fit your smofcaappetite like kids fit your hands 1 It haa tbs jkndendiect flavor and cooineae and fragrance you aver ns against! Joat what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you wait to find out the double-quickaat thing you do next. And, put H down how you could emoke P. A. for hour* without tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented proem cut* out bite end parch. Reahn what it would mean to get eat with a jqy'us jimmy pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, ptf to beat the cards! Without m comobackf Why, P. A is so good you feel lika you’d joat have to eat that fragrant amokat R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C AN ACT -TO PREVENT THE SPREAD pP DISEASE FROM INSANITARY PRIVIES Th* General A flily of North Coro lla do enact: Ssctleu 1-. The term “privy" as need in this act dm!) be understood to iaclada any and all buildings which ara not cosseted with a system of saws rage, or with septic tanka of awek eengtroction and maintenance aa approved by tha North Carolina state Board of Health, and which are for affording privacy in acta of urin ation or defecation. Sec. t. No person diall maintain Of n*,a residence, located within three hundred yard* of another red denes. Oyet la net provided with sew aaaga. ie vrith septic tai of this act. Sec. 1. The North Carolina StaU Board of Health, through its officers and Inspector*, shall fasten a license form oa all privies throe hundred yard* of the residence of any person other than (hat of tha owner or ton ant thereof during the lest three cal endar ntoMths of every year, on in spection,' the said privy is appro veil by the officer making the inspection as constructed in a sanitary mariner and to be in good repair, ni accord ance with reasonable rules and re gulations to be prescribed by the North Carolina State Board nf Health for the unitary Msc-vr'im and maintenance of privies. I hr sa d license kfiall apply to th« cnleadar year following its Issuance as harem after | rovide i See. d. Every privy treated within three hundred yards ef the residence of any person other than that of tha owner or tenant thereof, shall be maintained in a sanitary manner and in accordance with reasonable rules *'d I*.tu itions to be prmcnbrd bj the North Caroline State Board of Health and ported kn iuital.1. form umide the privy by aa officer of the ■aid Board. 8ae. S. The heed of a family or household, the proprietor of a boatd ing-houee, hotel, restaurant, or rterc, the principal or sapariaUndent of a school, the agent or rtationmoeUr of a railroad station or depot or tho person in charge of an office building, mlabhahmant, or institution, shall be responsible for the military maintenance, aa prescribed In section four of this act. of such privy or ErWiea as may be used by bis or hor o art hold, guests, cutomerr. pupils, passengers cx-cupenta employees, workers or other persona Sec. 6. The North Carolina State Board of Health, through its officers and laapaetora, ehall exercise euch S^Hybe^S5amJ7^tOMdSS?Uu^ provisions of this act. Sec. 7. If an officsr or an inspec tor of the North Carolina State Board of Haalth shall find a privy located within three hundred yards of the residence of a person other than that of the owner or tenant thereof which ia not constructed in accordance with the provisions of section three of this act, he «*»■!< se curely fasten on the mid privy a no tice reading, “Insanitary; unlawful to use;” and if lh» inspector or officer of the aforesaid Board ahull And, in the course of hia inspection, a privy not baing maintained In a sanitary manner and In accordance with the rule and regulations of tha North Carolina State Board of Health for tha maintenance of privies, he ahall ramove the license from the privy aud securely fasten on the privy a notice reading, "Insanitary; unlawful to use.” See. 8. No person shall remove or Privy license or other offi cial notlc. fastened on or in a privy by aa officer of tha North Carolina State Board of Health. Soc. t. Any person who violates sny of the aforesaid provisions of this art. and any person who is re •poaisfate for the sanitary maintea •ncs uf a privy, and who permits such privy after an official notice reading "Insanitary; nnlawfnl to usa.” has bean fastened on it, to be uaed, shall be guilty of a misdemean or and fined not leas than Ava dollars nor more than fifty dollars or im prisoned not exceeding thirty days. Sac. 10. The owner of each privy ■hall pay to th. officer or Inspector of the North Carolina Stats Board of Health at the time the privy la inspected and approved for license, a license ftc of forty cants for which the laid officer or inspector shall last a receipt; and the said officer or zzzzuz&ztssa •o received The officers and em ployee* of the North Carolina -State Board of Health authorised to ro cciva license fees for the inspection and licensing of privies shall, before beginning their work, be bound by n bond sufficient to insure the State ■gain'd the loss of funds which may come into their hands under the pro visions of this act. SeC 11. For the faithful execu tion of this act, the North Carolina State Board of Health shall organise and maintain a bureau of saaitery engineering and Inspection which shad (<) study, ascertain, and recommend for installation suitable types of privies for the variety of geologic, imciologic, and economic conditions found in the Slat* of North Carolina; (2) exercise such oversight over the construction and maintenance of privies coming within th* meaning of this act as may be neeeaaaor for tbs protection of public health; (8) or ganise, supervise, and direct a force of sanitary inspectors wh oehall (a) inspect, license, and closa privies In accordance with the provisions of this ud mhUoM of the -*> 9irrll'v* •late Board ml lleaMb , provid’d for in this act; (b) MS hr srttebir Military tnavocUeas as arc •nnJrad of th' North Carollao Start oord of n-at?h by la*; <«) end* n tho onfcstaMOt of tho peMir »•» 'U* of tho BUM. Mora ea is dally th# vital tenthUm law and V quarantine taw. {4) coUe„ -»P*" of w»to» from public water uppSoo for analyses by tho State —boralory of RygMao when such' ms lyses ore -Mewed-j by Carolina State Board of **•* l!'-Th? ■UMhora of tho Ese udva BUS of tho North Carolina «•*« »•£*••» Health, aad oaeh ed UUoeal Slate aaaltery Inspectors m hell bo aapoiatedf^. theTiforee nma* of this act. m harohy aatborta ud aad amp os tr*d to oater upon any any buBdtnco or In Ut at ions for tbo seisms of insasr tUm as provtdod fW^Trvqo ^T^ State Uwa or raralatiom of tbo North Carolina But, Board of Hralth pur mant U tho mid laws, but tha privacy •>f an parson shall bo violated. Any person or persona who wOifolly later-1 fo*u ’gw •» ohotrucu tha oAcors of tbc North Carolina State Board of Hsatth In th, dichargo of any of ho aforementioned datim .hall be' polity of o Misdemeanor nnd aubjoet to o floe of not Um »o— one hun dted du*“* “°r more than on, thoo ““ ?;j«Pri»onment at the d'.cc fitlci w • wf cvtrt See. It. That tha pro T isle ns of this act shell spply to J]l rmidaecea,' institutions, and -gnVIhtlieirit. end *U prlrlm vltlut rpgard to their dis tonco from the ^ - - - person, other Iho" the owner, .^r tenants thereof, which arc touted oa the watershed of a public rarfeao water so poly For watershed of ail oteaema. creeks, aad k*n W dolly iaverage Sow of ^ then ten mfflioo gallons. but Wlltnnsul ov B^|mU|n a CrOtfcl. Bf b.SaOy average flew of mote Sun tan mObea gallons, tho watenhad Ann latemdo S, mek drainage um»M rf, with!, mllas of lha vaUnrtrb Aar 1 A. TV^tST_ m water conyanioa £ muUtm rap terte* rdlmil after Oeto K«. tUp—4 ate* hoadrad and ntnatean, of M11lr tlte inapac iona and raporta of unitary condi l®" on wnterafcacU aa r* quLred by aactioao twnaty-aiyht aad twcnty-aina, chapter aUty4wo. Pobiic U7* ?LSJ* *««pil a tea hundred auandod. aad tha North CaroHaa Btmp Board of Haahh teal) aam aad dtotenjnn thawa f0*1*1 teat noth in* in tM* act AaB jtmat tha aa tborlUaa af may town, or tity that ntekaa a. d a pnbHa anrfaC, water *PPir. •* tea n ter an of'tha public lurraea water annate company. to “•*» Si interrtloaa aa coeh cAcialr ■ Sac. 1*. Tha Traanrm of tha Board af Haahh any city hit m ordlnw ( f thT_ ■uthorltiat of i :r Ant, on* and ninataaa, tha Stea 7 to axacant t from Ka , TUa act tean iot apply to af fana ara aad tha Ihair tenant! lhat ara than thrna hum indyarda icaa that cowm thin the thia act. Sac. 17. aad elanaaa of SV.4SS3I “ “ ~ 8hc. II, daU ha in force front aad i mtlScation. l- iunir rlay of Fahruary, KftVflflhnmn i DELCO-LIGHT E. J. Hu#m>, Dealer LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OT DISSOLUTION Notk. to hereby given that the oartnermis heretofore existing be tween L. L Staeprt and A. D. John son of Coate, N. C., under the firm name of Stewart and Johnatoa la this Ith day ef Aug.. ISIS, dissolved by mutual consent. The business will ba continued at Coats by L. L. Stew art who to authorised to settle the iffairs of the sold fine. This August II, ISIS. A. D. JOHNSON. nones _ * The end*reigned having qualified aj tixecator of IM will ef iL late, J. Oas Goddard, tWo la to notify ail j>er «h* indebted to the eetate to pay •he ewoe to tbo/Mderetgnod Ixaeu tri*. Notice lo slop given all peraone having claime again* aald aetata to ssrt&rsz SasWKi ,*rsJSisi,usss^" Egoeottla ef A'One Goddard, dot’d SOME Tiie next time you buy calomel ask far I I I I i I i . The puti~d i ad refined cjJotrid tablets th-.t ere neuss.ilsaa, safe end sure.. Medicine! virtues retain ed and unproved. Sold only hi seeled packages.. Pries 35c. xchool teacher*, iiivat-hcrx ar.d under- . paid elorkj*—ale *|Hfnrtny money like, drunken railum. Irxtexri of econo mising, they keep . pending, aud then | complain that pc .cox art high. 1 he dollar today har a 'purcliaxiug ! power of Ju/t about half at much at a few years ago. Therefore, price* which are today oaly twice »* high as, a low yean ago aro not In furl high; nl all. 1'riraa of footlslugs in tha United Slate* arc lower than in Europe, aad »• have a surplus of moat things. '1 hare tore, European* continue to bay from us and thus prices increase. We bate (rone into debt both as a nation and as individuals, when ib* dollar was worth only fifty cent*. Now. do Wc want tn depress prices md increase the value, of tha dollar ond be compelled te pay oar debts with full dollar*? Tbo only pu*».i»l* ezraue for gov ernment tnurfarvnca is whan there is a limited supply uf tome article aad the government takas coatrol to Am tribute it fairly fur the time being only. If such action tends to discour Ce production, the result is harmful Instead of halpfal. Erpm time to time daring th* past fear thousands years, government* have triad to control prices. Every such effort baa failed aad ha* hart tho people im-tend of helping them. The Mima resale will follow in future Moat public officials who talk freely about reducing prices are talking sim ply for effect. They do aot offer e^ geetion* worthy of attention except whoa they advise people to atop bay ing so freely. w Shallow thinkers seam to see in a surplus on* cease for high prices. Thay condemn veople who hav.Vtorad better, aot, meats and other food In fact, pricas would he of scarcity during tha winter aad spring teuton. Lower we?**, stagnant bu&inees, the discontinuance of building, burl naaa failures, man thrown out of work —these will bring down prices. Do you want to pay this pric.7 ■ - • Everybody want* high prices for lie things they prodace and lew prices for the things they buy. The people In the citie.—workmen, merchant*, bankers, end practically everybody la trade—are working shorter hours, getting more dollars •pending more money, playing long er haring more laxuries—than ever before in history. Then they ecm plaln because the farmer dost net tell wheat at a dollar and Hoga at seven cents. Any man or woman who wants to can feed himaelf today in practically any town or city In the United State*' at a eo« of forty to (ixty-fiv* cent* y- depending upon the nature of his work, and maintain kl. health, increase hi* efficiency, and fwl bet ter than hp decs today. THa coat of distribution ia talked ;bo“l » rrvat deal but .mr dealt with. Man In office am afraid to touch it because of tha people whom busineaa they meddle witL Tha farmer ia the only man who meekly •sormila tha politieiaa to regulate the prlee for the products of hi* labor. the cent plaint Mainrt high price* for feed, people •tkk to the citie* Instead ef normr to tbs country where they can pro-i “I*ve Freed My.elf Of The Old-Time Wa*h-Day Grind” AND too, too, — *-■-> - ■‘•It mtehi lm» tnw fcim m "TV linn T - —»«■, g — c^u. ruwii 1*1 ibi Cryvfai It will 4o yomt Tfc* CryvtaJ Swinging Wringnr _ 1 I L_l> StoetSrf® V* See ut for Demonstration more attractive than the coaalif. If ■*•( try to maintain this situation by artificial means, our aatlre cirilV sation will break down. City people must get over the nation that H ia tha duty of the former to food thorn cheaply. President Wilson nan surprised that there ia mors food la Stomps than a year ago, and apparently a* thinks that It Is reprehensible. Warn •vc not asked to prodoce more? Wore we not assured that there weald bs a profitable market for aU we could produce* Aad ia It not wise to atom butter, cm. poultry, etc., to be used dorms the aonprod urine mason? Otherwise we would have a feast ia rummer and a famine ia winter. . Strike* aad other labor disturb ances do net decrease tbs cost at living but the country. Transporta tion disturbances are toe worst. Dor lag the last tore, weeks many ears of periihable foodstuffs have spoiled because they could not he moved promptly If law* should he enactad now ta koep down the pries of farm pro ducts below toe coat of mrodectten, lees foed would be produced next year, aad wa would he worm off than ever. After the Civil War w« had aa eat ery against high prices, aad the gov ernment sat about esntrasting the currency. But when pricer began to fail, so many people wer# kart toot the government was forced to aband on any policy of sodden currency ontrmetioa. It wag thirteen years The ■ mBi to be to i la tb« dtie* a> easy aa at the expenrn of tha country. Oar population ia increasing. The erafl #Me land that «aa to fanned at a prsSt ia mostly tahaa up. The fertil ity ef ear eoMvated land la deereae in*. The desire ef the dtiae la to bay food aa cheaply aa poaettta wl th ee* due regard to the cod of preduc t-en. The result of efl tkis U to fe aroaae tho cousuuriuc Meehthe end decrease relatively the producing population. In the end H aegu high er and higher cost ef feedetuffia. Onr national policy new ihoald ha to aaake I if* mare attraction hi the reentry then In the dtp. We cannot do this hr arbitrarily holding down prices of fopdatoffa. 1*000 MILES WITHOUT CMANG INC A TIBS Proof of the uniformly good eer dee obtainable these dam from stand ard make* of eetomobile tins Is < Joined In record ef perfen hr the Ceaamiedoner* Ceoaty. Georgia. . *2 “ car, the