AMIWU THE CALL Dm PMfk Hm fmmmd TWl T* U H·»»·»··) A mU, · itaia, · nMm vmd AHHkmMMf taittlukMur •polW (f tockKkt often fallow, Or mn fcm«hiM| of tki «ri» A VMM mu^jr for nub ι A —4M— tfcot fcu wtUUd Um< mill Is Do»n'» Kidney Pills. » tpctiaj • ktdacy remedy. Many Dunn pcopli· ri ly on it. U Hen ia Dunn proof. l Jin, Frank Bailey. 2uD Ν. Clinton Ave., M}·»: "I ivïrnil fur a long f. tin· with my kidney». M> back. >11 V *o lamt and «ore. I coold hanlly iret op whrn 1 >»u- down. Uizxy. narv μ o«* »p*IU wer»· u < ommon o»Turr»'iico and often colnrr·) »i>«rk.< won M flout befort my cyvt. blurrir.e my ei|;liU 1 b<Y»n UKintr Poar/s Kidney Pilla ui» boforr long, they h«tl me fcclins like a different p«r*on. Dovn'n Completel) cuitil me." Prie.· ROo, at all dewier*. Lkin'l dimply iihW for a kiilney rt-mi cty—ect Doan'a Kidney Pills—the uni' that Mm. Buik-y had. KotterMilburn Co., Mfirr»., KulTalo. Ν. Y. TO !; T.Ï3E TAX?AY1LE5 OF ! ΗΑ'ΙΝΕΤΓ COUNT V I J ι ïcur attr ition ίι :ti:Kciful· ly calloti to that prêtai', of lli<! "Kuchr.icry Act'' v.hich pro ride- i\ rliièount »·■« <*11 t:\xei paid La:or.. Ιινί 5τ'. &?.;· n' L> "· ter.;Va;·. . ïii -rdcr ί.ο trke ad vantage of »HI$ di'AJUit, your itxet mud. lc puid >a or before (he W; d.--> ο! Γ·' veinb.^r. A.'i l\±jî £..*e dài und (/«ya· bin >,a tnci -.iter tko Λ.-jt Mon day il!'j-t and '.h > i )ks are now oj. to iht: each and «ver / citïtcn πu-y luvr full td· v*Dtsr^ of Lite discount by pay ins bi; frxei early. J would moil earnestly urge upon uU ciliscio lo Lake advan· V # (ag« cr Lhi· opportunity to pay theii taxe;., thu mnk'.nc α *av iag to tad expedit ing thr mttliv of collection. Η : re with it printed that por tio.· of I lit lew which refer* to the !in:o >1 p?.yui«rï. of Laxcn, anii nt-o (fivet lïis rate of di» !coi:r.c: , Seclioi W "T*wi Duo lite Iftt Mohdtty- October. All ta «ci κ2ια1ϊ ha duc ο.ι ίlu: ι .îrsl Monda." ut O-iobrr in ricli » .rl o.i *1! ,-aid it. •he h>.m!.Ls if Ο- ' ,)1«ι· and No· vcro!>cr α diKouct Jali bo jfiv· en to the taû,;ayer of one i«r cent. /Ml ia.r.»3 p.;i<î h' liw nioatli of Dtjctuber «bail t« paid at Îho tel t-mount charg ed, and Jiom and t fter the Eril day Ά Jaiiuu-T .1 or on« ptr crnl (<.r m-.r.Îh e'm'l bc the.rfed ai.u cj! let ltd by the sheriff or tar co.lectcr; tîia' ;ii to ray, that on ail iaxem pu id ιίη the m : r»tb < f Jj.n· "-y, «feer |tÎK» fi<-4Î day ο' .''oiv.r.ry, a p„u j jlty ci o it fer ο<·,<; ihïll Se •«del ri en Uie Iîms i>, >(■ (hw inuu'h t>· Feb.-u.vy, afLe·' ihf fivii Juy i>i February, a Tfr.oi'.y <·>* Iw > p..r uent »h*il b.. bdJi'l, .li'.d nvi poiinUy cA one ,'tr ccnt far each additional mixtih of delay in K'liliOKjrt ο! *»π>·. W. IL TURLINGTON Sheriff H»rn«l1 County • MAY TIME" "V-ijimu" th'* brilbanl Hhrthr-rt imi'ti-Ml Htm ity. which Leo »ixl J. 1. fthiibirt Λ II oftir tot the ΓιγλΙ 1·π»· tt thr Ι-iiKnyatt» Th«-»tri·, Thur 'luy, Ociohtt 80. "tiaydm··"" 1% thr· wnrlt nf Klrla. Jntii·*·» Yosriir, oim cf Am.rwij'». f ·, . ι . .ι playwrhchU. 8h'· ! m r< |ir>D<»ti<r for many MiH-enjun but nun· of Mrx. Y«ure'· fnrmir HJta, lw*' 4*t, imprcjeh the f'irtfd for pop altin.y with .iji clamtv. nt UHa'rc κι» r* otalilirli· it by "Waytimo" wkirh in >>w York aianc *u accn by irr.-r tmlf u Million, ilurunr it· run ihar·· »Knt >a»Ud urrrr a yaar. Tk* m», wl M-ntr with which Iko «tory of it < iab».li«lir»| ·ι· pre »μΚ·ί by £iemar·) Ro«nb«re. com· [>o i-r ii! irsuy vf lh«- Kill.·» nmifc pop iler In IW «Itlnnl* Winter Card· •η tuel'v, Tbu hauptiaety pr*t 1 "Will yeu K'Otmllct" «tis which "rar» throufVxit I If |H*y. ha« mada Αι· fan" of "ttaytimo" acroaa the '•Tttiacut became of (he lent· eirral ilina it haa ha a ia phonoaraph ra-| onj< nM^ "«pica. "Maytiwi'-" •bkh M ia fAar acta ν <pIneHwa. am it«.»a thi tan»· ii to (.f «Ity ftri· pnrtftn*, nrl«<'inir an attractive. youthful 4 clmrus. It it *Ufrcd on a sumptuous rirh in it* nppurten»n«*w« end true to every deUil of the widely vnr>»i»c prriods of New York life it S*at» now on nil* *t the Strand ι flu sure. Write or win* your orOt?rs I now. THE COTTON BOLL-WEEVIL MENACE This P«l New Noar te North Caro lina. Soma Points Worth ICaew in| in A4f«nc· "In 190Γ· I pave rny first published warninr to the rotten powfri of Nnrtl) Carolina that the boll weevil -λ as u.i it* way and should begin lu be considered. At that time I «aid that ;ve should not expect it lo rtaieh the State before 1»10," says Mr. Frank lin Sherman, Chief, Division of Enlo mo'oKy. In 100H, in a Bulletin of the SlMe Department of Agriculture, Mr Sher man atxlr-d thai the weevil would probnbly not reach the State "until 1915 or later." "In both ι an·», my estimate was more conservative than that of mort .authorities, and In each caav the de velopment» proved that I might have neon more conrervative still," con tinued Mr. Sherman, "for here wc rirr al. l>i< rlnae of the trowing eea '.or of 1010 and no boll weavil has yi I be Τ η found in the State, yet we liave been bearing 'reporta' of it* ->reacnce slncc 1903. It ha>« been my purpose and intent to quiet these dis turbing premature reporta. Boll WMvil Now Very Near. "Bet now the cast is dilferrnt. V'hilc the weevil is not yet in tha :'tat« It is quite near, and it is al ready affecting α part of oar cotton industry. It is now present in tho whel» «outhern half (perhaps two thirds) of South Carolina, and it haa not yet finished Its spread for this y*T. "It* invasion of new territory la rhiefly confined lo the month or six *'rk, biTore frost (Heplember and nrwl lh.«vr i·· ς-v rv - r. · r to bflievn Unit ·'. h.vr.î · «»u; Ki»uthi*r»i IVr <* f rr»-·(,;·(·> f. ·! of 10*0 or liv f.«l» u" !<»: ... com»·* iu*r*r xev .\.λ ρ»\·» ·*. vit;» mon.· certainty «ml 1 fλ»·I φ»ά« urn· that IV ·ι··· *v. CuUrwe thi-rf? è*r< ihr»«r.^ *h·* boa· »;;:·«! *o do I) that the weevil »τιιρ··ί «iu^n our dim an·, Wot v.·· ) n\ ji\ · son to b«li'vc it; Λ·ι. ι . » Ron to believe thet <t * ν i ; I #< ,χ« t. to spr<ad onti! ft '.· ι· our entire rotten frro-A»»^f nr "It HÏrr*»»ly ιιΓΓ«·» · ι .# *«« L* · · ~ th»· «lllîlinni:!!· ν *1 ·'· vort iU occident..' η.·· :. ι. ;·:* — dnetion prohibit* ih. ton w:wl into oat i$uu. l cou». .·«.··". territory. À llCltt' »Γ ft ··· ' : ~·!" fcave he^ctof-jr. u 4! . » ? v. ifcrd, ami ir.n.-b 0/ t!;T .-· "i.^v cxcludcd, it affect » their «»ι, i-atiur'. nnd to vxnr ι·ν··ηΙ ;»ΠΓ· ;ίκ *..*uo# f-ccd trade IP.· "·' · Ab^nlff Cnt!o»i '•V.n., . « - - ... .>'<* "Slcy-h»i»h prir* ·. w»».· : *<■ iî*V·. thinir··· h»tν·· i»miih'«1 υ* t·· f':*w · !r:h thini?' H s !>o| · wc< vH| i. : :■»·.„ dteid '** ia»\ it ?r. r.·· h.TC! .· .. .t not dlfi nut, i hi i;$t ai..* 1 control. U.mdr<c» « of 1 ■··.>*.. Imm (;n who wt now uîut.^c^rtc»1 ri-ovl it will 4x very much r oc* τ -ί ν ilh .» tho next five y-fi-rf. uo.V: . τ λ.λ * .·:.· much mi&tfikcn. "ïhi1/ will vu. · t ··* I ; .; · r . ; quirk. e«*y, simcl· . <.«·:»»,Kir »*· #.»« 'y iur IhjII weevil wni.h u .M s:.i jΙ. *Iï. ;·: lu rnntiniir · ·>· ,·: ·*τ»λ* injr of coUo.i, .ill cf •vhi'.V. , Î. , i'-'y impo»*ibk'. They v/ilT ·· :t η ;r.' r 1 thciw Siuitiacti'.-r. i,y vi · .· · whoîc Diuttt'i* could I» .·· » !;. « .*· ·.'! ' »'· in n Ίhsy v. H -λί.ι:1 t·» know Ht>w Ui Vk £fi «f u.u wo.l wcnril. Wo*?il WilJ R·";.·;·"·* λ * ..'jîm •'T.i*t«»n! s..«. ·*.·.ι· ji-ncu Hd of bull wo< vil. I»c- Many ΙμγγΗ ho\r to not Mot.·* ν ·ϊ. v. .· πΐκΜη«< of ron;l<(ilibif »t nv·· '».·, iy #: - direct; Ihey lit·1}». I!»··> j.· .·«», tSvy palliate, but do not jurtm.i'y do k^ry ' ». ililiiculij·. And the tr· ·»^ "Λ·, rr# I hud* 1iuiU u»*nril careful, •nt. ηdiversified oil the-upt ! r.-fw.i ,r Dentin*; ©ally vaH« tù·*, • aH.v v.a'.AV f< *, fr»-· 1,'ni-l cull .val inn. running- rnw> north ·· ·* 'i . V«« r . *tn.|« r. 'everything that will luv* « vt mrlar'tv), phkintr ud fail· η ι·. i'rly »tn«tintr τ>ΐ»η poituna . . ·ι ■ j I let.'η κ of U. S Ik·· .....· 1.1 ui Auricaiftuix·, prompt ρκ·*· *i ' ο Γ tn«* coitun. au J thou prompl • · ··*; o·* o' Ihi <talka without wmii ' pj» rrop. all ot' uhirh i. .·.·.:*·! the i.'tcu» r mu it h ρ 'on Uio ·*·■» r. ii «·λγnot l.nvf it to indifferent » · ι·»·. Italde that teeavil wl!l .. in our warmest, mo.t hjmi«l ι ih«* 'Spnnuh πι·**·' reckon <·%· ».·... ίι u* wril ni anything». )n the Oy'xi ··f <1 fii.t of Ih»· Atlantic Ii* !»r«i1i0«i<l from Muxton. î·. *i t ι :C. Koik) Mour.L Ιυ Xorl'olk, :*r ;i i.r;»cct the weevi* to I*· >s .r. I. t o~th and veil of that lin», • r 5ι·;#>ιη· Mil arcliouM, we shall • r.·, ■· îo V !>·.·ν*re, but tad SVUAi S THE IDEA" .· r>* in no lony u time, rome ί· . ··.· λι* irnlpter vxkdUw in *r>me ν \y a Majtriplecr. which *j- io'tcj'.h any particularly * t·. I tie tin or study, but by . .r» k o* fortune ni which he .... m .hrntf. The *A»mr nuiy :·?* "lUthoi* and computer* ; .· »».· i»inl ttr it may, Charley • · ' * a»iii Cadjr who >ill be ι m. il> 1 «Knyi iU· Theatre, Fay • vi'V . V. ilni'Vfiay, Ortobar ÎÏVth in • •••«cut musical comedy tuccis* 'mi* · 'fie* Idea,'* aflruck a happy j·· ι iiu. writing of the book »<· ι h·» iuiit hL partner di*v« Io|m .1 > Li.-il;.* farce, which aided and « f hy îh.· lytic* Hnd muait of I *I.e ***iylc ar.d Waller L. Roxe I# *1' r«»t lo number nmonsr th-· ι. V i»:# r.ri Mlc. mcox^ei. m •ν .1 ιΜ is^?. ··'; . E&%$ Va v'· ■ Λ •· ι The Things You Want :·♦ ν ν ^ ν. .ν·· . . i :■/; . vV .».·*ν *+·>+*+*·>♦*♦♦++ ♦ Φ REAL V/V -JZS Even With Money Fvn.'h-.î I You Want Itc Fc'i V;c.:h i i î Ou*· buyer· have searched the markets of the country to get into our store the big array of goods we are now displaying for your approval. These goods were hard to get. But we kne^^ou wanted the best things the market get. But we knew you wanted the best things the markets afforded—so they are here. The stock includes fry and Coat Suits for Misses and Women, Suits, Over· ts, Shoes and Hats for Boys, Young Men and Men, Millinery, Dress Goods, Furnishings. You must see this big display. Everything in it will interest you,. Price· have been held down as low as we could possibly hold them, and our sales forces will always welcome an opportunity to serve you. Johnson Brothers FLEISHMAN'S BIG STORE Fayetteville, N. C. SPLENDID SHOWING OF ALL FALL AND WINTER READY-TO-WEAR SUITS. COATS. DRESSES. BLOUSES. MILLINERY, FURS. SKIRTS. PETTICOATS. ETC. Our remodelled and enlarged ready-to-wear depart ment ia interesting to a degree beyond description with it· remarkable collection. All the newest styles shown in the large cities are to be found here at much lower prices than you will have to pay in the fashionable shops in Me tropolitan cities. Suits from $25 to $175.00 Dresses from $22.50 to $150.00 Costs from $18.50 to $100.00 Hats from -, $3.50 to $40.00 iilh Skirt* from T. $6.50 to $35.00 Blouse· from $1.95 to $25.00 Fur· from . .$10.00 to $475.00 Petticoat* from < $11.25 to $20.00 NOTE. It· good policy to buy in your own town what you can. If you want exclusive style· at reasonable prices, you'll find them at the "BIG STORE.' V; . ■ ι r»\ (j Dollar» get mighty little· dinary conditions during these 1 i ets of the world are taxed . · · make up for the four wasted yr*. ty has passed. No where nr»w · dollar stretch as far as it did bciy But, occasionally one finds a forehanded -who bought wisely 0 great rise in prices were made. The Draughon Store is out- : are great stocks of standard go--.. prices that permit it to sell for ? I'.l^t. merchant is obliged to charge. - need for every day apparel un:', il are good goods that we back w::L · not ask you to take our word ίο come and see for yourself. We are featuring some ' Men's, Women's and Children";.' . ·;. of all natures, and shoes. hat* j»r.r; · big values and are well worth y..,u p'· «.·.··>. η r or* t -v "c'ng mark i..· city to .··..< · » : * cBiani· % » e present .. _. · v.-.;u.e began. .· . · . owners were. 1 \v. : v>re the last .). j. A'iMjkcd into it • \ »·■ >z-u6,'ht at .ν r·.· .. it. ι i·* average ·-;* ■'>.ο ^oodj that you .«:·! ••"ci'.r. They .. . . wC-n. We do t you to j." · -:>oc( valuer in £·. r garments i *. ·; 71ic-ve are uj \ ■«-·.. won. + ? J. W. Draugaoii ι * ......... Î SALE Ρ*;;· -m. REGISTERED ΗΑΜΡφίΚϋ HOGS I will offer fr>v sale At Auctioa FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 30 FINE } iOGii 30 on Gi R. Lee Place. 3 miles of Dunn. All pure bred, cholera immune ami π ereH stork. In the lot are five boars, ten sows, and several π·'1» nml pippi BRAZIL LEE

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