IB DUNN DISPATCH Avril M. 1914, at *· pMt «Am k·* s, im. ' ctm or ni Dinm CMOtnii or commerce I Mira m Daaa. 1 Mhw I· ta >«0|il»; ta lu bon aad gbU. I will Min mytalf « mfumtttea of o*o to ·»1κ of Damn • S—à fUn la «kM to Un andM a%Mr hard flitt to laava. I >i«m hi Dans. I belie-re il ifhnh. *w>m aad «tore*. I be· Uova ta tW «troot btooa «ad tlM lUHt into and ia tbc paiat buck' oc I balle n ta mV aa empty coi ta the back lota, bat many a fall oa< ia the larder. 1 belicre ia keeplai a> the wb aifaa Pna our (aaUto M«aa aad tlw ww4a from our |g« I belle»» la Doaa. I btlim ti lu triu. Ged'a ftrst tamplee. pu ioataad of uk beapa, flower* in dial of wife, prugwi iaauad ol uliagt—ion, aad development 1» «fad of ataeaatioD. May bleadnci •oat to the toa(W that *W·» boacd prala* aad commendation. and do· bio blueing· for tkt car tbat in deal I# |Md| KtiUtl, I bollora ia Dana. HoW· Tbo Odor this moraine Τ J. Plaviu* aaih it an ovon break o· Ao hit, ihtaf aa two damp *r.d two dry days. B. Tiger, bowerer, tried to make ikta all wet. Oaa· Nt a Mark for all otlwi Caraliaa caaamaaitia* too rftoot al whoa it eatettaiaed nearly 10.000 vialtan at ha ftret annual Fair last A Chamber of C«WMn< for Dunn M HWli Probably 16,000 ia Annul daaa will Wrt boon so bec ri bed by Moatey aifht oka tho IrM orpn IUli mooting b called to order. Tbo Dûpottb aosnrr· lU brothers who an tatiçhlaç at Duns'i Odor that tho Kaii^hm will bo parttM M«a. Ira with iU presence, bow n«r, wo art «tin the "beat town un der the iu*." Yea yoong fallows stay not lav· Chief of PoUoo h(t oa each aa am broths» Aoild another, but >00 will two· to adadt that «dowa town" ia a much safer u4 pleaaantar plaça for ■ithir aad sister line· he cam· to teaa Of ntno tho Chamber of Cam mam ia (oinc to be pat or*r any way, bat won't jroa faol a whole lot batter after all tho ahowtia* ia over If jree hare lined up with the fellow· aha ara determined to do somethinf really worth whila. With Bah Pafc AMhaqgh it had known and loved •ah h(ot badat· au, farmer aad ι sajisaotsnol repeaaeatetive for many year·, Harnett had ita tnt opportanl ly to aoe aad hear Robert Newton hfi, tatihhti for the office of Gov ernor of North Carolina, when be made the iaaagaral addrem at the Haraott Coaaty Fair. The opinion firm· I before hU adveat ia the latter rifailtf era* aat changed by tfa· rldL ■vary maa who hoard the Sand Hills au talh was convinced that the State wfll not nier if ha ia elected IU chief saaewtite. Mr, Faga m sot aimad witk Ik· ■m, fcla.li willm ptmw carried kr tkaaa to «baa Carattaa >tun an awiaUmd ta Hatoa la i*«| Suu f ipalg· |a 4M a at com· to toll aar paapla Wt graat thay *m. Hi* atUtoli aa· Mara tkat mt a ridliad ■aiglia | a Hfa-aartae •imttM. Ba «m y»ad of our pro gram M atn tkaogktfai of w Mb·, filallf avt tk· yHfaUa tkat It h Mr patkwar aad advMn* a«M tkaa· ynMtleaa tkat arc ktMd to milk la' rrU vaWa tkar| I ra ir. Wo truet, However, thai Uui·* work •η will allow The Diapatch to coa patulato them open · job well dooel and to extend te Ui»m the tkanka| of a grateful community. Peerleteta Lmmi Dit·· laMteJ to Hi·. Dean U grateful to Willi·» Pearl •toln, merrKant, prealdeet of ttin Ral eight Cknbtr of Commerce, wke Mwdar night rame to town and pat ever an idea with arklch tfce eommuflt ty had bean itrufln* for g»atha. la OA hoar ha did far Dana what I Hha--aoa had keen «trivwg to do far | May waafca. Tkreuafe a tkert tpeeeb by the Ral-| Hgh aaan a fow ate re bueiaea* m ►f Due ware moved to auhecrtbe •«arty M.tOO for Um aaaoal apkeep if a real «NHMMal orgaarmotioa •ore. All «wee gladly, eoaviaeod by Kr. NadaUli that it waa their doty a do ao aad that their peraonal I aa wall aa thoee of the town| that they da aa. aa woe* af Mr. Paarlet*ia'a| rfatt Um Daan Chamber of C em men Illy charted aad with a guaranteed! af M leaat US*—, will ha all detaih will be ■wUH mt the k waa gratify lag to The D*patehl refl before tMa Mg taa mm Capital City We had ao| ear tfcat «ko Daan flpértt fail to «how itself, but w· wctc fcsr ful that it woald not eomo io strong. He carried a fine inpnuion of the community hack to Saleigh with hin .—jest aa fine an hu left in Dunn of hlm*elf. Dunn thank· him. It will he (lad to have him attend the Mod day night meeting, when he can aee the Spirit in full bloom. TW. Oder May Be Ceetly "The Odor" may be a humorous matter to dweller* m the more favor ed section· of Dunn, bat (o the Southsiders it verges on a tragedy. We have heen riven to laughing a JiUJe over the humorous way in which some of the citilCDf have emphasized the wrctchrdnus of their *tate, but it seems that the time for laughr.cr has pasted Some of Dunn's most valuable men and women intimate that if condi tion* are not improved they will be obliged to hunt a plcasanler environ ment. They are not content with the promts·· made by 'the fertilizer ufii ciala that thoy will minimise the cvti by refraining from shipping large quantities of flth scrap at one tune during wans weather. These prom ise· are not at ail satisfying. They give no guarantee that the nighbor hood will permanently be fit for dc ccnt people to live in—«nd all of those of the Bouthside arc decern pen pie. Dunn's pioncor citizens are among those who are loudest in condemna tion of The Udor. Men and women whu have labored long and faithfully to make Dunn a good town are three The town owe* them much. It is unthinkable that they shall be driven from the homes they have striven h» long to creat· by an industry admit t*d to he- M objectionable. It is · costly industry Indeed that will lose to Dunn the hearty rapport of such men as the Newberry·' Ocorife rrince, the Lees, l)r. Col trane, J. L Hatcher and the reft of those good cibler.· who have enter ed protest against THE ODOK. ON THE SIDE 1 But for tba lute kiniilin·** and nodnoi of Sus Jung, Cliatian Chtnoa. a promUiant lumberman, who·* plant la locatod about a Bile north of Dona on tb* Atlantic Coat* Una track· and aim act oppoaite the Fair Qrmndi, bot wboaa name will not bo aaade public, would, la all probability, ba aoder indictment charging mayhem, dafaautlon of character, verbal aaaault and olbar thing*. Bom doea tba proailaeet lurabor mn'i waaboe. H« baa boon dotag It nL Karat la all tboia baatncee re latioaahip bad tba celeatlal and tba Molkaa dltagritl upon «attlaaiaot» *r aûartaf Β. V. D'« oaUt about ti* ■roaka aaa. Than caate an anfor ranate day wboa tba P. L. ailMad ι abtrt of *Mcb he waa aiacb cnaai- . Mi. "Twaa a rtlk ablrt—Mora tier- I •aa tba* th. coat of Jaaab. raapiaad iat aa tba rainbow wttb Ma auay baaa htaadtag lato a hanaoaloaa eaaeable feat waa tba *»vy af all lb, rlao laM colorad folka raployad aa tba Uttla Cobarta. Tba aol«rad grand dama wba pro Maa ovar tba caNaary dapartiacat of I be f. L,'l boato difMid that tba ■ad pat tbat'ar tba* ia tba laandry I 3aod that tba aatd laantty bac j baaa Arty fcnntil to tba haM- I at af BaoL Baaa ao caaM aaatt < *an τ rketa M tar U · n< VÎMtinif ti Maryland. Now h· wants to bay Ram n b»< >f eitarv Bot Sam don't he ha* ctutomer* who amolt* good cigar· and who will be annoyed by the unoll of the cabbage leave*. One container thought it unjuct that ho »u bot permitted to «moka the thing» where thty were bought, but, by a peculiar proce*· nt ruwininf, the druggist convinccd him other wine. This percale is copyrighted and we have no pemiiunon to re print it. Harvey tells it better any Loafer» around-—Ih.IT pardon—ha bitue* of Mack'* corner have .noticed for the laat few day* a particularly fat and fluffy Malteae kitten lolling under the ioUa tablet, but few know how »hr waa acquired. Aa Harvey tella It a striking example of the high cost of living it given Junt a* b* wai about in ctoki-d the grocer to be per mitted to make the modot purchase. Remembering hi* own lea» prosperous iayi the mighty man comleacended In part with a mite of fcii wealth for Mark'* Jit. He had one of Uiceo new Tangled eheeee machine* whereby one ?h»pa from the precioua blork the rxact quantity dcatred. Mack watched the grocer cloaely trbil* he adjaxted hl> «peck» and pre pared to guilUtinn the chveaa. He iid not cheat; exactly on Ιΐκ nickel letch did he place the mighty blade. ΓΚ«η, very lolemnly he moved the laadle downward—and mUead the he cheeae a quarter of an inch. "That." aaya Mack, "waa all the iheeae I eould get for a nickel." Have you paid your town taxe» yef If aet pay now and «avr (h* discount, lee Hag*. do it rom dunn Taeathar MvTtntal («r j the CUeWf mf dmimwmm What It fan do, with a atronn man »rahtp and adaqoala working fend: I. tri a* omr propla tftffatbef. Iim Um foBj of AcMtnff. That anar [iae araatad la oa»l*M op*o«Hi«a «an • jyKW to d/naailr farrca In · »a»i»»m (MK-Om ad*atir«imnt of >man alone all llnaa af an4—tot. bka a*r pcapla fer*M pnitaal ar «Mr· Jaalauaiaa, and ίβ-ofaralr la aananatty davatownanL J Advartlar rfann'· «My attrar lane and ad»an*«<«a ) lu atratogie la atton aad iftaMid lrawayorta«laa facilities. Λ. I* cure »uch industrie* as can lu-iittl In Dunn by reaaoil of ita -ηγ~(.'ιιγ *1μιπ rnriIttlM, Ita available sw msWrial*. it* africoltural pro lertr h ml >U ploximlty to the larger earkei». 4. Develop a greater rural trade, hrouvh ili trade extension bureau. 0. MaUe Dunn a talc*' center for live-nlock of til kind·, β. A til In reducing the cost of IWin*. 7. Η rr ur\ Agricultural improve ment for (Isrnett County, ana con duct a "Kiirmcr*" Information Bu reau. " H frotcet the pablic against un worthy «eliciting kmhin. 9. Be the chlcf advocate of Horn· Patronage. 10. Be a veritable Information jun.-au on anything and everything u-rtnimng to Duan. 11. Be managed by an expart «ccrctury manager, a man who will devote nil his time to the work— ho will be on the Job 365 day* in ho y»r. and whov welfare will de pend «η lh·· racccis of the work ho in to do. 12. Hold frequent public meet ing* for I he discussions of local sub » «.-ct? ami bring here nationally known ™··η «" «peak on Important public iiucauon*. IS. Work in harmony with the Mayor antl City Commissioner* for j»ciy needed civic Improvement for Dunn. 14. B· absolutely devoid of any thing savoring of polities or sectari anism and will work for the welfare of the community ai a whole, regard* Ice* of cla«t or distinction. lft. Ile five from old time method* of management and be organized to accompli*)· thing* with the least do lay. 15. E· managed by man of ma turvil business experience, succeas ful m their own burine·», and whoaa time and services could not be hired if that were necearary. 17. Keep In clow toueh with the difTi rent branche» uf the State and ι Federal Government·, to learn with out delay of anything beneficial or detrimental to "Dunn and ita people, 18 Iiuuc membenhip card* that will lie i-redrntial* wherever present ed. and which entitle the member* to privileges of all commercial or gamtalinns and many of the leading clob* οΓ the country. Thii feature alone ι* worth the colt of member fjs CHIEF AIMS—More Indus tries and more trade for Dunn and co-operation between the people of the City and thoee of the County. I Have yoe paid your town lAXrD yet? 1 If not pay now and «ave the discount. I See Psgr. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday morning at 11:00 a. m. the Home Department of the Methodist •Soml*y Mchool will present the Bap tismal Tank to the church. The ser mon will be especially fitted for tho occasion. Tho place of the home in society will be the togfe. Public cordially invited. Have you paid your town taxas yetj If not pay now and save the discount. See i'aflc. 'notice of sale Pursuant to a deed made by H. N. Biuell and wife, Mary C. Bisscll to D. R. Hood, R. B. Jacbos and VI. M. Pop·, truataea of the HoHneaa Tabernaile of Dunn, N. C„ w· ahall ••II at palblic auction for caah, Thur» day, December 4, 1S1B at 12 o'clock M at th· Poat Offle· In th· Town of Dunn. Ttn· hoot* and lot deacrilwtj in «aid dead, known aa th· Holineaa Church lot i nthc Tows of Dunn. D. H. HOOD, W. M POPE. Have yoo paid your town taxe* yet? If not pay now aad aave the discount See Pare, PAY YOUR TOWN TAXES NOW I will be in my office from nine to twelve each day until No vember 1 to receive your taxes. Pay New aad aave diaeoant You get one per cent off for payment this month. Next month you will have to pay par. PAY PAGE NOW * TUBERCULOSIS SHOWS DECLINE IN CAROLINA Tabulation At State Sanator ium Indicates Decrease In Death Rat·. A decreaju· of approximately fif teen per cent in the number of death* caused by tuberculosis In North Caro lina during the piit four year* ia shown in fleure· tabulated st the State sanatorium for the treatment of this disease. The total nnraber of draltu from this cause in the State for the year JB1» «a» 8,710. In 1918 the total number had been reduced to 3,100, a difference of 660. This reduction, considering the steady increase in population during the past four years, means an even greater proportionate dncnaie In the death rate of tuber caloeif. Careful observations and experi ments hare demonstrated that the ratio of active opea cases of tubercu losis to deatha are as eight to one. This mean· that while more then three thousand died in the State dar ing the past%year there were at the same Ume in excess of twenty4le» thousand suffering with the diaeaae, snd menacing the health of thoae with whom they come ia contact. Th( trouble with moat young boys that enter business la that they {ream >f the duties ef a staff officer before key hare mastered thoee of a pri rate. Know yourself and you will be bet ter able to understand others. ι single feature presented for pab lie appro val. Univrraal «atirfaction waa given. Surpriim that the Fair wu to large, rratiAcation that it waa 10 good waj heard on «Tory hand. It I* a big thing that tb« community hai started—a thing that will grow with the year* and accompli** rood a* It grow». While It waa not the idea of those who took stock In thr cntarprin to aakv money, it acem* that from the very beginning the vca tore U to yiald a nice direct return on the money mvrtu-d. The coit of the plant wu approximately 132,000. Revenue* above the cort of «aging the AM Fair are brheved to have been a little more than 14.000, or about 12 1-2 per cent on the capita] tnveeted Above thi* direct return am the In direct return* lu [aratn, merchant! and inda>trial men. The community bat been givrn χ·Ι\· rtL rmcntt wboae value cannut be e*timnt<-,|. Men and women who knew nothing of the com munity have b' in com need of it· greatnCA», have bv-er. sh»wn it* pro d vie ta, iu culture and it» Spirit and have bem attracted to it. Tho in fluence eaerud by thi* one event U above eetlmation and will live for ever. Th* undertaking vat one in which ail of the community had a part All of the errdit for auccru cannot go to any man or act of men. The com munity waa with the worker* all the time. Henry Turlington, Ed. Warren, Cilia Goldstein. Lloyd Wade, Owen Odum. Mr*. William Thompeen and Mr*. Horace Free-man wire among the workers who*· terrier* were of inestimable value. They worked long and faithfully to put through the big undertaking in the little time allotted to them. Bat none atk credit be yond that given thrir brother* and *4» rwho made it possible for thwra rtage Carolina'* blggert rnuniy THE BROTHERHOOD OF BETTER THINGS H« dreamed of a better city, he longed for a fairer fame For the home of hia daily labor*, and he talked.of a brighter name For th« scenes of hi* children'· playtime, and the place of hid children's birth. And he talked as a man who loved hia town and was proud of his splendid worth. He toTd of her needs as he saw them, to him were her feelings known; And he wante dto build for her greatness—but he couldn't do it alone. He was one of the many thousands who dreamed of a better day. With visions of greater splendors when they should have passed away. And each in his dream, unselfish, could picture a dis tant goal, Whan his city would rise in beauty and thrub as a living soul. But the dn-ame would have come and vanished, and the vision from earth have down Had each of the dreamers tried to work for his çity'a fame alone. You may think groat thoughts for the future, you may fashion and build and plan. But you never shall see your dreams made real, save you work with your fellow man. And never a greater city shall spring into being here Save that many have labored together its fame to rear. Out of the hearts of our fellows has all of our great ness grown. Together they stood for this purpose—for no one could do it alone Stand off by yourself with your dreaming, and all of your dreams are in vain, No splendor of soul or structure can man by himself attain ; "Tie willed wc shall dwell as brothers, as brothers, then, must we toil. We must share in α common purpose, as we share in a common soil. And each who would see accomplished the dreams he U proud to own. Must strive for the goal with his fellows—for he cannot reach it alone. ^Hl For Sale by E. L. PARKER & SONS American Gentleman Shoes for men WMtbe B- EE. Si«e· S-ll Men'· Sbo·. $4.50 to $10.80 American Ltdjr Ska*· for women Widths A-E Six·* 2 1.2—A Ltdiai Sbo·· $3-50 to $12.80 RED GOOSE SHOES for Child ran Try our all ImIImt thoe* for aerric· and economy. Sold and Recommended by » Geo. EL Prince and Son JUST & DAIRY JUST MILLS NASHVlLfc-E. TEH** The perfect balance for MILK PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. Hnvt yon paid yoar U>«a tax·* yet? If nut pay now and kave ϋκ· diacount. i*-c Tacc. ROOFING And ν Sheet Metal Work I We will be glad to furniah estimate· on any work in our line. AU contract· filled promptly and efficiently by expert workmen. Place your order· now. J. L COLE Jr. $ 222 Eaat Broad. Phone 276 y.y.v.'iH»mwtv.mimMWWwmim»uitiiimmwuus«si3i