FIRST ANNUAL DUNN FAIR •* . y'W THE DUNN j v«i i . _ OWN. N. C. OCN MAflMABV A A 1% Attfl P AlPhrmskB* COTTON COST ABOVE 1919 SELLING PRICES MORRISON DECURES N«rw OrleaM Man Estimator Producer Expends 47 3-8 Cents Per Pound FARMER MUST DEMAND RIGHT PRICES, HE SAYS Cnadlllw Make* Slave* of Wlvei and Children of Soothers Plantar* « -a — mmm HURTS OTHER CROP PROFITS lircad, Mad, an Earning* Freai Other Prndnaa Bacau m of System that Data* Back to Nagra Slave La bar—Tabla »l Il^aadltar** Compiled. Slavery of woman and children in the cotton Aelda la the only means nf Marketing tha ataplo at the prevent low price, according to a atatemrnt by W. W Morrison, of the New Or lean* Cotton Exchange, In a com raimication to the American Colton Aa*ocialion. He oatimatea that it cords 47 8-B cent* to produce a pound of cotton, "Owing to a wholly erroneous es timate by tha public." ha najri, "ml Ion haa alway* occupitd a fal*r r>o*i on in the economic life of the South "This in due to the habit, inherited from the regime of slavery of not charging the crop up with the ex LCUIC involved in lie nprtdnr*ir»n In keeping with what sound basinet* usage demands. “In the 8oath cattle, sheep, earn, os Is, potatoes and other products, representing millions of dollars In value, havt bssn and continue to be consumed each year on the farms on which they are grown. “Where half tne area cultivated is in cotton, the consumption of fully 76 per rent of these products ia made necessary by the cultivatson and har vesting of the cotton crop, that being the exeesa of labor which cotton re quires. In other wards, if it had not baen for the cottoa crop, 76 per cent of these products could have Wen said for cash and would havc become a liquid asset to the fanner. Must Demand Bight Prise. Mr. Morrison stresses the fact in hit communication to tha American Cotton Association that when farmers realise they now are not grosring cot "««lg!IMMMMV labor—then cotton will no longer prove a liability. The American Cot ton Association has agrccd'on a min imum pries of 66 cants to solve thin pro Warn. Further impressing the fact that non cotton product* are really paying for marketing tha crop, Mr. Morrison says: “Until vary recent years, not a dollars worth of them products ware ever charged up to cotton, or was seriously regarded as putt of tbs expense of its producting. Thousands of women and children, white as well as black, have worked in cotton fields, the major part of them andcr tha moat wretched conditions of poverty; yet, for the better part of half a century their labor was not even con sidered an item of expense in growing cottoa. Slavery Day Custom. This habit. Inherited from slavery days of giving cotton tha Wnefit of fre« labor and frec food, finally be came crystalixed into the convention al view, which has been for yean, more or less authoritative, and has to a considerable degree, intimidated the free expression of opinion regarding tW «oet of production. The fact ia, a strict accounting so aroused our ideas of the coat of production at compared with the views so based upon the slipshod met bods of the past—the real basis for the conventional view —that students from fear of criticism were for a long time reluctant to an nounce lh* result of their calcula tions, although Uiair findings were clearly justified by the rules of sound bookkeeping, and also, by the recog nlicd fact a* to tna value of th* product* In production. Eetimate Coat 1919 Crop. The following tabl* i* th, ranulf of Mr. Morrlaon a effort*: Rent 20 ncro* tend 27.50 per acre.--.*150.00 Rent on* plow animal. 66.00 Read on* plow animal.269.00 Oinnlng 9,600 lb a. mad cot. ton 30c per handred. 28.00 Tr»n»port*tion for product* and auppliei --...— *0.00 Datarloetion of farm tmpla aianta --*-- 900.00 Fatra labor ho*iog ov*r crop S tiara.-. 127.50 Picking 9,600 tba mod cotton *1.50 per hundred. 144.00 firm* *xpenaa* - .*1804.30 Lena 9 1-S ton* med at (50 per ton. 20 acral *200 Tba lint, nat mepenm *1518 20—Co*t 47 M cl*. F.agineer Killed in Wreek.' A* th* reeult of a *wltch. opened. It la believed by train rubber*, about three all** aonth of Paterabarw Rat. orday night’at 1030 o'clock, Charlea R. faith, whom homo U at 112 N. MeDow.II Street, Raleigh, engineer oa the Seaboard Air Un# pamengrr train No. «, waa (patently killed, te gvthor with hla Sromaa, H M. Far ruaon, of RipRtnond, and Jamoa Hobbe, a negro baba. Whan Ik. tralad aouthborfnd far iaehaoWvirU, Fla., atniek the open awhch, th* engtne and tender tamed over and Iti earn left th# track, reamngm and ether member, of th# train craw war* badly abahaa op, but dwa ta Engineer SmRb’a Immediate application of the emergency brake*, a# an* waa injured. Tb* train am* •aid te bar* been raaalng abeat 40 ■MU# aa bear. SOUTHERN POWER . MAY ENTER FIELD RepretenUtkves of Company Make Overtures to Munici pal Government WOULD REDUCE RATES Ua«r* of to b# Greatest BonefteUrUa if D«al U Carried Through—Town A|»o to Profit if Mod*. Hiinn’s municipal light and power plant will void with.n a few weeks to thr* Southern Power Company, if plana now under consideration do not go wrong. This fact was brought to tight Wednesday night when C. N. RarVJiffc and fi. fl. Reynolds, ropro •enting the power company, met with Mayor J. W Whitehead and the Board of Commia*ioners to disetsra thenroiect. That power and light users are lo bt beneficiaries of th* deal if it at carried through is ih„ claim of all who hnv* m\e*;t tiatvil the pn>pn«nl made by the pover COBVuny rppe» *cn la lives. A tentative scale of rates uudor the proposed new ownership ***• 10 centi per kilowatt rni n^wor at about 5 cents t'vr kjt that interest on the »nm to he paid bv the company for the old plant will i about en » I that to be charred for j street lighting. The saving* to do t?ona would be considerably More through the decrease In rates. No nrtcc has boon Axed, as yet. for , the plant Nontf can be made until an engineer Is employed to survey K. It Is thought, however, that the price w^ll he lit **• ir/» than the nr*rpral since all -na erlu) in it has «*ain •d about as much In vntuc a* It ha? dct^riortcd fro nr. »•.*.. and weather 3‘tas-i c». iv hue bvm apa-.t on the elect etc plant since tt ti: be* i fmn ravertean rta*s ago. Of tbir y iui uri|pnaj con* rtruction TH# plant wa» a losing propetition for arvcral year*. In 190A it was rebuilt at a co»t of rev*r al thousands of dollar*, practically ell of tho original wiring going into the discard Four or Dvf ywn airo row anginci and a generator wore bought, and from timo to tim« otlwr machinery H*« *c«n placed. For the past year or more, under Superin tendent Lawrenr* . U. Biucll, the UMlbliM Ikil !■< m*Ml| Ir the plant Is wild to the pomr , company, it >■ pointed out. patron. , will not be subjected to the incon venience* of break-down? which fre. qacr’lf have been crtounlired under j moniripel ownership; nor will the' scarcity of fuel interfere the supply of rurrent, since the Southern Power Company's lines are supplied almost entirely by hydro plant?. Mom. IWklifTc ar.d Reynolds will be her, for several dnys investi gating local conditions. SECRETARY OF COTTON ASSOCIATION SPEAKS OUT Say. Politic. Not Co.iid.rri Whan Butter'. Name Wo. Sent To Gov.rooe Willi Otboea. Fayetteville, 8ep. 29—“Tho eotlon convention is for the benefit of the farmers, and not the politicians,” mid O. J. McConnell, secretary of the North Carolina Cotton Anuiristioc, when shown a newspaper orticlo in regnrd to the disturbance bsing raised ovor the appointment of Marion But 'ee to the convention of lhP American Cotton Association In New Orkians. Mr. McConnell stated that Manon Bntlar was elected a delegate to the American Cotton A?r-oetatlon by the cotton convention of Rompson county prior to the mooting of the State .con vention, and that his name was 'tent to Governor Biekett along with those of other regularly elected delegates From the other eonntle* of the State. The politics of the delegate, did not enter Into the appointments, he add ed, as tha American Cotton Associa tion ia designed to benefit tha farm ers of the south snd not politicians. Mr. McConnell has recently located in Fayetteville as a member of the | Firm of McConnell, Brook* A Com- , pony. I THE STATE I ____ 1 Following a (trike nf nine woelt’o duration. 2,000 cotton mill operative* at Albemarle returned to work Monday morning. Several rlota oc- ; curved daring the itrike and hundred* of men wor* indicted. A company to manufacture trae tor*. capitalized at $50,000 was char tered at Charlotte Tue*day. After having been bitten bv a zup pnaedly rabid dog at A«htvill« Tuoz-. day, i O. Man. o fthe that city, killed 1 the animal with hia bare hand*. f Herbert E. Wilton, terelng an eighteen month* »#ntener on the Mecklenburg County road*, and Thomaa Faurotte, of Gvgnvllle Coun ty. (erring a three-year eenteme In State Prluon after conviction nf hav. Ing abducted a married woman, war* pardoned Tueeday by Governor Blck ott. W T. Yarborough, white man, fifty ftvn year* old, ia fn Wilmington Jail ehargnd with having criminally ataeuKod a aeven-jrear-old girl, Greenville 1* arranging to baild a1 hozpital a* a memorial to the late, Thomaa 1. Jarvi*. former Governor, , Senator and ambaaaador, for whom1 Dutm wanted to build a aaw county. Charged with having been impli cated In etreot car (trike riot* there i Anguet 26, (hi no* were Indicted In Charlotte Tueeday. INDUSTRIES OF DUNN— CENERAL U^ITT NUMBER ONE - ' S', i L The moit thoroughly and uuxt.rnly .quipped aottpa a Town wild for thi, not vtry imposing building owned bp |fc *ndU by Ben. O. ' dlv d‘ail,n1 fa "“i* rMr* * vet* «<">■ i<1«» «* wbe*i, Btw (“Mn!fC^.ky kl““*Lf ■Ja> during the ginning KWn to b. able to vraeo then "> m“-«7tereoon an) ¥ r°n**ing Bight and day this plant cobCi rv AH 4k , :rnlVJ i°p; for something over 22,000 balsa in nU bofs IS And that ia nc I ®c by the- farmers who bring tbsfr staple to btU* weoW I lfnl* cctto" every nix minutes. Ten bales are auched-m^k #ttt • 600-pound »: Y to the wagons every sixty minute*. ORiXu Tee baltl i vfl 21 Q-'ir- "hinea which pick the lint irons the rtnl* seat1] *tsk for the P 4sc* lliv peck, wrap and bind it ready for automatic 1 y* ‘bat clings eo tenaciously to them. They bit el i fc n‘,. ,iriH s,Mf i0*° waiting freight cars or dumplrfji* taking * he <*’ *©nil Utility Company U proud of this fllc ^ *tti-s:t;*d t*r UKand* of bales to the Duon market (j It has |U:.- ' iU have only a few minutes to wait for service. ATE ■>»—r rrc%elo«ieal Menu, la Hark Back ta F undent a Lai* Hat Arrived, Dealer*, Chief Eaaeatiea la CianiUre la tare lew. Gov*-nor Elrkott ii rMn* math •tudy to the nutation of etrik* pre tention and may recovmead to Uri ala turn of North Carolina, in so cial acaaion next r-jnunar. madam of a law providing for connSo^rMi tratton of all Indoatnallimtoa. QimUoned in i_rd m,_0,1* IHSr unhesitatingly declared, ac cording to Tho Grvensboro News, that Congress should pass a law to pre vent strikes in all enterprises, which I vc crptivd in intaritate commerce. | r cimpulsnvy arbitration would be written into the national statutes, he insisted, and the states also should as set laws to provide for similar pro hibition of strikes. "The psychological time baa arriv ed for as to hark back to fundament el principle*,” declared the governor. "The great trouble at pmeent be tween capital and labor i/ that the disease is being treated symptoms lically, not fundamentally. A salve, as it were, is being applied, and it proves efficacious In local infections, but you must remove the cause of this trouble. After healing one sore spot, the trouble presently breaks out more violently in some other pert of the body politic. We must dsvise tom; fundamental formula. "In my opinion the congressional ommiUee investigating tile steel strike had a wonderful opportunity ihe other day when Mr. Fltspatriek mid that if the steel company would ogre, to arbitration the men would Immediately return to work. The committee should have replied that such a proposition wonld find accept ance, provided the principle of arbi irution wcr0 made permanent, incor porated aa a bade part of the method of handling industrial quarrels. "In-other words, the committee should work for the early paasagt by Congress of a law providing for the arbitration of all industrial diigmtas between employes and employers In concerns whosa products ars handled in Industrial plants of that character.” Here tb* governor indicated that he is seriouply considering placing the matter before the special eesrioa of tho general assembly at Raleigh next summer, with a recommendation for enactment of a similar Inw. Al though he turn not yet resmhed n defin ite dechelon tn regard to the matter he declared that ne one should seek to minimise the importance of thf Question or to elude the inescapable net that remedial action la absolutely imperative. The beat start hi the direction of strike prevention ond compulsory ar bitration of the disputes between cap ital and labor may be made with the public utilities, declared Governor Bickett. The transportation system was denominated a "supreme necessity «f oar national lift.* Paralysis of ■ 'ho transportation system of the country, he pointed out, might result | In Incalculable hardships to the pa© pis. Including loss of Ufa as wall as of property, together with an economic loss that woald be beyond Kansan 'imputation. Public Has Sight. "If the tleup of transportation sys tems ta to ho permitted," exclaimed the governor, "government of the peo ylo, by the people and for the people ■halt perish from the earth.” The public also has certain inalien able rights, the governor stated, 'which many disputant* Kav. assid on ly tried to destroy. la industrial ,disputes the peoale have been giver ' little coneideratloa yet they suffer 1 Indescribably because of such dleor dcr. The entire racial and economic fabric of the nation may he disrupt Ad If rush unreasoning disregard of the pohlt* Interest It permitted te continue oneheeked, be declared. : COTTON I "» ut not farms—the >are running the_ | Th« American taao ctation i, the ob of fered far this , far thrcvmh the Aaaoeiation th« iamar will 4a flrvt Ubm in the the Csttso belt organise far 'bar. gaining, a right kaa been I assumed by Uy a eery class retry except the cotto As Assoc la tion rag$ and foetar the organisation m* erection of warehouses wftara cotton 1 may ba stored aad. receipts ie I sued, on which nteBay can be ! borrowed from baakA ln ad. dition to this work the Cotton I dition to this work (ha Asaoci I ation will gather at^stiea and I information aba# market I conditions which will ba fur* j niebed every toea^jf aaaocla 1 tion for the benaftt « Its mem- f [ bare. 'I-• SOLDIERS DISCHARGED , BUT NO *»,00* fmeriwf by n recent act of coagnW LARGE LUMBER D***c »• MADE AT FUQUA* SPRINGS Ftiqnay Sprints, —Ona of the largest realty WNfm seer made in thla section W»s closed tha othar dhy when Meaf* Marin, and Flournoy, hunbarmanegf eapluliata of Raleigh, purchased mil lion fast af timber, bl1*!risen mile line of railroad own# by North SUta Railroad Coma#*’ and leased tits whole town af WtSt, la thla eoonty, from K. Benton. Fo quay'r leading man rfy|Uls Dr. Gee. W. Ti There will bo a tlrts from serera! etterin# Monday, Oct. Dr. Gao. W. Trot*. “ af tha groataat q Kingdom and the 78 pa%n " In tho First START MOVEMENT FOR HOSPITAL HERE J* P- to Glow WO,OOO Toward BoUdki ludtulion t.F. YOUNG WILL HELP V’*■» c^touTi* *“ »•*« to Hoi# Otto** to This May CM Mto«tog to. i toiwt inanity md w_m_ „ __ Harnett and Baatpaon counties. Mr. Barnet ruturaod to Dunn last Thursday night. Friday morning he ■fatod Uwt ba would start the moro boqpltel with a donation of $60,000 HU offer grew out of tto taut that through toir* ebl* to go to Michigan for treatment to had boon greatly bencfltled. "Thtr# arc many men and women In and around Dunn who suffered as 1 did,” to said- ‘*n»sy eon to helped just os mash as I have bson, bat few of mem hoe* the money ts travel so far and nay for the treatment* It is for this reason that Mr Barnet want* to satabUah a hospital tore. To those who can not go to th* hospital k* wants to bring tto treatment Mr. Young stated ysstontoy that to could not go so for aa Mr. Bamoo offer, but that bo would give a sub stantial « aartaaa In the pAatdeat's eon AEROPLANES ARE ASSURED FOR FAIR BY ARMY OFFICERS AT GAMP DRAGS Tell J. Lloyd Wade That Machines Will Bo Seat to Perform During Exposition in Dunn October 14 to 17 SAYS FIRE WASTE * “ heaviest TA* Wcfcmt Sat* Apart Oato bar • Aa rtra Pra °«7 Characterising fire tract* g* the beaWset tax levied upon the steal* ol Nartli Carolyns, Governor BicUit )i» ^May proclaimed October » aa Fir* Prevention Day ta be obaerred in North CaroHna far a radadiration of th* effort* of an th* paopl* ta th* reduction of tb* loo* of IK* aad ptop rrty (a preventable firm. Ftr* WwcBtiem Day, thus caeca* la tb* middle of Clean-Op Weak, ta be abaarved during tb* weak of Octabar 6-11. Incuraac* CoanaUaioaer Janes R. Young I* elrralartrfr.g the State aad carrytag aa a campaign af edu cation threagfc the Bafaly Leaguer, aad by amaaa of th* rroromstalivu of th* department for th* redaction af th* fire lomoe through onitm) in lalligont application of fir* preven tion method*. “It ha* been raid,” declared Gov ernor Bickett In hU proclamation en titled "A Preventable Tax,” “that there arc two things that aa awn can ornape—death and taxm. Th* hoevieet tax that la annually levied upon the people of North Caroliaa can be easi ly avoided, that ia. Lb* lira west* lax. ft amount* t* mor# than all other tax**; and yot tb* eKiao* eaa radar* h to a miaimam. “Th# laaoraac* Comaciaafawar af North Caroliaa haa far yean barn •derating the peep]* la way* and mean* of preventing this tax. Th* method* suggested are mot fane Ifni, but bav* beam tested aad found to be wonderfully efficacious through years af experience. “Tharufora, ia accordance with Mk«» of the Bay leal. 1 hereby ■at apart Thureday, October' tch, • Tire frmabm Day* -and am that, day. l argo all th* paopl CONTINUANCE OP CsiAROEsi O&cUU Appear Bet*** SteU Car-] pwctwa Cuubwih la Interest el Wee Rates Official* of the Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Company, in eluding President J. Epps Brown, of Atlanta, Toeeday appeared before the North Carolina Corporation Commis sion at Raleigh asking for the re tention of rates in this State pre scribed by Postmaster General Bur leson when the service eras under government control. Upon urgent appeal for speedy action oa the pe tition, the Commimlon gave the Southern Bell officials assurance of immediate decision. - Besides Mr. Brown, George J. Yundt, second rice-president, of At lanta, Morgan B. Spier, general man ager, of Charlotte, and Hant Chipley. Vice president and general counsel wor, present for the bearing. Mr. CMpley cond acted the examination mantel for the telephone company, epwmd Urn hearing with a general ittMntnt, The request for the continuation of the present rates was sot limited as to time, the petitioners askiim (has the continuation be allowed until fur ther orders of the commission. This was embraced in the opening state ment of Mr. Pea. Salisbury, Sopt- Sept, **.—WiHiam 8. Benton died today shout F’Orffl 8. Benton died today shoot noon ** n re salt of Injuries received Friday night when ho foil from a porch roof while walking in his steep at Hie boms an Uorah street. Bis injuries were regarded as serious from the first, ha saving suffered several brok en bones and Internal karts. THE NATION The Ohio Supreme Court Tuesday affirmed the decision of lower court* validating the proposed referendum on action ef the Sut* Legislature In ratifying th* Federal prohibition amendment. Petition* far tha refer endum Hav* already been glad. An ejection wifi b* held la November TV* Utah Legislature, la epeewl saaaiea, Tuesday ratided the Federal rqnaJ suffrage amendment. A total of >*,*97,00# bethel* of wheat and *.701,000 barrel* of flour Jy* bou* expected to foreign roen from the United State* tine* January 1. A tropica! atona la da* to (trike the South Carolina-Georgia coast to day or tomarrow, according to warning* pent out by tha weather bureau yesterday. Th* a urn her of stool workers on ■trike in Pennsylvania, West Virgins and Ohio waa swelled to I7S.000 yes terday, H was stated by leaders of the ualtnv Congressional action la proposed to aattla differences between tbs man aad th# mill samara. Dr. A. C. Diaan, brother of Tbomai Dixon, th* author, baa beau engaged !aa aasociat* pastor of the Marble Collegiate Se/. rmod Church, of New York Bo baa bow* pastor of the MHniilHiii TiWutU, Iai4m, fir MUIM fMi major details OF GREAT EVENT ARE COMPLETED Bit .ad Rocs THtcb About Ready for Op«ala( P*y OWK L9 KEPT BUSY —o^r I A*mr*v« that ■-«; .mpU,.. ■nd firrr, mill bo aunt to Dona to ' ^rtan* daii„r o». treat iotarKoan 'V fair tnsi October 14 ta 17 «ra« J- Lloyd Wad*, of the fair drertoiate, ibis ink by Camp Brace' oScerr at«vtlla. Lead in* *p*cc for th* nleae* la Win* yrrpe i il wltbai the rec« track by Kdward II. ^wui, director of rornli in ijpa. 34r. Warren rtotea, will be corn for the rorept on Carolina fmttr knew no hoc an W» tmot Wk. no cow tor* tH. ftae etrtcn scrub and no draft animal "'■A v>i*x rtranca mongrel brought In by Horn trade:*. Tbit rtock exhibit it bound to giro Mw fmpetut to improved method* of •took broking throughout th« four counticM, ft fj contended. Those farmire who hav, been content to P'°* •‘•'""if under eU methods win b« shown the modem idea and will fas eonvincj that H pays. And along wnh the improvemest in stock win b» diown Iks progrem that has been ■iso* jb bTI lines. A man lion not have to basoeld that ■S CM?n* remember when practically •P Uu*,rK'tte>. •f,T*e o^r to th. nirpeatln. and lumber industries. No thought was given to farming ex •'S'1*iH1*. C“p* P**r Klror. All of thf fertile land* around Dm that are now yielding two bales of cotton U> the sens end more corn and pots t??\.th*n .J!ff0p,c ot o0,tr **«•»' think poss.ble wore covered with pin* forest a little over a quarter of * century ago.- Dour then was the Jeff Borne*- turpentine die vuwry. t-lL.I**0, l*'>w. progreae of the territory slots throe good old days that be held. The piquets ftrtile «crn which dom k«. nJHk1 ,#r bat “tar piteh and turpentine.’* aro to be'bto exhibits and th* b*e rrotor, r.7 2? •xpo.iU.n, It wii) b. totoJJmlne^ U. elder to Iwi'tjSSr^'.Jd oid'daya^***' ® Attnctlni on Midway. Produeu of th. four rouutiea aro rot all that will cn.ragv the me and ••tenth'll of vmiiera to the fair, how ever. Vssidcs them and the ereo plane flights. there will b. aeerro of tented directions along lh0 midsmy which Is to extend from the wswtorn _. -B.. . a.. * I_A dt « a_« . on the «■** *f the grounds. Evrrv conechtab'e kind of clean and moral dtaw* will bo in thin galaxy, and along with thorn trill go the gayety rtmoi sting doviraa that usually travai with tha fair (bow*. Riding daHaaa -far rit wheel*, merry-po-TOtrod*. whip* and othar things for tha kiddioa and grown-nga wtll bo thora ta add to tha Joys of fair viotang. Ztlis Goldstein, boninem monagar, baUavo* tha irtter-rounty fair l* go ing to b« th, bigg«ot attraction of ita kind la tho Rtota this yoor. He expect* at leant >0.000 Hatton wid attend daring tha fottr day* tho ox- • position t* to ho In proOTsaa SocroUry Odum ranti.r** protpoc Jf'a »*hRit«c» to nuk( thair antrla* mtmodiaUly for tho raaooa sow appenrt that littlo (poo. wid bo loft for these who daisy. ALBERT AND OUERH MAT COMB TO BATBTTBVtLLK Montey or Tii(h», thair ahtM objoct teteg to pay a vim to Ml** ^ariatt* WhOo ia PayottoHile they wOl ho thSTtU iM J®* *®* ,1^ * T>#W IT m| TH| tod Ihora 1* A th* Anty City aad ita