1BE DOWN DISPATCH 4 - --- , - ID! W. 1»I4, at11 dM* poot^eifee •» Dm. It C. mate tha act «f bnk 9, 1979. il wan pore, KmU| a ————A.——_ - J|j ........- .10 ---$1.00 TWFdr If we May be permitted to talk by a meat eat. The Diipatek desires ta cal particalar attention to the kraal retaa, ef adrrrtiaiag carried in tide topee and ta express appreciation ad the cooperation given it by the haatnaaa saan of Dona. Ik was not until last Saturday that am could begin to plea this edition. Meadey arm the &r*t day we could devote ta it. Far this reason there are many bn wains men and house and zaproatotad ta tha advertising calamaa Practically every person eaUcited far an advertisement gave k UUtekly and without argument. All wees anxious to help the fair in any way psmibts and they looked upon thto method u a goad one. Frequent ly they were wiling to taka more apace than we could allow them. By Tuesday afternoon pore advertising that aw force could get ready for thto edition was .old. In cawsaquence we wer* forced to diecoattaae solicitation early In the weak. TWa accounts for the absence ad mmm of oar bminesa men's names froae this imoe. cecrotary of tabor of Commerce, gue*t Friday night, to tall a body of bmri of commarca operated. He aril! moating to be bald la the tha Bum « Holliday I Jl o'clock. Tba meat Informal. It a 8am poos Con 01 elooo aamciatioa iab. became one of freight rate expert# ry. Six yean ago be to tb# commercial or Baid and for a time wai am tha staff of tba BcKeaad Ser vice Compaay, of IndlonapoU*. Be at Floraaca, Ala s'. C_, Portsmouth, Atim before iadoead their or CaruUna’a aam be Cwirre Com ths freight rata diacrim taatlem n otter was before that body la Washington, Hit work la thi* in stance was favorable commented ar ea all ovur the country mad brought Hr. Beaman many Battering offers from other cities. -Tba Oder- aad It aaaaet bo deabted that director* Of the Baminnlp Fertiliser Company will yield to tha reqnasta of aostb aMa resident* aad discontinue the <u# ad suck ingredient* a* that which hue a* thoroughly outraged the ol factories of citoeaa during tha la*t two unti They can gain nothing by allowing the natter to go to eeurt Haas It la evident that the ■amrlnlnenl* art thoroughly within their right* when they Insist on the ■hot am sal of a nuinene* which for btda comfortable living and appear* to injure the health of the commas! tv While ear citizen* are engaged la thie traeaie, bowtrtr, w, trust that they win wot peuae with the correc tiaa af thia erlL There are many e«Mr place* flow which equity die agraaehl* aad uabeelthfsi Oder* eei teats, lew of these are la the heart af tha hoeteaw district aad are acute ly ifeidre to those of ae who are ehMffed to werh ia tho atatospherc which they eeoUaaiaato. la the case af tha fertiliser plant the town gs earn stmt eai without es tertty to oat. la the cases to which tee refer, hewerer, the aathoritie* CM tah« adtectire aetlao. We treat tel they will act be stow la dolag WM Bate's AppsteMsetT 0 rears ec Bicfcstt aoeda a* alibi far Me appetetwaat. ef foran r ■«ea ter Marlas Bate aa a ■eaaber ef eattaa tetareete af the State At Jlj 1 ■ /d *. '•/* able to no u train* kxm of the May1 aliogad wrong, perpetrated by him, no charitable person will deetre to d,njr him the opportunity—especially when bo is the chosen of his people. RECOLLECTIONS -aad OBSERVATIONS I*4-—' 1 A HOME TOWN TRAGEDY I Rolling Man# Henry Watteraon'e l nmioUccacsa la tka Saturday Evsn iag Post a few waaha ago w# ran !****•» a slight reference to Beaa Hickman, an eccentric character who ladoracd the hotels of Washington In [th* pro-Tver days when Colonel Wat ! tenon was a young newspaper wee i there. I The rr^prence recalled one of the tragedies of the old South, enacted 'In WarrcntoB, where Beau Hickman land his sister MUs Mary Jaac, were I born—and where Him Mary Jana {died. Beau Hickman was a hare to every | boy in that good old town where noth !ing happened from the cloeo of the | war until the early part of the pres ent century. H« bad traveled all lover the earth; had met king, and 1’iucens and was a man of the world. | Tht.ee of os who dlt not know him | per tonally—be never caatc there | After about 1S90—knew his reputa tion. Because of him wa bed an especial interest in Miss Mary Jans—a wrink led, refined little pauper who would cover admit her poverty. Mias Mary Jane did not like children—they were too inquisitive and too brutal in their frankness. They too often invadod the secret of her indigence. She had been “teased” a room in the basement of an old residence abandoned apon the death at our grandmother, and •he made all of her “purchaaca” from W^clo William, who bad a big heart . hidden somewhere about his anatomy 1 Always she would price goods hi bulk land then buy a Dickie's worth—Just | to sample. Mias Mary Jana waa very nrond. site never went out without an old knit shawl of floe texture, but sadly worn; and sh* had a little bonnet of flimsy material that fastened under her trembling chin with black, faded i ribbon. In her room aba had a trunk . full of ante-bellum clothes—of silks and heavy satins in pretty color* and lovely trimming*. She used to take these out and weep over them when thought sh« teas alone. Mother ■aid they were clothes for a wedding that never happened, but cautioned i u» never to speak to Miss Mary Jane about it. W, can see her bow, tripping down the hill that descended beside Gov ernor Carr’s old homo, where a dead Yankee soldier had been buried by Ssermen’e Army when tt paaeed through home after Johnston's sur render at Durham. She used to panes at the corner and how eondenseend ingly to the Misses Hawkins who inn our private seheel in the old Warren ton College. Then aha would care fully camouflage the little oil can mad lard bucket ska wUs carrying and trip oa down the hUI, giving a haueb ty rtare to all aba pa£ed"V __ thirty yean, wae exempted to break the news to her as gently as ka could. And be performed nobly. Miaa Mary Jane became rssigned to her fate, and they took her away. At the comity farm they gava her a nice little cottage all to haraalf. On her second day there all the good old, slater* who wer* already there ; paid the usual call of courtesy. They spent an hour with Miee Mary Jane, and, in leaving, all of them extended cordial invitations to her to visit the®. Then the patrician part of Mis* Mary Jane showed. Very lundly the thanked them for tho invitations; and very gently but also very firmly she told them of the greet gulf that lay between them. 7,I am a Hickman," the said, "and I muat let you know that however kindly I may feel toward you, I can never allow you to amoeiate with mo on terms of social equality. Good day." So. Mm Mary Jana lived in sottte try grandeur at th« poor houee—an aristocrat, a patrician—reduced, It was true, to the neeeasity of receiv ing aim*, but undefeated still. And so she died. That Dunn continues to look good , to Dunn beys and girls who ara away from homo ia evidenced by tha foi lewing lottar Juxt received from Him • Otedys Jernigmn, wbc is now with the bureau of war risk insurance, la Warbingtea: ‘Tha Dispatch has just coma to me end I mutt write you kow very very much I enjoyed reading your haart felt piece ''Back Homo Agate." I . ‘9n*7 teoea who hare experienced ■ the fcclhif of being away fraea home, dear eld Dunn, and the Jay of going back can really understand and appro data the meaning of year words. I am rare tboae who road It aa I did away froaa boena, experienced a real hor.est-to goodness thrill far old Dunn and I ho folks back than, a great longing ta ba back amidet ita aid faaiiliar scones and errata and par hep* If caagfct in a bias mood aa 1 wna, died a few big ta***—WhyT— JtSgrt MOItZSI._ “While I am not so far away from home I am aa far as 1 want to ba, and altho I’re bean away anly a year "I here sees same of Ike Nation's moot beautiful buildings, amt inter wtiag historic places, Matare's own teedr wenery and beauty and bare UpSH&s3* Dmut bold* greater charm* thaa ad (hasp far ma , fi<rw wall out I aa* Broad Btraat rztrssz&XK vpff'z Z-'ra?. •szsat parkad “afl ateag th* Un*“ and tha siewi from both directions W down tfca strdrt with thorn boaxtifal atm ss.-s.-zs? -isre^ss. rewrsiafiS.ttiSS”4 "To*, this City's Ui swsasr Cjw*mc Q, Jew *•*»■*«<. ring and iboot to tha rtoady ra.ooodTng beet, ef the drum. *•*•• We Ford, are lined up waiting te hich in cranking for hire and where on*’, nerve, ere relieved from 2? •**••* tr*ar ®«***te«ally by th* pwroif of a lengthy freight hwle apeeding about ten mllee per hour and thereby cheeking for awhile ™ ft"* *»d noin of all paeaing ao tomobiloe, car. end Forde—a etntlon •bore a ticket cu be bought to any defoliation without the aUgktait con lution aa to bow, where and what window, wber* you can mo with your own eye. your baggage there an the dray ready to go with you end lota of other thing! pomfortiog—Dunn turn them all." NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ThU la to advU* that the Banka of Dona will clam both Wednesday the 16th, and Tfcunday th* 14th, at twolva o'clock noon, on account of th. Fair FIBST NATIONAL BANK. STATE BANK A TRUITT CO. BE PORT OF THE COSDITION OF THE ANC1EB BANK A TRUST CO. at Angier, N. C., at tha clone Set*. 12, 191*. RESOURCES Loon, and dUeeunu_1131,007.02 Overdraft., aaeored, 84.36; unmcured, 822.71_ 107.06 United State* Bond, and Liberty Bond._... 660.00 Furniture and Fixture._ 2,920.06 Cadi in vault aad net a moanta due from Bank*, Banker, and Truat Com _ Panlca . 2,478.91 Caah Item, held over 24 Lour. .. 266.00 Total ..9187,318.04 LLABIULTIES Capital 8tock said in... 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, Isse cur* rent expense* and taxes P*‘d . 6,900.00 Note, aad bUU rcdUcount ed - 6,000.00 BUU Payable__ 20,000.90 DcponU mibiect to check_ 40,796.07 Tim* Certificate, of De P°*U .. 68,870.80 Due to National Bank._ 1,747.12 To»« .8137413.04 State of North Caroline—County of Harnett. 8ept. lit 1819. L 4- E. WILLIAMS, Cashier of the shore named Bank, do solemnly •wear that the shore statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. WILLIAMS, Cuthtor. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day of Oct., 1919. W. HOCHADaV. Notary Publle. My conunlaaion expires March 84, 1921. Correct—Attest: P. B. COOPER. 4. A. H0CKADA7, W. H. STEPHENSON, Directors. „ , LYCEUM AT DUKE Under the management of the mills 1 at Doha, the Piedmont Lyceum Bu ®^^Tiue. will stage fear of tho highest dam theatrical attrao tton. arailabia Rqf eastamal artlatx of theMghe* type will hujiraseuted Seasons tickata aE four attractions: Adahs, 81.60; children under 12 ymm 78c; single tiekets: adults 60e; children under 12 yean 25c. War tax must be added. Tickets now on mL at E. R. Thomas Drug Store, 2t. FOR SALE—ONE NEW VICTOR protect combination safe. Weight 1800 pounds. A real bargain. James Best, attorney-at-law. tf. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—MY wife, Llxsie Tart, left my homo S«pt. IS, 1919 without ciqk and without my consent. I hereby for . ,*ny one feeding, housing or clothing her—under penalty of tow. Neither will I be responsible for debt coatmctod by her. ISAAC Tart, Dunn, No. 2. lt-pd. This Oct. 7, 1919. FOR SALE—380 ACRES OF LAND In Serenty First Township, Cum berland county, 7 miles from Fay etteville. 140 acres In high state of cultivation. 4 Houma, atablaa, 1 tobacco barn. Land rood for tobacco, cotton or com. For quick •ala offered at vary low figure*, bn or writ* A. W. Paaca, FayaU*riU«, N. C, FINE SHOWING OF HETTY piano and table lamps. Howard Elactric ghop, Phon« ITS. SMALL FARM NEAR COATS FOR tele. W. H. Parriah, Dunn, H. C. FIN* • MOWING OF FBETTT 6alrajybigr«.BOT~j OR SALK.—I HAVE SEVERAL valuable fanaa for aalo in Harnett county, located la good aotebboa booda, OB rood rooda, and aaar food mark eta with food battdbin. Can on or addraoa,V L. Codwtaj Dona, If. C. iUSJ RECEIVED—A CAR LOAD with aaythias yoa waat In thU g FIRE SHOWING OF HEIIT Uh4S. Howard Electric Shop, phoa, 171. RRINC US YOUR LIBERTY BONDS if you waat to eoU thorn. Wo will Pay yoath. blyhaat pricoa for • Wai poy you eaah or gtea you trade la eaehanfa. If you d^ldo to aall don t tS to Johaaon Broth art. Dana, N. C. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE aar of SV ymlrantead rooda,. Im •• l°LfrUm^ N. A Ban B Co. 10 2 ft, NEW BOOKS FOB DOTS ~AHD wetfca. Rood h Lj ■orkot for attrate of aeda, _ £282?&&i It $ 44. ' ******* * ■ BUSINESS l*OCAL * IF YOU WANT TiVlUT pfr D* for year Mock me th, “Jut” I'm They are guaranteed to brini; ro suite. We hare it for horses, cows, rhlefcena and hoys- People* Sup ply Co. 10 121 FOR SALEHm ACRES. 44 CLEAR* ed, clay rabaoll, eWaxed land fene of Wade, N. C.. oa the National ad. Good bulldnJge, 8 adlot south Highway. R. U Taylor. Wadk, N. C ' 10-i-l»-3t pi. FINK FARM FOR RALE—I OFFER for sale a nice (an* containing 1*1 acres, 30 cleared, the balance hear* Uy OaMbared. 300.000 fleet of pino timber and a lot of tia timber, good 3-room home ceiled all over. Good large baas. Wire fence •round farm. 41*11' drained, good fertile loamy clay subsoil. Good crop grown on the place this year. Good water, good neighborhood and Kd Utla Farm la located in 1 becue township, Harnett coun ty, 11 mile* from LOllngton, half mil. near Alrcagtja. school, * miles of pineriew. flfcmi piece for fish ing end hunting. Will sell this fern for 1*0 oar gcre. About one half cadi an^ VWnce on long easy terms. Do nM&pply unlaw you mean to buy. tL" B. Jonas, Broad* wuy, N, (X, » ”%T. FOR SALE—SEVERAL NEW FORD touring cars, w ▼. Gainey. SPECIAL — STRAW HATS AT your own «wt**^Wa hare a large ■ Miwtuieel Pi set from, all of - which are at a big reduetioa. Call at once before they are picked over. All goad styles. Johnson Brothers. Dona. A LICENSE FEE OP gg.00 WILL BE charged those who with to run a Jitney during fair weak. Gat roar license now MW Chief Page. -- NEW AND SECONDHAND FORDS for aula PABRJBH-DRIVEB CO. STRAYED—MUll POX TERRIER black tad white Wotted dog. An swers tn a«Mt "Seebo.” Liber al reward If Yttumed to X. F. Young, Dana, M. jC. FOR SALE—OWE. PRACTICALLY now top boggy aSPRarneae for caah or oe time. ’EL. jC Gainey. PAY YOUR IN OCTOBER and see, at. Sea Chief Pag* at the Municipal Building. totag ' Pay Qhtaf now en<r*a*a the dieeotmL UNLOUTRb MONEY TO LEND ON long tim* oe firm rleee real aotato. $1,000.00 «p. With or without Ufa lesuraac*; erith or without broker age chargee. Liberal appraisal of property, and prompt attention green to all ewpUeatione. Some high-producing fanes always for tale. B. I*. GODWIN, Dunn, N. C. '10-I-tf. WANTED—BIDS ON OCTOBER IA by competent contractors, for the erection of ML Elam Baptist church in Sampson county. Meat o* there on that data, H. H, Warren, W. a Strickland. Ira Baggett, H. T. McLamb, ft. A- Jackson, Building CoounitUL 1L TRY “JUST” DAIRY FEED FOR your eoara Beat yeL Peoples Supply Co. 10 S $L BETTER GET YOUR PORTABLE and piano lamp and other electri cal appliances. A good selection to choose from at Howard's Elec tric Shop. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FLjOUR as# "VelYet" none bettor. Peoples Supply Co. 10 S tL run 3AL& a nuuiu «iu ml racaaf lota la Dunn. Easy trrma. Jama* Bast^ attomsy-at law. it. UNIVERSAL ELECTRICAL APPLL a nee a of all klods. Aay thingyou naad for alectrMIty. Howard Eiac tric Shop. Phoaa ITS. CARBIDE ON HAND. SEE W. C Eanoy, naar PortoAca, Dunn, N. C. WE SELL NUNN ALLY’S AND iZ tab’s candiaa. Baal la tka world. Had A Grantham. FOR SALE—ONE SECOND HAND HajrwtU tanriag ear (a goad eoa ditlstL E. V. Gainay. CARBIDE ON HAND. SEE W. C Eanoy, naar PaatoAea, Dona, N. C. FOR SALE—ONE llld-IT MAX* wall frams with ruaaiag board*. B. V. Oaiaay. UNIVERSAL ELECTRICAL AFFIX aae*g of all kjada, Aay thing you Mad far alaetriattp. Hawurd Baa tri* Bap. Phono ITS. CARBIDE PN HAND. SEE W. C Epaay, aaar FaatoAna, Dunn, M. C. TRY FAMOUS REXALL JONTEEL SaV£JEf" a CARBIDE ON HAND. SEE W. C. 1 Eanoy, naar Part Mas. Dunn. N. a LOST—ONE FEATHER BED. ONE Hash ud two owflta, j ••■•Jhfla ■ Nawten Orar# 1 •ad Sul a, CM ou iMud H. B*W—d far ntww I* Mr*. Clyda Ctrtsr, BuW* Cmk IS ■ tt . PINE IHQWIM Of PRETTY ' ■mm* ■mT^WwI 'its. YOUNG’S TWO-FIFTY EGG Streie •*»■■*• Comb Whit# U|Un Cockereta, March hatched, ft eeoh. Le cretin Parker, Duka, H. C. UNIVERSAL electrical affu. of all klada. Any thinryoo naad for electricity. Howard Klec trtagfcop. Phone ITS. K1XANZO TOOTH BRUSHES AND paaU. Hood A Oraatham. BOARD WANTED—FOR GENTlF man and boy. Prefer place la country near town, with place to Nora auto mobile Nam* price and location. Addraaa X, Dlapatch. Bm», N. C. 10 I O. FOR SALE—SECOND HAND MAX w«0 roadater. Cheap far aaah. H. Hayar, Dunn, N. C. 10 S tf. SEE THE PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. fw food, and roppHne of aB klada No hara the moat complete Una of feeda in Dmnn and a nr prtree are H«ht. 10 S tt universal electrical affix Mr Shop. Phene ITS. "zltzisrL sss/ss FINE SHOWING OF PRETTY fteao and table lampe. Howard Beetric Shay, Phan, ITS. •CHNING PIANOS ABE CREATED ta (Malt. They da. That la why sa ►TceiikSu.v1*’ *•" UNIVERSAL ELECTRICAL AFFIX. STATE And COUNTY TAXES 1 i I I Will Have the Tax Books for Averasboro Township At the Fair Grounds Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Frida Please Call and Settle. W. H. TURLINGTON. Sheriff __ ^■—i^B—BB—^MBBS—————— HERE ALL WEEK STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th Sibley’s Superb Shows at | FAIR GROUNDS Ferris Wheel, Whip, Motor Drome, Great Wild Animal Show, Plantation Show, Big Minstrel Show, - Curiosities, Etc. j Something New and Up-to-Date ——■■— VULCANIZING Auto Tire Repair Shop Old Tires Made New All Work Guaranteed Expert Workmen Quick and Efficient Service Edferton Street In front of Gainey WILLIFORD and THROWER .. Saturday Only GunxheUs 89c per Box WALTER JONES if—..TTintiminititiiiniiftttiimni

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