COTTON STORAGE WAREHOUSE OPERATED UNDER U.S. DIRECTION Receipts issued by us are as good us Government bonds and are negotiable at all banks. Full protection given against loss by ' fire or other damage. Fifty cents per Ixtle per month covers all charges. Thta telegram explains Itself: WASHINGTON, OCT. β. », * Β. Ο. TOWNSRND, DUNN WAREHOUSEMAN'S LICENSE GENERAL UTILITY CO ΑΧΠ YOUR LICENSE TO CLASSIFY AND WEIGH UNDER U S WAREHOUSE ACT ISSUED TODAY EF FECTIVE TODAY. LIVINGSTON ACTING CHIEF BUREAU OPERA HOUSE DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA % Tuesday, Nov. 4th 2:00 p. m. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE N. C. Cotton Association Farmers, business me· and anyone else interested in linlli|ttc price tf cotton, are urged to be present. . J. G. Layton, Director G. K. Grantham, County Chin. J. C. Anthony, County Açen) Organization Wfll Win JOIN AMHUCAN COTTON ASSOCIATION — . * bo tkarartad, ft» in tHt· matter of tka nmritlmiT-lt '* hmken. I· tk· matter of tlx Shantonjr ar ticle, «η If it la adopU-d κ will not Miiaa^r affwt the treaty For the treaty W«m« a treat jr wWi G< r many, if tkraa iaajftr nalioiu »i(?n It, aad fraao, Italy aad England ha*· askiMtrd no kaattaacjr. TV Ρβ«ββ*ν of tfcf Shaatan* ararndnrat will ba «η arUvfittal fact »kkk Ckiia (mar na kefota tkr Iraroa of oatier* ta tka au it ta raffaln k»r rt(ku in flhaataac, ' Be far a tka Itftgiir af nation· China ■Mjr aaa tka amata rtaelotJaa. ar if that fatla · joint raaolatfcm ■( Can fraaa éaylarla» tka Rhaatan* (trai ta frava tkat tka lk*«M( M>al af front* tka ·ιπΙ MM af tka twii And If Am. rie* ρβ.-^Λ i>uch ο résolu lion. Austria w»d Canada are iar to do *0, and-New 7.cala id may. The EngU^b «paaklng 'U mncracie «UtAf «jH^andon—-a-'; Umn*t 1» fc. «>! eciocà abou ijlunienc !\»\t It were lead by Sena tOr Jofinaoa *htnt>etf. When Ufa BrlkUh liberals coma 1 they will abatU'r any Japanese a l>ance that Crc»t Rritain ha», an Japan win be κ<·<1 au>i>(h to W κ of Shantung if it ia clear >hr in bolr in» it açaint the rood will of th world. The victory of the leaffu·, whle ov.-ry prominent Bepublkan now cor ivd».·*, come· not by reason of th 1'ixsidcnt. btt in «pit» of him. Ii ilt cd. it coraei not bccauM th.- R«»pul lira ns are for the league. Mn.<t R. pihtican» who *->11 furni«h the nee<. «try h)t« ta id opt the treaty fei that wbile th« people are Uinimt th li-ucu' now, thry will be for It if it ; defeated and anothar war threat··!.: So rather than explain In tho flu <>f war. the ScpaMirana an- goiiie I γ ο ta ni»w and avoid explunalio> later. Tht re*frvatjon." »ive them a βηκ» in thn.-pic. and tho l'ro-îidont, by oi ÎiOjHnp tho nervation», h»j men ) i'jiser.'-d the degree of h>* and b pn-ty'" victory Jr. iecurir.e tho leajru· Al· of which on ooth siuei. Upcam politic*. But totno of the greatoat Ii itilbtion· In th<· world have crown «ι of i.ennut imllti,». The amount ot peannt politic.· i the conetitotioral convention of th l/nit'-d States ww * 'eanarkublr Ar. he v»riou« an·, ndmenta to the roi olitutmn arc covered with |ΐ<Ί»η> ; bt.II*—yet the amendment,) ·■"'<· ii'j η cood old conatiluc'nr ut th* Peanut poHtlei j« only the .«-afTntdln rcei wary to build givat politic. roctnrej. c' folk', hrrr i.i Sc:n?-<(»r . • " ο corn* hi *·\ .vlrv·? lorlny *·£-.» ■ j Jlrmsictid, %î. Y., tbn* *»:· aTi-yicd Ihr? r 1 ignrtta tion 'with «tr^mt oWMtrc." and ! Ixt ;»:x! <siÀi \J L/C ..·>.»·-·· ι ' Jamlinjf Add. -j Sampson county will jrtv·· him 1 (treat ovation. POULTRY CIRCULARS ARE NOW AVAILABLE £i«hi of tho twelve nnw ciTcutar<i r«.lat; ιμ U» boy.' -in«l vwU'rj club tvfiK tire now avv'iui^c fur d:~ IriVution. ivbèlu îhi •·,ίκ· " Γ'in- in Ui»j îwioi will soon lie 7W.<*y Τ ins wvn'l abl*· publication*. whwh h.c parti cularly n«lcti;i-cî i:»r and trirV flub work, bol uUo p'ov useful to me.lx.rr poullr.· N.xfi<r>, nre: No, JR. Brood ( oop atil A j.-iMancis; No 14, Carit ο» Dab τ l'hie·»*; No. 3 5, PTcscrrinff E^#; Ne. ir.r LitC, MiU" ·.»! :3?*η]·*ΐΓ*»; No. 17, Management • * '>ïOV,. \\: CbilU; No. 1ft, Calling it·.' /» av.d Alurkel; No. 19, Poultry . Βμββ·»^·* Bo | i Β ι li ■ NCW PUBLICATIONS ih< foliow'nj publication* were ie * · Ί V tbe United State» Department ο. Λ·: trn't'iPC during Uic wc«lc «>ded Ct V'l, r >K, 1919: <n;<v: S·* ri I'otaUm and Ho* to T'-r.'KJ Thorn. t irm«rv' Bulletin !·< «·■< ι.τιΊ U«<- un Poultry, ^rrn • rr·' Γ l'U-l in aOl. (IterUcd. ) Vi J l ( inwlii* on the Korthcul Cert ΙΊ.νιν·. Department Circular ÔS. C3>i'>* of these publication· may li" oo'.utPKrt on application to the Γ>!.:λο;< of Publications, United :'i"u lie urtarnt of Kricnlture, v.'.·- «■ rpiun. n. c. ti-ar. -. - ' ■" " ■ 1 PRESIDENT CONTINUES TO IMPROVE IN CONDITION WmhlMtgn. Q^t. >T.—Preddaat and *o Miisfted waa R«ar Admiral (irnywn, hi· phjikian with hi* con dition,- that be vu permitted U> transact rait executive hminaw 1» nddltlon to th« prohibition enforce ment Mil which ha vetoed late in the day. Soon after breakfast the Pre*}· dent a»ked Dr. Qrayeon that Secretary Turn city be called aad that ae«ae par don caaae which were awaitiaa execu tive action be c"·" hira. He acted on the latter at once and alao alined tome minor bille that Mad aoconalat cd at the White Houae durine the peat few day·. Mr. J. Λ. Johnaou want to Uaaford Sunday. Too often there U a «tine back of honeyed word·. ; · * » · * * - V. ' · I V · /% r/J.vvUw'--:/s |i / Ν Γ .·; 7 ;\-rr·^ /% r V" JX,/ :Λ ·:ηλ SOLO IN DUNN ' 3 Y 3ΜΓΛΚ and PRINCE . · λ Το abott a cold and prevent com plications, take alotak 1WparifMd «a>l refined calomel tablet· tknt are nat»ealeM, ·mfm and aure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and hfcwwil Sold STlr PMi<«fN. Price 25r. MAYNARD W(U. FLY TO SAMPSOfl COUNTY NOV Wtr·· la A»»«>1>— ■ of Inltili· ••4 WHI Uh TriAwnnt Mi··. Ort. )·. . LUtlt ■ VI Maynard, wka hat b—m ln»,ù.i fc. h ο··.;»*/ ί .go leχνπολ$ Μ'?7···::—ôt-r- ri» rJn ....i^iibii-Amcricna MoU ι\ Te'··.·..!!! · # w'ià vfînsoviihl·· ti ■··, lV»i JnU'.U;· !!»*.»·. S î··** iitch — K UfMi > V»'h; j· »'*:ιι cii~7.ViC£txiCii·.» ».·· ru»«:r Μ ; »w«n«t·· .» ; --s··.;·-«■■ ji,. hi'.mrialiy • "*h r·; ι »y>c.·' *-ci.on: πν··Κ·»«·Α<·. ·!.Cρ £.'· to î» »t· * cm: *,t:io·· :».»% .ι ·ι·ίΐτ.ιι ϊΛ*μ·1 »:.^t-î»·-.ïî .î ι·;» · i-.^.ιΛ, i ir.cîi-··* η ila 1iih«*· * ». ":h %fci ·..·*· ^i.*»n iV;: * ,k . t.vj* J* hW*;W«s* · fii ·.···' *V. 1' rc ·* :-.«r ν . j f r ' ν· i'o - » c; >«·«·»!. ·χ ''· »; · . I . • M. > w ··■".!*· :-tei*î U'\i « »*».:·» hv"ci. ί·'·! 'ifwor.i .!·· iif<t c. 4 ns-. »ϊ*ν Κι;ϊ»1· t '< '* .·.* 4 ,:i Ill » :'J ·'—. *. α.νν : ·'*νο «h· . ν —; \. Jt M-.V». /!. ('"J Pit er in . avVv u»· ' jijt-.outê» .. prvuure t·-» - " · · αηΙ: ^nft l vMV»î«;·. Ift'.Mv'lî. *** CACh cqc «;*ι. A ·.) ·ν t.c * !«ilnior i* Γ·1νη««Ι·θΰ lift; -h·».' »*u |TCï.'.!r^ ·" Vi (vîivi, C*"" \7. (Of.'iUi .v;—Λ ifai■(] · :*.vN ;r.vî ι»/··Λ vri'rt i» v" r·. %r » 's* v··? >1. jm,\ r.-j. .·%» .» h?ur<? i.c iho ood*\ 1 .*·»"· i.» . · tir »Ct lit* · ΛΗ\ "i ÎTi «."Cs· »»ί V · '•Mi1 fw.* XL pIC..t»rjj uf *lî ι,Λ'·'''ιι}' ι··· *.· i»irU. " :i. br.tca in • ·.·.»t -t .mm I ^ and ιi·..»· *■ v. ,τ,ΑΝ··ι' ivff' . —.j «îUtr.v* çvar 1.»ι·γ '.*»·· -··-■< ·,? '. *Λ;. ·· 3MCVÙ9 far v ;..·»* * χ - . ·.· . .. r^nt . vKvi <·».· >-.· L »' Ulrtiti» »r« ,·./· ··· '■· # · ri. Λ nrd îs. t - *3j rw! cannul*' fta'i y*.■».'.♦ h'v»î λ? ·*οϊ»ί*Γ betr iuja. ν'ΐΛΠ'ΐΊΙ—Mu·*··· .ι %.w (ÎLkc t>po 4Dors 4 Reek). Canter control laear and foot control pod*) U| mounted 1· unit with tmnemU«ion and clutch c. Clutch oncltMcd. "UOPELLER SHAFT—Fitted with double L'in voraal joint· of the moat approved rooÏÏÇjG—Water cooling with centrifugal pump. Ball bearing fan mountad In front of motor. Honevtotab typa af radia lor »cientrteally deaigmed. abao lutoly *fficient, capacity 4 H gallon·. SPRINGS—Special iprlng .teal atock, heat treated cnrvima-aillco manganese steal, front Hem· elliptic SB inchea long, rear ι*** η» (-elliptic 63 lncbaa lone. r.RAKES—lv»o »«u of braieaa working on »tocl drumi IS inchea hi diameter by 2 inrhoa wide. Emergency—In ternal expanding; aervlee—external eu η trading. AXLES- Front I-beam, one piece, drop forylTik*· heat-treated. Raar, thrae i;mrior floating type, apiral bevel ye ara. Differential casing mounted on tlyait roller bearing· with ball thrust buurinn to take up aide thrust. (lASOMNE FRED—Tank suapended at n-ui' of body. Capacity 16 gall on·, with Stewart Vaeoom feed iTitwu. STARTING AND UGHTTNO—-Weatlng houne latest design, with Bendlx drive. CARBWWRTllR— Zenith, iateit design. IGNITION—Atwater-Kent, with WilUard sin-volt xtorage battery. WUEKL-BASK—122 inchea; weight, 2860 pound h. EQUIPMENT—Engine-driven tire pump; Doyre motometer; one-man top with i|iairl> detachable curtain·, Gipay car tain· In roar; plat· gt*aa window·; "lanling rain-n(ion wind-fchteld; In atrumenu specially (trooped on daah pattel; illuminated by dash Lamp, and including apeedometer, ammeter, elec tric liitht and ignition switches; t«D nenu lamp; complet» aet of tool·; elec tric horn. •...λ :-3 NOW IN STOCK ALSO AGENTS FOR ijïiEFUY MOTOR CARS J. R bmitv Hugh W. Princ· G -.LLJ^xOO-v Λ ! ί'.-.Ο. Γ. PRINCE AND SON S STORE «HÉ É:: j.ijrfP I geared to · joy handout eteedeed |&* At jtat lavttm « ffcyj every man rame enough to meke ■ bee Be· ·* ·' j&f tidy red tin and a jimmy ΡΦ·—old or newl Oat it straight that what you've hec*ared for to . 1 pipe or cigarette maldn'· «moke youU find ^ in P. Α. Τhaf'a becauaa P. A. h*te (Aa quality I Υσα can't any mora make Prince AJbart béta ·τ«> tontrue or parch your throat than you can make a tan· drink when he'· off the water! Bite end parch «· cot . out by our exctaaive patented procee·! You it»* ley back Hke a réguler fcBow and naff to beat the cards and wonder why in iamhfllyoo didn't nal a section to th· Ρ. A* snokepetof longw then yoo csrs to remember beck!/ , ■ j *■''f It J. Reynold Tobaeee Ca^ Wi»«tw-*ale*, N. C ■aarjEvyxe»

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