddlar My am lrct hla own accompaniment. , Conpiata plane wWbo announced ‘■tax, and anyone desiring to pariici rtt™r TS* “■ «•“* dttRrtoM,. v Cardenas. ar Mr. •le*^0. Canine, Holly Springs, Rests FYTHIANS MOVING INTO NEW <»XMU,u the now i. for *hem 2 building. ™ --- —r, —. if the beat ledge roams la the State with • large floor epees aad a eaathtg am feeit- of about one hundred aad tklr fr, «n raate being an raised platforms. ***• Maaone aad tad Man will alas u>e Um quarto**. ..TV front of tha buUdiag win ha y^Flad by the Fraternal Cisb, * organtsatlaa la our taws, mars ”yrielly for lb* banaflt of tha young “•«. but any fraternal naan la eilig l°}.* *• membership. This feature *?*' fait went la out prm •'*» “ * P^rldc Mias fting bar Lallan. Dr. J. W. called ta to be at wbo died __ Mr. Georgy H_ Hon tier hare m formerly owned Godwin. Joly It, TWO GERMAN MflllMERS GUARDED DB|AMP NIGHT Naw Talk, Jalr ItUfTba two Oer Bab prisoners W «B|Mo trarafd aa drat claa paseaaffiBs. bat ah oat whoaa identity the NBtnwn eras maintained by aruyBaar and cav ern meat officials intt bar. today on the transport AffiSwhoa. *l*k°»|h manla'l dtbt and day during the voyage hD affiClsrs un der the command of IBuAnt Owen ,*• *™> 111^ Main. MU division, the two pcflBan ware al lowed considerable Arty. They ware given the ran Bh Mat elaas JPcostere on board Btad ware ai 52f. “rC^ri!STEJ3 In Mna elvIUan uB and straw bate. They amke Blhk fluently end almost wltW aKeant yS* **•» »***■ aB*Thfcm. Oen *** *?"**■* **• •H®0 Wy out his campaign •with great Badom and it t* believed that a nS on, and wrimlagtcr "The flight," It la stated, “will net be direct between cities, bet will vary according to considerations and de mands to he determined by Colonel Harts. It Is estimated that (h, army fliers will paaa over *6 eitias. Id mountain rrnigev *7 rail rood t,M rivers wad «* gulfs, boys, aena and lakes. UUVIMfMENT FORECAST FOR SIC DOMESTIC SUGAR CROP j’aaTuau.'-srsia a^tvaanarja of auffar. U» |,t ha. far* X4.*?r£'cri!r ^ Th» dnartmoat of aorfcuHarv it “ •£*"•*•*••* tt> J,|, i cro, condition* and announced today Dr* ftPaS/SS *.*t *£00,000 poandJTT 147,004,MC pound* more than ttw n«m« «f tho pracodin* (U roam dariac *MM tho total of thTtwx crop* of hoot and can* ninr ha *H«ntly oicoodpd 1,000,000,001 pound* every year oxeept 1014-11. CHURCH ROTICe” l Tkora will be roanlar aorrlca* a l tho Motbadtot aborcb Sunday atom . inf. Special raoaic wBl ba renderw • oaaaiatiaR of violin aad trombone. Prooohtac at llidd a. an and 0i» » p. m. Th« paMk I* cord wily Invito • to ott—d. S A (root man ia oaa who can «* paeplo U «haa«a ihalr mlada. Practically all Statea of Ac ara to have mooting* next which State eacretariea, Sale orgna laari and State publicity man will pur fort the aaMclattenal organ taation Thooe oAdala- will carry organ l ration to tho >1,000 1 lathera Baptlat church**, which ara gattlng randy for th« dries. "There coma* fra merely aartlau of cral of the campaign, today. Dr. Scarborough ia yruideot of tha Bouthwaatein Baptlat Thaalcgital Srmiaary at Port Worth. Texaa, as head of A* Mg drhre hao aofaMhhad |hir onc0 Nora. Dr. Seaiboraugh loan* her* tonight for Little Hock, Art. where be wA "prak to a large maaa moot lac of blihopa on 8undsy. Taoaday ho will t»*l Slat* mooting of worker, at Dallat, Touaa. TYPHOID F(V» It TAKING IT* TOLL Ral*i;k. J«]y *1—Typhoid fever in North Carolina during thla amith will coat approximately ana half mil lion doll ere, according to oatlawteo mode in the office of the State health eAcar. Thu i* baaed ox the loaa from flmcm alone and doc* not take into eenaideraUon the economic lam aris ing from the daoths that wfll reach from thin preventable dieean. Boport* from all medenc of the Stot* rtiow a rapid Incrrna* in th* number of cum during th* In* *f. *•" iSZ of J",» On the fifteenth th* total reached SSL With th* JJJS* rmU of lucronao — tatained dnrtag th* laet two era*la of th* month th* total for July will be rloo* to on# thoucend oaaoe. Dor ham county load* the StoU for th* ft ret half of th* monto hTmSiW of cam* with IS, Wak. rnnnlir a clone eaeand with IS. Othare having more than ton coao* are CaJdwelf Caewvll. Catawba* Kdgoeemba* OmT ton and Weyw* The inconvenience, toae, angering and aorrow that troll* typhald through every home which It lutir* la uaaiam became* typhoid favor esa be pro van tad. la fact, it km horn mmu *trated over and over again that * U the moat carily eontroUod of an th* pravoatabl* dtaaaaaa. Vacriaotian will give Immunity far a p cried of from two to four year*. laaRaHoa mmn* baabbtag th* itiamii. North Carolina la fart learning MM laaaan, but not quite fart auoutft to prrvoot a heavy loa* la money and pinny a heart bowed hi aorrow. ACROSS THE SPAN OP YEARS Looking from twenty to aixty-fiv* 1 rrwLS Megan a* ritoo the following atatto H«» compiled by a Mg Ilf* taauraaai •ompany gftar aa extanrtv* iaveotl k E?i0* P* •»? Infarmatlaa • “Out of 100 avoraga hiahhy an al I twenty Are, at *«t>4ln thirty-fin will be dead. *** erill b* rich, fern > erill be wealthy, five wfil *fl| ha aup I porting thorn**Ivea M week, fifty four win ha dependent uuMui relative* or charity.” f5* fifty-few t *»gbt to bo a ItttU BMW pnvldmt » ** VKMKMAL MIAMI WtU. UTUATIDATCUNTM