«»**»** * ♦LOCAL* *»♦*****♦ Nit T. V. Smith ha. raturn.d from • vi.it U relative. at. Cornalio* Mr* V. B Morgan ha. returned from a vt*l« U> relative. In Johnaton county. MM. Elmtr Parker of Cllotan. ar rived thi. w.ek to .pend »*»«ral day. hero with friend* Mr. and Mr* Wiley Pf JokM?"' **• .pending th. week at Wilshngton and Wrlghuvlll# Beach. Mr. and Mr* D C- Pna-cII return ed Tueedar from a vtolt to Wilming ton and WrightoviUe Beach. J A. Poole of the Interna) revenue department, ii “fJm'iu d,T* here thi. w«ek with Hi. family. Mia. Kath.r Thornton ha. r.nrnad from Her vacation and to back on l,!JrJob with Th. CoidJteln Comvany jl j i_ Thomp.cn, and -ia-agh ter* Elliabatb and Cbrimine, .pent Thuraday In Fayetteville .hopping. W A. J.ckaon of Wilmington, to ■ponding a few day. in th. city with hi. parent* Mr. and Mr* W. S. Jack BOD. Mr* Wilton and daughter. ol turn Biond, Va.. >P*nt a lew dajra her* this week, the gu«*t of Mr end Mrs L. P- Jeralgen. Mlae Alma Jernlgan and brother. Lonnie, of 8t. Stephen,, 8. C. are here tht* week the guest of Mr* Vire MeCorqaodale Joha W. Draughon retomad Sat urday from Ba)timora and New York, where he went to purr hate hit 1*1' and winter merchandise. Mr* J. A. Pool* and daughter. Helen, have returned from a several week'i trip to Wrighttvillt Beach and towns ia Sooth Carolina. Mrs. J. C. Hodges aad little Mim Louise Pope, returned Saturdey from Spring Hope, where they were the guests of Mr* W. H. Stalling* Mis* Minnie Taylor retor***d tart Wednesday from Oxford where «• sens the guest of Miss Grace and Loots* Cunrin for eevoral day* Martin L. Wade, erho has been seri oualy 10 for several daya. Is reported better HU numerous friend* hop* ha will be able to be out again .oou H. A. Black haa moved his stock of groceries Into o~ of the br.ek building* on We* Broad street re cently eompMtcd by Julius M. Le* Haary C. la* who eras with the Pepel-Cota Company at New Bern for eararal moeths. ne* returned to Dunn and will probably make this hia hom* again. Mr. and Mr* John C. Hodge* have ' returned to Dunn tnm G re inshore and will make this their horn* agetn. Mr. Hodges has accepted a position with Johnson Dr and Mr* Paul A. Stewart spent Sondu and Monday with retatlra* in Qreenaboro. Dr Stewart returned Tuesday morning; Mr* Sjewart will remain in-re for sever*) day* Dr. end Mr* J. M. La* of Hepe vst'li Va.. visited relativn* in rhion and vicinity this week. DrjstJre turned to Hopewell last night; Mr* Lee will remain for some t,m* Rev. K. L Olive, paetor of the Pint Baptist church, returned 8etur ngrfw BoonvUle. Mia* where be The Parrish-Driver Company hai| moved into the new building recently erected by Pope-Whitehead A Tert. on K Wileon avenue. Thl* building fives this growing firm ample room or the present. Mr. and Mr*. Ban Johnson nrrivsd in Dunn left week from thsir home In Kentucky. Mr. Johnson will aril mule* and horse* h*re again this season. He already has received a shipment of home* which arc now ready for your Inspection. Pan) Cathwell. who has been In the navy for the past two year*, has re ceived his discharge and returned to his home In Dunn. He was in foreign waters for eeveral months sad nas seen a great deal of the world. He will locate in Dpan again. Congressman H. U Godwin has sold hie interest in the Bute Bank A Trust C*.. whkh was purchased by the other stockholders of the insti tution. A complete account of the transfer will appear in nest week $ Dispatch. Mr. and Mrs Rex O. J«»«» R'f^ _A If - e.«Se. ■ s I e enninff & I fw days hem with relative*. returned home Wedneedmjr. Mr. Jone* to en gaged in the real eetat* hu«nee* in Richmond, end to doing welL He left Dunn about fifteen yean ago, rate which thae he hae been la th, Vir ginia city. Dunn received it* ftrxt hole of cot ton laat Thnreday. Several other, followed Friday and Saturday and eeveral baler have been eold here thto weak. Th* firet bale *a» brought In hy a colored tenant fanner, the tecond one wai marketed by W. 8. Strickland. The buyer* are expecting to handle about to thoueand bale* here this aeaeon. T. V. Smith, eashier of the State Sank A Treet Co. left thto week for Bali (bury where he will attend a fam ily reunion. Mr. Smith will he Join ed at Durham by hir mother, Mr*. Mary E. Smith, who to 7b year* old. Mr*. J- J. Kincaid of Maxton, and Oeo. W. Overman, brother and aio ter of Mr*. Mary Bralth will also be present at th* reunion, which wHI be held at the home of the latter in Salisbury Cant- I. Roland. Willlamr ha* re ceived hi* dtoeharg* from th* army Jni ha* located In Dunn. He will be awoclated In the prictlee of law again with R.L Godwin, hia former partner. Daring the war Cap*. Williams mad* an enviable record, winning th%.Die ting* tobed Service Croee, the Jrol* DeGuenr*. and • eeholnrihlp In law at Oxford UoJvur*lty, England. Capt. WilBaa* to a *oa of Mr. and Mr*. Marehall WlUlam* of Fatoen. HU hoot of friend, are glad t* welcome him to Dona again *» • dttoen. Frof. i. 1. Martin arrived thto week from hta aommer hom,ln Vh-glnto. a«d to making preparetlon* for Ihe gopt Martin to exporting ■ large at j—•—i thto fall and pTo-pect* ere bright far a mteadld taraj. The fac ulty has been extorted rlth great car. and Dima thto year will have another splendid eorpa of teacher*. Ktoewhem fat tfafa laaa wll be found a mem eemplete prtgram af lb* AyiRn Martin will Join her hea baad horn In a few day* aad will m-t mala la Dnaa dariag th* wiatar TTmjjvrtR make tWrhU. with Mm Voigt Sutton spent lest Sunder U Benson with friends. L. K. Denning spent last week-end n rayettevill, on Inane**. Al Branch* of WiNon. spent Ue week end heie w.th fnenda. i of Payettarilla spent last week-end .n the cHy with friends. '**•*•7 Thompson and Pat Jonei •ipent Wednesday afternoon in Bal Mr. and Mu. Almond P. Westbrook |£cnt^ last week and at Wrigtiiseille . C*r* *nd Pearl Adaaia of Undan, spent Monday In the eHy ^th friends. Mlae Sadie Pittman has accepted a position with Johnson Broe. Dept. Store aa Saleslady. Mias Bachael Clifford returned Monday front aeeeral days vl»H to friends in Rocky Moant. Bob younp returned home Sunday liter spending several days on a honre party In Greensboro. Quite a number of the young peo ple of the city attrndod the dance m rayettevill0 Thureday night. Paul Pope who has been quite sick1 w,tb fever for ih, past two woeki nn« recovered ird |g out tfiio. Carper Warren and Norwood Pone left Tu**dijr for Wik» fortut where the> will attend roller thU Motion. Miss Mamie Johnson returned last Thursday from Marion, 8 C., where he visited friend# for several days. Miss Gertrude Jackson and sister. Miss Janie atUnded the 8hriner'a ceremonial in Wilmington last wash MML Misses Gladys Kirby and Fay Barna* of Xenly wore the fueeU of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bamee last week. Canaday, Ceorgo Ashby, Creech and William Waltons of Sas.tWUW. spent Sanday hire with friends. . ¥,r' *n<* Mrs. R. A. Flensing and children of Grtmv.land are here I hi* boImuT * m th* 1'on,r °*Mcu a„ktJp •n<1 Mrs Gilmore and littla °.f SM<or<1. »re spending XTa. TeVlor"' Wlth Mr' •nd Mias Inei Bdorton of Xenly, re turned home Wednesday after upend ing several days bare aj the guest of Mim Lucille Howard Mi»« Mary Bella Herring after .pend'M several day. In the city with Mi*. Madrad Hood left Friday for her. home la Raleigh. Miss Katherine and Emily Crannte of Karettaville, are ending eoverml day* herc the guests of Mimaa Pearl and Blanche Grantham. , Marjory Godwin left Monday inf '£VKtl,*V,“ D. C., where ike will loin he, mother. Mrs. H. L. Godwin, who U spending sometime there. Mias Annie Lea Pope left Saturday for Benson «ber. she will take char*. High School there the coming season. MU. Jessie Ricks and brother. Bunny Riekj, of Waahington. return! ed home yerterday a/Ur spending eev crnl days here with Mr. Charlie ■isaer. The fall and winter opening of the £\G\ TV*°' Co ’ of "Winery, isje ^ “'•■r an IB thi» Oliver Ramsuer, who ha* been at tending the Officers Training School at Camp Lae, Va., has returned home to spend the remajndar of the summer »*h relatives before leaving for N. c.. State College where he wtU attend school thii year, Pleaae notify Mis. Juanita Crockett of Islington if you have any hand pelntcd pictured, china, etencUIng, 01 | basketry ,ork for th. exhibit ol the Art Department of th, Harnetl County Fair. Jame. Boat, who recently wai prantad l.cens. to praetio. l.i, £ °f".Ii*do*n. °5r*.<>n °*« second flooi of the Stat* Bank A Trust Co. build mp. Mr. Beit is a graduate of Trin ty Collage and read law at th. Stat* oi.ivenjity. He Is well equipped foi the practice of law and the Dupsfrl Kdicta a successful career foi nn t youngest attorney. % WHAT THINK THE MERCHANTS? The following suggestion has basal •ttdrawed to 'rhe Dispatch It •* ■•lain* itself end we paaa K along to r>ur readers: It follows; Whrn a question of observing a holiday comes op in Dunn, the whole town has to be con reset d, and no >ne aver wants to agree to observe J>e day unlam be Is awn red that ivery one alec will da tbs same. To gat the matter settled, cant wa ome together and establish certain lays, in which wa will claaa oJr buai »ess and honor the day and the cause of which K stands. W, would suggest: Hay SOth, Na ..cnsi Uoinurial day. this is a day that wo cannot fail to observe. It honors :hoas of a Ur own who have made the supreme sacrifice for our country and for freedom's aha. July Sth, the day of all days glori ous to an American. Thanksgiving Day. Dec. 2oth, Christmas Day. Lot it be known that the -days sat apart are to be observed In Dunn, and It will not cause any lorn or in convenience. It will become establiib ad. OFF, TO SCHOOL ' Among thorn leaving soon to taka up their work In the varioua collage* ami prvp schools are: Norwood Pope, Caspar Warren to Wak* Foroat, Wake ForaaL N. C.; Oliver Ramjusr, William Jarkann and Robert Pearsall to N. C., State Collage, Raleigh; Edwin Cooper and Jake Wads to University, Chapel Hill; Georg* K. (•ranthem, Jr., to Bingham Military Academy, Aihevtlle; Louie Jeffreys to Staunton Military Academy, Staun ton, Va.; Girrard Wllaon to University Chapel Hill; Lucille Howard to Peace Institute, Raleigh; Marjory Godwin and Paulin* Blalock to Greensboro Collage for Woman, Greensboro; Elizabeth Thompson to Salem Aca demy, Win-urn Salem; Florence Cooper to Kendolph-Maeon Academy, UanviU#, Va; Irene Parker to Greene boro College for Women, Greenaboro; Grace Crockett to Don College, Don; Jesuc Holliday and Tbelmm Lynch to Atlantic Christian Collage, Wllaon; Clara Pope to Looisborg Collage for Women, LouUburg; 1-ouuc Pop* to Meredith College, Raialgh; Rachael Clifford. Hattie and Pearl Wilson l* Stats Normal Collage, Grocnaboro; Minnie Taylor to Oxford College, Oxford. ISOOO MILES WITHOUT CHANC ING A TIRE Proof of the uniformly good ser vice obtainable these days from stand ’s rd msltrs af automobile tires is con tained in record of performance kept by the Cosamheionert of Coweta County, Ceorgia. In an Overland car, the Superin tendent of County Works drove over I HOOD miles before a single tire was changed ou the aet of Fisk Tire* with which the car was equipped. After that many mor* mil** war* checked off on Um speedematsr on three of the four. Thia record was mad* in the face Obis'* nt* Kt-, In sad oat ot Ohio Prof C. O William* U kaown u th* Cora king. H* U a soil bo Ildar. Ha has »p*si raara finding ool a few ear* thing*. H* ha* discovered many wu eaerwt*. H* la a booster for agrteultoral lima a Iona. Haro I* no* of hla onaml. at* talks: "At praaaot price* tor farm crop*, a ton of groand llmoutoaa has In craaacd th# rtold of com, oata. wheat, clover and tlnsothjr io tha vain* of llg.to. Thl. I* m comparison Witt similar land which haa sever bsso treated.*' No gnesa work about th* above. Accurst* wsight* sad records bring oal thl. important fact. Umastoa* .1 present prim* I* by far tha cheap est fsrtiftssr on th* market. Whan for an napaadltor* or $g you nan gal back !»•-look.1 jjg# g good dasl. Paopla are fast bogtaalag to raallaa win llmastoao moans la crop production—Macadam g„ ,|f,a for April. 1*1». Leon Wad*, who ban baaa aaptoT. •d la the Navy Yard at Par—oath, Va., at boilermaker ha* (atoned hunt* aad wil Upend aoata daa with bit parent*, Mr. and Mr*. M. L. Wad*. Mia* Vlryinia Hall who Me* baaa the rocat of Miaaaa Pearl aad Blanche Grantham for tba peat aovaral day*, ratarnad Wadaaaday to Mar baaa la Hickory. Ska waa —rndtpaaltri by Mlaa Blanche Grantham who wtU toeeb achoo! there thia year. 5H«SMBWH!^HS=5=5 of diflkalt rfd condition*, nad oftan timai with • Wad of <W« to tan woifc ■Ml. j |M|> famm «:•!» ^^ifinygara^y^. A Lad Grant >„.**' !• unded under «n net of '"rairma br the 9m* X Lrgideture r,, ’{• r\», tVn! • < in l-tuh, ltr7. Splr-ndwd’r Mdmfar | the edncetknr <! i j • f ih r i ■ v i ia t'.te lerhakal end Iiduurijeru. I ' ■■■•ii’-O!*. in A*rietii’rrra!' Pherme-ry, mi I* j 9¥^* ^ ,r: * *Ttlcal u.| Tr.*il# EiiflnsariaA . H— J QepArt-.rex.*. • .1 L. w!;ixiiB| mJ Hijbvaj £a^ia4Ktes> j Numrtnt.. . « • . Lnit -r '•■; Gnrj-e. ?«-iion end ]anion Nedn , J |wr ur. ,r. /.J i.iulni* tuain ire* Bleat V | aiiinunuo^ i • ^ ' “ ’■ f paid Mentor?. 1 A It in on.i»—practical!? maliolt to |S * -"‘CO r= jratr. Room rat, boat $■ a <f r \ j* • ■’i ‘.aocc Unit, wHm iff -rUtrmr « * • * • I V HARNETT COUNTY TRUST COMPANY UUJNOTOH, Jt. C. I BANKING DEPARTMENT Will conduct a general banking business, extending every courtesy consistent with safe ond conservative banking principles; money re ceived on deposit subject to check. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of one dollar or more will be received on which Interest at the rate of FOUR per cent per ahnum will be allowed. Interest will be credited on the ist days of January, April, July, and Octobar of each year, and such Interest will be added to the principal. TRUST DEPARTMENT Will act in any fiduciary capacity; do a general trust business, hand ling estates and accounting to the Courts for the same. Thoughtful men and women realise that an institution like the Har nett County Trust Company is INtter than an individual to act as Execu tor. Administrator, Guardian, Trustee or Receiver. YOUR BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED % _ OFFICERS John D. Goff, President. B. F. Method, Secy, ft Treasurer. O. L. Johnson. Vice-Pree. , J, R. Baggett. Solicitor. 1 J. A. McLeod, Trwt Officer. • \ . . / • • . \ . '• • • • . ; ^-■ -’j ^ ^ | P ; $£'’■",t-d ’ ~ - .•'. v -- „\3 fefi/.S ; Begins THURSDAY, Sept 4, *19 < > * • « • ’y£ kV and ; * - ;.n ;■• •• • Extends Through the Season ,, ; -- 11 '« ■ i i i > , , « We are ready to greet you with decidedly the greatest line of ;; MILLINERY, COAT SUITS, CLOAKS, YOUNG MEN'S FINE 1 > ; . CLOTHING AND WEARING APPAREL as well as our regular line of SILKS, DRY GOODS, SHOES, ETC. that we have ever presented It’s a pleasure to show and price the season's newest and best. We ' ■ I •have it. Prices reasonable.Come to see us. • 1 s i ’ i! / i; « » I • ] [ it " ’ 11 • | R G. Tayl Company | i I 1 w ■* 1 In the Yellow Front Store, Dunn, i I NOW Beautiful Dresses in kune with fair and wrmer weedier These attractive yet moderately priced Summer Frocks ere proof positive that a woman can be SMART, COOL and ECONOMICAL, all at the same time this summer.*Pretty plaids, figures and plain shades. Any size. , THE GOLDSTEIN COMP’Y Dunn’s Best Store Let Us >ress You Up , There are many times in a pawn’s Hfe when one is anxious to appear at their very best. On such occasions we first think ef looking well * and being well dressed has ots do with how we leek. Our conscience may be clear; oar character good, bat we don’t feel good union we have on good clothes. Thl» la the caaa of mdet paopo, aomo doat t care, but there are precioua few that do eot And a time h their lives when they would likp to look and appear at their very beet, and thla la the way you can look aad appear all the time if only you lot oa aell yea year clothing, ready-to-wear, aboea hata, etc. W» have mede e study ef this line of booinooo—wo aaew how to pleeee people, and wo boy the kind of goods la oar reedy-to-Wear department that jnat as its a very lady j who comes In.. c, You can And jnat what you want la the stose aad now la the time to buy. a w ' Yours for badness, t a McCALL & COMPANY * mr.

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