LJTTLE messengers Tliejr Get Biuiotti THE DUNN DISPATCH [ vw. · iiAvin«ti/i iiAifflllTV DUNN. N. c. ÔCT. : »0, I01t .τ». τ , . ' ' '-' Λ HOUSING COMPANY FORMED TO BUILD MORE HOMES HERE Company Will Strive to Relieve Conception Amorif Dunn Dweller» apartmentîôuses ARE CONTEMPLATED β_ M TUf^*"*· ®*' ΤdvdimmI, Marrie *·*"· Dr· *»»··«·. N. A.« T.aM«J ■"<, J· U"T«i Wada Ar. p, ,, —af Cemp,ny. -J2S.000 Alr^T r»i d'° In an c*ort to "'i·*· the hoaiint: j!lu»Uon b®rc * eompiiny Ικ-αιΙ··«Ι by GranvHll· TllRtunaii hu> Wren chai ttrrd te build, «cil anil U«u- houa«*f. lien 0. Townicnd. Marvin U Wade. Dr. i- R- Butler. J. w««l« and Ν A. Tewnacnd art- the other member* of Mr. Tilfhin*»'» company whirh if to b· known M th<· T>unn Develop ment Company Thay have «ubai-nl»· φ4 and paid (or ilmk amnuntlnt u> fj&.OOO. The authorized rapiul of it is $6U,U00. . , No morn noeV will bs offered for . «aie. Mr. Tilirhman stated yesterday marnn*. When mort capital 1· »»« ad thr present ttiiikholderj will fernlnh H. h* stated. Two or three foor family apart-! mant Iioqih aro planned by the com ' peny. Then·, It is saiil. will hr built ι HnntrdiaUily to relieve ihr t onireaUd Hrlng rondiboru here. Lot»' thn company will liuild wvcinl «Iwclliiur» which are either to b· ranted or mild. Thoae that will be off<-rod for sale will be subject to the ea»y payment plan and will be within the reach of wa«« earners and small busiuru men woo m*y nv.irc ιο uituimi r» »i • dencc in Dunn The tlx men who make up llir rompmy are among the Inmtl realty QTiifn in Dana. All of them own niMnct property thml in I he ï*o«* deeirabk h<>re. M«-y»r· Tilijh ra»n and Ben Twwnwnd ■ re lumber men. Tbey will br^ir at one· tu ■«·» lumber for the contemplated apart ment hoiuc*. It It rxtmatrd by realty dealer· thai at lead 160 additional dwcllinKn are needed in Dunn With ihu o^-rv ' inf bf nevaml new «mterpriaei and the jrrcat need felt by merchant* for » additional «aire kelp hundred» of lam IHti have ·ιμη»«1 a desire to m«»vc to town. Many of tbeae are already here and have found quarter· whrrt— ;·«·< r ih-y eouM. Κ nutate it >* '.nv-i famille· are quartrroi in what ordin arially would be a «initie family bonne. Added Lo three many farmer* «ho have crown wealthy upon recent high price· for farm product· have re tired and moved to town. These have taken the largest aad moil dc*lruble rwaidcncea « Many traveling -alt-aum. tw, have been attracted to Dunn l>y r-o •on oi it· Bnt train nchcduloj. Tutaa have come in ηυπ1κ·πι «η μr> m that there are not ^icar rrouch nou*r* to place them in. The development company hopes to rrlirre lhi« iiluat on to a notirrahie degree. FORMER DUNN PASTOR DIES AT BUIE'S CREEK "•v. W. A. Fork··, Retired Methodiit Minister, Pauei Away «I Home. "·»■ W. A. Korbai, a retired Mcthodirt minliter, died Monday af ternoon at hi· home in Buie'a Creek where be had realded for the lant arveral year·. He w*j well known and much loved by the older retl drnU of Dunn who remembered him a* H^»r here from 189R to 1!«00. Many or them attended the funeral service· at Bu„·, Crct,k Tucday af ternoon. Rcr G. T. Mill» preached the funeral »trmon before a large rrowd of ι η on fia ilk» Vaj - « all p»rta or tu„ . Internent °"ty· family burying *r:"*<'e "n th* old cTSVgrisSv^ °·»· He retired from a,, ul 76 mr* old whll· paetor of tk« J'0'»try In 1H04 at FarniTillr. ^bodltt church want# armistice ιΓΓΓ" A*l|*ville. Oct. Î? ... J** official» and ο (Deem n between 5?*ί**ΙΙ ρoat, Amcricnn » ·*. Klffin u-®fr,ai wai »cnt Οον*ΓηοΤ^?η· a «tauf ***' tn "* Nev"»KΛ·1 ·" «Wi-i ·· · SUT?te Ί·Τ An ft»»* a-kJ^V »·»» ^rfd B*-nmtor Ch,"*/1* and Τ,;1"· to conn· here on that T*n a M S?**» the people of /UhJ'«<' *-r»it# ?*0»br· county at a * te be He hi In the audit^^1 «fi* HOUSES IS NOW ,L* BUSINESS IN BKri^ Berlin », ————— it· •toU.Mrty-fivc te forty hnr,^, a *ei> ^,fach day la Berlin. ao4 turned £"·" porceoU*» are over ra tion of ·*β owner·, deapite the crr»_ te comb»· ,1?·*'"! police department • «spear f *«■ e»ii. The >">"·« die ally '"<■*»<£ Γτ ^«α»" they ar*· «wa. ιβ»·' *®l7vf1*1» •tanefcUra'· and thr gaU ^*ou««i Illicit trade chan T*e tfcw ittorr* of '** Vateh for team» Uu , *£*«. ,**»> hare left tbma for If ·*·.. **·£? dri»»,.t»)e herac» away r»N- H £\>· eontaln «aytfcta* O* ta»* h,?L·" and ike ben"· «re •»*jL>ÎÎLk*na and «Ι**1»· ®* end k"'od JJ?*d au bar ben aectfon·, j^ranc^dlatrl, inaor* that a#cd to a,er« ^ Uaaaa will de ao no Il KO NEED ron A·-*'»': ΛβΟ'.ΙΤ I 9CLL V/Cir t. Thou :Vu th v· ll » *«41 -w « %·ν»1 1,1 hex now appcsrci! iit North <.!urt> l fin at, (hero l" ?)»» *uh .or ! 4/n I*·.» Jill't c>' li ·;·! · · Γtt · ··! '| ι*π, pnvA \l ·. >! \* , ι<· 1»;., u.oM· » I ;int ι'ΚΙιιιιιιιΚη·]!', γ.t tin .soi.I» ' ruroSiin ·>|». ·5»η· rt ^:.«t;4»u It ·. *fHl b*J* iifn ti» .·..·«· 1 * » ou 'î»»i· I ' ut'tlni* •.'ou y ·>. · r ;· ··« » .-iia 'l ·>-tior· «·Γ · rj'h ~ ·« ι ·«.·· ( ι·* ·Κ i ·Γ . tu. i'. » *f j thr urc-cvil 4'ΙΧΛ Ùu AVJcil i'.'nu.ii»· i[ brJWt» What ibiniuf il (iir ··»- n«·· . k'-ar ·.·».' ··. .. Mil ..h hr»?,· it [- Wille· t·-··· ·. £ί,·ι·. η Imv·· ! I been ron.-tc.r-U> \ η·».··'' vil ι ιΚ· I UtOflTIi· ' »»* ι!». ι ν·| e *·.· >»'. , It .!?·*"« ··»! .ι ,ii '» · ' ι olit t η it "ιΊ·*. η ·1 ι*·., ι i -.·4 »ν« in lW I Ι **·''·' ;·»" ι"·.;···. ι » f ·ι-»-·.· oi ic* v. |»··ι·· it h. Γ. :»p- 1 p«-f r« .· * · μι ι'.ΐί· Γ,ι !hi|' uti»vi! P..· · ? l« il · V ' ν I'OJJ KII.V- ί *. · %ru f .r··. :'·) α· ;■· r ci···!, 't h«· ** vil. ·Ι·.\>ο .·. t'. :* ι··τ- it . ·:ι»..γ. .. ι «· 'h* frt·.1»' I h*ii· li ·»*ί ;»»fn tu· ν g"* ouï « ' th· .··., kir. . »··τ tîicm f»«m 1 ' ·» » OUI.4.1* f\lit ·,·Γ.|·» ·« Ι»··|1·: jJ" I'ltl* · !or. | 1 It % ι»ι»Ι «r;ι ο ν,· lm; uitiil | thr \»c«^ii i* lî i, · .ι 4iW inp 1 •l;-r Ji· \ *» »· iUm il· ^·τν ·»·αι< ' v«iôrc i· î»n ,») Kiirt'U fui mit* ' hn% » (ι· κτη·Λ· !··>* c»t- 1 j l«·"*· uuil to Τ:υι·ι\· itfy '.l»*»ir cricn· » iV'i> '"h· · h J r.v r. «it ·!Ύ î.L· .· ·*. · 1 t'Ji i? on thi Γ ilui^rr· ut » I — LABOR ÛABWS'nF mm Vf r . -T. λ: 7 Jr Weih iûg('/« M*.jf >'er. î To .M'ay . »:îu-.' » "p-l «r-àl \^M«hlnuUn 0' laro wit* 14^1- runier'iKc In : !(Ι Γ· η to th< international Kather ine ^rtX'iird und - ι"»»·· Uoifu» of Kinc!oii>. w'ïl t«iH *f» c'iay tlic in dustrial vnml nr*r»fc-.4 in th*· Unitcxi Si aie* wa.« * .'ubjrvt of fipoculation In Wajhuitfton ui'iicrht or. tnc t-ve of th»· <*ouVi*ninc of tht ranou»· rtele ÎTaUs* iepre:unfirff th* lcadiuif trii % of the work·.. l'ornoiifA 1.1 the unir hour—1<* o'clock—lh 1 .··r Atonal Pt'lcr*:li'»n o'· Tri· 1 » M ' · . · iî ι . .· . · r · vril· get uHoer way. 'the nxfrotn* rommiM·-#» of the· lait«r body -wa* to hold ft» fir*i fvurion »odny but thr :»i>j««*PC· (>t aev·: mv. of the d<-?« cute* fNiiitci in ι κ·.·', nor ment of the ini t d\ mt wtiiii' unt'î t< morrow. Enroptin Inrlnded umoni' thr d.'h^Taws to ih»1 T?u«ln Union F«xleretior meet , ιηκ un· a numKf of lh* less· conferva lîv·- of th·· hariH-nn 1«Ιμ·γ leader* • inl their atiiuid'. toward ilie domin «ni giMitiwni in ΐή- Indujjtrln' world will^Ke Wctchi-xt by Ainenroii Uhor rxptiL.' with becauh* of thr pos->,tiJi'v of thif attitude be-in;? re fected mi AmorWn > Ubor c'.*vTca.I Rorno oi th« N·.· dc'r.;a?ev.t it h*iu U r«ri>l c«l today. w««*% ι·π·|ΐ:.··Λ »t e\jji*Ki fttaxaUHwCtton «'th tht lab·»·* pro vlsron* of th·· pctcc h-ulv and to urrn· mere far iiaebiujr dom.nnd» frr»m ·h» ^ovi.r.i»rn*iit"< of the peac-·* making i»o*vcrt. The mi·.ting tomor row of tJio Federation of 'i'r»drft Un ion* nil 1m· In many r*cpoct« only prrlimmaiy to the mrvtinff Wcdn*»· cUy un<1e* the f.ca»ru· of Nations rov cnanl. thn d el* irate j to both leather* ings bcinjr in many caves the rame. Anuo'jnrrmr nt wa* œade during th* day that th.- G-rtnun dcl< καΙΛ t«» lh« conference under the Lca^u* οΓ >iJ»t:on* sailed lost Priday and will arrive in th<* Ifjiït··^? Slater Novemhi t $, while information wad received thnc Ao»t.ian representatives win 1 on thi'ii way. * ' Th> G\i/ran? and Au>triaii« wer*» t.» the lnt« rnationat Kep:>mini'nt of buji niw> will br m clot/mrnl of policy by Arrhor Γ ontoine, of Franco, eh*i· d; laVtil ar· the Dniil h, 8|inni*h, 8»*r ''an, RmrUiin, Autlrullan and New Zcatned «Mi-gate*. to the International Con £*·** of WorHnir Wom«n already ■ ua> ». ai dr. d from Hcl*lum. Frante, A***··"» Hlovul>in, Poland and i'nnnda. on 11Γ ''''etfatm· who arc taid to be f. 'hoir way ifehiilo repreirnUtiv·* «i-ί? Britain, Norway, Sweden, •"«i Χ,ΐΜι'' ,Ι*'ν· ®P*'n· Argentina .1 eo-intry it en!'tied to Wu r-'etîû i* bal °n'r tw« f*om «Kh "·»· ».rtvcrf to f«r with tho t* Option of Polund, whlrh aent Svt. ! f^rr-^^rUT T. MrK.y Byrd, of I *eîeCur- w H^· nt mil**·* Widn,»l.1;" «» Tyeaday an J PRESIDENTS VETO ' DOES NOT DEFEAT ; DRY LEGISLATION Hou»e Acta )Vitl»in Three Heur» After Mett|e i· Received Γ.λΓΣ : Τ SIMILAR ACTION IN SENATE Wiiifl·. liciu··· to Sign Act Bccium It. Ifiduda· t ni or rem··! of WâF *. itw l'ioLihilÎonj Tliink Congr··» Should Dr a I With Μμμιγ·· S«ρ· ara »<|y. ι Waii.ift|ion, Oct- Ζβ.—Tb· Sonoto Ipeiwd tbc prohibition *ifor«co»iil |«c( cv«r tb· Pr«»Mtont'· vMo toi·; meil· iœmrditltljr effective m c'ticavry 'or pr«v*»iin| mU of boror *:;·· (outmning us or· tban OM-ktlf >( m e por cent alcobol. 1k·· voU wa· 65 to 20, or *ifW I.«*ora then lb· η oc·» Miry two-third· ~>»jor:iy. While (b»ro wo· ο wraaflo ο··ι* uliiMK up tbo nMMr· ίο ρ loco ici IS·· peok· treaty, which bod tb· I rj|!il of Wty, I ko re never was doubt ai it, baw tl·· Sonott stood. It WO· ktvrwh»ln.ir.||y "dry" iibo tbo Houw. fiiècb ropoM·^ tbo bill oritb in tSrrt Uur» of tor tbo Proeido·* tx.d vetoed it. vV.i»ltiiu*iot.v Cel. 27.—PrMidoat V" '-••π iinvNpi'dtilljr vetoctl Ρfo U I »liun irCorct'ttirnt hill UxUy *t\d it.lfcin tin ι · hours the llou** hâs m it il ovor hi.« vrlu by ι vote of I ·« in ur, T)»· total vote vti barfly îi ·>:·* ihun ο majority of the cntir# lrllip. Dry 1« o'icrA in tha Sonalr i»mt-d» ju-lv Ix car. lay «ne pUna to rep*·· 11·· bill thrr^. Thry cx^rrt to ftftk .* 'lun 'IT. 11UB ruliHi nl <λ» 1»· '.τη 1··(η'·το». rUiming cBOOffh vol»» lo eut ·Ι th't.urh. Thry rirpcet to «wt «* ■ -t hy \\ fini ««lay at the lat cut. V* for itji repeal." I» would not be difficult. the Preei «lenl held for Congre** to deal sepa rately with the two iseuae. The t«e hit Γοηκηη ancxpectcd ly. Tbr ffou^. Retting on its fu«t *γτ.:·). ·!ι·.^·ηκ1 ltd leader. who want· ■I !«i ri- f. r consideration entil Ther» '· ·; · »n »"·>rw! ·ιρ all tb* dry . , .. }..it iji¥ Jry· «wi-HLJala tbr ch&aaber and showod there wan •»«rrw»i<>lniliic untinimt among them lo r'vr th·» foicrnmrnt ample weap on* for dealing with the liquor traf ic. N-Suilv hnd really profcswH to tt'i·»· lb.· would veto the h 11. Ko.iubliean* and Democrat* alii m <1 the counties* multitude that 1|>.I «τ rowfully watched thr pawing r.f tbr bor«, thnusrM it would br um· η >nv without hi* surnature. Conatitatioaal, Palmar Say·. A"ornev General Palmer, it waa "I'd hnd declared it constitutional. Rut the 'Vniident, propped up in b· >! dirlnl"il ir.d then Mimed a veto m noil " ConRreaa: "To the 11ou*· of Representatives: "I in retumfnrr, without my eigna Hie, H R. 4X111, an aet to prohibit mtnxirutintr beverajres, and to refu ):■<" Ihe manufacture, production, uae n-itl rale of high proof spirit* for oth r than krvcnixr purposes, and to insuir μ η ample supply of alcohol and liriimoV its use in scientific research i»nd in the development of fuel, dye, ι·.η<| olhi r lnwful Industrie*.' · I. - -Ll - " " * thl* mia-ure. deal» with two dintfnrt |)Ιιη<ι·η of the prohibition I affiliation. ! part of th«· «ri under coaaldcra ' "ι reek* to enforce war-time prohi bition. Thi- other provide* foT the ••nfprcejpent which wai rude eecca tary liy the adoption «f the constitu tional amendment. I object to, and • I.n not approve that part of this I if Hat ion with rrferenac Ui m r tim> prohibition. "It h*· to do with tii» enforcement of an art wkirb waa paaawd by γνηιι •if thv rm^rpnein of the war and whoae ubjtcU have bun aatl«fl.*J In the d< mobilisation of the army and navy and whom repeal I have already -outht at the hand· af Congraaa "Where Ihf purpoaoa of particular N-ff'alallon artain* o«t of war emer gency hove been aatWied «and pab lie policy mall·* clear the reaaon at>d neieaaity for repeal·" "It will not be difficult for Confrircai In tonaidc-rlar thl* Important matUr I In ^eparaUr thcac two qumtionn c.nd ι Ifcctiycly to lefialatc regarding them. makir* the proper distinction bet Winn temporary cagaea which arc·» oat of war tin)· ciaencnclai and thoee Ilk» the constitutional umndnenl of prohibition which li now part of the fondamental law ol i(hi country. 1 "In all matter· having to do witk the p*ir*>nal habita and fuitoau ol Unrc number* of our people, w« mua< b« ccrtain that the eitabllahod proee* οΓ lc«al change tie followed. In iw other way can the «alutary ob)«C •ootfht to he accompllahad by era· reforms of thi* character be mad· aaitafactory and fwrmanoat." 'DUNN SPIRIT SHrfWS ITSELF FORi SOLDIERS Artillery Ρ La too· QhM Picnic \ Βf Wom« of C«bu»unity Officer· and m cm ofÎw Pint Pro. visional Platoon. Ptftjf &ld Artillery Briifad", were |tvt| a MBp)« of tlw Dunn Spirit Toeaday «trrioon when 100 Dunn woman ιμJfIn I them with an imprnmpta MBk«t picnic under the auaplcea of the iChamber jl Co«m«ere·. ^ Β·ό Towmend wag Alf an Of Ui« • cmniittrt appointed 6f Ik oryan .talion to entertain the aoldinr». Tur«day mornin* he M the women know what ww expand of them. At 4 o'clock .thai -*~ni φπ they were . tady with mur»· than afeadred bask et· of "hotne cooklne^nnad opon a lung tabla in front at W* Créerai " ' «ara ho cm. taa waKnl _ - ^ Barre* and LimUnaata Barry aad YadcC to ln I form tham that Lhc piesle vv raady for them and their boya. A few min itel later they marche? M tfta tabla. Here Judirc John C. ci Ward welcom rd the platoon. Captai· Matta rc ■ ponded with thanks far hi*aelf, hi* fellow officer· and hte TTTen lie*.' Eugene L Ollva. aaater of the Klr*t Bapliat Church, -aaked divine bleaoiner. and the hMIm a long ta Die in rront of UK C Utility Cnmpaay'· ««,3, At S o'clock a cqmfclttee ■poa ("apt·ιn» M.tta âaï Barr How writ they u|ic(Wt^ thr irret It ahowta in ■ lctSt l«*»W«d by ih« Dispatch yeaterday «flereeon. it follow» : . "T-aat Saturday wo arrived in thia tittlr city hopinr that omt atay would '«· pleasant and today, JM iw day* later. *u And that you M** e*ceeded our hope» and won a ataa· with aa hat makr* thr having fc·™1· Th» welcome riv»-n Da by the f·»»'* °' thi· rommonKy ha« bote vary gratifying to aay the Irast. You ha** done every ■htnir to make oar atay Kaia«abU and at tbr supper given mV night— woll "*·· think anyone thai wai prra -nt ran tall if wr. apprwiaUd tt or uot Bui now wr· moat Ι··" y au aad roatinuc oar nuirrh Ihraftgh the state but »' leaving w* wisb ta thank you lor all Uic fine things ff0 ha»» done for ua and Οι» ο par «MM y au «»■ '.endt-d. · /* "Welcomes saeh u we received hrrc are the thlnga tkja tooeh the ootdiera heart mo»i aad wt thiak /ou would And that aay «f the man for whoa y* have dotfa tfcaac things could be deyendcd up*· ta da any 'hing for yon · · "We leave with tha àaepaat grati tude toward you all otad Sope that ,aur little city may thrfe and «*r«t the flee thiagt yen did f maaabfta of our organii " BEGINS NEXT SUNÎ Dunn Eipactad to Furnish BOO Mratbera al |1 Lac)>— Special Sf—— Thi· third annual roll rail οi the American Red Croat will bafhn ntzl Sunday tnonline with aonnona in cv -ry churrh aad tynagaguc of the Ha ted States. Special arrmon» -will br preached in aO of the churches of [►urn to atari the campaign which is U> continue until the followitig Sat urday night. / Fill» Goldstein if director of the campaign Jirrr. H* ia enacted to raise not leaa than >500 during the week. Only $1 will b« asked of each indiviriuad This II» will give thr « 1 in Waehln|ton Monday ta meat th» Royal party and reataln there threafl ι the week, until the Mth. Mln Raegger la a personal friend af tin queen of the Belgians NEW BANK TO OPEN HERE NEXT MONTH CAPITAL $100,000 Institution With $28,OCX Paid ia—Outlook FiTorabl· Ji. P. DAVIS PROBABLY TO BE PRESIDENT Pr«a«(m Tki«k Pr«Mni i« PrafV tioua ΤΙ·· t· Undcrtilu Prt)Kl— Îm1·1 L«r§o Ο#ρο·ι(« From U»· mmU Portion· of Colt··· ui To Wocco Crop·. With KiVlWO vf it, 1100.000 III thi>v«*o«l .-up ml p.M i„ th* Con nu-rcUl Bunk w.ll open for buanwi h.ry 1Λ, nccoH.rjr U I. 1·. Ua%i<. I If υπ inter «nd probahle litviwlcnt iif ibe ni-w Institution. XluckliuKK-r» v. ill rnii-t within th« iiext few dnya to dut olbn« and lil'lftoln. Il IK not known yci who will b> iluftva for caehloc. . Th'· inititulion will occupy quer Irrr in the no Le* Buildln* in We»t Brond 8tr.it whirb originally wer· intended for the Dunn branch of (he Blink of Uarni-tt- It we/ thonrht (hat till* branch would be e«tabli*h 'd thik fall. WHh the oiyaniutioe of Judifi Duvi»' bank, however, di i retors of the Dank of Harnett aban doned the loeal project. Judvc Davu in nlrmtly In Dunn preparing u) ncgin lite op· ration »1 hit bank. lit' I» beiiiK >riviti tkr ac tire coopération of aome of the kad •rvr ka>iD«]> turn and realty own#η uf the community ami expect· to be :;in burine*- with larjrc nam* on dc noait. Η·- »»» for se veral year* caek irr of ike Rank of Harnett. In tkii position be mailt- many friand* wko «ill folio* kin to the new inatitation, !>od traîne»! a knowledge of local coa lition» that will prove of mach ealae to him in the piom-nt ventare JuJtc Davi. and hi· aaaoriatct think the prospect» for '«V of « ihird bank her· were nerar Bar· favpralili· than at tk^ prcecnt tint, There are cImg ta M.WO.tOO on de ooait ir. the M* beak» af the county, nearly #1,000.00· of that «amount btiif i% Lruaa laatitotion*. A large x>rLion af the balance ia in tha Bask of Baraatt locatrd at Dakc, which really i< ta tbc Dunn diMrict. wKh practically one-half of tbia •W'* cotton crop and a large por OH ef the tobacco mill in tha hand* af farmer·, H ia eattmatad that local dapaaits will be nreMe4 to vary Mat n.wo.eoo before the ewlot th« Uve dvpomsUbTttttacMO^Ii \*wk. CARRANZA TROOPS IMPLICATED NOW America To Aak Reitnburs· meat For Ruaoo Paid To Mexican Bandits Washington. Ort. il.—Official in formation received from Mexico Cit) indicate* that Carranxa «oldien uo questionably were implicated in th< kidnapping of William 0. Jaakin*. the Amtncun Conralar A|c«nt at Paebla, who wui abr*. ·**» oieeri km mM today that aw ton M m at «on The CheUea pirr dlitriit, tW* dorh-1 inn pl»*« of a majority of the UlKrl llnrr», wai virtually Idle, however,' and elerk» employed by the Whit· Star line were again aned to handle bancaire of poaangert on the «teaaner C«h-W, which arrived today. At the Ba«h tqffcinale, Brooklyn, the attempt to ratai'a to work on the part of «errerai hundred men act re ■ IAanee by rtrikora, and a riot ro ralted which waa productive of a som ber -of aerioai injurie» before it wo* quelled by the polie·. COTTON FARMERS CALL ORGANIZATION MEETING To Coailder Adviaability of Forming Broach of .icon AaaociaHoei. Cotton iarar-fi tf the Dunn Di> trict have been called to aaet here Tacoday afternoon to eonaider the, aHMixability of organiaing a branch of the Amcrieao Oetton AaaoclaMor for the purpose of ineroaalng the pnet* of cotton. Joel G. Layton, George K. Granthaa and J. C. Antho ny are promoting the meeting. Campaign Director 8. G. Rublnow. of Raleicn. who hae charge of the ι anrmberahip campaign for the Aaaari |can Cotton Amoeiation in thk atoU ι ur>r,n* *Il co«rity or*arui*tion* to| wrurr immodlately'the "team* at e··*! vaster* who will make the rot»*»* <" | lh· and bu»*»*» man In «eeryl county darinf the tix lay* following' November 10, «k«n the MM W MK rd to batrin Ike actual taitm Two man. or women for that matter, for ι thi· ladle* have <*owa a very great ; Intbretl In the catton aaaociation wnrk, will work on caeh tree,' and a . taara win be «ont lata arnry aaction ,nf every rotten county. In addition there will be worker* far the eltlai In I he rotten territory Thaw t'ima will work mainly for ;thc rejri ar membership*. tboutrh ι baiter and ratal* in if member* «||| not bo turned down. The ranvaaaera. how*»«T, will bar» ai their obleet, aoerring ivrry man and «vary bwi noes ia hi* yarttealaf ranauafty for I the regular memtxnhip ta the rot I ton i««o*iation. or the baek of twm tr-f vr eent* the bal* of the »»17 pre. d-ie'Jon. a»d for hua ·**» men, twenty (|vl. rcnta for eeary thoaaand dollar* inv (ted. Prof*a*o«al men wfc. are : tUÎ^yêCSSSi «ont ,.f the cnndUion ef the whole , South daring the «h <·»Γ« ««Ρ"*» 1 in November. . t I l.fteraWrc abeat the Aaaae»£" I ha· tM*r. Knt oat t· er«ry. ; W ι tie ■« to the aUte beadquart»r* at MJ » ei*h. Thi« literature la • buted by the ceoaty orga»l,*Uen» te ■ the fnrmcr* and ether ■ member» la the aatlylng ♦"β***. I Onuntle* whlrh are Aort on tali kind - of lit*rataro ean wm met· from *»Ι*Μ». » -nt"™/* CiVtrr· '—H «ajerinteed «* '""'Mt (rhaol·, wa* her* Moa I ELUS GOLDSTEIN | ! is ELECTED HEAD I I new iwsTmmow mt k«r at ι 'work is planned FOR COMING YEAR ΙιΙίιΙ^ lieul I tk CtMly fight RhA end Hmu| Τ· Β» Girtm AiUadn of lii). With th* «lectioa of eOcart aid director* nod th· mu» pint Mt of * tentative program of work-for th· lirat few week* of ita «-xittencc. IIm Dunn CkioWr of UaMMw beeaa» ■n catabliahod inatltalion Mmtoy n'*ht when * large Ρ·"»· of its member* mm in lb· Barace h Holi day «how tMBI to ywfMt the oe ganieatlea. Ε 111 j Goidateia, · prhae Hovtr in the rampaign which ralmlneUad la the erttUM of oM of th* beat Amm e* chamber* of coaatnarce ia Nôrth Carolina, wax elected praideat; M*D. Ilolliday and Or*nvflle M. TO^hmaa were «-lected vic<-pre»«■! at tW board of director· Each of Ik Hill director* will haerl ■ spsciflc depart ment. Mr. Newberry is director at oritalMtiM affaira, Mr. Old·!» at elTie affaire, Mr. Bteffcaa· e< taM bcm affair*. Harriti Wade at . tarai affair*, Maria* Batler of ruade, 1. R. Both r at vail J. Lie* Wade of pébte Çkai^af, êtf _ __ for the «»rk in vkkb ha waa ta ka placed. TV office m end director» or e-heduled ta meet tM· aftcrpooe ta appoint the various committee» that will ha uuM ko carry oat the work of tH* oqranlsatloa. It ka planned to give every member a real daty to perform. . Report* of the lolicitlnjr commit tee» (hewed that M addiUoaal mate bt rohipa had bean aecurtd einee the pirvious moctinjr wham 111 had beea «•cured. Thie left the uTKaaiaatioo jort 77 memberships ihort of the de •ircd 200, which will auurt it an annual income ef at least $7,(04. Revise* Jarvi* Fight. In philnx the work for the eeet ίηκ year particular nipbert* waa mo.'* on the necessity for better road» Wad in* into Samp* on Coaaty and for better bouaiav and hotel fBel li tie» here. Robert L. Godwin revived interest in th- Jarvie County project when be Mated «.hat the three irreat o*i needs of Dunn were a new eoan ty, a tobacco msrkvt and a anioa de pot All of these thine» will be taken up liy the organliatia* at the earliest mom en t posalble. ThoiMf «aharribinff for oh or mare membership# since the tm meeting are. as neerted bv the «alui·*»— mltt lui: W. C. Kuoy, P. Manda, Noah Li··. T)unn Inauranta and Real ty Conpaay, Walter J. Jonca, Β. I, Cod win, J. W. Hodgea, C. B. Horn, Dunn bi and Fori Company. ParrUh A Drirtr Campmrf, Dun Diapatch, Pope mutin* Comçanr. Worth M. Pop», Rufiv Smith, Baatnol· PHoa phatc Company, Jama» A. Taylor « San, Marvin Wade Company, L»«lia Wood. Rowland William», A. C. Rarnaa, Owan Odueu Rmaat Popa, P. & Coopar. 3. β. Crockett, Gaorfa W. Gardnar. State Bank and Treat Company, P. J. JriTrr-y., Milton Τ alt. M. A. Batlrr, M. L Jarkaon. H. A. Black. M. P. Hod«aa. 8. Q. Marka. W. Κ Warran, M. O. Cook. 0. W. ■aller. Dan η Caf», W. T. Manda * ®Γββ. Smith A MrKay, K. H. Ku k*nk«. M. M. Peanall. J. D. Barnaa. M. U Danoint. M. M. Driver. J. W< Tnmana. Hood A Granteam, P. T« Maa^r.till. E. J. Nobiaa, WlUaa 4k U*. Dr. Pateee, I. * Cainay, α 4, Hm itli. ♦ ~· y Ta Tact CtMIbMltmllly ,Ν^. Υ»Λ. Oat. 28.—Ubod adriaad that th* iUnate >-,« ηι. ιΓ Λ*« tee PraddaatTVaLTr «Γϊί kiWtien Ml. tha Unlfcd BraT MXtatlon announced tenia)* ·*-■ - mK waaM ba broaieht In «te - - te tm A* eanjthuUatiallty J «to · lew. I lu m«tnben will abide by tha till !af te» la», tha anneuwn· . -ίίτ but tb» aaaorlatlon lai Waoa >μ3 by H» rtMMM·! that H i> ιηπ ι"3Γ