THE DUNN DISPATCH • 1MM». H. C, mAi IW M « M«r<> ». »«T>. iw i —H—— BO THAT KHOW WHAT THB> ' Jr t. > «■**.'>' : bJu^aTCS • an oar oUirna will aaa tka Matter , j* ££ ««*. •»* wtu act acferdiacty ftVOI be a ■Madid record to lire *••■ *■*■* “ >*• bandied per inULT^u^ *• •»“ Board of it M a record tkat we Pi"*7 eaeDy attain.” IS THE.RE A PUBLIC? tW* “7 i»««we a publicT And I J ona atfil e»Mt%kaa It paraoMtaat IpawarT „ TW . “»•«*«"»«>t - of Director , General Hfoee to tka etrOdna railroad of tka far ere* raleaa then tea wOMb Bat to there a public T Tkat M to a taaaral perception of tka reality of eamateo tntereeta? Faltk tkat there la clorioaaiy Bead «*<“■«« tk. war. Men of all Unde pat ■Ida tkcfr eelfUfa deairea. eecriflced tka* oo tka altar af petriotura. Bat dace tken doubt kae deretoped. Pj^“t*«Tftare and daetrorara ef pa | trtotM* Bare been etoaSly at weriL » **" **? patUn* elate, or creep, er • pereoaal tatereati aknad ol j, ta. . **•■*•■ , Tber, baa been a race aa to » ***«*.■«*■■—t Mroald tka aleto tae r e^?^U3f H1* |UH °* t*ab. : U *“f tiae— ee if a yre.t ’i principle ware In diaaolotion—ae if sr.0'~ “• dated and epraad to labor circle, by «tr*i*bt,.ndby a particular peetar A****** •*•»•«» wbtcKcaUa i “ to. »*• eTecl of their acta <£“* they were concerned eoieir lehout tbemmive*), but that real pow i«* a ia tha haada of miooHtiaa. hi I ^^■■BrrIWl0W hTwTUy lepneentatlv* of or reapoaatve to the ; | rtm.cel bumm of the peenle. Never ae aubtle an attack been made ['on democracy. ' U *? **ha'r *° ■»? U»*t the laber i: “» aolehr or perhapa t sr^uM?bz$Jr.7\b'££ We lately talked much af tha a»> tjdoalaai of capital and labor. If i ‘bo antadoni*, ni fuaetioaia*. the puMic could have Waa reaaon for ap praheaaiOD. The atrugdie would Cr^J* • .balance of power, with the public a detenu Inin* umpire. Bat the r ** “°* "aakaa*^ : saraa-sss ibr nis^ess __?S fjblic has aa option but to P*W“ Deetroy it, and than is ao "yblie. And the Idea mast be h> .-“a *»uogfct of bu before it ia (hair Tha idaa needs to be aa tabllshad ia iU old rigor if-of men err to lira happily and nrosaar together. W2r within Pls ••"•.•ban war without, and force. If ESfTfc: “'S', fc^«5- *»* *"*«• Mir. with the public Tha public, if ehel lengud, moat consent to be the third , •r aot at Ho group can boTE£d *• become master of the whole—here the ailHene at their entry and exact rbutcat win. If tha contest is to mou rather than iteffo^ths senm'of ti°n<—N«w York Triboa#. : I ---—— i i' UMBagaffa ■«*AK THE HEAET OF THE ! ' WOEIP (Kano** City, Me., Port) ' T>«t ia w*t WUaoa Mid we ahoald if w* fail to ratify tha naan treaty ■M taaacwrale tha hint af Nation*. rfrsLsr* dra jss •"■C ia th# hiatary af Amartca. B— HT-* ‘■it IllUdaelaiSdl^r^ *^f«<» oratora aid* hr rid* With Wehrtar'a aareath af Mar* tpaach and Uaeoia*a weadarfal littla Catty*.!,; far K wm I *°r* WM • tUU MMri It Via Eta •• *H that ia Mart and btohart • AaaaHaaa a« pi ratio* aa nil u • raaanaid aad carafol anlaaatlaa *f tha tract chance that ia aoatiac •r*V?* •Wti-aat af tha w.S*J of Aaaarlra a part ia faatarlac that **a«C* b* awe, bar* ara thaa* who syn^NTisyrcHp'’ to cawrtoca tfc.^- Jha craat Aaaari gn paapla ia already coaaiacad, aad “rKCT* •"* ** U SsssfiBs «*Uaai Itod to caacUhltoaad mmmI *™£*£~...h.h*.Mrtod rjetjtfsKa.-as IpisS^i 2Sf&rJ0s*ji sg^S^nrar ! rw • tiro* tba maiH of th* I ss'.r^s.rrw’Su.rsrtt: 1*^.*® hew utter1./ im |P~*‘W® •‘eh a dwiMlt. *,tJ be. I*** »k* p««Jd!»t ytriruj 1 - , | atreted tk-.t w«- war* right. Now w, venture h* preltc ioa. ud aruparfactly wilUiic to Alb* our rrp utadao upon It. that Cm tir »ty and Ik. covenant will k* rallied together ®‘•* **» **bt which baa kaan •hlftod to Artida X will triumphantly ^ '*.•*'1,1“* l* f«r®r of tba Aaerina pcopla and their mam:!;’ alataaaisa Woodrow Wilson. Othcrwiaa. tba mar will ;.av* boa* foueht in rain, and thorn 76,900 of | our hoy. who lie burted in Fiance will h*%* died la vain—anloai oat of this Mttar conflict somehow there ahall "*** la**t a world-wide attempt ' ‘ £,*“3? ?/ •BitetmU peace. ,W# rtiaJI then ailnpty haw cot i mined mp In a European eommarelal quarrel and kar* brought victory to dd*. hot bar* done no uwttag 6®od In the world. On* can almost boar th, rhoattv I voicaa of those 76.000 of our bora ma oraulng us: 7b! ^^fro“ *» throw ] to bear It blah. , W W| break faith with ui who die, w* not sleep, thoorh poppiaj blow hi Flandsra Hold " . pssea, perturbed young apir k«.WiL / h Jr wfai 1 yo°l w* Ei ui pL«“ ■h*u ~k* “d !*•*•*** * * BUSINESS LCCAL * j* ******* l*ONrr IN AMOUNTS FROM tv *00.00 up to lord on hnnrovod town H- I* Godwin. Attorney, Dunn, N. c-tf. I AM BACK IN BUSINESS WITH • Ufl>» oojortioo of muTij and **JL present 1 »“ loco. 111.1"..***. H°d|K« stables. I Young's Hotel. You con find me there at any time. Your I friend aa ever, G. A Le«, Let m, _~°w you before you buy elsewhere. FOK SaZeZone~3ECOND HAND «!^ b.T&S£ 10 9006 eon wffT?^rTO °* «-*a« . “r *® acres good farming laud I?™,“d '»«« conveniences ^.TWSV £**?: Lt°. 1 ■5mo^«.^t.r w from 3r°° TV* r,^os are created to ozcclL They do. That u why they in the talk of the man _^ by Parrish-Drivor Co. b,‘ s .ggrSAB^g ^ TOR SALE—ONE ltlE.lV MAX. ^"^Sary wilh rooDlac boards. E. _ r-DrtverOo. FOR SALE—ONE JERSEY MILCH cow with yoaa* haifer calf. Klad *."£ Will five S gallon* rich Bulk par day. 8a« W. HI Ur«ntham. Banaon, N. C., It-pd. JU*T_»«CEIVEtf' A SOLID CAR of Rod Cedar thing!** ant at Van coviver. British Colombia. Tbaoe ahlncle* averse from 4 to l« «ir wi*h N* * ***** at IT.tO ter thootaad. 8ee a* far lm Madiat# delivery. Botlar Bros.. Dunn, M. C. S*J2£L wA*« “AT5 «* _~ **. PwrUk, Dunn, N. C. L L ft % ■ AIM/* t am MmalZ __ -IT- ~ ,wv« UBLKIT BUNDS li yoo nut to Mil thorn. Wo will 5LV*V.£* hi*“* Prif« f“r W e»*h or giro' FOB trsdo in 'x&ongo. X* you dnctdo to oo It don't foil to oo/uo. f oh noon Brothon, Dnnn, V. CT JEMEYlow j"! 1L-*0*1* “*• »« onco. 8o« _J- B. Worron, Dona, N. C. NEt^oi? i°* ***•*—1 HAVE "?w PoT* con for oolo at no r r nJ’''4. «>*«» Ltpd14***' **“““• N' C. JUST RECEIVED—A~ CAM LOAD of aottrcoooo. Coo oow npx>iTroa Jf|*h ^KtWnB Bo* wont ta^thto or oo thno. 1. V. Goinoy. TCSUfinS 22*^, A44™1 *°* »«. Croon o ooro. W. C._T SI ft pO* SALK—OWE GOOD liuLl I FECIAL — STRAW MATS AT ! m-r own ^|«o. W. ovortnont to nioct from, o« if rzJL •* ?5* b**?r« B**7 ut pMtod «E£ ’ ► r - ■ i *•*< Dwml H. C. I A BANK ACCOUNT Tpa«hes, Helps and Encourages You to “Get Ahead” It also gives you the convenience of paying bills «V cbecaa—the simplest and best method as well i the safest, as your check is its own receipt fur the debt it pays. We Offer You .b:o!ute secuoty, co-operation and the most convenient satisfactory system of handling your money. ARRIVING NOW j i ;• . ! ! •ng. . I .. New Fell Line of WiH ViFgled to show you. T ATCHER, Dunn,*N. C. | -f — i. r—^ ^ ^■*—gga_jg—Bi Fayetteville Conservatory of Music VhU InaUtutlon will open Ita door* on Monday, September 15th 1919 ••dy to Inetruot pupil* in inaWumrntel and roeal muale ***• arhool Will bo diroeliy under the «per*,»'on of Him Charlotte fohf^T' ie*fo,T o1 tU Co“**- '«*•»> of mua'c at Braaaala, iol|tio« a* director. Mlaa Ruemrer I* roeoenlied *j a vlrtuoao and teacher V thl thuLtm.™ *b'1 ty “nd “ • dUtinet ae.4ji,IUon to atiy inaUtuUon . A«dMln* Mlaa Bje*jt*r will b„ Dr Edvard -n. orofaaaor «e nlaan wfiSTifr*:v; SK An. , ti piM«| ji.m Mary McGill, »rof«iWif of roica* inM M«rv rS2rt£'Xi£r,/e,Uai.m,7j^koJI'Tr.f!^ tevtfir*In^dS?M SfL j /V*** rZfrJ*,tlr"?«• a “**»*< harmany In "T"”', nooition. Mi. J. A. will have rhuro of ik. nTim*rr da. artcaral in piano Infraction, with «Ut Mildred WonaMood u HHSunt .ZSZ'T.'ZSXTn MKIAL COMMI/MICATIOM • It. Tk. BmtZZi A^rtU, ~ *•• will U m , e*T fcy tk* r&n'~U»U t£ ■ I •**•*1 wHk Ou /((tm wait Martin* a faw nalnatet later. Aa tkia martin. * to far dmaa wark amir «M ladan jglkc abate b, 10 nkteek. Xll Mtetar Maaamt la food rUadla* era I I netted ta attend aad DartklnaU. * i u WAbk, wTu. • FORDS Should be repai red with GENUINE FORD PARTS at a schedule of prices made by the Ford Motor Company ; « • ■ - — « • I am fully equipped to do any kind of re- i pair work on Ford Car* or Trucl|*. 1 have just installed a 200 ton press ana can put solid tires on any size truck. « ' I am also prepared to do any kind of black smith work. < > Oxycetelene welding Auto top repairing and upholster ing | Painting Horse shoeing I • »uPply of Ford parts, carriage mater ials and auto accessories. ; J FOR GOOD WORK and QUICK SERVICE j _ 4 » « * J. W. Thornton Phone 177 '-DUNN, N. C. « - 1.0ittttt11tttMimninai“* «> FOR SALE Valuable Farm cans* near-Dunn 1 - I have 177 acres of good farm land for sale 1 one and one-half miles from Dunn. It is di vided into four tracts, with improvements on three tracts. Will sell as a whole or in separ- 1 ate tracts. This farm .has 1 30 acres of cleared, land I and there are four settlements on it. Also three tobacco bams, and one metal pack barn. A desirable place for one desiring pood farm land near the town of Dunn. ' Thi3 land can be bought on easy terms. It is known as the Cannady-Tilghman place, one mile northwest of Dunn. For further information call on or write to GEO. L. CANNADY, Dunn, N. C. —, -. ==: Saturday Only FRUIT JARS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ' , For this day only we will sell Fruit Jars at the following low prices: i Pint jars, per dozen...79c Quart jars, per dozen_89c Half-gallon jars, per dozen_99c' Buy now, as they will not last Tong at these prices. i Walter Jones The Real Grocery Store, DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA muR at a format toankor «ko uadrt at ***•• MMtl* WmI |m< u M ttfakory drat a aakoat All tk* )«»■* **rXf h#r 1,0 **• »»k*-M»«k of tk. aommaoltf war* tmt aa tkartk Tkaratfar al«kt la koaorrita*. * m • * J